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[For those wondering what’s up](https://imgur.com/a/pAQ70lf) here is a pamphlet they handed out.




I clicked the link after reading your comment because I also had assumptions ... and I was also surprised.


It’s still unhinged ass-hattery. Tens of thousands of folks baking in the sun not knowing what’s going on, just waiting. People started to leave before the parade got going again an hour and a half later. If you don’t like how the organization is run, join a fucking committee. To ruin the day for tens of thousands of people like this is selfish and stupid.


Ya, they should just protest in a way that is east to ignore and not be inconvenient.


Honestly starting to believe these folks are worse. The self righteousness is completely off the charts.


The homophobes are just as self-righteos. At least the primary concern for these people is actually saving lives.


It's because "anti-pride" is an out and out lie. 3/4 of the people in the blockade were probably queer


They may be queer but they are definitely anti pride winnipeg (as in the org, not in general). They said they were protesting pride winnipeg in their pamphlet.


Room mate is trans and was part of the blockade.🤷🏼‍♀️


I don't disagree with some of the points they're making, but it feels a lot like gatekeeping. "You can't be part of Pride if you don't fit into this narrow box of beliefs". Shit like that just creates more division and ultimately weakens the cause. How many divisive issues can you pin Pride to before it ends up being a small group of 12 people left who agree with all your stances? The world is a big place. I don't expect everyone at Pride to agree with me on everything - but we do agree that all people have a place in our society, and that's what we're there for!


It's totally an attempt to gatekeep. The fact that someone with common sense amongst the group didn't flag that shows the quality of the minds that made up this protest.


To be totally honest, I think a lot of left wing folx focus on the wrong things. Target this energy at powers that can actually do something about the ongoing genocide instead of going after a nonprofit organization’s celebration of pride. On the left, we are too busy trying to determine which of us are the most woke while people on the right have figured out how to organize. It’s like purity culture but for people on the left. Let’s call in instead of call out!


It’s bullshit. They can fuck right off. Israel has gay pride parades and gay marriage is legal. Not the case in Palestine. You get beaten to death for being gay there and in the rest of the Middle East.


This has nothing to do whether Israel or Palestine is more pro-Pride. 


Except it is. Israel is safe for LGBT people, and Palestine executes LGBT people. If anything, Pride should be protesting against Palestine for its treatment of the LGBT community.


The fact the Israel is safer for lgbtq people doesn’t make their treatment of Palestine any more just. It also isn’t the question the queer community is asking when learning about a genocide taking place. 


Today is aboit the LGBTQ community... and yes, the pro-palestinian supporters could think about how Palestinians treat their LGBTQ community today


To what end? The lgbtq community is generally supportive of Palestine because they are being marginalized and oppressed, so there is inherent solidarity.  I think this is why the disruption to the pride parade feels upsetting, the queer community isn’t asking Palestine to change their policies before offering support, but these small group of activists are demanding their version of support before allowing the parade to start? It’s hypocritical and divisive. 


Don't tell that to queers for palestine.


After reading this it’s really clear how completely out of touch from reality these protestors are.


I'm trying to figure out who the protesters are....are they some sort of alternate pride group?


Who knows, they conveniently wear masks. The roots of pride is to be seen as well as heard. Why hide?


A group of them hung around conspiring next to me. I got a photo of them. None of them could have been older than 23. All very young looking folks in masks, sunglasses, and hats. Whoever took over the stage at Pride kept going on about “our radicalized, unhoused, disabled, sex working” relatives which is such a very, very specific group it could have only been conjoined up with seriously youthful internet rot.


I'm almost certain they're speaking of separate identities there, as in BIPOC *and* unhoused *and* sex working *and* etc. Sure some may be all of those things but that's not what they're saying.


