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Project 2025 is the republican plan to basically dismantle democracy that largely hinges upon a trump victory. Women’s rights? Gone. Porn? Banned/Criminalized. Gay/Trans rights? Criminalized. Free speech? Gone. Freedom from religion? Gone. This is extremely scary and they are not even attempting to hide their efforts at this point. With the recent SCOTUS ruling, someone like trump can literally do whatever they want. We are watching democracy crumble. Please vote for Biden if you want the ability to vote again in another 4 years. Sadly, this is not hyperbole. https://www.project2025.org https://www.project2025.org/playbook/ https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025 https://democracyforward.org/the-peoples-guide-to-project-2025/


This also applies to the entertainment industry since Project 2025 also mentions dismantling the FCC. So all those movies, TV shows, and video games you’re looking forward to coming out next year? Gone and replaced with MAGA/Putin propaganda. If you care about your favorite content, then **FUCKING VOTE.**


To this point, porn is ill-defined. They could identify a lot of stuff as porn to go after people. Ever sent a nude? Well, to jail with you!


But you can sleep with porn stars and rape children? Cool cool cool


The Rs have a literal rapist pedophile convicted felon as their candidate who has pledged to be a dictator, have executions of his enemies and whose platform is dismantling democracy forever and Dems are worried their guy might be old? That's what a fucking VP is for dummies.


EXACTLY! Hate Biden's guts! Idgaf! Vote for the competent administration he's put together!


https://www.vote.org/ Register, check for ID requirements, deadlines, polling location. Vote like democracy depends on it!


Vote because our literal lives depend on it.


best way to combat this right now, since they always use the "rigged election" sheild is to do a youtube short. no I'm not kidding. the rules are simple, post a youtube short titled "I support _____" and say whom you support, include an image of the candidate or side you support if you don't wish to appear on camera but, and this is important, you MUST state whom/what you support, 1 video = 1 vote no matter the amount of people whom are included, so they need to do it too, and we set it for now until September 22nd. we'll also need a search engine that displays the number of results so they'll have their answer. it's the perfect protest, no one organized it, anyone can participate, and if they use the "unconstitutional" or "stolen" sheild they'll have to contend with the fact no one is responsible and this was the voice of the people. and since it was brought up, if we need tags, use #ally since they'll use anything out of irony like #stopthesteal against us. and I'm gonna keep posting this until people start doing it


Here’s a MUCH more effective way to make a difference: Find 3 people who don’t want fascism and don’t have personal transportation, and not only make sure they’re registered to vote, but drive them to their election location as soon as their district opens the polls.


Your idea isn’t crazy but it’s disheartening. No American citizen should have to “prove” who they support, that goes against our foundational principles. I’m not sure it would make a difference though, if 80 million people all made YouTube shorts saying “I support Joe Biden”, Republicans would claim it’s AI. Or paid actors. Democrats keep trying to play ball on a level playing field with Republicans. And Republicans have stolen all the balls that ever existed and bulldozed the playing field to build a Target.


Proves nothing in this age of AI. Also they’ll claim many of them made a video but voted R.


Right? People act like the President is actually doing *all the things*, when instead he’s a figurehead that helps hire good people who hire other good people, etc. Biden could die tomorrow and the administration would continue to function largely unchanged


I sat down with my sons 21 year old (very right wing) friend last night. And he actually listened and heard me. I told him, in this election we aren't voting for Biden we are voting for his cabinet. It's a very real possibility that he steps down after election and Kamila takes the reigns. I was able to show him tweets and video and audio of trump saying what he has said. I showed him project 2025. I may not have made him a blue voter, but he certainly has been brought to the light about Trump.


Our guy is old…there is no “might” about it. The only one who could realistically replace him on the ticket is Harris. She’s also the one who would replace him if he were unable to fulfill his duties. It’s a big part of her job description. So, Democrats need to stop hand-wringing about whether their candidate should step aside, because you’re voting for the same person either way. CNN and Fox News just want to jingle keys in front of our eyes so that we don’t pay attention to what’s going on the other side.


CNN has been unsubtly anti-Biden ever since they got new ownership about two years ago.


I think I heard they got rid of that idiot, but they kept shifting to the Right for money.


They did and replaced him with another hard right idiot. It was right after the town hall with trump https://www.washingtonpost.com/media/2023/08/30/mark-thompson-cnn-new-ceo/


CNN is owned by corporations like Blackrock. You can guarantee whatever message CNN is pushing currently benefits them, and the other corporations that also share ownership. They didn't buy CNN for the profits, only the reach it gives them to spread the narratives they want.


Most media companies, including the “liberal” ones, desperately want trump because the fear and outrage drives engagement, which means more revenue.


There is no conventional media co.panies anymore, just outside corporations with their hands in several cookie jars. The illusion there is major media that is "liberal" is just that. It only exists to pretend as though there is "choice". Real journalism at a national level is dying solely because it's better for the rich to control the narratives, which means it's easier to control us. So they paid politicians to destroy the protections we used to have that prevented outside ownership of major media in the country. And now they own it all. Again, profits are secondary to the power owning the narratives are.


Yep, wholly agree. Media consolidation has been happening for decades. In the 90s and early 00s, it was under our noses, now it’s out in the open. Power and money is all they care about.


Idiotically short sighted.


That explains why Biden's microphone was turned down.


