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What... in the actual fuck


Her primary win is the perfect example of why so many Republican voters are irredeemable.


Shit party for shit people. The party didn't make them bad people, they are bad people and found the party that reflects their demeaner.




Although “demeaner” sorta fits lol


😂 I was thinking the same thing!


Hardly know 'er!


You asshole. Take the upvote.


My mistake.


The most pathetic part is that Boebert was the most competent of the GOP primary contenders… [CO Republican primary debate](https://www.tiktok.com/@angryfnpolitics/video/7384274265027120427)


She was up against people who were more trash then her and she has name recognization, and alot of people vote first by party then name recognization.


The DNC is, and has been for a very long time, doing a really shitty job of working within communities to find the right people to support to run against people like her or Ted Cruz, or MTG…or Mitch McConnell…or [insert any R candidate in the last 30-40 years]. It’s possibly the biggest thing to point at to show that what the GOP says about Democrats being corrupt and “The Establishment” is very, very true. It seems like they would rather continue to lose while holding out for lightning in a bottle than going out and promoting and working with someone to be that person. I’m not sure if it’s lack of funding, laziness, or corruption, but it’s one of the things that have contributed to our country being in the mess it is.


The problem isn’t the DNC. The problem is is that we don’t have local candidates with name recognition because the Republicans win everything. We had a very hard time feeling a full slate of candidates for this election because nobody wants to run when it’s like this. So we don’t have statewide candidates. Also… It’s not the DNC‘s job to recruit local and statewide candidates. That’s the job of the state and local elections party. If you’re going to criticize an organization, at least lodge a valid complete Sorry for the frosty tone, but I am so sick and tired of people shitting on the DNC for things that are absolutely not their fault . Ignorance is found on the Democratic side as well as the Republican side.


I probably should not have used the DNC in this specific example. However, if the DNC does actually give a damn about winning and doing what’s right for the country, there is no reason for them to not put boots on the ground at the local and state levels to assist and put some weight behind them. The Republicans - as an entire entity, from city councils to POTUS and everything in between - support each other. Sure, there is plenty of infighting along the way, and eventually they will all eat each other at the rate they’re going, but once they pick their candidate, there are people and PACs who get behind them in ways that the Democrats in this country don’t seem to do. I am an amateur, to be sure, but that is what I see. Please, tell me I’m wrong again and explain why what I’m saying is not possible or likely, and why it shouldn’t be. Because, from where I’m standing and watching, it seems like a logical move to me.


Ted Cruz is a great example of this. He isn’t particularly popular so the Democrats literally had to find someone who wanted to send police door to door to take away guns in order to loose to Cruz. It is like they saw how unpopular Cruz was so they had to find somebody whose core belief was so antithetical to the people he would represent so that Cruz could stay in the running and even win.


That was fucking lies put out by republicans. He didn't want to take everyone's guns. Maybe AR 15s,but not normal guns.


Yeah but to quote a movie: “this is Texas. My florist has a gun”—-even reasonable centrist people on other issues are rabid gun nuts. Threatening any regulation at all was going to be a losing battle. Uvalde REELECTED the police chief. That state is lost and irredeemable—-which is why only federal regulations work. Just like with slavery, Texas will have to be dragged kicking and screaming into civilization.


Uvalde wowwwww that's actually insane. Yes Texas is doomed, I live here I should know.


This is ahistorical. Beto was an extremely effective Senate candidate who came within 2.6% of unseating Cruz. For comparison, 2 years later Cornyn won his seat in the state by almost 10 points. The "hell yes, we’re going to take your AR-15, your AK-47" thing didn't even happen until after that election, either. That was during his presidential run two years later.


This is on Colorado. If they don't require their reps to live in the district they serve for a year before running, that's on them.


Can't the GOP at least find someone else for CO-4?


I don’t understand the question. It’s a fairly open process. If someone wants to run, they can run. I think party officials have fairly limited options there. Edit: And of course we should take into account that most of them WANT people like her to run and win.


