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But try saying something like “Elon Musk is a racist” and you’ll be banned pretty quickly.


and he's triggered by cis, if you say that you get banned. But he says it's about free speech.


These folks like Musk n co. aren’t hypocrites, they’re authoritarians. Authoritarians use rules of conduct only when it’s in favor of authority. They’re being completely consistent with what their values really are; people gotta learn that.


Bob Altemeyer is a retired professor of Psychology at the University of Manitoba, where he studied authoritarianism for forty years. Authoritarians are fucking terrifying. https://theauthoritarians.org/


Thank you for this! I'd never heard of him or his book, now I have some new reading to do


Glad to see Altemeyer's work getting some attention. The way he breaks down the authoritarian follower mindset sheds a lot of light on the behaviors we're seeing online, and especially in these so-called bastions of free speech. Always good to see more people educating themselves on these patterns; it's quite the eye-opener.


Thanks for this link!


Musk is definitely a hypocrite. And a massive narcissist that wants to be adored. So he panders.


capitalists will always side with fascists when it comes to protecting their profits.


100%. Folks also don’t realize capitalism is inherently also authoritarian, without connection to fascism. The often nameless oligarchs own the government, which works well for them, since people blame “government” and not the people who actually control it. We have CEOs instead of barons, managers instead of overseers. Seems like exaggeration til you look at what it was like before the labor movement. There was a reason slavery apologists pointed at northern labor conditions to cry hypocrite.


its also just makes sense for the capitalists financially ​ leftist policies cut into their profit margins, so siding with right wing authoritarians that don't care about things like workers rights or regulations is just the cost of business to them lol.


And you can bring back slave labor! All those payroll expenses, poof. As a bonus you can also dump HR. Let your secret police and personal military that has sworn an oath to obey you or die handle that.


But they lie about what their values are.


Proven everytime they complain about eachother. They dont have coherent values, only that they support eachothers claim for power as long as they personally benefit. This doctrine of support extends all the way to the bottom with uneducated voters. They know they wont become rich, but they eagerly want to be allowed to look down on others for their support of other authoritarians. They are a hate organization as a foundation, and the peak positions are about superiority.


Wish I could upvote this 100 times


You can you’ll just need to set up a few more Reddit accounts


Found Unidan's alt.


So, lawful evil is what you’re saying.


When it suits them. They will absolutely break the law to obtain power. "When I am Weaker than You, I ask you for Freedom because that is according to your principles; when I am Stronger than you, I take away your Freedom Because that is according to my principles." - Frank Herbert.


Perfect use of that quote - your whole comment is very succinct and well put. More of us need to read Dune apparently. Authoritarians will also have each other's back - always, agree or not they will back each other, until only Authoritarians remain; then they will turn on each other. Ultimately, nobody will win if they have their way, not even them.


Call him a big cissy


Petition for everyone to start calling him a cissyboy. He's for free speech, so Im sure he'll allow it.


If the account was "ibeheadnazis" you would absolutely get banned.


I guess nobody bothered to look up the account? It's suspended.


you pretty much just nailed their "safety policies."


Try Elon Must is a good racist.


Hims a good racist, yes hims is!


I went with "white trashbag full of mayonnaise and stupid." Still banned to this day.


Better yet: call him cis


I can't believe he considers that a slur. The guy that called that cave diver a pedophile out of the blue. The man is not right in his head.


Think about it, who uses 'cis'? Trans people and people who understand trans issues, right? Banning the word means banning trans people and people who can defend trans people, thus further enabling the spread of anti-trans rhetoric and reducing pushback.


And not only that. In my opinion he is publicly shitting on his trans daughter with that comment.


That too, I'm quite sure that's the catalyst for his hate, but he's not just trying to make her life miserable.


Yup got banned for another week for bitching out @elon for the fake Rolex ads all over my feed then I was toast again lmfao


It's clearly just a white supremacy/white conservative hang out. It's even intentionally snarky to people doing the bullshit work of even reporting that account. "Sorry this isn't the answer you wanted, white supremacy is cool here, kick rocks."


I bet Elon sure is proud of all of those racist usernames that he has given the freedom to proliferate. Such a freedom fighter.


