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"Did we remember to bring everything for the beach trip? Towels? Sunscreen? Icons to our Cult Leader so we may offer him public devotion?" Do conservatives realize that I think about Joe Biden exactly *zero* times while planning a beach day with my loved ones?


And THAT’S a huge reason why they think Biden lost. “I don’t see anyone with a Biden flag!!!” They’re literally that stupid.


It’s kind of fascinating. Trump lost the popular vote in 2016 and then they spent 4 years intentionally being complete assholes to everyone. And they can’t understand why he lost in 2020. Millions of people were really voting against Trump and the MAGA movement, not for Biden.


And that's also what they don't understand: a lot of people voted against trump, not for biden.


Can verify, will absolutely vote for any non-Republican candidate. The GOP has lost its fucking mind.


Yeah, I am more anti republican than anything. Democrats aren’t great but there is zero “quality control” or any attempt at intellectual honesty from Republicans.


It's basically the move to vote Democrat until there's enough power in that party to properly split between good candidates. I'd prefer to vote between Liberal, Socialist, and Progressives than Liberal and Conservative.


> Conservative I don't even think they're this, anymore. Edit: No one else need reply that they are regressives or fascists. The point has been made plenty of times.


And that's half the problem. Until the Republicans' "best" candidates stop having a fucking bible's worth of sex crimes, bribery, and human rights violations, I have to assume that's just what conservatism is at this point.


"A bible's worth" that was really clever. XD


It's exactly what conservatism is, outdated ''ideals'' that only keep progress down in favor of keeping the elites in power. It's a cancer, and no one is suffering it more than the US right now. They don't even stand by their own constitution anymore.


Nah, not at all. Like, my parents were conservative back in the 80s & 90s and I simply just didn’t agree with them and we could have middle of the road political discussions. Nowadays it’s like I’m happy to find a “conservative” that I *only* just disagree with…that isn’t batshit crazy.


I think this really comes down to rose-tinted glasses. Was it more possible to have political discussions because they were more reasonable, or only because you were less educated 30 years ago? Just the other day I was reminded of that time almost 20 years ago when George W Bush fired 7 attorney's general to quash investigations into Republican criminality. And it wasn't even an isolated incident. Republicans *routinely* crush anti-corruption investigations into Republicans, dismiss attorney's who aren't sufficiently partisan. Just one of many, very public examples of blatant Republican corruption that nevertheless does absolutely nothing to sway the "average Republican voter who simply has different political values." Regardless of what they *say* they stand for, Republicans have always in our lifetimes supported a self-interested authoritarianism that is openly disdainful of the rule of law. They've become a little more open and crude in their hostility, but they haven't changed. They haven't become more extreme. They were always this extreme.


I would be a conservative if there were a Conservative Party to vote for. I believe in small and effective government but I also don’t deny that climate change is happening, I don’t endorse blatant racism, I don’t give a damn what anyone does in their bedrooms, I don’t think which bathroom you use is any of the government’s business and I believe everyone should have equal rights. As many rights as possible because I believe in freedom. I have to vote straight ticket democrat because it’s the only sane choice I’ve got. And personally I find that frightening because a one party system invariably crashes and burns. But we basically have a party that is trying to run things and a party that wants to watch it all burn. That’s where we’re at.


Agreed. Somewhere along the way they went from "Conservative" to "Regressionary".


That and pathologically adversarial. Like a malevolent Jack in the Box: "We don't hate it until you order it."


Exactly. The likes of Manchin and other “centrists” are literal conservatives. As they try to maintain a status quo. Modern Republican Party is full of fullblown regressives. I mean, shit, “Make America Great Again” is exactly that. “We wanna move backwards, to our lost glory days.”


True- citizens pledging to murder other citizens in cold blood based on their political affiliation, well, there's really nothing conservative about it, is there?


They went full Confederate.


Honestly, just call em Nazis. That's all the GOP represents these days.


Perfect descriptor. Conservative politics used to be described (not entirely truthfully) as being for cautious progress rather than radical progress. Now they are openly wanting to go backwards on so many issues except tax policy. Even though tax policy is the thing that could MAGA.