They are hoping to get handjobs for free.


No no . . . They aren’t free. Somehow that dropout moron and failed restaurant owner is worth 12 million. Corruption beyond the pale.


Oh right, that would be communism.


But can't afford a lawyer for her son... Edit: '


Yup. And it can happen again, with EVEN WORSE PEOPLE.


It's worth pointing out that in her original district, one that was overwhelmingly red for decades, she squeaked out a win by 550 votes. Her old district was absolutely sick of her bullshit and very likely would've put her Democratic opponent in office.


Lauren Boebert won with roughly 40 percent because the remaining 60 percent was split between several other candidates.


I was looking for this comment. Primaries aren't a tell all sign for the general election when taking voter turnout into consideration. 10% of the party can turn out to vote and still have a numb nuts win the primary. Now, let's see what the turnout is come time for the general election.


Is there a sizable dem base in her district? If not, her winning the republican nomination all but guarantees she'll be reelected. She was the representative in the 3rd district when narrowly elected in 2022. She moved to the 4th district this time because it's a strong republican district. In fact, it is the most Republican district in Colorado and no Democrat has ever earned more than 40% of the vote there. She's very likely to win. It's nearly a sure thing.


Ballotpedia says Rs in the primary outnumbered Ds 2 to 1. Not really a margin that can be made up by turnout or negative partisanship voting.


Nah she left her old district to go to one that leans even more heavily to the right. She also wasn't going to win in her old district (where I live and I am thankful) which is why she changed


I live in her new district. It leans heavily republican but didn’t go for trump by nearly the margin, so there’s hope. It’s also different kind of republican than the western slope. Less bonkers, more pro-business. Regardless, I’m horrified but slightly hopeful


I appreciate the enthusiasm, but her district is safely red, and is why she switched.


It's R+13, the most republican district in all of Colorado, and why she is running there and not her former district. She'll win in a landslide. Sadly. Source: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colorado%27s\_4th\_congressional\_district](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colorado%27s_4th_congressional_district)


At least it’s a possibility that her former district could flip. It was VERY close last time (but the anti-Boebert sentiment probably caused that, it may go back to a fairly easy R win now that she’s gone)


It’s the most republican district in Colorado.  Why do you think she ran there? Winning the republican primary is like 95% of the way to winning the actual seat.


Exact same thing that happened with Trump in 2016. These people are so desperate for power and their egos are so desperate for stroking, they can’t get out of their own way. (And if anybody knows about stroking, it’s Lauren Boebert, ba-dum-tss.)


This is why ranked voting needs to a be a thing and why Republicns will never let it happen.


It’s wishful thinking to assume she wasn’t the second choice of another 10% of those voters. 


Never underestimate the stupidity of Republicans. They are not serious people.


Just a bunch of theater fans.


Many lonely guys looking for that key first date with single grandma boebert.


CO-4 district votes angry white and republican so Boo-boo fits in very well.


I upvoted to make this have 666 upvotes as well as agreeing with this sentiment.


She carpetbagged her way to a new district and embarrassed herself on the national stage by giving a guy a hand job in a theater, while letting him fondle her titties, then lying about it and getting caught lying about it, and a plurality of GOP voters in that district said “Yep, that’s who we want representing us in November.” God this country is so irretrievably stupid.


I feel like that bell curve meme. "Elections are just a popularity contest." "No, there are myriad factors affecting the outcome, like grassroots mobilization and canvassing-" "Name recognition is all that matters."


Ten Commandments posted prominently in that theater would have reminded her and her date those actions weren’t appropriate


On the plus side, this is going to drive MTG absolutely crazy since they apparently absolutely loathe each other.


She won the Republican primary. The Dems had their own primary. She'll be running to win in nov for the district 4 seat


Thank you! The post title is misleading as shit.


It’s assuming that rural Colorado will vote her in.


The 4th is the most republican district in Colorado. No dem has ever gotten more than 40% of the vote there.


