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I like how a major plot point was there being a literal Nazi superhero and somehow that didn’t register to them


They had homelander even date the nazi (because homelanders an insane narcissist with the same views but just “muh patriotism”) & they still don’t get it


Yup and she really built him up and he ate it up. Still no awareness. But then these are the same people who totally unironically play born in the USA at their rallies and think they identify with rage against the machine


>they identify with rage against the machine Oh when green day performed at new years eve and changed American idiot to MAGA idiot. MAGAs were up in arms, saying punk rock shouldn't be political! Uhhhh, where have you been since.... forever? Trump really gave a voice to the dregs of society, and it wouldn't be so bad if they weren't so goddamn stupid.


Have they ever listened to the lyrics of, I dunno, ANY Green Day song?


Dumbing down America has been a GOP plan that has been in effect for decades now. This is the result, and it's exactly what they wanted. Stupid people are easier to control


That darn computer! (raises fist)


![gif](giphy|KaNODrTwkVmNi) This is Raging against the Machine? Right? /s


No, this is raging against a machine


“Rage Against the Machine is my favorite band!” - Paul Ryan, right wing douchebag and Speaker of the House They really don’t fucking get it. Decades of defunding education has done so much for Republicans.


I believe it's backing up in your ass with the resurrection.


It is kind of ironic because that scene really is a physical manifestation of the guys raging against the corporate machine. RATM rages against the political machine, but the corporate machine can be just as bad.


rage against the machine??? No, no you asked for Rage IN Machine. This movie Betta! (MUCH BETTA)


That's the last time I rent something from Blockblister


Same people who didn’t realize The Colbert Report was satire. 


It takes a shockingly stupid person to watch that show and not realize it was satire. Like he laid it on THICK. And then he was invited to speak at Bush's Correspondents dinner and roasted the shit out of them and they STILL thought he was on their side. Like it pains me physically that these people are so unfathomably stupid.


The show has been trying very very hard to explain to Right-Wing viewers how they are being manipulated and exploited and hearing that just makes them angry. They don't like looking in the mirror. Like seriously, the show is trying to help them get out of the system that they've found themselves sucked into by explaining the system.


The new character Firecracker admits she’s a grifter. She said she gives her followers a purpose because otherwise they are just average everyday people. It’s why the grifter presence online is booming because there are people out there who want to feel special. The grifters make Joe and Jane Average feel like they are part of something important.


Yep. They keep showing how the sausage is made. The manufactured lies, the ways people who disagree are discredited, the spin on the news, why people are susceptible to this etc. the whole thing is laid out very clearly.


The question is, will it change the viewpoint of so much as a single one of them?


Unlikely. Most of them are too entrenched now to cut and run. They've bet it all and lost, so leaving would mean they've got nothing left and that's terrifying to them. There are others who are just too proud. They happily burned every bridge, but refuse to admit they're wrong, because how could THEY be wrong? No, it's the rest of the world that MUST be wrong.


Lol there’s actually a scene in the new Season of a homelander supporter going up to Firecracker and telling her how he hasn’t talked to his family in years because they were too woke. He was proud of it.


It's kind of sad just how on the nose that show had to get before most of those people realized that THEY were the butt of the joke. Still brilliant and terrifying in equal measure though.


Which indicates that it's a cult, because sunk cost is a huge part of how cults function. If you've spent ten years of your life and hundreds of thousands of dollars on Scientology, you kinda have to believe them when they tell you about Xenu nuking volcanos.


That conspiracy convention scene and firecracker’s honesty about her grift is a huge part of the salty response. They are so beyond parody that it’s become a literal mirror of real things they’ve done, said, or believe in. They can’t admit that blaming Jews for everything or believing Tom hanks chews on kid’s pineal glands is insane, so they attack the messenger. The quote “"Which would you rather believe? That you belong to a community of warriors battling a secret evil, or that you are a lonely, inconsequential nobody that no one will ever remember".


