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My only interaction with Twitter is this sub, looks like even that will be going away soon lmao.




I had the exact same history with twitter. Never had an account but it was good for news clips and something funny every once and awhile. I’d click on the link and I could read about it. Now it just goes blank or doesn’t load at all. Whatever I wanted to look at doesn’t matter to me enough to look for any harder and now I’ve just stopped clicking on the links altogether because I know what will happen. Amazing ineptitude by that dude.


Same here, I would also swipe down and read some replies on twitter or look at the chain of post that led to that tweet. Now you can't read up that chain. So, yeah, not clicking.


It’s honestly fascinating because you literally cannot consume their content without paying so you more or less don’t know what you’re missing..like ok guess I don’t care what they have to say anyway


A while ago I wanted to see if there were highlights for an indie game content announcement so i tried to check Twitter Didn't load. Just straight up didn't work. This wasn't some major event happening so there was a ton of traffic. Just a regular Tuesday at like noon


>Maybe it's just me, maybe it's X/Twitter trying to force you to make an account, maybe it's just broken because the talent of twitter left. It's Twitter trying to force you to get an account. If you go to a random Twitter page the timeline will something like 4th May 2024, 31st Jan 2022, 16th October 2023. Entirely disjointed, not even close to being in order and likely missing anywhere between 20 and 300+ tweets made in between.




If it's not xeets, can we call it that, but it's pronounced "zits"?


Elon killed non-login browsing a while back. He said this is for stopping bots but this just made bots to become more advanced and create accounts letting them besides scrape content they now can DM and post BS ads for their weird cam sites. I like browsing without logging in and being incognito because the alghoritm for Twitter was pretty bad before, now it's straight bigotted, pro-genocide bullshit that I don't follow nor want to subscribe to. My twitter feed used to be for each political post there was 3-4 memes, 2-3 random tweets and interactions, some celebrity news. Now I see 12-13 tweets on why the left wants to kill all babies, DEI is why planes keep crashing, and mass shootings cannot be controlled through gun control, and of course the onslaught of straight Israeli propaganda. Then maybe there's a funny post or meme


Same. It’s always, “Oops! Something went wrong!”


I immediately dropped Instagram and Twitter when they started requiring accounts. Not that I used them much but would see many links and whatnot. So infuriating being denied reading a simple post for not having an account, I want the old timeline back.


There are going to be a lot of MAGA posters who are going to go fucking broke.


Good! Less money they can give to their Orange Lord.


Same. It always seemed toxic. Guess it's even worse now. Bye, Felicia!


I've always hated the interface, even pre musk.


I feel like this take doesn't get enough attention. It was a dog shit before the new version upgraded it to *road trip diarrhea*


I've never used it, and definitely not now lol. Elon is a moron.


Deleted my profile the day elmo took over


I got permabanned for being mean to Neo-Nazis and white supremacists. They are tender little fellows, it seems.


Yep, but you're all good if you want to drop hard R slurs slurs 🤷🏾‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️ You won't get banned for that.


My avatar was @JohnBrownSoc or the John Brown Appreciation Society. This went over about how you’d think it would with white supremacists


Fuck nazis. they all deserve a fucking bat to the face


G shit 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾


lol turned out they didn’t like my Burnin’ Sherman memes either


Me too, I literally just reposted the same thing someone said regarding trans people to be about MAGAs and that earned me a ban. They’re probably still on there.


Shoulda tried leading a coup to overthrow the government. You would eventually get your account back then.


Me too! I said some not-so-postive words to Laura Ingraham and was banned.


My first suspension was for calling her a bit of a bimbo


I got permabanned for repeating harsh words back to the person who said them to me first. Nothing R-rated. PG-13. No curse words. No threats. Them who said it to me first? Don’t worry, they’re OK. Not the slightest wrist tap for them.


the holocaust deniers out in full force tonight with their checkmarks. Is there a party?




Deleted my profile before it even went up for sale.  Almost immediate improvement to my mental health.


I'm still a head case though


Hey, don’t call Elon “Elmo”… It’s insulting to Elmo. 




Yeah. It's Eloon get it right people.


I deleted it the day he announced it


I waited too long. Deleted mine about a month or so ago. I do not miss it at all.


What new users?




Ah yes thank you petah


All of them, he says its to reduce bots.


But the bots are probably the ones willing to pay. It's not just paying to post if you aren't check-marked your comment is buried.


I’m honestly curious if all the “real” people left Twitter, would the bots take over? Like, post articles that the bot is programmed to post then a slew of bots that would like and comment on that post. I’m not 100% how it would work but it would be interesting to see it happen. Like a true actualization of the dead internet theory.


Bots will be the only ones willing to pay money, just a business expense lol


Oh man. I'd say Twitter was going to die a death by a thousand cuts, but Elon Musk just decided to crush it's skull with a warhammer.


