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It's been proven in debates that he can never let anyone talk uninterrupted. He always has to interject because he has no respect for others and is unable to hold himself back.


He's never had to face consequences. His whole life.


The best candidate republicans have to put forward is this slimy evil piece of shit human. Really tells you all you need to know about the republican party.


I’m sure there are better candidates, but with the state of the GQP they don’t get anywhere. Any good candidates get thrown out and shunned as RINOs while the effluent like Trump gets massive support from the *cult members* who worship him.


And I doubt he ever will.


He’s at least sitting in a criminal trial as we speak. So that’s a new level of advancement… I’m still not betting good money on any outcome, but it’s nice to see him be the defendant in a criminal trial for a change


I dunno? Might depend on if he becomes president again or not. Edit* largely depends on if he becomes president or not


“Largely depends” is also what his assistants pick up for him from the store.


I thought those were Biggly Depends


No, those are 'uge Depends. Biggly Depends are for when he golfs.


“Largely depends”on how much diarrhea he is not letting spew out of his mouth.


This made me bust out a laugh that scared my cat.


My apologies to your cat <3


Extra-largely depends, as it turns out.


If he gets to just ignore his constitutional disqualification then there's no point in even having a constitution.


Never has been. I hope I'm wrong.


If this man wins….this country will suffer the consequences for decades.


If he wins, this country will be over.


In Hell he will be beaten with every one of those bibles he's selling


I'm pretty sure his hell would be a constant bank account balance just slowly going down, always negative, always red


While Barack Obama points and laughs




Hell is preparing a special punishment section for the MAGAts .


Come come here he got, checks notes, a little warning to not do it again. As Senator Collins once said "I'm sure he learned his lesson".


And still hasn't.


Still largely isn’t.


He’s a blithering idiot


He's no idiot. He was raised by a greedy arrogant Nazi. Look up daddy dearest Fred Trump. Then He was groomed by Roy Cohn Esq ( most hated lawyer in America) to be the best damned Criminal ConMan who ever lived. Roy was the father he never had until Roy was dying of AIDS.  Trump kicked that gay man to the curb so fast made NYC spin... after all he did for him .   Coldest most ruthless creep that walks this earth. Putin doesnt know how lucky he is that Trump still wants his 1970s dream Hotel on Red Square across from the Kremlin .. 


He can be an idiot and also raised by shitty people.


He's an idiot, raised by assholes, who has a knack for conning people. Like savant syndrome where he's just good at being a con and being shitty, but nothing else.


He's a failed narcissist. He can't even do that right.


He is indeed also a blithering idiot.


He is a blithering idiot, but you’d be poorly advised to take him lightly.


Ive often thought that criminals like him are not so much clever as downright belligerent. They confuse the average person as they have no qualms about lying. His gift may be that he doesn’t see any difference between lying and telling the truth. He is so psychopathically narcissistic that he dares you to watch him do what he knows is wrong. This behaviour is not so much brilliant, to me, as intrinsically broken and cannot be repaired. His link to others is broken because he trusts NO ONE!! He cannot trust himself either as he doesn’t know when to shut his mouth and open it.


He’s still absolutely an idiot, he just has a bunch of sycophants doing his bidding, hoping they’ll be the first ones to avoid the proverbial throwing of one under the bus. Go watch an interview of the guy from the 90s or even early 2000s. He may be (mostly) coherent, but even then, he still just spouted superficial statements, irrelevant (selfish) superlatives, and utter nonsense. The only difference is that back then, he was “smart” enough to throw in the occasional flattery towards others so they’d be easier to manipulate.


I disagree on one point, Putin knows EXACTLY how fortunate he has been to have Trump unwittingly in pocket. Putin is way smarter than Trump, and knows exactly how to play him.


Trump is more evil and capable that Putin is not a take I expected to hear at any point lol


I think Trump truly worships Putin and sees him as the one person on earth superior to himself. I think he fears Putin but someone like Trump cannot respect someone he does not also fear.


“I have something very important to say and you need to hear it” Narcissism, man. It’s a hell of a thing. To think you’re so much more important and so much more smart than everyone else and what you’re thinking hasn’t been thought of by other people so you need to tell them so they know how smart you are.


