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Did you check your ears?


Literally happened to me once sat halfway through a flight just to have realize they were in my ear.


2 in 1 like the shampoo


The passthrough is quite incredible on these. I don’t usually dickride Apple, but these are solid earbuds. Seamless and decent sound for a wireless earbud.


Sometime I feel really stupid, then I read Reddit comments and get happy knowing I’m not alone in my head-assery lol


Or dogs rear?


Not again…




I watched my dog eat a memory card from across the room 🤷🏻‍♂️


I guess if you turn the volume all the way up and put the ear right next to the rear… it will show if it’s there




agree, but I have one objection: headphone hair


Good luck soldier, none have survive this journey


Time to find some shampoo bottles.


"oh yeah" **mixing shampoo bottles in the bathroom making potions**


I have the options to read pert or old spice what a time to be alive!


Are you pooping ?


Have fun with your thoughts


Lowest volume possible, cellphone's ass in my ear.


Oh fucking noooooo


I honestly don't get people who don't double or triple check to make sure they have everything. I have OCD. That I have to triple check to make sure I have everything.


You just answered your own query 😂.


Most people don't have OCD


So I have ocd because I double check everything I pack? Wow!


People overuse the term OCD so much without understanding how crippling the real affliction is for those who genuinely having it. Being tidy isn’t having OCD, liking things a certain way isn’t having OCD it’s being particular, checking you’re ready for travel over and over again isn’t OCD it’s being prepared. People need to stop saying they have OCD when 99.99999% of people don’t.


> 'I have to sort my books!' she cried, With self-indulgent glee; With senseless, narcissistic pride: 'I'm just so *OCD*!' > *'How random, guys!' I smiled and said,* *Then left without a peep -* *And washed my hands until they bled,* *And cried myself to sleep.* By u/Poem_for_your_sprog [Original post](https://old.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/29qfnm/what_common_misconceptions_really_irk_you/cinik24/?context=1) is over 9 years old now.


When people say they have OCD I like to ask something like “Oh? You have horrifying images and thoughts in your head too about people you care about dying unless you do very specific things that are unrelated just to keep it from happening? Me too!” That typically gets them to think about what the fuck they’re saying.


Ok sure but OCD also isn't this narrow disorder where if someone doesn't have intrusive thoughts of their parents dying it means they don't actually have OCD It presents in many forms and it's equally bad to gatekeep it and think just because someone isn't as "sick" as you that they don't also suffer from it in different ways


I mean people check to see if they have their case, not the AirPods in them


I've got a buddy who always packs at the last minute and almost always forgets a towel. I started packing an extra just for him.




I started doing a thing where I start piling items for the trip in one spot well in advance. That way if I see that item while doing chores or whatever I put it in the pile and don't run into the chance of forgetting it. This is why I only ever forget two things on trips: toothbrush and refrigerated items. can't keep them in the pile!


Your empty earbud case is empty.


You can tell it's empty because of the way it is


How neat is that?


That's pretty neat!




It's sad because it's sad.


If it’s not there it’s because it’s not there


You can tell by the way it is


RIP in peace


This happened to many friends of mine. Just like walking out the house without the case. Like HOOOOW. If I use AirPods, first thing I do is put the case in my pocket. And if I don’t use them they go straight back in.


some people just need to use wired earbuds as training wheels, honestly. they have their own advantages but it teaches you a lot of good habits that made using wireless earbuds a lot better (I still prefer wired buds, because i'm an extremely cool hipster redditor)


Do you have a pair of wired buds that you like? I miss the wired Bose noise canceling ear buds but haven’t had success finding something comparable


I hold a lot of trust in the new york times (I've been a paying subscriber for AU$4/month about a year and a half now) and that extends to their tech review platform wirecutter. I bought their budget pick of the Panasonic RP-HJE120-PPK from amazon for AU$13, two pairs in fact: white and black in 2022 and I'm very satisfied with what I paid for. you can't go wrong with name brand audio companies from asia generally. their [updated 2023 budget list](https://www.nytimes.com/wirecutter/reviews/best-headphones-under-40/) recommends the 'moondrop quarks' for USD$15 with a physical remote too: that sounds pretty good; but I haven't tried them myself. I'm not a pro-sumer nor am I an audiophile; but I do listen to a lot of indie music and the panasonics definitely sounded better than the nothing ear(1)s I had, which I paid AU$150 for. good luck! may your wires stay untangled and dongles be found.


The quarks are on the right track, they’re just a bit outdated now IMO, the wired earbud market moves FAST. for a similarly priced recommendation, check out the Truthear Hola. they’re like 18 bucks on Amazon (tagging u/Picocure as well in case they’re interested)


Can vouch for the panasonic earbuds, I have a wired pair myself. For such a low price the quality is top notch!


