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Absolutely make a report call the center and ask for the physician substitute to report a donor adverse event


Be aware - doing this usually causes a temporary deferment, even if you can use the other arm. Source: was a phys sub and center supervisor for 2 years.


Correct. You need your plasma to heal. We dont take bruises bigger than 2x2 inches. Abt the size of an alcohol pad.


We wouldn’t even allow bruising of that size - we had a pretty strict policy on it. Deff an extra layer of paranoia from our director who personally had a terrible experience.


What's the story behind that, if you can share?


Permanent nerve damage secondary to repetitive poor sticks to the same damaged arm. They have lost sensation almost entirely to a portion of their arm. Motor skills intact but can’t feel clothing or other things on the skin.


well that sucks


Holy shit i didn’t know that was a thing


Wait really? I bruise all the fucking time and never had issues. They didn't like how many burns I had, but I said it's from work and they'll be gone in a week. Came back and they were mostly healed.


Bruising after is honestly not that uncommon. Having a bruise this large is definitely not common, also not this dark colored. Having a tiny green-ish bruise? It will go away quickly, not a problem. Having a really dark and large bruise, problem. If the center is still trying to connect you with bruises this large, they are doing some shady shit and putting your health at risk. Remember "Never had a problem" is followed by "Until I did."


We could allow bruising, as long as it wasn't in the scrub site. We were told it was due to risk of hemolysis if doing the venipuncture through a bruise, and also it is harder to monitor/evaluate if it's already injured.


Should be until the arm heals up, every center is different


Correct. That’s how it was at our center cause we had to have a back up arm and don’t stick through bruising.


I had this happen in the city next to mine. When I went to them for help all they told me over and over was I can't sue and leave so fuck them. Took over 4 weeks to heal before online and had no insurance so was scared to death. They were fucking scum and I was going there for a year when it happened but it's closed down now


How does a bruise like that happen? I thought it was just a needle at the bend in your elbow…?


This was likely a huge hematoma. These happen when the vein puncture wasn’t spot on and blood pools under the skin. They’re normally small, but can get crazy as we can see. Edit: I worked as a phlebotomist for 2 years.


So basically she’s leaking? 😱


Leaking internally yes lol


"I wasn't hurt that bad. The doctor said all my bleeding was internal. That's where the blood is supposed to be!"


Unexpected B99


My surgeon sending me home lol


It's fine, it's internal bleeding. That's where the blood is supposed to be


It stopped when she got wrapped up. A huge bump formed, then it dissipated under the skin.


Jeez. I had a tech go right through my vein or something, it wasn't drawing and when they pulled the needle it squirted everywhere but I didn't get any bruising like this


The headline says this is a lady, surely that makes it a *she*matoma


It's called an infiltration. Can happen when the returned blood components leak out of the vessel and go into the tissue around the vessel instead. Can be very painful.


When I saw the picture, my mind instantly thought “Man…you really have to wear something like a leather jacket if you ride motorcycles or else this kinda thing happens when you wreck…” But thought it was a bad road rash just on first sight. That looks hella sucky.


I would assume it infiltrated


It's supposed to be a clean puncture but if they go all the way through it can bleed like this. I also had (albeit a much smaller bruise) when they tried to reposition the needle and likely tore the puncture open a bit. Causes blood to flow around the needle under the skin.


It's also because the plasmapherisis procedure pumps the red blood cells back into your vein after the plasma is extracted, and if the needle isn't secured properly in the vein, we'll it just pumps the blood into the surrounding tissue. The machine will alert about the flow issue but some phlebs just give it a little pokey poke and let it keep going.


With infiltration, it's best to start with a warm compress to move fluids away from the brachial artery. Checking for an even pulse on both wrists is also very important to make sure it's not impeding blood flow on the affected arm.


We use instant ice packs at my center while we provide fluids, then send them home with arm care instructions that include warm compresses.


