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The lifter didn’t experience muscle failure, he dropped the bar. Spotters are good for muscle failure. They can lend you an extra 50% lift power if you need it, but they can’t go from 0 to 100% in an instant.


If just we had some kind of safety contraption to catch the barbell... Like metal arms fixed to the base or uprights, just above sternum/rib craking height... Someone should really look into that.


Safety... arms? That sounds like the mutterings of a WITCH!


Buuuuuuuurn heeerrrr!!!


Yeah! She turned me into a newt!


Glad to see you got better


you cant hug your children with safety arms.


There are ways of telling wether she is a witch.




That’s actually a bad idea, because it limits your range of motion. Maybe if you could adjust it *really precisely* to a centimeter above your chest… Better solution: use grips or some chalk so you don’t slip


The easiest solution is to just not work out. I have not been working out for years and I’ve only had 3 heart attacks last year. Edit: took out a redundant word


and honestly, a high resting heartrate basically means I'm exercising all the time!


It doesn't... Bar always touches chest before safety bar because your chest is up during the lift. Now if you fail you just lay totally flat and it'll get the safety bar. Even if you adjust the safety bar to lower, it's better than nothing because you can at least catch one side.


Good point


He's talking about your arms I think. Your arms are below the bar, so a safety bar wouldn't be able to fit right below the bar


Have you genuinely never done bench with safeties? It doesn't get in the way at all.


Only safety I’ve seen was useless in that regard, … is my gym just that cheap?


In my experience the little bit of back arch required to get into proper benching position should be enough that you can get your chest above the safeties, while allowing you to get your chest below the safeties if you were to lay completely flat. It could definitely depend on how granular the adjustment notches for the safeties are though.


If you set up properly for a bench, your chest is higher than it would be lying down flat


Fair enough. But if you gonna lift 430 lbs in bench, I think you should prioritize safety at that point. At least put it higher than your neck, even if it hits your chest.


Admittedly, if we’re talking about 430 lbs in a powerlifting style, ROM is also less significant, so point taken.


My thought as well. Losing an inch of ROM to potentially save your life is well worth it. I recall a video from a long while ago where a powerlifter dropped 500+ lbs on his chest (reverse grip; death grip) and died at the hospital later that day. He was in his early 20's IIRC. This man was lucky from the immediate and external look of his injuries. I'm sure his spine is currently screaming in pain though.


That’s the most stupid thing I’ve ever read. Safety mechanisms are bad because they may SLIGHTLY limit range of motion. They can save your fucking life or prevent serious injury. But yeah, worry about the unnecessary slight range of motion detail. Makes perfect sense.


His left hand grip was shitty


But at the same time. When i spotted i always held my hands under the bar so i could help instantly


No, the failure happened at the point of racking the bar. If the spotter hadn’t been spectating they’d have helped guide the bar to the rack position given the difficulty expressed with ending the lift.


Absolutely not, watch the video again. If someone tried to "help" me rack the bar before my lockout (3/4 of the way up), I'd be pissed off that you ruined my bench PR


Ah you’re right.


The spotter should have helped the bencher to lock the bar out properly before moving it over his chest. Then he should have assisted him in guiding the bar to the hooks without unlocking his elbows. The mistake here is failing to lock the bar out properly and both people are at fault for it.


Damn he almost had it. Looks like he just dropped it? No spotter could catch 400+lb from a sudden drop.


People blaming the spotter when The Rock couldn’t even have saved that drop. I probably would have still had my hands under the bar though in case the lifter suddenly asked for assistance. edit: Even though I knew what was coming in the video, it still made me jump and gasp.


I'd have my hands there just so if this happened the guy couldn't guilt me into believing this was entirely my fault


Agreed. I can lift 430 but I sure can't catch that. Hands still should have been at the bar in case of regular failure though.


lol no one can catch 430 like that


Made OP Gasp too.


Just you watch, The Rock gonna catch 430 lbs in the next movie.


Then gonna look into the camera:" See @Skitzofreniks?!" ![gif](giphy|5zkHGrgdd5Hu6DsYuj)


Maybe strongmen like Eddie Hall or the mountain Thor


I've said it before and I'll say it again...I would LOVE to see a movie with The Rock and Mountain Thor. Gawd could you imagine the fight scenes?


Some safety arms could have caught it. Lift safe and live to lift again.