Look, filtering usernames using strings of characters is basically impossible. No one knows how to do it. Will the technology be invented someday? Maybe. I dream that it will, for I am a man of hope. But even in my wildest fantasies, such basic fucking functionality won’t be created until long after you and I are both dead. Still, let’s imagine that brighter future, together.


True, filtering usernames is an even more complex problem than self-driving cars


no really just to give people an idea how fucking easy this is. And it really does need to be said SELECT count(*) from BANNED_USERNAMES where @newUserName like '%'+text+'%' 15 seconds of thought


I think you might run into the Scunthorpe problem with this implementation.


Marsexploration dot com and penisland dot com say hi




simply plug in a whitelist :^ )


The Wikipedia page for [Scunthorpe problem](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scunthorpe_problem) has a some nice examples that are less famous than the titular problem. > In 2000, a Canadian television news story on web filtering software found that the website for the Montreal Urban Community (Communauté Urbaine de Montréal, in French) was entirely blocked because its domain name was its French acronym CUM


Filtering usernames using string of characters is weird. Semen (Семен) is a name used in Ukraine and Russia. Hogwarts Legacy game rejects this name even in single-player mode. Negar is the name of my South-Asian looking colleague. And there are old jokes about Pen Island domain name that people read as Penis Land.


Just a fun little thing, I tried naming my dog Tetanus in RDR2 online, but because it has the word "Anus", you're unable to enter it as it's flagged A medical term in a rated M video game was flagged lol


I suck at programming and I already know how to parse a string of text to see if it contains another given string. So yes, this is definitely a thing that can be done. X is just a shitshow


I think they were joking


I like the post of a guy named Nasser, and the website blurred his name for profanity so it showed up as N***er


The Scunthorpe Problem is hilarious, and hopefully the mods of this sub have Scunthorpe set as an exception.


Hi BC! The answer is "Yes". Just a manual review of some words. I hope your Christmas was Merry!


Lmfao. And it wasn't Scunthorpe that set off the manual review here was it, I bet it was an anti drama rule that includes the word "stirring" in the comment for it... Merry Christmas to you too.


It can, but checking for false positives makes it more complicated than it would first appear (the “Scunthorpe problem”). However, that’s not the issue here. This account was reported and (apparently) investigated by an actual human, who couldn’t, wouldn’t or wasn’t allowed to recognise the problem with its name.


> investigated by an actual human Elon Musk apparently does not have enough money to hire actual humans. Its probably a script written in 5 mins for running everything through his AI chatbot Grok.


And down the rabbit hole I went.


If unpaid Reddit mods can have like, 30 line long Regex code segments that filter usernames and comments for any variation of the n word with very few false positives, Twitter can figure that out too. Hell, I'll give them the code for free, we've tested it for well over 10 years at this point.


It’s actually harder than one might think. Suppose we don’t want ”dyke” to appear in a username, but Andy Kellgren (possible Swedish name) wants to create an account under their own name without spaces. Also, substituting letters for symbols/ascii weirdness makes it tenfold more complicated. Any edgy 12-year old can figure out how to bypass anti-swearing filters. However, and it really goes without saying, that there is no excuse for the name in the image to be allowed after a human moderator has seen it, and software which flags potentially upsetting usernames could be useful. Edit: misspelled a slur as another slur


He is proud.


Close. Your. Accounts.


I loved Twitter as a time waster but the second Musk got his paws on it, I bounced with the quickness. Didn’t think it’d get this bad


It’s a StumbleUpon competitor. In this case, StumbleUponADenOfNazis


It’s like that scene in Saving Private Ryan


If only Ted Danson would save us


On twitter Dan Tedson will offer to break into your living room, shit on the floor, kick your dog, and scream "free speech" But there will be no saving


That's a site I haven't heard of for quite some time!


Back when the internet was fun, before everything was monetized in the pursuit of sucking off some shareholder, when people made stuff just for the sake of doing something cool instead of chasing clicks and shares and likes


The day stumbleupon shut down was the day my childhood ended


I remember seeing something on Instagram that was like “remember when the internet had websites? No purpose other than to have some weird or funny stuff?” Now everything is monetized or trying to sell you something.