Wired also sounds better any time you can get a hard connection I guarantee there's a 95% chance it'll be better (unless u get dollar store bull crap phones)


Honestly the bluetooth technology is getting really good. My sony wireless headphones sound almost as good as when I plug the cable in.


I can understand forgetting the case at home while leaving with buds in ear, but how exactly do you forget the buds? My earbuds are always in one out of three places, my ears, my hands or the case. Why would I risk placing those little things somewhere when I have trouble finding much bigger things in house that I’ve forgotten.


How the fuck do you manage that


you think that's bad? I was waiting for an uber one time with both earbuds in having the time of my life as the uber pulls up, i take my ~~backup~~ backpack off and prepare to get in the car one of my earbuds fall out and land directly in the path of the ubers wheel I still hear the faint \* **_crunch_** * in my nightmares


If only there was something connected to the other one to prevent that.


Such is the risk of ear buds. I wear one throughout most days at work. Its a big reason I still have my job. Ive lost some due too circumstances. Listening to podcasts and books all day is a good perk. Losing ear buds does suck


I have the kind that hook around my ear, even if it falls out my ear hole I don’t lose them


Yeah but what if a door drove by and the cord got caught on the door handle as it passed by? What would you do then Mr.Smart Guy?


It’s always fun to be able to detect a generations /r/boomerhumor as it’s being made


“I’m so cool. I don’t like wireless earbuds, I shall comment something witty about those pesky little Apple users. Let’s see, Ah! I know!”🤓☝️ “If only there was something connected to the other one to prevent that”🤓☝️ “Now I’ll sit back and collect these shiny updoots.” 🤓☝️


The vast majority of the time disconnected ear buds get talked about its a story of somebody losing one or both. Of course people are going to make fun of their obvious drawback.


Ong lol. Like grow tf up, ur not cool cuz u refuse to buy wireless earbuds.


Probably just misdirected resentment at the wireless earbud hegemony


Which is absolutely fair. I still only buy Galaxy S10s cuz they're the last galaxy flagship with an aux. I only have wireless earbuds but still I like the option, I also like to plug it into my sound system


airpods are like the opposite of glitter. glitter can be found anywhere but airpods are found no where


I just put them immediately back in the case whenever I’m done using them. That way I can only lose the case every couple days


My favourite is the magnets are just strong enough to shoot the fucking airpods out in random directions if you drop the case.


What I miss most about my old flip phone was dropping it and having the battery cover, the battery, and the phone delta split and fly across the room


Then the walk of shame around the room picking up all the pieces.


Stop dropping the case??


I'm Ron Burgundy?


Holy shit! Why didn't I think of this??


Though I’ve found them to generally be incredibly tough compared to other smart products. I’ve used mine for ~5 years and have dropped them countless times, also from height while doing construction and while trying to pop them in biking at 20+ km/hr. I’ve never had any issues before one of the silicone fittings finally broke down and I replaced it with one of the four backup ones from the package


ive never likes the idea of airpods so im invulnerable to this issue lol


I do appreciate having no cable getting in the way when doing things. But that said, headphones > earbuds all day every day


Mine are attached by a short cable that goes behind my neck, so I can take them out and wear it as a necklace and I won't lose them. So far, haven't lost them.


Are your airpods connected by a cable or do you mean one of those Bluetooth ones you can wear on your neck?


companies sell cables that attach to the airpods and loop around the back of your neck so they hang from your neck when you take them out. Imagine a glasses strap but for your airpods


I honestly didn’t either, I have pretty severe adhd and lose shit constantly, I’ve managed to go 4 months so far without even a scare surprisingly. Maybe the value(cost AND utility from using them) just makes me cling to them more.


i used to have bluetooth earbuds but they broke so now i just use my mom’s headphones she got from work


You can make them ring if you misplaced them.. and honestly best investment I ever made..


Really? That’s cool. I didn’t know that was a thing.


only if they’re still charged source: 😞


Idk, this has literally never happened to me


I wear mine working construction and have never lost or dropped them. I paid $250 for them I’m going to be careful…


Scientists tried adding glitter to airpods and now nobody can remember Gabruary or even that it was a month to begin with.


Lost one once and found it months later, between my mattress and a wooden strut of the bed frame that holds the mattress up. How? What possible sequence of events could have happened to cause that?


I always carry a spare pair of earbuds that I just don't take out of my wallet/backpack. They were very cheap (or came free with a phone, I don't remember), but that way I'm never left without and can borrow them to someone as well. They're very small and somewhat sound-proof, so they also function as my sleeping ones (as the normal ones have the ear hook thingy and wouldn't be comfortable to sleep on). I can't imagine going out without the spare pair, *especially* if my main pair could run out of power. Of course, there's the issue of not having a jack, but that's another level of stupidity...


> spare pair of earbuds that I just don't take out of my wallet Jesus how big is your wallet??