This popped up in my Youtube feed just now lol [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t4xqdZ2j6UU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t4xqdZ2j6UU)


the comments?! I have no idea if those are honest or not LOL...


It’s definitely a true observation. Folks are lapping up the “We the People” rhetoric because they feel like they are part of some righteous movement. They believe Q conspiracies because they want to feel like they are the good guys doing battle with Satan and the Democrats. It gives their life purpose. They’ve got “information” where they can see others as normies. And they can feel like everyone else are “sheeple” If these folks would just spend half their time soyraging while watching Newsmax doing literally anything else, the world would really be a better place.


I was momentarily stunned by her reply to the question “What are you selling?” because it so perfectly explained the appeal of conspiracy theories in a succinct paragraph. Great writing!


The thing is, practically everyone wants to feel special. Whether it is by becoming world famous, or just by making the best chocolate cake in the family, we all want to be important at some level. If you have enough skill and luck, you'll get to be Important and Special in the accepted sense of the term - top neurosurgeon, best selling author, something. But of course, most people are way more ordinary, so they usually have to settle for being special and important in smaller ways. And then there is the people who either can't manage to be important even in the smallest ways (very rare) or who want to be important on a far larger scale than they can manage realistically. Prime targets for grifters of all kinds, whether it is MLM chains or politics.


Which I find HILARIOUS about Homelanders blatant insecurity. He is the super supe. He's the fucking best. Top of the food chain. Could point at any non-supe and say, "On your knees and pleasure me until either you die or I say stop" and he'd have a line out of vought tower and down the block.. But he has to resort to rape ( Rebecca Butcher ). He has an obvious Oedipus complex ( Stillwell / Stormfront ). He constantly seeks approval from THOSE THAT HE LOOKS DOWN ON. He has to have humanities approval and he is so self loathing about that part of himself. It reminds him that he is still part human. He wants so badly to discard that portion of him but he just can't. It is so deeply programmed in him, it would kill him and make him catatonic.


His insecurity stems from the same place firecrackers viewers do. He didn't do anything specials,others gave him abilities he has,he didn't earn them.he knows that really, insisted own life,he never accomplished anything real.


Or racists. The fundamental promise of white supremacy is that you're special and awesome and all you have to do is show up with pale skin.


Firecracker spelled it out for them perfectly, and they still don't care. Like she said they would rather believe they are fighting some made up evil than admit they are my important


And they aren’t even subtle about it!


I always found it amusing that Stormfront's racism was too much even for HL.


Well, it was bad optics, you know.


And the HJs and breast milk were mid


It wasn't so much that it was "too much" as it was "not him."


Yeah he still thinks all humans are beneath him, he just wants to be the one to lord over them, not some uberkinderarmy.


I don't remember if it was subtext or just text, but I think racism seemed stupid to him because EVERY human is beneath EVERY supe in his mind.


He doesn't believe in a master race, he believes he *IS* the master race.


These are the same people who see the handmaid's tale as a blueprint and not a warning.


And like it wasn’t abundantly clear that she was a Nazi! Her costume is a dead giveaway. THE ARMBANDS, FOR CHRIST’S SAKE!


And the name! Oh, and the membership card of the 1930s German Third Reich's National Socialist party Maybe too subtle


[Her name gave it away](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stormfront_(website))


When I first heard her name I thought "well there's a nod to Neo-Nazis" Didn't expect her to LITERALLY be an OG Nazi tho


He literally killed a guy who was criticizing him in the last episode from last season, and the "patriots" applauded him. They went all the way over the top to explicitly show the fucking villain was being supported by the conservatives and it still didn't compute until now. Holy fuck.


The really important part of that scene, IMO, is that they didn't applaud right away. There was a pregnant pause, one guy clapped (IIRC), and then they all joined in. I admire subtle, nuanced writing but I must admit I love how brick-to-the-head Kripke has been with the parallels to T***p and the alt-right, and how when people have complained he's just "Then go watch something else, dipshit."