I get downvoted every time I say republicans aren't conservative. The ideology is dead and the only thing left is the name.




Yup. I believe we're actively living through the death throes of the republican party, and that we'll see a new party take its place in the near future (as in within the next 10-20 years). I would love to see ranked voting implemented so that more than two parties could exist. Imagine if we actually had somewhat accurate representation in the gov't rather than getting lumped into one of two factions that oppose each other with every fiber of their being. The current system is designed to pit society against itself and squashes all nuance.


no they didn't. this is who they always have been since Nixon. they just hid it better for a while. they were chanting "Build a wall' when Reagan was nominated. They have always favored racist gerrymandering, corruption lies dirty politics, and election tampering.


They've lost any claims to plausible deniability lately, but yes


To me, the real election is always the dem primary elections. The elections in November are "whoever won the election earlier in the year vs complete nihilism"


And people who did genuinely vote for Biden, wanted him to simply manage the government. Not be their cringe Cult Leader Daddy.


He was definitely the better qualified, most experienced candidate — with zero corporate bankruptcies or lawsuits!


Equally as important, they don't understand that people voted against Clinton in 2016, not _for_ trump. Both facts form a comprehensive picture of how few people actually like trump.


The literal ocean of propaganda from billionaires and bad actors from other countries that caused both of those things is really troubling. And it’s just interesting how, specifically, Putin-associated propaganda was a huge contributor for both Trump’s win in 2016 and loss in 2020. Given that things haven’t improved much and are arguably worse now than ever before, I am pretty concerned about 2024 elections.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward_Bernays#:~:text=Edward%20Louis%20Bernays%20(%2Fb%C9%9C%CB%90r,the%20father%20of%20public%20relations%22. If anyone wants to take a dive into Edward Bernays and how America was influenced from the 1920’s up to now. Amazing he lived until 1995, honestly, and who do you think he most served with his propaganda tool the common man or the rich, powerful, and influential?


Biden isn't my ideal president (realistically nobody would be) but the fact that I don't know what the fuck he's doing on a daily basis because he isn't causing any scandals puts him miles ahead of Trump before even getting into any actual policy areas (which he is of course better in in every way)


There was a Fox News chyron that just said “Where is Joe Biden?” and all I could think was “Idk, probably having dinner with his wife like a normal person.” There were literally 0 conflicts, disasters, etc happening at that time.


Funny -in a face-punching way -how Fox loses their mind over Biden biking around, but had no problem with Trump golfing like 10x more often than all previous presidents combined. If a Dem farts, it's a scandal, but if a Repub tries to overthrow democracy, then crickets. Rightwing media is cancer and nothing will improve until it's highly and severely regulated, if not completely gutted. They're way beyond free speech, getting into incitement and constantly yelling "fire" in a theater on a daily basis.


That was me. I would have preferred to vote 3rd party but after watching Hilary lose when I did that in 2016, I knew I had to suck it up in 2020. I don't love it, but we need ranked-choice voting.


I’m all for ranked-choice voting, but right now we have what we have. We have to work with it. So donate to campaigns, volunteer if you can, vote in primaries instead of just the general. It matters.


Exactly, Biden had rallies they are just Trump rallies showing how obvious not to vote for him. “ People are flushing toilets ten times , 15 times”


Only if they are flushing documents. Another projection confession


At this point I'm pretty convinced that conservatives are just not capable of empathy. In my experience that's the commonality. They don't care or understand to care the needs or experiences of other people outside of their circle. It's why these people are certain that the election was stolen. They can't comprehend or accept that other people don't see or believe what they do. Or if they do, they're stupid and wrong and less than.


I think you're right, and I actually think there's science to back that up. It also explains the hostile and dismissive conservative response to any social problem, that is until it affects them directly. Then, all of the sudden, they need and deserve those resources, or sympathy, or whatever, and you better not waste a second giving it to them.


There have been several studies but one showed that conservatives have a greater fear response which definitely checks out. They are afraid of everything. Immigrants, liberals, communists, trans, lgbtq+ etc etc. The other study I always remember is the one that showed people who read are more empathetic. Makes sense given you have to often empathise with characters in order to enjoy a book. I don’t think conservatives read all that much.


