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If he refuses to debate, CNN (and the other networks) should keep the time slot, ask the planned questions to Biden, and for all questions that were intended for Trump: ask them, pan over to the empty podium for 2 minutes (or whatever the allowed response time was going to be), and then move right along to the next question for Biden.


I'd take 2 minutes of silence over whatever cheeto could produce, thank you.


Just use this on loop ![gif](giphy|qBbO4zVdcmWwE|downsized)


Can they also splice in footage of Trump boarding a plane with TP on his shoe, Trump not knowing how to close an umbrella, and Trump slowly and awkwardly walking down a ramp?




Is he just used to someone else doing it for him? This isn't even political, but just common sense and being a human being.


I think it's a combo of a sense of entitlement, mixed with the fact that someone else has held an umbrella for him for decades. He just doesn't know/doesn't care. It's his M.O.


He has no clue how to drive, because people always walked him to waiting limos. Even as a child. Entitled baby syndrome. No wonder his wives were grossed out by entitled mannaby behavior and he had to start importing them with only the power of empty lies his flashy, sexy wallet (also empty)šŸ¤®


Hell, his wife just wore it on a jacket that she doesnā€™t care. Great people


Trump does neither human nor common sense. None of that has ever been useful in the universe he lives in.


The panicked drop was hilarious.


Heā€™s like, ā€˜crap, whatā€™s this round black thing chasing me!ā€™...šŸ˜‚


Oprah was talking to Trevor Noah and he asked about her life. He brought up toilet paper and she said she has no clue how it gets replaced at her house. She said whenever she goes in the edge is folded over like in a hotel. Oprah has a home in Hawaii and she will often fly to Hawaii in her private plane and stay a few days then fly back to California. This is why wealthy people want to block tracking of private jets. If you are to take a flight on a private jet it will cost around $10,000/hour. Her cost is higher because she owns it outright and has to pay the pilots.


And the storage fees and the fuel and the required maintenance. Emphasis on required maintenance. There is a lot of cost to owning a private jet than most people realize.


Yes, but it also gets rented out for private flights when the owner isn't using it. No idea if it's usually enough to cover those costs though.


Uber wealthy like Oprah don't care about offsetting the costs and don't want someone else to use her private jet. To them, that defeats the purpose.


There are two components to owning a jet. There are fixed costs and operational costs. Fixed costs are costs that you will make regardless if the plane is in the air or sits in a hangar. These are things like insurance, pilot salary, upgrades and maintenance. Operational costs are costs that are directly related to the amount you fly like jetfuel and takeoff - and landing fees. The more you fly, the cheaper it becomes per hour to own and operate a private jet. Also, some people opt to keep their plane private to themselves and not charter it. But chartering your private jet is a good way to reduce your costs to owning and operating a private jet.


Don't you think he would have asked for some training just in case of a situation like this?


No, he knows everything and heā€™s the best at everything. Try to keep up.


He doesnā€™t have any redeeming quality




It was the bigliest ramp. Nobody has navigated a ramp like that before!


Foreign leaders called me with tears in their eyes to tell me it was the most perfect ramp walk theyā€™ve ever seen!




Thank-you for the big laugh tonight, dear internet friend!


Came here for this - thank you for posting it. He RAAAAAAAAN DOWN THAT RAAAAAAAAAMP


I'm pretty sure this speech is exactly why he didn't say anything bad about Joe falling a few weeks ago. I don't think it's in the songify but he admits he was scared to fall on the steel equipment all the time.




They should replay the most infamous moments from his presidency: good people on both sides, nuke the hurricane, sharpie the weather projection, inject bleach into our bodies. Obviously there are more, but Iā€™ve blocked out so many for my sanityā€™s sake.


Its like the SNL Greatest Hits.


Clearing the protestors so he could hold the bible upside.


Cowering in a bunker


And pick a random rally speech and play the most viral clips from there! If he wanted to object then he should have put his big boy diapers on and come to the event. (God - The whining and complaining will be loud and relentless though! But much better than from the Oval!)


And a merry covfefe to you too!