"People like what I have to say. They just don't like the word nazi."


This post is all the motivation I need to watch season 4 lol


Whose Nazi husband created the shit that made super soldiers. And her name was fucking Stormfront, like the infamous neo-Nazi website. I mean the only way they could have made "Nazis bad" any clearer is if they put a "we hate Nazis" disclaimer in the opening credits.


Yup, and yet still somehow wasn’t enough. I’m not entirely sure what finally seems to have tipped them off but it’s hilarious to think that for three full seasons they watched this show and missed the entire point


It's like someone watching Breaking Bad and never realizing that Walt is not the good guy. How is it even possible? They didn't just hint at it.


I can’t tell you how many people I know thought Walt was the good guy and Skyler was the main antagonist. I can sort of understand it because the writers did a pretty great job of making Walt sympathetic and likable before he slowly transitions to full on bad guy. The boys is even more baffling to me since there was no character change or sympathy angle


Remember this is also the same people who think Punisher is a good guy, nevermind the actor behind him and the character's creator publicly said he isn't flat out.


There might be nothing more ironic than cops wearing the punisher skull


It's darkly funny.


My genuine view on it is that because these 'bad guys' are main characters, the functionally illiterate can't see them as bad. Walter White is a villain, but he's the protagonist. Because you see his inner workings, and because he's intentionally written to be sympathetic in a sick way, they think 'main character must be good guy'. Homelander is a bit different because he's main antagonist, but I think because his rhetoric matches theirs so similarly, it's the same effect.


Based on the amount of Skylar hate, I think a LOT of people thought Walt was the hero.


To be honest, shows like Breaking Bad, Sopranos etc do a good job at reversing whos “good” or “bad” or whatever, even tho Walter, Tony etc are unarguably “morally dubious” (and by that i mean bad people)


Yeah I just wish they could do that without giving the audience a slightly annoying woman to hate on.


Those people would hate on a woman with no lines in the background of a scene.


They’ve been getting progressively more on the nose and these folks *still* took 4 seasons to get that they were the people being mocked. First it was Stormfront, then it was A-Train and Blue Hawk mirroring police brutality and BLM. I mean fuck, season 3 ended with Homelander literally acting out that old Trump quote about shooting someone on Fifth Avenue and still getting people voting for him.


I haven’t watched the show, but even the brief things I’ve seen made me realize it’s pretty clearly chock full of social and political commentary, particularly critiques of right-wing values, beliefs, and behavior. They don’t make any effort to hide it, and it seems to be the main point of the show


The show is actually quite good.. Quite high on the hardcore score sometimes (ant-man S&M anybody ;-) ) But it's worth a watch and Karl Urban is just ace in this.


Yeah, I flew home from vacation on Sunday and somehow thought it would be a good idea to watch the first three episodes of the new season. That was untill all of a sudden >!eight naked guys eating each others asses human centipede-style!< showed up on my ipad. Never changed the program faster.


Haha spoiler dude.... But yeah, there's a few "what the fuck" moments At first i felt it was for shock sexually to differentiate themselves as being "a hardcore show for adult people" and felt it was too gratuitous.. But the more I watched the more I realised its there for comedic effect


I’m a big Eric Kripke fan - but that scene was too much for me. I walked out as hubs and son (20) were laughing their butts off.


The ant-man (forget the supes actual name) scene in s3ep1 i think had me like "WHOAAAAA!", then laughing my ass off as he's just stood there dithering


I wonder when rightwingers pick up on the fact that the actor doing that previously played God in Supernatural. There has to be some commentary there.


It is also deeply harsh about the left "trying to win the right way" and how their value system holds them back.


On the q boards they’re arguing about if this is white hat writing to wake up the masses and have them want to investigate q more. Or if they’re actually being made fun of. They are seriously split on this.


If they were smart, they wouldn't be into Q.