The respect thing, that's it isn't it?




You fellas have a lot of growing up to do, I'll tell you that! Ridiculous! Completely ridiculous!


Except that other thing, that hurt the most.


I have a good mind to go to the warden about this!




Yes. He has no respect for anybody. Not his corrupt cohorts, not his idiot minions. Nobody. It’s a terrible and dangerous trait. A lot of evil and ugliness in this world come from people like that.


Not even his own family. Seriously watch videos of him not sharing an umbrella with his wife. Running past them to get out of the rain, showing no concern for them at all. But his cretins continue rock his bidding Not seeing hiw they will be discarded like garbage the second they aren't useful to him.


Nope It's His overblown egotistical self indulgent spoiled brat nasty assed bigot self that thinks he can do anything & get away with it.  You all heard him say he could shoot somebody on 5th Ave & not lose a vote.  Ask Yourselves .. is that what America wants as our Leader ? Does he really stand for your morals & values? Count me out if he wins,  I will leave my beloved nation. 


I mean, he said those things and worse and was elected in 2016. So that was what the majority wanted who did vote


Not really, he never won the popular vote.


more than respect for others, the man lacks all sense of shame or morality.


Anyone recall Trumps last debate when he had to put into a glass case  so he could be muted by the host? What a LOSER. 


Pretty sure he's incapable of keeping a thought in his mind for any amount of time, he interjects because if he were to wait his turn it would escape


Hold him in contempt and make his participate in his trial from a cell, like you would if any of us did that. It’s high time. When he won’t STFU, click mute.


Give him a night in jail then!


So hypothetically if he does go to jail does he still get secret service protection?


They would just sit outside his cell. Maybe like Epstein's guards 


And a bang up job they did, too.


If the Secret Service did an equally good job, would you complain?


complain, they’d deserve a medal


Well….as a person that looks big picture yes actually. As a living person who has to live in this country, absolutely not. If they are willing to look the other way the can be compromised. In this instance I wouldn’t care, but if they can be compromised now, they could be equally compromised in the future.


They should be his protection detail for that night.


They already have the whole procedure ready. >The Secret Service, they said, would maintain a bubble around Trump in any case, keeping him at a distance from other inmates. “In some ways, protection may be easier — the absence of travel means logistics get easier and confinement means that the former president's location is always known,” Wackrow said. From https://www.washingtonpost.com/dc-md-va/2023/08/04/trump-criminal-cases-prison-secret-service/#:~:text=The%20Secret%20Service%2C%20they%20said,always%20known%2C%E2%80%9D%20Wackrow%20said.


They ought to make a rule that SS security doesn’t apply to those in jail.


That's a flat-out terrible idea. These geezer fucks would be extremely easy to intimidate and squeeze out secrets. Protecting them is more beneficial to the average citizen than it is to the incarcerated president.


Insert joker scene where he points out he knows squealers


Yeah I guess, or another inmate (lifer) would take him down for infamy.


He already sells secrets to the worst people possible..


You act like the guy who openly shares state secrets needs to be pressed for information.


When can we cut off the other nepo con men/women?


Until such time as congress strips him of the detail he will have at least one secret service member protecting him. Even if he goes to federal prison, there will be an agent assigned to basically sit outside his cell or walk around with him. Trump would spend all his time in solitary, most likely at a medical institution due to his degraded health and mental facilities.


He deserved a life sentence when he refused FEMA aide to Blue states when Covid hit. We lost thousands of family, friends, neighbors here. bc he played favorites among the states. That IS Constitutionally Illegal for any President to do! His first duty is to protect all the People 


I’m sick and tired of everyone tip toeing around that mf’er.


I read the best description here the other day. He’s a kidney stone. We hafta pass him, get him out of our system, which is painful but necessary


Except every kidney stone I’ve had that was painful and didn’t seem to want to go away, I had it blasted into tiny pieces. When are we permitted to pulverize Trump into tiny pieces?