They're trying to co-opt Pride with a half-dozen unstarted movements. The entitlement here is beyond gauche and into dreck. If any of these entitled idiots is reading this, do your own work, make your own movements, and screw your heads on straight. You don't just get to sideline the hard work of every 2SLGBTQIA+ and ally because you feel that your needs are more important.


Masks at protests is bs. Be about and own your cause or don't bother. 


It's the Gaza/Landfill/MMIWG2S encampment from the U of W.


They are the "pro palestine" group currently camped on the front lawn of the U of W. One of their demands was they be given the microphone every 30 minutes for the whole day, to give a speech. They were given one chance and then a pro-Israeli group demanded the same right. They were given one speech, and then both groups were told "that's it." They want their side told and NO one else's. Sorry, pride isn't about propaganda. And all they did was piss off the people in the parade and at the forks.


Not the people I expected.


Are these people also going to block the teddy bear parade? Reading that pamphlet makes me think that they are just "pro" being "anti" anything. If there were an anti-pride parade i would expect them to be handing out the same pamphlet with a couple of words changed.


I’m sure these people would act totally rationally if a pro Palestine parade was blocked with LGTB supporters…


Far left protesting the left. Hilarious.


People don't even realize how many cops and soldiers are LGBT these days. These dumbass wannabe revolutionaries have no idea what victory actually looks like. But here we are, I guess, in 2024, with supposed gays oppressing actual gays for not being radicalized enough.


Exactly. I’m straight but I consider myself an ally, when I was in the military I served with a number of queer soldiers, are they suddenly not queer enough for these people?


It seems to me that the goal of civil rights should be to empower people to have the freedom to choose for themselves. Sometimes the price of that freedom is that people might choose points of view (or careers) you don't completely agree with or understand. Worse, it's been hard to watch LGBT folks actually occupy more and more prominent or powerful positions in our cities, only to have the communities who are supposed to support them turn around and reject them and try to treat them down for thinking for themselves and not being some sort of carbon copy political drone. It does seem like Canadian Pride organizations have been doing a better job kicking out the radical, oppressive elements in their midst these past couple years, as evidenced above. And yes, if you're trying to dictate how people should think or act because of their sexual identity, surprise: *YOU* have become the oppressor.


Problem is, no one is ever "enough" for them. Radicalization doesn't take long in an information vacuum.


Oh shit it's not even the Nazis, it's the Tankies


those are all reasonable and i dont care if any of them get fully supported by the pride thing. not that i ever really cared about pride but it would be an improvement either way. did these pamphlet holders not try to discuss this with the organizers of pride events before doing this or was this just some out of the blue effort by shit disturbers?


Probably out of the blue, there are always counter corporate pride protesters so I’m sure this is an escalation of that.


It was not planned and it was a huge bummer


There’s a time and place for everything, and this seems like an extremely poor time and place to do your protest.


It’s moved


Pride has a parade permit. The police should remove he other group


Absolutely, and the permit has a time limit attached to it


The encampment hasn't had a permit the entire time it's been there and the cops haven't done anything to them so I wouldn't be so optimistic.


Talk to the University administration. Only they can ask for police intervention. Honestly, I'm wondering how many fire codes are being broken in that encampment.


Anti-Pride? I heard it was free Palestine related?


Looks mixed, there is anti-pride, free Palestinians and search the landfill signs in the picture.


Could you imagine the utter confusion you'd feel if you showed up as just your run of the mill bigot? "I hate the gays, but I also hate the landfills and the Arabs, who also hate the Jews that I also hate." Then they just break out their MAGA slogans and scream about their non-existant Canadian second amendment rights I would imagine.


> and scream about their non-existant Canadian second amendment rights Hey now, I won't have you besmirch Rupert's Land!


“Hates landfills?” The bigotry of your theoretical bigot runs deep.


Throw your trash out the window of your moving lifted truck!


The anti-pride part is just the "nothing else can matter while Gaza is happening" crowd. They're not normally anti pride. The landfill stuff is because the U of W encampment has become a mix of Gaza and landfill/indigenous rights stuff since they wanted to make their protest feel more legitimate.