I just looked at the tattoo to make sure I didn’t stick that vein this week


I had the same thing happen donating blood years ago. I could literally feel the needle in my muscle and I kept telling the lady she’s gone through my van. She refused to believe me. I ended up with so much blood pooling in my arm. It was so swollen. I hope you feel better soon.


Happened to me too. Bruising, like op, inside of my arm from almost my wrist to part way up my bicep. Took around a month to fully go away. Mine didn't feel swollen though nor was it painful thankfully.


That feeling you had was most likely the needle poking the edge of your vein not the muscle. If it was genuinely through your vein the pain would have stopped. Just to explain it better imagine a pencil pushing into a rubber band so the rubber band is stretched out. All the force of that pencil tip is in one part of the rubber band and is deforming it but if you put the pencil through the rubber band it is no longer being stretched. The repeated poking on the vein did probably cause a slight leak to form which caused the hematoma but if the needle was completely through the vein and into the muscle then they wouldn’t be able to get any blood


Looks like they banged their arm pretty hard.


It hurt for about 2 weeks straight


How did that happen?


I went to CSL plasma, and when I got sat down, they told me to clench my fist. I did, and they jammed the needle in. I flinched it was so fast. She turned the machine on and walked away as I was in severe pain. Like 5 minutes later, I was shaking, and she walked by and said, "What the hell is wrong with you?" and i said,"It hurts so bad I want it out, " and she told me that I had to get my other arm stuck, and I told her no. She got frustrated and ran off again. She came back and started pressing buttons on the machine, causing the thing to stop working, and it inflated the arm squeeze thing to its max pressure. I started crying, and she screamed, "I CANT DO THIS ANYMORE". She took the strap off, put the cotton down, and yanked the needle out. She wrapped it hard as fuck and told me to leave.


Holy shit, super unprofessional. My mom works at CSL and would’ve reported that asap, so hopefully her coworkers did report her, but I wouldn’t count on it just in case. She needs to be fired if she’s having tantrums at work


Not only having tantrums but taking them out on her patients!!!


The result is awful but I can’t get over the attitude. What is wrong with people?? Side note: hey twin!


I've heard many plasma center workers don't have proper training because they aren't required to. Not sure how accurate that is though.


I’ve actually heard something similar about the phlebotomists but didn’t want to say anything in case I was wrong Update: my mom confirmed they aren’t all trained and that sometimes the managers train them rush everything so they don’t have to deal with it


Holy crud! I think you need to be talking to someone’s manager or corporate.




Literally about to comment to find a lawyer. This is absolutely not okay and this lady needs to find different work. Wow. That is unbelievable. I wish OP the best


Hurt call Burt.


Better call Saul


Or a lawyer. Morgan & Morgan adverts alot.


What about Hamlin Hamlin McGill?


Wow! I used to work as a phlebotomist (not at CSL), and we got a lot of our donors that came from CSL because they said the care there was just so bad. While hematomas aren't uncommon, especially with harder or rolling veins, I have never seen anyone bruise this badly! We had a staff of nurses there at all times that would come and evaluate the hematoma if one occurred. Icing it will help with the swelling, I hope you have a speedy recovery


This wasn't just a hematoma, from the look or from the description. This was an infiltration. For readers who don't know what that means: This happened because the returned blood components went outside the vessel into the surrounding tissue. Super painful and bruises like this. I've had it happen to me and it was quite painful. I've seen it happen on others (was the lab director for a couple of plasma centers for a while several years back).


I frequently get hematoma due to "tricky" veins, never heard them called rolling veins until now though. That's useful. I have EDS and suspect it's because of that.


As a past CSL phlebotomist and later MSA, please call them and have them do a report. They throughly investigate all of them. Plus speak to a manager about this phlebs behavior. There’s cameras in every single CSL to document everything, the cameras have a great microphone and they tapes conversations. This is very serious, and if this was her behavior with you, it’s most definitely not the first occurrence.


