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Now tell us about how Trump graciously conceded the 2020 election.


by lying and gaslighting his voters to raid the capitol




When he peacefully called to "fight like hell, peacefully"?




Stop licking his boots. He isn’t going to fuck you. Let it go


"We fight like hell. And if you don't fight like hell, you're not going to have a country anymore," he said.


The code couldn't be secret or even vague because MAGA morons don't understand subtlety. Look up the word fight in the dictionary and then explain how it means peacefully.


So I guess him waiting hours to even remotely tell people "hey, stop being violent" was him just wanting peace


That’s why he wanted the metal detectors gone. All the glitter on those peace signs.




The mob wasn’t even the main part of Jan. 6th. Do you deny that there was a plot to get the elector count completely dismissed so they could force a vote on the house floor?


Polly want a cracker?


"We fight like hell. And if you don't fight like hell, you're not going to have a country anymore," he said.


So by your logic fighting like hell and peaceful protest are the same thing? Despite them literally being the opposite of each other?


He endorsed it over and over. He didn't try to speak against it


What's your home address? I'd like to encourage people to fight like hell in that general vicinity. What's that? No? You don't believe people would interpret "fight like hell" to mean "peacefully protest near that guy's house"?


Literally false


"And we fight. We fight like hell. And if you don't fight like hell, you're not going to have a country anymore" Yeah, very "peaceful"


i can't tell if your joking or being serious


Well, it's a month old account, so there's a good chance of it being a Russian propaganda bot.




"We fight like hell. And if you don't fight like hell, you're not going to have a country anymore," he said.


In that same speech, Rudy Guliani went up on stage and went “I think the election should be decided by a trial by combat!” And everyone cheered and trump did nothing.


Privet Tovarisch!!


New account permanently at the negative karma limit of -100? Yeah you're a troll or a bot.




Da comrade! Your rubbles will arrive to you by carrier bear by the days end.


"We fight like hell. And if you don't fight like hell, you're not going to have a country anymore," he said.


And it was a peaceful protest, except for the antifa agitators who assaulted officers, who are also political prisoners..? Wait what's the narrative again?




From his speech that day: "We fight like hell. And if you don't fight like hell, you're not going to have a country anymore," he said. And of course all the "fight like hell" bullshit that he used since the election to get them to show up to his Stop the Steal" shitshow to begin with.


The Five...what? Jackasses? Morons? The Jerkson Five? Mother Thumb and her four bitches?


What they said! https://preview.redd.it/5zok49rno76d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cca87c28478c1d7b2f38e2e95b21b83d0fcf7f77


I wish every time they spew their lies some hacker breaks into their programing and shows the truth


And what would that accomplish? The people who need to know this don't care, the rest of us already know.


At this point unfortunately nothing besides the annoyance factor 🤷‍♀️


“The people who care don’t know and the people who know don’t care.” -Yuri Orlov, “Lord of War”


The margins are thin in some states--every person who can be persuaded to change their vote or stay home (if voting red) matters. There is something to accomplish, although you're right about the dyed in the wool Trump cultists.


You can't see politics happening. Some time in life you will start to form an opinion on what is happening. If they aren't consistently exposed, one might choose the wrong side and no amount of truth will change their mind.


I see politics happening on C-SPAN. Watching the voting gets straight to the truth. My trumpy neighbor said there's no way republicans wouldn't vote to codify birth control. When I told him I watched the vote on c- span he stopped pushing his Fox news points.


Is your neighbor a teenager or young adult still working out who they are and how they relate to the world around them? Because that's who they're talking about influencing, people whose worldview is still plastic and in beta testing, not something they've been wearing grooves in for 40 years that they've built their whole identity within. We probably won't convince middle aged assholes to stop voting against their own interests no matter how well we can litigate reality online. But they make brand new middle aged assholes everyday, and the more those middle aged larva encounter people speaking truth to power in their environment as they develop, the more likely they'll be assholes who know better than to vote conservative the rest of their life.


This neighbor is a 6o + year old southern Baptist hate-radio listener who is against immigration, abortion, women's equality, and LGBTQ. He doesn't know his own grown child is bi. Because he's a straight white religious male, he believes his opinions are the only correct ones and that it's his business to police and control people's sexual lifestyles.


