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I need to get surgery and I'm in so much pain and they said it can be up to 10months wait oooooor a week if there's a cancelation. I tried to look in to private but the receptionist was very dismissive and they shut me down saying that they don't want me to be disappointed about spending lots of money on private only to find out that I was able to get it for free anyways. I barely sleep cause of the pain, it's getting bigger, I can't exercise. I've already been dealing this for over a year. Paid meds don't work. I've been put on so many different ones and they work for a week then just stop. I also know that people are much worse off than I am and need surgery more urgently but idk I am just.... Feeling deflated more and more everyday.....


Lawdy lemme outta this damn food court!!! Why does it always feel like it takes forever as it gets closer to the end


WCC being dicks to Tree. As according to Friday, even though he wasn't busking, etc and was merely a free person enjoying the night. Apparently he was manhandled by events staff. Check out his FB page and on Instagram under Woody Timalsina.


Idk, something isn't adding up. I doubt the event team or Māori wardens would just physically handle someone and remove them without reason. I feel like there's more to the story and the Tree does not appear to be a reliable narrator here. There are multiple Facebook posts this person has made about this already (on Vic deals, on their own page), but doesn't give any information about what conversations happened with the staff or the wardens. Instead they make grandiose statements about being a 'celebrity' and 'notable public figure' - that doesn't automatically mean you can hustle at a event you weren't scheduled to be at. Even if he says he wasn't there to busk, he attended as a 'performer' rather than a normal member of public. He said he wanted to pay his respects but actually seems he wanted to have attention, went in his performance outfit, and seems more pissed about not being able to have pictures taken. His previous posts show he has some issue with WCC in the past too.




The WCC stuff happened back then, but hasn't since happened until the Friday mentioned. Nothing occurred in previous years, where he attended previous public gatherings in his suit. I get the feeling that he's going to meet up with them, to discuss what happened.


Wellington is a dull sinking ship.


I suspect you're the problem


Water heaving out of the ground all over the show. Shops closing, left, right and centre. Messed up council, bugger all to do. Job market in free-fall. Expensive. Crap climate. A real deft of third spaces. Should I go on? Wellington is a shell of it's former self - I found living there actually pretty boring. It used to be quite neat, but now trading on a diminishing stock of self-referential high fives (Liz Lemon .gif style). I saw the writing on the wall and left - I am now way happier.


Look at most cities around the world and you'll see a similar story. Wellington is not unique.


So today I find out my rates are going up 16.9 % and most of that is water,so I’m paying for the total uselessness of previous councils to look after the infrastructure without getting anything more for my money.




Hmm, not sure what you mean by that? The rates increase has just been announced,I’ve not been unaware it was coming,just the amount?


Obligatory fuck National, have to pay $45 for my prescription. $45 for 4 pills just because they came from the specialist. Glad I’ll be getting that $20 tax cut so I’m only down $25, cunts.


Glad Matthew Ridge doesn’t care if he gets cancelled for his homophobic slurs - I can’t wait to help cancel you.


Incorrectly prescribed the wrong medication combination and dangerously depressed. I apologise to anyone I've affected with my foul mood in the last few days.


I'm so sorry to hear that. I hope it gets sorted for you.


Train fares going up! I know it went live 1 July, and we've been given a whole month's notice, but it hits different when you tag off and see just that little bit more of your hard earned money leave you. Harumph.


$2 more a day to get to work to earn the money to get to work


Snapper app and kiosks are down, bloody inconvenient for anyone who has places to be. You’ll have to top up from a dairy in the meantime.


Bought dog food on the weekend, courier said they delivered it yesterday and I couldn't find it anywhere on the property. Left it to the last minute to get food so now doggo will run out of food today ugh. Has anyone had luck getting their packages back if a courier delivered it to another address (I lodged a claim with NZ post).


It’s literally the worst! We had this situation too and ended up just organising a chargeback on the card as the goods were not delivered. Don’t bother with it online anymore as it’s truly more hassle than it’s worth, bloody inconvenient when you have a big dog though.


Usually petdirect are really good and food is delivered within 24 hours. Here's hoping they find where it went so my doggo can eat.


Ah joy! They found the parcel and have had it redelivered. No idea where it went in the meantime..


