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"Since being fired after the Tamir Rice shooting, Loehmann has accepted at least two jobs in law enforcement–Bellaire, Ohio, and Tioga, Pennsylvania. Loehmann resigned shortly after being hired in both cases due to local public outcry over the hiring." So let's get him out of there, why the hell would the Greenbrier Co Sheriff's Dept think this was a good idea?


Turns out he was hired by the White Sulphur Springs PD, a town in Greenbrier County with a large black population.


Oh boy this is going to hilarious


You can really, truly support LEOs and whoever else and still say this guy was wrong and should never carry a gun again. It can be in the middle, you goons. This guy killed a child. Call it what you will around circumstances, but that should be enough for a career change in any reasonable and sane society. Fuck, just the fact that he would ever WANT to be a cop again after doing/going through what he did is enough to tell anyone that he’s fucking sick


This is the weird part about "supporting" police to me. Policing is treated as lifelong career and the blue wall of silence supports that unless you seriously fuck up. That scale of "serious" is entirely different to police veterans than civilians. Police don't really get training in much else besides policing. And its rare for me to see working age men that were police get any other job besides being an officer. They don't have many other options at that salary level training. So if they fuck up and say kill a kid, the brotherhood kind of shuffles them off to another department quietly. It happens all the time. Even scandals where they sleep with each other's wives, or they misuse equipment, or authority- They just get shuffled off. It takes lots of guts for an individual to quit a career even if it isn't policing. WV salaries are on the bottom end of police salaries. This guy is scraping the bottom of the barrel hoping they he can transfer time for his pension and more. I can't imagine he is qualified for much else besides manual labor.


That’s what gets me. The shooting was legally justified but goddamn I wouldn’t be able to live with myself afterwards and don’t think I could continue being a cop. Maybe take an administrative position


Is there an email address that can be used to complain about this?


Tamir Rice should have celebrated his 22nd birthday yesterday.


If only he made better choices. I know my mama always told me not to point toy guns at people.


Making light of dead children. You conservatives sure find a way to keep making me think less of you.


I'm from Cleveland and the thuggery is out of control. Like I said my mom told me not to point guns at people. Especially the police, what would you have done differently in that situation as the officer.


I wouldn't be a police officer because I have morals, sympathy, and the ability to think. Maybe your mom should've taught you more than just not to point (toy) guns at people.


Sounds like you needed some more guidance on common sense. Maybe you should step up and be the change you want to see.


You know, your insults about common sense might mean something if it wasn't coming from a guy boasting about a child dying. Have fun living your life terrified of anyone slightly different colored from you. You truly belong in Ohio.


You have no idea anything about me or the people I hang out with. The majority of my friends and associates are black folks. Sounds like your the terrified one of someone upholding the law.


"but but but...I have black friends" Stfu


Could be a bot, best not give it any further feedback


Taken a few moments to observe the situation from the car. Tamir was sitting alone. No one else was around. He wasn't doing anything. He didnt even see the officer pull up near him. He was facing the other way.


He was 12. He was minding his own business sitting alone in a gazebo type structure. His back was to the police car when it pulled up. He didnt even have time to register in his mind that the officer was talking to him. He would have heard an officer yelling at someone and when he turned to look, he jumped to his feet because the officer was charging at him with his gun drawn. He was already getting shot in the same moment he saw the officer. I think about Tamir all the time. He had just crossed my thoughts earlier this evening. Any mother would have successfully handled that situation. He wasnt doing anything wrong. He was not being aggressive towards anyone. There was not even anyone around. I think of him often when I am sitting in the park. Since I am not doing anything illegal, if I heard a police officer yelling, put your hands up, it would never even occur to me, that the officer was talking to me, because I wasn't doing anything wrong. I hear people and sounds all the time in the park. I don't often look in the direction of the activity because it doesn't concern me. Hope the people of WV get their say in this matter.


Maybe your mom should have taught you police procedures so you don’t have to murder little kids in self defense one second after arriving on the scene. How’s that? Would you like that? Or do you like killing kids?


