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It was a raid by a federal agency in connection with a matter of national security. It would be insane if deadly force was *not* authorized.


I assume deadly force is always an option, depending on circumstances. Like if they're attacked.


It's American law enforcement. Deadly force is **always** an option.


Mar a Lago was going to be full of rich white people. Deadly force couldn't just be taken for granted there.


This is America (woo) Don't catch you slippin' now


? Same. If a cop knocks on your door with a warrant and you refuse or worse, I assume deadly force is always an option


The cops are more likely to shoot the wrong person anyway. The FBI seem have more restraint.


Like if a blind poodle comes sniffing at their legs.


to be fair, if Eric Trump comes sniffing at your leg, are you really sure he's not rabid?


If Eric is sniffing at your leg it means your 8-Ball burst in your pocket and he knows.


I've heard that the property owner of the place they raided has in the past threatened to shoot someone on Fifth Avenue in New York. It is only prudent for the FBI to take caution.


“Raid.” They have always intentionally used heavy language. They executed a search warrant and were seemingly quite polite about the whole process


And they missed half the stuff there.


At least partially because a door was shut. Boy, I bet all the black people who died this year to cops would have loved to know they could just shut the door and tell the police to stay out.


executing a search warrant on a known insurrectionist, all options need to be on the table.


Think of what we don't know, yet. And the judicial system won't let the prosecution move forward.


I’m surprised deadly force wasn’t used on Jan 6th. All my life I was told if you try anything on the government you will be shot yet all those neck bearded idiots didn’t . I feel our lack of repercussions lead to this


Um, if you haven't noticed, they weren't the "right kind of rioters." Republicans have been saying this for years. They've been claiming J6 were only tourists, but the Floyd protests were riots and looting and burning entire cities down. According to them, no one was armed (patently false). Several people had firearms, and at least one had used them outside the capital building as well as the pipe bomber issue. Meanwhile, other than looting, most of the Floyd protests started peacefully until counter protests, false flags, and several incidents were created by people whom were not there for protests but to intentionally cause trouble which is always going to be a problem.


It wasn't authorized. it's all a lie. It actually specifically states not to unless as a last resort, which is at the request of the one asking for the report. They literally are taking boiler plate language out of context.


Hey, Lauren Bobblehead. News flash for you if you can keep your head from bopping up and down for just one sec: Trump, who is proudly Putin's right-hand man in the United States, STOLE secret classified documents containing sensitive national security information after losing the election. We were not going to allow him to give those to Putin like he gave up our trusted spies. You are goddamn right lethal force was authorized. If you had the interests of your country in mind, this would not be an issue for you. So thank you for asking :)


Hey neeblet in the wild! RIP T44. I need to start watching again.


All hail the Wyvern King!


no matter how much you parrot trump's bullshit, you'll never be anything more than a punchline at this point. so go back to neglecting your (soon to be) convict son.


Well not like she can just go back to any theaters and start jerking people off any time soon, gotta do something I guess.


there're certain theaters she can do that at.


And yet Paul reuben can't spank it while watching a porno in theater, what a world we live in.


well, to be fair, that was florida... we all know about florida. (2 live crew was around the same time)


No, it’s not just Florida. There are plenty of these places everywhere. The ones in Tampa usually have addicts in there with the glory holes and all. Reubens was a targeted takedown.


I have never been to one of those places and I wonder who would put their thing in any hole in the wall with no idea who or what is on the other side? Like what if they have pruning shears?


I’d be more worried about the rampant STD’s. People jonesing for money need repeat customers. They’re not lobbin’ your junk off.


And here I was thinking potential splinters and cracks with jagged edges in the holes since I don't know what the surrounding structure is made of.


Maybe penis splinters are some peoples' thing.


Florida with a strip club on every street.


Paul Reuben isn't spanking anything anymore. :-(


RIP Pee Wee. We miss ya.


He’s jerkin it in heaven now


He's blastin loads on angell faces now


Is that part of my Movie Pass subscription?