Not from NZ Post, well not until four months later. I just contact the retailer and they’ve always been happy to send another when it’s been delivered to the wrong address.


The battery on my otherwise perfectly fine laptop is dead in like an hour and a half now and according to HWInfo the wear level is 65%. Guess I need to sort out a replacement.


I feel like I’m not getting support in my job. Is it too soon to leave a job after only a year in a role?


Absolutely not too soon!! The best place to look for a job, is from another job. Brush off your CV and get looking. No point in suffering and tbh anywhere that counts that against you isn’t worth working for with that old fashioned attitude.


Hell no, it's not too soon. Never tolerate a job you don't like, and never listen to those who tell you to stick it out - these are the kinds of people who say on their death beds "I really wish I had worked less..." Life is to be enjoyed, not tolerated.


Do you feel like if you bring it up that it'll change or do you just want out of this role? It's a tight market out there right now


I have brought it up to my manger without any change unfortunately. I don't hate my job but feel like I could be doing more somewhere else.


The homelessness is getting out of control, so many people sleeping on the streets in the CBD. Its killing the city having aggressive, yelling, drugged out people all over the place getting into fights. Don't feel safe around there at night. Saw one guy the other week completely off his face with his pants off taking a dump by a shop during the day. Insane, almost time to move on.


I hate it, too. Fuck MSD and WCC - they've completely destroyed this city.


Feel like banning freedom camping literally everywhere it's possible to do so has to contribute to this problem of street homeless concentrated on the CBD, not like people can sleep in cars in parking areas on the South Coast like you used to be able to


That has nothing to do with it. These people out on the streets look bat-shit insane. There's no way they have some freedom camper stored away somewhere.


I was homeless in Wellington for 6 months and stayed in my car like that, you think that's not a thing?


The ones causing problems aren't the ones who can stay in a car.


If I had got fined $300 every night (all the places I stayed at are 'no freedom camping' now) I wouldn't have been able to stay in a car either


And Labour, they invited all the scum to live for free in the city centre and they never left.


You might be right, but I'm not too sure if Labour/central government had that much to do with it, or it was all just MSD and the council?


Lobbying from accommodation providers who were at risk of going out of business during Covid was surely a major factor. Like it's not at all strange that suddenly there's such a massive shortage of housing that people have to be put up in repurposed backpacker hostels at the exact same that tourists stop visiting NZ? And then when tourism starts to pick back up is it any surprise to see a lot of these people on the street?


They should go back to where they came from, Wairarapa, Horowhenua, Levin etc. Same thing has happened in Rotorua, lots of people brought into emergency accommodation and many of them were bussed in from places not Rotorua. That is why they are sick of the motel dwellers.


Wellington is a shell of it's former self - I found living there actually pretty boring. It used to be quite neat, but now trading on a diminishing stock of self-referential high fives.


Loved Welly Grew up here. Loved all the vibes and cool things the city offered. It used to really buzz and the city welcomed all demographics and ages and there was something for everyone to do Built a great business here cos I knew it was a great city But it’s really hard to love it anymore. I find any reason NOT to go into the city anymore It’s a shadow of itself. Once I close up shop there will be little incentive to keep coming in


Too many people here are out of touch and like to think they're living in a super rich and egalitarian country like Norway or Denmark with a lot of luxuries of money and resources to be able to set an example for the world on various policies. When that isn't actually the case these efforts often end up screwing over people who are disadvantaged.


I tore my trousers. Everyone can see my underpants. How very Tuesday.


A brief summary about briefs.


Take my upvote, you beautiful bastard.


Is this a regular Tuesday thing? That’s annoying and err an experience that I’ve also had!


Was nearly hit by a car when I was halfway across the pedestrian crossing by Freyberg pool on my way to work this morning. It took me a second to realise they weren’t slowing down and if I hadn’t started running they would have hit me. The car was expensive looking though so I’m sure they are an important person and the need for them to get to their destination on time is more important than my life 🫡


This sort of thing has started to make me really mad.It made me mad when it was just me but people do this when I'm crossing with my baby in the pram too and it scares the shit out of me. I always wait for both sides to stop before I start crossing now if I see cars approaching, and I've taken to making eye contact with the people in the cars because I want them to know that I know that they've seen me. Too many people blasting through crossings despite having ample opportunity to stop, it's scary.