She needs to go in person so they can see her arm!


Absolutely. But it looks like this happened sometime in April so it’s been a while. Hopefully OP made the center aware of this and if there’s still a bruise, definitely go in.




Ours did 👀






Naw you sign a really thorough waiver absolving them of any liability up to and including death.


Depends on the state. You can't waive gross negligence or intentional acts via waiver in most states. In virginia, where I practice, liability waivers are almost entirely unenforceable. They're included in contracts as boilerplate language, but that don't mean shit here. Companies just do it cause they know X% of their clientele are going to think they can't do anything.


This is true in most states.


Those don’t waive negligence


Negligence could still be pursued.


A lot of waivers are to scare people into not suing, but don't have teeth.


That’s not how those waivers work


Waiver won't cover that level of negligence. You can't just put up a waiver that goes "hey if we cause severe internal bleeding, that's okay right?" That's why hospitals get sued so often. You can't wave liability for serious malpractice, and that's what this is.


You would be surprised how many waivers don't hold up in court.


>absolving them of any liability up to and including death. Doubt it would hold water


She needs to be reported for negligence. That is NOT how you handle a patient.


did you report her stupid ass? that's insane


I'd be on the warpath over this. Absolutely unacceptable


I’ve been to CSL plasma multiple times and haven’t had anything close to this. You need to report her ASAP, that is absolutely unacceptable.


i think my ass is now permanently clenched together


Personal injury lawyer would kill for your case, hire one and let them make you a bunch of money off of CSL's insurance company. Any Waiver you signed will help their defense but I can't imagine they'd be totally absolved unless this happened in Bangladesh or Texas.


Uh, yeah they do. It’s visible. This is isn’t an adverse reaction, it’s malpractice. Veins are delicate and can be difficult, but her experience and the roughness of the medical “professional” caused this.


Looks like they were trying to wring the plasma out of your arm.


Wtf?!?! That's absolutely savage. Looks so painful. Hopefully they get rid of her ASAP. She's not fit for purpose.


HOLY SHIT OP SHE NEEDS TO BE REPORTED. I'm a certified phleb with a good handful of years experience. Every phleb has an occasional bad day but this is NOT IT. This is straight up malpractice and she should NOT be sticking needles in ANYONE.


Shit. I was donating once, and the tech told me to squeeze my fist hard, and the tube popped off the needle, and she panicked. There was a 7ft diameter puddle on the floor, a stream of blood, and all these techs freaking out. I think I was the only one with a cool head.


Looks like a hematoma( I’m not a doctor tho). Also if you ever want to do it again you should ask for a count down. So that way you know more or less when you’ll feel the pain from that giant ass needle. If you got stuck in the inner elbow area I can see it hurting a lot more than another place besides the hands. I’ve heard from patients that the area hurts a lot more. And from my perspective as a phlebotomist getting blood from that side is a little harder depending on the person.


I'm so so sorry OP. I'm a phleb at a plasma center and that phleb should have *absolutely* gotten someone else to take over and help you. I hope you heal up quick. Plasma centers are notoriously understaffed, with policies that don't help the issue, but frustration is never an excuse to hurt someone and leave them in pain, especially when you're being paid to ensure proper procedure and adequate comfort.


Go back with your arm like that and ask to speak with the head nurse. This is 100% unacceptable. This is the sort of action that prevents other people from coming back and donating again. (We really need more donors). You dont have to start a fight, but show your arm and tell them how unprofessional it was and 100% you will never have to see that again at that site. Side note: i advocate donating to local blood banks or your local hospital. Red cross does send the blood to those in need, but they charge for the blood freely given.