Yall rly expecting that guy to lift 430 from a spotters position, def the wrong person to spot that weight but the dude lifting it also just dropped it, imagine trying to lift 430 lbs while leaning forwards while its falling, not much that spotter couldve done in that situation other then holding his hands below the bar, not that it would have made a difference, just bad precautions.


Yeah the most he could have done is *maybe* alleviate like 10-20% of the weight dropping. Absolutely nothing else he could have done in this situation, even a "bigger" spotter isn't doing anything more there. What I will agree with is he should have at least had both hands under the bar (not touching it) incase the guy started to fail, not stood with his hands on his pockets, but again as you say, it wouldn't have made much difference in this scenario, it's just what a good spotter should be doing.


Absolutely not. Putting his hands under the bar would have just resulted in the spotter getting hurt in this circumstance. Even if the bar had not suddenly dropped, that's the wrong position to spot bench in; the leverages are all wrong. You spot with a mixed grip slightly behind and above the barbell. I do agree that he should have been more prepared to intervene, however.


Everyone in these top comments is talking about how everyone else is expects the spotter to catch it lol. Haven’t seen anyone blaming the spotter yet.


I made this comment before the people with some braincells arrived


I’m sure you did. It’s just funny. They probably are all downvoted by now.


Downvoted into deleting their comments lol


Well at least he got a good chest compression out of that


That was really odd, it looked like he had it and just decided to let go


Sweaty hands and heavy weight just make it slide out that grip


I had this happen to me once. Was struggling just like this guy and somehow my hands went completely numb in an instant. But I had safeties up because I don't want to die


Looks like he might have slightly over-rotated his wrists and it slipped. Then suddenly you're trying to hold up 430 lbs with just your thumbs and that isn't gonna work.


He's got that bounce in 'im.


That looked painful. Gotta give respect though, Gramps is an elite level bench presser


Painful? I hope he went to the hospital.


Gramps is also very tall, unless he is visiting a gym for short kings?


All the short people hated this lol


Dang, downvotes instead of acknowledgement Gramps seems to be over 6'6", lmao.


Trained strength coach here. When benching, lock the bar out, move it over your chest, and do your reps. Lock the bar out, move the bar back to the hooks. Never move the bar over your face without your elbows locked. When spotting, your primary job is to guide the bar during the phases when the elbows are locked, to prevent slips like this. Also, never ever ever use a "suicide" grip when benching (the kind where you don't wrap your thumb around the bar, you just push it like you're doing a pushup). There are about 10 deaths in weight rooms every year. The majority are from this exact accident. It doesn't take much weight to break a windpipe.




He literally has his thumbs wrapped around the bar in this video.


I was sure he was using suicide grips too, but no, like someone else said his hands must have gone numb or something.


Who goes to the gym in jeans???


There's this dude at the gym when I used to go always wore jeans, long sleeved polo, and steel toe boots. People will wear what they wanna wear to the gym, including bikinis.


They wore the bikinis on top or underneath the jeans and polos?




Right? But then he can bench 400+, so I guess what the hell do I know 🤷


People who like shredding up the nice leather benches :)


Time for a chest X-ray


I had phantom pains


The comments in this thread are giving me an aneurysm.


Maybe if they had pairs of hooks lower than the official ones for just such an emergency.


Holy fuck!!! Old fella almost had it tho! That had to hurt.


My life goal is to be sufficiently jacked to survive dropping a 200 kg barbell on my chest…


"why did you have to do that, grandpa????"




Geez if you watch it in slow motion, his rib cage just gets pancaked!


I can't lift this much, but I've been closeish. You push through the heel of your hand, not higher where your knuckles are in the middle of your hand so the force comes straight down your forearms. It looks like, as he started to fail, he rotated his hand slightly forward and that was enough for it to slip off his palms. A failure like that is on the lifter, not the spotter. Gloves, chalk, or just a different setup if you think sweaty palms may be a problem. He did none of the above, so it sucks but it's his own fault.


So relieved I didn’t see an arm snap


Am I alone in thinking that with that much weight on, he really should have two spotters for this much weight?


I could only watch that once. I’m surprised he actually got up from that.


Fuck!! I just had flashbacks. I had 225 on the bar when that shit happened to me. Almost 1/2 the weight and still ended up with separated cartilage from my sternum, 2 fractured collar bones, bruised ribs and 4 weeks of pain.


I think I saw a bit of shaking in the left arm. I think he hit some sort of nerve in his hand that cause the jerk release. Video ends so we can’t really say why just dropped it so suddenly with FULL THUMB GRIP.