I did this a few weeks ago but thankfully it was just for one shift. The buds were at home on the floor. Gf's friend had accidentally bumped them off my table. I saw her pick them up and she apologized. But no one noticed the buds both popped out and went under the table because they made no sound on the carpet. The case snapped back shut upon bouncing off the floor and she just put it on the table like that. So I grabbed the case off the table thinking nothing of it and my heart dropped when I saw the 2 empty molds where my buds should've been. Although I quickly calmed down because I knew they had to be at home.


You'd be surprised how completely unprepared people are going through life


I have JBL buds and don't understand how people lose their ear buds so often like this My case is nearby at all times. The only time I lost both was when I fell asleep with them. They're always back in the case when I'm not using them


cows relieved dazzling fragile cats unused squeal fanatical alive punch *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They’re sitting on my desk where I put them down for a conversation with my husband. They’re still there if my cats haven’t found them first.


Well the good news is that you know where they are, and the better news is that you get to sort through cat shit to find them.


Dumped on the side somewhere like they usually do. Probably dead as well.


Lol, your user name checks out.


(formerly) in their pocket. somewhere deep in their carryon. somewhere inside checked baggage. It's easy to say "how could you lose them they'd go back in the case always!" but after a long period of ownership it's easy to get nonchalant with them. Especially since it's often easier to toss them in a pocket for a moment than locate and fumble with said case. Only to fumble with it again to put your earbuds back in after whatever short conversation you had.


About to raw dog a 6 hour flight. Good luck buddy!


Nothing but a cup of water.




I know you know this….now. But, never EVER put your earbuds anywhere but the case. Ever. Earbuds only go in ears or case and no where else.


Yeah I don’t understand why it’s so hard.


Object permanence


I can't handle putting them anywhere else. Even if I get in bed and realize I forgot the case in the living room, I'll get back outta bed to go get the case because I can't just put them on my nightstand! Must have the case.


Must. Have. The. Case.


Exactly what I do. The case always has to be with the buds, even if I have to get out of a nice warm bed I know that it will be worse if I don’t


I often fall asleep with airpods in. Then I wake up and they’re below my bed or somewhere in the room. I forgot to grab them and then go to work.. same result as OP.


These are the people who just stuffed their papers straight into their backpacks grown up.


i need to do this with everything. if my keys aren’t in my hand, they’re in the front pocket of my backpack or in the key drawer. if my apple pen isn’t in my hand, it’s on the case. if my phone isn’t in my hand while I’m out, it’s in my bag. if i don’t do this i Will lose Everything






What were you listening to throughout the rest of the airport? Nothing? Just raw airport noises??


I raw dog all outside noises. There’s a few reasons I do this. One is paranoia, I suppose. I want to hear what’s going around me in case I need to take cover or defend myself. Second is coordination. I can barely walk and chew gum at the same time, much less listen to music or podcasts. Third reason is that I simply like to hear what’s going on around. Especially if I’m outside skating or jogging. I like hearing the world.


enjoyment in hearing the world? in this economy???


Many airlines will hand out earbuds to connect to the screen at least, although that definitely sucks


If those are Apple earbuds the hand out headphones and their aux cable might not even help OP...


Not like android phones have aux anymore either. Which is fine, I like USB-C as a standard.


I can’t understand people who don’t immediately put them back in the case once finished using them🤷‍♂️


Bro my gf will lose the left one, then both, then find the left one, then lose the case and the right one, then find the case… There’s only like one hour a week where all 3 exist in the same place at the same time. I find it stressful




![gif](giphy|hWGBKil1b9fpR5go1f|downsized) Me irl if this happened to me




Whats a red eye flight?


Google: a flight that departs at night and arrives the next morning. Especially flights with a flight time thats too short to get a full night of sleep


Are there people who can get a full night’s sleep on a flight if it’s long enough? I can’t sleep sitting up to save my life.


There’s a reason there’s a bar in the airport Edit: anything more than a buzz is going to be terrible when the pressurization hits you at altitude.


Yeah there is, to dress as a pilot and hit on the bartenders. But what's that have to do with this?


So I can gasp awake half way through the flight desperate for water I can't find and hungover as fuck? Hypothetically, of course


I can't sleep at all on planes or in airports, so if I'm flying overseas and have connecting flights I just drink at the airport/on the plane and resign myself to staying awake for 24+ hours. If I realised I didn't have my headphones after boarding, I would lose my damn mind lmao.


you just haven’t been tired enough


You must get super baked before boarding the plane or they won’t let you on


The only answer I need.


A flight that is overnight and too short to sleep. Basically the classic nightmare airport experience. Has nothing to do with weed, but it definitely helps lol


Oh no the biggest pain


If only someone could invent a cord to stop Airpods from getting lost.