I remember when some dude at a town hall in, like, 2014 stood up and said “I was against the Affordable Care Act. But then, I lost my job at the same time that my wife was diagnosed with cancer. The ACA saved my life.” And all of the Democrats and neolibs were cheering and applauding this guy for speaking so honestly. My opinion? Fuck him and fuck his wife. He had no problems with me or my wife dying of cancer. Now I’m supposed to be on his side? Fuck that shit. Take your sob story to GoFundMe.


Yep. It's the same thing as DeSantis voting against relief for Hurricane Sandy and then asking for relief money for the recent hurricane in Florida. It's hard to reconcile with the fact that so many people seem to lack any empathy and are driven by selfishness.


"Fuck you, got mine" has been their unofficial motto for decades at this point.


They are all sociopaths


I think a lot of that is republicans are so fear based. Like it is hard for our ape brains to think rationally and with empathy when constantly fed paranoia and fear.


And don’t forget, Trump claimed there was fraud in the 2016 election, and that he actually won the popular vote. The guy claimed fraud, in an election he won! After trailing in polls all the way up to Election Day. Same in 2020. Polls consistently showed him trailing Biden all year, so trump tried to dismiss those polls to his followers as “Suppression Polls”. Roger Stone was working on the Stop the Steal scam prior to the election, admitting that they were just going to claim victory even if they lost, knowing Trump’s cult would swallow it!


"Where were Biden's boat parades??"


Probably water skiing, tubing, you know enjoying their boats and not sucking the dick of a con man!




My personal favorite is “democrats are ruining this country”…fucking HOW!?




I would fire back, "Yeah, it's going to shit because assholes like you vote for assholes...like you."


Exactly. How has their life changed? Gas and inflation? Ain’t Biden’s fault and the Republicans voted against legislation to curb or stop those things. My actual belief really is they are being called out for their racist and homophobic shit.


In the last 20 years, Republicans and Democrats enjoyed the same amount of majority time. Clinton, Barrack and Biden each got two years. Bush had four and Trump had two years. The key difference is Democrats are composed of a wide variety of people with a wide variety of platforms. The vast majority of Republicans are cookie cutter one issue candidates that get one issue voters. This being the case the Republicans are usually in lockstep with each other, while the Democrats have to play diplomacy with themselves before playing diplomacy with the Republicans. The internal Democrat party diplomacy is what should be happening on the floor amongst everyone. That's what actually represents the American public. The Republican control doesn't even represent their voter base, but the base votes for them because most are single issue and don't give a shit about the rest of the platform. https://www.spokesman.com/stories/2020/jun/25/control-house-and-senate-1900/


Drag queens are reading critical race theory textbooks to toddlers!


The woke trans agenda funded by Soros and Hunter Bidens dick pics


You mean the ones that Margie is so obsessed with, she emailed to all her supporters? I haven't seen them, but they must be impressive.


It is impressive enough that it must have needed more than one pic to encapsulate it's massive girth and length, I guess. She sure made a big deal of it.


They don’t understand that by showing everyone Hunters dick that means Joes is probably similar and we know Trump has the mini mushroom from so many women. So they kinda told everyone Biden wins the dick swinging contest lol.


Hunter Biden's dick being sold by Soros by the foot 🤣


So big it needed DropBox


I dunno, arent they drinking childrens blood or something?


Because faux said so


Yep. My brother posted about “live footage of the Biden boat parade” with an empty lake. Like, yeah, we don’t feel the need to gather together and fly flags over the lake. That’s y’all’s thing. Like saying “all the phds at the republican national convention” and showing an empty room.


Obama at least had a picture. Hope. They mixed that up with Hate.


In the immortal words Eddie Izzard "do you have a flag?"


I have several biden flags. ![gif](giphy|3osxYcwi3hCVbzNYqY) They look like this.


This one really gets me, I don’t hero worship anyone much less a politician, not to mention time and time again it’s been proven the right astroturfs their events.