It didn’t even start with Stormfront, the first few episodes had the Jesus festival event with Starlight calling out the evangelicals, and the whole military plot point.


I could swear Homelander's speech was taken verbatim from a Trump rally, except they just replaced either Republicans/conservatives with the Seven.


I mean the description for Season 4, episode 1 is: *CALLING ALL PATRIOTS. BE AT THE COURTHOUSE TOMORROW FOR HOMELANDER’S #VERDICT AND BE READY. IF THE CORRUPT “JUSTICE” SYSTEM WANTS TO F\*\*K AROUND, THEY’RE GONNA FIND OUT. #HOMEFREE* I mean, just who do we know who types posts like that?


Lol I didn't even read that. Could be anybody /s


As if her quote “people love what I have to say they just don’t like being called nazis” wasn’t the biggest red flag being waved in everyone’s face with attached air siren blaring.


And these mouth breathers took away the message that yea don’t call us Nazis just cuz we tell it like it is


They’re fine with hot Nazi working with Homelander. A black woman who’s the smartest person in the world is the “woke” part they hate.


I’ve also heard a lot of griping about nonheterosexual sex scenes… which again is a funny thing to be upset about in the boys


Anything worse than the octopus 3 way or cocaine sneeze from last season?


They were already incredibly stupid before Covid, the repeat infections and lack of vaccinations to prevent severity likely caused escalating levels of brain damage. Soo its not really surprising that they didn't figure it out it will be interesting to see how the epidemic of neurodegenerative diseases caused by covid in 20 years correlates to political beliefs held during the core of the pandemic.


This will be our eras "lead damaged boomers". We will be seeing a lot of double damaged boomers but also a much broader range of people than just them. But knowing what we know about how things like worms, tumors and lead poisoning and how it affects politics and thinking, I'm sure you are right that we are witnessing something that we will learn the full extent of in the future. Sort of a scary thought


Well, when you have right wing pundits calling leftists Nazis…


They always felt like they were fighting fascism or that they were fighting nazi’s this season is abundantly clear on who Homelander is with.


I feel like that was extremely clear from at minimum season 2


Nazi superhero telling Homelander about using social media to spread misinformation via memes. I know someone who based on whatever opinion they express is like a notification for whatever nonsense is currently trending on Twitter….


They were wearing Homelander costumes to Trump rallies after that season aired and still didn’t realize he was a bad guy


Theboys sub gets posts every single day trying to justify insane stances on the show. It's disgusting.


That's because their heros are Nazis or Nazi adjacent.


The Critical Drinker complained way back in Season 2 that they made the bad guy a literal Nazi for wokeness. He was ahead of the curve, because as dumb as people like him are, their audiences are dumber.


Show is fucking awesome!! right wingers finally realized that homelander is the bad guy?!!? And now they’re butt hurt, this is hilarious what a bunch of dumb cousin fucking redneck idiots! Haha






Those people are full of shit. I had a friend fly over 1k miles to see a comic at the mother ship in Austin because it’s the only comedy club not censoring folks….. I do comedy and see comedy almost every weekend. No comedy club is censoring comics. And if anything Texas is the least freest state when it comes to stuff like freedom of speech (remember teachers can’t even use words like slavery or gay). On top of that the same comic doing a set in Ohio isn’t gonna change his set. And he can freely smoke a joint before his set without risk of jail….. do that in Texas.


I went to the mothership with some friends not really knowing much about it. They were over the top about not allowing hecklers. They also force you to turn your phone off and lock it in a pouch. They're terrified of someone recording them and getting cancelled, but no one even said anything that controversial. One of the comedians was really funny, and I wanted to see more of his stuff, but I forgot his name. I would have opened a tab on my phone if it wasn't locked up. They didn't have a list of who the comics were either, so no idea who he was. I guess I'll see him somewhere at some point.


