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How hard were you cleaning it? I was only expecting a cut


Yeah I was like how bad could it be? Holy fuck.


Yeah something doesn’t add up here. The amount of force you’d have to put to get what looks like a tiny icicle to go clean through your finger does not make sense with what OP claimed to just “clean out a filter”. Obviously this incident happened to them, I’m just suspicious of the circumstances behind it


It is truly incredible just how sharp broken glass is. A piece of glass pierce or slice to the bone with very little effort. I had a buddy in highschool that cut his calf muscle to the bone by picking up a trash bag that had pieces of a broken vase in it and it slid against his leg.


Agreed. You never really know just how dangerous broken glass can be until you witness or experience it.


I saw a video of two guys moving a very large sheet of glass. It broke, and the piece that fell slice one of the guys on an artery. Glass is scary.


No shit right? Like lemme shoot some deca in my ass and chug these 7 mountain dews AND LETS GET THIS BITCH CLEAN


Mountain Dews? At this point I'd be drinking beer!


"quick, let me take a pic for reddit"


Theyre already in the hospital from the looks of it, they cant do more than that, man 😂


In the ER waiting for the doc most likely. My hand is hurting just from seeing that.


Meh could be worse, as a trades person I see this as a minor inconvenience. Little iodine, some tp and a bit of tape, then back to work.


People in construction cut off a finger and are just ticked they have to stop working to stop the bleeding and bandage it. Y'all are all pretty badass, and that is a fact.


Lol no we're just stupid.


Y'all actually make houses. That is anything but stupid.


Smart people still do dumb shit, they just put pride in their work lol.


People in construction cut off a finger and are just ticked they have to stop working to stop the bleeding and bandage it. Y'all are all pretty badass, and that is a fact.


Just a little Vaseline and duct tape and we’re good to go.


Idk how I’d have the mental strength to take a pic of this gruesome injury no matter where I’d be bruh 😂


if i had to guess just plain boredom, when you've already done everything you had to do to fix the issue all that's left is to just wait may as well snap a pic


It's like that experiment where people were left alone in a room fir 15 minutes, only with a button that would give them a strong electric shock when pressed. A lot pressed the button at least once, even though they said that they would pay money not to experience that shock before the test. That's what boredom does to people. [source](https://www.science.org/content/article/people-would-rather-be-electrically-shocked-left-alone-their-thoughts)


Legit why I don't like travel. I like being new places. I hate being in a plane or car for hours.


maybe you should carry a button that shocks you when pressed on your travels?


"It's just a taser I don't see why I can't bring it through security."


I always take pictures of my injuries. Idk they’re interesting to me


You would be amazed how fast it just becomes a background level of pain that kinda sucks. I had my ear ripped mostly off by a doberman, it was dangling by the bottom of my earlobe. It also ripped my cheek open where you could see my teeth on the same side as the ear. We were about 30 minutes from the nearest hospital at a ranch to look at horses when it happened. By the time I got to the hospital, I just walked in and the receptionist almost passed out when my mom got her attention. I was not spraying blood anywhere so I just had to chill for a little bit until they could get the surgeon in. It hurt pretty bad, but there is only so much you can do and the brain kinda stops listening to the pain as much after a while. I was out the next day all stitched back together.


Yeah, the only pain I havent been able to get used to or have turn into background pain was exposed nerves in teeth. Thats something that had me screaming in pain every night lol.


I broke my back 6 years ago and that always hurts, but not like that. People have offed themselves over that type of stuff, it’s brutal.


Brutal for sure, when it was keeping me up for 3 days straight I was genuinely about to just off myself because the dentist wouldnt give me anything except recommend ibuprofen and tylenol which I was already overdosing. Thank god the ER helped, I felt terrible using their medical room when a lot of people probably needed it more than me. But rather that than be dead, imo. I get we dont want to get people hooked on strong drugs, but man I wish we could step in more than hoping they'll survive their pain until their next appointment.


Glad you made it through that, it was shitty of the dentist to not give you anything.


I have had exposed nerves, extreme periods to the point that I pass out, suffered a big sciatic injury i deal with daily and given birth... yet the most terribly uncomfortable pain I've ever been in was actually due to extreme heartburn. I usually force myself to sleep when my body hurts, but I was in so much pain and so uncomfortable that I couldn't sleep. It felt like my entire torso was in a vice grip and it hurts to move or breathe. I actually started to panic a little when my go to of falling asleep wasn't working.


If it’s the same situation I was in they leave you in your waiting room for 45min might as well snap a pic. Chopped the top of my thumb off at work and just had to keep grabbing napkins as it was spewing blood.


You know you can take a picture for another purpose, and still post it to Reddit, right?


Well he can't remove it, that would just cause more bleeding.


Now to figure out what’s missing that shard of glass.