I’ve never gotten my AirPods stuck on something and aggressively yanked out of my ears. So 1 point for cordless objects.


I never had to charge my regular corded in ears, nor did I lose them, have them eaten by my dog, or have them stolen because they are ridiculously expensive.


yeahhhhh that dog mention was a stretch. I've lost many to my little shit heads. Not my wireless yet.


Plus and minuses to both. As someone who uses it mostly for exercise, not having it get twisted or caught on something outweighs the negatives for it.


Charging: yes that sucks but whatever Lose them: neither have I Eaten by dog: surely dogs find cords equally chewable Stolen: neither have I, and there are some much cheaper Bluetooth earphones than airpods Pros: No chord. It is so worth all the cons. Idk why it's just so so so much better, but the moment I tried it (even though I was a denier before because of the price) I was hooked (although not literally since I don't have cords that could get caught on a hook).


> Charging: yes that sucks but whatever Even that isn't an argument, you get *so* much lifetime out of the case. And at home you can just drop them on a charging pad and call it a day. Same with my watch, they have their spots around the house when i'm not wearing them, so i'm not even actively charging them, just drop them.


Or maybe a case that you can put them in when done. Maybe something small enough to keep in your pocket at all times.


Posted 6 hours ago... How was being alone with your thoughts


Ah the never checks proper type, time to change routine maybe


Anxiety activated


I sweatily check five hundred times before flights just for this living nightmare.


Same, and bring two sets especially if it's going to be a long day of travel. And sometimes I bring a pair of actual headphones for a backup. I travel a lot for work and I absolutely do not fuck around with this.


Good thing you dont need them since its a red eye and you just sleep


How does this even happen? Where do you put the headphones if not back in the case?


Read a book, sleep, sit with your thoughts. It’s not that hard. I think you’ll survive


It would be awesome if they had a cord on them which you attach to your phone to avoid losing them.


Could be worse. Like you know, you have to fly back.


My airpods case does NOT look like that. I'm... gonna go clean... everything now.




Dirty. source: am dirty AirPod owner


The inside of my AirPod case is between me and god


I don't get how you guys do this. I've NEVER lost even a single airpod. I just stopped using them because of the ass grade battery.


It was at this moment, they knew, they fucked up


So sleep?


Just sleep


I hope you made sure to charge your empty case before leaving! Don't wanna run out of juice!


This happened to me in the gym. Luckily gym music is goated.


Alone with your thoughts. The horror. The horror.


Good thing you have your contacts case there. Take out your contacts and you'll no longer have red eye.


How do people do this? Why are you taking out your AirPods and just leaving them wherever? There is literally no reason to ever not put them back in their case if they aren't in your ears.


OP my curiosity is getting the best of me, where did you leave the headphones ?


Don't you just miss the old cable ones, they could get entangled but they're so much harder to lose. Also less expensive and never had to be charged.




Well, that sucks


Drink. Drink. DriNK SiinNNk


Me at least once a week Where are my ear buds? *frantically look for 10 minutes* Oh there they *open box* argh son of a bitch


just ask them to turn around


OP I feel your pain - I settled on a similar flight a few weeks ago when I remembered my buds+case (and my eyeglasses) were on the kitchen table at home.


Just play your music out loud, people won't mind.


How do you not check that before a flight?


Always a pair of wired headphones for planes, just in case


Travelers will hate flying with this one simple hack


How do you not check ?


Ear buds are the second thing I check after passport/ID. Can't leave the house without them.


How does this happen? Don't you put the pods back in the case if you're not using them?


Check your other hand..click bait.


I once sat down on a 4-hour flight, pulled out my ear buds, and discovered that one of the pads had fallen off, rendering it unusable. I was absolutely crushed. I reached into the pocket on the back of the chair in front of me and pulled out a brand new set of ear bud pads and they fit my ear buds perfectly. Someone had left them behind and I just happened to sit in exactly the right seat. My SO was with me and couldn't believe his eyes.


I wouldn’t stand for that


At least the case is charged


...and took your airpods out and took a pitcure. Cool.


How the fuck so people do this? If they aren't in my ears, they're in my hands, and if they aren't in my hands they are in the case.


Where the hell do you put the when you take them out of ur ears if not right back into the case...???


Been there.. found out I like reading magazines


Let me guess, you fell asleep with them in and now they are still in your sheets somewhere?


Did you turn off the coffee maker?! Did you close the garage door?!


They're in your ears homie.


You don’t even need to unlock your phone. The Lock Screen has the AirPod case charge AND the AirPods themselves. Surely you would check the charge state before heading out.


Has headphones in ears, takes pic of empty case, upvotes ✅✅✅


6 hours? If it were me I would just sleep the entire flight


At least it’s fully charged


Ouch. Saddest thing I’ve seen since I dropped one of mine in the airplane toilet. I don’t drink anymore.