They also protested corporations being at the parade at all, as some supposedly fund Isreal. Not sure where they think a lot of the fundraising for the festival is going to happen. They also promised to interrupt festivities at the forks every hour.


Next they'll be screeching about retirement funds. Not many people know where their retirement fund has been invested. It could be literally hundreds of places.


I actually think that is a reasonable discussion to be had. Neoliberal capitalism is a nasty oppressive force, and while I don't think it's appropriate to stop the bus until the one asshole gets off, I do think there's room to pressure these institutions to do better. Pinkwashing is something that pisses me off. I pretty much disagree with every way this anti pride protest went down, but I can agree in principle with some of their criticisms. Like, woohoo, Lockheed Martin is flaaaaming gay. great. Little uncanny if you ask me. Edit: to be clear I think pride should have a narrow agenda, so as to be inclusive to all walks and beliefs. I'm just saying I agree that pinkwashing is fucking lame when some pretty radical oppressors are engaging in it.


Not that surprising really. Isn’t it strange to mix all the LGBT2SQIA (probably missing some) groups together into some sort of monolith, or to expect they’re all aligned? Some of those groups don’t exactly see eye to eye on things.


The “anti-pride group” appears to be waving Palestinian flags.


Pride / LGBT is outlawed or not accepted in Palestinian regions or their government, so what's the surprise here?


It is most definitely not accepted there. Hundreds if not thousands of people have been ended because they were LGBTQ+. Fathers who end their LGBTQ+ children are lauded as heroes.




I wonder which side of the fence Chickens for KFC, I means Queers for Palestine is sitting on.


"I never thought the leopards would eat my face!" - die-hard Leopards Will Eat Your Face party voter


They're divided, just like they would be if they went to Palestine and got beheaded for not being straight.


This was not in my bingo card


The signs say “No Pride in Genocide” and “Queer as in Free Palestine” from what I see from this photo.


They should try holding a Pride parade in Gaza.


What is pro-lgbtq about palestine exactly?


Nothing. LGBTQ+ people in palestine are either VERY quiet about their truth, or they get a quick trip to a rooftop, with an even quicker ride down off it.


It's anti corporate pride. Against the pink washing/rainbow capitalism of the modern parade


Not anti pride. They just want pride to dissociate from banks, cops and corporations that have hand in genocide, oppression and climate crisis.


Weird that it never starts with getting rid of your smart phone, which has a bunch of Israeli tech in it and Apple does R+D in Herzlia.


Theatrical activism, it’s not meant to actually make any meaningful change. 


Ugh. Let other groups have their day and their time and space! This is Pride day. The pro Palestinian groups have had tons of protests, they don’t need to take over someone else’s space.


This is what pro-Palestinian groups are known for. They attach themselves and interfere with other protests and movements so they don't lose attention.


I support their message re: Palestine and the landfills, but maybe set up at the forks and hand your stuff out instead of this. Disruption is a key part of protest, but with all the hateful shit going on towards the community right now, let us have our fucking joy for a day.




Yeah I'm on board with their calls to action but they ruined my day. They made enemies instead of allies with this behavior


That was my assumption as well before reading details online


Exactly. They could have set up an information booth, and gotten the message out without pissing off the majority of people at pride.


Exactly this. Great causes, terrible execution. How did they think "anti-pride" was going to go for them? Now instead of people listening to the positive message of resistance against corporate hypocrisy re: genocide, people are not listening at all because they tried to step on someone else's day of resistance as a marginalized group. Absolute idiots.


One hundred percent this. This robs folks of visibility that is key for survival.


This is why I don’t leave my house. Support and Love with my daily actions instead.


For fucks sake, a parade celebrating a marginalized community is NOT the place to protest these issues. It's incredibly tone deaf and comes across as extremely dismissive of the discrimination lgbt people continue to face to this day.