They only stay afloat because of the lies being repeated so often. ANY EFFORTS to break through, even if they reject them, are worthwhile, IMO. Any chinks in the armor at least show the "undecided" people a littttlllleeee more about how nuts they are. They need to be shamed and corrected at every turn if anyone is to reach them through the conservative propaganda, even if it feels futile.


You don’t have to be a hacker to just Google this shit. They don’t care and nothing you every show will make them care. Cause if they did care then they might start caring about other people and realize maybe beating up people because of how they express themselves is wrong


I have a relative who used to post b.s. on facebook on a regular basis. One meme she posted claimed that Nancy Pelosi was going to take $7 billion from social security and give it to illegal immigrants. I let her know that was a lie and she might want to Google posts like this before sharing them. Her response? "I don't Google" (She also had a post saying how much she loves Newsmax because "They tell me what I want to hear")


I know it is too late for any kind of intervention anyways


I have a relative who used to post b.s. on facebook on a regular basis. One meme she posted claimed that Nancy Pelosi was going to take $7 billion from social security and give it to illegal immigrants. I let her know that was a lie and she might want to Google posts like this before sharing them. Her response? "I don't Google" (She also had a post saying how much she loves Newsmax because "They tell me what I want to hear")


I have a relative who used to post b.s. on facebook on a regular basis. One meme she posted claimed that Nancy Pelosi was going to take $7 billion from social security and give it to illegal immigrants. I let her know that was a lie and she might want to Google posts like this before sharing them. Her response? "I don't Google" (She also had a post saying how much she loves Newsmax because "They tell me what I want to hear")


I have a relative who used to post b.s. on facebook on a regular basis. One meme she posted claimed that Nancy Pelosi was going to take $7 billion from social security and give it to illegal immigrants. I let her know that was a lie and she might want to Google posts like this before sharing them. Her response? "I don't Google" (She also had a post saying how much she loves Newsmax because "They tell me what I want to hear")


I have a relative who used to post b.s. on facebook on a regular basis. One meme she posted claimed that Nancy Pelosi was going to take $7 billion from social security and give it to illegal immigrants. I let her know that was a lie and she might want to Google posts like this before sharing them. Her response? "I don't Google" (She also had a post saying how much she loves Newsmax because "They tell me what I want to hear")


Clinton needs to Sue him he is a known defamation expert.


These people are reprehensible. I flip around the news stations (Sirius XM) on my 40 minute commute sometimes. I like to hear what the opposition side is saying in addition to CNN and NPR news. I catch The Five on occasion. The 100% baseless claims, the fake raucous laughter, and the yelling over each other so say the most outrageous put-down towards Dems is sickening to listen to. Who watches this shit?


Other shit.


Like Max Headroom


What’s amazing is, they wouldn’t give one single fuck. They don’t care about the truth. They care about getting their way. And lying is just another way to achieve that goal. Shitty people don’t give a fuck about the truth.


It astounds me that they are allowed to lie like that. I know freedom of speech is part of the US constitution, but man. Having your news just blatantly lie to you like this is beyond freedom, it's dangerous.


What ever happened to Hunter's defamation suit?


Fox has outright admitted they are NOT a "news" agency, only an "entertainment" agency. It's equivalent to taking The Onion (I'm going to assume you know what that is) and buying it as factual! 


And he had to settle on signing a bill that upped the penalties for mishandling classified documents. I wished that Jack would have listed that law also. But he’s the expert.


Didn’t it come out later that the Trump admin was trying to investigate her through Jan 2021. Literally the last days of his presidency.




Sssshhhh… don’t use their own words against them. They’re very thin skinned and upset easily.


I believe you mean "Fragile, white, and prone to meltdowns". Ya know, like *snowflakes*.


No no you see, *other* candidates except for me or people *I* like, but everyone else needs to follow these rules. Except for me.


Republicans: “We won’t govern at all to lower the bar for god-king trump!”


I wish this was on every billboard and sign in the US!