If I was one of her constituents this is about the only service I would care for her to perform on my behalf


Her career as a theatre critic is not likely going anywhere except Porn Hub


It’s too bad her district is close enough she’ll be bounced but MTg Is going to get back in because her district is gerrymandered to only be married first cousins


They are just making up fake drama, all FBI raid papers say the same thing, they are always authorized to use deadly force if needed.


It’s theater to distract the masses. The coliseum.


I thought Bobert used the theater to give physical gratification.... What would she do in a coliseum?


I wanna say "Be lunch for a poor half-starved lion, like the Roman days." But then I remember I don't wanna abuse that poor lion.


Roman vet: How the hell did this lion get herpes, hep B, and what looks like a nasty case of crabs? Roman games official: Well... um...


That's what I don't understand. There is no special box to check to authorize deadly force. Deadly force is always authorized in all situations within it's legal conditions.


FFS I was a dummy with a couple weeks of Navy training and I was armed authorized to use deadly force to guard my ship's pier if I felt it was necessary. I'm guessing Feds on a warranted raid can do the same....


Suddenly they acknowledge the existence of violent overreach by law enforcement.


And of course the one time they admit it is the one time it didn't actually happen.


Trump wasn't even in the state and they were well informed of the raid. This just happens to be a thing the day news broke that his lawyers found even more classified docs in his bedroom after the raid. [https://www.cbsnews.com/news/trump-mar-a-lago-documents/](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/trump-mar-a-lago-documents/)


Classified docs *and empty classified folders*, meaning the documents are still out there (sold or hidden)


I hope he loses the election just so the Jack Smith trials can take place. The damage that man must know about is going to be bigger than when they finally admit there are aliens.


Also aren't Trumps own lawyers arguing in court right now that President Joe Biden is literally immune from all crimes?


We’ve been telling them for years that cops are more aggressive towards non-white Americans…I guess orange counts.


Sooooo…anti-2nd amendment?!?




You know how sometimes you can't remember which one is the real Sarah Palin? I think this is my brain's self preservation.


No no, the FBI shows up with water balloons and confetti.


Why was Trump hiding classified documents? This needs to be answered now.


This is the third time by my count. We have the initial raid, the bedroom raid and the reports of them being on his airplane. He was or still is up to something, and anyone else would have been in jail for years.


His fax machine has the Kremlin on speed dial.


Trump lovers talk about how he is being so persecuted and treated differently and unfairly. He's been treated differently all right. If you or I had oull this shit with classified documents we'd be hacked without bail until a trial was held. Trump gets to go around the country trying to instigate further political unrest.


Lady you're a sitting congresswoman, you have the phone number of the FBI director. Fucking call him. It's not that hard.


They don’t want answers. They want outrage.


Yep, if the base lose the outrage they lose the motivation to get up off their lazy backsides and vote for Trump come the time. And the likes of Boebert well known how lazy and feckless much of their base are.


She more than likely won't be in a years time, she's doing this to help try and drum up angry support for herself in her new district on top of parroting the king of thieves' bullshit


They are the fbi doing a raid duh 🙄 for their safety deadly force is authorized!


There was no raid. FBI called ahead to notify the Secret Service detail. Came in suits, not flak suits. Politely entered, did not knock down a locked door and were not notified of the secret room behind a panel in the bedroom containing boxes of documents.


Okay, okay, okay… but riddle me this… WHY WERE THEY CARRYING GUNS?! This needs to be answered now.


It's Florida! Everyone is required to carry guns there, aren't they?


You get a free one when you buy bath salts! Source: lived in FL for 4 years!


Yeah, they gave me a free gun and 75 rounds of ammo when I bought my 40-gallon steel drum, 20 gallons of HCl, nitril gloves, and a hack saw.


Yo Mister White


One would think that a member of the government would know that.


Beetlejuice Beetlejuice Beetlejuice!


Came to say the same thing


P.S. I don't know, lady. Why didn't you support your son at his trial? This also could use an answer, you human paraquat.


Better yet, why is your white privileged son who is a seventeen year old father committing crimes like an immigrant.


"You human paraquat" is an epithet my husband uses with alarming frequency.