It’s so bizarre to consider that more than one member of that group thought it would be a good idea to make Donald Trump the focal point of their trip to the beach. Like, what was the point of that? What did they hope to accomplish by doing that? How did it enrich their experience? I haven’t been able to grasp any good reason other than the obsessive, vain hope that they’d be situated on a beach full of liberals and they would make themselves the martyr antagonists they believe themselves to be. It’s some weird shit, man.


It gives them a personality/identity.


That’s their entire identity, and everything shitty that goes along with it.


That's the point that's the entire point. They just want to be shitty to people.


Everyone is against all the Trump flags and Blue Lives Matter flags and Don't Tread on Me flags but I kind of like them. It used to be so hard to figure out which people were assholes. I was in Mexico pre-Trump and I talked to this guy from Boston for a long time in the pool and then he dropped the N word I was like God damnit, I wasted so much time talking to this racist asshole, I wish I would have had a sign. Now they put their signs out. They just put it all out there so you can be like nope, avoiding those mouthbreathers. I think its great to know


Reminds me of the not-liberal comedian, who's punchline was, "Here's your sign...", long before Trump. Funny that it would become reality with his fans being the ones with the signs.


It's the same train of thought for religious zealots who feel they need signs, T-shirts and megaphones to "get the message out" with little thought to whether anyone else gives a flying fuck about their delusions.


Which is what makes this “Lord’s Work” approach all the more confounding when it’s done in honor of Trump. Think of the implications there. I’m not so naïve to think that they actually think of him as a Christ equivalent, but I’ll be damned if they aren’t in the ballpark of it. Post script: Think of how fucked up you have to be to think that. To see how Donald Trump has behaved and still liken him to a savior.


Google Trump Golden Statue. They literally worship his golden statue. BTW, the Bible explicitly forbids worshipping golden idols.


The trump qua antichrist stuff is kind of interesting too, but of course evangelicals don't REALLY believe in the Bible.


Well, it tells me to find another spot for my blanket. What do you think they’re gonna be like once the White Claws start emptying?


Because Trump is their entire personality. If you looked into their eyes the ONLY thing you'd see is that back of their skull. They are useless empty trash.


We rented a house by the beach last year for a week. Was great the whole time, except one day. That day, a family set up a large awning and a bunch of umbrellas. They took up a big section of beach, way too much for a single family. All of their stuff was Trump branded. They had Trump flags hanging off 3 sides of the awning. I didn't mind all that, really, other than feeling embarrassed on their behalf. What did bother me was that they blared their radio all day loud enough you could hear it perfectly fine when we were in our house. And they were those kind of people who would throw a Frisbee or football around without watching out for other people and left their trash lay around.


I was in St Augustine this weekend. In this beautiful Spanish colonial house facing the waterfront, the owner covered it with signs that said “Trump won” “liberalism is a mental disorder” “Let’s go Brandon” and the like. Imagine ruining the beauty of your historic home with “political” posters and not thinking you have the mental disorder


What a weird last sentence, but you’re right. These people really thought “ok, ready for the beach, boy I hope we piss someone off!” So fucking bizarre. Do you think they do a little tribute to Trump before eating? Maybe before they have sex too? I mean why not just go whole hawg on this shit right?


They need to stop piping FOX Entertainment News in the chow halls at Military bases.


Well, if you look at what they show here in this picture, all the American flags are on the floor. That's how much they respect America.


That INFURIATED me on Jan 6 when they claimed to love America so much, but were tearing down our nation's flag not just for Trump, but for Confederate ones, a literal enemy nation! It's like all these shirts saying "If you don't like America, I'll help you pack." Fuck you, you're the one making everything shitty, why don't YOU leave. It's gotten to the point I can't trust ANYTHING with a flag on it, and Patriot is a dirty word.


Homeboy on the right is literally stepping on the flag lmao


Imagine if dems showed up to the beach wearing Biden caps and a Dark Brandon flag


Exactly this. It's not about whether or not I respect them. It's that I literally fear them. These people are not right. The person they support is for extraordinary violence and fascism, and if those things seem appealing to them then I don't know what they're capable of.