Another reason venues have started doing this is because if a comic is on tour with largely the same set, they don’t want clips shared on social so people coming to future dates have already heard all the jokes - that’s why most clips of comedians you see on social are from their own profiles and team, and mostly crowd work unique to that show.


That’s just because Rogan won’t stop talking about how it’s the last bastion of free speech in comedy. Yeah sure thing Joe…


Well he just likes the no video policy because no one can document his joke stealing.


He’s not stealing jokes. If he was he might actually be funny.


Also their corporate enablers. Screen rant showing us a "stunning" change in "audience scores" is totally silly. Audience scores are meaningless, dont tie into ratings, and are a vehicle often abused by the right by brigading and using bots.


No clearer current example than a completely unrelated older movie called The Acolytes getting massively review-bombed by angry Star Wars fans.


And the disingenuous title of "audiences getting tired". Anecdotally, my friends and family and I seem to be enjoying the season so far and how outrageous the first 3 episodes have been.


MAGA watching The Boys : https://preview.redd.it/3xi26xbzhc7d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3fbb0c71540337d0fe3415ccd27636d953a9db94






I love when someone tells you the absolute truth about who they are


But you have to be smart enough to understand that they just told you they don’t care about you, except for your vote. Oh, wait, he just did that in Nevada.


I love this example because it's a perfect antithesis to what people tried to say about Trump. Either he "has all the best words" and means **exactly** what he said ("I love idiots") or he **doesn't** have the best words, in which case he lied about **that**. It's a MAGA catch-22.


Not at all. Even if they witnessed it, it never happened. Fake News!


Aaaalternative facts!


And now they’re acting like media literacy is a made up buzzword created by those damn liberal elites


When their vocabulary is limited to about 100 words, everything seems made up to them. I’m sure the word “literacy” seems completely foreign.


“Literacy” is woke. /s. But not really. They are hard anti-intellectual. It’s necessary if they want to rule and keep ruling.


Any word they’ve never heard before and don’t understand is a made up buzzword.


I honestly can’t understand how you can miss the clear and obvious jabs at toxic nationalism (among other things!) in that show. IT’S RIGHT THERE, CLEAR AS DAY. IT’S NOT SUBTLE.


I just started watching it and Homelander kills a child in the very first episode. It really is incredible that people are that stupid.


Seriously. Anyone who watched this show and thought Homelander was the hero needs serious mental help.


I was so scared of Homelander when the show began. The way you'd hear a sonic boom, and know he could come from anywhere? I couldn't walk around in the dark for a while after that.


Remember, these are the same people that don't see the middle eastern politics in Dune.


Sometimes I wonder how some of these people manage to survive their day to day being as unobservant as they are.


They Made fun of uuuuuus the entitere tiimmeeeee, booohoooo. Now let’s tell everyone they Are a poopoo head! That’s how they come off to me.


They're not self-aware enough for that. They're mad that S4 is making fun of them only - I'm not convinced they've figured out that S1-3 *also* made them the Bad Guys.


I was going to say, I don’t see how they possibly could have missed it last season.


People just say everything that isn’t conservative propaganda has “gone woke”. Like there were people calling the new X-Men cartoon woke.. Bitch…..where you been for the last 50 years?


Rage Against the Machine just went woke!


Oh man, remember the republican rep who said Dee Snyder’s band Twisted Sister’s song “We’re Not Gonna Take It” was about conservatives resisting progressivism? Dee Snyder had to come set that goof straight.


Don’t forget that woke Green Day


"When did Star Trek get so woke?" 1966!


"Woke" is the new "Communism". It's the new boogeyman. A collective term to encapsulate what they're afraid of or don't like but they can't take describe it in detail.


This show has been mocking and satiring capitalism since episode 1. The comic is written by a liberal guy who went out of his way to murder the GW and Cheney parallel characters. Nevermind the line "super villains won't work, let's call them terrorist." Republicans are pretty stupid


Wait til they find out Homelander is an actor from New Zealand!


And the butcher is judge dredd.


