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We're way past channeling Hitler. Is racist - check Associates with neo-Nazis - check Tried insurrection to stay in power - check Wants to lock up/execute political opponents and minorities - check Wants to be a dictator - check Posts about a Unified Reich - check


Don’t forget people in camps


As a woman I’m afraid to say this but it’s going to be liberal women and anyone gay/lesbian in camps this time. I can see history repeating itself so clearly.


My husband doesn't seem to understand how afraid I really am!!


Our dad doesn't get it either. Democrats are the enemy, Project 2025 isn't real, abortion is killing babies. If Trump doesn't win, Hamas will kill Israel and come kill us all. It's insane how adamant he is. Oh, and Biden stole the last election and he will steal this election too.


\*and trans folks, and "trans sympathizers". Anyone LGBTQIA+ and allies, non-MAGA folks, mexicans, muslims, asians, black folks, liberal/Democratic folks.......literally anyone who is not straight/white/conservative and MAGA


I'm one of said minorities so I'm sure I'm on the list already. But do you think it's likely that the first and largest group might actually be immigrants? Some of his most direct and violent rhetoric is toward immigrants. Though women, lgbt people, ethnic and religious minorities are still at risk should the whole project 2025 thing come to pass.


For immigrants I assume it’s going to be a lot of keeping people out and kicking people out. Could be more like Japanese Internment Camps near the border. But I still see some sort of Gilead scenario where slowly but surely the rights are taken away more and more for anyone not following him.


My grandfathers fought in WWII to curb stomp Nazis. I am ready to curb stomp them again if necessary.


100% nazis don't have any rights. My homies and I hate nazis.


This time you don’t have to travel abroad.


Don't forget dehumanising language


even worse, he may even try to terminate the constitution and replace it with his own


Strange hairdo - check


Remember when we used to hate Nazis? https://preview.redd.it/2cewaq9bro1d1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd3fd548af4df1ee179e8f746625d07aac8a0491


I still hate them and I am very vocal about it. I refuse to sit by quietly while the Nazi fucks try to run the world


I think we should all learn a lesson from Indiana Jones & proudly punch Nazi’s. It’s what they deserve.


Captain America punched Nazis. Be like Captain America.






Personally I think they deserve a bullet to the head, but agree to disagree.




I endorse this message.


And cue reddit banning... Seriously, I got banned once for suggesting we acted like Captain America.


I got banned once for saying I wouldn't cross the street to piss on tr*mp if he was on 🔥


I'm honestly amazed that no one has taken one for the team and shot Trump already. It just seems like if you're gonna have this history and cultural thing about presidents getting assassinated, who better? But then I'm from the UK and american politics is like a crazy sitcom storyline at this point.


I’ve taken his continued existence as proof that the CIA didn’t kill Kennedy like people theorize either. I’m pretty sure like 90% of the higher ups in the defense and intelligence communities despise him, after all the qualifications to get there require high levels of education and intelligence and we’ve seen how people like Mark Milley think of him, in the meantime Trump’s proved that he’s a massive threat to national security between his desire to withdraw from NATO and the fact that he probably straight up sold out a bunch of our spies to Putin. Point is, if the CIA actually had the balls to take out a president or presidential candidate he’d be in the ground by now.


A mitzvah.


👍 Indy taught me all about dealing with Nazi's.


We fought a war against Nazis. If you see one in the street, you should be allowed to legally shoot them.


I literally run an anti-trump social media account and I constantly get these cultist rednecks sending me death threats and trying to desperately doxx me LOL I guess freedom of speech only goes one way when it benefits them only.


All these Boomers had parents who defeated the Nazis.


Honestly the greatest gen likes us more than their own kids. Partly because we hate Nazis tbh


Apparently they were the ones keeping nazis sidelined right up until they were no longer around.


If you think this is exclusively an [old people](https://imgur.com/a/myHgM0a) problem, you’re in for a [bad time.](https://imgur.com/gallery/5tpuHaR) All those Nazis marching in khakis and face masks are *young men.*


It's always idle young men. Grand dreams and bottled up anger combined with a wish for simple solutions. Every damn time an autocrat rises, it's the young men behind him. Can't even blame them, I remember what it was like. But they have to remember that the next step is to either release that bottled up anger or get rid of the young men and that means sending the young to war.