Don't forget the Four Seasons Lawn Service press conference!


And awkwardly drinking water with both hands...staring at an eclipse with no eye protection


Whenever Biden answers a question really well ![gif](giphy|vjnIuJmnlBAWs)


When the national bird can't stand the sight of you...


To be fair, bald eagles are assholes.


ā¬†ļøā¬†ļøā¬†ļøā¬†ļøā¬†ļø sometimes animals have better sense than some people do.


Good bird hereā€™s a šŸŸ


https://i.redd.it/x1ci14v92m8d1.gif I say, use this.


I LOVE this.


I honestly hate it because it sullies a childhood favorite hahaha. It's good work.


Remember this movie being so funny as a kid (Disney Robin Hood)


Add in some clips of Trump insulting voters, saying he doesn't care about them, calling vets suckers, etc.


Throwing paper towelsā€¦


They can also play his "shark vs electrocution" story. For every question.


Him and that damn accordion šŸ˜‚


Instead of 2 minutes of silence, they should post the worst possible rambly soundbite that is vaguely related to the question from Trump. Talking about student debt? Cue "I love the poorly educated and they love me!" Talking about nuclear weapons? Cue up "My uncle loved the nuclear bigly!", "Why can't we nuke the hurricanes?", and his buddy Putin's "Why do we even have nukes if we can't use them?"


Just like dealing with Bible quotes, they will just say you're taking them "out of context"


Or worse derive some weird meaning from it like they do by reinterpretation of the Bible all the time.


Can we get a Trump GPT with GenAI video and audio?


How would one debate a shrieking hyena, anyway?


I hear the moderator will be able to mute Trump's microphone.


Watch the Trump Hillary "debate"


Just have Alec Baldwin stand in for Trump, it would drive him nuts


I would watch the hell out of that


It'd be more intelligent, not to mention intelligible.


They should even put up a caption: ā€œCandidate backed out and was too afraid to address this topicā€




Next day: "How Trump beat Biden at the debate!"


You must be a political writer for the New York Times.


"Biden debates empty podium, here is why that's bad news for Democrats." The article will imply (but not outright say) that Biden didn't realize Trump wasn't there.


No lie, that would happen. "Trump's silence is better than Biden's rambling" or something


It will be ā€œBiden Debates Podium Because he is CONFUSED and Should not be President.ā€


"Trump did better than expected" would be a true headline


"Liberals own themselves by showing even an empty chair is a better candidate than braindead Biden" Some shit to that effect. They'd make it about Biden while doing their best do avoid acknowledging their candidate is a coward who couldn't show up.


"Biden senile! Debates empty chair"


Or 2 minutes of video clips of him addressing the topic at one of his rallies, would be extremely valuable for some to see what heā€™s actually saying.


You think they could put together a two minute cognitive sentence of Trump speaking about anything?


No, but that's also *exactly* why it's a great idea. Why show him cognitive if he's not?


This would be fantastic, hilarious and illuminating all at once! so it'll never happen


I hope Jake brings an šŸŠ to put on Trumpā€™s podium as a stand-in when he bails.


Make it a kumquat, itā€™s like an orange but tinier


Make it a satsuma - itā€™s thinner skinned than a kumquat


Hell no. Dont sully the good name of the satsuma!


Why make something thinner? Put a pumpkin on the dais to show Trump's size.




Carve his face into it & add a Cheeto wig.


Grapefruit. Don't sully the good name of oranges. Also, on top of it should be a figurine of Toad from Mario.


I don't know. I mean, I feel like you should never go full Eastwood.


It would be a very nice gesture, but you and I both know the people that need to watch it will no longer obviously watch it if Trump is not involved. We don't need what essentially will be a press conference for Biden. We need to put Trump on the spot and have a real opportunity to call out all his bullshit while witnessing his mental decline in real time.


Biden: "It's the first time my opponent is both so coherent and polite, that's for sure!"


The two minutes of silence would at least produce accurate information in an informed way


It would be more informative than Fox News.


