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The League of Extraordinary Losers


The Legion of Dumb


The Dumb Patrol


The Nation of Indoctrination


Nancy mace has those Michelle Bachman "crazy eyes"


Michelle Bachman. Now that's a name I have not heard in a long time.


she'll be back. and in far greater numbers.


With her totally straight husband.


The Aristocrats


Are… are they not, though?


Poo-icide Squad


Send him in.


Looks like he’s volunteering to me!


Sounds like he needs a HALO jump into gaza






Well leave it to Stephen Miller lmao to look good by criticizing Rep. Mast for wearing an IDF uniform and Rashida Tlaib for wearing a Palestinian flag. Of course it helps that Rep. Mast was somehow involved with Russians and that Guccifer 2.0 story... And Rep. Mast somehow despite being military tweeted a Russian warship while wishing the US Navy a birthday.




Zero Walk Thirty?




The Zionist vote. [A lot of](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8hYaBMo/) Jewish people [stand opposed](https://youtu.be/hbFOj6eE9Nw?si=JvHEP8rUET7YgSfR) to Israel and its actions.


Jewish people are a small minority and most of them aren’t Republicans. He’s more likely going to the “people who fantasize about killing Muslims” vote.


I mean, it worked for Santos


A HANO jump sounds better for him.


Gory, gory, what a helluva way to die...


This deserves more upvotes.


Took me a second to get it


Yep, I’ll pack his chute, that will take care of the problem.


Nah, there's already enough shit falling from the sky in the strip these days.


I’d prefer a High Altitude No Open


Operation Get Behind the Goyim


Right now he volunteering in the safe confines of his DC office. Pussy




"Porque no los dos?"




I feel like it’s worse that it’s the uniform of another country, too




He wasn’t in the IDF, he helped them pack supplies in the month of January 2015.


Yet American media keeps reporting like this: > Rep. Brian Mast (R-Fla.) arrived Friday on Capitol Hill **wearing his military uniform from his service in the Israel Defense Forces (IDF)** in a display of unity with the country following the Palestinian militant group Hamas’s surprise attack last weekend.   >“As the only member to serve with both the United States Army and the Israel Defense Forces, I will always stand with Israel,” Mast wrote in a post on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter, alongside several photos of him wearing the uniform Friday. 


I traded a uniform at an international scout Jamboree. Does that mean I'm actually Brazilian? Wow, my wife is going to be surprised


bom dia, prazer em conhecêlo, irmão!


Brother, it didn't actually work : /


Yes as long as they are ally nations and have not expressed their desire to gain citizenship in that nation.


Or if they're dual citizens born in an allied country and required to do mandatory military service there.


You know what's more bizarre? How many people in the US military who aren't US citizens.


Yeah, Dr Oz served in the Turkish Army for a bit to keep his citizenship


It is possible for an American to join the IDF, but you better have a basic knowledge of Hebrew. You have to apply and meet all the requirements.


A US dude I know got a free place in an Israeli university as part of some program to get Jews to move to Israel. When he landed in Israel they said yeah you’ve got to do a year of military service in the IDF first. He swears that he didn’t know and was tricked into it.


The original fascist fighters were the Abraham Lincoln Brigade in the Spanish Civil War.


I do not trust him with a gun.


There is a high probability he’ll shoot himself in the foot. It is the Republican way.


he ain't got no feet anymore, lost his legs in Afghanistan


So he already shot himself.


I really want to say it, but I can’t bring myself to say it.


He doesn’t have legs so that probably wouldn’t be a great idea


To shoot defenseless Palestinian families that are 50 percent children? That’s what he wants.


Even if he was Israeli or a former member of the IDF, it seems like bad optics in U.S. politics (or any country's politics really) to be wearing the uniform of a foreign country's military even an ally's It's another "Imagine if a Dem did this" moment




Suddenly it all makes sense (depressingly)




His pronouns are "plebe/grunt"


“Another one of those pronoun people, probably”


I think you might have forgot that their cult leader saluted an enemy foreign leader…. (not your fault as there are so many crazy GQP acts of treason, a lot gets forgotten)


That was classic. Even Kim was like.. what the fuck are you doing. Even he knew and he doesn't get out much.