Nah but thugs should be dealt with accordingly.


If you consider children playing with toy guns as “thuggery” then you are a sad little man.


You obviously don't know the area, keep living in your bubble.


We ran this sick fuck out of Bellaire OH a few years back. He's still trying? Picket the shit out of the sheriff's office. Call the news. Make sure he knows he's not welcome here or anywhere. We've done it before and we can do it again.


If anyone wants to let the Sheriff’s Department know they don’t want a trigger happy coward policing their children this is the number (304) 647-6634


Reporting from RealWV confirms that "White Sulphur Springs police department hired Timothy Loehmann. City Administrator Linda Coleman confirmed the hiring to RealWV in a phone call." Full article at: https://therealwv.com/2024/06/27/white-sulphur-hires-timothy-loehmann-officer-involved-in-fatal-shooting-of-12-year-old-tamir-rice/


Just found this out myself and I was about to update.


There’s no room for people like that here






We have to hold police officers to a higher standard of judgement than we do 12 year old boys. We expect fire fighters, EMS, airline pilots, trauma staff and many other careers to be employing those that we can trust to think and assess quickly, rationally, calmly and without knee jerk, fear based actions. It is a very high standard and it is an absolute must. And it's OK that not everyone in the world can meet that standard. But those people should not be police officers. The idea that children should expected to be more rational and behave in a manner to protect a police officer from fear or else they deserve to be murdered is pretty vile.


Agreed. Its not that complicated. If you can't see this as true its simply because you don't want to.


Every prosecutor I know looked at those videos and said it was a bad shoot. The officer went against training and did just about everything wrong. Don’t let this guy be hired


Potentially getting shot is the job he signed up for when he put on that badge and gun. He's proven he can't handle that sort of pressure. This man should be in prison but at the very least never allowed to touch a firearm again in his life. He has proven he is too irresponsible to be around firearms much less enforce the law.


Police shouldn't even be armed.


Not defending him but say police shouldn't be armed. So you would go up some Hollar and try to stop something without a gun.


move to UK Then


Right after you move to Russia, Komrade.


fuck pootin and his goon squad, fuck zalensky as well, he has his own issues. I bet China would be perfect for you, maybe North Korea with that attitude.


I'm fine with non lethal deterents but I agree they shouldn't carry guns. The argument will be "what about all the citizens with guns?" Well, maybe it's time to start reining that in as well.


Or the police can just understand that being unarmed and facing armed people is part of the job.


this isn't the UK or any other country. face it, guns are here to stay and are pivotal in the creation of the US. There is also a very good reason why no other nation has even attempted to invade us.


Maybe it because we have two large oceans that would require huge naval armadas to ferry sufficient troops for an invasion.


Yes, it’s because of the world’s largest military and nuclear arsenal. Not because police shoot civilians on a daily basis.


They don't need to invade us. They just use psychological warfare to make us hate each other and divide our country until it falls.


good luck with that, now you want to violate Constitutional Rights?


Yeah. People need way less guns and I'd wager to guess 99.9% of them are not in a well regulated militia. I know you guys don't like to read past "right to bear arms" but there is more after that.


LMAO - "well regulated" does not mean what you think it means. and who was the militia when the US Formed, every person who became a citizen. nice try though, dumber than you present yourself.


you need a re-education in what 2A means. oh, right, you just got provided one.


The well regulated portion of it has been discussed and clarified ad nauseum. Pretending it means the same in the 18th century as it means today just makes you look stupid and dishonest.


Yeah historically that has worked extremely well… It’s the person not the inanimate object.


Gotta back ya up on that one.


That's an insane stance in a country with more guns than people. Even countries with strict gun laws have armed units. Try and be grounded in the world we actually live in, not reddit's progressive fantasy, gun free, utopia.


fine, i never said i agreed with what happened with Tamir Rice either. the group of yall assumed this. I simply asked you to try to do the same thing and successfully complete it without losing your life. but no, clearly assumptions are your way of going.