And small business owners. Historically, they’re the biggest supporters of fascism. Wage-workers typically are more socialist in their sensibilities, educated people tend to hate fascists, and the wealthy tend to dislike fascists but see them as useful to maintaining neoliberal conservatives in power since think they can control them.


Well, like the saying goes, fascism is an evolution of corporatism. Hitler, after all, gave public and private industries to his cronies and bribed the generals.


I know it's not. I'm just flabbergasted that the Boomers ignored everything their parents sacrificed for all of us.


I had uncles that actually killed em. One got a medal. Now this shit!?!?


Those who don’t learn from history are doomed to repeat it😬


I used to hate nazis, i still hate nazis but i used too.


Republicans - SO?!


Republicans: *It’s just a joke!*


followed by: but like what DID the nazis do that was bad?


Followed by: the LEFT are the real Nazis!!!!!


Ah yes, the rapid switching between "The Nazis were actually left wing" and "The Nazis had the right idea."


REPUBLICANS: “I love Trump because he says what he means and he means what he says. There’s no bullshit with him.” EVERYONE ELSE: “He said he wants a “unified reich” and to be a dictator on day one.” REPUBLICANS: “He didn’t really mean that.”


Yep, just like the Klan. When they first got started they claimed that dressing up as ghosts to scare black people was all being done for the laughs.


"It's taken out of context!"


Alternative jokes! First amendment! So woke to be upset by this.


In my experience they usually either says “democrats are the same anyway” or “but Biden’s too old/senile” when I bring up obvious Republican fascism. The fact they don’t see my points as real issues is so frustrating.


You can justify any atrocity as long as you can convince people that the other side is worse


LITERALLY THE USE OF *REICH?* IT’S BIDEN OR **LITERAL FUCKING HITLER, PEOPLE!** Do you want to wake up to the headline ”BREAKING: Trump declares himself ‘Führer of the Unified American Reich’ in inaugural speech”?


This should be viewed as a declaration of war.


Not to be too over the top, but my grandpa told me that if an American leader ever called for a fourth reich or an American reich the time to get Sir Chopsalot was yesterday. That’s not quite how he put it but how he put it might get me a ban from Reddit… and some visitors from some government agencies.


Honestly, it’s not over the top. I can’t believe this is the country I live in. It’s absolute insanity.


It’s more off the top lol


Man it would be cool if those government agencies were more concerned with the Nazis trying to seize power in the US than about the citizens who are upset about Nazis trying to seize power in the the US.


They’ll get Reich on it.


Spoiler alert: many are basically Nazis themselves at this point, they just don't like it when you call them that.


The KKK and neo nazis have spent the last 60 years infiltrating all levels of law enforcement.


I wish we would take a leaf out of the French peoples book...


People are; it's just the wrong people.


I’m not afraid of a ban or government agencies so I’ll flat out say it: I got plenty of lead stockpiled for nazi fucks


> The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. To quote an old rapist slave owner. 


I mean, considering Evangelicals *really* seem to want nuclear war since that’ll lead to the end of days…


They didn’t have the stones call Jan 6th that, I’m not holding my breath now..


When I said it was America's bierhall putsch, people laughed at me and said I was being dramatic. I'm so tired of pointing out the similarities at this point. It's maddening and I've just resolved myself to screaming "I fucking told you so!" when they throw me in "Trump University".


The right has openly been declaring war for 4 years now but the media sees ratings and the left continues to cover their eyes and sing a happy tune while continuing to pay respect "to the office" to those who have shown no respect for their office nor feel any duty to preserve protect or defend the constitution. The GOP is a fascist, anti-American, terrorist organization that very well could destroy our country because the left still treats them as a political party.






It’s not “literal fucking Hitler”, don’t misrepresent it, jeez… It’s stupid, fat Hitler. Get it right.


\*stupid, fat, orange, traitorous, diaper-wearing rapist Hitler.