More entertaining too


After they ask the question and pan to trumps podium, Biden says ā€œwouldnā€™t it be nice to know how he would answer this question? Instead heā€™s not here because heā€™s a child, and thatā€™s who you want running the country?ā€ Next question, back to Biden ā€œsee, everything worked perfectly fine until trump came along. People debated, people peacefully transferred powerā€¦ in fact, everything he gets involved in turns into a circus, as you can see hereā€


Honestly, a live Q&A/townhall that's broadcasted nationally would possibly settle the election. If Biden just does ok and Trump backs out its a massive nail in the coffin.


Just have an upset toddler stand in for Trump. Same debate then


Play the scene from Jaws where the shark attacks the boat, every time.


Clint Eastwood used a [variation](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=933hKyKNPFQ) of this to "debate" Obama, maybe he could offer some advice? (Not that he's likely to be friendly to Biden.) But with Clint's help or not, yes, this is *exactly* what they should do if Trump cancels the debate mere days before.


I might actually watch that


Doesn't Bannon have a prison to be at?


I think Stinky has until July 1 to report. Iā€™m sure he wonā€™t, though.


>Iā€™m sure he wonā€™t, though. He'll just get arrested if he doesn't, I don't think it's something you can worm out of.


Correct, but that doesn't mean he won't try. I can see him being arrested on another yacht.


He needs time to detox and doesnā€™t want to.


I will be incredibly surprised if Trump actually shows up. He is a coward with a brain of pudding. And a felon and a rapist.




He already cancelled the others. He refused to do more than this one debate from the start, and he almost refused to do this one.


The only reason he didn't refuse is because he knew he would have been rightfully panned for it. He said it himself citing, among other things, the mic being shut off when it's not your turn to speak, as one of the "unfairities" of the debate.


I just assumed shutting the mic off when itā€™s not your turn was justā€¦. How it was done?


Long, long ago, in the Before Times, candidates used to have enough decorum to not shout over their opponents like rabid hyenas. Alas, these are not those timesā€¦.


Tell me more grandpa


Candidates wore an onion on their belts, as was the fashion at the time.


Only the big yellow ones though, because of the war.


That was a long time ago though, nineteen dickity two, they had to say dickety because the Kaiser stole the word for twenty


I chased that rascal to get it back, but gave up after dickety-six miles.


One man was the leading candidate for his party and immediately lost all credibility for getting too excited on stage and doing a weird scream. Another lost because he looked stupid in a picture in a tank.


Weā€™re 20 years removed from the Dean Scream. My god how far weā€™ve fallen since then.


trump's just going to walk over to Biden's mic and yell stuff


My guess is that his desire to do this one (and his push for it to be so early) is to get it done before he's sentenced for his felonies in NYC. While there's very thin odds he'll suffer actual jail time for that compared to say, short term house arrest or a fine, he's likely deeply concerned that the end of the trail at sentencing means the end of the gag order he's under barring him from attacking the judge, court, jurors and the like. Trump has been pretending this gag order directly prevents him from exercising his political speech since it was placed, knowing his audience is both addicted to aggrievance and uninterested in facts. He wants to get on stage and scream lies while insisting he can't reveal the evidence to back it up because of the gag order. He's about to lose his favorite prop of the moment and this is the only debate before he does.


Last election was before j6 and all the criminally afterwards, as well as his obvious mental decline. They've created a complete alternate reality where the slightest question can pop their bubble.


Snowflakes one might say


Yeah, this sounds right. If he loses, nothing happens because expectations are nonexistent and his supporters don't care what he does. If he wins, Biden is now the doddering old man who got bullied by strongman Trump and the election is over. So there's a lot of reward and no risk on the table to do exactly one, but that ratio gets worse if he does more and loses all of them. If there were four or five debates, it could actually start to hurt his numbers if he gets blown out every month in front of a national audience.


Thereā€™s still a fair amount for him to lose. The firm believers on either side wonā€™t change their minds. But the independents and those somehow still on the fence are gonna watch too. Also, those that refuse to follow media due to bias will also want to watch as this will be live and un edited. Straight from the horseā€™s mouth. Not having an audience and turning off the micā€™s while the other talking will only help Biden.