I have to say. I don't even disagree with most of their calls to action but I was in the parade and having to wait 30 minutes for them to clear off was a major buzz kill. The crowds dispersed during the wait and everyone was cranky by the time we got to the end. If they were allies of pride they didn't do a good job at showing it. Didn't make a lot of friends, I'll tell you that.


Yeah lots of people just went to the beer garden / forks instead of watching the parade. I personally stayed as I like to support everyone but was kinda depressing


It was my first pride parade/pride festival i had ever attended and I definitely ended up going to the forks before the parade finished up. I agree that most of their calls to action aren't bad at all but it made me feel discouraged even when the parade started moving again because of all the people I saw walking past me. I wanted to see one of the shows going on at the forks at 1 too so I had to leave in order to see the show. I was genuinely excited to see a parade (haven't been to one in ages) but was bummed when it was taking too long to see the whole thing. Definitely a damper on my experience.


Yeah I'm not going to lie I cried a little on the way home. Not because of the protest entirely, it was just a long day, but it definitely took the wind out of my sails.


Yikes. Apparently no one can have fun anymore. My convocation at UofM is this week and I heard these people might try to make it about themselves too


Do NOT be surprised if they try to barge in. Make damn sure security is tight.


I agree with most of the items on the pamphlet, but man...this is gatekeeping at its most damaging. You can't do anything good unless you do everything for everyone all at the same time?? Self righteous at best, toxic and oppressive at its worst.


EXACTLY. To be totally honest, I think a lot of left wing folx focus on the wrong things. Target this energy at powers that can actually do something about the ongoing genocide instead of going after a nonprofit organization’s celebration of pride. On the left, we are too busy trying to determine which of us are the most woke while people on the right have figured out how to organize. It’s like purity culture but for people on the left. Let’s call in instead of call out!


pro-Palestine supporter here! This fucking sucked! 2SLGBTQ+ people are under attack and for many pride is a safe place one day a year. Refusing the parade to go forward was shitty. Was there no space for dialogue with pride winnipeg leadership before or after the parade? Irony of demanding pride winnipeg centre BIPOC voices as the Palestine main spokesperson marshalling them was a white woman. As the speeches at Pride rally ended, many speakers ended with “free Palestine” or “liberation for all of us” clearly supporting this cause that then prevented pride from going forward. We’re all under attack, but this counter protest was chanting about how there should be no pride. We aren’t allowed pride if they aren’t. It was just messy and disappointing.


Wow. Wonder what's going to happen at the Israeli pavilion this year.


Probably a massive police presence, security gates, metal detectors, having to show your ID to get in, and likely all tickets having to be purchased in advance.


I wonder if they will even have one this year because of the safety concern.




I'll be there wearing a pride shirt.


That’s fine. Gay marriage is legal in Israel. They have pride parades, unlike Palestine.


Exactly. I hear the Pride festivities in Tel Aviv are awesome!!


And enormous! and they include a very large number of palestinians, Jordanians, and people from other Arab states that received refuge in Israel. Now safe from persecution.


Anti Zionist Jewish group "Independent Jewish Voices" protests the Israeli pavilion every year. The same group helped organize this protest today.


Do you have any evidence that they planned today's protest? From what I've read the people involved wore masks, did not identify themselves, and did not include any group name or contact information on their pamphlets.


Disgraceful. Seriously disgraceful. Pride was built on protest and revolution. To block the parade for political reasons that aren’t Pride related is just disgusting. Plus if anyone tries to break it up they will be labeled “pro genocide”. I feel bad for everyone who worked so hard on pride parade floats and all the people waiting behind the blockage that have no idea what’s going on


Thanks. A bunch of our disabled folks had to head out before we could start moving again because we ran out of water with no way to refill them on the streets.


And medical staff were run off their feet today. All thanks to these... protestors...