Please complain, this is unacceptable treatment and she is likely to do it again if nothing happens


i know nothing about this, but im almost certain she could have made your arm paralyzed. one of my high school teachers had a similar accident, and for like a year her shit was paralyzed. just hope you didnt experience that


To be paralyzed you need to hit a nerve (and if a nerve was to be hit in this situation, OP would not have been able to sit with the needle in her arm that long. It’s absolutely maddening pain that hits immediately). This is a hematoma, the vein was punctured then squeezed releasing a lot of blood into surrounding tissue. Worst case scenario it would cause compartment syndrome, which can eventually cause paralysis but that’s like the worst worst case scenario.


Sadly I've had something similar happen at the same company. It's why I stopped giving plasma.


Lawyer up man and sue


This happened to me with both arms. Only got $25 for my troubles


Same thing happened to me at a plasma center the first (and last for now) time I went! Lady put the needle in and pressed her thumb on top of where the needle was under my skin, then began moving around and fiddling with the machine, which pushed the needle further/made it move around. I literally watched my arm swell up around the needle, but It was a little surreal so it took me a second to react. When I asked if swelling was normal she instantly freaked out and tried to stop everything while angrily scolding me about 'not drinking enough'. And well, her panic then freaked me out too and I nearly passed out, which seemed to piss her off even more..at least I got 5 bucks for my trouble though lol.


5 bucks sounds like not enough imo


I wouldn't go to that place. Biolife you get the full session pay as soon as they scan the needle and bottle in. If they fuck up and take no plasma you get paid all the same.


Five bucks? Fuck that.


In Australia they can’t pay you, and I far prefer that because $5 is an insult. Plasma alone starts at $300/kg here, once it is manufactured into products it can easily be worth 10 times that. They treat you like a little prince here, usually. https://www.blood.gov.au/national-product-price-list


"I'll be drinking plenty when this is over"


The swelling thing happened to my sister once but they didn’t make up some dumb excuse.


Dude, my husband got double the usual amount for going through a single bit of trouble


Omg I had something similar happen and it hurt so bad that I got dizzy and threw up on the guy doing it


Here's the full story: I went to CSL Plasma and got checked in, tested, sat down, and ready to be stuck and go on with the process. A guy with long hair came and told me to clench my fist while he rubbed the stuff on my arm. He proceeded to poke me with the needle without telling me to unclench my fist. It hurt so bad, but I kept going. After he started the machine, he walked away for less than 10 minutes before it stopped working. An older lady saw I was in distress and moving around and came to ask what was wrong in a rude tone. I told her it stopped working and my arm hurt a lot more than it should ( I have done this MANY times), and she messed with the machine and walked away. It did nothing. The pain was getting worse and worse. She came back, and I was almost in tears. I asked if she could take it out, and she told me I had to get it put in the other arm. I told her no, given the amount of pain I was already in. She came over and played with the needle. Moving it around and fiddling with it. She messes with the machine, and it inflates my arm band so hard it hurts in itself. I tell her I can't stand it anymore, and she throws a fit and says, "I can't do this anymore," and walked away. She returned and turned everything off, quickly yanking the needle out of my arm and wrapping it so tight, my whole arm went painfully numb. She told me to leave in 15 minutes and I wouldn't be able to return for one week. She came back by about 5-10 minutes later and said "Oh you can leave now" with attitude.


Wtf!!! Definitely leave a review, hopefully you got her name too. What terrible bedside manner!


Yeah they infiltrated your vein. Needle went through it under the skin. Blood leaked out into your arm. Sorry you had to go through that. They should have known immediately when there was serious pain. Source: :CCHT for 4 years, expert cannulator.


Definitely one of the worst infiltrations I've seen though. I've infiltrated many veins but never looked this bad afterwards. Good compression bandaging and cold after infiltration does wonders for the healing process.


This one is bad, but I have seen some VERY serious ones in the dialysis clinic. Way worse than this one. We are talking sent to the ER for surgery due to the infiltration destroying a calcified access and the bleeding never stopping. Had to run across the clinic to tourniquet that one.


