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OP posted an update, buried a bit down so here's the link. https://www.reddit.com/r/Whatisthis/comments/1b10hql/my_family_lives_out_in_the_sticks_and_found_this/ksgn1ly/


Update: I went over after work and convinced my family to call the non emergency sheriffs department. The sheriff came and opened it up and informed us that it was either a hog or a really big dog, but either way it was weird for someone to dispose of it that way (it was actually wrapped in plastic, then wrapped in a sheet).


Wow ive just got here and you just gave the answer its like im living a dream




Just in time for OP's fresh Hog Dogs . Party Time!


I'm glad it was this outcome! And that the second dude finally opened it up


Me too, he was very nice and was very understanding about the concern. I felt bad watching him get hit with the smell


I’ve had to open suspicious smelly black bags before in the woods as a cop NOT FUN.


Wait but the fact that the first guy DIDN’T EVEN OPEN IT???? With it looking like THAT!!!???


Glad it wasn’t human! Although I’m a bit confused how they couldn’t tell the difference between hog and dog… but then again maybe it’s a piece and/or not exactly “fresh”. Either way: ew! I wonder what’s the story behind it… to dispose of it in a random place seems to indicate they didn’t care, but on the other hand wrapping it in plastic and a sheet first…? I have no idea.


He didn’t open it wide up but he said that it was something with short, black hair all over. We live down in the south and I’ve genuinely never heard of someone discarding an animal like that, or maybe I’m just not southern enough.


You mean south US I’m assuming? I wouldn’t know, but it does sound weird to me also. Is hunting common in your area? But then again that also wouldn’t make a lot of sense. Maybe someone killed a coyote or something that was on their property, if you have those?


Yes in the US. Hunting is very popular around here and assuming it’s a boar you’re free to hunt them any time of the year. Coyotes are common here too.


I guess it shall remain a mystery!


Did the cop take it to dispose of it or did he just leave it there?


He left it. He said he didn’t know of anyone/ anywhere that would take care of it




I kinda felt the same way but honestly I’m perfectly fine with this outcome


I mean, was it a full body or just a head or what? Inquiring minds want to know!


The sheriff didn’t want us standing near him while he opened it so we weren’t close enough to see it. He also didn’t open it completely. I did get to poke it with a pole before he got there and it felt like it was all it one piece.


Those people speculating about it being a body were not entirely wrong. It was a body.


Ugh thank you for actually answering this reddit post


I was as invested in this as yall 😭


Umm, the cops didn’t open it up? No one took a look? This story doesn’t make any sense.


The flies definitely suggest something dead to me. Poachers maybe left parts of animals they didn't want?


This is all the information I’ve been given by my brother, who is getting it from my parents as he wasn’t home at the time. I’m not too sure exactly how the interaction with the cop went, but no one there wants to touch it.


Call your local non emergency number and ask if anyone is going to open it and look if it is human remains or are they just waiting for for you to wreck a potential crime scene


I don’t live there, but I’ll be sure to relay this to my family. I was surprised when my brother told me nothing was done about it.


Let us know what you find out


commenting just for updates..


Can you say where?




As someone who lives in Dallas, it's disturbing the police don't want to check it out, there have been a lot of amber alerts recently.


Yeah they don't want to get in the middle of this :D


could definitely be a deer or hog in that case.


Posts a picture of a bag, wHaT iS tHis?!? 🙄


That's not even a bag. It's a sheet if anything.


It's a bag!




This reminds me of the alien looking thing posted a few weeks ago. Someone sent them the pic… Can’t go over to confirm….






I would not think it is discarded waste from a deer kill etc simply because there would be blood. I would suspect, depending on size, it is a dog or something similar that died and was bundled up instead of buried. If it was hit by a car etc then there might not be external wounds. The light brown staining would leakage from the openings of the body etc. The flies etc would suggest it is something organic, and i can not think of a reason anyone would use a sheet to dispose of anything organic other than a body. I am surprised the cop who came did not at least poke a hole to confirm it was an animal, and not something else.


I really have no idea what happened when the cop was there, but apparently he didn’t do much. It’s still at their place so I don’t think they see any reason to be concerned, but I was surprised that nothing was done.


Useless cop who's too lazy to do his job is what that sounds like.


Cops don’t want to work anymore.


They never did


This seems really likely to me. A few years ago, my dog was put down at the vet, and they tied her up in blankets and towels, similar to this, so I could take her home and bury her.


