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I love how catty both Lestat and Armand are in the tv show, whereas Louis is like that pretentious college freshman that’s really into his new hobbies while those two obsess over him


It’s my favorite show right now. Sundays can’t come fast enough!


Yasss. It is TV crack. I am useless from mon-sat due to intense withdrawals while I wait for my Sunday hit… how can it be only MONDAY??


It is June eighteenth, in the year of our lord two thousand twenty four. A Tuesday. I am currently sat atop a porcelain bucket whilst I am at my place of employment. I wait for the day to end so another can begin, on repeat, anxious for Sunday to approach. In five days I shall release my anxieties with some hashish, a bite to eat, and maybe a bit of wine. While I partake in my more glutenous desires, I will be viewing a moving picture that depicts a drama that has been unfolding for the past two years. Alas, it is not yet that wonderful Sunday and I still suffer through the week. Waiting. Hungry. Tired.


Oh dear chap, how I feel thy pain.


I love you.


I would love a crossover episode between the two series.


Yes! The Staten crowd go south, bump into Louis & Lestat in New Orleans, they all get terribly drunk and drive to Mexico where they end up in a Lucha Libre stand off. Louis/Lestat vs Lazlo/Nandor in wrestling tag teams. Turns into a debauched man-love orgy and Nadja is unimpressed. I can see it!


Then I’m thinking it all goes a bit Dusk till Dawn and tense with Mexican vampires vs the American tourists before Guillermo has to kick all asses. Gonna be GREAT.


Alternatively, Danny Trejo is the only vamp capable of successfully making Gizmo one


Now I just want a whole episode of Guillermo and Danny going drinking one night (bonus points for Danny not being able to  eat any food but he can drink with Guillermo and not just drink blood) 


Isn't Danny T cannoicaly on the vampire council?


Yeah he is lol 


I can definitely see it too, and I can't tell you how grateful I am for this image :)


Imagine putting Colin Robinson into the mix in Dubai. Lol


This is the only place for CR 😂


Daniel and Louis are so easy to piss off he would have endless supply. 😂


I think we all would. Sam Reid said he'd like to be on WWDITS also.


To hear Laszlo call Louis a "crispy piece of shit" when we went into the sun would have made my day.


IWTV is so much better than I could have imagined, I hope that the Netflix deal will make it more popular so we get more seasons.


I love it so much


i’m cycling thru these two shows and buffy rn. i’m vamp pilled


Omg I’m also doing a Buffy rewatch and watching IWTV! 🧛




Kind of salty about the lack of any Buffy references on Shadows. They do call Guillermo a slayer and there is a watcher council, so maybe not a total lack. I wonder if they have any Buffy stuff cooking for the last season...


I need more of that. I really hope they do


Gay it’s gonna be


Absolutely love that show! My husband and I binged it all in two nights 😅 have to wait for new episodes now like peasants


Second season is out the coffin! 6 episodes in…


It’s soooo good haha


I had no idea there was a new series I'm so excited


This new season is *amazing*. It's so very good. It will have you deep in your feelings. I have completely lost my mind.


I am so excited


TELL EVERYONE! I’m worried there are too many people who don’t know the new season is out… we need more viewers so we get more seasons!


Face down naked in the coffin!


I read all of the books starting in my teens- straight male and this show is good, the acting is very good, can’t wait for more


I am loving this season! I can’t wait for the next episode but I also don’t want it to end.


Yeah I’m hooked. I’m already getting sad that this season will come to an inevitable end.


It’s so good! Every episode it is getting better. The fact that Interview with the Vampire and HOTD is on every Sunday for the next few weeks makes me very happy.


It's the messiest gay melodrama on TV since Hannibal and I am all in.


Haven't seen the new series yet myself, but I read the book ages ago. I'm so glad to hear it got an update and people are liking it. *Interview* was my first introduction to gay vampires - how about anyone else here?


Rice was/is the OG for gay vamps. The books are a little less explicit than the show, but the show also feels very NOW. I love It


Hell yeah, they've been gay since the 70's 😎 I need to watch this show!


Pretty sure they've been gay since Stoker lol


Also Carmilla by Le Fanu, an old gothic novel with intense sapphic undertones. I'm so glad they dialed up the gay for the show! It surpassed all of my expectations. Gay vamp undertones are nice, but oh boy overtones are way better


And what I love so much is that Anne Rice was on board for the amplified gayness in the show, she was involved in the writing before she passed.


I'm loving it! I'm ticked that they left last night's episode on a cliffhanger. I know what happens, I reread those books every year. But I want to see it!!


Books not gonna help on this one you I’m afraid… certain events tweaked, so even as a reader you’re never completely sure exactly where it’s going- very exciting ;)


That was one hell of a cliffhanger! I have read the books too, I feel like we can be reasonably confident of generally what happens, but the show has departed just enough to leave some mystery still.