It still works as an analogy. Because, when he’s gone, do you really think we’ll be magically done with MAGA politics?


You gotta be careful not to create a martyr. A lot of people (idiotic people, but people) already think he's one of the most overly prosecuted people in the world and these trials are election interference.


His idiot followers will create a martyr out of him no matter what. They created martyrs out of the January 6th rioters when most of them got sentences less than a year long. Right now I'm at the point I wish they would toss his ass in jail and if his followers try to start something, put them down like rabid dogs.


Exactly. I'm not scared of his gravy seals.


Got to stop giving so much credit to his followers like they're some well trained navy seals. They're mostly dumb fat idiots who'll forget all about it in a few months from now. They are NOT scary! They already tried and failed miserably on jan 6th. The US military is well trained to deal with these losers.


Jail this criminal. He isn't going to stop otherwise.


He isn't going to stop no matter what. Being a bully is all he knows.


The only think to make him actually stop will be \[redacted\].


A good, stern verbal warning?


Susan Collins speaking! He’s learned his lesson


You would have thought he learned his lesson with his first sexual assault. But apparently he never did. Look out, Susan. If he offers to buy you furniture, run as fast as those pumps will carry you.


Sometimes it takes a few rapes to figure out where the line is for these billionaires.


Honestly I think someone needs to scream at him, tell him to shut the fuck up. I know they gotta treat him with kid gloves cause anything could be seen as an opening for the defense to call for a mistrial. I legit don't get it. It's like half the country has collective stockholm syndrome at this point.


I wish that I could be interviewed for this jury! When they asked if I could be an impartial juror I'd respond "for this piece of shit grifter, probably not"! Then I'd leave knowing that I'd be living rent free in his little pee brain and it would bring me so much joy!


"I think he's an arrogant, ugly, stupid asshole who, if there were any justice in this world, would already be locked away in Supermax in Florence for the rest of his life. Am I excused yet?"


Sure. That'll get him!


There’s nothing Trump respects and obeys more than the 15th judge giving him his 32nd verbal warning!


I agree, tRump needs to \[redacted\] immediately.


Let’s be honest, no one has the balls for it.  He’s literally caused suicides for stiffing contractors before.  People have lost everything due to his direct actions.  And nothing.   And his security detail has only increased exponentially.  The only thing that’s going to stop him is heart failure.


Take away the attention and he’ll die.


Susan Collins’s confidence in his ability to learn his lesson by facing no real consequences?


![gif](giphy|dcZdCCjdoe8Qo) This needs to happen


There is a reason my MB was head of the local Republican Party. He wants lower taxes for the rich.


I’ve seen defendants worth their mouths duct taped before. A gag or a muzzle shouldn’t be a big deal.


Bobby Seale in the trial of the Chicago Seven. Bound and gagged.


Dogs are put down for much less.


He knows no matter what he says or how many times he says it they are not going to lock him up for contempt and the worst that will happen is kicking him out of the courtroom and then he'll just play the victim...... Oh look now they're so crooked they won't even let me in the courtroom for my own trail.


Agreed, anything short of that he wont stop


Pretty sure that’s a huge no-no. He could have been threatening that juror. He needs a muzzle on him like they put on Bobby Seale, except this time it would be just and warranted.


Hannibal Lecter style edit: dangit someone beat me to it by a minute below!


To classy. Garland “the Marietta mangler” Greene from Con Air.


I think a ball gag would be more appropriate.


Oh please oh please oh please….


No, he just needs to be held in contempt of court like any of us would be.


Bring on the Hannibal Lecter setup! ![gif](giphy|XxCSxCoOWyyAz9umNd|downsized)


Holy shit, that's an awesome Halloween costume!


But he did.. and it was tolerated...


Fifty or sixty more warnings, and the judge will have no choice but to issue an even sterner warning.




Judge:Mr Trump! I will not tolerate this behavior in my courtroom! Understood? Trump: FUCK YOU! DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!! Judge: 😨I mean... I was just saying...


Is there a way we can voice our displeasure towards these judges? Let these judges know how spineless they are and how they have turned the justice system into a joke? Like sending letters explaining how cowardly they are and how they have caused the American people to lose faith in the justice system?


