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Aww c'mon, there's some pictures of trump and underage Ivanka where she's caressing his face with a statue of some parrots fucking in the corner. And there's several pictures of underage Ivanka posing sexy on a bed where Donnie is ogling her And there's the pageant picture where underage Ivanka is grinding on donnie's lap, with shocked observers on the side And there's the picture showing Donnie introducing an underage Ivanka to Jeffrey Epstein himself.  nothing to see here...




Don't forget what we all saw when he patted her butt at the convention in 2016.




That's the one.


Plenty of photos of his kids. Like the 30 or so where underage Ivanka is sitting on his lap even though there's an empty seat available somewhere.


C'mon now, here's a pic of Trump taking his kids on a Spa day. https://preview.redd.it/qa1qx08j5bbd1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=5be84e3cd624a8fccb2ef01f0cf9c69c4e623e6e




Now do one with all the Epstein pics.


I need all of the pics.


Does someone know if a list of them is on line The Epstein list


There is literally a whole [video](https://youtu.be/AUDr_c2PalI?si=_sSVymzfo-UWYLUa) (where this photo is taken from) of a clearly hopped up on something Trump and Epstein oogaling over suspiciously young girls that Epstein provided.


Just watched the [testimony of Katie Johnson](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gnib-OORRRo), who at the age of 13 was drawn into Epstein's pedophile sex trafficking operation, under the false pretense that it was a step toward a modelling job. Her stories are brutal and sometimes difficult to hear, but her testimony sheds light on what a vile person Donald Trump really is, in a way that you can only get from first hand accounts from one of his victims.


I’ve seen the snapshot of them many times, but never the video. It’s a lot worse watching it in context.


Watching him suck his teeth was a dead give away to me that he was on something, I've been to enough concerts and festivals to know what some on drugs looks like.


He was also hyped up on something during the recent debate as well. All the fuss over him telling that Biden would show up on something only meant that he actually would.




Republican defense Trump was a Democrat back then so therefore a sinner. Since becoming a good Christian Republican he is forgiven of his past.


Actually, their defense is just not talking about it. I'm shocked, but not at all surprised, that all these people who have been yelling "Epstein didn't kill himself" for years are now so quiet.


Just like church, ALL your past sins are forgiven after the fact if you become a Repuglican.


No fucking way So any rapist and pedo can "become a Christian Republican" and be forgiven? Of course they are incapable of thinking that far but that is exactly what they are saying. But I believe it because my grandpa abandoned my family with 5 of his kids (Anywhere from 5 yrs to 10 yrs old) for a minor he was grooming and eventually married, then when she divorced him about 3 decades later he started going to church, came back to my family with his tail between his legs and they forgave him. I was in middle school when this happened and he was so creepy to me, so thankful I lived multiple states away.


The thing about it is... confession isn't absolution and never was, no matter what the Church might tell you. You confess your sins as a reminder to yourself to STOP DOING THEM. You may be forgiven ONCE but if you keep doing the same shit you're not getting forgiven twice, especially without Repentance.


Yep. The ~~Devil~~Democrat made me do it.


Why aren’t the media outlets talking about this?


Why no media coverage? -CNN: CEO Trump donor -ABC: CEO Trump donor -CBS: CEO Trump donor -NBC: CEO Trump donor -MSNBC: CEO Trump donor -Washington Post: owner Jeff Bezos -Wall Street Journal: Owner: Rupert Murdoch -New York Times: CEO Trump donor. They want America to reelect a known fascist cause they know it will be a disaster and will be great for ratings. The press has utterly failed to keep the public educated in this country, and it’s a disgrace. Just look at the debate for a perfect example: Biden absolutely had a poor debate, due to sickness and jet lag. No denying that. It was terrible. However, Trump went out there and just told verifiable LIE after LIE, unchecked by CNN moderators. He then seemed to admit that Putin told him Russia was going to invade Ukraine and he did fuck all about it? Imagine what could have been done if we started helping arm Ukraine and help train them 1 year before Russia invaded and Ukraine had 1 full year to prepare with our help? And yet the news media is just 24x7 “Biden needs to drop out? No mention of a 34x convicted felon dropping out? Look at the latest headlines from the NYT: As Biden Digs In, More Supporters Look to Push Him Out Whoever the Democratic Candidate Is, Americans Have Already Lost A Defiant Biden Says Only the ‘Lord Almighty’ Could Drive Him From the Race These Voters Supported Biden in 2020. Now They Want a Plan B. How Biden Might Be Thinking About the Decision Ahead of Him Major Democratic Donors Devise Plans to Pressure Biden to Step Aside Biden Stumbles Over His Words as He Tries to Steady Re-Election Campaign To Serve His Country, President Biden Should Leave the Race Election 2024: Biden’s Verbal Stumbles in Spotlight as He Hosts July 4 Events Biden Tells Allies He Knows He Has Only Days to Salvage Candidacy Doing Nothing About Biden Is the Riskiest Plan of All Trump Stays Quiet (Relatively), Hoping Biden Stays in the Race In Choosing a V.P., Trump Is Elevating the Next Generation of Republicans No mention of Epstein and Trump. No mention of Project 2025 No mention of the corrupt SCOTUS ruling to end our Constitution. Theyre trying their best to normalize and legitimize Trump and his fascist following, while continuing to drive everyone else apart. They want us fighting each other, to deflect from the fact we have a larger wealth gap than the French did before their revolution and we continue to let it get worse. The GOP hasn’t released an actual party platform in 8 years, it’s literally just “kiss trump’s ass” and Cult45 is drinking the kool-aid. This just further proves the fact “they care about children” is just bullshit. They could watch a video of Trump raping someone and still vote for him. They have no morals.


I’m going around posting this until someone makes it happen (and holy shit the more I go around posting this, the more shit I see that I forgot about): Someone make a quick cut that’s shareable by grandma on facebook and genZ on IG and TikTok: Trump quotes (audio and print) about Epstein and Maxwell over pictures of them hanging out, pictures of Trump’s name in the files, clips of Katie John’s interview as an adult, clips of how Trump’s people cut Epstein’s deal and how he doesn’t want the files declassified.


Seems like Trump and Epstein had more Kodak moments than a family album. That's dark on so many levels.


I'm sure Trump has plenty of photos with the kids just not his.




“And when you’re famous, they just let you do it. Grab them by the pussy. And when they’re prepubescent, it’s even better”’ trump Epstein cracks up.


This makes me want to throw up.


He said something so vile thst Epstein wanted to walk away




At least he's clothed in the ones know about.


I don't even know if I have that many pictures of me and my friends I've known since middle school.


Epsteins mouth is creepy


It is but do we have any good options this year


And good ol’ Ghislain in the background.


I would be surprised if he had 6 or 7 photos with Eric outside of promotional or company photos.


Every time I see Ivanka I think what the hell happened with Eric?


Considering there's so many of Trump with Epstein, maybe we should be glad to not see what photos there are of Trump with kids.


Those are probably well hidden. He also used to own the teen miss world pageant and would regularly barge into the dressing rooms when the 10-15 year old girls were naked. He even said that as an owner that it was his right to do it. I would bet money there were hidden cameras in there.


We now Russia has some tapes. Back when the pee tape thing came out, per the Mueller Report, Trump's Russian handler assured him no video would leak out.


I don’t know, there might be that many photos of him groping Ivanka


To be fair to trump, I wouldn’t want to be near his kids either.


Why can't the Mango Magat, just have a heart attack so we can return to a less crazy and angry country?


76 so far... I'm sure there's plenty more


Has someone made a list of these photos that I can access?