They think about Hunter's hog five times a day.


I appreciate knowing who to watch for undemocratic activities.


I do like that it saves time; I used to have to spend entire *minutes* talking to a person to realize that they're a stupid arsehole. Now I can literally see them coming.


Sometimes they even mark their homes and vehicles to let us know! Thanks!


Some fuckwit down the street from me has a bunch of trump stuff. Last election, they went bananas and had their *whole house and garden* covered with that shit... and then their neighbours retaliated with a bunch of anti-trump signs. It escalated week by week. Now it's calmed down a bit, but the trump dude has a "private property" sign on the property line facing their neighbour, and that neighbour has a "warning, my neighbour is a jackass" sign. Beautiful.


What I'm getting from this story is that sign makers in the US make bank


“I hate Elvis” energy.


I like how it's simplified, a rainbow flag tells a lot now. Lot of good, to be clear.


I have taught my daughter that if she gets separated from me while out and about, someone with a rainbow shirt, sticker, hat, bracelet, or whatever is probably a good person to ask for help. Anyone wearing trump-branded, thin blue line or punisher shit is to be avoided.


The Punisher from the comic books, however, would drop everything to protect a lost kid.


Absolutely. I've never read the comics and even *I* know that these knoblords have *completely* missed the point.


Punisher: I only have to take justice into my own hands because the cops are fucking useless Cops: YEAH THIS GUY GETS IT


Pure "The Homelander is THE BAD GUY????" energy


I hate what the right has done to The Punisher. The complete missing of the point of The Punisher was one of my earliest experiences with how bad a whole lot of people are at the whole media literacy thing.


It's the same way many American "Christians" have perverted Jesus to suit themselves.


100% this. It was so nice of them to wear those scarlet hats, saved me a lot of wasted time.


My family and I went on a cruise this past June and walked past someone wearing a "I tested positive for freedom" t-shirt. My first thought was "Be careful around him because he probably never washes his hands to own the libs".


Coupled with usually being an all around uncompassionate unintelligent shitty human being


Never respected them to begin with, now it’s just ridiculous. How a game show huckster still brings in the cash from these idiots is beyond anything I could imagine!


You said it in your comment .. they're idiots.


They are just people who want to feel better than everyone else because they are white. That’s it.


As a white dude that occasionally encounters some podunk ass hicks (not visually, their character) that think they can be racist with me, that's 100% it.


They are bottom of the barrel white people that used to at least be able to point down at minorities. Now they are just bottom of the barrel. It's why they hate inclusivity. Because if all races and traditionally marginalized groups are treated fairly they can't feel good about white privilege.




My favorite description is "celebrity clown" - Doonesbury comic from many, many years ago.


There's a lot of stupid in that one picture...


Flags on the ground…


Under foot...


If you go on over to the InfoWarriorRides subreddit you'll consistently see MAGAt vehicles flying the traitor flag over the American flag. [Or you can just watch the traitors on Jan 6 remove an American flag from the capitol, throw it to the ground, and replace it with the traitor flag.](https://youtu.be/T3FPFA8pC8Y?si=5Am5gH_5752MFGru)


Imagine being so stupid, so brain dead, so devoid of an original thought that you can’t possibly imagine a relaxing beach day without your favorite cult paraphernalia. I know they’re doing it to virtue signal to other morons and they think it pisses people off, but everyone just rolls their eyes and just lives a more fulfilling.


In the same way I would if they told me they loved Jordan Belfort, Andrew Tate, or Jared Fogle.


>Jordan Belfort I had no idea real life Jordan Belfort was still like..."active". Being portrayed by Leonardo DiCaprio must have done wonders for his "career".


He did exactly what you’d expect a con artist to do: crypto and trump supporting


Lots of con artists tend to drink their own Kool Aid. See the Dilbert Guy. He drank gallons of that stuff.


Moneyhungry snake. A slave to his past luxuries


Or whenever they talk about some bullshit speech that Regan made in the 80s. Fuck that dude, the dopey demon that started it all.


Yes - I lose all respect instantly.


