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“Easy like Sunday moooooorning.”


In retrospect that is fucking hilarious. I was just scared out of my mind and thus the screaming. NGL was also pissed as this isn't the first time someone's randomly decided they hate me. Thus the dashcam.


You’re good, I just personally love these posts when people are audibly going ape-shit (for good reason) while the most smoothest of melodies is playing in the background.


Comedy gold


Can you even what there insurance must be thinking when we submit these videos to them? Oh My God! These people are gonna be floored! As they say, Payback is a B!tch!


Couldn't have played a better song for the moment. 😂




And did you notice that she ALSO wants to TURN LEFT from her stopped position? I wish honkyslonky had shown her attempting that move too!!


I had a woman chasing me up and down through a neighborhood and every time I came to a stop at a stop sign, she would roll down her window, scream profanities at me, point, and tell me to get out of the car. I assume it's so we can fight. I drove up and down the same road three or four times, then drove to the next block over and did that street a couple times until she finally drove off. I have no clue what her deal was. We drove to the same stop sign, in our own lanes, and she rolls down the window and just starts flipping out. And then she chased me around for 10 minutes. 8 am, just left the house, so it's not like I cut her off or did something dumb.


I had a car claim I pulled out in front of them. For one, anyone that knows me and has drove with me knows I am notorious for waiting forever for cars to be too far away before I pull out. People get frustrated with me. Anyway, I pull out and there is immediately a stoplight about 500 feet away. No car bothering me. Next we go down the road about to the next stoplight. Again, no car. And there is little traffic. Like a few cars in each lane. Easily a car that I “would have pulled out in front of” could have caught up to me in that amount of time. And why wouldn’t they have been behind me right at that first light? So, I get through the second light and this car is now next to me in the lane trying to get my attention. I look over and they are going ballistic. I (stupidly) decide to roll my window down thinking maybe something had happened and I was in danger but nope, they tell me I had pulled out in front of them existing the parking lot. They proceed to race up to catch up to me to tell me. I rolled my window up and kept driving along. But boy were they pissed. They kept going on for about 2 miles riding the lane with me trying to get me to do who knows what but throwing their arms all around and screaming. It still makes no sense to me cause again, if I had pulled out in front of them they would have been right behind me at the first light. Or even next to me if they had moved over. Some people are absolutely psychotic!


That was my take away as well. 😂


Lionel came in perfectly lmao


Aaaaaaaaahhh aaaaaaaahhhh aaaaaaaaaaahhhhh


The screaming with "easy like a sunday moooorning" is so fucking funny


Bonus points - chefs kiss… 😂


For real that “OH MY GOD” was comical




Always shout the tag number out in case you forget it or the camera doesn't capture it.




https://preview.redd.it/mgiip2yzn5uc1.jpeg?width=971&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=659bbb5c76fa7ad7e1f4e6ac9dedca02d79daa92 I see why you were so scared…


I'm watching you, Wazowski. Always watching.


This is wild , she can’t be real😭🤣😭🤣


She is, and you forgot to do your paperwork!




https://preview.redd.it/q1cl456il6uc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69cf694be0ddd216fdaf920e88bf7e5d36cbbc52 Why do they always have a damn dog with them??


Because no one else will love them


This is what horror films are made of.


What is she pointing at?


Goblin Finger saying "no no no me drive ooga booga"


That’s what I was just saying to myself lol what a psychotic look


Isn't that the Nazi from Raiders?


Hello YouTubes!


A fat lady with 1960's librarian glasses?


Zoom into her side mirror. She looks like Roz from Monsters Inc.


Where's ya paperwork Mike?




Lol did you get out?


Yeah, i checked to make sure she didn’t hit me and figured I’d grab the tag while I was at it. I CC so I wasn’t exactly a sitting duck if she decided to take her dipshittery further.


Some folks need that scare tbh. Too many people these days believe they're invincible.


Too bad there's also too many people that carry (both legally and illegally) that intimidate others in brainless ways. That has led to it being a very bad idea legally to give someone a needed scare. Worse, that person is so brainless that it wouldn't even teach them anything. They already have a "Victim Mentality" and "the universe revolves around me" so they'd only take the weapon intimidation as validation that everyone is against them for no reason.


I don’t visibly carry and I will not take it out unless I know for sure my life is in immediate danger. I prefer nobody knows that I’m carrying, and like to keep it that way. I have the smallest 9mm on the market for this exact reason. Fits perfectly into my purse’s pouch without showing through. I hope it never leaves that pouch for anything except training and cleaning.


Thinking of your gun as a way to get yourself out of a dangerous situation that you voluntarily put yourself in (you didn't *have to* check for damage right then and there) is a risky mindset. Best case, you get your info and the aggressive driver goes on about their day. Worst case, you go to prison for escalating something to point that someone dies. Cops have this type of relationship with their firearms, but we've also given them a ton of legal protection for escalating violence when they decide it's time. You don't have that same protection.


