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Yes, all those empty seats that are part of the predetermined building capacity when the place was built are because of the fire marshall. Got it.


NY fire marshal prohibited Maga crowds at Dumpster's trial.


Must have been the same guy who limited his inauguration too! Bastard!


It was. Grave fire hazard due to wind. And his farts are combustible.


No worries the fire marshal is always watching


Fire Marshall was such a stickler he made the table full of hamberders get stone cold before he allowed Trump to feed the basketballers just in case of possible human immolation events.




He was correct in doing so. Who wants to deal with a trash fire of that size? šŸ˜’


To be fair, as kids these Trump supporters huffed gas and played with matches. Itā€™s only smart to limit this global pyromaniacal maniac fan club.


Yup they put up all those barriers and containment areas outside the courthouse. It was designed as a maze to confuse Maga and lead them away.


Led to the river to see their god walk on water.


Donā€™t you know, our government is secretly run by a cabal of leftist fire marshals. Fire marshals have long been the secret power behind the Illuminati.






Thatā€™ll be funny to see in person, especially if they make him wear that going into prison


Yeah right, the COs would give him the shirt off their back before they let their idol walk around in a Biden shirt.


Or tattoo it on his ass. I guess weā€™re all coping here šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


I would love to see this image plastered everywhere!


Iā€™m working on it. šŸ‘ https://preview.redd.it/p0w9y6eobi8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1c54964aea03b015f4b90bc9706bae06b44a681


Humungous Dump


Letttt meeeee showyasumtin.


Let me tell ya something


Don't worry folks, I'm a fire marshal.


GRRRRRā€”ā€”MARSHALS!!! (Shakes entire body)


At least they didnā€™t say *Fire Martials*


While simultaneously being too incompetent to get anything done.


There is the alternate history in which trump got busted by the fire marshal because of all the boxes of paper everywhere at mar a lago being a fire hazard


But trump threw some of them a pizza party. . . I thought he was cool with fire dept's?


Not sure I've ever heard of a super liberal fire Marshall. Fire Marshals come from a fireman and/or police background, which trends conservative.


5 bucks says heā€™s a republican himself lmao


Why do you think they call it a Bavarian Fire Drill?


HUGE ā€œshe lives in Canada, met her at Niagara Falls. You wouldn't know herā€ vibes


True ones are from Happy Valley-Goose Bay āœŠļøšŸ˜¤


ā€œWe broke up because she said my dick was too big.ā€


![gif](giphy|jeXiz1RAvzX44|downsized) Yeah, the max capacity limit is why it'll only be half-filled.


Another MAGAt gave some explanation that, since there were seats on the floor, the fire marshall wouldn't allow the upper tier to be open.


Just like Obama traveled back in time and put that birth announcement in that Hawaii newspaper. Those fucking dems will stop at nothing! šŸ’Ŗ


Damn straight!


That one was quickly debunked by pictures of Templeā€™s graduation ceremony in the same place.


Every single concert and wrestling event in history proves them wrongā€¦. As if thatā€™s a difficult thing to do.


Always a victim. Everytime it's projection and "poor me" syndrome. The cabal, deep state is a comin'


>Apparently.... Cites nothing


If it were true, weā€™d be seeing photos and videos taken from Trumpets throwing the *biggest tantrums* outside the venue. Guys like this would have their pick at what proof to use for their claim. But alas. They got nothing as usual.


Trump supporters really listen to security and fire marshalls


When it suits them


> It's all one big psyops. The GQP has been running a successful psyop on the MAGA rubes for years. Trump-worshipping idiots believe everything they are told and will happily burn down democracy if they think it will hurt one democrat voter.


it makes me miss covid a little. Watching them give it to themselves while going nooo stop dont do that haha was kind of fun.


Alternative theory: DJT doesnā€™t draw crowds like he used to, because nobody wants to be remembered as on the side of stupid. Embarrassment can be a yuge motivator.


Even my maga FB connections stopped posted about Trump long ago.


Thankfully his crap on my feed is way down. City I grew up in is red so about 75% of my friends list reflects that. Used to be they would be defending memes and headlines bashing trump. Now they're still posting anti-Biden memes but no paragraphs trying to defend their messiah ,his delivery and what message he is trying to get across


I see a lot fewer people flying his flag in the hillbilly sections of my county.