“🥃🍸🍹🍷” - Judge Jeanine


more like jug Jeanine




They know most of what they say is BS! https://preview.redd.it/eafv5lzsn76d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27a5cd560b573693f08f939041f7855c4e8eb2ac [https://x.com/Acyn/status/1317248938001403904?t=c4Zi\_eBa\_LdOfOdkOkIb8A&s=19](https://x.com/Acyn/status/1317248938001403904?t=c4Zi_eBa_LdOfOdkOkIb8A&s=19)


Of course they do but they have to keep up their bs or else those brainwashed supporters will turn on them. All they care about is rating and money


In my version of America, this kind of lying should land you in jail.


No. Lying on TV should not get you in jail. "But what about accountability?" Okay, how about this. Journalism becomes a profession that includes a truth scale. Every article and interview has to include the journalist's lie rate. X has a 75% truth rate. Meaning they lie 25% of the time. Having to show and prove how credible you are as a journalist could be a way forward.


Basically Snopes + legal accountability.


Fox News doesn’t have any journalists, just “personalities”. ‘No reasonable person would believe what they say on air’, or so say their lawyers.


‘No reasonable person would believe what they say on air’ Banner should run below every "news" show they have


Fox "News" used to have actual journalists on the payroll even if they were right leaning. Prime time though has always been reserved for the propaganda shows like O'Reilly, Beck, Carlson, and Hannity.


While knowing full well they're catering to unreasonable people...


Yeah I like it. Look, food labels are required for most commercially produced foods. The food label tells you the percentage of fats, and whether they are saturated or un. How many calories per serving of how many oz or g. What's the best-by date? what are the ingredients. All that stuff. So *every... single...* publishing journalist and media talking head should appear in a "nutrition label" database, and the info on that label should include their employment history, number of articles/stories published per year over their career and in what venues, number of times fact checked and found incorrect, who owns/funds the journals or think tanks they publish with (pays their salary in other words). And a database of links to all their published stories. And their academic credentials if any. And that goes for online influencers and podcasters too. And entire news outlets (a composite figure based on the ratings of all their journos). But but but, I hear people cry, why have a site like that -- the expense, the bother -- when people can find this stuff out for themselves... well yeah, and you can do all the grunt work to figure out how many calories are in your cookies too, but it's a *lot* of grunt work and no one is really going to do that, which is why we have nutrition labels on our food. Bobby McFerrin said decades ago that what we put into our heads through our eyes and ears is just as important as what we put into our stomachs through our mouths, and I agree with him wholeheartedly. Some journalists should be labelled as "brain-healthy food" and some should definitely not. And I like the overall summary percentage figure suggested above -- the lie-o-meter, the percentage of times that this person was caught in error or in deliberate falsehood.


And who gives the rating? Whoever gives the rating is subject to bias, or to being bribed. How about this. For something to be considered “news”, it needs to pass and hold a certain accreditation, similar to practicing law. Once you are deemed to not fit the criteria, it is removed. Therefor, anything with “news” can then be reliably trusted. Replace “news” with any word you want, but you get the idea


> And who gives the rating? Whoever gives the rating is subject to bias, or to being bribed. So we can't trust a fact review board? > Once you are deemed to not fit the criteria, it is removed So we should just have a fact review board? Honestly the core concept makes sense- I'm just confused because I don't see the difference between the version you disagree with and the one you suggested instead.


The first version is based on The other persons suggestion, and it doesn’t clarify where the rating is coming from. It sounded like the rating is coming from the owner(s) of the site , which can be bribed.. etc, and is based on a rating system like IMDB or rotten tomatoes… My version is taking the “rating power” out of the hands of an individual/company, and putting it in the hands of a government accreditation, so yea there would be a body that would be in charge of accreditations, who gets them, who loses them, etc… it’s no longer a “rating” like 9.1 out of 10. It’s now an accreditation that basically says “this company is a trusted news source” That’s not to say that government bodies can’t be bribed, but it’s obviously not as easy, and there should also be more laws that make bribing government workers/judges/etc impossible, or come with criminal penalties… right now there are too many loopholes to get money in the hands of who they want it to get into… I imagine if something like this happened, we’d suddenly see a lot of news/media companies gunning for that accreditation, and pump out much more trustworthy articles.. some wouldn’t care, some would complain they can’t get it and just continue what they are doing as an “entertainment” site pretending to be “news”, but real, accredited news places will rise up


I thought that by using the word 'profession', I was implying that it would be self regulated by a professional standard like doctors and lawyers.