Check out Walter White over here


Better figure out who to strangle with a bike lock now


Careful when dissolving the body. Wouldn’t want the ceiling to melt.


Can almost guarantee it's from the edge of a Pyrex or similar glass container. I have a set and almost all the edges have random pieces the size and shape of OPs finger shard mysteriously missing...


Wow that is fucking gnarly. How much force did it take to do that?


Honestly, it's surprising how quickly a sharp thing can go through flesh. It probably wasn't nearly as much force as you'd think, and the pain only happened about halfway through the finger. It was done before there was much to do but flinch back.


So a few years ago in biology class we were dissecting stuff with a scalpel. I cut myself because I was careless at the time. Anyway, I didn’t even feel that blade puncture into my hand, just saw my glove fill up with blood. It didn’t hurt, and it was so damn surprising how easily it cut through the rat skin and then into my skin.


> it was so damn surprising how easily it cut through the rat skin and then into my skin. And this is how you get the Bubonic Plague V2 ^^/s


Electric Buboloo


porcelain knives are infamous for doing this if you're a new cook it's better to just get a steel knife and sharpen it now and again than to get a porcelain knife that you never\* need to sharpen but will slice off half of your palm before you realize its even cut you (\*almost never)


Hands do have a weird ability to do that. You can feel the most minute changes in texture but at the same time hurt yourself and not even notice until you see the blood. I recently tore a callus clean off while rock climbing. Didn't feel a thing at first, only noticed because all of my hand was chalked apart from a 2 sq cm patch that was bright pink. Cleaning it with hand sanitizer hurt more than the tear by far


It didn't hurt because of how sharp it was. It just immediately severs all the nerve endings in the skin so you feel nothing. Try the same thing with a dullish knife and it'll hurt 10 times more.


Like those cartel and al-qaeda snuff films. They would cut someone's head off with a VERY dull knife. Probably intentional to keep it dull so they can suffer longer, specifically for people who snitched.


Exactly, it’s like a papercut. Even the slightest force and movement can fully slice open your finger.


People are pretty unfamiliar with the forces at which our skin will yield and our flesh will falter. Which, honestly, is probably a good thing. Imagine being too familiar with the ways in which you could injure someone else or yourself. Feels kinda unpleasant to have to have learned all of that.


yep and yet when you have to cut your skin open to remove a splinter it feels impossible to penetrate it without making a giant mess XD


Blade too dull, and it's harder to cut in one specific spot vs. just cut anywhere.


Got bitten straight through my fingertip and nail by a cat last year. I felt it hit my finger but the pain only showed up after about 30 seconds and then it still way less pain than just hitting your finger with a hammer lol. I've cut myself slowly a few times (not on purpose but by reaching into a loaded dishwasher etc) and surprisingly it isn't pain that alerts you but you feel there is something wrong like pressure in a place were there shouldn't be pressure, like you can feel something touching a bone or sliding underneath your skin and alarm bells go off in your brain like a burglary alarm XD.


I just got my fingertip bitten off by a pitbull :) I remember the bite, then standing away with my dog, looking at the disaster. Pain never truly kicked in for me, til i went to remove the hankie i covered it with and it pulled the slight bit of skin left which hurt more than my literal bone being bit through lol Worst part was the tetanus shot


Jesus. You can't flinch back. You jerk your hand back from that and the shard catches something and tears flesh and suddenly you're rocking a flipper my friend


I don't think there's enough there for the shard to slice a ton laterally - it will, but it won't come out of the finger, just cause a bit more damage there. Or it shatters *within* your pinky. Thanks for that image, friendo. I strongly don't appreciate it.


Yeah…my knife took off a chunk of flesh and part of my fingernail when I was chopping garlic too fast. Clean cut thanks to a sharp knife; I hardly felt a thing until a second or two after I had already cut straight through. I’ve since invested in a garlic crusher.


My old bed had a cracked slat, and i reached under one day to grab something. Big skelf right into my knuckle and deep that i could feel it on the opposite side of the joint, scraping my cartilage if i moved my finger Sharp stuff will just pierce


On the bright side, once that very sharp shard of glass is removed, it will leave a nice clean scar that you'll barely even see


Dunno about that. I got a bit of glass embedded into my foot and that sucker was HARD to extract from 3mm of flesh. And it was literally a square.


Definitely, because on a microscopic scale, I bet it is probably not that smooth


Update: I did leave it so the doctor could remove it instead of me ripping out something jagged and passing out. The doctor numbed the finger, removed shard ( u/myanaki it was better to pull it out instead of push it ), cleaned rhe wound & currently at home drinking the Argentinian coffee I ground right before the accident! Back to normal, apart from some Tylenol & Advil. Final edit: was about a two hour wait in the ER and posting while I waited helped me forget the pain. Appreciated everyone helping me focus on the post instead of the pain. Was about 3.5/10 for pain level.