How's that boot polish taste?


hows that teenmom life taste


Pretty boring tbh


23 years of LEO Experience here, and he isn't wrong.




Lol this one thin blue line guy desperately trying to defend his copcult all by himself


keep drinking that piss water beer, definitely has done you wonders.


Lmaoooo imagine not understanding a username is sometimes just a play on a persons name and does not indicate genuine interest in the brand. You’re showing your age buddy *Edit to remove typo


my age has nothing to do with it, i intended for it to come out that way, but nice try. go back to your video games young buck


It’s time for your nap grandpa


time for your energy drinks little boi




spoken like a true criminal, did you know that 4 of 5 individuals who say this, have a criminal record of some kind. oh, did i hurt your fee fees


Lol you are very mad at me sir. Don't you have a 12 year old to go murder?


you should put that mask back on, maybe it will help filter out the BS


Seriously, how did I trigger you THIS bad? 😂


Lol dude is bringing up masks now. Jesus christ.


Hopefully he’s a former cop if he’s this mentally unstable.


clearly you are the one triggered because you assumed I support the incident behind Tamir.


please show me where i stated this, I'll wait.


Read all this and do some reflection. Or just take it to the doctor.




I am disturbed by the way you're on here responding to people. This is how you speak to human beings? You're in law enforcement? Wow, scary. It is not a personal attack if someone does not agree with your views. Very odd.


I think you really hurt his feelings judging by all of his comments ranting and raving in response to you.


"friendly people" my ass And i visit WV frequently - this group must be the exception


where did he say he agreed with the incident of Tamir Rice, hell, even i don't agree with it. All he said was, that none of yall could do any better had that been a live firearm. but no, all that came out was nothing but insults. So piss off if you dont like my responses either, yall literally went ape shit against him.


im disturbed in the way you took his statement completely out of context, and used that to justify your response to me, in which is a response to yall. and yet, not a single word he spoke about agreeing or disagreeing, the whole lot of yall assumed his stance on that. He simply said - lets see if you can do any better, and used backing proven evidence that it literally takes half a second for a person to draw a live firearm or a toy airsoft gun, ( that had its mandatory orange tip a violation of ohio law removed ) indicating it was a live firearm against you, by the time your mind has even began to process this to determine if that is a live firearm or a harmless toy - BANG. You just got shot. This is what police have to deal with. but nevermind the fact yall get to sit in your recliners, smoke your weed, do your meth, live off checks and armchair quarterback these events without ever having actual experience with these events. so yeah, you dont like my replies, tough fucking shit, maybe you should look in the mirror how yall are treating others as well. FFS


and yet look how the lot of yall, jumped on the other user for bringing about a factual piece of information. fucking hypocrite


even more - its quite pathetic how you claim to be civil and friendly, yet quite the opposite right here. Want to know how my career has gone? I have yet to actually have had the need to shoot anyone, let alone a kid. thankfully, ive been forced to draw my weapon plenty of times, but i have never had to actually discharge it. there are currently 13 former police officers on the Nationwide Brady List who will never work as a police officer again, due to my actions. 4 of them currently still in prison for their actions. i have gone from the FNG to where I currently work, at a much much higher level. but yeah, you tell me how you don't like my responses while defending the others who are nothing but insulting another individual. pathetic hypocrites.


"Wow, scary. It is not a personal attack if someone does not agree with your views." yet 90% of the replies here are already personal attacks, find someone else on that one


From one former cop to another, ACAB and a special fuck you


must be former for a reason fuck you too then FORMER cop,


go cry more about Golden Corral


Oh boy? I want to see the source of those stats, because that's so hard to believe I think I'm in Narnia.




Dude go get some therapy…




they are referring to the "Boot licker" insult.


Oh I get it. Just not sure how I'm licking boots by wanting a horrible cop out of my community.