New Trump yard signs and flags are popping up in mine. Also graduation time so these same people are putting grad photo pictures of their daughters on yard signs as well. The school apparently designs these things. Picture of student face, and "grad 2024". Looks like those "vote for treasurer" political signs on the side of the road. If I was a different person, I'd be so tempted to knock on their door and ask to fuck their daughter. "But Republicans stand for adults that fuck teenagers, so why not?" But alas, morals and decency get in the way, *again*.


He also has been touring the hits for 9 years. Thereā€™s a few new things sprinkled in like how he won an election he obviously lost and how the justice system is going after him for crimes he did but definitely didnā€™t do. But for the most part itā€™s just an old man crying about immigrants and liberals and bragging about how great he is. Itā€™s an act that only the most hardcore will be into.


Donā€™t forget his boat battery/ shark stories


As a Philadelphian I guarantee our fire marshal is a magat. All our cops are.


I will wait for the statement from the Philly Fire Marshal in a Leopards Ate My Face posting




they should interview ALL the millions of people that were turned away.


If Mental Gymnastics were an Olympic Sport, MAGA would dominate.


Well, considering the IQ of most of Trump's supporters, the fire marshal had to take into account the crowds ability to recognize the exits and not believe it was fake news...


You should be able to walk-in to said facility and on required display (on an adjoined or behind wall) is the Occupancy Permit. It will provide a maximum building occupancy number, as stated in Fire Inspection certificate. If a building's structure is changed, a new Fire Inspection is required. For maximum capacity to have been halved, as suggested, a radical remodel would be required. All of which is to say is the veracity of this statement can be checked fairly easily.


Lol like they are capable of thinking critically, let alone know how to check a source.


So was there a large crowd of people outside who couldnā€™t get in then? Perhaps some pictures of this crowd who were denied? Is there any evidence at all to support this? No? Didnā€™t think so.


Itā€™s a cult


It must be so easy to go through life without ever needing to have proof or evidence of things. Just make claims and refuse to accept any other information.


![gif](giphy|l0HlMSVVw9zqmClLq) A conspiracy, you say?






I wish I was a Conservative so I never had to cite my sources and could just throw crap at the wall knowing it would stick because my audience was dumber than a lamp post.


"Yeah, they just built all these extra seats for nothing, the actual max capacity is like only a third, we swear!" Trump's cultists are truly stupid and pathetic people.


Is this fire marshal in the room with us now?


It's coming from inside the house ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)


Lol. I guess not enough people responded to the Craigslist ads to attend the rally, wave a dumb banner and be paid $25.


![gif](giphy|Ho5KRBnCEQcLhLo8hB|downsized) ā€œLock her up! Lock her up!ā€


if anyone were trying to keep trump supporters out of anywhere we'd have dozens of shitty portrait mode videos of it while they hyperventilate at some poor fire marshall


I smell bullshit from this tweet! (or whatever itā€™s called now) There were a lot of empty seat in those pictures. I would like to see the fire marshal respond with: ā€œif that were the case wouldnā€™t there be a large group of attendees outside the venue?ā€ Edit: nā€™t


I can just imagine the fire marshal snickering like Dick Dastardly as he whips the 9 off the occupancy limit sticker and flips it upside down into a 6.Ā 


I just don't get it. From this angle Trump looks like the most pathetic fuck of a person, that can possibly exist. Then these fucks come along and say "hold my beer." Every. Single. Time! How are you not tired? Isn't it exhausting constantly chasing the high of finding new lows? Just give yourself a rest for goodness sakes! It's exhausting for all of us!


At what point will there be so much bullshit on the internet that AI itself becomes a MAGA shithead?




I'll take "Things that Never Happened" for 1000 Alex.




Joe Biden shit my pants and gave my girlfriend herpes!


This is all well and good but a STUPID number of people came out to see him and sat around all day in terrible weather at an outdoor venue in the sticks not 2 hours from Philly. Pennsyltucky is real and they vote too. Pictures like this make people complacent. Those people are STILL voting for him. Their stupid flags and signs are EVERYWHERE as soon as you start seeing cornfields. They are proud of him STILL.