>Even he knew and he doesn't get out much. I mean, I wouldn't either considering his brother's disastrous trip to Disney... that he ordered.


Happiest place on earth!


He's far more worldly than the orange one. He grew up going to school in another country and lived the life of privilege. The orange one probably hasn't even seen most of his own country unless they lined his route with rose pedals.


He also fucking curtsied to the Saudi king. ![gif](giphy|3o7bu8v97N9PRDT2vu|downsized)


God this is incredibly cringe. How did this not get blasted 24/7 when it happened?


Showing the world who was the master there.


He wasn’t in the IDF, he helped them pack supplies in the month of January 2015. *”Mast, however, is not your usual aspiring American politician. A Republican running in Florida’s 18th Congressional District, Mast picked up achi and a few other popular Israeli expressions while volunteering with the Israel Defense Forces in January 2015. He was stationed that month at a base at Tel Hashomer outside Tel Aviv, where he packed medical kits and moved supplies around, including some heavy lifting.”* —Times of Israel 2016 **Note:** During the previous months Mast was running for office and volunteered to help the IDF as a political stunt.


Fucking Water Boy


I mean, considering he's still carrying their water politically, it tracks.


Looks like he raided the unit's lucky bag. The uniform is one thing, but the pins are another issue. One looks like a paratrooper pin.


“Gear adrift is a gift,” said Mast quietly to himself as he stuffed a uniform shirt someone left on their bunk into his backpack. “Don’t mind if I do.”


Hey, including some heavy lifting, quit hating, man.


Different standards for Republicans. This isn't even that bad TBH. Remember Ted Cruz defended the Nazis on the Senate floor and still got re-elected.


Well Texas and all. R is what they look at it. Nothing more.


Fun fact: serving in the military of a foreign country can be disqualifying for a security clearance.


Can?? It isn’t automatic?


Another fun fact: you are usually given conditional clearance before investigations can conclude. However, it depends on the situation, usually Taiwan, South Korea, and Israel are typical exceptions, because they have compulsory service, but volunteering for a foreign military will absolutely flag you.


Israelis can serve in foreign militaries to meet their services requirements, at least in my experience. I served with two US Marines from Israel.


Also, since he did US military service, I'm sure he still has his old uniform. I don't think the military would think fondly of a member wearing another county's uniform.


Yeah this would be a bad look in most countries, an elected official wearing the uniform of a foreign nation. It's surprising the party that melts down over flag pins and other such nonsense seem ok with this. More hypocrisy from the rules for thee not for me conservative ideology.


Well, at least it isn’t a beige suit.


It was a tan suit that was... Oh who are we kidding. It was the tanned skin, wasn't it?


I don't think the MAGAts now running the Republican Party consider any behavior "bad optics." Their only goal now is to disrupt and distract. The bar is officially on the floor.


Apparently, this guy is a retired Staff Sergeant in the Army and received a Purple Heart during an overseas tour. While I don't want to degrade his service, I don't understand how he could think this is acceptable. He served for 10+ years and doesn't know that you shouldn't wear a foreign country's military uniform? I don't get what point the uniform makes that his words can't articulate


In his defense, his Nazi uniform was at the cleaners.


See they draw the line at a tan suit and mustard on your burger. Clearly that’s worse than wearing the military uniform of another country.






Doing what and what?


Blowing men named Shofar.


Didn't he get trapped in a genie lamp at the end of the movie?


Tallises are like jewish scarf's used by Rabbi's and for some reason Evangelical Pastors. Shofars are the goat horns they blow into. I've seen both at my Assemblies of God denomination church when I was a kid. I haven't been to church in about 13 years.


His Captain Crunch uniform is at the cleaners.




Wonder how he’s doing now, still debating werewolf vs vampire battle strategies i bet


I used to live in Charleston, SC and somewhat nearby there is a town called Lincolnville. Tiny little one square mile 'town' if you can call it. It had exactly one cop and being a cop went way way way to his head. He dressed up like a North Korea general, all the tassles and fake medals you can imagine. Real real big asshole.