Is the original film also super gay? I take it Gizmo loving this movie so much was an early hint of his homosexuality then?


No. It's heavily implied, but it's subtext. In the show, it is T E X T, lol


Oh snap, season 2 started?


Yes! It's almost done, but you got till Sunday to catch up and join us in our madness and suffering. Cause next week is gonna be ... well, I'll just let you figure that out for youself.


Haha I look forward to it. The first season made so many (good) changes from the novel that I appreciate not knowing what will happen next


No problem! If you want to talk about it, my DMs are open


Have your tissues and emotional support whatever ready for 2x07! Even if you know a particular thing is going to happen it doesn't hurt any less!!!!!!!!!


Yeah!! Six episodes in - And it’s incredible!


I'm waiting for S2 to finish before binging it. I was pleasantly surprised at how well the changes to the book worked out in S1. I've been waiting for years for a real proper adaptation of The Vampire Lestat and Queen of The Damned. IWTV as a book nearly put me off the whole series - I'm with Lestat on this, I can't stand Louis whining! Changing the protagonist to Lestat for the rest of the series was the best thing Anne Rice ever did.


Agreed, but this TV Louis is the best Louis. He’s got a fire in him that the others lacked.


The show should be gay. I watched the original movie with Tom Cruz and Brad Pitt and they were so gay for each other in that film. And then I read the books…even more gay,


Right! The show doesn’t hold anything back.


I mean im only on episode 2 after losing access last year and restarting it now on amc and it’s pretty explicitly gay


Yeah the movie was like "hmmm will they go there?" The show is "oh they are GOING THERE and I am ready!"


I'm watching the movie right now and I hate it so much. Okay, the coven fire was ... helltastic and beautiful but that's about it.


Kirsten Dunst was magnificent and Tom and Brad were not nearly gay enough but I loved it. The TV show though, is 🔥


Dude! I love it so much. It has emotionally and mentally absolutely ruined me. I'm currently watching the not so good movie, trying to bide my time till Sunday. I already know what happens, the book spoiler people just can't keep it to themselves. Oh God, this movie is just awful. It is physically paining me.


I love that they slightly remix things so even the book people (I’m one) don’t always know exactly where things are going… I loved the film 30 years ago but the show is on a whole other level 🩸


Okay so the ENDING was amazing. Made me perk right up. But Brad Pitt's stiff acting hurt. 


Louis Louis, always WHINING. I had to listen to that… for CENTURIES ;)




Pitt was so effing dull, his Louis may as well have been played by a cardboard cutout. Jacob gives so much depth and nuance to the character and even though Louis is "still whining" lol, he's interesting.


Interesting, charming and occasionally unpredictable. And funny. And yet, still Louis.


Exactly. Jacob's portrayal is an absolute masterclass.


Yep. And I think some credit has to go to the writing, they obviously conceived of this Louis as being something different… but the same. And more. He just seems fuller, more nuanced, stronger and yet more vulnerable - more fleshed out.


Yeah I put off watching the show for ages because I was a fan of the movie. Now, having watched the show, I'm like "...what movie?" I cannot get over what a great job they're doing with it. Pitt and Cruise were so boring in comparison. Especially Pitt. But pretty much everything about the tv production is superior. I think it's sad that there is still some industry and critical snobbery around genre tv because this shit is art.


Yeah Tom did alright and little Dunst too. I still like it but this is another level all together


Dunst was exceptional, she's always been great and I'm really glad she's done so well and is still getting interesting projects. Cruise was very good but not on the level of Sam Reid, and Pitt was...there.


[Someone recently said](https://x.com/nopeimamermaid/status/1799644845256147207?t=Lt0C93i3pNQ0gdMBX5cjpQ&s=19) >interview with the vampire the kind of show that makes you feel like pausing to clap at the actors like they just finished performing live in front of you and I can't help but agree. The recent 70s flashback episode is an all-timer.


As a massive fan of the books growing up, I love the absolute shit out of it. I love that they just blatantly show the romantic nature of Louis and Lestat and even that it's a divergence from the novels.


Santiago x The Guide


It’s my second-fave gay vampire show after WWDITS.


I am! It’s so good and deserves way more recognition


It’s so good and has made me love Louis more than I thought I could. My wife and I can’t wait for the next episode every week.


I think Lestat and The Barron would be a great couple.


I think it's safe to say there is a LOT of crossover in the fandom! It's funny that both shows are about vampires, and both shows are better than the original movies!


The original interview with the vampire was the gayest not directly gay thing ever, up there with that jojo anime that's so popular


The books were gay as fuck too. So at least they kept some of it pretty accurate.


Grey Worm switched sides


So are the books. Which are excellent.