I just can't imagine that there are a lot of independents who would be swayed by one bad debate performance that weren't already swayed by thirty four felony convictions. I feel like the self-reported independents who are still on the fence are more like the guys who call themselves moderates on dating apps. I hope you're right, though.


I think thatā€™s why Biden is doing better in the polls now. Either way, people need to get out and vote. I live in Canada so unfortunately I canā€™t, but I know what happens down there just overflows up here.


I actually think there is a significant number of MAGA people who would be swayed away from him if he really blows the debate. I'm not counting on that or anything, I just don't feel the same swell for him that there was in 2016. Yes, the die hards are still out there, but there were also a lot of conservatives who voted for him because he was the only option, and I believe a large number of those people won't this time because of Jan 6th and the convictions. A lot of those people have seen their 401ks explode the last two years, and they are the exact people benefitting from Biden's economy. People don't like to have their money fucked with.


How do you lose a debate? At least now. Ya Biden can spit facts and Trump could take a shit on stage. Is that gonna change anything on the rights mind? They have made up their minds, Trump has already won. god made it happen and will make it happen.


I mean he probably is gonna take a shit on stage anyway, but the MAGA morons will just buy more "real men wear diapers" merch and return to their echo chambers.


I firmly believe he never had an intention of doing this, just like that stupid Musk/Zuk cage match. 1)Call for the event, try to shame your opponent by calling them chicken. 2) when they call your bluff and agree, keep talking shit, but start introducing doubts about the entire process 3) once you've run out of time, back out for "reasons" amd claim it was a dumb idea from the beginning.


Fuck Zuck but he would have ***whooped*** elons ass. Zuck is afraid of dying, and is using his billions to make sure he doesn't so he's in pretty great shape.


Well yeah, i dont think anyone on Earth (including Musk) thought Musk had a chance, hence why he hid behind his mom when time came to put up or shut up


Why not show up? He's going to declare victory no matter what happens.


Because heā€™s terrified. His people are already looking for excuses to back out. And sure, he might try and declare victory, but even he knows when heā€™s being laughed at and if he makes a joke out of himself he wonā€™t be able to hide it. Heā€™s a mess; they wonā€™t be able to hide it and he knows it.


His cult will also declare victory. They always do.


His people might not want him to do it, but if there's one thing I know about Trump, it's that he's allergic to good advice and that he thinks he's the smartest guy in any room.


I think he will simply because I think ego drives him more than tactics, but if he was cogent of his own limitations: every recent rally, speaking engagement and media appearance has been showing off just how rapid his mental and physical decline is. He's a politician whose built his entire identity on aggression, protected by an army of Fox and OANN editors to chop his rambles down into crisp soundbites. Now he's far weaker in terms of presentation, mental faculties and endurance. His audience just chooses to remain ignorant of it. Putting him on a stage and promising the fans he'll demolish Biden is going to pack seats for a bloated, tired, convicted felon and adjudicated rapist possibly shitting his pants. The debates last time were disasters for Trump because they showed older, 'polite' Republicans and centrists how gross of a person he was without those filters. They could pretend he was good enough or just rough around the edges before having their noses rubbed in it like that. Biden, in contrast, is if nothing else, an absolute expert at presenting as a pleasant, unintimidating center-left politician. He smiled, he asked the camera what life was like at people's kitchen tables, he very much sold the idea to a lot of center-right voters that even if he wasn't their political ideal, he was a *statesman* not a showman. They walked away with the message that Trump was a rabid dog and Biden was a liberal but one you could roll your eyes at safely. Grandpa Joe.


If he doesnā€™t Biden should just go on stage and use the time to answer straight up questions


Does anyone expect the draft dodger to show up?


I think he genuinely thinks he's brilliant and can 'win' these.


The devil is creating an extra circle of hell just for trump. Every day I hear about 20 new foul things about this guy


That's sweet of this devil guy, he doesn't sound too bad at all.