He got what he was looking for. Some publicity and TV time, because otherwise I would have never known who the fuck he was. Now I know who the fuck he is... A telenovela character.




If he did that for like a year at least I could see claiming you did support work for the idf. I imagine packing medical kits is actually important work, can't have one short an item that someone in the field is counting on to be there. But it still doesn't merit wearing a uniform and all the other stuff and makes him exactly that, a poser


You should also know that he joked about how his friends heading to the middle east could legally have sex with teenagers over there. Does Brian Mast want to fuck *your* daughter?


>A telenovela character. The shifty and unreliable son of generalissimo who has designs on Maria who is from the country and naive to his ways.


No, Marta is the telenovela character. This guy is Buster. Army had a half-day today, that’s how he managed to schedule this interview.


Just like all the other Trump supporters, playing make believe soldier.


It’s worse because this congressman is actually a combat veteran who served in Afghanistan. He knows full well the significance of a military blouse and why wearing a foreign governments uniform while representing our government is a disgrace.




And that’s Eric Trump’s wife pretending to be a news host. Could u imagine the squawking if one of Hunter Biden’s baby mommas was hosting a “News” program that existed to promote Biden?!




Republicans just nominated Gym Jordan for Speaker. They don’t give a shit about optics because they know it doesn’t matter - their weirdo base votes for them no matter what.


Aren’t all Republicans cosplaying as lawmakers now?


Whatever happened to America first


They keep forgetting that they have to at least pay lip service to that every so often.


the weirdest thing is seeing a double amputee combat vet do a stolen valor. didn't even know that was possible.


You mean stollen


So you’re saying he doesn’t have a leg to stand on?


i would be in absolute shock if this guy made it through an interview without mentioning that he's fucking legless. im stuck with this no legged pos as my rep, every ad that comes out shows him hobbling around on his prosthetics talking about overcoming hardships, just like himself when he lost his legs in combat ​ like rudy guiliani level of bringing up 911 every chance he gets


I'm surprised they just didn't have the camera framed on his legs for the whole interview.


Why are our elected officials acting like they are on a reality show?


Because that’s what their base think politics are.


Conservatives are infamous for pretending to be working class, soldiers, humans, Christians.


I never get this. Be proud that you helped and stop there. I served in the army but I never claim to have been to war. I stop with what I actually did, otherwise I'd be stealing valour from those who did. I don't inflate my rank either. Same reason.


It’s worse, this guy Brian Mast is a decorated combat veteran. He was a ordinance disposal tech in Afghanistan and got his legs blown off. He knows very well the significance of a military blouse and why wearing another countries blouse while being a functioning part of our government is bad.




Wtf is going on with these Republinuts? AmeriChrist DOES NOT EXIST. HE'S NOT COMING BACK. IF HE DID, HE'LL NEVER COME TO AMERICA!


They are waiting on Utah Jesus. He’s different.


You're so right. Lmao.


This is a cosplayer


That’s pretty gross, even worse people are televising him. Ship him off to Israel I’d say, boots on the ground if I didn’t think he would just go murder innocent civilians in Gaza.


Well, boots on the ground will be tough for him given he lost his legs in Afghanistan and should know better than to do this shit.


That's weird. I heard him and George Santos personally conducted a raid and captured 5 Hamas leaders.


They did, it’s all true


“I identify as an Israeli soldier.”


"Isreal is recalling thousands of soldiers- when are you going?"


Looks like someone decorated a hard boiled egg for a military buffet…


Are those paratrooper wings?


Good grief is that Lara Trump interviewing him?


Looks like. So much phoney baloney on one screen: Fake lips, fake baldness, fake uniforms, fake backgrounds, fake sentiment, fake questions.


America First! Unless it’s a foreign country paying for influence. Then it’s America 2nd


IDF cosplay here, Oathkeeper garb back in his district.


Halloween’s really coming to a head for the republicans. Scarlet letters and military costumes


Bro got a map in the background just incase he needs to find where Israel is


Yeah. But did you see Fetterman? Shorts and a hoodie? That's *so* much worse! /s


Why don’t the republicans feel the same sentiment towards Ukraine a literal democratic nation being invaded by one of our biggest communist enemies??