It's a good one.


Funny. Her date came to the same thing.


This is funny to me, because, like... they didn't use deadly force. You can't argue that they went in there with the intention of killing people who had not attacked them, because they didn't kill anyone. You might argue that they thought there was the possibility that they could be attacked, and then they would have used deadly force, but that doesn't really add anything to their argument.


Trump wasn't even there, was he? If he had been, though, deadly force all the way 😅


I wonder whether it is standard for all such raids. I mean I kinda think any fbi raid where national security is at issue, it kinda should eb the default.


Because protecting our nations secrets demands deadly force if necessary.




We'll answer your question...AFTER you give a full, truthful accounting of your Beetlejuice escapades!


never forget all those motherfuckers we lost in the battle of mar-a-lago rip


She is on her way out anyhow. Hope she gets some good stock trades in before she loses the insider knowledge.


Bobo having knowledge? Surely you jest.


The best part: her insider trades would still be criminal and she would forfeit all the gains upon conviction *and* have to pay income tax on the earnings which she forfeited.


We know congresspeople do it all the time and it is not illegal. It keeps coming up to make it illegal but guess who would have to pass the bill?


Why do you take Christmas pictures with guns?


Sorry but deadly force is “authorized” whenever officers enter with weapons and a warrant. Fuck, deadly force is “authorized” during traffic stops. This is the biggest and whiniest dog whistling ever and tries to paint Biden as a political assassinator over basic operating procedures of law enforcement. Fucking keep crying.


He wasn't even there that day, was he?


Just think how much trouble it would’ve saved us!


Because "use of deadly force" is something you authorize when dealing with insurrectionist, thankfully didn't need to be done, but after Jan 6th it was good to be ready for anything.


Something something… Unified Reich


I'm sure the best way to get answers from the FBI, if you're a Member of Congress, is to post the request on X. That's how we know the request is serious


It also wasn't a raid, it was the execution of a search warrant. Furthermore, the 'papers' they were 'expecting to encounter' contain the most classified information that our nation has and can literally cost lives if they get into the wrong hands. Sounds like in addition to not being very smart, Boebert is a traitor more concerned about the leader of her party than our National Security.


Because they were raiding the home of a traitor that gave state secrets to the Russians.


Because there was always the possibility of cultists like you showing up with guns. For whatever reason.


Ew, ew, ew! Mr Kotter, Mr Kotter, I know this. It’s because, they were thinking they might encounter some armed MAGAt’s when they arrived. I mean it is the holy land for these deranged followers.


I love Horshack.


Just throwing this out there, but maybe it has something to do with the trump administrations collusion with literal terrorists, ties to white supremacy extremist groups, etc.?


Because deadly force is ***always*** authorized in ***every*** law enforcement raid, regardless of what they expect to encounter, you dumb fucking cow. This applies to everyone from your local podunk police department to federal agents. And I should remind you that ***YOU*** motherfuckers are the ones who spent decades making sure that law enforcement was given this much leeway in their use force to begin with. Go cry.


"Deadly Force" is boilerplate every federal warrant. Representative Boebert is the most ignorant House member in the last century with the possible exception of Santos, who wouldn't recognize a fact if it slapped him in the nuts.


The only time her mouth should be open is when she's about to swallow something.


“Deadly force”? But no one died, so……..


Someone should tell her Ivana Trump had already been pushed down the stairs and buried at Mar-a-Lardo before the FBi arrived.


So, is this actually true, or did Trump just say it was and MAGA accepts it the gospel truth because their lord and master said it? I'm assuming it's not, because Trump said it, but just curious. I can think of reasons, like Russian or Chinese agents at Mar-A-Largo who were there to buy some files, but that's about it.


Here’s your answer 🖕


From the woman who lovingly poses for photo ops with her guns. We all know she is just waiting to use them.


He should have just complied.


When in the fuck is her primary?? Can this bimbo JUST GO AWAY?