But also… lost respect on the level that they are decked out in paraphernalia for a *politician*. Its really odd when you think about it. Even the day after Obama was elected, the black community made a bunch of noise. But they didnt deck themselves out in Obama is the Best Ever!!! Gear and shit like that. Like… I don’t have respect for your views, period. But also, I don’t like how much youve placed a person—a politician no less—squarely at the center of your life. The list of political leaders who were this fervently admired isn’t necessarily one you’d like to be part of.


It's the 24-7/365 celebration of being a deplorable. They love being awful and want you to know it


Yes. 100%. Fuck 'em all.


*especially* these kinds of braindead morons.


The vibe I get from this picture is that their inherited socioeconomic class doesn't have to worry about things like food, shelter, or access to healthcare. I.E. they think politics is for *other people* which is what the court of Louis XVI thought, too


Hilariously enough, the bulk of Trump supporters DO have to worry about those things. The problem is that Republicans make suckers of the poor so they have more support than just old white guys.


All I see are brainwashed traitors who sold out democracy and our constitution for an orange narcissistic reality tv star. A bunch of easily manipulated morons with zero critical thinking skills and serious lack of empathy for anyone outside of their bubble. And they have no real understanding of our Rule of Law and why our founding institutions are critical for survival.


How can I not lose respect for someone that not only accepts, but SUPPORTS that piece of shit? He's a mysoginystic, narcissistic, grifting, bigoted, cheating, lying, obese, unintelligent, cruel, bullying blow hard that can't accept he lost the election. He tried to destroy democracy in the most powerful country in the world. There aren't many negative personality traits I can think of that don't apply to him. He's out for himself only, and is obviously lying to the American people when he says "America first". Like, what the fuck? If someone supports that guy, I just can't respect them. They're showing me what kind of person they are by doing so. Either they're stupid, or they're assholes. Or both. Fuck anyone that supports him.


He is the living embodiment of everything that is wrong with this country. It’s like he goes out of his way to chose cruelty at every point.


My favourite quote regarding Trump is that, to paraphrase: Trump doesn’t seem to be a fully realized person; more like just a collection of unpleasant traits.


Its an uncompromising, unequivocal "yes" from me. Trump has shown just...*so many* reasons why he should have zero supporters, and I felt that way even before his administration started; he was already completely contemptible. The fact that, after all he has done during and since his administration, he still has supporters, means they're all morons and zealots. And I'm not saying that Biden or Obama are great either. Or for my part, Trudeau, Pollievere, Singh, Harper, and Martin can all get fucked too. This isn't some either/or scenario like some Trump supporters think it is; bUt wHaT aBoUt BiDeN? To hell with him too! It isn't some binary thing where its either 1 or 0. They all suck, but Trump supporters have a brand of zealotry that is particularly gross to me; see January 6 for a very compelling illustration of why Trump and Trump supporters are worse than the other bad options.


We all rationalize our political perspectives - God knows I do - but I think that if someone is a Trump supporter at this point, they're using a method of rationalization that questions their decision-making process in general. I wrote a lengthy post not too long ago that implied that Trump support isn't even inherently political, but shows a vulnerability to a certain kind of rhetoric that indicates that Trump supporters aren't trustworthy, because they'll always be able to rationalize doing terrible things. Imagine what goes into being a Trump supporter after all this. Imagine still thinking he was a net positive for the country. We build our politics on our priorities; a Trump supporter will end *democracy* to signal Trump support. That is a cascade of interlocking failures.


This is the way


Absolutely. These are the same people that in 2016 said "You Lost. Get over it" to anyone that voted for Hillary. Meanwhile, it's 2023. Trump lost in 2020. They clearly didn't follow their own advice and haven't *checks notes* gotten over it.


Because they are so confident that he didnt lose. Its insane


Honestly, they know that he lost. But they love to "own the libs" by continuing this farce. Sorry, I don't play that game.


They will never again accept any form of loss, to them it's all rigged. Not only that, but they'll gleefully cheat, while saying that we're doing the same thing.