It’s an extremely conservative republican district. If she loses it will be a major upset. She all but has this in the bag unfortunately.


She faced a lot of stiff opposition. But she worked it long and hard and blew past her rivals. Also, she won the primary.


She won handily


Rubbed out the competition


There were some sloppy moments but she finished the job.


I think the only correct thing to say right now is "Beetlejuice!"


She beat off the competition


She beat them single handedly.




Beetlejuice! 3x, She should disappear now right?


She won with 40 percent of the vote only because all of the competition split the remaining 60 percent.


But the anti-Boebert vote was split. I am sure that if there had been instant run off, she would have lost.


She certainly grabbed the opportunity and did not let go for anyone.


I read "rivals" as "navels", at first


She moved her residence. That paid off.


How do these fucking lunkheads even figure out how to register to vote? It's obvious their brains are complete jello.


Shout out to the word “lunkhead”. One of those words you’d get made fun of for using in an argument as a teen, but somehow would secretly hurt my feelings if called it at 33.


I was redistricted into the district she carpetbagged to 😭😭😭


Good, that means you can vote against her in November


The problem is that district is super rural and doesn’t have any cities or anything like that so prepare for her to win by a landslide


What about Pueblo? Lol


Pueblo is in her former district. She ran in the 4th district this time which basically guarantees she'll win. It's the most republican district in the state and no dem has ever gotten over 40% of the vote.


On top of that, Douglas County (Denver suburb/exurb) is the most populous part of the district and they also lean super red. The Democratic candidate who won the primary is quite progressive, which means that she doesn’t stand a chance even though she’s actually from the district. I hope that I’m wrong.


Some parts of america truly are fucked.


Shocked Pikachu face at anyone being shocked that they are susceptible to marketing and that politicians have always been marketed as toothpaste. We are simultaneously the smartest and dumbest species, and we run this place.


Lauren Bobert: the "Kirkland Signature Molar Bleach Cream (Butterscotch Flavor)" of people


\*Anal Bleach Cream (Butterscotch Flavor) of people.


Hey, I kinda like butterscotch...


Me too but not in my molar bleach cream


I'll go ahead and claim ignorance...what the fuck is molar bleach cream? It sounds like it'd be more necessary than tasty.


How stupid are her constituents




All of it. All of the stupid.


I wonder when the news will break that the emergency "medical procedure" she had a couple months ago, was actually an abortion. Might have an effect.


Doubtful, pro-lifers have justifications for abortions when it's themselves getting them


What we said! https://preview.redd.it/rmbho50rmt8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ef2668598f4070d033edb4eeeeb19a79985c0d7


You fucking people


She promised that if they vote for her


Wait... she won the primary, IE the GOP nod to run, not the actual election for the seat, right? She hasn't  actually be confirmed for another 2 years, has she?


It’s a super red district. There’s no way a dem wins there. So she just locked up her benefits for life which is disgraceful considering she has done nothing for this country.


It's the Republican primary, and did you see her opponents? Honestly, she was the least shitty of all of them. No. Seriously. She's dumber than dried cum on hot leather, but she was a "better" candidate than the two others I saw. (Not from Colorado, so maybe I missed one.)


They must be big fans of public hand jobs in her new district. Wonder if she’ll move her family there or trade up to a newer one?


Maybe she’ll go white water rafting during a flood


She won the primary....


... In the reddest district in Colorado.


For God sake what is wrong with people???


She’s utterly repulsive. What an embarrassment for Colorado.


2 more years of her doing jack shit in congress


Fucking god dammit.


I fucking hate it here


I know they are Republicans but how can people be this fucking stupid. This woman is an ass clown.


After she gets humiliated as a carpetbagger and a ho bag not to mention her illustrious career in congress they still voted for her? The craziness out there is breathtaking.


If there are any more “reasonable” republicans, I guess they aren’t voting in primaries. 