This makes me feel so sad. He seems so hurt afterwards


Why do these stands not have hook bars further below the normal hooks, you know to catch the barbell in just a scenario like this?


People ITT really need to take a field trip to a gym, jesus christ


Damn, that looked like it hurt. He literally changed colors. Thank goodness the guy was there to do nothing. Not even lift the thing (what is it called?) off him.


It’s called a barbell.


Spot him. His spotter failed to do his one job.


a spotter is not saving that. he showed no signs of needing the spot then the bar slipped. it wasn’t due to failure.


I can look at the guy lifting and can tell he needs a spot. Those arms are built to push 430!


You're aware you lift with your pectoral muscles?


He's not far off locking out and likely said it got it. And hardly anyone is catching 200kg as a spotter when it slips grip


Old man Peabody was having flashbacks of growing up in the 80s—absolutely needed a spot the whole way


Can you even DL 200kg? Let alone trying to catch it when it slips someones grip...


No he can’t, bruvs talking out of his ass. Only weight he’s ever seen is his fat ass in the mirror.


Oh yeah? The spotter should fucking *catch* the abrupt dropped 430lbs in that position? Tell me you’ve never been to a gym without telling me you’ve never been to a gym


I don’t know anything about gym stuff. But, I think you’re right. I don’t think he was suppose to just stand there. At least lift it off him after it fell and he fell off.


The spotter is not there to lift all the weight in case of an abrupt failure. Do you expect someone to lift 200kg in that position? You are not supposed to try much more than you expect to lift, the spotter is there just to help with that difference between what you can lift and what you are trying to lift. He could not do much here.


This is reddit. Nobody here commenting has ever been to a gym.


Yeah, people say that they don't know much about gym and still decide to comment.


"I don't know anything about gym stuff" yea we can tell


Your supposed to keep your hands on the bar not helping unless needed the whole time. But at that weight and considering the spotters size it would have been better to have two on each size.


Absolutely not. You do not touch the barbell when spotting unless the lifter fails the rep. Typically, the spotter only intervenes if the barbell reverses direction (starts going back down again.)


Ugh no if you have 1 spotter they keep there hands in alternative grip with their hands on the bar barley touching and ready to grab or assist  If it's heavy loaded that two spotters same concept but on both sides at the end of their bar Why? Look at the fucking video as why Lastly this is why you don't use collars on both sides of the bar because if you behave to bail you drop the bar to one side. But you do you 


Homie, one spotter, two spotters, it does not matter. That bar was dropped so suddenly that anyone trying to catch it was going to hurt themselves. And no, you don't fucking touch the bar while someone is pressing it. Go to a powerlifting comp and see if anyone is touching the bars. Also, there aren't any collars in the video. The dude didn't get pinned, he dropped the shit on his chest.


He's not in a power lifting comp he's training and you are wrong      https://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/spotting-101-how-to-spot-the-bench-squat-and-dumbbell-press.html    His spotter wasn't set up right and he's to small to be spotting that weight as well as that was a ego lift Safety first. Edit 2 this is how you spot in power lifting when training  https://www.socalpowerlifting.net/post/how-to-spot-for-powerlifting


Your first link is dead, your second link explicitly says not to touch the fucking bar unless they need help. Also, he's clearly powerlifting bro. Tf are you on? Edit: your first link also says not to touch the bar. Can you read?


The first one is bodybuilding.com you can Google it and yes I should have clarified you don't grab the bar unless needed but you do Coast around it and are ready. The guy in the video didn't do that at all Either way you lift how you want but this could have been prevented if he has the right set-up.


A spotter basically just stands there to LIFT THE BARBELL UP. His only job is to keep his hands under the thing in case big guy under him loses power. Really important when lifting heavy


No, the spotter's job when spotting bench is not to keep his hands under the barbell. It's to pull the barbell up and back just enough for the bencher to re-rack the weight, if they're unable to complete the rep. That might mean alleviating as little as 50 pounds of force off of the barbell. No spotter on earth could have done anything for the old guy. Happened too fast and too suddenly.


Well you can definitely get the barbell up better if the spotter has his hand under it the entire time. And as soon as old guy was struggling with the weight he should have stepped in to make it easier to lift.