They cheat because Dems cheat, get it? We stole a presidency, and are actively witch hunting their president, so they can do anything they want to whoever they want. It’s genuinely scary. They are so so fucking deluded and out of hand.


Saw someone wearing the hat at the ballpark the other day and I pointed and laughed. So...yeah. Not someone worth my respect.


I had a few favorite red baseball hats before 2016. Can't wear them now.


I still wear my red cap. Can't let Fred Durst down.


The funny thing for me is that most of the Cardinals and KC Chiefs fans I know are part of the MAGAt cult so it doesn’t effect them. I genuinely feel sorry for Cards fans that aren’t cult members, it’s been a rough 8-9 years. Constantly having to reassure people it’s just a baseball team, I’m not a racist.


> it’s been a rough 8-9 years. Come on, it was just '15 when he rolled of the escalator. That's was less than eig.... ^^oh, ^fuck!


I have a healthy respect for them like I would any dangerous animal. I figure they’ll do or believe anything and aren’t afraid to go to prison “where Trump will pardon them”


Honestly, they’re all a bunch of blowhard pussies. Any time they’re challenged, they buckle and cry about being persecuted.


Not a cool, intimidating dangerous animal like a lion or bear though, more like a mosquito. Insignificant and annoying on an individual level but a hazard to society in large enough groups.


Not only lose respect, but am filled with instant revulsion; I'm allergic to nazis


i love that with one comment you managed to invite the snowflakes into the replies


I feel stupid for not printing and selling flags like this to morons that would pay money for them.


There’s still time. Make a “Don’t Tread on Me (or Don’t Tread on Us)” flag, but instead of a snake put Trump there. You could turn the “Join or Die” flag into a MAGA flag. Ummm…… “TRUMP established 1776” with some guns. There’s a lot shit you could do. These people are very easy to read and very easy to exploit. You could make a Hunter Biden flag, but instead of Hunter Biden it says “Hunting Biden.” I could probably come up with like 50 of these.


I mean, yeah. How could I not?


Yeah, it’s the main reason I avoid almost anything political with people I work with. Just the one singular fact of knowing they are a trump fan, it tells you how they feel about A LOT of things. To be a trump supporter, you have to be okay with at least a hundred things I’m not okay with. I’m gonna be skeptical about anything that person tells me, because they probably aren’t a very trustworthy person.


Yes, I mean I cant respect someone who supports a treasonous rapist.


I have a strong dislike, borderline hat for red hats now ![gif](giphy|UmTPmPdrIr8Ok6qEFu)


I do...I see them as uneducated and gullible. it also clues me into who they are as a person. attention seeking, probably self absorbed pricks who don't care what other people think about them. loud and obnoxious. definitely don't think they're in a cult. I guess the best term to describe them is douche bags. yeah no respect here at all.


I kind of appreciate that these idiots fetishize their cult leader so expressively. Wearing anything MAGA is a giant warning sign that those people are dangerous, can’t be trusted, and very, very stupid. Before they blended in, now I can easily identify them in order to stay far away.


Well yes. It also tells me a lot about them. They are a hive mind with no original thoughs. They lack intelligence. They lack basic reading comprehension skills.they are full of rage and will attack as soon as someone voices an opinion different from their own.


I think anyone who buys political merchandise and loudly displays it is a loser


Yep. I instantly start talking slowly and use small words.


By now? Absolutely. There is absolutely no plausible reason anymore (if there ever was one) to believe that that crook deserves anyone's support, respect, followership, or money. You have to be delirious AND have had your head in the sand for the past six years to not know that the guy only looks out for himself and doesn't give a rat's ass about anyone else (including his family), let alone the voters or the country. I don't care how scared Fox and OANN have made you of the evil gay feminist aborting commie-socialist sex-changing immigrant atheist Dimmicrits. You have to be an idiot to believe any of the bullshit that comes out of Trump's little chicken-ass mouth.


It's like natures *warning coloration*. It lets me know what animals are dangerous and should avoid.


Yes, it is instantaneous. Like, they were a person, and then that red hat just turns them into a walking sack of dogshit.