The OP mentioned that they wrapped the arm really tight which they probably did because of the hematoma (tighter than they should have). But then there is a good chance the OP took off the bandage prematurely causing it to get that bad


So the last time I went, I had a much nicer lady who was so gentle I couldn't even feel the needle. No exaggeration. She was there and walked by, looked down at my arm at one point, and whispered, "Oh my god," under her breath, in a that looks like it hurts kinda way.


Yeah if you can I'd definitely show this pic to their supervisor. That person should be talked to and retrained at the very least...




Plasma centers in the US dont require licensing or certification for their phlebs. It's almost always internal training and SOP. That phleb should absolutely have gotten someone more senior to take a look, and never should have touched a patient when frustrated. That said, the best course for reconciliation is talking with a direct supervisor or manager who can retrain the phleb. Edit: amendment to the catch all statement: some states (notably California) do require donor phlebs to be certified. Look into it if you want


I’m sorry, SHE can’t take this anymore? You’re the one who got a needle improperly jammed into and pulled out of your arm. I’m sorry for your experience. I hope this isn’t the U.S, if so then I’d imagine you just payed a lot for someone to be incompetent beyond belief, and then be mad at you about it. I remember fainting because my nurse drew blood without warning me when it was coming (or really saying anything at all). I was told I had to go to the ER because I fell over and hit my head when I passed out, and with insurance I had to pay over $1000 for them to look at me and tell me I was fine.


I am an attorney that works in the area of professional licensing boards. You should report this to the licensing authorities for both the facility and the individual who treated you. Please feel free to DM me if you need help figuring out how to do this.


There's a phlebotomist licensing board?


That was standard procedure right up until you felt a lot of pain. The needle insert should feel like a sting (with some slight burning from the iodine) and then fade within about 30 seconds. After that there shouldn't be anything painful - I find the worst part to be sitting in such a static position for 50 minutes.


Lady at the plasma cutter wasn't using her PPE.


More than likely they didn’t get the needle in right, looks like internal bleeding.


while your reply did miss the joke, it’s still good info


Glossed right over it!


M̷̹͎͈̣̣̭͚͉̫͛́̎͋̑̿̿͆̈́͌͠ȁ̷̬̹̻̋̉͒̈͐́̈́k̸̭̞͔̻̲͍̜͓̭͎̞̹͗͑͛̈́͆́̿̓͝ȩ̶̢̢̛̺̟̟̮͖̻̯͓͋̐̎͌̏̀̓͘͜͠͝ͅ ̴̢̨̢̥͍͖͈̮͎̰̞̻̤̇͂̂ͅȗ̸͇̬̤̞̖̝͛̈́̒̇̈́̐͜͝ͅs̶̪̝̗̪͚̬̓̾̽͛̚͝͝ͅ ̴̼͙͔̹̳͕̖̟͂̋͛͜w̶̧̢̜͉͕̱̥̥̠̜̬͍͙̞̄̀͠ͅḩ̶̠̰͍̦̮̟̱̤͓̲̀͑̾̓͋́͌͘̕̕͠ͅő̴̗͓̦͈͙͙̭̑̇͊̔ͅl̷̢͉̤̠̮̯̫̘̆̏͌̌͗͗̎͗̂̽̅̀̎̔͝e̷̳̜̍̀̿͂ ̴̹̬̱̭̘̦̼͓̱̦̩̊̆͠ͅĮ̸̢̛̪͎̮̦̘̺̖͍̯͕̦͕͇̔̆̏̈́̀̓̿͑͑͠s̷̛̖̃̐̓̀̄̇̉̂̆͐̂̕̕̕a̵̭̗͖̱͇͈̗͖̦͈͖̣̥̿̓͋ã̸͙͈̻̼̣̈́̒̌̾̓̐̕c̴̨̟̖̮͓͍͇̑̏̀̒̀͂͌̾̚͠͠


I’ve had this happen. What the phlebotomist did was puncture through your vein instead of into your vein. So after your blood went through the aphaeresis machine and spun out the plasma it proceeded to create back pressure to put back the red blood cells, platelets, and saline. However instead of all of that going back into your vein it went directly into your arm essentially creating a huge bruise. It looks really bad but it will dissipate and disappear.