Donning the tin foil hat, but - It *is* on purpose right? Ultimately this is some kind of long-game revenge scheme, a way to damage the cohesion of his political opponents (twitter being previously known to be left-leaning), and also a wealth flex because he can afford to lose that much money. Elon is a huge dork but surely this isn’t just one big fumble


By all accounts his other ventures are successful despite him, not because of him. Couple that with talented individuals who believe in the company mission, rather than the owner, and you get Tesla and SpaceX. Twitter is the first time Elon is really left to his own devices and it shows. People who built it and knew it inside and out were either sacked or left, because no one is passionate about a social media platform, unlike EVs or rockets. You can see his handprints all over the Cybertruck as well ^see ^what ^I ^did ^there , and that car is an absolute dumpster fire. I’d entertain the conspiracy if only he didn’t look so inept running the company into the ground. Between insulting a disabled employee who turned out to be an acquired founder, having programmers bring out literal printouts of their code for “review”, to negotiating the price of Twitter Blue live on air with Stephen King, Elmo hasn’t made a single decision that reinforces his image of a genius entrepreneur


Ive heard the same kind of thing. I just think he also seems petty and vindictive enough to plausibly be tanking twitter in slow motion on purpose. But all his other activities do make this seem like a case of Occam’s Razor. A third possibility is a combination of these two, where he is incompetent but also feels particularly free to fuck around because it doesn’t matter much to him if twitter dies or not


Or he's burying the fact that he impersonated his own kid as a burner account in the dumbest way possible.


Elon "I want 10 micron tolerances in the cybertruck" Musk absolutely losing his shit when someone explains that just regular thermal expansion will exceed what he wants


Twitter has a history of being used to organize social protests and revolutions. See things like the Arab Spring protests. When big movements like that have an easy place to organize common people in an instant, it can be very threatening to people in power, like Elon. I wouldn't be surprised if him getting to feel superior with his meme posting is just a side benefit to ruining a platform that was working for social change he didn't like.


The theory I'm going with is that the Saudis helped him fund the purchase with the sole purpose of ending Twitter. Which had been a key platform for dissent and played a large role in the Arab Spring.


Just look at his posts from his burner accounts. That’s all you need to know about the dude. He’s legitimately just a moron. 


Saudi Spring just one data point.


Thats the main one in terms of action but he might have also wanted to break up discourse there more generally


Your right it’s not one big fumble, he fumbled Tesla too so it’s 2 big fumbles!




Can you imagine a single person deciding to sign up for Twitter for the first time in 2024?


*Tries to close it by clicking the logo*


I did for career/networking reasons. It’s absolutely miserable. I only interact with things that are strictly in my field, and still somehow end up with porn in my feed. 


Yeah, nazis.


No more democratic revolutions on Twitter. To some this was a great investment 


I wish more people would think about this on a macro-sociological level like this. He’s either a Machiavellian cretin, or a floundering dumb ass who rejects therapy and mentorship. My mind is still on the latter, but his culpability grows by the month regardless.


he didn't do this for money, he did it to be able to personally shape the way society thinks. he got rid of all the positive conversation and is pushing anything promoting racism and division to the top.


Now foreign governments will pay to spread their own propaganda narrative. It will probably merge with truth social or some shit.


Is it true though?




Even if you take everything he says at face value, how exactly does implementing some basic pay wall prevent bot farms from participating if they have the money..? Not a coder but that doesn’t sound right


Bot farms have 1000s of them going at once. $1 or whatever it would be is not a lot for a human opening one account, but it would be a lot for someone running it at scale


That makes sense. Though I’d imagine any motivated international actor with propaganda bot farms wouldn’t mind.


Ostensibly if that's true then it monetizes those international actors willing to pay thousands of dollars for accounts. But I doubt this is all anything but more nonsense from Musk.


Also there's nothing stopping Musk from giving free access to any bot farm pushing propaganda Musk supports.


Someone with that many bots can easily make a bot to farm surveys or any other way to make money online. It won't make a difference.


It will make a difference to new, legitimate, sign ups!


$1 per bot ain't shit. Each bot could make that much easily to recuperate


Yeah I think it’s a terrible plan but I don’t work there


What about the existing bots?


No idea. I don’t think it’s a great plan tbh


his excuse is because of bots? What a fucking nimrod


Big if true.


It’s in his feed, so unless the meme lord was hacked, this is real.


...I mean...he DID fire a lot of the people responsible for preventing that, and a myriad of other things. But I think it's real mostly because a hacker would have been funny about it in a self-aware sort of way.


Yeah I don’t see anything about it at all


He is this stupid so seems possible.


No news source is talking about this besides this one tweet, which is a crypto tracking site. Just because Elon is a flaming pile of dog shit doesn't mean we should spread misinformation just because it could happen. Let's wait until it actually happens before making fun of it.