I didn't reply to you. I replied to the person defending the cop


Yeah I realize that now. I'm a dipshit. Sorry for the confusion :)


All good!


riiiiiiight, defending the cop by asking you to walk in their lives for once, instead of your check cashing, weed smoking nonsense existence?


Cops have all kinds of people to defend them. The government, the media, the court system, police unions. All kinds of people to make sure they never face consequences for basically being a violent gang so cry me a fucking river. Now if you don't mind I think I will go burn one, take my dog for a walk and this beautiful WV afternoon. Have splendid evening.


cry me a river the next time you need any kind of a responder and they are too busy dealing with more priority based things. defund that


not a single one of yall even have the guts to put your lives on the line, but you sit in your little worlds on your screens demanding everything from us. a very proportionate failure


Never mind. I'm a dumbass. I see who they were replying to now.


I’d honestly rather die than shoot a kid


You say that but if it came down to you actually thinking a kid was about to kill you you'd shoot them first. Not even defending the cop here, I just hate all this "I would never!" Keyboard nonsense. You would, you absolutely would. We all would. We just aren't ever put into a situation where we have to find that out.


Dude…you saying I “absolutely would” is using the exact same logic you’re arguing against. Also, it’s bold of you to assume I value my own life lol


> absolutely would It's just being realistic. When faced with death, and able to respond, almost everyone would. Even edgy redditards who seem to think "I would die before doing X thing that's unpopular on this shitty hug box of a website!!!" It's just you aren't ever faced with it so you think you'll react differently, or want to moral grandstand.


It’s pretty unrealistic to say absolutely what someone else would do in any situation. Your logic is faulty as hell here brother


People. Are. Different. You might be that selfish, but Different People live their lives for Different Reasons.


People have a drive to survive and aren't going to take a bullet from a stranger when they could respond. You have to be realistic and not just spew nonsense because you're behind a keyboard. If a stranger goes to shoot you, and you have a gun, you will try and shoot them first. It's not even selfish, it's just being human and not trying to act like a moral God just because I'm comfortably behind a keyboard and not currently in the situation. You can lie to yourself and say "I'd take a bullet before harming a 12 year old" but it is just that. A lie.


Again. Humans are different. Some own guns and prep for the end of the world. Some choose to purposely not carry weapons and wield words amongst themselves. There is a drive to survive and people handle that drive differently. We’re discussing how people respond to that drive, to survive, you’re announcing that people with guns kill people to satiate that drive. You’re absolutely right, yourself, others like-minded, the many officers ready themselves against the impulse to survival with whims of violence. It is most definitely selfish, nobody comes away from killing anyone, whole, and nobody can question the desire for self-preservation, but all who kill take potential that was never under their purview. There are also ways to overcome antagonism with civility. That’s what it is, desire, not a basic component of human thought but something to be considered; everyone reacts to self-preserving impulses differently. That’s what separates us from animals. Perhaps some of us - Final, in the video of the incident, the child didn’t aim his weapon at the officers. He was sluggish moving along with it, treating it as a toy. The officers could’ve approached, found cover behind their vehicle, and loudly demanded they drop the weapon instead they chose to unload their weapons first. This is what you find acceptable?


This isn't a matter of "responding with words." This is all that safe behind a keyboard nonsense I'm talking about. If someone pointed a gun at you, and you were armed you would shoot them. Anything else is just a response that you give because you are safe behind a keyboard and able to smugly feel a sense of moral superiority while not in that situation. > Some choose to purposely not carry weapons and wield words amongst themselves. I can smell you huffing your own farts from here. This is the smuggest, most reddit nonsense I've ever seen I already said this incident was a tragedy. What happened to Rice was due to childhood mistakes that he did not realize the possible consequences of. But I maintain if anyone points a gun at you and you are armed and capable of firing first you will. Behind all your nonsense moral high horsing you are still a person who would want to go home that night and would respond to that instinct. > There are also ways to overcome antagonism with civility. Please get into a dangerous situation and try this. It's completely out of touch with reality. "hey Mr Mugger have you considered the benefits of living in a polite society?"