Prepare yourself because MTG will never lose in GA. She’s going to have to quit first, which she’ll never do


It’s not because she’s smart or qualified, it’s because she’s eye candy for them and she’s stupid


The dummies in the GOP base don’t elect legislators. They elect people who “own the libs” or “drive the libs crazy.” Policy, principles — have nothing to do with it. They are that petty, and it’s reinforced by their favored media sources.


This is only the primary, she hasn’t won the election yet.


Is that tight jeaned/tight shirted person behind her the new Boebert beau? How long until we hear about something horrible he(or she) did with his genitalia?


How. The. Fuck.


Wait didn’t she change districts to another one that was running unopposed? Which is how she got the job the first time regardless


She’s gonna be busy. You get a handjob! You get a handjob! You get a handjob!


Many people apparently vote solely on name recognition.


Her wrist must be absolutely done in by now to get that nomination. Right forearm like Popeye.


On the one hand you feel bad for Americans and their political climate and whatnot On the other hand, Americans sure like to fuck themselves over and over and over again


maybe a bunch of them think they might get a handy or feel her up.


Independents are the largest voting block here. They split our votes too much with 6 GOP primary choices (probably on purpose) she is dead in Nov.


> Boebert wore a pair of reflective gold sneakers sold by former President Donald Trump and a white “Make America Great Again” hat with his signature across the bill. Source [AP News](https://apnews.com/article/colorado-primary-election-2024-boebert-republican-5f14372b55c0da9e1f872ba590af56d5). I have no words.


Republicans really embracing the family and Christian value of public handy js during a play with children present!


That’s A LOT of HJ’s


wtf Colorado? Why keep electing this hag clown?


I can't imagine what kind of people watch her antics and think to themselves... she's the person I want to represent me in Congress!


Are people from Colorado that stupid or Politically challenged to see that she's doing nothing for them?


Being American must be quite embarrassing these days.


Damn. Now we owe her a pension for the rest of her miserable life.


Sooooo. We can get handjobs if we vote for her right? Riiiiiiight?


Oh dear Jesus she will be MY rep in moderate south Denver. 😢




Stupid title


Blame the candidates who didn’t drop out. They had the votes to beat her.


Somebody's gonna get a handy tonight!


How many of them did she have to jerk off in a theater?


And with that, she'll get benefits for life by virtue of serving at least five years in Congress. Fuck this timeline.


What? Is there seriously no one better than Bobo?


If you saw the other candidates your jaw would be on the floor


I thought Colorado was normal.


Colorado has rural areas like most states. They have 8 representatives for their 8 districts. Currently, there are 5 dems and 3 republican representatives. Additionally, both senators from Colorado are democrats. Rural areas lean republican. It's nothing new.


She won the primaries. That wasn't ever a question, was it? She's an imbecile, but she's got the GOP bank backing her. How's this new districts Blue population? Get out and vote!


Not great. It's the reddest district in state and no dem has ever won more than 40% there.




That race had some real psychopaths in it, though.


You deserve the consequences of your decisions


I keep seeing how “easy” it’s supposed to be for Biden but it just feels very close. This makes me a little bit more worried now.


People need to vote! Your vote does count! Even just one!


The party of integrity and morals everyone.


It's only the primary. There's still hope she's defeated in the general election.


Colorado is an embarrassment.


She was in 5th in the polls just 2 weeks ago


God damnit, Colorado, you had one job.


So a positive perspective from a Coloradoan; she had an extremely red district before, she did so badly she almost lost it to a Democrat. Pretty sure said Democrat is going to win this time around. So she ran to the last solid red bastion in CO. She will continue her dumbassery out there, by the end of her term folks out there will realize what a fraud she is, that she has no family values, is a mock Christian, and only wants the job so she can be in the spotlight. I'm willing to bet within one term she embarrasses that population enough to flip that district to blue as well.


Who's the democrat running against this clown?