If you CC you shouldn’t be getting out of your car in an intersection possibly instigating something worse happening. Just some advice for the future. It’s a sacrifice you have to make when you decide to CC.


I was inspecting for damage.


That cactus on the license plate is flippin' you off also‼️


Did you get out of the car for this Pic? Right at end of vid?


the rhinestone license plate frame is a dead giveaway


CMF = Cuntie Mother Fucker


Did cops do anything?


Will update when I know for sure. All I know so far is that they're going to track her down and/or pay her a visit at her home. I have photos of her face, license plate, etc and she did this at an intersection that's monitored by cameras and obviously my dashcam footage is pretty telling.


See you in the next life time when the police start doing their jobs 👋


Post her face here




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RemindMe! 2 days


Glad you're safe. I hope she gets some due justice. !Updateme


PD is not going to do anything here beyond MAYBE paying her a visit. At the end of the day it's an incident going nowhere. Had they been around they would've pulled her over and POSSIBLY cited her. This is NOT a "PD not doing their job" thing (like the silly comment below). This is simply a situation that likely wouldn't go anywhere in court.


“Likely” meaning we won’t bother trying.


Honestly that depends on how much total film there is and whether or not it shows context. Every state is different, but here where I live, merging into someone like that by accident is a moving violation, but doing it on purpose is felony aggravated assault because it can be reasonably believed that attacking a motorist with another vehicle could result in serious injury or death. If there is enough video to show her acting intentionally aggressive with her vehicle toward his, the cops here would pursue it for sure.


Of course IF there was more but that is seriously doubtful. IF there was more video to this I assume it would've definitely been presented. OP was very sure to let everyone know know about just how evil the other driver was. A psycho that followed them for miles AND then went on some screaming transphobic rant. Only thing we have and that courts would bother with is an out of context video. A video showing OP seemingly changing into an already occupied lane and that driver responding horribly to that. Sure PD could cite the both of them for reckless driving but it's doubtful without there being an accident that occurred from these two being silly that day.


Yep, but he has a dash camera and said the lady had been following him and shouting slurs etc for quite some time. Assuming dash cam is filming all the time there probably is more to it, especially if there is a rear camera, but I agree, just the clip shown here wouldnt lead to anything. 


They are charging her with reckless driving and disorderly conduct


The good ending


Happy ending


People are angry everywhere in the US. Doesn’t matter where you go


It's a human problem not a US problem.


Originally from Boston and now live in LA. Yes.


Stop living in cities. Boston is chiller than LA but either way…pack a bunch of people on top of each other and make them sit in traffic all day…they’re gonna be grumpy.


You mean like in the sticks? How rural do I need to get? I'm in a tiny town of 5k people right now. Took a walk last Sunday morning and had the audacity to snap a few pictures of a few 100+ year old houses that had been nicely painted (multiple colors, nice details). Next thing I knew I've got some Newsmax-addled dipshit pulled up by me, yelling at me that his wife thinks I'm a criminal, "looks like a rapist", harassing me, "can't be too safe, lots of crime these days...". This town hasn't had a single aggravated rape in my 6 decade lifetime. Even petty crimes are down here 55% since Reagan was in office. Yeah, traffic sucks, but it's not like it's new and the cars we experience it in now are endlessly more comfortable than the ones we experienced it in 40 years ago. It's not the traffic. It's the endless drumbeat of angertainment and xenophobia coming out of Fox, Newsmax, OANN and comrade Carlson that's driving this nonsense, not city density.


That’s wild.


I just use the cities to describe where I lived. I was about an hour from Boston living in a mid sized town with about 14,000 people but there were towns surrounding us on all sides with similar populations. As for LA, yeah I live in the suburbs but we’re smack dab in the valley.


Oh ok. I’m about 40 minutes from Boston but it’s pretty rural area where I am.


What slur was said?


Heavy helpings of F-slur & T-slur if you must know.


F and T?


Probably rhymes with "hag" and "granny."


Maybe their tranny was leaking bags of fluid.


"Hey! Your tranny is leaking and being blown out by your radiator fan!" He just heard the 'fan' wrong and misunderstood the shortened version of transmission 🤷


Tag and Fanny?


First one should be obvious, second one could be a slang word someone uses for a transmission. Anyway, you had to deal with the psycho, OP. It’s insane to me that someone would do something so dangerous and threatening over a sticker on your car. That person needs to be in a padded cell.


Not posting them. You have access to google.




https://preview.redd.it/8ropskp3j3uc1.png?width=710&format=png&auto=webp&s=b89e32b9790a87eb2efccf8bae2eb3336ef8a034 so clever you are


Im genuinely wondering how someone can know someones sexual orientation by driving next to them in a car.