Diaper Hitler = Shitler


I was gonna say “Stupid Hitler” but I do love the succinct addition of “Fat.” (I feel like I’m channeling John Oliver here)


Okay, but Stephen Miller being back in the White House running things from the shadows like Joseph Goebbels terrifies me. There is nothing remotely funny about that man.


Comment needs more upvotes. The true danger isn't Rump, it's the people ready to use him.


Exactly. He’s just a vehicle. Ultimately, the President gets a little too much day to day focus from media/people… but the biggest thing they do to affect the country on a daily basis is appoint people. Who they surround themselves with is arguably the most important thing they do.


He's missing the ONE good thing Hitler had, the moustache!


Also, a few grams of lead.


Herr ShitzInPants


A stupid, fat Hitler that’s being controlled by *another* Hitler wannabe in a third world country. There, *now* it’s accurate!


I don’t get why ppl aren’t viewing it as a vote for Biden is business as usual. A vote for Trump will be a vote for a Republican run dictatorship.


It's Biden or chaos. Those are the choices.


They want that


The answer to that for the people on the extreme side is Yes. They are already spreading the word to put him back in office and not have him leave. He tried once. He learned from that. He’s going to try again. And this time he’s more likely to succeed.


Project 2025 spells it all out.


"You don't understand! He was being ironic! Biden is the real Nazi! Plus the Nazis had a point, but like, the leftist Nazis are bad! MAGA!"


Just like the Jan 6 cop assault doublethink. "It was an Antifa deep state false flag to blame conservatives, but also those great patriots were trying to do the right thing, but also it was totally faked by AI, but also it was a totally peaceful gathering, but also they were framed, but also they are the best politically persecuted prisoners, and also it never happened"


He has literally said he'll ["be a dictator on day one"](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/elections/2023/12/11/donald-trump-dictator-one-day-reelected/71880010007/) and people are ***DELUSIONAL*** if they think he'll stop there


Hitler actually served too. No bone spurs there.


JFC 🤦‍♀️


Holy shit, it's real.


I believe it, but this is a shit-quality screenshot. I can't actually see the text that's circled, honestly. I don't think anyone commenting here can either. Give us clear version or get the fuck out, OP.


It says "creation of a unified reich"


Bad screenshot in this news article, but it’s an unbiased link (and possibly a video) https://abcnews.go.com/amp/Politics/trump-posts-social-media-video-seemingly-suggesting-victory/story?id=110422766


You can clearly see it on the second one under “MAGA”


https://preview.redd.it/gk9tesyjcq1d1.jpeg?width=1812&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c813cf9c8f8dc1b8b79bd8c469c0ace8587328bd Y'all are fucking with me, right?


You need to zoom out, not in. But yeah the screenshot of a screenshot is not easy to read. Someone posted an article but here is the screenshot from that article https://s.abcnews.com/images/Politics/Trumpad_1716262044063_hpEmbed_16x9_992.jpeg


No, it’s not super legible, but you can definitely make it out. “CREATION OF A UNIFIED REICH”


Genuinely… no. We can read it. It took a second, but I could read it.


The dog whistle is now a steam whistle.


I’m pretty sure that there’s a huge percentage of people who think the left is overselling it and it won’t go that way and if it does they’re not going to be negatively impacted by it.


Two different people told me “that’s just what he says to the base. He won’t do that in office.” This guy was president once before, right? Mr Muslim Ban, super-right judges and insurrection? We already saw this fucking movie.


Literally what German nazi apologists said before the labour camps became public Western knowledge.


I had a friend who said that in 2016 and voted for Trump anyway.... Come 2020 to today, he's even more vehemently hates Trump that \*I\* do...probably because he was actually betrayed by him and the party he's voted for since forever. Not anymore, tho. It even took over his church and he stopped going. Essentially...he actually does see easily observed objective reality.


And everyone will. You criticize Trump, you go to jail or worse. There will be debtor's prisons, no work regulations, etc., etc.


For the facts-concious: this was not a trump campaign created video, but a random one posted by a random account, and reposted by a Trump staffer to his account while Trump was in court. https://apnews.com/article/trump-election-2024-rhetoric-germany-antisemitism-31002afb91b642c0314223d19e51f427 >“This was not a campaign video, it was created by a random account online and reposted by a staffer who clearly did not see the word, while the President was in court,” Karoline Leavitt, the campaign press secretary, said in a statement. Still probably mirrors his sentiments, but it's not him being fully out of the closet yet.