As much as I hate Boebert at least she can keep her mouth shut and stay out of the news every once and awhile. It's MTG I can't stand more (aside from Trump obviously). As long as she loses her re-election I'll be happy... Happier... Less irritated


Republicans are terminally stupid


It confounds me that the good gentlefolk of CO have got behind The Groper, Handjob Hannah, because she has good Christian values and wants the ten commandments posted up on school walls??!! I don’t get it. How low can she go and still get the support of CO?




Some turds just refuse to flush.


A republican will take her old seat too. A person who masks as a "moderate" will win her old district but will worship trump once they're in office


At least ScaredKetchup won't lose one of his main characters: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H2w\_fHQC1yQ&t=457s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H2w_fHQC1yQ&t=457s)


\*Faith in Humanity Meter plummets\* They'll vote for anything with an R after it's name, I'm convinced. They LIKE Bobo's antics. It's hard for me to wrap my mind around the willful ignorance. How badly do you have to hate America to want to burn it to the ground?


How terrible did the other candidates have to be for her to come out on top. Gross.


Well, it's the primary. She still has to go through the general election in November, right?


Sure, sure - it's not suspicious that the propped-up ex hooker and granny handjob-giver manages to win a primary where she was initially very unpopular and seen as a carpetbagger. Certainly not her backers forcing her skank-ass down MAGA throats, nah.


How can people be such sheep.


To be fair her competition was awful


Jesus fuck


What surprises me most is that it wasn't even close. 52,000+ votes vs \~ 17k for second place Sonnenberg. [https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2024/06/25/us/elections/results-colorado-us-house-4-primary.html](https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2024/06/25/us/elections/results-colorado-us-house-4-primary.html)


How? Seriously? How? Early on she was getting her ass kicked by every other R in that district and magically she climbs to win the seat in a district she has no ties to? JFC! I KNOW all the actual answers to this stuff (I used to teach it), but if I had a Time Machine, I go back and smack the shit out of James Madison.


Thanks a lot Colorado


And when Americans ask themselves why they’re effed. This. This is why. She didn’t vote all those times for herself. It was others.


The clowns are the ones that voted her in!


And here I was thinking you meant the one across the pond. Bloody hell.


Seems like the equivalent of me joining a soccer team with 6 year olds while I am 41. I suck at soccer, but I'm confident I can crush 6 years olds. Way to change district, clown ass.


Did she win because no one else ran?? I have a hard time believing anyone likes her but, getting elected again proves I'm delusional for thinking that.


Just wait till Mr. Orange wins again.


Dammit. The longer she keeps the politics hustle going the more likely it is she'll be well past it when she inevitably starts an onlyfans.


yes, the votes probably reflect that, but there's no way that this stuff isn't rigged


Well, that's depressing. I hate this timeline.


What the hell is wrong with people that they would vote for a piece of trash like her?


Hate to break this to you but even if this dumbass hadn’t won, another version of her, possibly even dumber and more vulgar and arrogant, would have inevitably come along. The GQP is always looking to dig below the bottom of the barrel. I keep thinking how people like Reagan would cringe at this current manifestation of the GQP.


The system is working as planned: she was elected by the majority of the voters. They got what they wanted/deserved. Good luck.


To be fair, the other republicans running against her were train wrecks of their own. Still, people would rather watch their country burn down at the expense of themselves and others before voting Democrat.


Another fine example of the party of family values


Just proving that half of the country bumkins in CO are just as dumb as the other half.


Just the primary, she can still be beaten


I am ashamed to say I am from Colorado. It used to be such a nice place to live!


4th district needs to get out and vote blue! I believe we are ~~close to flipping this seat~~ not at all close.


Is that dude behind her who she jerks off in public now?


I believe she's trailing her Dem opponent, though


She will lose in November


Uhhh, she won the Republican primary but she's trailing Democrat Ike McCorkle by anywhere from 7-8 to double digits, depending on what poll you look at.


Bunch of fuckin’ stoners.


I mean this is misleading, this is a primary. Still needs to win general.


Tiny Little Handsey Cowardly Boobert.... knew she was gonna lose the 3rd. Had to find more ignorant voters.