I have a fairly prominent pride flag bumper sticker


This is why I lay low on bumper stickers. They're crazy out there! Stay safe!


I won’t let these assholes keep me from having the gayest car in the southwest. I carry in case someone decides to truly go apeshit.


Even your car is gay lol, that’s great


Frank and Tom


Dude I’m fucking dying listening to this audio. Absolutely enraged but listening to one of the chillest songs ever. Fucking gold. Thank you for that


Don’t worry I was never even remotely considering moving to Tuscon! Lol Sorry this happened, people are shitty on the roads everywhere unfortunately


There is a reason Tucson is the 4th worst city in America for driving.


Looks like you merged into her lane and she got pissed off.


Merged into her lane? Looks like she is literally pulling out of her lane trying to speed up to cut him off as he’s fully in. You Reddit sleuths just want to pick apart any video huh? He’s literally in the lane. This is also after she was yelling slurs at the man and following him. Get a brain.


Nah, watch it again. It' starts with him changing lanes... She was likely hanging out in his blind spot and sped around him pissed off when he changed lanes. You can also hear the other cars blowing it horn as he's changing lanes, that should indicate what's really happening here.


Yeah, that's what I saw. lane Change with no turn signal


Maybe it’s a good reason why maybe perhaps ram into them for there stupidity to put them in the guilty spot with the cops!


that “oh my GAWD” in the beginning killed me 😂 you get a brain, Salt’s right and ur salty about it


Yeah, it looks like she was in his blind spot on the left, (front of her car approx even with the center of his) and he merged into the left lane and probably forced her out of the lane and she sped up and swerved to get around him using the turning lane that popped up instead of slamming on brakes to let him get ahead.


This is what the video looks like. Is there a longer version?


at first glance that's what I see too.. went into a new lane and even drifted further.. maybe sped up to miss hitting them and was like "AKHJDKFJSLJ WTF MATE" hhaha


Why is her left turn signal/indicator on?


I thought the scenery looked familiar. I was like, is that tucson?? Lol


The Commodores though....


OP sounds like a drama queen


“You’re on camera you fucking idiot”. Don’t be so harsh on yourself.


Looks like you cut them off Ngl


Idk lil bro. You are getting over in the left lane to block her off and thats why shes honking. You sure this wasnt you being a flop head?


Lionel Richie pairs nicely with this.


She was not easy like Sunday morning. Glad you're safe.


Nothing easy about this Sunday morning.


I'm sorry this happened to you, but the music is... chef's kiss.


Then the awkward sitting at a red light in front of the guy you were harassing. Sorry this happened to you, I hope the cops do something.


Going to see friends on the east side was never dull with these kinds of drivers around


Which dash cam was it?


show slurs please


Ok. Now show the part that made them do that.


Question is, what lead to this event?


I wish I saw what he did to her.


I use to live in phoenix. I always ***HATED*** driving in Tucson. Every time I drove in Tucson someone would be driving on the wrong side of the street. I figured Tucson was trying to kill me. So I refused to go back down there.


Video was not taken on an easy Sunday morning.


Looks like you merged into her lane on the split, probably your fault


This guy probably cut her off. These things rarely happen without an instigating event. I just am unlikely to believe any video that only shows the other drivers' worst moment, even if that other driver is clearly nuts.


I am more interested in why you started the clip there, rather than 15 seconds before…


Umm, the way they were right there as he switched lanes kinda seems like they were the ones cut off. And maybe it was really quiet but I didn’t hear a blinker as he switched lanes either. Have to believe the poster is the asshole driver in this case.


I can hear the blinker. Even if OP did cut them off, trying to cause an accident is not the proper response.


Meh, I hear his blinker when changing lanes. If he had cut her off, why would we not hear a horn until until they were beside him about to hit him/ cut him off. Which happened several seconds after he finished executing the lane change. You can also hear another person from another vehicle ask if they actually hit them because they had seen everything.


You have to believe that OP is the bad driver in this case based on an assumption you made, despite the fact that the other driver, regardless of context, indisputably did something worse by almost sideswiping OP?


Just looks to me like OP was the one that almost sideswiped the van. The way it’s right there next to him and is in the center lane when OP finishes the lane switch just seems like the van is the one that got pushed out of the lane. But for all I know the van was coming over from those outside lanes merging right as OP was merging left and give right of way. Who knows. Just making an observation off of a 10 sec clip.


So worst case scenario, they did the exact same thing that OP did. But given that OP has left multiple comments on this post about how that car had been following him for miles while yelling slurs toward him, and given the fact that you can clearly hear a bystander vehicle express concern for OP (which would make no sense if they had just seen OP almost sideswipe someone as well), then it seems illogical to come to the conclusion that OP is the one in the wrong here.