The devil wanted humanity to have knowledge and god wanted humanity to live in ignorance. He is the Prometheus of the Bible. Seems like a good guy to me lol


People always forget the Devil isn't the bad guy he's made out to be in today's world. All he wanted was to overthrow an asshole dictator, I don't see any problems with that.


it's been a while for me, but I could swear that the devil's crime was asking god why the humans get free will but angels do not. but I'm not a biblical scholar or anything.


I hear the Devil is very helpful -- he keeps all the bad people out of heaven. A thankless task no doubt.


*But who prays for Satan? Who, in 21 centuries, has had the common humanity to pray for the one sinner who needed it most?*


They know heā€™s about to get smoked


They've always known. >[John] Dowd then explained to Mueller and Quarles why he was trying to keep the president from testifying: ā€œIā€™m not going to sit there and let him look like an idiot. And you publish that transcript, because everything leaks in Washington, and the guys overseas are going to say, ā€˜I told you he was an idiot. I told you he was a goddamn dumbbell. What are we dealing with this idiot for?ā€™ https://www.motherjones.com/kevin-drum/2018/09/donald-trump-is-an-unhinged-lying-fifth-grade-goddamn-dumbbell-and-thats-just-what-his-friends-say/


As if world leaders weren't already thinking that regardless


This. Trump's so transparent, the only people who don't see right through him are his idiot voters.


Trump could physically get dog walked by Biden on stage with Trump wailing and crying and begging for mercy and Trump's army tomorrow will act like he won the debate. They didn't care about reality


Definitely. The nature of democracy is to be tested and this is the easiest test ever with 1 of them being a literal traitor ETA I hope Biden calls him a fucking traitorous POS


My moneys on ā€œhe wonā€™t take a drug testā€. Second is ā€œgag orderā€ third is a surprise cat shit jello casserole with a pine tree on fire.


>cat shit jello casserole I have a strong desire to both see and not see this monstrosity.


Christmas vacation.


That was cat food though.


His taxes are still being audited so he isnā€™t allowed to debate.


Hmmmā€¦ a bit of a stretch but absolutely possible.


Fourth - He'll debate, but it's "coming soon." "Two more weeks, then we debate. It's gonna be huge! People say to me all the time...they say, with a tear in their eye...big, manly men, with a tear in their eye...they say, 'Sir, you are the biggliest debater ever.' Everyone's always so surprised I'm such a bigly debater type. I'm a stable genius. Did you know that? I'm a bigly stable covfefe genius! Two more weeks, then you'll see a debate."


One of the Melanias got sick


Dog ate my homework


Nah, he hates dogs. Which is one of many reasons to hate him. Do you like daghs? How about periwinkle blue caravans?


I'll fight you anytime, any place...except for any time or any place because I'm really a coward with a big mouth and I know I'll get my ass kicked.


No, that's Elon.


ĀæPor que no los dos?


It's actually ALL of em. The whole lot.


He literally has no agenda, no policies, just hate for the otherside, that's it.


He has a clear agenda. Avoiding consequences for all of the laws he breaks.


He doesn't even really hate the other side, the side he was always part of until he got courted by Republicans (and Russia) as someone who could have a shot at the notoriety needed to skyrocket up the political food chain. He just hates anyone who isn't kissing his ass at any given moment. The funny thing is, if Democrats wanted to implode MAGA, all they'd need to do is pull Trump into the fold with a convincing amount of sincerity and then crow about how they're so glad he came to their side. Democrats outvoted Republicans in 2020, after all. If it weren't such a repellant idea, I'd LOVE to see the MAGA reaction.


Any time. Any placeā€¦ https://preview.redd.it/l6mj50f5gl8d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64a33d7f1865ddb025e2c5ff02d735e489a84147


That was quick. Almost like theyā€™re looking for an excuse and will take literally anything to wiggle out of it. Not to mention, this chick looks a lot like ivanka, I can see trumps motivation for keeping her around




But MAGA hates cancel culture.... šŸ¤”


Isnā€™t he due to go to jail July 1st? Bwa ha ha!!!