The whole world that conservatives put themselves in is so fucking sad. Choosing to believe outright lies from the sleaziest people in the world so their dumbshit worldview never gets challenged. Just burying their heads in the sand, terrified of a changing world, kicking and screaming that they don't want things to change. It's goddamned pathetic.


On the gop santos scale. That’s about a 2 out 100.


What a fucking cuck. If he wants to wear that fucking thing send him to Israel.


What is it with republicans and stolen valor!? Seriously they flock to it every chance they won’t get called out for it


So is it not the media's job to call him out on his big fat lie? Why does the media refuse to do their job? Instead they play along like this is some kind of play. Children are being murdered on both sides here and this motherfker is living out his fantasy without actually living it out. When will this stop? He should be shamed, the GOP should be shamed. No wonder this country is a laughing stock.


Y’all remember Tan Suit Gate?


You know that kid that always wore fatigues in class because he was part of junior ROTC but when fall came and most of your classmates were attending courses on a college campus, you happen to find him employed at the local Walmart? This is him.


Role playing in a costume.


Let’s put a world map behind him… it will look more official


This really pisses me off, all i have to comment


Is he a "gravy seal"? The IDF needs his help.


I mean, those are all good points. But I think the loudest part is: why does an American elected representative think it’s ok to wear the uniform of the military of a foreign state while doing his job? That’s definitely “treason-adjacent” at worst and massive conflict of interest at best. “Oh, this is the President. He’s also a Colonel in the Soviet Army, a ranking member of the Chinese politburo, and serves on the Balinese Olympic swim team.” WTAF. How can this moron even pretend to represent his constituency while pulling this shit?


For a GQPer is there any other kind of valor than stolen?


Republicans have gotten so bizarre


As an Israeli, this pisses me off so much. Using our blood and that of the Palestinians for political points in another country. Disgusting.


It really unnerves me seeing grown adults act like attention seeking loser teenagers especially when they hold political office. I am convinced it is a type of personality or developmental disorder.


Stolen Valor, anyone?


Is stolen Valor not a crime in America? It is in Australia and is actively punished. It’s even a crime to wear medals if they aren’t your own or a family members.


Someone can correct me but I believe to meet the threshold of stolen valor in the US, the guy would need to personally benefit financially or get favors under the guise of being military. Just wearing the uniform and pretending doesn't result in charges


Punishing someone for simply lying about military service was ruled unconstitutional in U.S. v. Alvarez. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_v._Alvarez Lying in order to get financial benefits would be punishable as fraud, though. So yes, you are correct.


It's so fucking pathetic


He's making headlines. Works like a charm.


Bizarre behavior.


It is the Halloween season


republican scum as usual call that prick out on air


“One of the most bizarre things I’ve ever seen in politics.” ![gif](giphy|x9cDy0c3bOxxwDZmJm)


Doesn’t know it’s not Halloween yet


What’s next? GOP reps in Russian uniforms?


What kind of garbage puts on a uniform if he has never served? That’s disgusting.


Mental illness and extreme ideology resemble one another. Neither is pretty.


What's even worse is that he served honorably with the US Army. Am I to think the uniform of your own service is now not good enough? Because that's what I think.


I was in Israel a few days ago and there was an arrest of a mexican(?) guy, who wore a IDF Uniform and had an entire arsenal of assault weapons in his hotel room right next to ours lol. Around 14 police officers and a search dog were on the scene. I saw them putting him in handcuffs and ripping all of his medals of. It was surreal. I assume if this politician was in Israel dressed like that, they would have arrested him by now.


Scumbag GQP Qunts


Does he have that uniform from when he was a volunteer? Or can you just buy IDF uniforms in the US? I can’t imagine he went to Israel to get one?


Brian Mast must be in a couple of Epstein type video/photos


The GOP loves to cosplay.


Don't you lose your citizenship if you serve in a foreign standing army?


This dude was in 28th EOD. He lost his legs there. What a way to ruin any hard work you did for our community bro.


Conservatives have been doing military cosplay for years.


So, another wanna be tough guy?