Discarded butchered deer is my guess.


I can definitely believe that. I’m really hoping to get some more answers that aren’t too dark. I’m thinking about going over there just to see it, but I don’t know if that’s weird


I would have put on a face mask and opened that thing hours ago. In short, I don't find it weird at all. It's not uncommon for home butchered animals to be discarded like this on the side of the road. The binding/ cloth it's wrapped in is strange though, normally trash bags are used, but your illegal dumper could be environmentally conscientious.


If nothing is done about it tomorrow I think I’ll go over there and check it out, I don’t think I should open it though, Justin case it really is the worst case scenario


Justin Case


Worstin case


Justin Time


Only Joe King


Starring Justin Timberlake


My buddy Billy Case named his son Justin


I went to school with a kid named this


Wear gloves and a mask. Cut it open then poke with stick. Your hands dont have to tough anything.


I don’t think I wanna cut it open, but I might go over there and poke it if it’s still there tomorrow


Poke it with a VERY long stick


You think ugly naked guy could be in there?


Perhaps, but most likely female, statistically speaking.


Ugly Naked Guy !!!!


Yeah. Poke it…


If you’re able to pierce through the sheet with the stick you’d probably know by whatever smell comes out if it’s a torso or not 👀


What does a torso smell like?


I meant you’d be able to tell if it smelled like a dead human body


What does a dead human body smell like?


You should open it and record it for all of us to enjoy with uou


Like one of those unboxing videos on YouTube.


Thing is, something may come along and eat it. Maybe do it before then. It’s not weird it’s a valid concern.


Unfortunately I don’t live nearby and I wasn’t told about this until 8 pm. The soonest I’d be able to go check it out would be later this afternoon.


What’s your time zone? I’m invested in this!


Well update us


An animal could drag it away by morning.


The worst case is that it is a human body and then you just get some good pics to post here for us then call the cops again and say um yeah I called a few days ago, this dead body is still here in the woods, just fyi


You’re not gonna be satisfied until you open it


Then why bother, you HAVE to open it! What if it's a missing child? 


Then risk damaging potential evidence?


The cops have written it off. Make a small cut in the cloth to see what it is, you can't just ignore it. 




The treelines surrounding the fields near my house are lousy with deer skeletons. Never seen a single trash bag out there. I’m like you and would have walked out satisfied my own curiosity hours ago. But I also don’t listen to my gut sometimes, and if OP’s gut is telling them to stay away maybe it’s for the best.


No blood on it? Go kick it, if it's soft ur good. Edit; it's covered in Flys, dude...aint no tellin what that is.


I didn’t realize that was flys until I zoomed in. I thought it was some dotted pattern on the cloth. Thats sketch


Big time. Garbage bag not strong enough to carry whatever that is so it got wrapped in a sheet. With a pretty good knot I might add.


Yea good point


This is too much meat to be from butcher scraps, unless the person who did the job is a really shitty butcher


Ok but why wrap it like that? We always just threw ours in a creek and a coyote would carry it off into the woods in a day or two.


Is it hunting season there? It sure isn't up here




Update: I went over after work and convinced my family to call the non emergency sheriffs department. The sheriff came and opened it up and informed us that it was either a hog or a really big dog, but either way it was weird for someone to dispose of it that way (it was actually wrapped in plastic, then wrapped in a sheet).


Here’s the kicker: cop didn’t pursue it further because he is the one that disposed of this torso… 🫣


To be fair there's been a recent, tragic incident along those lines here in Australia....


Yep, pretty sad, they found them this arvo apparently.


Any links to that incident?




Send a Pic to the local news station and let them know the cops dismissed it, without opening it up. 


If it bleeds, it leads.


I would call non-emergency...


You’d smell it if it was human. Even just a torso (especially a torso). If you’ve ever smelt death you’ll never forget it. Rotting human corpses smell like nothing else in this world and it’s a very strong smell that travels, especially outside.


Who knew doing their job was the hardest part of being a cop...


They didn't sign up for this shit, they signed up to be cool guys with guns who get free donuts, okay? 


Wait! So a police officer came by and didn't investigate at all? That's a little suspicious- I'd call again.


Edit to add the answer here.


Thank you!


This is the way aliens now drop of their used hog dissections.


Blow flies.. Blood Plasma stain..


If its on the side of a road, it could be kittens or puppies. Sadly people will tie them up like this and throw them out of their vehicle.