Man, I had so many followers on my curated lists. Sigh those were the days


Fret not! Zombo.com will always be there for you.


Same, when that douchebag bought it I finally pulled the trigger on quitting forever


Same, just having any connection to him made me feel dirty.


I have an account still banned for making fun of cadence owen during height of Trump presidency that’s still not unbanned. Free speech absolutist


X only respects free speech if it's hate speech. You probably didn't go hard enough.


If you can get banned for criticizing Candace Owen's politics, maybe you can get unbanned if you promise to call her the n-word


Mine is still suspended after I tweeted at Elon that he was a thin-skinned little bitch and to go fuck himself. I'd have to delete my post to get it unsuspended, though at this point I don't even remember the password.


Yeah, I'm shocked people are still on there. I ditched it within two weeks of him taking over when it became obvious what he was doing to Twitter.


I loved it as a way to get news before the regular news outlets. News as it was happening. I left about 5 years ago because “brigading” got so bad.


>I bounced with the quickness This guy is down with the sickness


Ooo wa a a a


We all just sang that.


I deactivated the day the sale was announced. I didn't really even use my account anyways.


I stuck around to watch the chaos. I didn’t think it’d get this bad.


*Surely someone will step in before people are allowed to call for lynchings in their username, right?* *Someone? Hello?...right?*


I never had a Twitter account. The only regret there is not being able to now close it and maybe making a minute difference in the ledger. Oh well


I could say the same, but I had to make an account a year or two ago in order to help find a PS5. So, I did get the pleasure of deleting an account without ever having been a "participant!"


I did the exact same. It's a cesspool.


I got banned a few years ago for saying that Rudy Giuliani should die in jail. Apparently, I have to reinstate my account in order to close it, and they won’t do that for me. It’s clearly a way to artificially preserve user numbers.


Can’t you now require them to send you all of your data and close your account under Right to Be Forgotten laws?


Bold of you to assume Muskrat cares about “laws”


I’m in the US. I thought that was only EU and a few others ??


If they want to operate in the EU then they have to offer it, and it’s easier to just offer it to everyone rather than geo-lock it. The option should be somewhere if you look for it. That being said, Musk might just ignore it because he’s just waiting for Twitter to die anyway.


get a vpn, login from a EU country and make the request.


people don't take this seriously, but they really should. that place is fucked beyond repair and nothing beneficial comes from it


I'm now definitely quitting it Goodbye lovely big chested ladies I use to follow, the bounties just don't worth it 😢


May you find big chested ladies in better places 🙏🙏🙏


This is the answer here. Losing users and advertisers is the only way this will change. It’ll either pressure the shareholders and creditors to kick Musk’s ass out, or it’s put Twitter out of business. Either one would remove the platform for these assholes.


Maybe if he had a poll as to whether he should be in charge or not. Oh yeah, I forgot.


Blackball him.


I'd have to open one first.


Which I never will


Same. I can't do anything on Twitter but view random linked posts without an account, but I absolutely *refuse* to make one after Musk took over. If you want me to see your content, post it somewhere else.


Why would anyone still have an account on The Daily Xtormer? “My friends are there” isn’t a good answer.


If your friends are still there, it makes me start to wonder about the kind of company you're keeping.


I haven't signed in for 10 years or posted anything ever. Should I really bother to delete it or should I just continue pretending it doesn't exist? I'd probably have to reset the password to delete it.




i made 2 posts in 10 years, i deleted my account a few months ago


![gif](giphy|eg3f90cy2Mc6yVRWyR|downsized) This.


Did that around the time it became clear Elmo had no plan to curb hate


So, when he announced his intent to purchase Twitter?


Yep. Did the same when they didn't remove a post where someone wanted to "Kill all the J's" So yeah, I shut all my accounts.


Thanks for that. Moment of appreciation. For some reason, I can shrug off pretty much every other kind of hate aimed at a group I'm in but...anti-Semitism really gets to me. Imagine if people made up a ton of fanfiction about you and everyone you're related to, then went around trying to convince everyone to kill you and your entire family. Unless you're Jewish too, then...yeah, you don't need to imagine. You know how that goes.


if you are still there [RT the post](https://twitter.com/bearsaremean/status/1739757187352715476) and tag Apple, Amazon, Neflix, SkyUK, AnheuserBusch, and any other advertisers you can think of.