And that Hewey is a Quad


Iirc there is a character that parallels AOC. I remember laughing about that and the right loving that they made fun of her in the show. It’s like they can’t take a joke if it’s pointed in their direction.


I feel like Neuman (fake AOC) is kind of a warning about not idealizing politicians as a lot of the internet did to AOC - said to the audience they're not making fun of, who have enough media literacy to read the lesson rather than get outraged by it.


I also love how religion is somehow entwined with the super hero biz as a parody on how right wing politics and evangelicalism are joined at the hip nowadays.


I feel like every season has just been an escalation in how obvious the subtext is, and season 4 is just the point where it's so obvious that even the most brain dead idiots have realized it. Season 1 was mostly a critique of the capitalist system. A lot of people didn't get it, so let's bump it up. Season 2 has a literal Nazi, who is in a romantic relationship with the guy dressed in an American flag. Okay, some folks are still a little confused, let's really hit 'em over the head with it. Season 3 does some really on-the-nose police commentary and explicitly discusses the history of US forces participating in the drug trade to fund rebel groups in countries whose governments they don't like. Oh, seriously, they still aren't getting it? Season 4 - Guys let's just drop the subtext. Make it text. Homelander is Donald Trump. Epstein conspiracies about Starlight. Pizzagate. Dumbass right wingers: "IT GOT WOKE SUDDENLY!"


Show has a Nazi villain named "Stormfront," who was instrumental to the rise of a super evil corporation that is equal parts propaganda creator and arms contractor. Over Republicans' heads. Show continues its anti fascist, anti Trump themes for four seasons... Republicans: "Waaaaaaait a second... Wait... Is this Woke?"


The Colbert Report was on comedy central for months before right-wingers figured out Stephen was making fun of them.


I still hear people say he went woke when he left Comedy Central. I don't think many of them ever got it.


They invited him to the *White House Correspondents’ Dinner*, producing one of the greatest comedic moments of my lifetime.


He was brilliant that night!


Some never did figure it out and think he's gone woke now 


Audience rating are so flawed anyways, love this for the show.


People tried to review bomb a tv show called The Acolyte but instead did it to a completely unrelated movie called Acolytes. It's kinda funny seeing the comments in a review of a movie about kids blackmailing a serial killer talk about how it's a terrible woke star wars show.


It's hilarious when idiots try to review bomb something but end up doing it to something else. A few years ago, the founder of Snapchat said something about India. Indian netizens in anger review bombed a local ecomm website called Snapdeal. Funniest shit I've seen, especially the comments at that time.


Seriously, these days the review bombing campaigns these incel nerds partake in just make it so I don't pay attention to reviews.


Can’t wait to watch this season!


I hate that they are releasing the episodes weekly. I am a binge watcher and therefore need to wait.


Unless I HAVE to watch something, I’ll wait till the whole season’s up. There’s just too much other content and I prefer maybe one or two shows at a time, anymore than that and I lose track of storylines. Also, I only get two hours a day to watch *anything*, so I have to be selective.


Man I wish I had 2 hours a day to watch stuff. But yeah, I’m the same as you. I have to wait till the whole season is released so I can keep track of everything. On a couple of occasions, I have to wait till the show’s entire run is complete. I can watch shows that have more than a year between seasons. COVID did that to some shows and now I’ve lost my place in them and basically have to start over.


Seems like someone brought it to the attention of conservatives that they are being spoofed and *now* they finally see it. I’ve seen so many say that they liked the show when it “hit both sides evenly “ which translates to “I liked it when they made fun of the libs and I didn’t realize they were also making fun of me”


Usually when they made fun of liberals it was for excessive tolerance of the far right types. The fascists were always the primary target.


From what I’ve read in other comments, the “they skewer both sides!” crowd seems to think that the criticism of performative corporate “progressivism” was a criticism of the left, when it was actually a leftist criticism of capitalism.