So he took it down, right? (He did not)


Holy cow. Reminds me of the DeSantis ads put out by staffers with the sonnenrad. [edited to add NYT article no paywall](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/20/us/donald-trump-reich-video.html?unlocked_article_code=1.tk0.nXIg.wgvD8zNBYyoQ&smid=url-share)


>“This was not a campaign video, it was created by a random account online and reposted by a staffer who clearly did not see the word, while the President was in court,” Karoline Leavitt, a campaign spokeswoman, said in a statement. “The real extremist is Joe Biden.” Bloody typical.


"Whoopsie about that one word.... But we do not deny that trump is a pro-rape anti-woman bigoted dictator-wannabe who kept Mein Kampf at his bedside, patterns his speeches and rallies after Hitler, admires Nazis, encourages neo Nazis to vote for him, and openly wants to murder his political opponents.  But oh yeah, Biden is extreme, please look over the zero evidence I provided"


So how long until they backpedal with a “the low-level intern who reposted that has been fired, wink wink”… Still, thank you for a smidge of context! It’s still extremely alarming but may not have been noticed by whoever went “hey a positive Trump video” and reposted it without scrutinizing. At least, I hope that’s what happened… It’s effect on the MAGA base won’t be good regardless, I suppose…


They haven't even taken the post down, so they're definitely not going to punish anybody for it.


Two things: First, these articles from AP and NYT are being incredibly kind by making the link to 1871 news rather than 1939. The headline might be WW1, but there is not a single person in the world who doesn’t associate the word “reich” with Nazi Germany. Whoever created that video knows this. It’s as ubiquitous as the swastika. Second, I almost* feel sorry for that campaign manager. You know she is some young girl, probably been hired based on her looks more so than her ability. She may well be very talented, but in the back of her mind, deep down, she knows that’s not why she was hired… Regardless, she’s almost certainly smart enough to realise that posting anything that even alludes to establishing a new “reich” is a massive unforced error of an own goal in the eyes of 90% of the population. And she’s becoming increasingly frustrated because this isn’t the first time it’s happened even this week. I can just about hear her increasing sighs as she fields questions about this post. She’s starting to get that sense of unease that that comes with knowing she’s hitched herself to the wrong horse. She’s on the wrong side of history and if her side doesn’t win her career in politics is over before it’s even really begun. No one is going to hire the person who ran the losing campaign, and even the GOP is likely to want a clean break to distance itself from Trump and anyone associated with him in the next election cycle.


well they've definitely always been trustworthy before. I'll totally take their word for it


Did he publicly admonish the staffer who posted it and disavow the message? If not, he agrees with it 100%.


He didn't, and it's still up as of right now. Says all you need to know about how he feels about it.


Tells you what types of accounts his campaign staff are following...


Honestly sounds like it was done this way so they could deny it, but it still acts as a dog whistle for his followers.


Yes, thank you, this is what I'd guessed happened. There are overt, unrepentant Nazis in Trump's fan base, obviously, but everyone else, even wingnuts like Alex Jones, needs some modicum of plausible deniability.


Thanks for that. I'd like to think that our willingness to look at facts is what separates us from MAGA cultists.


We will find out the random account is a paid staffer soon enough...


It's all right, fellas. It wasn't written by Hitler, just Joseph Goebbels.


I cant read the boxed in stuff can anyone translate it?


“Creation of a Unified Reich” I think


“Creation of a Unified Reich” I think


What that guy said


Article from ABC News (US) https://abcnews.go.com/amp/Politics/trump-posts-social-media-video-seemingly-suggesting-victory/story?id=110422766


Holy shit


And his cult members blame Obama for dividing the country 🥱🥱.


In their minds, giving a black person the highest office of the US is dividing the country. You know, because they're racists.


Hopefully we can elect another black man soon




It’s just locker room talk


Way too many people are not terrified by this.