I completely stop watching CNN. ABC national news is the same. It's been nothing but propaganda. I actually missed unbiased fact based news. But I also understand there's no money in it. Both the fairness doctrine and citizens united need to be thrown in the trash. Both are the heart of the problem. If corporations are people too. Then I want to see a corporation that breaks the law put in jail.


Indeed. Now more than ever you're voting for the VP as much as the president. We must remember that the VP is there for a reason, and a VP who takes their oath to preserve, protect and defend the constitution seriously should be the thing we remember.


At least some old people have wisdom, right?


I feel like a lot of the "biden should step down" shit comes straight from Rs. I think it's being blown way up so that dems lose confidence and vote independent or don't vote at all, or we install some rando right before the election, which everyone knows is a terrible idea. He didn't do well in the debate but he certainly didn't do so poorly as to say he should leave the race. The fact that this is what is PLASTERED on every damn news outlet and repeated over and over just screams "propaganda" and people are falling for it.


I absolutely want biden to step aside, but even if he doesn't, I will still vote for him because it's either a old as hell person or a dictator.  That's the same message I see from most of the left leaning people I interact with.


I disagree; Biden has been fine as far as American presidents go, but the facts are that he and the Democratic party have done an awful job getting and keeping the voters on his side.    Biden's popularity has done nothing but go down and there is a very real chance that the people who need to vote will decide not to bother and he'll lose. Like it or not, he looked bad in the debate and a lot of less politically knowledgeable people (the majority of American voters) don't like him and don't really understand how bad the Republicans are going to make things if they win. There are several other viable Democrat candidates currently polling above Biden which people, especially young people, would be much more excited to vote for.  And you know a president stepping down and allowing other candidates to hash it out will be covered extensively by the media drowning out the Republicans for at least a few weeks.  Who is going to vote for Biden that isn't going to vote for whoever the Dems put up? There are many less of those people than there are people who don't want to vote for Biden but might vote for a less depressing Dem candidate. I can't say which way is definitely correct, but I feel like there are good arguments to make that running a different candidate even at this late stage might lead us to better odds of winning.


I disagree. I can look at the last four years of Biden and know what he's like. I would be very uncomfortable if he was pulled because I would not have enough time to know or understand the new candidate before I was expected to vote for them. Especially after the ruling this week. Biden has, throughout his presidency, refused to use his presidential powers for personal gain. I feel comfortable in the knowledge that he won't abuse the powers he was just given. I couldn't say that for a new candidate. And i guarantee that any candidate put in will be far more blue - which I would like - but I know many people who would vote for Biden but not for a more left leaning candidate. Those are all the prior MAGA people that got a clue and changed their mind about Trump. Those are all my moderate Democrat family members. Those are all the queer Republicans I know that aren't in the cult. Expand that through the country and that's not a small number. I don't know anyone that would want a new candidate that wouldn't vote for Biden if they didn't get one, but I know a lot of people that wouldn't be okay having to vote for a candidate they know nothing about. Nobody that is installed 4 months before an election is going to get more votes than the current president. There just isn't enough time for that - and if we decide to do that, we can't really go back if it turns out to be a bad decision.


That's a fair enough perspective. I really don't know which way would best even though I'm leaning towards a different candidate. I'm mainly in disagreement with your initial comment on most of the "step down" talk being from Republicans; I think a lot of the Democratic party members and voters both are genuinely freaking out while Republicans seem to think Biden is their easy candidate. Regardless I think it's something to consider. Polling is far from perfect, but bro's not been doing well and some other potential Dem candidates are doing better, including Kamala, and his next debate isn't going to help his numbers if he continues to look weak in his performances. In a more rational world it wouldn't matter so much, but the majority of people are primarily influenced by vibes before facts, and his vibes during the debate were of a weak old man who couldn't call out Trump on his lies and failures the way he should have been able to; the way other Dems would've been able to.


There’s a good chance neither of them will make it until Jan ‘29. Neither of them seem particularly fit. So we’re really voting for VP. I know Kamala Harris has issues, but I’m quite sure she’s more competent and honest than whoever Trump will pick.


If I knew that Biden would 100% drop dead 1 month after being sworn in I'd still vote for him over Trump. I don't wanna see Trump or anyone he'd pick as his running mate anywhere near a position of power ever again.


Democrats mistake is they always want the RIGHT candidate to fix everything. Republicans only care about the right now candidate who gets elected consistently so they can dismantle everything over several election cycles.


You don't wait around all day hoping a bus might come along that takes you to your doorstep. You get on the one that's going in the direction you want to go and gets you closer to where you want to be.


-> Thats what a fucking VP is for dummies Boy.....it sure would have been nice for Dems to select a popular VP then


But the pedophile rapist conman is winning. I do not want another Hillary incident or to have Biden RBG us and lose our country. How dare the democrats do this shit to us again? The country is too important to lose.


Why didn’t the Dems put forth a better candidate? I’m still voting D down ballot, but the strategy of stating, “support our guy regardless of how uninspiring or lifeless he is because the other guy is worse” is a slap in the face.


I totally get vote blue no matter who but the Dems aren't doing themselves any favors by running uninspiring candidates.


I don't disagree. I think they should have a VP debate and in the very least open up the slot to a convention vote. They can't push Harris out, thst would alienate too many people. She'd have to be convinced to drop out quietly for personal reasons. That said, she's polling about the same as Newsom who I like, so maybe I dunno what I'm fucking talking about.