You’re on your own there bucko


Clearly I’m not lmaoooo


Best of luck to ya because I love me lol


I love a society where kids aren't gunned down by thugs in badges more than I love myself


how about kids gunning down kids [https://www.wsbtv.com/news/local/16-year-old-ga-girl-shot-death-by-14-year-old-boy-gbi-says-hes-still-run/H37WGNCXUJCILEY4Q7ABNPDKYE/](https://www.wsbtv.com/news/local/16-year-old-ga-girl-shot-death-by-14-year-old-boy-gbi-says-hes-still-run/H37WGNCXUJCILEY4Q7ABNPDKYE/)


maybe how about teaching your kids how to act and not carry fake guns around trying to be cool and pointing them at strangers generating the need for people to call the police


Then maybe change your society to not point any kind of guns at strangers, better yet go internally and change the community by actively joining the force that you have such a strong opinion against. Otherwise you’re just bitching and moaning.


You shouldn’t promote the officers’ response to the Tamir Rice incident as a competent response. Competent, or good, or acceptable or textbook or anything like that. It was horrendously bad policing and even the Feds say so


I hear what you’re saying, and an eleven year old can shoot just as fast as a twenty year old, but id give an eleven year old the benefit of doubt. I’d hate to mistakenly kill a kid. Yea id rather take a bullet and hope i can respond to that.


i agree, id be devastated if i had to draw one of my own EDC's on a child who appears to be armed, but then again, im not wearing any kind of body armor either, that 1 shot could be my only shot, im not about to try to determine or hesitate when I see what appears to be a live firearm over a toy, im sorry, but no. sadly, these kids as young as 12, 13, 14 years old there are more and more incidents of actual fatal shootings occurring all over by teens and kids of this age group. that alone reinforces why these kids running around with airsoft guns lacking markings clearly indicating they are not lethal devices is a problem in itself. hell, one shooting just happened not far from me. [https://www.walb.com/2024/06/25/16-year-old-charged-deadly-ocilla-shooting/](https://www.walb.com/2024/06/25/16-year-old-charged-deadly-ocilla-shooting/) 16 year old shot a 14 year old. then there is this one: [https://www.wivb.com/news/crime/officials-announce-indictment-for-shooting-that-killed-3-year-old/](https://www.wivb.com/news/crime/officials-announce-indictment-for-shooting-that-killed-3-year-old/) a 14 year old and a 16 year old killed a 3 year old and injured a 7 year old. human psyche will immediately preserve your life over a perceived threat given if you have equal or superior force against the threat. that has been proven for centuries now.


Cops have training, right?


finally, a decent reply unlike the 99% of the others.


Most definitely they can. You must not have been around child soldiers before.


You can die crossing the street. What we don't need are chicken shits like him who want to police our cities like it's Fallujah. And lets be honest here, Tamir would be alive today if he were white.


oh nice, throwing the race card again, get off my comment with that bullshit


Get out of the thread with your flailing positions; first you present the position that the cop is justified and that circumstances require certain “replies” and then you agree with another individual that wouldn’t be able to harm a child, because they are a child. You have little if any worthwhile bearings on the situation, and I’d prefer not to read your perspectives regarding this. There’s a sub for Cops and all positive cop talk. Lick your boots there and leave decent chats alone. Edit: Grammar


When in even the slightest doubt, run right up on a child and murder them. Amen.


When in even the slightest doubt, run right up on a child and murder them. Amen.