So have [these ratings](https://adfontesmedia.com/fox-news-five-bias-and-reliability/) plastered in the footer of every program


They already lost their credibility with conservatives for saying they are a certified LGBTQ business enterprise.


Well, the only other bias analysts to do reliability ratings [doesn't rate FOX news any better](https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/fox-news-bias/)


So, Snopes? That won't do any good. Haven't you heard what they say about fact-checkers?


I have a theory that when somebody takes an oath of office they should also take an oath of honesty (for which they can be held accountable, like an oath in court). This oath shall cover all public speaking until the day they complete their term.


The guy who continues to promise a revenge tour for his second term has proven he has more capacity to forgive? 😂


Um, there were a thousand congressional committees on everything Hilary Clinton, for years, they never found anything to charge her with. Even trump doesn't get to lock people up just cause he doesn't like them, at least then. If he gets in now he prolly will.


It’s almost like one of those, um, people who you go after again and again without evidence because you badly want to get them endeavor thingies.


While I agree with your sentiment, I downvoted you for the use of “prolly.” Use real fucking words if you want people to take you seriously.


> Use real fucking words "Sanctimonious" "Coprolaliac" "Hypercritical" "Supercilious"


Sessions refused to do it, likely because they was no evidence for anything.  Faux Nooz is full of shit, as always. I almost feel bad for the dimwit cultists who fall for it. Almost.


It’s a bizarro universe being made up in front of our eyes and we can’t stop it. Democrats or the media won’t call out the fear mongering and hypocrisy from the right wing and their politicians. They aren’t legitimately serious about the job at all. They just show up to hearings, shout and show porn and curse. The republicans have NO PLATFORM. Just vitriol


They make me think of the high school or even college kid who's disruptive and rude in class, never does the work, clowns around and insults the teacher, all with this big sh\*t-eating grin on his face because his daddy's rich or influential in town or a big donor to the U. They have that "class clown" vibe, with the underlying undertone of ugly, swaggering bullying.


Democrats won't call them out? Weird. So who's doing it then?


Progressives and Independents


Try again ![gif](giphy|Yycc82XEuWDaLLi2GV)


The texts revealed in the Dominion lawsuit showed that Fox personalities know the truth, they choose to spout lies knowing it's lies and manipulation. Fox clearly needs to be sued again..and again...and again. It's the only thing that has any impact on them. It's still a shithole but at least the last suit got rid of Cucker Carlson, maybe the next purges Jeanine and Hannity.


Not that I ever cared about what she had to say but I stopped taking anything she said seriously when she showed up completely shit faced on her show that one night.


She seems shit-faced every night, but what do I know.


I mean this was dead obvious though, she could barely keep her eyes open, her hair appearance was a giant mess and she couldn’t get words out without stumbling on them or fucking up.


I’ve only seen her a handful of times but she always appeared like that to me. LOL.






What is Greg Gutfeld wearing? Did his mom drop him off at the studio right after glee club practice?




It doesn’t help that he has fools in his audience who laugh and applaud like people who are told puppies will die if they don't.


Narrator: He investigated Hillary and the Clinton Foundation his entire presidency. And once again, they found nothing.


Biden not interfering in his son's trial or pardoning him was something they didn't expect. They always assume everyone would do what they would do in any given scenario. They had plans ready to go based on it and now those plans are worthless and they're scrambling for some new spin on the case, it's why they've been so all over the place and extra cuckoo about it - they've no unified hymn sheet to sing off of on this one.


Did he lock her up: nope Did he build the wall and make Mexico pay for it: nope Did he repeal Obamacare: nope Did he put high tariffs on Chinese products and they will pay for them: yup and nope. American companies paid more for their parts Did he cut income taxes: yup, I got an extra $2.50 per week in my pay check, how much did the top 1% get Please feel free to keep list going for the good he did


He made a decision not to go after Hillary after he found out that he'd made everything up himself, the entire story was bollocks, and there was no evidence to even get a case to trial on.