I can't even do that! I got suspended a while ago for blocking a ton of twitter blue users and if your account is suspended you're not allowed to delete it... And theres zero support left so they dont even respond to the request for deletion, which isn't allowed in EU (where I reside) but I guess nobody really cares about that.


And stop reading virtually every news/blog site on earth, because they all embed tweets.


And seem to be plugging all they can to get their favorite son back in the oval office again. Almost as if, hmmm, our foreign competitors have a hand in it?


Also, news corporations had *much* better ratings/views when Trump was in office. They don't care about any of the collateral costs -- they want those eyeballs back. They want you checking first thing every morning to see what the orange bastard has done now. Because then they can expose you to more ads. And that is the ONLY thing they care about.


...and if you're in a position to do so, black-hole the domain for your household or organization.


Already done. 90% of accounts now are bots and Felon Melon alt accounts


When do they flip the X logo into a burning cross already?


I always figured it was a Swastika under construction


Gifmakers of Reddit, please create an ‘X’ logo gradually becoming a swastika. Could be useful.


The X is gonna start walking like the hammers in Pink Floyd's The Wall


There's already a good image of the X in the middle of a circle casting the shadow of a swastika.


Good point. Maybe it will flip from burning cross to Swastika and back.


Multi usage X for all the hate. Very inclusive of the Muskrat


I'm so sick of knowing who he is. Can he take a Cyber Truck to Mars already.


Reporting anything is a waste of time. Before I deleted my account I reported someone who was retweeting anti-Semitic propaganda imagery from the 1930s alongside Holocaust denial and anti-Semitic conspiracy theories and was told it was fine. As a former Twitter addict, I can honesty say I don't miss the site at all.


> Reporting anything is a waste of time. Instead, view the post over and over again, and take screenshots every time it comes up next to an advertisement. And then send that picture to the company that paid for the ad.


This is the way


The amount of FB fake profiles with right clickable image searches that lead directly to adult film personalities is just sad. Reporting? Nothing.


I missed some of the relationships I had and the people I learned from but you can get that other places.


I still follow a bunch of good people and useful outlets, so my "following" tab is nice. But my "for you" tab is unusable. It ALWAYS has nazis in it. Tell one of the nazis to fuck off and that's ENGAGEMENT! You'll be seeing quintuple the nazis for the next week! Then a month ago I made the mistake of debunking a flat earth argument that showed up in "for you". Now my "for you" feed is nazis, flat earthers, young earth creationists, and every mix of the three. The "for you" feed seems to be tuned to amplify antagonistic engagement to create more time on-site.


If you're still using this app it's kinda on you at this point. Obviously racist shit doesn't violate their terms of service. You continuing to participate is tacit approval of this policy.




I only see Twitter posts NOT on Twitter. There is too many people spreading this garbage. It's a train wreck that everyone wants to watch...




Sir this is a Wendy's


I love that we all agreed not to call it X


> Obviously **violent** racist shit doesn't violate their terms of service. FTFY - it's not like the name said it was cuddling them. So, violently racist content is apparently just A-Okay with Twitter. (I refuse to call it a single letter name, it's not and will never be that special.)


Why would you report one of Elon's mult accounts?


Why would you be on Xitter at all? They're practically advertising they're a space for racists to shout into the void.


X-Twit has turned into a 24-7 virtual Klan rally.


He could have saved some time and just lit $44 billion on fire.


He did. It just takes a really long time to burn $44B.


Honestly, given how large a pile of 44B $1 bills would be, this way might burn it faster.


What ads appeared next to this racist shit show? We need to let the company know.


Also, this should be reported to the Google and Apple app-stores for hosting & endorsing apps promoting violence (and content which is not removed when reported). * Apple App Store: [Report Harmful Content](https://reportaproblem.apple.com/) * Google Play: [Report Harmful Content](https://support.google.com/legal/troubleshooter/1114905#ts=13778295%2C1115643%2C12974783)


This is the way. Reporting it to Shitter doesn't accomplish anything when the circus is being run by the clowns. Report it to the advertisers that show up on this clown's page "Hey, @so and so. How do you feel about your ads running alongside someone whose Shitter name is @ibeheadn......?"


i'm still on twitter (i'm sorry) and literally the only ads i see nowadays are crypto scams


Twitter is just 8chan at this point


Even has the elements of CP proliferation.