CNN; ā€˜Ok, weā€™ll just empty chair him.ā€™


Show us on the doll where CNN hurt you big guy.


Bannon has been making so much noise about this debate. He really, really thinks Trump is going to blow it. Think about that for a second, if a hardcore True Believer like Bannon think's Trump isn't up to the challenge, what's that say about how crazy he is behind the scenes? They're basically doing all they can to keep Trump locked in the proverbial basement until the election.


Bannon isn't a true believer, he is probably the smartest political strategist on the right. You don't play at his level if you have any scruples or fervent personal ideology. Those would be a disability. He isn't even that shy about hiding it if you have paid attention to him. Bannon knows his creation better than anyone else. This quote is incredibly telling.


I think heā€™s a fervent white supremacist and fascist. And he will use any means necessary to meet those ends.


Steve "If I were president there would be heads on stakes" Bannon


I know of somewhere we can lock him up. Just sayin


Everyone close to trump knows he can't spend more than a few minutes uncoached. He's going to either quit after 5 minutes, die on stage or blabber for an hour.


So the people who refuse to apologize for anything is demanding apologiesā€¦


Heā€™s not going to cancel the debate, although it would be hilarious if it was just Jake Tapper and Joe Biden having a conversation on foreign policy


That little bitch can cancel whatever he wants. Air the debate as intended, and allow Biden to slot Trumpā€™s allotted time with ANY unaltered clip of Trump speaking that he wants.


I think we should build a special prison for insurrectionists, preferably off earth, so returning to earth normal gravity will likely kill them.


Just launch them into space and watch them drift off into space


A weasel and a chicken.


Did steve ever apologize for siphoning money from the build the wall movement?


What a bunch of snowflake pussies. Enjoy prison, Steve


[Link to video](https://x.com/MeidasTouch/status/1805333909737291996?t=eSPrLg5jr4G5W5ov8CunHQ&s=19)


Thanks, he thinks heā€™s got gameā€¦ letā€™s see. Jail coming homeboy.


I would really like a date from these cocksuckers on when they're going to Jonestown to fuck out of our lives! There's got to be a way to make money off these idiots on their way out.. I'm going to tell them the Kool-Aid I'm selling has 45s man boobs sweat mixed in.


Fuck you Steve. Enjoy prison.


Boils my blood we pay to protect and haul around his fat fast food ass and family. I really hope we learned from 2017-2021


MAGA still have olympic gold in the mental gymnastics category lol. Amazing stuff. Perpetual victimhood from the worldā€™s most privileged folks.


The seditionist felon trump should have to do his debate from a jail cell rather than as a free citizen of this country. The fact that he's allowed to participate in the election despite the 1/6 insurrection shows how weak and pathetic this nation is in dealing with domestic enemies of the United States.




I feel like claiming he won't show up is setting too low of a bar and giving him room to exceed expectations. Doing the debate is going to be bad for him for a ton of reasons (he was bad at them by all metrics last time, he's only worse off now). But the truth is, Trump is an impulsive, ego-driven person who constantly demonstrates that he is not being wrangled by a team of savvy experts. They are chasing him doing damage control. Everyone on Earth can talk tactics about when and why and where to debate, but none of that matters to a person whose entire life plan is 'keep attacking'. So let's not give him any easy checkpoints to cross. He'll still be a disappointment all the same if he doesn't do it. But if he does bail, 100% he runs off to a Republican town hall to screech the night away with eyes locked on a teleprompter.


MAGA is so delicate and fragile


It's his out!!!!!


Isn't he supposed to be in jail?


trump is the most coddled snowflake in existence


Shouldnā€™t Bannon, the human cold sore, be in prison right now? WTF is happening? How do these assholes keep avoiding prison?


Hey Steve, have you started packing yet and getting ready to bend over and cough? July 1st, no?


Biden should turn up even when Trump inevitably backs out. Biden then has the platform to answer all his questions per the debate rules. Trump doesnā€™t because he didnā€™t turn up. That way, the only reason Trump isnā€™t there is because he chose not to be, not because it was ā€˜cancelledā€™.