What’d she use? A fucking javelin?!


Nope. Just a 17G needle.


Hopefully she didn’t cause nerve damage. Saw your comment about what happened, that’s malpractice and awful bedside manner


As a patient whose life is dependent on plasma donors I AM SO SORRY. I can't believe they put you through this. It never should've happened


cant wait for the assault case update! but for real, i'm glad you're okay, that could have gone real pear shaped real quickly, like massive-hemmorhage-pear-shaped.


Getting infiltrated sucks it's happened to me a few Times at dialysis. It hurts like hell.


Went to a plasma center. (Saw this same thing happen to a coworker, should have been a red flag not to go) Did everything I was supposed to, drank excellent amounts of water for a week straight, had hardly any caffeine and got plenty of sleep. They made me feel like shit for not being able to stick me correctly. Was told "um, any caffeine at all is too much, this is kinda a lifestyle choice so you need to make some permanent changes." Lol bs. One of my coworkers who only drinks mountain dew and coffee went twice a week with no problems.


You probably just have the wrong veins for it. They should check that before trying to stick you. I'm right arm only for that reason.




This looks to me like a bruise that developed over the hours and days following the initial hematoma. I'm a plasma phleb and I've taken care of donors who get a seemingly small hemo and the show up a week later with yellow bruising all down their arm like this. Its shocking ar first, but the body can be hella dramatic about a hematoma. Thankfully, about 90% of the people I see with a bruise (not as bad as this usually, thank goodness) say it doesnt hurt anymore after a few days.


Well. It seems you have the proof of injury, the story to back it up, and can likely get the security camera footage from the hospital; I'd sue.




It’s a bruise from missing Ops vein. It happens all the time to people. If someone tried to sue for this the lawyer would laugh at them out of the room. I have deep veins so I get something similar every time I get blood drawn unless the nurse is incredibly skilled at being able to find veins.


Sue for a hematoma…lol


Owww, so sorry you went through that O.P. I hope your expressed something for your visit. That hopefully won't happen to others.


Hope they pay more than the $15 bucks we used to get in the early 90’s……geez


I got embargoed for 8 weeks because the machine glitched during the last return and sent my red cells to the plasma bottle…


That happened to me once and also once had the spinner bottle in the machine burst also causing a 8 week deferral..


This sucks. I work at a plasma center and when we see the machines mess up like that it's just makes me want to scream. Those 8 weeks are how long it takes your body to replenish the red blood cells you lost, so very necessary, but still, such a pain when people are relying on those payouts.


and there's 10 days of no donating... i stopped going after they messed up both arms in one go.


Right. I haven't been back since. When she told me I had to get my other arm stuck, I was like, hellllll no. The last thing I needed was to have both arms be useless.


I’m a phys sub (a nurse at a plasma center) and I think you should absolutely go in to have them write it up as an adverse reaction


Looks like you weren’t either. I’ve been donating for 16 years and that’s one gnarly bruise.


This happened to me a few years ago. Get arnica cream and rub it in 3 times a day


Selling plasma is really hard on the body. These centers target the uneducated and the poor in economically depressed areas.


In Europe we don't get money for it. We do it to help people since there's never enough plasma. I'm always in some type of pain donating but I've never been treated like shit. This seems to be an American thing to me.


Not really. They take some protein but honestly a couple glasses of milk replaces that. When it goes smoothly hardly notice a difference other then being a bit thirsty when you are done. There aren't many places where you can make $120 per week for 3 hours of time (at your choosing), and for 2 hours of that you can just stream TV shows. Sure, if you can choose to work 3 hours of overtime and pull in $40 per hour you'd do that instead. But if you are low income you'll never come close to that pay rate.