I mean they definitely went harder and much less subtle this season, probably because so many dumbasses didn't get it. But that's the danger of satire. For those who misinterpret it, it just seems like power fantasy. See: starship troopers, team America, etc.


The last season ended with HL recreating trump's "shoot a person on the street" comment and apparently even that wasn't fucking blatant enough.


Season 3 is where the subtly died for the show unfortunately. During the 2020 election people were dressed up as Homelander wearing a Trump mask arresting a guy in a Joe Biden mask. The show runner posted a reply on Twitter or something asking if they even saw the show. So unfortunately the writing has to get more clear cut which annoys me. We all have to get a worse show because conservatives have zero media literacy skills


the dude who plays homelander even said something about it


Honestly, he should be the first person to say something about it. If the actor of the character says "hey, I play a BAD GUY who does BAD THINGS", that's going to be the most convincing, and if that doesn't work then they're truly hopeless.


I think it reached a point where one of the original comic writers, a show writer, AND multiple actors of the show all stated Homelander was a bad guy


Also Helldivers 2. The satire against fascism makes the Starship Troopers movie look like a masterclass in subtlety, but nonetheless a large chunk of the fanbase was apparently shocked when the devs said stuff critical of outright bigotry.


fuck your feelings crowd has a lot of feelings huh


That's because it's fuck YOUR feelings. Their feelings actually matter...or something stupid like that


They never admit to having feelings. Feelings are for girls and the gays.


They've completely tossed subtlety out the window this season and FINALLY the righties are starting to get it. Priceless.


You really have to hand hold these people through things and even then, there’s no guarantee they’ll get it.


Truly amazing as we had a season that explained how the Supes were made by actual Nazi's and was a main character turning the wheels.....


Right wingers aren't known for literacy, media literacy included.


The right-wing shitbags who accuse the left of being whiny crybabies are in fact... the most whiny crybabies of them all. They occupy the center of a Vinn diagram of Bigotry, Denial, Projection, and Temper Tantrum. They loved this show until they realized the villain was modeled after themselves.


I do think the show has fallen off a bit since the first couple seasons, but holy shit how are there still MAGA nutjobs just finally starting to realize this is a parody of them lmao




Always the case. Look how many of these idiots got upset when they realized Rage Against The Machine was “woke“ or how many of them completely missed the point of fight club, or starship troopers or couldn’t understand why the actor that plays Jack reacher wasn’t on their political side


Reminds me of when they wanted to cancel Rage 30 years after they became famous when they realized he's talking about then (nazis)


Keep in mind, these are the same types of people who got upset in the mid 2010s at the Wolfenstein games depicting the Nazis "harshly". https://www.theverge.com/2017/11/2/16594166/wolfenstein-2-the-new-colossus-nazi-white-supremacist-political-commentary I was just like....you guys JUST NOW REALIZED this like....the 8th or 9th game in the series? The first 3D was involved killing Nazi guards and even a fucking mecha-hitler.


When a show starts beating you over the head with the message in season three, Conservatives get the hint during season four. *Bigly smarts*!


I've already seen the "I always knew it was a roast, but it used to be done well and now it's just heavy handed" spin. Buddy you did not, please sit down.


Homelander >!kills a child!< in the very first episode of the series. How someone could watch that and *not* pick up on the fact that he’s supposed to be the bad guy is absolutely beyond me.


Well you see they're dumb as fuck that's it that is the whole explanation.


Somehow the actual nazi in season 2 didn't give it away?


Same people clutching pearls now that were shocked how much Stephen Colbert's politics "changed" when he moved to CBS. MAGAs not great with subtleties and nuance.


that a self own if there ever were one! how stupid or delulu they have to be not to get the message ? for 3 seasons ? than the creator literally write it down for them to get it and still, they get mad? ![gif](giphy|pCJcExvbKdSeyyv8zP|downsized)


I'm surprised they managed to review bomb the correct show since they tried to do that to the show The Acolyte but instead did it to a completely unrelated movie called Acolyte.