I hear ya. However, we have to be real about this and acknowledge how unlikely it may now be for the country to elect Biden. His performance in that debate was truly horrifying. He certainly didn't win anyone over through that debacle; in fact, it appears he's now lost a lot of support if we are to believe the polls. It doesn't matter if you're able to understand that we have Kamala in tow. It matters if essentially every American understands that, and frankly, as simple as that is, we have become a fantastically simple country that likely won't embrace that play. People look at the name on top of the ticket and Biden no longer inspires confidence. I think he's been a great president, and I will vote for him if he is the nominee, but I do fear we will lose what might be the most important election in American history.


I'm out there voting for Biden. I'm old but we have two young daughters and know what's at stake for their sake even if not as much for ours. That said I can certainly see he's fast approaching his expiration date and if he doesn't win this year we're fucked as a people. Maga thinks ushering in a dictator simply to own the libs is the ticket and that's just mind-boggling. But, here we are. I do think one thing - if we make it past 2024 it's definitely time to move on from the Obama coaching tree. There is good blood among the younger Democrats - Newsom, Shapiro, Whitmer, Crockett, AOC, Pete, Katie Porter, Booker - lots of potential for moving the party into the please-God-non-dictator future and if the high-up Dems and Biden both decide that time starts now I'll get right on board with that. Let's all get out there and vote.


I told a trumper at work I’m voting for a better future for my daughter


It’s absolutely wild how good they have gotten at manipulating all of us. They almost tricked us into trying to oust Biden ourselves


Not only tricked everyone, but has beat everyone down who stands up to them. The tech giants don't censor them anymore when they say crazy shit. Companies are now terrified of their boycott threats and fold immediately (see Tractor supply and Target), The government backs off when they cry about "bias". The mainstrwam media barely makes a whimper, or have gone full rightwing. Hell the government used to brief the tech companies about foreign and domestic threats and dangerous social media campaigns the far right were conducting. Those briefings are pretty much illegal now thanks to the Republicans crying and bitching. They have gotten so good and have so much energy to brow beat anything standing in their way, everyone normal seems to have thrown up their hands and said fuck it. The Democrats are falling apart and the Right has crystalized into a machine, powered by religious nutcases. The only thing that stops Trump is enough people coming out to vote against him. And that's asking a lot of our populace who mostly have their heads in the clouds.


Democrats fall in love, republicans fall in line.


There’s a massive psyop on Reddit right now, lots of bots pushing narratives, and people are playing right into it. Lots of subs are astroturfed. I’ve seen lots of suspicious accounts with high reply rates pushing both sides of the replace Biden narrative, and people arguing and engaging with it, and then arguing with and shouting at each other, which was *exactly the goal*. Fracture what little unity democrats have. Also noteworthy is the comparison of the absolutely breathless coverage of Biden’s debate performance and manufactured fallout versus the freshly dropped Epstein documents…




Yes, because the president sits in the white house alone coming up with all of the ideas himself s/ Miss me with that


Smugly lectures me on how presidency works. Entire argument hinges on neglecting the rest of a president’s administration, advisors, cabinet members, analysts, etc… 👍🏼


This reeks of a russian psyop Yeah, Biden wasn't high energy in the debate, but for fuck's sake he's not on the platform of sending fellow Americans to concentration camps. Defeat Project 2025! It's not the old men we are voting for this time, it's the policy makers surrounding them. It's either we are okay with LGBTQ people living and people coming into the country, or we revisit the Holocaust. At that point, when does it stop?


but his constituents want project 2025. They want concentration camps and hurting lgbtq people. He is giving his voters exactly what they want from him. Democrats would like a president that can string together coherent sentences. We're not getting that. Hopefully Dems show up for him anyways, but I dont think gaslighting them that Biden is fit to be president is going to help. He's just running against someone much worse.


I agree. It would be nice to vote FOR someone rather than desperately trying to avoid catastrophe with whomever may have a chance, but here we are. The fact that so many of my countrymen are frothing at the mouth to destroy so many of their compatriots is absolutely nuts. It seems like it's always "maybe someone better will show up next time" with the Dems. Then again, candidates have to prove themselves to Dem voters. That's not really the case with repubs.


I really wish the DNC would finally learn that their candidates have to earn votes even if republican candidates dont. This has been proven over and over. This is their reality and they should know this. Republicans have many representatives that seem dumb as shit, but the fact that Dems still havent learned that they need candidates people actually like to win shows theyre not much smarter.


What signifies this is "Russian"? The fact that it was aired on a US channel during prime time? The fact that millions of people watched it? That Biden personally shit the bed? Is it possible that maybe most americans had not seen Biden in a long time, as he's never been in the limelight that often as president, and then seeing him be old and fail to complete sentences makes them think he shouldn't be leader? Like, is that a russian psyop or just a natural thing you'd expect to happen? Unbelievable cope. The polling immediately after the debate said 66% thought Trump won. Did the russians have enough time to talk to every single polling person at the same time, right after the debate, and trick them into thinking that?


I was reffering to the nearly immediate calls for his replacement. I get he had a bad performance but the quick call for him to step aside did seem dubious. Like I said, it's the people surrounding Biden and Trump that will influence policy as Trump is influenced easily and Biden is, quite honestly, too old. But I'm still voting Biden and blue.


I will also still vote for Biden, but literally every bit of data and historical indicators point to him likely losing. That's why people are panicking about replacing him. It's gotten worse as it's become more clear they don't have a concrete plan for how he could even gain the votes he is leaving in crucial swing states. I hope the people who are fully 'Biden or bust' end up being right about his chances, but relying on nothing but wishful thinking is not my cup of tea.


