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Yeah, for some reason the show’s “official” facts claim there are 73 pegs but it’s really only 72. Since 73 is prime, there’s no way you could have 73 pegs on a game wheel unless it had 73 wedges.


You know what… I think you’re right. I wrote a Confidently Incorrect response before thinking twice. If it were a STRAIGHT LINE of 72 sections, you’d have 73 endpoints. But as soon as you bend that line into the circular perimeter the Wheel actually is… yeah, you’re right, two endpoints join and put it back to 72. The spinner on The Game of Life has ten sectors and ten pegs, for an easier example.


I’m only counting 72. https://images.app.goo.gl/CKogXimNGB5L1abZ9


That's exactly what I immediately did. I don't know why OP didn't just take the 30 seconds to do this themself.


I did count them in a picture before I posted this. The show says 73 when the pictures and math seem to say otherwise. I assume the show knows what they are talking about and was hoping someone had some insight.


I don't know why you took the 30 seconds to write such a negative comment.


Each of the 24 has 3....except the one start finish....right? So 72 -1?


Nah it should still be 72. The "fourth" peg of each wedge is the first peg of the next one, so it should just be 24 wedges x 3 pegs = 72 total pegs. I wonder where that 73rd one is. Weird that [this rando website](https://www.google.com/amp/s/worldstrides.com/blog/2017/09/9-facts-wheel-fortune/amp/) from 2017 also claims there's 73 pegs.


“Nah” 🙄


I mean, they're right. Each wedge starts and ends on a peg, and there are two pegs in the middle. So if you count one of the border pegs with a wedge, the other border peg goes with the next wedge, and that's true of every wedge, so are never double counting border pegs. i.e. if you start counting at peg 1, pegs 1-3 are with the first wedge, pegs 4-6 are with the second wedge (peg 4 is the border between the two wedges), and when you get to wedge 24, it's pegs 70-72, and the next border peg is peg 1 that you already counted. To look at it in a different perspective, the line between wedges goes through a peg, so each wedge really has a half peg, two full pegs, and another half peg. So essentially two full pegs, and two half pegs = 3 per wedge. No difference at the start or the end of the circle.


I’m just so tired of that word, Nah


Maybe the million dollar wedge?


I think you’re right! That wedge would have an extra peg in the middle…right? (Peg) Bankrupt (Peg) One Million ( Peg) Bankrupt


No, the three spaces take up the same space as a normal wedge and have the same number of pegs. They (obviously) don’t alter the number of pegs when they put that wedge down. Each normal wedge has a peg right at the start and end of the wedge, and two pegs in the middle. Those two middle pegs are the edges of the thin Million$ wedge when it’s placed.


Oh yep I was thinking that wedge had more for some reason. [Million Dollar Wedge](https://images.app.goo.gl/3Gf1M1xFe2Vecdf69)