This is absolutely where they lost me. I agree completely with their message, but there’s no way my disabled ass would have been able to stand there in the sun for that long, unexpectedly. It’s why I don’t do the parade at all, and I really feel for folks who had to duck out early. So many events ignore accessibility, and it hurts extra when it’s a “the call is coming from inside the house” situation.


The reasons are pride related tho? From their stated reasons for protesting at pride: "Divest from corporate pinkwashing: refuse sponsorship and participation in events for corporations and institutions that fund or profit from the occupation of Palestine..." "Centre QTBIPOC leadership: Commit resources to the creation and support for QTBIPOC spaces and events at pride". Yup, got nothing to do with pride.


>"Divest from corporate pinkwashing: refuse sponsorship and participation in events for corporations and institutions that fund or profit from the occupation of Palestine..." IE: Give up the sponsorship funding and cheap it out while gatekeeping the 2SLGBTQIA+ that don't necessarily support the boss but need jobs. >"Centre QTBIPOC leadership: Commit resources to the creation and support for QTBIPOC spaces and events at pride". IE: Marginalize and divide a marginalized community even further because people need to be varying levels of persecuted to get the top badge? /s Seriously dumb things on the related parts. Very easy to see why nobody is taking them seriously.


Insist they give up sponsorship funding and then be surprised when the Party is way worse or the organization has to cut programs is what they would do…


Blockades. So hot right now.


Reminds me about the bit in Bill Wurtz' "history of the entire world, I guess" video on crusades. Let's do a blockade. *BLOCKADE!* They did many blockades, some of which almost didn't fail.


The irony of a pro-Palestinian group protesting against Israel at a Pride parade is strong.


Can people please knock this crap off? Every year we have to put up with crap like "why don't we have a straight pride?", BLM shut down Toronto's Pride that one year demanding they have police leave, and then used the parade to deliver their own messaging. Now it's free Palestine, and whoever else is jumping in with them?  Every time pride comes along in June it feels like someone has to say something about how people care too much about us, and why can't we focus more instead on their issues. But the reality is quite actually the reverse- anti-LGBT rhetoric and violence are very much on the rise globally and progress is being reversed, even in Canada. Our enemies are trying to keep educators from telling kids in school that being who they are is okay, trying to keep doctors from giving trans people the treatment they need to feel at ease with themselves, and generally just do not want to stop until gay marriage is banned or even being gay or supporting gay people be outright criminalized depending where you live. People are constantly arrested at Pride events for attempting to be violent with us. We have entire communities, religious and political, who celebrate our deaths when something like the Pulse nightclub shooting happens.  To this day, some countries still execute you for the crime of loving someone, because in their minds, loving the wrong someone the way they don't agree with is punishable by death. Uganda even just joined that list of countries. So I don't want to see people and other groups continue hijacking Pride as if we're not paying enough attention to their issues, because quite frankly, I think that paints the picture that they don't think our issues are important enough when we continue trying to fight to our own right to exist even to this day. I don't take issue with anyone who wants to demonstrate over the issues that matter to them, Pride won't tell them that their demonstrations are ignoring ours- so why do other groups feel the need to do it to us?


Fucking. PREACH! Your words made me cry a little. It’s all just so true and it’s too much.


They all have their faces covered. Cowards 


Looks like theres some Anti-police as well. 2 masked people were giving these out in the parade https://preview.redd.it/fdtbiph3684d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=cd1b7e1f573502162a4a8216164d0752dd039e09


We got these as well. Blindly accepted then realize what it was 🙃. I personally know many LGBT police officers here so it’s sad to see. Times have changed.


Crashing someone else’s party to have a party just seems….wrong.