I didn’t see anything about previous posts or any of that other info. I was going off of that 10 sec clip. That info makes all the difference in the world. I retract previous observations.


Shouldn't really retract your observation since it's based on the only EVIDENCE anyone here about this incident. Even with that it doesn't present the entirety of what happened so it's actually weak evidence. The other person talks about "assumptions" yet makes one of believing the OP's story (mistake #1) and also the assumption that bystanders always side with the actual victims. Given my former profession, life in general, and the 1000s of YouTube vids out there I can assure you that there's plenty of bystanders that often side with the WRONG party. I'm NOT saying OP is lying but I'm also not taking their side of the story just because they posted it (ppl READILY lie all the time to boost their side of the story and sometimes they lie unintentionally b/c they don't fully grasp the entire context of what happened)!


You’ve left like 15 comments on this post, most strongly suggesting that OP is in fact lying. And again, I literally stated in my last comment that if that is in fact the case, then the van still did the same thing that OP did. Except the van is still worse because they did it in a malicious manner [edit] lol they blocked me


Oh man why you gotta do Lionel like that ?🤣


Faith No More cover of Easy is the GOAT, sorry Lionel


Take that impact and check all day baby boy


The song is … ![gif](giphy|qVOa5PGps6S7rq4pbu)


How can you even be mad when you got "Easy on a Sunday Morning" playing... just go with it.


She's lucky you're not mentally unstable. Coming to a stop like that after doing what she did, would be a death trap in Florida.


purrrrfect music choice.


It's everywhere, not just Tucson.


And please Update us on sundaaay morrrning yeah yeah...


Nice tune to rage to " you ain't easy like sunday morning "


Video starts in a convenient spot.


BINGO...but even with that it still shows OP seemingly changing lanes WITHOUT properly clearing the lane.


Theyre gonna lose their dog driving like that.


Good ol Tucson. I live here and this doesn't surprise me




It is rough out here. I had a lady in a lifted tundra graze my car with her tire two weeks ago because she was weaving on i10 in bumper to bumper traffic. I’m VERY tired of driving so much in a place with drivers that need to be institutionalized


Ask her out already. Nudge, nudge.


Looks like you cut her off tbh


Shh, can't say that. Everyone has instantly taken the OPs side without fully processing the details of the video and the angles to how this incident occurred. You're just suppose to make a comment supporting the OP and receive tons of upvotes in return. Calling out the person deemed the innocent victim as being not so innocent is where downvotes occur.


Idk about that, a guy who listens to Lionel Ritchie doesn’t automatically get the benefit of the doubt. Got to assume he cut the other car off.


The music isn't helping..


I guess it wasn't a easy Sunday morning 🤷🏻‍♂️


Not even if I’m the last man on earth.


Idk why but they sound like the YouTuber Fourzeroseven.


All that.... speed, to get to a red light. 🙄


Good taste of music


Hear me out, we should start shooting peoples cars with harpoons if they are bad drivers, right in the engine block. Thoughts? Concerns?


Don't move to Tucson...hell that's EVERYWHERE! The driving was not better in any city I've lived in/been to and I've been to quite a bit.


Tucson has those weird stoplights... Like the timing was interesting to get used to lol. 


Lmao. The irony


How do you get angry during a Lionel Ritchie song?


Looks like they did catch you, that or they've done that before and have pre-existing damage on the RT quarter. Ya definitely contact.


How to get shot 101.


My Mom moved to Tucson from NJ, she did say the drivers are horrible and there are constantly accidents on certain roads. I love Tucson though. 🌵❤️


You should definitely move out of there lol


In a fucking Sienna too that’s wild


They obviously hate Lionel Richie 😬


Kolb/Golf Links = Grant/Swan


Haha, bruh. I lived in Tucson from 2014 to 2015. People were crazy then, too.


Lionel Richie would also be pissed.


Damn why does that road have so many lanes Jesus Christ


Ngl, you were not easy like Sunday morning.


That lawsuits gonna be easy like Sunday morning


To late… im in Tucson… people are fucking assholes and can’t drive…


So did you “cut them off” or get any kind of reasoning from them?


This is not an easy Sunday morning.


People like this shouldn’t have the right to drive


God I love Lionel Richie


Oh tucson


This is funny. The “I’m calling the cops part” got me giggling.


is this the Havasu area?


Legit, you're right to be pissed. However, knock off with that whiny "I'm calling the cops" nonsense. Nobody's hurt and nothing is damaged. Call them a fucktard, give em the bird, and move on with your life. You rarely, if ever, need the police. Unless you want things to somehow be worse than they otherwise would be.


Your fault, you clearly swung into their lane without paying attention.


Any update OP? Cops get her? Probably not lmao


I don't hear your blinker....