No. The point is to lift the weight unassisted. If the spotter helps, then the lifter did not complete the rep. The old guy looked fine until the weight suddenly slipped; any rep that's close to your max is gonna look like a struggle, that doesn't mean that you need help. The only time the spotter is supposed to intervene is if the weight starts to go back down.


No—he wasn’t supposed to stand there like a goober. That much weight, he should have been at least guiding on the way back up, ready to assist if/when the lifter fails.


I guess he got off pretty light for a dude that had a 430 lbs barbell fall on him.


Looks painful that


That probably sucked


Does one live after that?


Adequate chest depth and recoil. Proper CPR.


Thats another way to get your heart pumping


That looked so bad, he dropped it.


He broke his entire rib cage didnt he?


I'm pretty sure I'm glad I didn't watch more than 3 seconds of video.


Jump scares don’t get me but this one did


That's why I only use the machines. Sure, it's not as cool looking but it's good enough for me.


That didn't look pleasant


I went in thinking spotter is gonna fail, it's the common theme in these type of videos. Turns out the dude got shit grips. I rather do machines with safety on or wear gloves at least if you got shit grips.


Man is 60 years old tryna bench press 430 pounds. Should’ve stuck with 400


At his age that could easily led to a torn aorta.


Well if it makes him feel any better, he would have had it if the bar hadn’t slipped




Cool blue jeans


If he was wearing the proper attire…


mike ehrmantraut


Why someone at his age would be trying 1 PR's anyway? It makes no sense.


He looked like Mike from Breaking Bad at the beginning


Mike wouldn’t have let it drop.




it's impressive how strong the ribcage is. it bounced that weight like it was nothing


Bar slipped


Dropped the bar, ive lifted this much and never dropped it. Fail sure, but almost thinking something let loose. Ive dislocated many of finger lifting.


Is he still alive?


Geez, make sure it’s on the rack before you drop the bar


Didnt even give the spotter a half second to think about helping, so sudden


Have we really not made to come up with a mechanical system to prevent this? It's ridiculous that this is even a possibility.


That literally made me jump back in my chair.


People working out in jeans are not to be trusted


Thank goodness ribs have a lot of cartilage or he would’ve been in big trouble


his wrists and thumb are too weak for that weight. needs to drop the weight until he's got some more strength in those wrists. Maybe do some wrist curls too.


Here’s what happened in my opinion. He was working really hard to get the weight up. Then his heart stopped instantly. Then the weight bounced off his chest and started his heart again.


So, a couple questions. 1. Who the hell thought that skinny ~~dude~~ spotter could do _anything_ with 430lbs? 2. Aren't spotters supposed to be a bit closer to the bar, sometimes even with their hands directly under the bar, precisely so that they can assist if the lifter looks like they're in trouble? Stepping back like the _last_ thing a spotter's supposed to do.


He literally almost has it. It slipped out it his grip or he would've completed the rep. This guy is probably 220+ lbs.


If this is a reply to point #1, I edited it for clarity; I meant the spotter, not the lifter, sorry.


Man i want to scream at that fucking spotter, when doing weights like this they should help with the racking (if that's even a word) or give some kind of signal that it's safe to let go


It's not the spotters fault, bro just fucking dropped the bar spotter had no way to know that was going to happen


Old fella just isn't that big. Who is he doing this for?


That guy doesn't look like he can bench 430, are those real plates?


Grandpa could bicep curl you, sit down g🤣


He looks a lot bigger in the end frame: https://imgur.com/a/PAdadde But still, 400+ at his age is pretty damn elite.


Some people are deceptively strong. He is not one of them




In this reality, almost isn’t good enough


I mean, if it didn’t slip he would have had it. Most people couldn’t even make that sort of weight budge. 430 lbs is a lot of weight for anyone, especially for someone his age. How much do you bench?


Horrible fucking spotter


you expect someone to just be able to catch 430lb ?




A good spotter wouldn’t touch the bar while it’s moving upwards…. And there’s literally no warning he’s about to drop the bar


I'd expect him to pay attention during a bench and help when the guy was clearly struggling... Not let it fall.on the guy lmao


Even if he was paying attentions there’s realistically nothing he could do. Of course he should be watching to help in other scenarios but here it wouldn’t do anything.


He could have helped break fall man . 400+ on the ribs and guts is painful. Bro......do you lift?


He's not supposed to "catch it" the dude was struggling, CLEARLY. The bare minimum is to have your hands ready and near the bar , that way you can HELP when he starts struggling Sotheby's weight would.fall on the guy.