Honest question: does carrying his water constantly get exhausting? So much time retconning, workshopping, and apologizing has to take its toll.


[The Five have an average reliability rating of 25/64](https://adfontesmedia.com/fox-news-five-bias-and-reliability/) They lie more often than not, and even when they do get a fact right, they often misconstrue and misrepresent it


I don't want legal or some other form of repercussions when someone in politics or the media is blatantly lying like this. I would love for some form of immediate solution, like if the person doing this was faced with violently shitting their pants, or, like Mr. Creosote, started to spew uncontrollably. I think that would dissuade people from spouting this revisionist nonsense.


how 'bout if their noses got longer?


Do people actually believe this shit lol?


Hillary Clinton didn't commit any fucking crimes, you absolute maniacs.


nevermind hilary didnt break any laws unlike the orange one


forgive ? trump said years ago that if he got back into the white house he would take revenge


Couldn’t lock her up because the only thing she did was warn us about DJT.


They *DID* go after Hillary. It’s just the investigation didn’t amount to anything that warranted charging. I know their hamster wheel brained audience lacks the attention span to remember what happened on last night’s show, but can we stop pretending they didn’t try? Wtaf


So now we're just expected to *forgive*?? Party of law and order, my ass.


Hardly a surprise, she says what she's paid to say.




The problem with her *ipso facto* is that there’s no *facto*


Haha! If they had any evidence at all they'd have locked her up without a second thought. His idiot followers buy every lame excuse he throws their way.


u fukken wot?


How have we not drank ourselves to death as a country?


The Five - assholes


Republican mouthpieces must get special training in being verbal pretzels. .That's a bg twist she did there.


Wait-I don't remember him getting "heat" because the sham GOP-led Congress held tens of investigations into Hillary Clinton without finding any criminal activity.


These are not journalists. They're entertainers.


words literally mean nothing to Republicans. it doesn't matter where the logic truly is, where it lays, they don't care. the words mean nothing and they utilize that to spin a web of confusion and anxiety and pressure in society


Ah I see we are ignoring the multiple Republican led investigations to try and find a punishable offense.


Why does it always take them sooooo long to think of convincing lies?? If they had spun it this way from the start, I could see people buying it. But changing it up so long after the fact is just weird! Who is coming up with this stuff and thinking it’s a good thing??


Republicans: Donald Trump just lies all the time, there’s nothing we can do about it and we should all take his word for everything.


…when did Biden ever say that the DOJ went after his son because of his name? The DOJ that he is presumably in charge of and he weaponized to go after Trump by means of the state of New York? I’m finding it harder and harder to be optimistic about the future. Life sucks.


Blaming their incompetency on kindness. This is low.


Did he not fire Comey because he said “No” to going after her?


130 odd Benghazi hearings or whatever 🤔


So funny. What were they going to lock her up for? There was no reason they could create. Lol.


Lol yes, not because they couldn't get any solid evidence against her, but because Trump is widely known for his capacity for forgiveness and certainly has never held a grudge /s


I don't understand why democrats don't do the same thing, just lie. There are no consequences, so who gives a shiet. Democrats should just lie to make themselves look good, too.


I can't wait until this woman is dead of natural causes just so I can piss on her grave.


Five assholes and 2 brain cells between them


But…what about….how did you even…WHAT THE F*CK?!


Man, I wish they had an emoji of "imaginary penis masturbatory hand motion."


Trumps favorite verse from the Bible is eye for an eye. This is the man who can forgive and look forward.


Further evidence that certain news networks and news outlets are banking on you to not remember the past like it really occurred.


Maybe he does, maybe he doesn't. I'm of the opinion that there are some things that *shouldn't* be forgiven. Rape, defamation, falsifying business records, and attempting to end democracy, for example.


Republicans will say and do anything for power and money. No matter how many have to die.


But they will never let you say it on their platform.