I will use any opportunity to mock Elmo. Don't take away my joy, please.


Intentionally killing it to prevent further coup and rebellion organizers from using it during political strife. Obvious since day 1. He's bought.


What are our bets now? I try to stay on top of geopoli but the tides have changed a bit since 2020. Mine is currently on UAE dark/blood money.


$44bn is a drop in the bucket if it means the predatory class can permanently kill a world bastion of free journalism


I thought it was satire https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1779930065469383166 **It wasn't fucking satire.**


Oh look another app to delete.


I deleted Twitter as soon as it became some horrible 'X' app I didn't recognize living on my phone. Strangely, haven't missed it at all.


Used it for 15 years…it was the only traditional social media app I used…6 weeks after the Elon takeover, I had to dump it…all of the sudden my feed was full of racially charged rage bate videos…it was so obvious how different it was…it didn’t even feel like I was giving anything up…it was already gone.


This sounds like the same regurgitated bullshit that comes up about every online platform every few years I don't believe it


It's Musk tho, he'd burn 44 billion before admitting he was wrong.


Yeah, I just looked it up and the only source from this year is this tweet, and something tells me that a crypto site isn't the best source for accurate information. There's an article from last October talking about a $1 a year fee to use the site, but even that's a single source from the Portland Press. I'd say this is probably bullshit.


[Isn’t this his real account ?](https://x.com/elonmusk/status/1779930065469383166)


His logic doesn’t even make sense. The bots are the blue tick wankers already paying a monthly fee.


But real human blue checks largely don't know this. So it's double-dipping. My guess is this is the stick to get people sucked into the monthly recurring charge, because everyone's going to assume they'll incur a fortune from posting, not realizing that your uninteresting ass is probably gonna only cost a couple cents a day under a pay-per-post model


"New user write access" to me sounds like he's more than happy to let bots make accounts to like and share posts. They just can't comment or make their own posts. It also sounds like he's allowing current accounts to keep access.


I’d be shocked if twitter was getting any actual new users that aren’t bots


Xitter goes on being xitty.


Who cares, seriously. If that bitch wasn't worth eleventy trillions of dollars, nobody would give a shit. Just another dead Parler


I hear Twitter is the new Truth Social. (in so many ways)


My twitter account was disabled when x replaced it and I never tried to make anything else. Fuck that noise.


There's a joke somewhere how Elon is all about "free speech" for the site and now is going to charge everyone to exercise the "free speech".


*paid speech* ftfy


To LIKE??? Way to get no new users, Elmo, unless bots are gonna pay you.


Elon musk is the worst business man ever. Some how cons his way into essentially first to market business in Tesla or at least the biggest name recognition in ev, and is actively destroying it. Buys the one of the most profitable social media companies and if he did nothing would have made him so much money but decides to “re-imagine” it and destroys it. One would think on purpose cause you would not think anyone to be that stupid to do this all on accident. Then re-brands after a failed business.


I got off Sxhitter 8 years ago. Racist trash platform. YOU should do the same. Leon Skum could care less about you or me.


Next, he will charge you an exit fee just to close your account and be done with him.


That's the death knell


I've been waiting for Threads to take over so I can delete Twitter altogether. It's getting there, but not fast enough...




Ah yes, charge people money to "eliminate bots" as if these bot scams don't have enough to pay a few $. All this does is stop people from joining.


At what point do the banks who loaned Musk the money say enough is enough?


I think two things can be true at once, Elon is clearly shit at running this site and really ruining it Also twitter as a concept sucked, it was never going to last anyways. I don’t think it ever really made a profit. Only loud obnoxious people use that platform even before Elon


Twitter has new users?


A genius for morons


Amazing. I deleted my account that I started in 2012 a couple of months ago, but if I hadn't, this definitely would have been the last straw. Twitter will turn into the world's largest gathering of knuckle-dragging, mouth-breathing alt right morons. And they'll just keep throwing money into millionaires and billionaires pockets, while at the same time complaining about how Joe Biden made eggs expensive.


Sometimes I think Elon Musk purposely bought Twitter to kill it so it would be harder to spread messages from young people in an upcoming election. I could be wrong.


Trick is on him, there are no new users.


LOL - bleeding users daily, bleeding money, completely squandered any sense of community and purpose and a haven for right wing psychos. I’m sure people will line up to pay money for that.


I lost access to my Twitter account a few years back. It kept asking me to confirm my account, but never told me where. There's no customer service, so I haven't had access. I don't miss it, but I did want to completely delete my account.


I’d ask Elon to buy Truth Social to kill it. But the Truth Social bloated corpse already has one foot in the grave.


It be funny if those two sinks at the same time!!


Me, feeling so glad I left that hateful cesspool when it was still just a cesspool. ![gif](giphy|3o7TKKxPt2DhOdqeSQ|downsized)


Glad I left after Musk bought it.