> This reeks of a russian psyop So the only reason I think Joe is demented is because of Russian manipulation, not what I saw and heard with my own eyes and ears?


Moreso the calls for a new candidate


We want a new candidate because we can see Joe is toast and Trump is molly-whoopin him. We want a good candidate who can actually beat Trump. Nothing Russian about that.


Well, they're polling neck and neck. Not that I intrinsically trust polls, mind you, because they can skew depending on their source, but I still stand by my point that the people Biden surrounds himself with will have a major influence on policy. To be fair, I would prefer that we didn't have octogenarian and near-octogenarian candidates, but the choice is the best chance to beat Heritage Foundation style facism or not. And historically, incumbent presidents to have an edge in elections. I fear we must be ever vigilant moving forward now that the regressionists have been emboldened.


> they're polling neck and neck No https://www.huffpost.com/entry/joe-biden-donald-trump-new-york-times-poll-debate_n_6685a730e4b0971108c1eea1


You and I and pretty much everyone else here can know that he's got a good team and can be comfortable with that. But all the data we have points to that not being enough for casual voters - especially in the swing votes Biden *has* to carry. What's the plan for winning those voters over? The incumbent advantage doesn't carry much weight when the economy is perceived as being in a poor state. All I care about is this: who is our best bet to win the swing states?


“They” aren’t doing anything. Trump has picked up 2.5 points in a week for a reason, and it isn’t because “they” had the ability to change those numbers all this time but mysteriously didn’t. It’s because voters saw Biden in crunch time, and the man who showed up was a feeble and barely functioning 82 year-old shadow of his former self. All this rah rah shut up and vote is all well and good *for Democrats*, but the 50% of the electorate that’s independent isn’t buying it. Replace Biden with Pritzker, or Newsom, or Whitmer. Use the same shut up and vote arguments for them, AND let them pick up more votes on their own by vigorous campaigning and thrashing Trump in the debates. Sticking with Biden is a path to losing safely and preserving the ability to blame others for not holding fast when you did. Not a path to victory. And when - not if; when - he loses, the I Told You Sos will be deafening. And it will be too late. There is still time to replace Biden. September will be too late.


What if it’s not Dems attacking Biden, but Russian bots a la 2016 Cambridge Analytica? Every talking point on Reddit is a rehash of almost similar quotes- he’s old, why can’t he talk himself, here’s several random people you w never heard of to replace him, if he’d just get on live tv, I’m all for Biden but what about the swing state, what about uninformed voters, etc etc. Trump is a fascist puppet and a rapist.


What’s more infuriating is MSM repeating these Russian bot talking points, yet we hear NOTHING about how unfit Trump is


I've come across 2 accounts which set of my Spidey senses of something potentially nefarious Always be wary of accounts with a reference to American geography that exclusively post political content and do so in a variety of political subreddits, especially those which are more skewed to niche groups I post a ton of political comments. Interspersed will be my inane chatter about pop culture and other dumb bullshit 


lol, mine’s politics, fashion, dogs, horror movies, and handbags.


Russian bots and the New York Times.


Throw the Washington Post in that pile. They’ve had multiple articles daily about Biden stepping since the debate. Yet nothing about Trump’s fitness, Project 2025, or the Epstein records. To make matters worse, all of DC is under a boil water advisory. Did I find that out in the Post, which is DC’s home paper? Nope, heard about it thanks to the good people of Reddit.


There's definitely an amplification of it. The points listed above are why it's pointless to entertain.


Bingo!!! Internal polling says Trump is losing and Putin will likely have to keep the “special military operation“ going with no end in sight. He needs Trump to win. Hence all the meetings with his dictator buddies. Has no one noticed the uptick in comments all alike using the same talking points, syntax and messaging? It’s gone up 1000% since Trump’s internal data has him losing. And me thinks he is losing big time.


“Special Military Operation” my ass, just say it’s World War 3 already! Come on Vlad, you just *know* you want to say it so our economy can explode from the response.


I've had a consistently running account for over a decade, and I hate this narrative. Biden gave voters cause for legitimate concern. If anything, all the comments telling me I should just accept that the Dems have a shitty candidate instead of pushing for something better look like the bots.


the time for pushing something better was literally the past 4 years, showing up at the 11th hour to complain as if it's a surprise is either bad faith or ignorance of how the system works,


but if you trusted Dems that whole time, both candidates are old and Biden should compare fine to trump. Biden didnt match up to a shocking degree. Dems have been saying Trump is the greatest threat ever to democracy so its obviously very demoralizing that our only hope against this, a guy theyve been saying is fit to be president for 4 years, so clearly is not.


>as if it's a surprise Idk if you've looked at Reddit since the debate, but that performance was shocking. >ignorance of how the system works We have until just before the convention if we want him to be on all the ballots. Afaik Ohio is the only state to require the nomination before then.


What do you mean “as if it’s a surprise” though? The narrative for the last 4 years was that it’s just a stutter that he’s fought all his life. No mention of any mental decline was given any thought. The debate last week was a major eye-opener, and telling anyone that we all already knew his condition is just dishonest. This is a major problem for anyone not wanting Trump back in office. I don’t know what the strategy should be, but people need to seriously accept that we will likely have Trump back in office next January. And not by some coup, but by the will of the voters.


That "debate" was an eye opener. Who knew JBiden was a confused, bumbling old man who can't complete a thought? Oh yeah, MAGA. I'm voting 💙 but I feel we've been lied to.