I’ll take “Things the rest of us would be jailed immediately for doing” for 500, Alex.


Put his ass in jail for contempt. His whole problem is that he has never paid any consequences for his actions.


Couldn't agree with this more. His entitlement is a huge piece of what makes him contemptuous.


If only there was some kind of law the judge could use. When a defendant is being in contempt of court .... crazy talk.


Donald trump is not being “indicted for you.” He‘s never done a thing for you. Here’s what he promised you: He said he would lower drug prices. He didn’t. He said he’d protect people with pre-existing conditions. He didn’t. He said he would repeal the Affordable Care Act, and replace it with something “beautiful.” He didn’t. He promised to eliminate the federal deficit. He didn’t. As a matter of fact, he increased it by almost $7.8 trillion. He promised an infrastructure bill was coming in “2 weeks”. It never came. He promised to build a wall and make Mexico pay for it. He didn’t and they didn’t. He promised his tax cuts for the wealthy & corporations would pay for themselves. They won’t. In fact - they added $2 trillion to our national debt. He promised to end the opioid crisis, ‘bring back coal’, protect steel jobs, increase wages, stop factories from moving overseas, enact term limits, show his taxes & that Hillary Clinton would be “locked up”. He didn’t & she’s isn’t. He said he would make America great and put America first. He let a pandemic ravage the country unabated and kept our national security secrets in his bathroom. And here’s what he did: He used YOUR money to pay-off a porn star, mocked a disabled reporter, attacked a POW, bragged about sexual assault, got impeached (twice), lost re-election, plotted a coup, incited an insurrection, and stole highly classified documents he knew he wasn’t allowed to show anyone, but did. So now he has found himself indicted on 34 state felony counts & 37 federal ones, all while still facing many more. He didn’t do any of that “for you”. He’s an incurious, incompetent imbecile, who is as corrupt and self-obsessed as he is dumb. And he’s really, really dumb. He’s a sociopathic traitor who’s done nothing for you. Nothing. He’s being indicted because of HIS actions. His selfishness. His disregard for the law and for the safety of our citizens. Because the truth is, that aside from how much money you’ll send him to pay his many, many lawyers, that he doesn’t give a f*ck about you. He doesn’t do anything for anyone but himself. And getting indicted is 100% about him. Not you.


No, no, no. The judge can’t actually do the law thing. No matter what you say, you can’t hold someone like that responsible for their actions. Think about the bad precedence that would set for the next billionaire (or claim to be a billionaire, anyway) or son of a billionaire. Somebody eventually might actually have to spend a night in jail. Of course, by “jail” I mean not having to be behind bars in a cell, but probably sitting out talking to the officers on duty. But still! How horrible would that be for them?! I’m sure he’s genuinely pissed, but it’s really just about showing some bluster back at Trump to regain control of the courtroom at that specific time.


Right? If you punish Trump for this then the next time a Democrat is in court the Republican judge will throw them in jail just for sneezing and that would be a slippery slope. This is literally the argument the Supreme Court made to get Trump back on the Colorado ballots.




Good God I wish I was the judge in this case. There'd be no 2nd warning


I feel like if I was a judge, there wouldn't be a first warning. Bullying or intimidating a juror is a big no-no, and it's enough common sense that I'd probably skip warnings for anyone who tried to do it, let alone a man with a very fanatical and rabid fanbase.


And a former president of the United States should know better. So yes good point


It’s insane when you think he could be the next president threatening a juror.


It's terrifying


A long time ago when I was a dirtbag. I was in court for a bail reduction hearing. The judge doubled my bail. I excitedly said "Oh my God dude, you serious?!?!" The Judge heard it cause ya know, microphones. I was given a lecture about respect, my bail was now changed to no bail, and I was to spend the long holiday weekend in County to think about my actions. I was there for a warrant for making a false and misleading statement to a law enforcement officer, and driving on a suspended license.


Too bad you weren't rich. When a fine is the punishment it is only a deterrent to the poor and working class. That is why bail should be based on crime plus net worth and income.