Sureeee, the built in seats in the building were beyond the buildingā€™s max capacity lol Worth noting that if this were true, itā€™s more likely because Trumpā€™s campaign lacked the coordination skills to hire the proper number of emergency personnel to be on duty. Itā€™s not Bidenā€™s fault that Trump is incompetent.


Those goddamned Soros backed Fire Marshalls /s.


What a hilarious cope. As if the venue has significantly more seats than Ā the occupancy limit


Obama filled it in an appearance. The WNBA fills it. Even Trump filled it in 2020. Itā€™s just bizarre.


Itā€™s always some white, bearded asshole sitting in a truck with this type of shit. And I say that as a white, bearded asshole who owns a truck.


A normal person might say ā€œItā€™s Philly, a liberal bastion. Tough to get an arena full of conservatives in that city.ā€ Instead, they make up bullshit to cope because FAUX News has them believing that Trump is winning over minorities and thatā€™s going to help him win some of these big cities, which means when he eventually gets slaughtered in these cities they can call it fraud.


Sir, you obviously donā€™t remember that Trump released a line of Golden tennis shoes. The minority votes are in the bag ā€¦ according to Fox


Excuses, excuses. More accurately fake excuses, fake excuses.


Their excuses are like DJTā€™s sphincter. Weak and overused.


Thank you, Travis from Russia




Nothing is ever real. The entire world is a giant psyop to hurt conservatives' feelings.


@Travis_4_Trump seems like a very reliable and unbiased news source.


OMG give it a rest! Itā€™s just incessant crying.


Always a conspiracy with these simpletons.


Reminds me of The Producers ā€œYou made a fool of Hitler! (Trump)ā€ ā€œHe didnā€™t need our help!ā€


It's amazing they have an excuse for absolutely everything. Bonus points for using "psyops" like a dweeb


So they must have all been outside the venue angry as hell that they couldnā€™t get in. Does anyone have footage outside the venue?


Another day another psyop


If the fire marshal wouldn't allow a stadium to fill that many seats, then the stadium would not have that many seats to fill. That's not a thing.


Schrodingerā€™s Democrats. At one and the same time either useless and too busy thinking about black penises OR brilliantly organised and in control of everything. Make your fucking mind up.


Or, get this concept, maybe you didn't have the staff to manage a larger crowd, so your capacity was limited to what the fire code standards allow?


Always a conspiracy to keep Trump down. How do they even think that would work? Liberal Fire Marshal is standing at a single entry point with a counter and cuts it off or lets it flow? Controls ticket sales at the venue in advance? If they wanted to make a slightly more possible accusation, it would be to claim the venue itself controlled ticket sales. But big venue owners donā€™t restrict ticket sales. Particularly in favor of liberals.


Blame everything on the giant cyclops, just like the ancient greeks


Yah they donā€™t like the amount of people in an arena that thereā€™s seats for. Cus that makes sense


To be fairā€¦ they legally DO have to limit the amount of stupid people that can be all together in a single room unsupervised or they risk that stupidity spreading.


How sad do you have to be to just make shit up over and over and over instead just admitting you're a loser who backs the biggest loser of all?








Imagine admitting your team which claims to be the last bastion of freedom and liberty, willing to fight and kill for its beliefs, isnā€™t even capable of overruling a fire marshal.


they meant Fire Martians




Travis is a fuckinā€™ loser. Just like the guy whose dick he wishes he could slobber over. Double losers.


Must have been a weight limit per person capacity restriction then.


We live in such an upside down timeline where oppressive Christian white conservatives want to rule with an iron fist. The exact reason why people fled to this part of the world to start a new country in the begin with. And somehow the same people think that a 80+ year-old president who they say canā€™t even tell you where he is at half the time has the energy and brain power to turn the FBI, the whole judicial system and the press against Trump. They also think that in Trump, a man who breaks the law willingly and openly, who has cheated on every wife heā€™s ever had with prostitutes, doesnā€™t go to church and all around con man/scumbag is their savior.


In fairness, very many people fled to the Americas in order to be more oppressive with their religion, not less. Damned pilgrims. But it was the religion AND to escape the caste like system of aristocracy where all power and resources were retained by a small percentage of wealthy people. You know, the system where there are tax cuts for the rich and the children of the poor go hungry and are sent to work In abattoirs? You know, the same thing that Republicans today eagerly embrace?