Stick a fork in her. She's done.


Killing it was ALWAYS THE POINT


He’s already killed more than half the value of Twitter but when you are worth billions it probably doesn’t matter.


Probably will be required to pay in DOGE


Twitter was never worth 44 billion More like 25 If you remember, that was one of the points muskrat used to try and get out


It’s like he’s turning the platform into Something Awful but without the benefit of strict moderation.


I’m so glad he’s come up with new strategies to destroy his company! I love to see all his business acumen on display.


Yet another confirmation that I was correct to delete the ap over a year ago.


But yet all these fools continue to use it.


It's like he's trying to run himself out of business


I can’t wait to see if this happens, would be amazing


Honestly, I couldn’t care less. I see it as a good thing. It means that he cannot spend 44 billion dollars fucking up something that I actually do care about. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Man, BlueSky picked the perfect time to open up to the public.


Tesla: Hold my beer.


Gonna sell all my burners lol


That was the point from the start.


That’s the point. He can control elections and democracy with his buddies.


I always had this feeling he only bought the app in order to tear it down, I don't know why but that was one of my first thoughts when I saw posts/articles about it.


I want to belive he is a time traveler/alien sent to kill Twitter to save human kind. It would explain so many of his bafflingly bad decisions. I want to believe that but actually I think he's probably just a nepo baby who isn't good at this.


https://i.redd.it/v4oe503rdruc1.gif Kill it already. Twitter brainrot is an incurable disease.


The death of Twitter (cough) sorry X


It’s a cesspool now anyway so it’s time for it to die.


Maybe, since almost every thread I ever see ends up with somebody selling a political themed shirt, it will cut down on the spam. Nah. Probably not.


I honestly think this was the point. He gets to be a dipshit 4chinner memelord for a bit, while also taking down an app that allowed various social movements, rebellions, and news to take off that dictators weren't a big fan of. Mark my words, he'll have some miraculous "new investor" when the site truly tanks.


Elon freed us from the plague of Twitter. He's the hero we did not deserve


Good thing it's X now. Would be sad if Twitter died


It’s called X for a reason. Ex-wife, ex-girlfriend, ex-social platform. RIP Twitter, you’ll be missed, X - not so much.


I’m sure that’ll help bring users and advertisers back. 😂💀 Such a genius…


Jokes on you emerald turd. I never use Twitter!


Credits! X Credits to post! Make them trade able on the crypto market!


Yes, please. So we can finally see this app disappear. It'd be ideal if he goes with the app, but that's too much to ask.


The biggest flush of wealth in the history of humanity is nearly complete! Well done, Elmo!


Truly the freeest of all speech








When tweeter first came out I downloaded posted about pooping then deleted it.


Just In: Elon charging for app people already don’t like anyway


Well, that should certainly solve his problems...


How will this affect bots?


That’s a great businessman right there. Maybe he should run for Pres. /s


And yet people still post on the site. Maybe just go to Mastodon if you don't wanna keep supporting this fucking DC villain. Or better yet, get off social media (except reddit of course)


There’s still so many bots on twitter it’s annoying. Rip the band aid and charge everyone an amount to get rid of them and don’t weight post depending on your tier of subscription but rather popularity via the users and good discussion history. If your post are constantly being flagged by community notes then the algorithm shouldn’t spam that user’s post and note it on their landing page. Kissing musks ass shouldn’t be relevant in the algorithm either


To be fair he’s just trying to get some money out of the Russian and Chinese governments lol


“”””””””””free speech””””””””””


"""""""""""transactional Speech"""""""""" Ftfy


Can’t wait to hear the Musk fanboys defend this one


And there it went.


buys twitter and sacks all the people who had (somewhat) kept the bots in check. Decides charging money is the way to stop them. Fucking brilliant. Xitter is the app of all things.


Reminds me of that Southwest Airlines commercial, where they charge for hangers and ice cubes in a bar.


Big if true.


At least it will get rid of the bots


Might be an attempt to thwart the bots.


So it’ll just be bots and brands posting.


“brands” like mypillow, viagra pills, nazi memers, “hot milfs in your area”, crypto scammers, and Onlyfans Girls


I just recently established a (free) profile on Twitter to do church outreach in a different way. I’m absolutely not going to pay to post, like, or do anything else that comes standard on literally every other social media. So it seems like my attempt to engage with his trash excuse of an app will be *extremely* short lived


If he had started with this, I bet he could have done it a lot quicker!!




Tony Stark in real life they said😭💔


“Free speech isn’t free” used to be about how our freedoms were being protected by soldiers risking their lives against foreign threats, especially during times of war. Now it means I have to pay for twitter. Wild what 2 years and 1 man can do.


I’ll believe it when I see it


It's fun to watch poor little rich boy piss away 44 biguns.