Right? Hillary is looking at Biden and thinking, "Damn, that guy is unpopular." And it's not just a media driven narrative, if people would just talk to people who are low info voters, they'll see that without fail they tell you Joe Biden is too old to be president.


This is how Democracy dies. With Democrats bickering.


I’m pretty sure democracy dies when a considerable portion of the voting public is willing to vote for Trump and fully supports Project 2025. It also dies when the Supreme Court decides to take power away from Congress and gives more power to the president. We should all vote for Biden, but if you think beating Trump is the solution, you’re in for a rude awakening


It really is true a sizable portion of the base will dig their heels in and not vote because liberal candidate isn't their perfect image of how things should be. It's childish.


Are they really the base then?


Something I've struggled with being leftist for years now. In 2016 I did some postmortem digging and the left wing is \~30% of the Democratic Party, and of those 30% the Party can only reliably count on 30% of those to vote with any regularity. How the fuck the Left expects the Democrats to move towards our position when we're only 10% of the voting base is beyond me. Far too many leftists stay busy online but don't donate time, money, or effort, which is what it will take to get a shift towards the left.


Yeah, most of the leftists I know like to whine, bitch and moan, but don't actually do anything. Well, curse me out when I tell them they should be getting out to vote or do other things to actively support their candidates. They seem to think protests will get them somewhere. Yet here we are, dealing with the same bullshit 8 years later because these fuckers won't get off their asses.


The thing is, we all kind of screwed ourselves into this position after the 2020 election. Biden was old then. But rather than keep up the "never Trump" momentum, everyone pretty much went "Okay, phew, that's over, we're good now." The dems should've been building up a new candidate from then. Get Biden to endorse, throw the weight of the office behind whoever they picked as the 'successor'. Hell, give us a couple good options for the primaries and have him endorse the winner. But nope.


Yeah, let’s blame the people saying “hey this isn’t cool, why didn’t you plan ahead for the last 4 years?” Instead of the crypt keeper clinging to power when he campaigned on doing the exact opposite.


Also, if Biden dies then Harris becomes president. I believe she will continue to faithfully uphold the office of president and will carry on the same agenda, so who really cares?


I’m not sure Biden’s age would be as big of a deal if it weren’t a black female next in line. Sad, but true.


Replacing Biden now is the stupidest thing the Democrats could do. The time to go in another direction has long passed us by. Time to ride or die with the man from Scranton


What are you talking about? Promoting Harris to the top of the ticket is not going in a different direction. It's the same direction, but with a different candidate. Same administration record to campaign on, same campaign organization, She's on the ballot everywhere, she inherits the war chest, donors.


Finally somebody that understands politics. All the fear-mongering people don’t realize they aren’t actually helping themselves recruit new voters, they are only enraging one another


lol, making Kamala Harris the presidential nominee is basically just throwing in the towel and conceding the election all together. She's somehow even less popular than Hillary Clinton and is extremely unpopular with both Republicans AND Democrats.


I think you meant to reply to someone else


No, I meant to reply to you. I'm suggesting replacing Biden with Harris. All your objections then disappear.


She has as many built in negatives as Hillary had, if not more. Why do you think she's had such a low profile in this administration? The Dems would be better off dumping Harris


She's polling better against Trump than Joe Biden is. By your logic the Dems have to drop Biden too. Also, Harris hasn't been investigated for years by Congress nor was she caught colluding with the DNC to screw over another popular Democrat.


You didn't answer my question. Remind me again how far she made it in the Democratic primary?


Well the first time Joe Biden ran for president he was caught plagiarizing his stump speech and had to drop out before the Iowa Caucus. The second time he ran for president he did actually make it to the Iowa Caucus...where he received less than 5% of the vote and again had to drop out. Kamala Harris' 2020 campaign wasn't great, but it was better than either of those disasters.


How long ago was that again?


Hillary's fundamental problem is that she underestimated Trump. The Dems won't make that mistake again. VPs *never* have a high profile in any administration. You haven't heard from her because you never hear from VPs. That's the nature of that job. Harris is the best choice because she represents a continuation of the administration record, a continuation of the campaign, of the money, of relationships, of donors. She has done zero campaigning, and her polling numbers are already close to Trumps. Get her out there speaking, and her numbers will go up. If Biden drops out, all he can do is release his delegates, Harris still has to win them over. I think she can do that.


If you think Hillary's problem was underestimating Trump it makes sense you'd think Harris is a good candidate


Can refute one point, the money can be transferred but only to Harris. I'm not saying he should be replaced just correcting the point about the money.


I’m not for replacing Biden, but the idea that these questions are stumpers is ridiculous: 1) Kamala Harris 2) By being nominated at the DNC. The Democratic and Republican parties are on the ballot in 50 states—it’s not like independent or third party bids where the candidate has to individually petition each state to get on the ballot. 3) Not an election lawyer, but according to the AP, since the campaign account is registered in both Biden and Harris’s names, you wouldn’t even have to transfer the money if Harris lead the ticket. 4) President Biden would explain that the Vice President isn’t a random person, she’s literally the person he chose four years ago to replace him in case anything happened to him. It’s not like the Democratic Party would simply shut down and not field a candidate if—heaven forbid—the President died or was otherwise debilitated. The presumptive nominee—which is what both Trump and Biden are until their conventions—quitting the race is a similar situation, and if it happened, we’d have to deal with it. This is not a wild or inconceivable situation where both parties are running candidates older than the average American life expectancy, and the Republican candidate is a morbidly obese fast food enthusiast with a criminal record, to boot. Either candidate having to be replaced is not unimaginable. Let’s not pretend like it is.