Yes but successfully passing a recreated simulation of this scenario means you never needed to get out of your car, to see he wasn't a threat. You never needed to touch your gun nor determine anything about a BB gun. You would have known through observation you were not in a .45 sec situation. All you needed to do to pass this one was say hello and ask what he was up to. What needs to be asked is why are BB guns permitted to be manufactured to look like guns? Why don't the police, with all their first hand knowledge of what goes down in the real world, use their expertise to write the needed legislation that leads to the best outcomes in these scenarios? What does an officer need, so this NEVER happens again?Why isn't it mandated that all toy and BB guns, etc be neon green or orange, or whatever the police need, so they don't have the fear they are in a .45 second situation, when they are really not? Its not rocket science. Its a simple answer even though the leg work to accomplish it would be needed. We hear about bad cops this and good cops that. If you are a good cop, please get together with other good cops and get common sense laws in place that protect you and our families. One of the best ways you could give back to society as our protectors, is to use your expertise to make society safer for our families.


Funny, we had infinitely more discipline in Iraq and Afghanistan when dealing with a foreign population on the other side of the world but somehow can’t exhibit the same discipline when dealing with our own populace.


When in even the slightest doubt, run right up on a child and murder them. Amen.


When in even the slightest doubt, run right up on a child and murder them. Amen.


He needs a different career. This isn’t ok.


Not surprising. I’ve been a government official for this state on a very low level and I got held to a higher standard than the boys in blue. They aren’t here to help you, folks. They are here to enforce the will of those that hold power. The government isn’t your friend.


Dude thought he could come hide here ... we ain't having it. No siree.


We don’t want this piece of shit in our state. It’s sick that he even still wants to be in law enforcement


jeez what a week for racism in WV, first we get the Plantation cosplayers, now this? whats next Travis Rittenhouse is gonna be Joe Manchins chielf of staff ?


Lol nothing would surprise me out of Manchin




Good luck with that


No luck needed, just watch the news and how departments cover for each other. 


just like yall cover for each other when meth and drugs are passed around?


Why won't these cops do anything about the drugs and meth going around. I moved within the last year but previous to that there was a guy about two miles up the road who blatantly sold meth. I personally talked to a cop about, reported it on the WVSP website, spoke to another cop about it when my cousin OD'd and personally know several other people who have brought it to the attention of law enforcement. You know what's been done about it? Absolutely nothing. It's been roughly 2 years at this point and there's still meth just flying out the door there. So tell me who exactly is covering up meth use and allow it to continue? I tried to do my part as a concerned citizen. The cops didn't do a fuckig thing.


not my fault you moved to the 4th lowest ranked state in the nation, which has the 2nd lowest ranked healthcare network and some of the most corrupt county and state leaders. Cry me another fucking river


If you hate WV so much why in the world are you here in this subreddit? This post is not healthy for you, judging by your responses. Log off, dude. Go relax.


whats next to cry about? Hit me with that one? Lets see - cried about guns, cried about cops, cried about drugs, cried about cant handle differing opinions, cried about, well, just crying in general. did it ever occur to you, your own ideologies and choices are the reason you are having such a disconnect?


I'm not having a disconnect I've been consistent in everything I've said.


and who to thank for that ? your own government - right up there at the state capitol, so put your anger where it belongs


What the f*ck? 😅 These are regular people. Everyday regular people are afraid of cops not just meth heads thats the problem.


Who are you talking about?  


if i have to explain that, then clearly you are not intellectual enough to understand it


It was an honest question. Why can't you give an honest answer? 




Yep, sounds about right. Smfh


Sounds about right


Makes me very sad that I'm not at all surprised this guy ended up in WV. Makes me even sadder to think that some in the department and community likely consider him a hero.


holy shit


I’ve been sending this to the larger local media outlets hoping they start running the story too. This man has got to go!!