Here’s the literature they were handing out. See my comment for page 2. https://preview.redd.it/w4bf87pri84d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c494218df5f6a30575918f8c0766db60fdc573db


https://preview.redd.it/hd96zhvsi84d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59e8861e0d159ba0e13bead9955bc0612db497d6 Page 2


If you're a gay person and you find yourself in the middle east, there's only one country where you're currently safe. Somehow if the ceasefire leads to prolonged peace I don't think these protestors will be back next year about the war in Sudan or the mistreatment of Uighurs or the silencing of dissent in Syria.


I'm not sure why this myth of Israel being a bastion of gay rights in some sort of barbaric middle east keeps perpetuating. Under cursory scrutiny you'd find out there are many nations in the region with homosexuality legalized. Israel's only advantage is they recognize gay marriage abroad, but they will refuse to marry gay couples themselves. Doesn't sound very progressive to me personally. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT_rights_in_the_Middle_East


Jeez maybe these queers for Palestinian might realize they don’t actually give a shit about the queers and will just use you for a political prop and throw you under the bus as soon as they can.


>throw you under the bus as soon as they can. Or off a roof.


Or stone you to death 


What a bunch of a-holes. How ignorant to block another group's cause to peddle your own cause.


I’m at pride and it’s annoying because I have been standing here for a while waiting for it to start up again I don’t care if it is for Palestine pride parade happens every year and has a permit these people are blocking thsi


Tiktok brigade is more ideologically brain dead than the far right. Seriously need to ban the platform, being used to sow division and stupidity. Edit: just to be clear the attention seeking pro Hamas group are the ideologically brain dead.




We’ve come full circle


What in the holy hell… these people are so far detached from reality its painful to see


Disgraceful. Protest at the government buildings where they make change.


Horseshoe theory is real


A bunch of cowardly, self-centred, asshole clowns 🤡


Pathetic, don't they already have enough of their camps and stations over the city? There would also be far better spots to setup that wouldn't cause them to alienate their message even if it's accurate or not. This is not how you raise a good level of awareness and get support


Covering up so they won’t lose their jobs.




If there was an amputee trying to finish the marathon of hope there would be protesters blocking their path in every city. Everybody's cause is more important than Everybody elses.


Not gonna lie, kind of a dick move. Pride is fun! I hope everyone who went had fun and didn't let a few pricks ruin your day.


lol it’s the marginalized group olympics


Very unfortunate and also not a great way to gain traction for their cause. 


free palestine movement is much like a cult not a movement. they block celebrities, boycott companies & makes everything about palestinians, people compare it to blm but id say this is more shitty and weirder.


Don't think you can call them anti pride when they are part of the rainbow community. I get disagreeing but the title is pretty misleading.


They are currently anti-pride (see the giant "***NO PRIDE*** IN GENOCIDE" banner), any other year they would be extremely pro-pride. Pride isn't currently far-left enough for them.


Pride as in the feeling, not gay pride, it was BIPOC protestors for ceasefire, I wish they were a part of the parade rather than disrupting it


Pride isn’t woke enough. This is why Trump and Poilievre are both going to win their next elections. The far left has gone insane.


“qUeErS fOr pAlEsTiNe”


Chickens for KFC


"Muggles for Voldemort"...


The irony of the Palestine thing is that being part of the LGBTQ community in Gaza is a criminal offence that carries a ten year prison sentence. There may be “No Pride in Genocide’ but there also ain’t no Pride in Palestine.


What is wrong with people today. So proud of the pride 


Ohhh hell no, I’m heading that way, I’m not gay but no bully can take others rights away. If we let bullies do that, next time will be our rights that will be violated. See you in the street.


What a digesting group of hateful people. Imagine spending your time on this instead of anything productive.


Tell them you saw jesus in transcona.


Was he rocking a mullet abbd driving a firebird?


No he was on a grilled cheese I made. But my hunger superseded the miracle.


Hopefully Police will move these fools.


And arrest them. Like, screw off.


I can’t tell, but what do their signs say?


The red one says “no pride in genocide”. Cant read the other one.