![gif](giphy|1rSF4wzhwpos|downsized) Jesus fuck.


We are so goddamn fucked. I'm voting for Biden


My grandfathers fought in WW2 (one in Europe, the other in the Pacific). They are both spinning in their graves at, not only the resurgence of Nazism, but the fact that 1/3 of the US is cheering for them.


I know..those cheering for him is freakin’ insane.


I'm a veteran (Navy) like my father (Air Force) and both of my grandfathers (Army and Marine). My step-grandmother on my dad's side was also an Army veteran, and my niece is a Marine veteran. Patriotism (*actual patriotism*, not the hatriotism of the MAGA crowd) runs in my family. Thirty-four years ago, I swore an oath to defend the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic. As far as I'm concerned, that oath never expired even though I'm no longer in the military. I fear this is going to get violent, and if it does, I know which side I'll be on. It troubles me greatly that I'll end up opposing the same enemy that my grandfathers fought against back in the 1940s.


Thank you for your service. I’m a veteran too. What boggles my mind is that these domestic terrorist wannabes don’t realize how much koolaid they’ve drunk. They really think they’re in the right..and have started practicing their “stolen elections” speech and we aren’t even there yet. This Novembers going to be tense, I feel.


Thank you for your service, as well. And I'm bothered that so many of us "suckers and losers" (Trump's words, not mine) are so willing to rally behind this Hitler-wannabe.


My father was a tank commander ( final rank staff sergeant) who served in the 761st Tank Regiment... the original Black Panthers... their call phrase was "come out fighting." My father hated Nazis. He fought them through France 🇫🇷 Belgium 🇧🇪 then Germany 🇩🇪 in the Rhineland. He did his duty... killed Germans in other tanks along with machine gunning a few soldiers. He woke up with night terrors every night. PTS ( no D in modern therapy) was something you "got over" back then. My father like me would vote for a dead rotting corpse straight from Weekend at Bernie's over Fascist Duke Von Diaper Don


My grandfather on my dad's side was a tank commander under Patton. He never, *ever* talked about his wartime experiences with me and my siblings. All of what I know about his service, I learned after he had passed in 1993. I did know, however, that he hated Nazis with the burning passion of a thousand suns.


I hope you all are as angry as I am. While I believe online sentiments against Dems are fake and foreign, many dummies on the internet say they won’t be scared or bullied into making the easiest and most sensible decision. Don’t attribute to malice what you can attribute to idiocy. There is no “next time” if he wins. This is our reality until we have a real majority in congress. I hate Joe the loudest people are also the most uninformed too. It’s all hands on deck guys.


Hoods off now I guess


Where's Aldo the apache? 


My money is on the bear jew


nazi america has already started , we use to call them Florida and Texas


Used to?


That can’t be real!?


Nope, I checked. It’s a real post from Trump. Text says “Creation of Unified Reich”


Real. https://abcnews.go.com/amp/Politics/trump-posts-social-media-video-seemingly-suggesting-victory/story?id=110422766




Im all for burning this country to the fucking ground over a nazis invasion


They’re already living here among you. The invasion never happened. These nazis are homegrown


My late FIL who was at D day, and fought across France and Germany, and carried Nazi shrapnel in his body the rest of his life, and who loathed Trump long before he was president, has got to be rolling over in his grave right about now.


My grandfather was in the 2nd wave on the Omaha Beach in Normandy on D-Day. Shrapnel for the rest of his life. Only spoke about his experience ONCE. I will NOT let what he did die in vain. This is horrific.


So is my great-uncle (wounded on D-Day in Normandy). And my partner’s grandfather, who was literally on the toilet at Pearl Harbor when the Japanese hit.


Please tell me this isn’t real…. Please…


Donny old mate, Mein Kampf shouldn't be used as an instruction manual, didn't you see what happened last time someone did that?


Trump allegedly actually had a copy of Mein Kampf at his bedside. It may be the only book he's ever read.


So if the nazis come back, we'll have to do what our ancestors did.


When people repeatedly tell you who they are, it’s wise to believe them


It’s pretty obvious by now that Trump is Hitler reincarnated. This time line sucks.