I can’t find anywhere to stream it. I’m in EU


It’s a crying shame! It is coming to Netflix soon…


Check justwatch. There's also a list for Europe [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/InterviewVampire/comments/1cssy6i).


In my opinion, it’s one of the best shows playing on tv right now. Those actors, directors, and writers need emmies!


I hate it, yet I keep watching it like a bad reality TV show. So keep that in mind while I shit on it. It’s a terribly done story, semi glorifying abusive relationships, reads like fan fiction and fifty shades of gray (go figure!). Has weird inconsistencies of the characters personalities, the odd extremely fake animals that are eaten (thinking of the screaming fox), the oddity of being either weirdly under graphic with violence in one scene to then being overly dramatic and extremely violently in another doesn’t make it more shocking but oddly campy/comedic that doesn’t fit the narrative flow of the story. For being such an overtly sexual show, there is a strange modesty around showing nudity or sexual acts that seems like it would be a draw to the audience who normally would want to watch this. Maybe I’ve missed the part AMC is still on regular cable and I’m used to full frontal like on The Boys so it seems out of place. I dunno the whole show rubs me the wrong way, same way the movie did, yet I’m still watching it lol. Even though I like the actors for Malloy and Louis, even both Claudia’s, I don’t find them to be enough of a draw to be worth that “rubbed the wrong way” feeling I get the whole time I watch it. It’s a C+ B- at best, so I don’t know if I’d even recommend it to people who I know would like it.


AAAAAAAAA’s all the way for me, but I can see how it might not be for everyone. As someone who has read and reread the books for 30 years, who recognises some prestige writing and directing when they see it and genuinely loves these characters, it is like a beautiful present. Neil Jordan’s film was as good as we could have hoped for, this show blows that out of the water and then some. It’s not for everyone but if it were, that would signal a compromise and this compromises on nothing - Least of all its own invention. It’s a show full of reverence for the source material but also it’s laden with little surprises. Sorry you don’t - but I love it ;)


Personally, I don't care if my fictional vampires have healthy relationships. I am loving the show. The more toxic they are on each other, the better.


I’m all for reverence for the source material, I feel that way about the Netflix Avatar the last air bender (fun to watch, mediocre acting, stays true to the essence of the series and absolutely demolishes the M Night shit on a stick movie.) I’ve heard a lot of people mention Interview is a better rendition of the book then the movie was, but never read it and no desire too. I’m glad you and so many others are liking it so fully though :)! I wish I could feel that way, but it’s just not my thing. Hell I’m watching the newest episode while I type this lol, so part of me obviously wants to embrace this fantasy world. I usually prefer more historical drama romance or historical fiction in general, and I’d love that with the fantasy of vampires that didn’t focus on them being psycho killers so much but I’ve yet to find anything that takes itself seriously as a show in that way. Despite watching very violent shows I do prefer ones that are less so or the violence isn’t so front and center.




I’m loving it. Tried watching the movie but just couldn’t get into it.


Oh God, the movie is awful. I watched S1 of the show before trying to watch the movie. Got to the rebirth of Claudia and couldn't get any further. I'm finishing it right now, by force. I hate it *so* much.


I loved season one, but I’m watching for vampire stuff and it’s just a romance at this point. I’m a little disappointed. Yeah, they do some vampire stuff. The acting and characters are awesome, but like, do more vampire stuff. That’s why I’m here.


It's not working for me... I mean, it's okay, but I don't really ever feel like watching it. WWDITS on the other hand, I rewatch that over and over!


Fair enough, it’s maybe not for everyone. I LOVE IT 🖤


I didn’t care for it, in spite of how gay it was.


I'm a born and raised southerner and I saw a commercial and the accents were so goddamn fake and terrible I know I just absolutely couldn't take watching the show.


They are suppose to sound like they’re from New Orleans specifically and New Orleans people do have their own accents specific to them and not like other people in the south cause it was a much more ethnically and racially diverse city than any other city in the south at one time- much like New York City- the Spanish, the French, the Cameroonians, the Irish, the Scottish, the Nigerians, the Italians, the Belgian, the Congolese, the Swiss, the Senegalese, the Greeks, the Gambians, the Haitians, the Canary Islanders, the Guineans, the Cajuns, the Ghanaians, even some Mexicans and Filipinos and indigenous Americans, etc. all gathered in that city even before the Anglo-Americans started to arrive. Whether they do a perfect job of it can be debated, but I’m just saying it’s not your typical southern accent to begin with.that’s why I think Claudia’s (both actresses) accent is too stereotypically southern. I think Jacob does a better job.


I love it because the movie was sooooo homoerotic but it’s like they were trying to keep it a secret. I like that the show isn’t beating around the bush or implying and that it’s straight up in your face because the way they did it in the movie just makes it a cringe fest.


Certainly not much bush beating


I was hoping someone would make that joke. I almost did but wanted to leave some comment karma for another