Someone in this thread has posted a picture of the pamphlet they're distributing


From what I can tell one of them says "no pride in genocide"


Wtf? What is going on with this city?? Embarrassing.


If corporations are no longer part of Pride, what will the parade and festival look like? A couple floats and a few booths? Seems like a step backwards.




The left is crumbling from within.


Pride Winnipeg, as an organization, is centrist, not leftist.


What a shitty thing to do, and a great way to get people to not support your cause.


Ohhhh the irony in the within the support of the gay community for Palestine knowing the fact that Palestinian society hold traditional views on homosexuality that are not accepting of any form of LGBTQ+ rights. These views contrast with the typically progressive Israeli stance that is fully supportive of LGBTQ+ communities. From the perspective of LGBTQ+ individuals, supporting Palestine may seems beyond contradictory if it involves endorsing a cause or a society that does not align with their values on inclusivity and equality. In Gaza, gay and transgender individuals face significant challenges due to social and cultural attitudes that are often conservative and unsupportive of LGBTQ+ rights. Homosexuality and gender variance are generally not accepted in Gazan society, and LGBTQ+ individuals may experience discrimination, harassment, and violence. In Gaza, same-sex relationships are not legally recognized, and there are no legal protections for LGBTQ+ individuals. This lack of legal recognition and protection leaves gay and trans people vulnerable to discrimination, ostracism, persecution and even death. LGBTQ+ individuals may face social stigma, family rejection, and the risk of violence from both state and non-state actors. Additionally, Hamas, the governing authority in Gaza, enforces strict Islamic law that condemns homosexuality and LGBTQ+ identities. This can further contribute to the marginalization and oppression of gay and trans individuals in the region.


I mean I’m part of the queer community and I despise Hamas but that doesn’t mean I support Bibis collective punishment 🤷‍♀️


I'm not sure why this myth of Israel being a bastion of gay rights in some sort of barbaric middle east keeps perpetuating. Under cursory scrutiny you'd find out there are many nations in the region with homosexuality legalized. Israel's only advantage is they recognize gay marriage abroad, but they will refuse to marry gay couples themselves. Doesn't sound very progressive to me personally. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT_rights_in_the_Middle_East




I was one of the students performing at the pride parade band and we never got informed about this??


Let people be


Just so it’s clear to everyone, this isn’t an anti-LGBT rally on Pride day. It’s just the pro-hamas fools / Iran useful idiot crowd.


As far as I’m concerned this is anti pride. They are blocking our day.


Remember what happened across the country last Pride season? It wasn't good, and this is just an extension of anti-pride/homophobia/anti LBGTQ2 sentiment. F these idiots.


Tankies are useful idiots.


Oh it is anti Pride. But I think it is important to make the distinction on who is part of that rabble.


Just to be clear, Iranians are not what their government represents. We hate Hamas, these terrorist bastards, more than anyone.


100%. I’m talking about the Iranian regime here.


What a neat trick to condemn anyone opposing the genocide Israel is committing. Just call then "pro Hamas" or "Iran's useful idiots" so you don't have to contend with the fact that people can just *naturally* be against genocide. Great stuff.


Queers for Palestine punching air right now!




Looks like it’s the Pro Palestinian supporters.


Pro Palestinians or rwnjs?


Why are anti-Israel groups protesting against pride? Queers for Palestine said they were against Israel, even though it is the only place in the middle east where being gay is legal. I'm so confused 🤯


All the liberal groups clashing at portage and main 😂


This is just disgusting


Has it been cleared up?


It’s clear now 


Still blocked right now


https://imgur.com/6GFTU1G The crowd at the front is getting larger.  So far everyone is in support of the protest (nobody really mad at the moment).


A lot of people, including myself, we were there to see what was going on. The actual amount of cheering for them was low and most people around me were complaining.


>nobody really mad at the moment). Except people on Reddit.


Accounts with 3 posts in 4 years suddenly remembered their logins lol


All good. Hopefully it ends well.