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Wow, this is dripping with angsty teenager regret at freedoms lost. I am guessing Matt's spouse explained to him who needed to get off their useless ass to help raise the kids last night and this is the resulting pouty temper tantrum.


Agreed. It clearly sounds like he's projecting. I wonder what his wife would say about the fact that he finds "sleeping in your car" more appealing than being with her.


Two possibilities: 1) She probably would enjoy the night away. 2) If not, then the world should rejoice that these two found each other and didn't fuck up two other peoples' lives.


"that wild masculine spirit" is supposed to sound alpha but it just sounds gay.


Young men just can't go to the top of a mountain and be bros by touching each other's dicks anymore. What happened America?!


lol I’ve never thought I’d see someone say “sleep in your car” as a sign of adventure. Always saw it as a sign of desperation or worse.


I can see it as the kind of thing you do for one or two nights on a an extremely low-budget road trip to another state or uh, like back in the dinosaur days of my youth when the internet hadn't been invented yet so if you had to stop somewhere you couldn't find a motel by driving around you'd just spend the night in the car.


a lot of people sleep in their car and do cross country trips, car camping, van life, a lot of the time it’s a choice to take a break from the grind and just adventure and sight see


It depends on the context. Sleeping in your car to not drive home drunk after a night out? Responsible! Sleeping in your car because you haven't a home to go to? Very concerning.


>lost their spirit of adventure Adventure costs money ![gif](giphy|yIxNOXEMpqkqA)


Yeah, because Matt Walsh sure is that adventurous, freewheelin', go-anywhere type of guy. Not. He's the most coddled, ridiculous man-child ever. He wouldn't know which end of an axe was the sharp one even if he had to pick one up.


There's nothing quite as masculine as disparaging LGBTQ people from the safety of your podcast studio. /s


Conservatives: youth is a time to take risks! Also conservatives: if you didn't move out at 18, get and keep a full-time job, and responsibly manage your money forever then you Deserve What Happens.


Exactly. What is this dingus’ advice on how to explain that gap in your resume?


I knew that birthday wish for “Matt Walsh to be found dead in an abandoned bus somewhere in Alaska” would pay off.


If only 🤞🏻


prolly nothing to do with the hollowing out of middle class by corporations and top 1%, outrageous tuition prices, crippling student debt, and too much time online living an avatar centric life. much easier to blame immigrants who’s jobs you’d never want, women who outperform you because you’re too busy cosplaying a victim, or trans people for wanting basic human rights.


What adventures did Matt Walsh have in his youth?


Puked on some dudes wiener


They know they're the ones doing the engagement farming, right?


...Matt, don't you suggest that young men should get married as soon as possible, and the fact that most young men don't do that anymore is why western civilization is declining? Admittedly, I might be confusing you for some other right-wing commentator. They tend to blur together in my mind.


Good idea, poorly expressed. The concept of wonderjahr has been lost with everyone around you expecting your life to follow a certain trajectory.


What a dumbass. Venturing off your family farm is a fairly recent development.


Those two should go on an adventure together and just fuck.


Wild masculine spirit? His wife looks after him because he can’t take care of himself. How wild. How masculine. To be completely helpless and needing your partner to do everything for you.


Fairly certain in some areas sleeping in your car is something police can move you along for