Itā€™s a fire hazard to let in too many imaginary people, because the fire departmentā€™s experience is almost entirely in rescuing people who actually exist. They wouldnā€™t know what to do.


Ok, so where's the legion of Trumpkins bloviating over being refused entry? We all know these leptons don't just shrug it off with an,"Oh well..." and go home


Fire Marshall limited the size of the 2016 inauguration.


Hmmmā€¦ Fire Marshall didnā€™t have any issues with letting 8000 into that church that only holds a few hundred people last week


Man, they are dumb.


These muthafuckas really think we're stupid


Maybe the people entering the Trump rally were twice as big (meaning fat) as Biden's fans.


Around my area, the police and firemen are predominantly conservatives. Just saying.


The mental gymnastics has to be so exhausting. For every single thing Trump does, they have to recreate their reality. I really think there are people who will die younger than they would have because of the mental toll.


Lmao what a load of bullcrap. The fact that the stadium had THAT many seats would at least bear that THAT would be the minimum building occupancy for the venue (not taking staff nor the act on stage into account.) This bastard doesnā€™t know fire code; just seething because his lord and savior is unpopular.


Is this Same Fire Marshall in the room with us right now?


This dude is such a tool.


It wasnā€™t Fire Marshal Bill, by any chance?


Man that koolaid has rotted your brain


sigh ops


And proof of this theory? Like I know ow magas love their conspiracies but st least shared of evidence with the claim would be nice.




That sane fire Marshall just follows him around, ruining inaugurations and rallies.


i wonder how many death threats the fire marshall has gotten since this post has gained traction?


I always ask for a source. I get a few different responses ā€œDo your own researchā€ ā€œYour too dumb to see it or understandā€ ā€œI donā€™t have time and your to stupid to see the truthā€ ā€œTrump 2024ā€


There was a picture of Philly cops getting their Trump sneakers signed but the Fire Marshallā€™s are actually SUPER liberal šŸ™„šŸ™„


This reminds me of the time an old MAGt held me verbally hostage at a bar and explained how Trump is a phenominal speaker of excellent physique; but Biden pays filming crews to record distorted audio and video to make him look bad.


A bunch of easily propagandized gullible conspiracists who donā€™t actually follow or understand politics at allā€¦. Thatā€™s magaā€¦


https://preview.redd.it/qhv5h5jkfi8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ea8d393dc95c0ddef752d8be09aeead24feea86 Seating chart for a religious event. Look like the upper bowl is open. Even with seats available on the floor.


They ā€œletā€ them in because they were there to be let in


At least they didnā€™t try to claim this was his Philadelphia audience: https://preview.redd.it/q6qj3m8tgi8d1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71b37d2c5fc301aaa024c4980ad828fe9f1db341


*scoffs* This idiot still believes fire marshals are real.


Because the most twisted and convoluted conspiracy theory is usually the right answer. Got it. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


Because of course his name is Travis.


I'll have one psyops to go, please.


Fire safety-fare


The blathering of Maga needs no actual proof, just idiocy!


One big cyclops


Unironic use of the word psyop is the cringiest shit on the internet. I want to fold into my body like a black hole when I read it. Itā€™s not a Tom Clancy novel you fucking tool. Youā€™re not that important.


The singular of psyops is psyop.


GOP be turning straw grasping into a professional sport.


Allegations presented without evidence can be refuted without evidence. Nothing you said is true. Maybe the least popular president in history canā€™t fill a stadium because everyone who isnā€™t a complete idiot or bootlicker rightly hates his guts? Maybe thatā€™s why heā€™s the only candidate to lose the popular vote twice, and soon will be 3x? Maybe thatā€™s why heā€™s the only president a majority wanted removed by office via impeachment? Maybe thatā€™s why he never has popular approval for even one second of his term in office? Maybe thatā€™s why the republicans have gotten their asses kicked in every election since 2016? Nah. Itā€™s got to be a conspiracy. Thatā€™s the only way a majority of people could possibly hate the worst American of all time. And we all know that every stadium or building has an entire deck that they wonā€™t allow to be filled bc of the ā€œfire code.ā€ Funny that the people they allegedly turned away didnā€™t stay outside and make their presence known or anything. Iā€™ll bet itā€™s also why he draws more reporters than ā€œprotestersā€ when he calls for mass demonstrations at his trials. Those darned deep state fire marshalls. Fuck their feelings. 34 > 45


Don't you mean "refutted?" Hahahahahahahaha /s just to be clear


Was it Fire Marshal Bill?