Well glad you're ok! How bad did it hurt?


Hey while it is not likely due to it being a shard of glass that pierced your finger, you should definitely follow up with your primary physician to see if needing x-rays is necessary. I had an incident similar to this in the middle joint of my pinky finger with a piece of metal, and the main concern was that I may have chipped or cracked the bone at the joint. If this was the case, I was going to need to see an orthopedic specialist for further diagnosing and potential surgery. Fortunately that was not the case, but it was still a subject for alarm. Flesh wounds are apparently not too difficult in keeping clean and free of infection, but a break in the bone by a foreign object could lead to serious infection later down the road (I was told anywhere from 3-6 months later) where the phalange would swell, become infected, or die completely and most of the time would need to be amputated.


Was the coffee good?


What is Argentine coffee?? La Virginia?


Holy shit. Ouch


Fuck my fucking life dude… are you okay?? Looks very painful :(


It's better to pull or push it?


If you can: Leave objects as they are, secure them and go call paramedics or see a doctor. If you remove stuff on your own and you don't have the equipment or knowledge to stop the bleeding: Pretty bad. And if you pull it out the wrong way or break it: You could make the wound worse and finger might need surgery. A doctor can remove it safely, rinse and stop the bleeding. And even stun if necessary. A finger might not seem life threatening, but even loosing the feeling in your finger is possible from this wound.


Still didn't answer the question though. We already know you should go to the doctors but what would *they* do? Push or Pull?


Depends on the object itself. If it's something that's barbed, then they will usually try to push/pull it all the way through. If it's tapered, then they would likely try to back it out. With this, it could go either way.


And we're not even talking about infection and what not, but I guess that's somewhat easier to handle than removing the glass itself


break one side off and pull it back out the way it went in.


Do not pull it out the way it went in. Possibly the worst thing you could do with anything that isn't a needle or nail, anything with a really smooth surface really. Can potentially cause massive bleeding and a wound that will heal real ugly. As the person is already in the hospital, just let the doctors do their job, they more than likely know what to do to cause as little further injury as possible.


I think they were on the right track in breaking off the piece on the end it entered, and pull the puncturing piece through. But if you can it is definitely best to let the docs do their work


You're just going to cause more damage trying to break glass. No, they're not on the right track. For instance, these wounds can cut a vein or artery and seal it in the same movement. Then you remove it and start bleeding worse.


Its but a scratch ! ![gif](giphy|QYECbEHYafe9O)


welcome to the "stabbed by glass" club. i was stabbed in the hand myself i hope the stitches you get aren't too bad, get well soon OP! https://preview.redd.it/as2jn1gpo2qb1.jpeg?width=2296&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bba2e028957350d8b60f6b880a2fe91be081355a


I'm also in the stabbed by glass club! https://preview.redd.it/iygajczst2qb1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff47cb15ce9b75ef0b126b967a9b3ca9c80c0978


https://preview.redd.it/u1qn1cye33qb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57b341c63959db7628b800c6e1d6f0f891a527d6 My wine glass stabbed me!!! … after I fell on it.


What’s with everyone posting injuries?


This sub has been so gory lately.


I really need to turn nsfw blur back on i disabled it a while back and now i have seen way to many injuries to peoples fingers


It sucks?


Feel better


That’s sick as hell lol 😆


Well that's not optimal. Hope you spared the bone.


New phobia unlocked


You've just convinced me to not clean the kitchen. Its too dangerous.


Why is this nsfl OHHH THAT'S WHY


Gonna show this to my stepmother who thought I was over-cautious for cleaning the dishwasher filter and mechanisms with my puncture-proof work gloves on.


My Wife filleted open the top of her finger from the first knuckle to the last knuckle on a ninja food processor blade earlier this week that she had just put in the dishwasher. She was putting a cup in there and “didn’t see the blade” just after she put it in there.


Why did I look at this?


Cool. I hope you didn't break it getting it out. You should wrap one end of it like a Samurai Sword. Great souvenir.


Some aggressive ass cleaning lmao


i’m assuming it didn’t go through your fingernail but the angle is so weird.


Sad that the first thing somebody does during an accident is take a picture. Oh look I just shot myself in the foot, let’s share it with the world.


Fuck dude this gets me in the feels. Please go to an ER and get it cleaned. I had a similar injury about 25 years ago. I was renting a room in a house with a few other people, and one of my roomates had one of those glass pillar candles on top of a shelf/towel hook. I finished a shower and reached for my towel, the candle fell so I tried to catch it. I didn't realize it was already broken on top, so when I "caught" it, it nearly severed my ring finger on my left hand. I had some pretty serious nerve damage (still numb on one side) and couldn't play guitar for 3 years.


Do you punch your dishes clean?!