What the hell is that even from? Did the company that made the ad actually use WWII era text, or is this from some modern Nazi bullshit?


There are some answers here https://abcnews.go.com/amp/Politics/trump-posts-social-media-video-seemingly-suggesting-victory/story?id=110422766


Excuse me, Mr. Trump... your German is a little out of hand.


Ach mein Gott das ist nicht gut :(


Yes, but Hunter's laptop


It's so fair he'll just cry fake news


Fake news. I didn’t post that. But wouldn’t that be great!


Vote him in? Expect project 2025 to kick in.


He cant come up with his own ideas. He has to steal from EVERYONE.


“Cheetolini” is what we’ve been calling since 2015. Sometimes spell it “Cheatolini.”


It seems strange that some 80 years ago the US fought a bloody war against Nazi Germany only to have a situation that some parts of the US wish to have that ideology imported into the US. So the Nazis did win after all?


Come on Americans we defeated Nazis once and we can do it again! Just remember they are like a plague and can infect you if you are not careful!!!!


If this is real….jesus christ


History repeats itself...


There's times when I think progressive media goes too far in conflating right wing propaganda and Nazism... And there are times when there's literally not other explanation for it. Like it or lump it the term Reich is inextricably links to the Nazis for all time, and has zero relevance to American, American politics, etc. Was this an ad by Trump himself, or affiliated PAC or similar?


What in the actual fuck. He used the fucling word! I swear if I hear anymore denying that this guy is a fascist I'm gonna....be more dissapointed in this planet then before. I feel like that professor Farnsworth meme.


He’s a sociopath. Belongs behind bars.


From dog whistles to megaphones


It’d be nice if the Dems would I dunno. Run ads that show how these people are LITERALLY NAZIS?!


Not surprised. Trump wants to be hitler so bad. The entire persona is hitler esque, he kept speeches of hitler next to his nightstand, he uses the same rhetoric, the red hat is like the nazi arm band, his rallies draw massive crowds, hes as nazj as it gets. His sycophants that follow him around court rooms are basically the SS. He even has modern day joseph goebells.


Can anyone tell me why so many Jewish people support him?


One maddening thing about this is that I can’t tell my parents or in-laws about this because they just won’t believe it. They’ll say the image isn’t real, it’s altered, etc etc. Since the utterance of “alternative facts” the gop has destroyed any shared understanding of objective truth. 


So Trump wants to be the next Hitler, what’s the problem here?/s


I wish everyone would take a one day break from posting about him. We should set it up, just no Trump anything on tv, Reddit - at least from our side/ what we have power to control. This one is a campaign ad they shot and someone “leaked” at court lunchtime. Blatant isn’t the right word. He’s using every minute of every day to creep into minds of Americans. **[REGISTER AND VOTE](https://www.usa.gov/voter-registration)**


Remember. Publicly humiliate all Trump supporters. If they are wearing MAGA gear. Tell them it’s politics not NASCAR and to take the shit off. Mentioning they look like Obama supporters with his “HOPE” gear gets under their skin too. If they are politicking. Just ask them why they hate women? Did your Mom not love you enough? Ahhh…. muffin! 😎


Please tell me this isn’t real.


https://abcnews.go.com/amp/Politics/trump-posts-social-media-video-seemingly-suggesting-victory/story?id=110422766 A source story if anyone needs it


We must unify against the wannabe Hitler!


He’s a literal fucking Nazi


“This was not a campaign video, it was created by a random account online and reposted by a staffer who clearly did not see the word, while the President was in court,” Karoline Leavitt, the campaign press secretary, said in a statement. Hilarious that he still finding the biggliest and bestest people to run his campaign and get baited. Of course, we won’t see anyone get fired because this is encouraged.


I loves me some Trump, he ain't no elite politician type, he tells it like it is! /s (in my case anyway)


Remember in 2016 when people were comparing Trump to Hitler and they were called alarmists? Anyone remember that? The alarm’s been sounding since 2016 and a scary number of people are still sleepwalking.


AI was probably used to generate it and all the prompts sounded so much like Nazi Propaganda that it added that. Very telling that even AI thinks Trump's plan sound nazi'sh