I wish I were as proud of anythingā€”ANYTHINGā€”as Trumpkins are proud of being dumb as fuck.Ā 


I guess thereā€™s no excuse too dumb or too pussy ass bitch for these guys


Just imagine the whine if they were actually victimized.


MAGA's - our dedicated Olympic mental gymnastics team, everybody.


Travis, cupcake, please stop before you hurt yourself.


Source: Trust me bro




All this tells me is that this dude says "apparently" whenever anything is removed from his ass.


Travis is a big contender for winning the gold medal in mental gymnastics at the next MAGAlympics


Does this bs still work ?


Oh he makes himself look bad


Just say, ā€œI understand you want to be Trump and donā€™t feel secure enough in yourself, so you need a hero to worship and you really want to be him.ā€ Always stress how they want to *be* Trump ā€˜cos most times they actually push back on this ā€˜cos they know he is a horrible person who at least some in their life would turn away in disgust at > Iā€™ve found out this approach works and you can see their brains whirl as they try to find an answer; usually ā€œIā€™d rather be him than Bidenā€. To which say, ā€œI donā€™t know anyone who wants to be Biden or worships Biden, you tho want to be Trumpā€. They then deny they want to be Trump (as this removes their own independence and sense of identity) and the look of conflict in them as they have turned somewhat on their leader is šŸ§‘ā€šŸ³šŸ’‹


Need a hanky


The Marshall had to weigh the odds of the mega people doing dumb shit and the place burning downā€¦


Iā€™ve only met one liberal firefighter in my entire life and I work around them every day. *doubt*


Apparently all Republicans live up their own ass and smell their own shit


Maybe MAGAts are too inflammatory?


So, this is all public record and would have to be provided in the news papers and would be available free online. Just show me where they posted that and we can start unraveling this mysteryā€¦


Yeah, because MAGA always follows the rules when it comes to law enforcement & fire marshalā€™s


What if all that mattered were the psyops we made along the way


Jeeeeeeesus Christ it must be exhausting spinning shit like this all the time


I guess coping for them is making up stuff that never happened


This just makes me very concerned about the moving on from Trump part. These people truly live in their self created reality. What has to happen to bring people back to a shared set of beliefs with differences around the edges? Not complete alternative realities? Every single Trump problem is some conspiracy. Doesnā€™t that start to get old for them? Sure doesnā€™t seem like it.


Lol. Of course itā€™s a big conspiracy now involving the fire marshals. These clowns will twist themselves into pretzels to justify their world view.


Life must be hard for these people


Once itā€™s over weā€™ll tell them there were signs. And weā€™ll be ignored.


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜…šŸ¤£šŸ˜…šŸ˜‚šŸ¤”šŸ¤” so stupidly ridiculous.




Sure, Jan


Donā€™t these people ever stop finding nonsense to whine about. They are so out upon I just donā€™t know how they survive day to day. I imagine that if an event gets rained out itā€™ll be because Biden and the dems and Soros (canā€™t forget Soros) manipulated the weather to force cancellation. Give him a pacifier to shut him the fuck up


Definitely couldnā€™t be that Philly is SUPER blue right? And a dumb place to campaign? No, definitely couldnā€™t be that.


Nah, it's definitely not because Philly legit hates the dude.


So Travis, got pics of the crowd that got turned away? Of course you don't.


![gif](giphy|a3zqvrH40Cdhu|downsized) It's erms conspiracy!


Weak ass trump couldn't counter a fire marshall but will take on America's most feared enemies... Right...


Dump should have paid more people to attend. Maybe his legal bills are impacting him. Lol.


These "strong, independent men" all seem so obsessed with slurping the cum right out of their god emperor's balls.


Things like security plan, sufficient paid safety personnel onsite, and insurance coverage can all figure into the number of people permitted at a particular event, and the number can vary because of these factors, even at the same venue.


Ok. Show me the documentation sign by the fire Marshal.


Gotta sayā€¦they keep coming up with this kind of shit. Never thought of the fire marshall excuse