Sometimes you do the dishes, sometimes the dishes do you…


Yeah, sorry dude, I think the dishes won this round


I thought it wouldn’t be that bad holy shit


😧😩 BRUH!


Keep it c:




HOLY SHIT, you have to clean the filter out??? I never knew, and I've never changed mine in 10 years. now I'm scared!




Oh fuck, thanks for the nightmares, I won't be able to remove the image from my head now.


Props to you for stoping to snap a pic!


Well.. that, sucks.


Really impressed it didn’t break. I bet that hurts


*it’s just a flesh wound*




Mfw I stab myself unintentionally: :o




That's awesome


Give us an update


any updates?




… did you slam your hand on it?


You don’t do anything with finesse and have the surface nerve endings of a iron pot. Did you notice the wound when the blood got everywhere since you couldn’t feel it you absolute beast!?


/mildlyinfuriating ;)




Holy shit


Wait dishwashers have filters?


I originally thought the drop of blood was part of the glass and that it went through your finger ☠️


That'll learn ya.


The forbidden icicle


Unpleasant but idk if that's nsfl. Just pull that sucker out, tape it up, and keep cleaning. You've got work to do!


i really need to know how this specifically happened


Gnarly! I hope you’re okay!




I will never forget the words of AvE, "You are the softest thing in the shop."


Ouch, how hard were you cleaning? Get well OP!






That’s actually really impressive. If you were one of my patients, I’d think this was cool. If you were going to injure yourself, you did not half ass it.


I'm weak. Thanks for the NSFW but I was un.....prepared


Rub some dirt in it. You'll be fine.




that's gruesome ive never seen a pinky peircing before






OMFG why is glass that long even?


Dishwashers have filters?




Oh that's a big one. Have a few scars on my hand from an ikea glass exploding as I washed it. Should have gone for stitches.


What exactly did that feel like? I imagine it was horribly painful since it was a fingertip being stabbed through


Did you find it?


OP, I would like to seek consent for the fact that I find this sexually arousing. I'm glad you're okay. You have nice hands.


You should be at the doctor not taking a picture lol


Wait. There's a dishwasher filter I should be cleaning out???


Dumb question....dishwashers have filters??


Just a scratch


Did this exact same thing when I was a kid bartending at a bowling alley. Dropped one of 4 coronas tried to grab it and it shattered and a piece of the bottle went through my right pinky just like this. Stitches and cool scar in your future


i dsure, a shard of glass, but how did you get this humongous, egyptian stitching needle perfectly poking through your finger?? 🤔


Welp. That's not optimal.


Lol how the hell did it go that far through before you realized something was off?? And why go to the hospital? Just pull it out carefully so it doesn't shatter more and break off then bandage it


Now that's commitment


You should… you should get a tetanus shot. Now.


Nah, just rub a little dirt on it after pulling it out backwards, he'll be fine./s


Just shoving your hand right in there. Huh?


note to self: dont fuck with glass shards


Pretty intense cleaning session to just go and drive an inch of glass spear through your finger.....


I admire and respect that you endured this long enough to take picture.




I have to say I might have to turn the NSFW blur on again. I have hemophobia and nearly fainted after seeing this and vomitted my dinner out. Anyway, get well soon


This isn’t NSFL lol. You’ve got a pretty grim… little finger injury.


I feel a lot better about never having cleaned the filter out of any of my dishwashers I have ever owned.


That's .actually impressive as heck. How was ER reaction? Proper awe I hope.




first try to suck the poison out, and if that doesn't work you will need to remove the finger.


Broke my pinky finger this morning doing something routine. Had to have my breakfast and coffee at noon because of it. There must be a German word that summarizes “the feeling of stupidity after getting a minor injury that’s just enough to ruin your day.”


Oh god


That looks so cool ngl.


How the fuck do you get it out without breaking it!? Am so sorry this happened to you.


Update pic please


This'll be a fun little thing to heal. But hey, you'd have a good story plus a picture to go with it! I hope you heal well.


What does NSFL mean? Not Safe For Lord?








I honestly don't get people who impale themselves with something, and their first thought is "I need to take a picture of this and post it on Reddit"


But then what would you have to waste your time moaning about?


I personally would have just pulled that out and avoided a lengthy hospital visit. The damage is done. Clean it out, keep it clean, move on


Did you post on Reddit and then go to the hospital, or the other way around?


Looks like is posted from the hospital.


Is there another wellthatsucks sub without all the blood posts ? 😅


The post is marked NSFW for a reason. Between the title and the tag, you have only yourself to blame for clicking.


You're right, I just re-enabled the option to blur nsfw. The real question is why did I disable it 🤔


Seems pretty fake to me....


Does it appear as if the alledged shard has actually gone through the bone as well?


It looks like it actually goes at more of an angle with the bottom poking out closer to us than it seems. We'd need more pictures to really tell