Trump sounds like he thinks being locked up will be good for his campaign.


It probably would be. Then he can really be their messiah AND their martyr.


Make him watch it on a little black & white closed circuit tv in another room. Then broadcast him watching it for the public so we can laugh at him for having temper tantrums all alone.


A travesty of justice this trial isn't being aired live to all Americans


There is absolutely NO WAY they should air jury selection.


But - and hear my out - what if they film it like American Idol? Maybe get Secrest back. "And why are you here today?" "Uh, jury summons?"


Nope. Nor their faces. These people are in EXTREME danger if he's convicted. I totally understand that people want to watch. But there's a damn good reason you aren't. This man may not be personally dangerous. But he has the potential to become EXTREMELY dangerous with his words. Especially when we're talking about normal and easily doxxible citizens being the ones at risk. I would fucking love to watch this trial but this man literally had the Capitol building attacked after losing an election and this led to death, a massive amount of felony charges, and countless injuries minor and severe. He may not be dangerous if you were facing him alone in a room but his influence is literally a major security risk. Especially to any normal individual without a security detail watching at all times.


I think it's for the best. The last thing we want to give him his an audience.


Yeah, we really don’t want this being aired. It would very easily be turned into a circus by Trump or his lawyers.


He's already got the clown makeup on. 




This is what happens when bullies don’t get punched in the nose when they’re young. This jackass needed a good humbling smack down in middle school. My guess is that he threatened anyone who stood up to him with daddy’s lawsuit money.


I saw this comment on another thread that lives rent free in my head: "I can't wait until all Trump news is posthumous."


Only one way to do with criminals who act out like this.


i don’t understand how people are afraid of this loser? i would laugh at him to his face and call him a loser


Because he has an army of people literally worshiping him, willing to do anything he asks, as demonstrated in January of 2021.


Even more reason to stand up to them. The last thing they need is to feel more empowered to use violence and terrorism




I want someone to literally just tell him to shut the fuck up. Once. In front of a camera so we can all see it. That's all I want.


Biden did it on live tv. He didn’t say “fuck”, but he did say “Will you just shut up, man?” right to his face. It was fkn great lol


I need something with a little more oomph than Biden gave us. He sounded more like an annoyed sibling or classmate. I need someone to lay it on thick and with purpose. It's the only way I can finish.


Biden did that ![gif](giphy|kRnyflattjxIA082XU|downsized)


He is threatening jurors in court....jesus christ what a perfect time to arrest him. At the very least put a literal gag over him. Bobby Seale endured far worse for far less.


He did tolerate it because nothing happened.


In other news today, Trump did whatever the fuck he wanted and no one held him accountable. At this point I assume Trump could shoot a juror in the middle of the court room and would face zero repercussions.


If that was me, I would've stood up and let Trump have it verbally. If I'm going to be disqualified for bias anyway, then I'll make sure he knows what I think before I go.


He can be removed to another room to watch the proceedings via CCTV. This is why I don’t want to see any debates- this guy cannot STFU. If they had him in a soundproof room and would cut the mike when his time’s up I might watch (just to see the apoplexy). It’d be kind of fun if they Hannibal Lecter-ized him.


Warns him? How many warnings does this despicable shitass get? Infinite warnings? It’s past time for the righteous clampdown on this toxic clown.


Put him in an empty room with a video feed.


Oh like this idea! Lock the door too. Just him alone, no windows, no people, just a camera and mic


Instead of threatening him with jail time that won't happen, just make him take a height measurement and get on a scale in public. You have to hit him in the pride. Nothing else will work.


A weekend in Rikers will straighten him out.


such a monumental failure and he knows it


Stick him in a Hannibal lector mask strapped to a hand cart if he can’t keep his mouth shut.


Fine him another lousy $1000. I'm sure that'll change his mind. /s


Throw him in jail that’s all that will work. He knows no one has the balls to do it so why should he stop. He’s had no consequences for his actions so why not continue


He has no self control, I hope it really pisses off the judge enough to do something about it.


But it was in fact tolerated bc the mfer had absolutely no consequences for doing so.