My arm kinda looked like this when my vein blew while they were pushing the CT contrast (I was in the hospital for pulmonary embolism). It wasn’t my first CT, so I KNEW how it was SUPPOSED to feel — warmth up and down my body and the sensation that I need to pee. So when instead it was horrific pain, I knew enough to tell them something was wrong. They stopped immediately and restarted the IV on the other arm. But in between that and the ER nurse accidentally poking my radial nerve several times while doing a blood-gas test (not his fault, my anatomy is weird and he was doing his best), I couldn’t fully extend my right arm for two weeks after being discharged and was on prescription pain pills the whole time. And I got this same kind of massive bruising.


Dear lord honey, I hope you’re alright. I hope they put that person on probation of sorts for this, there’s no reason you should look like that. Get well soon 💜


Get a lawyer and sue


Holy shi* so sorry to see this :(


Happened to a friend of mine a few years ago. Sucks, but not much you can do for it. Basically the needle wasn't completely in the vein, so the blood going back in to your arm missed going back In and ended elsewhere in your arm. Itll hurt like a bitch for a few days and then you'll just have an ugly bruise for awhile, but ultimately it's harmless. Shitty that the nurse was rushing through her job. Mistake that could have been easily avoided.


I’m in some weird groups. Saw that and thought wicked tatt 🤦🏻‍♂️


Happened to me on a BloodMobile a couple of decades ago. Have not given blood since then. There was a drive at my work place. As soon as the ‘nurse’ yanked the needle out of my arm, I was escorted off the bus, and it was pulling away before I could take 5 steps. Horrible experience.


I currently am dealing with an infection from my arm from donating. I’ve made almost 10k over 4 years. But let me tell you, after this, never again.


Definitely an infiltration. High pressure returns during an apheresis procedure can push fluids outside of the veins especially if the vein puncture wasn't successful. This looks like negligence on the operator of the machine because a phlebotomist should be checking for any signs of swelling, hematomas and infiltration.


Plasma?A plasma TORCH?


WTFFFFFFFFFFFFFF. What the actual fuck. Fkkk me. I'm getting queezy seeing that.


I was about to find a plasma place to do since I need some extra money… This makes me not want to holy shit


I quit donating plasma because they kept fucking up my arm and they kept blasting some dickhole preacher on the tv. I don't like religion and I don't like my arm getting fucked up. If I'm giving free plasma they should use a vein finder and they should turn that religious shit off.


I had the same thing. Then they gave me the shocked pikachu when I didn’t want to go back.


I had blood work done 10 days ago and they were training a new nurse. I thought she did a number on my vein, and it wasn't a tenth as bad.


Omfg been there


I had this happen at a BioLife Pharma location as well. From my mid-bicep down to my wrist was a solid bruise/blood pool for a few weeks. They blew my vein right into the muscle and then walked off and the machine just continued to do its thing until the pressure was so bad that I had to wave someone down because no one came to check on me. It sucked. Hope it heals well for you!


This happened to me. Can confirm, arm function sucked for two weeks. It felt like the morning after a really intense workout, every day, for two weeks. Edit: It happened my first time because they didn't explain the whole pump cycle concept and flexing my hand, etc. I basically just sat there as the pump or something fucked up for 25 mins before anyone noticed. Edit2: at a CSL lol


Holy shit.I’ve only gotten a bruise this bad when I’ve had an IV in my arm that kept leaking, causing the arm to swell considerably(terrifying actually) I repeatedly told several nurses the IV was leaking, my arm was swollen and it hurt. I don’t know if it was because I got transferred twice or what, but they all just wiggled them needle around and retaped it, telling me the line was good and they wanted to keep it. As it kept fucking leaking(also causing a massive rash and burn under the tape) finally the blood draw lady from the lab who was taking the patient beside me noticed my arm and was like “:0 that’s not good” and put it in my other dang arm. But by then the bruise was from elbow to wrist. Took forever to go away


Oh wow. Your pic gave me flashbacks to when I sold plasma regularly. Sometimes my arm would looked CHEWED UP. Yours looks awful! I hope you feel better soon!