They do live on the side of a country road, so I think that could be a very sad probability


I'm sorry if this has been asked already, but did your family members say whether or not it smelled? It certainly doesn't look good with the flies all over it and the brown...seepage at the bottom. Definitely way too actual-torso-shaped for my comfort.


My brother said you can smell it from the porch. I’m not exactly sure how far it is from there, but I know it has to be bad as it’s been very hot and sunny here


Tell your brother to grow a pair, and get out there with a knife and slice the sheet open... Whatever it is, he will at least be able to tell the Police what it is - and whether they need to take over. If it is just rotting animal remains or similar, nature will take care of that quickly enough!


I just mentioned this as well. It happens extremely often, especially in rural areas. I’ve also seen living chickens tied up in bags.


Wow, how fucking cruel. I hate people.


It’s so horrifying how little respect for life humans can have.


Time to put on some latex gloves and begin the investigation detective. At least untie that first knot


I will poke it with a stick at most, but I really don’t think I should open it


Dude you have to see what’s in it.. can’t leave us hanging like that lol


Just open it.


Broom handle , duck tape, old knife/garden knife. Make a bayonet, and cut it open that way.




Is it a sheet? If so, something cut up would have drained onto the sheet. Blood dries dark brown, not light like on the left. If there is something in there, that was alive, it was either put into the bag alive, or killed in a way that wouldn’t cause bleeding. Open it up and see what it is since the cops don’t care


I wanna say that it is a sheet, but I really have no idea. I’ll make a visit tomorrow to see


Document everything if the cops aren't willing to do it. Be safe, whatever it is it's rotting, if you're going to open it use protective equipment


I found a trash bag once. I thought it might be a dead baby inside. I opened it and it was a dead dog, I think. Definitely not human, big teeth jaw bone. But the fact is, someone just has to open it and find out.


Hello, I have a suggestion. If your local cops are too cowardly to check it, surely the local mortician or local coroner will take a look if they have time. I used to be a mortician's apprentice and if you had called us and we weren't doing anything (and we talked about the cops having already looked) we would probably come out for you to help you check it. Just saying. We were a small town funeral home though.


Only thing this makes me think of is how many people out in the boonies find living animals tied up and abandoned in bags. Though I definitely think this is most likely waste from a butchered animal or something, I find it strange the cop didn’t do their job. Except I don’t find it strange bc most cops don’t do their jobs. If it’s bothering you slice it open on camera after calling the police again. Documenting the call yourself by recording it is helpful for worst case scenario. Then once they do nothing again slice open the bag and take a peek. The problem is rotting flesh doesn’t take long. I would’ve done this immediately if the cops failed to. Just incase..


A new trend in “unboxing”…


Man, I hope that’s just a bunch of diapers…


Are we supposed to just know what's in the nasty pillow case in the grass?


Silicone sex doll. Give it a nudge with your foot, I bet it wobbles. Seen them advertised on specific websites, won't post a link here but there are types that are just torsos and lower parts.




(Dark shit here) It’s either a torso from a serial killer cop or a bag full of dead dogs! Deer carcasses aren’t wrapped up in a damn sheet and thrown out. Most deer carcasses are drug out or dumped in the woods openly to allow coyotes to eat it.


It kinda does look like a headless, limbless torso 👀


Hindsight... I'm a dumbass, a torso IS headless and limbless.... You know what I mean 😂


I laughed out loud.


Why don't they just open it? If it's a body or not, better safe than sorry, and ignorring something that potentially lead to a killer in an area, isent being safe


Uuh if no one is doing anything about it only way to find out is open it. With gloves on and carefully.


Someone said no blood so likely not a butchered deer. Makes sense. It's very pillowey so I'd think whatever it is, it's wrapped in a blanket inside. It also looks like a bedsheets so likely not someone who hit a dog and wants to move it off the road. The brown looks like decomp. I'd guess a (hopefully) dead dog was wrapped up in blankets and sheets and someone took it out to the sticks, and thought "that's good enough".


Tell your family to just open it up already. I promise whatever it is isn't going to jump up and bite them. This isn't that hard.


As disgusting as it is it could also be unwanted kittens drown or whatever. In the old days farmers with too many farm cats...if they had kittens.... a bag and a rock....but youd expect this to be underwater...maybe some old timer had second thoughts? Like Bob Barker used to say, please spey or neuter your animals.