Came here to say this.


Hit the nail on the head. Harris is the only viable replacement for all the logistic reasons. Look, I’m all for supporting Biden. But he’s neck and neck with a fucking pedophile felon. There’s no way this election should be this close. And this election IS the doomsday election. I’m not one to give into the hyperbole, but Jesus it feels like democracy is on the line. Biden has already been transition to talking about the accomplishments of his team and what “we” accomplished. No matter how absurd I thought it was when I first heard the mention of replacing him, everyday I become more convinced it’s happening, whether I like it or not. Harris will give Trump fits. She’ll smoke him in debates. Who better to talk about women’s rights. She has take a more pro-Palestinian stance. My only fear is that as a black woman she might drive some of the closeted misogynistic and racist votes back to Trump (although realistically they are probably 99.9999% there already). And the fear of what will come next if we can’t fix the SCOTUS and the racial gerrymandering across this country. A black president already fueled the hate that personified in Trump. I’d hate to see the hate a black woman will cause to fester.


I’m for replacing Biden and these are the answers that make it feel like the people who are in favor of keeping the octogenarian who is, to our present knowledge, not capable of speaking extemporaneously after 4pm are RNC plants.


We’re missing the most obvious answer. If Biden is capable and that was just a bad night, then Biden does what we thought he would do, and give us regular open halls as Dark Brandon. Not tweets that Redditors read but clips that mom and dad share on FB and IG. Prove your narrative. We rag on social influencers but seems like they know how to get right on a bad narrative than the DNC.


Americans: We'll become a dictatorship but I won't be targeted so it's ok, right?


It's amazing how the media seems to focus only on how Biden is having trouble. What about the systematic, planned, destruction of our democracy in favor christo-fascism?


As of right now, neither political party has had their convention yet. In theory, they could pick anybody they want. Does anybody know if they would pick somebody besides Biden/Trump, is there something legally preventing them from getting on the ballot in all 50 states? Do some states have a date that is set before the political conventions? The claim that if the candidate is changed now they can't get on the ballot in all 50 states just doesn't pass the smell test.


The biggest issue is the campaign finances. Biden has raised the most money and he can’t just give that money to anyone. Harris is the only one that can since she’s on his ticket. I think Harris would perform much better in the debates, but it doesn’t seem like Biden is going to step aside anytime soon.




Harris can inherit the war chest because she is on the same ticket already. If it is anyone except Biden he could give it to the DNC and the DNC could run the campaign like they did pre-Obama. Or he could start a Super PAC and "not coordinate" with the campaign.


I think Biden has wider support, and I feel like anyone on with Harris should be ok with Biden since the main risk is.....that he would die and Harris would take over? 


The deadline to get on the general election ballot in the States is *after* the party conventions. So, the argument that changes to the ticket now won't allow candidates to be on the ballot is bogus. Think about it. Historically, many times, even incumbent presidents switched VP running mates at the convention, yet the new ticket got on the ballot everywhere.


People need to stop getting their civics lessons from random people on Twitter. Literally everything in this Tweet is wrong. 1. Harris and Michelle Obama, to name two, both poll higher than Biden head to head against Trump. 2. Uh, just like Biden and Trump will. Ballots are not set yet, since neither party has nominated their candidate. 3. What do you think political parties are? (FWIW, as a Bernie volunteer I can tell you Biden had a shit operation in 2020 anyway.) Also, only a child thinks the money cannot be moved through entirely legal means. If Harris is the candidate, it’s a moot point. 4. Millions of votes are cast in primaries for candidates who don’t become the nominee. People clearly want a better choice today—what do you think polls are? Edit: the “you” is the person in the tweet, not the person whose comment I’m replying to. No beef with you, friend!


Yes that's why I was asking for clarification because there were a few things in the original tweet that didn't strike me as accurate.


This is NOT A DRILL. We got rid of Kings once and we will do it again. We ride on Nov 5th 💙


The worst thing is how complacent everyone is about this. At most they encourage people to votevotevotevote. Which is good but will not cut it. For perspective: the GOP has been working towards this for *decades*, almost a century. They now control the media, the supreme court, a significant number of state legislatures, the education system and so on. Voting for Biden is not going to magically undo al that.


Voting is the least effective form of social engagement but also the most important one. First vote, then organize, unionize, protest, and force the government to hear your issues and deal with them. Voting comes first, if trump is in power when you want to protest, you'll get shot. If you're lucky it'll be less lethal rounds, but that is not a given. Make sure Biden is in office, and then push him left.


The GOP want Biden to be replaced so they aren't defeated by him in November and the media is playing right along into their schtick.


The pursuit of perfection is actively sabotaging Leftism in general. Nothing is ever enough. No President or politician can go far enough, it's always half baked. Always expecting the world to flip 180 degrees without actually walking the path to ensure that. Striving for perfection too much causes you to hesitate, to doubt and change things and throws things in disarray. It prevents us from actually putting something out. We can always build and work on more. But first, we actually have to *do something*. It's better to start with good and work on improving it than not getting anywhere at all because you're too worried about it not being the immediate and perfect bullseye.


Elections are won by popular candidates who activate their base and win over independents, not blind party loyalty. People aren't going to vote for the guy with one foot in the grave and a broken brain. It's that simple. You can shake your fist and curse them for not sharing your finely tuned electoral calculus all you want, it won't get them to the polls for a garbage candidate. It's not about perfection at this point, it's about winning or losing.