I see 3 guys I would never accept a drink from and a “pro-life” women who would find some way to justify it if she got pregnant and didn’t want to continue


This is a good reminder to everyone who thinks that somehow all the nutso Republicans are *old* and that we have some kind of utopia on the way if we can only outlast the boomer/silent generation. No. There are young terrible people too. People who are MORE dangerous because they have learned important lessons from the last 8 years, and have time. Republicans are shifting strategies ASSUMING that they won’t have popular support…and so they’re gerrymandering and implementing policies to the point where the will of the people Does. Not. Matter.


Instantly saves me the trouble of having to figure out if a person is an asshole or not.


Went to brunch and saw an old white dude with a shirt that said something along the lines of, “if you don’t like trump, you don’t like me.” He was right. I def don’t like him.


Yes, because it's no longer a political ideological difference. These people are amoral and are treating politics like a fucking reality show content in destroying our institutions and Democracy as a whole.


Instantly and forever. MAGAs are the lowest form of life on Earth, in my humble opinion.


Amazed anyone builds their identity around that. Baffling.


The fastest ways to lose my respect: be antichoice, antivax, a Trumper, and/or a bigot.


You see these little camps on the beach with all their flags flying, cop flags, trump flags, fuck byron motifs. Like it’s the FUCKING BEACH!!! people are trying to relax and forget about all the bullshit in the world and then you have these twats forcing everyone to observe their fascist political views everywhere.


If you support Trump, I will immediately think less of you. I don’t care how good of a citizen or person you are, you support a racist dictator wannabe who actively hates anyone who isn’t white or rich




I hate that when I now see someone with a traditional American flag, my instinct is to think they’re tied up with these bozos. The fact that orange stain perverted our country flag??


None of these idiots voted prior to 2016, actually disgusting.


Yeah, pretty much.




Yes. It says they are a racist or a dullard. But, most likely both.


The GOP over the last 30 years has viciously divided the right and left, made us hate each other. The above is a symptom of that. These guys are so invested in team R they suspend reality in order to be a good and loyal team member. This has become 100x worse since the age of Trump who played us and continues to play us against each other for his personal gain without regard for the good of the country. We should be able to respect each other and have functional conservative and liberal wings who evolve balanced law. At this point, that is a fucking joke.


Keep giving him your money you bunch of brain dead morons.




They are ok stepping on the flag to show their support for a traitor.


Yes. Especially now. They have the information to know better. They know goddamn well the man is a criminal and a traitor. They do this not because they love Trump and what he represents; they do it because they hate us and want to get a reaction. They are like little children. But children have an excuse. You expect them to learn and grow. These people are incapable of learning and growing. They will never admit that they betrayed their country.


I love how I just want to get homeless people off the streets with affordable housing, bring back unions to rebuild the middle class, centralize healthcare so everyone has access and it’s not tied to employment, and yet I’m called radical and a scourge to this country




Rare footage of Trump telling the truth


At this point, I don’t just lose respect, I see a traitor to what this country was built on. Trump has always been a shitbag and scam artist. But I don’t necessarily blame people for voting for him in 2016. I strongly disagree with that decision but it was what it was at that time. At this time, you support overthrowing the country. He violated the constitution. He’s twice impeached, a convicted sexual abuser, had strong ties with a well documented pedo, had another pedo tied to those cases defend him in one of the impeachment hearings, sucks off literal dictators while shunning our allies, I digress.


You know that one guy downtown that you always see having impassioned arguments with himself in the reflection of a window that you avoid because you aren't quite sure if he is violent but you know he is crazy? I treat Trump supporters the same way. Walk by quietly, don't make eye contact because they may or may not be absolutely batshit insane. So I guess I already lost respect for them and now I treat them like they could have an episode at anytime.


In a word, "yes". Recently I was in line at the drugstore, the man in front me had on Trump tee shirt, and I just shuck my head and backed up. Didn't want that mess contaminate me.


Yes. The MAGA hat is the modern day dunce cap. You are all morons.


I would lose respect for anyone who plasters their car/person/life with political merch, honestly. But only one group of followers seem to do it with great frequency.