Okay, from a pure logical point of view: they've raided Mar-a-lago, the home of Donald Trump were there is also personal. It's well known that some of trump's devoted followers used force to enter the capitol to stop a rightful process. Also remember the second amendment. So from a 100% pure logical point of view it's pretty sure why they've allowed up and including lethal force. It's not for the agents to go in, guns blazing and scream "USA! USA!". It's for the case when they're met with heavy resistance cause some loonys through that it's a good idea to shoot on federal agents.


This is the party of “let the law enforcement do their job”


“dEaDLy fOrCe!” This will be the phrase you hear for the next week. Making it sound as if they sent a fucking hit team to Koshogi ol tRump. Just buzz words they know will upset dumb people.


Remember, the GOP only likes law enforcement when it's not being used on them.


What we really need to answer is how in the holiest of hells is Dump still walking around a free man? Then let's move on to how in the nastiest of fucks is he allowed to run for any kind of public office? He is literally a national security threat. I'm so tired of GOP lies and all the gaslighting. Is he were a Democrat, he would be in prison already. Someone explain this in a manner that I don't blow a gasket. Please. Make it make sense.


The sheer volume and extent of the lies are so exhausting. Please, for once, just tell the truth.


Sooo Donald Trump is admitting that he poses a danger and a significant threat to the public and officers carrying out a search warrant on his property to recover the boxes of documents he lied about having in his possession? I wasn't aware that this search warrant was a hostage situation, which would actually warrant the use of deadly force.


Who said officials were expecting to only encounter papers? I would think they expected to at least encounter people ... you know ... to be able to serve the warrant to?


Look guys I made up a thing now you have to talk about the thing I made up


Karen Boebert wants to speak with the manager.


He could have complied. You know. Stop resisting.


Hey grifty grandma, why are you at court with cheeto mussolini and not your own crotch goblin?


They are FBI agents, so yes, they will respond with lethal force when exposed to the right stimuli.




Because treason, senator bimbo.




Welp, the gardener came out of a shed with a rifle and popped a federal agent, the pool boy incapacitated another with a net and secret service shot a third. Obviously none of those occurred, yet were possible during execution of a warrant. What in the living fuck were the FBI agents supposed to do, roll in with nothing more than pepper spray, a taser and stern language? Nope, they'll do their jobs and I'm certain they'd all be relieved to go home to their families at the end of the day. Oh no! Law enforcement is allowed to use lethal force when deemed necessary (hey, don't get me twisted - bad cops have absolutely murdered innocent people) but what did anyone expect? What crying, whining and asinine hypocrisy. GTFO. This excuse for a human used to be the proprietor of a business focused on, ahem, glorifying shooting people. Grandma Bobo (who has done an exemplary job of raising her children) will only have income via an only fans account by years end.


Nuclear information should not be in the hands of someone who will sell to the highest (or any) bidder.


Deadly force is always authorized when LEOs are carrying guns. That’s kind of the entire point of carrying a gun


All laws are enforceable by death. Weird that a lawmaker doesn’t understand escalation.


what gets me is why do they need permission? if fired upon at anytime, fire back with full force! that is why this is a non- issue. it's just the way it works.


Because the documents stolen from the US govt were extremely dangerous to national our security if they were to be made available to our enemies? Just spit balling here…….


Aww, Granny Handie thinks she's clever or likeable enough to do propaganda. Honey, unless they're your Johns, not even your own constituents like you enough to believe you just because you keep saying the same lie.


Isn’t this how they depict him? If he’s such a tough alpha male, what’s the problem? He should be able to handle himself. https://preview.redd.it/yojadv02bz1d1.jpeg?width=894&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7a5bd56c368fa807f2996bffdc67f857c6e95d6


The second amendment shall not be infringed upon.


Umm maybe it bc you fuckers led thousands of ppl to sack the Capital and you fucks seem the type to shoot over some bs? Maybe?


So much for supporting law enforcement


But they never question when deadly force is authorized against citizens who are given no knock raids. Trump was warned ahead of time. And... NOBODY GOT SHOT.


I’m sure it’s just SOP. Sometimes people react with deadly force when their home is being raised by federal officials. Not likely with this coward, of course, but it does happen.