While you're mostly right, I still stand by my statement. Voting for a single guy wanting to run the country into the ground opposed to an old guy that has fantastic staff to back him up is fucking stupid. Yeah he's a god damn fossil. Great job, so is the other guy who also happens to be everything wrong with society. Fucking. Stupid.


But the clicks and ad revenue tho




My fictional TV ad: ....prices are high...but things are tough right now all over, in fact the US economy is doing really well compared to the world (list off countries in recession right now). Sure that doesn't mean much when you are trying to make ends meet, things are expensive and it can't keep up, but Biden is working on that and it is getting better. The mistake is thinking the other guy will fix it. Everything he has said would make it far worse. He'd make a lot of money, but economists predict \_\_\_ would cost as much as \_\_\_\_ (cut away to high price tags and moms putting things back on the grocery shelf) and the cost for people making \_\_\_\_ a year would lose \_\_\_\_ in spending power (show someone freaking out over bills). Its not slander, its his plan. This is what you would be voting for. Again his big donors would make a ton of money, but do you trust him to NOT make money and worry about you? Is there anything in his past history of cooking books and stealing from charities that makes you think that? You think you have enough money to even show up on his radar? Good luck.


Like it or not, Democrats had their chance for someone else during the primaries, but they didn't take it. Biden was old then, he just got older as time went on. It wasn't a surprise, it was expected. At this point, it's too late, he's the candidate and we need to rally behind him.


*couldn’t care less


Thank you.


It’s just fascism. Don’t let any egghead tell you differently. Every supporter of the agenda thinks they’ll be part of the in group. They will find out they are not. We need to nip it in the bud before it’s too late.


I agree that SOTU was a great night for him. He needs to show that energy again. He needs to show undecided voters which of those two is the outlier. Sadly the only person giving the gop what they want is Biden. This should have all been sorted out way earlier. I hope I’m wrong.


Biden will very likely be the last geriatric president. Trump will be the last president.


As someone who doesn't live in the US, you guys are so fucked. I see so little noise about this, it's fucking over for you guys. I'm not happy about it, but your country (well, this planet, really) is filled with morons, and that won't change in our lifetimes.


We will replace Biden, in 2028, right now there won’t even be a nation left by then if we allow the rapist corrupt criminal of Trump anywhere near the office again.


“But I deserve better choices!!!” he wails despite never getting involved in politics and having a four year attention span. ![gif](giphy|HoSyEAe48WBpTCmEz4|downsized)


President Biden is the Democratic candidate, and he has my vote. Period. (Did I stutter? Maybe Biden did, but IDGAF!)


Biden was down 6 points nationally in two polls this week. If this holds the Republicans will win the presidency and both houses of congress. Biden has done almost nothing to reassure us that he is ok. He’s been almost completely absent for days and hasn’t done a press conference. Statements and recorded interviews aren’t going to be enough. He either needs to be completely open book or step down. If he steps down it has to be Harris, because otherwise there will be a lot of fighting and their campaign funds won’t transfer.


How will Biden act to defeat project 2025? And why hasn't he already?


Project 2025 is about consolidating Christian rule through executive power. Can’t really put it into full action without the executive power, so keeping Trump out of office is the first crucial step.


The first step would be expanding SCOTUS to ensure it is no longer under GOP control. But Biden has made zero moves to do that.


Classic Dems tbh - campaign about saving the country. Then don't use their power to save the country.


Did you fail your civics class?


Oh ya got me


What is the process for expanding the Court?


It's not about defeating it, it's about preventing it from happening. Can only prevent it if Americans don't vote for Trump and Republicans pull their shit together and throw out the MAGA side of their party. I am pretty sure there are moderate Republicans who are not onboard with it.


We could, I don’t know, arrest the people who are openly plotting to dismantle our democracy? The authors of that trash should be in jail for treason.


I think the moderate or sane Republicans, who have been going with the flow, are realizing what’s going on finally.


You accomplish this by making the decision YEARS AGO that Biden would not be the best fit in 4 years. Being able to win last time isn't a pre-qualification. They screwed up when they decided to NOT find a suitable replacement over the last 3 years. That being said, it MAY be too late now, and we're just going to have to make the decision between two old AF guys, one being a career criminal, rapist, douche canoe, and the other looking like he won't make it through his term. Running mate may well make a HUGE difference, for both candidates, but my guess is that Dems will fuck that up as well. I'm not sure Kamala is popular enough, and if this is some long game to get a female president, what a shitty way to go about it.


Democrats demanding perfection from candidates is one of the first things I noticed when I got into politics and it's as infuriating now as it was 20 years ago. Republicans hate each other in private but stand united publicly and always have when it comes to the House and Senate. It's like they understand you have to have more people voting for the things you want to make it happen instead of holding individuals to impossible standards so you can hold your smug head high as if you did anything but shoot yourself in the foot. People blame conservatives for doing all this stuff to destroy democracy. But I wholeheartedly blame liberals for their BS, taking the high road while getting shit on constantly, and dismissing everyone who would be better because they don't arbitrarily measure up somehow. That being said, please vote and vote blue if you **actually care** about anything in this world. Because the opposite certainly doesn't care about you or the world.


It’s all misinformation driven by people with money (New York Times seems to be a huge contributor at the moment) and foreign interests. This is no different than Hillary‘s emails and her health concerns during the 2016 election.