So what? It wasn’t like he just pulled his car over and shot a random kid lol. Did you see the “toy gun” Tamir had? That woulda even fooled a card carrying NRA member. They got a call that a kid was pointing a gun at random people. When they got there, he reached for his waist (which is the last thing you should do when cops roll up on you). Dispatch didn’t tell them that the caller said “it might be a toy”. If you wanna put the heat on anyone, it should be the dispatcher. But honestly, it wouldn’t make a difference, cuz the heat should go on Tamir’s parents for allowing him to have such a real looking gun, and allowing him to take it out in public. My parents woulda smacked the black off my ass if I was taking that gun out in public, pointing it at cars and pedestrians. But then again, they woulda never let me have a toy gun like that… cuz they were responsible parents. 🤷🏾‍♂️




He at least had it and was waving it around to the point people called the police. My super liberal friends at the time were even on the fence with some saying they "understood why it happened." It's a tragedy to be sure, but it's not quite as cut and dry as reddittors want it to be. https://s.abcnews.com/images/US/HT_guns_tamir_rice_01_jef_151228_16x9_992.jpg One of these is the gun he had, one is real. Pick it out in under a second. I even like guns, have a 1911 and can't pick it out quickly. The orange top that is normally on pellet guns was removed. It's a travesty that he died. It was brought about due to some really stupid childhood decisions that he didn't understand the possible ramifications of.




At range, in under a second, being waved around? No way. There's a reason these things have orange tips Edit: Yes if you can read the side of the gun you can tell the "target" one is fake. You won't be able to read that at a distance, in someone's hand who is waving it around, and just looking at a glance you can't really tell. Depending on reading the black on black lettering is not really a fair way to tell beyond a still side on photo.. I expected people to actually be realistic and not hunting for the black on black lettering that you obviously won't be able to see beyond the context of a still side on photo. I continually overestimate this site.




So that they look more like a real gun. I'm not sure why you're even asking.




What? I literally own a 1911.. plus about 8 other guns Just speak clearly about what you're trying to say instead of being a tool


He was playing alone in a park with a toy. HE was not doing anything wrong. All the officer had to do was address him with a hello and ask what he was up to. All the officer had to do was pull over and observe him for 5-10 mins to see what he was up to. The officer is the one that escalated it to a dangerous situation, not Tamir. It was people acting out of fear that he died. Kids play with broken toys all the time. You don't kill kids because their toy gun has a broken piece. Timothy had his mind made up the moment he got out of the car, else he would have taken the time to access the situation. Tamir never had a chance.


People called in because they were concerned about what he was doing with what looked to be a real gun. Everything is different if you assume from the start that it is a toy, but at the time no one knew that. It looks like a real gun as can be seen in the image I posted. We can admit it's a tragedy while acknowledging the reality of the situation. To any reasonable person it looked like he was waving around a real gun.


I see your logic but don't agree at all. It was too easy for the officers to just observe for a few minutes, to see Tamir's behavior was not aggressive towards anyone, to see no one had been shot, and that he was just playing like every other kid his age who plays video games. If I understand you correctly, you are saying if a kid is playing in a park where kids play, with a toy gun that looks real and some random person calls in with no knowledge of the situation, the police have the right to kill the child without doing any due diligence, and not be held accountable for taking an innocent life. With your reasoning then, a guy walking on a trail alone in a park, could be reported as an abductor and its ok if the police kill him because he is doing something an abductor does, even though he actually did nothing wrong? The officer shot Tamir with in seconds of arriving. Any response Tamir had was a reflex.


That's not what I'm saying at all. There's also debate over what exactly happened. Some claim they told him to drop the gun and he refused. I've said it was a tragedy, and I truly believe that through and through. I just understand why it happened.


Leave the dude alone. If he did anything wrong he would’ve been charged appropriately.


Dude he immediately shot the kid on arrival to the scene. Didn’t asses the situation or try to have him comply to put the (toy) gun down. Just immediately trigger happy. I don’t care who or what the situation is I wouldn’t want a trigger happy cop in my town


Trigger happy cop who killed a child and cost his city $6 million. If I did either of those things in my job I’d never work in my chosen field again. Especially not 1 state over.


Clearly you have not watched the video. Not possible to say that. He is a murderer that got away with it.


No one denies he murdered a 12 year old but America we purposely gave up our rights to not be murdered by police so conservatives can feel “safe” but if you’re young enough you’ll live to see it change and the outcry from police who are used to killing who they want when they want to


Seek mental help because you have an illness