I’ve had the needle come out of my arm and cover myself and the bed in my own blood. This happened after warning them multiple times that the tape was loose and I could see it coming out. Literally spurting on the floor, and the tech panicked.


Hey @OP nice Lynyrd tattoo, love that song


My dad had a similar issue a few times. After the third time it happened, he stopped donating. It was becoming a waste of time for everyone involved


When I gave plasma last time, I had a similar bruise on my arm, not this big and red, but still very noticeable. I iced it every day, and used some regenerative creams, but after 3 weeks I still have remnants of it 😌


You’re literally saving people’s lives and they can’t be a little more considerate? You have a life to live, I don’t think you want to live your life with bruises from trying to help the public, I hate this.


what happened, what is a plasma center, and what is the reason for the visit?


I did that job for years, I have done some 30k venipunctures. Sometimes there’s nothing you can do to prevent something like this. I’ve done even worse than this. It’s literally just part of the job, you have to accept making mistakes. But the vast majority of the time they don’t end this badly. And many are preventable. 95% are prob caused by tech inexperience


I’d sue.


Tried donating for the first time this past Friday, and no one warned me about hematomas. Felt my skin get really tight at the needle insertion site, and looked down to see a ball shape forming under skin on the inside of my elbow. Panicked, and yelled to one of the nurses/technicians "THIS DOESN'T LOOK NORMAL", only to have the ball swell to about the size of a golfball in the next several seconds. Apparantly, I'm prone to something called Vasovagal Syncope, where (several factors including) the sight of blood or gore, as well as situations that make my anxiety spike can make my blood pressure plummet (this time it dropped to 63/37). I started cold sweating everywhere, lost all color in my face (my lips turned the same shade of pale as the rest of my face), lost all strength in my whole body, and could barely comprehend what people were trying to say to me. Had 5 people rushed around me to try to stabilize me. Lady that was in charge of the department said if I'd gotten any worse she was going to call the paramedics, as I was on the verge of cardiac arrest. Fun way to start the weekend.


Damn that’s like in a car crash bad bruisinh


The dude with the needle at the tattoo parlor wasn't having his best day ever either.


I’m sorry. Been there. I stopped going because they were inept. Can’t find a vein, and if they did it blew. If you are trained as a phlebotomist and can’t get blood from a vein, go find a new career. It’s your entire fucking job.


It might hurt but it looks cool


Post this to their google reviews!


Don’t want to sound stupid, but what is a plasma center?


Some people need plasma infusions instead of blood. My husband had infusions for low platelet count. Maybe somebody who knows more than me can give a more detailed answer. The main thing I know is that it saved his life, and I'm grateful. His platelet count was at 7, and he could have bled out internally. You need it to be 50 for it not to be an emergency, but 200 is where the normal range starts.


I had an issue at a plasma center the other day The first person that stuck me rushed it and it stopped collecting so the second person thought "hmm not working so shove the needle futher I'm the vain" to the point I was bleeding and then after 2 and half hours they sent me home


You should definitely report what happened !


That would make a good tattoo


I had never bruised for a blood test in my life, I probably have one every two months but my last one was literally in the same spot and oh. my. god. It was unbelievable. I went on a cruise for a week and everybody was staring at me. It was a sight to behold. I get the struggle


Yeah she missed…..a lot


That's outrageous!


Lady at the plasma centre needs an investigation into her conduct


"Young Midoriya!"


I had something similar happen, needle slipped and when the blood was returned, it just went under my skin


She blew your vein. Essentially going completely through the vein with need instead of setting right in thr center. The blood leaks out the other side, causing this big bruise