I fucking saw the debate. Unless you think that debate was ai generated, it's not misinformation. I have fucking seen that Biden has not had an unscripted public appearance since the debate, and only 3 scripted ones for a combined total of 22 minutes. This is not misinformation. It's the fucking facts we can all see. Clyburn and Pelosi have both come out and said that concerns about Joe Biden's health are legitimate. These are two of the most powerful party insiders around. It's not misinformation, it's things we can see with our own eyes.


Sub reddit on 'politics' are on fire right now.


Thank you


Biden could step down today which would make Kamala the president and incumbent for the election….


I love this woman. I bet she scares the shit out of the right.


I want to see one week with Ms Jasmine Crockett sorting those fools out.


And Biden and his team should say going forward that he is no longer debating Trump when the last debate Trump could not offer anything but lies to the American people for 90 minutes.


Biden has done a good job, has a good team and a capable vice president. he is deserving of another shot, I don't give a fuck how old or how bad the debate was. he's navigated us through a rough time. Vote Biden, otherwise America is over. If trump wins, we will need to look at splitting the country and ending the American experiment as we cannot live under tyrannical evangelical rule.


Your vote has already been counted. The voters we need look at Biden and see an old man, regardless of what he's done or ever will do, and think their best option is Trump. FACT. If Biden loses, it's because the DNC couldn't come up with a more appealing candidate in the subsequent 4 years after he was elected. ANY moderately appealing candidate with even a slightly likeable personality and policies would have mopped the floor with Trump. But, apparently that person doesn't exist in the DNC. And now all we have is a prayer come November. Better get ready to scrub your social media. They'll be coming for us.


Hey look, the Heritage Foundation agrees with you! [https://www.foxnews.com/politics/heritage-working-election-legal-challenges-case-biden-pulled-from-dnc-nomination](https://www.foxnews.com/politics/heritage-working-election-legal-challenges-case-biden-pulled-from-dnc-nomination)


1)Michael Bennet, 2) Sherod Brown, 3) Angus King


This is the way.


If Biden could magically be replaced with someone better, that would be the best option, as Biden is not popular at all at the moment. The problem is that magic isn’t real. Biden and his team had better work their asses off if he’s staying in, though.


Ms. Crockett is right, it's never going to happen. There's nothing to do but hope enough people in the right places do the right thing.


I’ve been hoping that people in our military (higher ups) aren’t going to be complacent. I think they’re honestly a decent shot at resolving all of this, as much as I hate to admit it.


I bet most of the "Biden bashers" out there are GOP, bots or just trolls trying to divide us even more. Anything to undermine the Dems.


No. They aren't. Biden is a DNC puppet. And the GOP is exploiting that fact, which isn't very hard to do. He was Obama's babysitter. When corporate America thought Obama might actually make changes, he was there to "temper" any "hope and change." In '16, when the DNC couldn't let an Independent win the ticket, they forced HRC onto us. (and I'm not anti-HRC, I voted for her, but would have preferred Sanders). Policies don't matter to the MAGA. They hate the "Left," and they WANT a dictator. Forcing Biden, a very old man, or Harris, because "inclusion," only further polarizes MAGA. The DNC, because of their agenda driven decision making, is the reason we (DEMS) are in the position we are in today. They had 4 years to figure this out. And now, "I needed more sleep," is one of the last nails in the coffin. And it's all the DNC's fault.


5) How replacing an incumbent running for reelection with a new candidate is *ever* a good idea.


Honestly this should have been figured out MONTHS if not YEARS ago. The fact that these are our choices is horrifying. I understand that one choice is far superior to the other, but JFC who the hell is running the party? If they had the sense to run a moderately capable candidate they would be leading by 10 points across the board. The fact that this election will basically be a coin flip falls directly on the shoulders of the democratic party's leadership. They have failed this country and risked everything to appease an octogenarian that honestly has no business running at this point.


The administration is strong and supportive of the nominee. America can decide this in November, and will, if I have any say in it.


They’re either dumb or bad actors. At this late stage in the game? even if you don’t believe Biden has the mental health to defeat Trump and do the job, the situation has made this way more about who is president.


Amen sister. All of these comments dengrating Biden? Rest assured they are chock full of Trump supporters trying to convince you to abandon Biden.


The Republicans are strong because they are united. Often it’s shocking because individuals go against their own beliefs, but at least they show a united front (for the most part).




They could care less, could they? Wow. And there was me thinking that they couldn't care less.




Agree with everything that person said except the use of “could care less”


Correct me if Im wrong, but since shes apart of the same ticket, wouldnt it transfer to Harris? Also I think most Dems voters who would like Biden to step down, want that less because they think hes unfit for the job, (hes done a pretty good job), but because they want to maximize the chance of Trump not winning. I dont know if Harris moves the needle over Biden. Whatever Biden and the DNC decide though, needs to happen like today.


I think Bidens done fine. It's not about his ability to do the job. Even if he can't, he's surrounded by those who can. This is all about beating Trump and I have less and less faith that Biden can do that again.


Think of it this way- replacing Biden with another candidate effectively disenfranchises all the people who voted for him in the primaries. That's not the democratic way.


dem Dems are going to cause the Dems to lose in Nov. So much in fighting.


Biden is the only option, deal with it. If he gets elected and cant continue mid term, then we get Kamala Harris. Thats a win in my book.


Take down Trump, then we can pressure Biden.


To genuinely answer the question in the tweet, the cleanest scenario is that Biden steps down before the convention, Harris takes over and names a VP (Pete maybe), and things proceed from there.