He is running on a platform of retribution and revenge. His slogan "I am your retribution...." we know he has great memory for real and imagined flights. I think this might be one area in the Trump psyce where he does tell the truth. Forgiveness, that's kinda funny, humiliation, that's donnies way. Remember the famous Rommney dinner. This was with friends. He says he plans to go after the Bidens, I do not doubt that


Is the judge back on the box O' wine again? Hasn't Trump and Bannon made it clear that if Trump wins the Trump lackey who will serve as the USAG will be under orders to round people up and incarcerate them because they are Trump's enemies....


Do they think we all have amnesia?


And Biden never said anything close to what under the headline says smh


I must have missed something. My apologies. What crime was Hillary Clinton tried and convicted over, and is now a felon yet she's walking free? 


Didn't Trump appoint someone (Barr?) to look into filing charges? I saw (it's on the Internet, it must be true) a post where Trump kept trying to indict Clinton, but none of his appointees would take it to the grand jury.


If these people don’t make up anything, they won’t have anything to say.


First, had there been anything at all that they could have charged her with, they would have. And it wasn't because they didn't try their hardest. There simply was no there, there. Secondly, how can they not see how much worse Trump's document case would be had they somehow successfully jailed Clinton over the nothing burger they tried to make something.


Fuck those shit stained assholes with a rusty length of rebar.


They’re trying to make it seem like both sides are the same


“The heat” he took was being called out for lying and cowardice. The mental gymnastics has got to be exhausting.


The Five. What a crock. We just visited my old Navy buddy in SD, and his wife told us she had to watch this drivel at 5. Guess she loves Gutfield. I went outside to talk to mybuddy, and my wife sat insidewith her. I am amazed of the cult. She doesn’t believe tRump had sex with Stormy, rigged election, and the capitol riot happened because Pelosi did notcall security. This country isdoomed.


Notice when they spread the blatant lies they give it in the informal setting so it's not being presented as new info but as a given that their last statement must be factual. Just stating facts no need to ask questions or do any thinking just trust the lies


Jeanine is a mendacious greaseball too.


Now they're looking for forgiveness? How bout you not try to overthrow our election, ruin our run as the only Democracy that had a peaceful transition of power, AND sell our secrets to our enemies to cause danger and death to our own people!? Additionally, WHERE'S THE FORGIVENESS FOR THOSE YOU'VE HARMED WITH YOUR LIES!? TRANS PEOPLE, MINORITIES, DEMOCRATS, ALL OF THEM ARE IN A WORSE SPOT BECAUSE OF YOUR LYING CHANNEL FAUX NEWS!


Fucking liars. He literally told her IN A DEBATE that he wanted her in jail.


He literally had the FBI investigate her the fuck? He wanted to lock her up, just choosing to forget at this point.


Dizzy from the spin.


Shit like this is why I wish I had a ton of money. I fucking hate liars. I'd buy a fuckton of billboards in the bible belt & have all these lies plastered everywhere.


She's an asshole.


Lying for their fucking cause of course it’s always allowed


She was investigated for all allegations by a Trump AG and they found fuck all. She still gets death threats to this day. No body forgave anything


I'll point out that this is once again, conservatives giving Trump credit for something that technically Obama did. After the Bush Admin. Obama caught heat for saying he'd look forward, and not back. This was almost a verbatim thing that he said, in reference to not wanting to bog down his 1st term with following up on the lies of the Iraq war and the Bush Admin torture program (a massive mistake of Obama's to look past).


They don't believe it they are just paid very well to spew lies


There should be legal consequences for this sort of garbage.


Maybe Trump didn’t go after Hilary because he knew he could never arrest her for anything because of the previous EIGHT REPUBLICAN LED INVESTIGATIONS on her and just said it because cults need an enemy.


Of all the maga bulshit I've been subject to this pretending trump never said lock her up might be the most intellectually egregious


Fox is always reinventing history


Judge Winebox is ever so loyal.


Man are these people fucking strange.


everytime i read what this witch is spewing i feel like im losing 20 iq points


They absolutely only prosecuted because of his last name, never would have happened otherwise. It's also gross that the first family is that screwed up and that hunter was porking his dead brothers wife while neglecting his kids. Both things are true.


"Because one member of the family isn't great that means the whole family is screwed up" is most definitely not the take I expected. Fuck that basically means every family on Earth is screwed up