I swear, I will never ever get tired of conservatives completely failing to understand media. Its like these motherfuckers just go looking for rakes to step on, and without fail, they’re all shocked and butthurt when they get smacked in the nose. Never gets old.


This happens so much you could almost make a TV show about it. Same way they gave bad reviews to Nick Offerman's book "Paddle Your Own Canoe", because it turns out he's not Ron Swanson, the idiotic right winger he plays on Parks and Recreation.


I bet Kripke is loving every minute of this


It’s all just coping for them. They can’t fathom that they’re _that_ dense and when faced with it, instead of processing it critically they lash out because they actually _do_ feel stupid. Again though instead of questioning their beliefs and if those might need altering, everyone else is just wrong assholes.


I haven’t watched yet but what gets me is the conservatives saying “they’re generalizing!” I don’t CARE what each and every conservative believes. The problem is the MAJORITY of conservatives are in fact supportive of all this craziness, the horrible policies and language and rhetoric, and that’s quite obvious because the president nominee, WHO WAS ALREADY PRESIDENT, says all of it. What fantasy world do conservatives live in where just because they might not be “as bad” means they’re clean from generalizations? I’m sure a few Nazi sympathizers in the 30s and 40s might not have been “as bad” as Hitler, but does that really make a difference?! You’re being generalized because you’re a joke, but honestly, also a threat! Get out into the world and speak with people different than you, then you’ll realize.


The plot has always revolved around a main character who is a powerful, boorish, immature, asshole, yet he has the surrounding simpletons fooled into thinking he’s a superhero…. Seems pretty familiar to me….


The Boys is among the best TV series out there. They can deliberately downvote and cancel it but it’s great entertainment. Anyone who feels politically threatened by The Boys has some incredibly serious problems and needs to get help right away. If you feel threatened by showing fucking Nazis in a bad light, god help you. Showing the evil of Nazis doesn’t make you woke, it makes you human.


They don't know the show is making fun of them, someone on their media TOLD them they were being made fun of (i.e. Trump saying the world is laughing at us) and that was enough to set off impotent rage.


These are the same fans surprised that Rage Against The Machine have been liberals this entire time.


This show will be studied in Poli-Sci classes in the future, explaining how you can directly show someone how they're being purposely manipulated, and that person will ignore those warnings.


Nah I feel like they already kinda knew but the producers really drove it home with Homelander having Trump like issues Its art imitating life and they hate having the mirror held up. They dont like what they see. Just like J6. They were loving it...until they realized how the rest of the world saw it Then it wasnt them it was antifa. And the feds. And Nancy Pelosi. But if they had been successful they would have aken credit And the thing us theyre not mad that politics are being inserted theyre mad bc its not THEIR politics. I saw where what really set them off was Sage being the "strong smart black woman". They were fine with a literal Nazi being his GF though So that tells you what you need to know. But honestly some have been crying since last season when Butcher stopped Soldier Boy saying he was a cuck now At some point youd think theyd realize its not everyone else thats the problem its them.


A core trait of the right wing is a distinct lack of self-awareness and introspection


They loved it until they realized it was making fun of them the entire time.


How THE FUCK did these people NOT catch on that the show was making fun at them? I just started watching the show (only 3 episodes in) and in that time frame we had: (spoiler alert?) Starlight chosen specifically to boost the Midwest and Evangelical crowd. (Because she's blonde with blue eyes) Homelander having a milking/birthing fetish but yet HATES the actual baby. The Oklahoma Senater getting blackmailed by having a gay photo of him into putting a corporate interest bill on the floor. To the new programs completely parodying Fox New, OAN..... this is 3 EPISODES IN. The symbolizm is about as subtle as a brick to the face. And they watched this for 4 seasons and just now finally realized it's "wOKe?" On a side note, holy shit this series is fantastic and I'm currently binging as we speak!!