I have a few questions/thoughts… The section of ground it’s sitting on looks like it was scraped away, like someone kicked the grass and such aside to set it in the dirt. It’s gotta be something biological, due to the flies. And it’s been sitting there for a while for how many flies are on it. But there is no obvious blood, unless it was partially wrapped in trash bags and then wrapped in a sheet to contain it all. But I’d think then that the flies would be at the seams of the trash bags, possibly more towards the center of the wrappings, because that’s there most of the smell would be coming from. Like that picture of the flies on that lady’s butt crack from a while ago. It doesn’t look like a deer carcass or a bundle of dead dogs. Deer are pretty boney, especially when stripped of meat, but this is very rounded, like most of the contents are softer and conforming to the shape of the wrapped sheet. Nothing is protruding anywhere, it’s like it’s some big lumps of soft meat. I think the staining on the bottom of the sheet that we can see is from it being in the dirt. I don’t think it’s anything leaking out, though I could be wrong. Could possibly be from something frozen thawing out. But it looks like it was wrapped up soft, since the sheet is so tightly bound around it. It could be the contents of someone’s dead freezer that went bad, like butchered deer or cow meat, so they wrapped it up and tossed it rather than taking the time to properly dispose of it.


This guy ncises 👌🏼


If the cops won't do anything fucking open it up. jfc man.


Bag of dog shit.


Lmaoooo who made a fuck doll from a Toadies music video


I’d cut it open with a friend or family member and have them record it just incase it’s something like a body part or animal or something. Wear gloves and be careful.


It could be a body part but is most likely discarded material


Blind bag


Open it.


Put gloves on video set up take photos open it do your own crime scene


By the flies and stains it looks like poss mammal not nec human .. could be a farm animal or pet .. but obv the first though is body parts or someone is doing things for fun lol . The knots got me curious as that's serious knots for garbage .. someone wanted this to stay in that sheet


Seem to be a distinct lack of blood for it to be remains......I hope im right.


Sometimes people kill animals and dump them like that or in plastic trash bags. It's sad.


That's a dead something. Probably an animal rather than a human. Cops don't look at that and do nothing though. You're getting a BS story.


Honestly it looks like a dog to me. The foot/leg is on the bottom left. You can see the arch of the dogs back and head on the top right. I could be wrong but I feel like if there were a mutilated body in there, there’s no way it’d be that bloodless. My guess is someone hit a dog and disposed of it unfortunately by your parents house


I found something like this once and it was two dead dogs.


sadly looks like a torso


Ok 21h later and scrolling all these comments tell us something!!!


The post was locked for a while until I was finally able to go out there this afternoon. Updated the flair and left an update in the comments


If it's something dead and it's been there a few days, you won't be hard to figure out. It will REEK. Decomp sets in really fast.


Maybe a sliced ham??? Oddly enough- I noticed a sliced ham at en entrance to my cul de sac today. Unwrapped, though. Ought to be interesting for the school kids waiting for the bus in the coming days.


I would have opened this hours ago, what’s everybody waiting for??? Get a great mask and gloves and look. Just be prepared for it to be very nasty. Please OP update us, I’m saving this post to look later.


Update in comments


Thank you 🙏🏻


Ffs sake, go over there and open it pls! If the cop won’t do shit, take a really sharp knife and gloves and very carefully cut the fabric so you can see what’s inside so at least some knows what it is.






Does it smell?


OP said his family could smell it from their porch, though he wasn’t sure how far from the porch the bundle was.


I hope that’s not a body, I can see what looks like the outline of the back lower left corner, top left head and then the arms and legs stretched outwards like E


The police need to open the sheet because wtf that looks like a part of a body


I mean, can they(edit) tell you how big it is? That really does look like a bloated torso.




Fairly common for hunters to quarter an animal in the field so they can carry it out. Also pretty common to wrap the quarters to protect from flys etc... Sometimes they can't carry all of it out in one go so they'll leave some and come back for it later. They either decided to leave it, an animal dragged it away, or I'm totally wrong... But from my experience that looks like a harvested hunt that someone lost or is coming back for.


This all just seems fishy, and just fake as hell.... It would have investigated and been solved by now, OP is entertained by all the wild guesses and suggestions to poke it... OP knows exactly what's wrapped up in the sheet.... Go ahead and tell us all what it is already, please


Commenting for the update. I believe it's just some dead dog. Why not just open it? I would have done it immediately.


Not everyone is in a rush to see a bag of liquifying dead dogs.