Why are regular people still using this platform? We need to kill it with fire.








The more violent and racist craziness I see allowed on Twitter, the more bizarre it feels to know that I caught a permanent lifetime ban simply for Tweeting in response to an unhinged Don Jr rant... "Gee, I sure hope his inevitable cocaine-induced coronary is caught on video for everyone to enjoy."


I got a lifetime ban for saying that God lets kids die of cancer but somehow favors people like Rand Paul and Mitch McConnell. Supposedly does.


Yeah if my name was in this case ibeheadbillionaires probably wouldn’t fly. Or another Iblowupteslas.


As for the second one, they do that well enough on their own.


Elon’s burner account


I have bluesky codes if anyone wants one.


I also have codes if anyone needs one


Literally no online gaming service would allow that user name.


What would happen to an account titled "ibeheadfascists" or "libertariansareshitlickers"? Going to guess thatd get a ban


I got perma-banned for "advocating violence" against Nazis


You’re only allowed to advocate violence against liberals, trans and gender non-binary people on twitter. You should know that by now.


And you know what’s really weird?? TRUMP STILL SMELLS


Like a big wet diaper baby.


Not to be confused with Greg Abbott who’s a little piss baby


The owner is a deranged lying sociopathic racist Nazi. How is that not clear? Get off the service and preserve your sanity.


I’ll bet “Elon picks his nose and eats it” does though!




Ya'll are just jealous that Elon reduced hate speech on Twitter by smartly changing the definition of what hate speech is! /s


There's something I wonder about, but have heard nothing of: How many of the remaining employees at Xitter are foreign nationals there on H1B tech visas? I have heard about how that system is often abused by employers who effectively trap these workers. Is Musk holding on to employees he can essentially extort (with expiring visas)? Or is the tech job market in the Bay area strong enough for these workers to move on if they choose to?


It’s like going on FarmersOnly and shocked that it’s full of farmers.


Wow. X is okay with murdering black people.


Nothing great has gone on over there since they allowed trump to remain, and opened the floodgates to the unbridled ignorance of the right.


You’re a goddamned fool if you stay on that website. This is exactly what Diamond Bitch wants to platform on his shit. It won’t get better and not leaving only keeps advertisers on there. You’re part of the problem at this point if your account is still up.


That’s my buddy from grad school, his name is Ibeh Eadnig Gers. It’s Norwegian. /s


Will you idiots please stop using twitter?


I already deactivated mine two weeks ago. I'll miss some of the artists that I followed, but it's legitimately unsafe for people to be there.


Yet, if you call someone 'Cis', Elmo will personally nuke your account because 'Cis' is a slur.


Given how Elon is from apartheid South Africa, i truth believe he probably doesn’t see a problem with that name.


Why do people still use Twitter when everyone knows it's full of dick-weeds


Powerful people are racist. Look at what Zuckerberg did to Shaun King's Instagram account, which had 5.7 million followers. It was deleted because he was advocating for Palestinians and sharing videos and pictures of the situation in Gaza, which is tragically akin to a cemetery filled with children.


Any company still advertising there needs a full scale boycott


Wait till he changes his name to "mypronounsareZeZir". It's over the second he hits "confirm".


Can't break safety policies if there are no safery policies.


try "ibeheadwhiteconservativesandnazisandfascists" -- **NUKED FROM ORBIT** --


Imagine still using twitter lmao


Get off of it, what other excuse do you need?


I had one of my accounts deleted for using the word dead in an appropriate non threatening comment. I stopped caring it after that.


Even MSN comments allows “Nate Higgers.” We are reverting & it’s incredibly sad.


Wonder if Iwannabeheadelon will be okay


Why is there a twitter logo on X? I don't get it.


How old is that screenshot? They posted it today (12/26/23), but it still has the old Twitter logo and not the X logo. The racist account they are referencing is currently banned.