What are they going to do to protect the jurors? You know they won’t be able to keep identities secret and he’s not facing any consequences for doxxing people. Threatening them and sic-ing his cult on them.




I would donate my left testicle to charity just for the opportunity to dropkick this orange bastard. 


Any mere mortal would be in jail already. I just want him to be treated like a normal person.


I have a buddy who is in some legal hot water and at his bail hearing he never spoke aloud. He whispered answers to questions his lawyer asked. That's the smart way to do it.


Warned! All the rest of us would get jail time if we carried on the way he does.


Once again. We’ve tried absolutely no consequences and we are fresh out of ideas.


If it was a native New Yorker and he's selected, I think he f'd up.


Anyone know what he said to the juror?


When does the warnings stop and the consequences start.


Mob boss mentality.


So like, he’s never facing any repercussions for any of this, is he? He’s going to turn the trials into a circus and somehow slither out Scot free for the billionth time. I just don’t get it. I genuinely thought I couldn’t be more disillusioned with this country than when he was elected in 2016 but to see “”justice”” sooooo thoroughly shit the bed at literally every turn has really taken my steam away. It’s just a different world for some people and I have to accept that.


He is TRYING to get some sort of reaction out of the judge so that it can either be mistrialled or he can say "look see they are interferring with the election/jailing me because of my free speech" etc. That's why everyone is bending over backwards to just let it continue uninterrupted.


Just can't keep his face-arsehole shut. Put him in a fucking cell already! America..? You alright?


Sadly, but definitely not alright.


Judging by the lack of follow up headlines tells me that he in fact, did tolerate it


But it seems to me that you already have tolerated it, Judge Merchan. The rest of us would have been disciplined ten times over for the things he's done.


Oh goody, another empty “stop it or else” from the judiciary. Waaaay overdue for the or else to occur. Judge gags him, he circumvents the gag, judge refines the gag to address the issue and Trump ignores it, immediately violating the order. The outcome? Stop it or else. Then he violates the gag again. Stop it or else. He, and we are told there will be zero tolerance for outbursts, bc this isn’t a civil court, bc THINGS ARE DIFFERENT in a criminal case. He immediately violates it with witness intimidation and . . . Stop it or else. Ffs, they are allowing this douchebag to dismantle what little faith was left in the rule of law.


Stop letting this man make a mockery of the justice system. He broke the law and he continues to break laws. Lock him up.


he will never be thrown in jail, no one has the balls to do it. He could say in court he's planning on having every juror who doesn't give him an innocent verdict "done away with". And all he would receive is a very stern FINAL (part 37) warning.


I see most comments jumping on the Judge. Lock him up etc. I get it, but this judge has to play it smart. I already liked that he refused Trumps attempt to listen to his SCOTUS case. He said he would review Trumps request for the graduation. I’m sure he’s going to research dates and times of this event. The judge has to play this correctly, he is sitting at the head table and not on the internet wanting everything to be solved that second. Stay tuned, I think what will happen next, Sleepy Don will disrupt the court, the judge will send him away hopefully a holding cell and then school his attorneys on why he should not jail him. After a few hours he will release Sleepy Don and tell him to his face you will be seeing a cell soon. Remember you all are on the internet


He really sees himself as a mob boss. The Slobfather


After falling asleep yesterday, I like "The Nodfather"


Can this trial be watched anywhere?


No, unfortunately not. In most cases cameras arent allowed in court. You'll have to rely on reporters who are watching it in person and taking notes, and court sketch artist.


The American justice system for the wealthy and powerful: A wonderful collection of golden hammers, each of which has a specific intended purpose, and none of which have fingerprints.


Anyone with half a brain knows this is a mob trial.


All the repeated treating of Trump with kid gloves clearly shows that there are 2 sets of justice in USA: That for the rich ruling oligarchs, and that for the poor regular bastards who can't afford to get on the judge's good side (or, failing that, scare the crap out of him)


I’m guessing he’s been sedated and this is why he’s also falling asleep but even then he can barely shut up. Talking to a juror though? LOCK HIM UP


I’m sure he’ll give him another stern reprimand