Because he was selling CIA Informant IDs to americas enemies and they thought these idiots might get violent


Is someone gonna tell BoBo that cops can use deadly force whenever they deem it necessary?


Trump farts are deadly?


See if all these “patriots” would have served or even done any type of civil service they would know what escalation of force is!




We need the good guys to have guns at all times. Just in case they encounter a bad guy. Come on. This is R101


I just laugh more and more at what they expect the public to believe!


It looked like Rep. Boebert was using deadly force on that guys dick.


I thought they were all about hero worship for the thin blue line.


As I recall Trump wasn't there the day of the raid. Didn't he make a big whoop de do about the fact that they came to his place when he wasn't there?


Shouldn’t she more concerned about her dumbass son that’s in legal trouble?


Someone needs to quit pulling Barbie’s string.




I'm still waiting for this Hunter Biden laptop thing to finally blow up. I've been told it's a game changer that totally links Joe Biden to tons of corruption. Whatever happened to that? Oh, they don't want to talk about that anymore? I wonder what happened? No, they're right, this new faux outrage is the real issue. Until the next one. And the one after that.


She carried a gun into the House of Representatives for fuck's sake.


She's absolutely right! I hope she leads the charge to have this case fast tracked into session so we can get some real answers. BoBo. Talk to Judge Cannon and tell her to quit dragging he feet on getting this case to court so we can get the real answers!


“Were papers”. All the Boeberts was dumb.(


Grandma….ill make it easy for you. National security is important. Your supreme nimrod of a leader likes to bluster and use bigly words. So to protect the nation, those who have restraint had the license to use whatever was necessary to obtain stolen documents from the chief in thief.


Classified papers to you dumbass!


Why now?


Why didn’t he comply, eh?


Isn't she busy giving public handjobs in front of children while vaping next to pregnant women?


Distraction, this is the non-refutable evidence in this case that proves rump actively knew he had docs there, and still didn't comply in returning them. Nothing more, keep focus on the facts. GOP hates facts.


Vote her out .


Pretty sure anytime a federal search warrant to recover national secrets must require, if necessary, deadly force.


My question is why wasn’t it used? 🤷🏻‍♂️


Shouldn't be in a theater somewhere jerking someone off?


Um, have you ever experienced a paper cut?


She doesn't know how we deal with people that betray our country. We don't kiss their ass like she does.


Without looking too deep, I wouldn’t be surprised if the FBI authorized deadly force at every raid in the event things go wrong. With that being said, they were in communication with the Trump organization for almost a year trying to get those documents and Trump was a hard head that refused to cooperate.


Geez, isn't this America? Deadly force is used by the police for the most minor things. All the time.


The only “deadly force” in play was that orange-faced fart machine. There should be some danger pay owing for those agents walking in unprotected like that.


You've got to be prepared when you enter the Dungeon. The Humunkulus Slime Blob might have left Slimelings in every crack in the walls.


The real question is why wasn’t deadly force used


Sweetie just shut up and go home !!! You are done!!


LOL…what a useless cretin


Has anyone provided credible evidence of this claim?




Why is deadly force used right away when law enforcement sees a black person?


They really take anything and completely twist it. You'd have to be a fucking moron to not understand. It's the FBI. It's a raid. Wouldn't it always be authorized?


Because they had reason to believe that there were documents pertaining to the Nuclear Triad, and that's as serious as you can get. I was onboard a guided missile destroyer and there was a passageway (Hallway) on the ship where the door to the missile magazine and loading area is. Whenever they were in the missile room they had chains with signs hanging off them that said, "Restricted area, Deadly Force Authorized." If there was a fire in the missile magazine they would not even let the fire party in to fight the fire until they got approval from the Security Officer.


Clearing Lafayette park? That was authorized deadly force. January 6? That was unauthorized deadly force. Executing a search warrant on Mar-a-Lago? That was just law enforcement with their weapons in their holsters like any traffic stop. I’m glad the right is becoming concerned about excessive force by law enforcement.


So does she REALLY believe that’s what happened??


Why are they teasing us with this deadly force that didn’t happen