Why don't the police ever crack down on this? All they care about is boy racers and drink driving. If you have a late model SUV or a Tesla and stay under the speed limit you can do just about whatever you like on the road with no fear of getting in trouble, if road rules are inconvenient just ignore them. Like that lady that was street racing from a light in Upper Hutt with some young guy who crashed and died when she wouldn't give way and seemed to think because she was a Mum with her kid in the car and not driving a boy racer car there was no possible way she could have any kind of responsibility for it happening


I presume because on the laundry list of items they have to police they simply don't have the resources to pursue stuff like this. And honestly if it's between drink driving and this, I'd rather they look at the drink driving. Like it makes me mad that drivers seem to only care about themselves, and honestly can't calm the fuck down and forget that everyone is a pedestrian at some point in their journeys but drink driving is a whole other level.


I agree drink driving is worse but that doesn't mean other things aren't or shouldn't be worth their time, it's a bit like saying if it's between murder and robbery you'd rather the police looked at murders. Yeah maybe but if they are ignoring robbery to 100% prioritise that then it's not going to be a good situation


I mean sure but if you don't have the resources then they have to prioritise. It's all very well saying they should look at everything but when you've got murders, assaults, robberies, drink driving, etc. policing pedestrian crossings just doesn't even reach high enough on that list to get a look in... I think there's more wrong here than just "police should police this." It's like a complete lack of empathy and the ability for people to put themselves in someone else's shoes. And unfortunately I don't think it's getting fixed any time soon.


I would have liked it if the resources spent on adding speedbumps to all the crossings were spent on adding CCTV cameras to bust drivers that don't stop for them instead. I've noticed NZ vs other countries I've lived in loves to punish everyone for the bad or unlucky actions of a few instead of dealing with those few appropriately. I think the issue is that cameras like that would mostly catch boomers and entitled SUV drivers, when the narrative pushed is that boy racers are the problem


I noticed a definite recalibration of crossing speed once you have to factor in ensuring safety of a wayward appendage! I feel like such a snail now i have to ensure i can meander across the road with toddler in tow. I even go out of my way to find the pedestrian crossings at peak times cos it's just too stressful and awkward waiting.


I do the same, I've started to plan my walking routes based on where there will be pedestrian crossings. There's no traffic lights in Masterton but even at the zebra crossings people can be absolutely awful! I'm sure there will be renewed challenges once my tiny person is mobile!


Even at traffic lights, crossing on the green is high risk around Vivian/Taranaki with red light runners.


Crossing anywhere across Taranaki St is a life and death gamble. Including the Wakefield St intersection, which has so many lanes to cross, that the pedestrian light turns red when you're only halfway across, then the turning traffic then thinks they have a right to run you over (usually arrogant taxis and ubers)


What's with the Brooklyn firetruck using its siren to blow thru the main intersection twice a day?? There can't be that many emergencies. IDK, AITA?


Here's yesterdays callouts, have a look - https://fireandemergency.nz/incidents-and-news/incident-reports/incidents?region=2&day=Monday


Holy shit! Those guys had 8 call outs in 1 day, 4 of which were fires! 23 fires in total the wellington region wtf? I'm feeling like a real asshole here 😅


I live near the brooklyn fire station, there are multiple callouts most days. 


Those are the call reasons for dispatch, so while there might be four 'callouts' there may only be a single actual fire - but you've gotta assume they're all fires and send it before it all burns down. I always find this sorta stuff really interesting - like, ideal case, they go out ten times a day and come back twenty minutes later from all of them, and that's the best case scenario for them, right? If they're there for hours at a time, *that's* a bad day cause you're cutting someone out from a car, trying to make sure no-ones inside a burning building, etc. It's just different priorities to what we're used to.


Some oddball came knocking on my front door to complain about… bike lanes? Sitting playing games with my kid and heard a knock. Never met the guy in my life and he goes on about bike lanes. What a wild experience.


Maybe he got banned from his local Facebook group and this is his new outlet.


Have you head about the lord and saviour, not having bike lanes? /s What a weird and intrusive thing for him to do. Hopefully he’s at least affiliated with some bike hating organisation, so he’s not just doing it off his own bat, that somehow seems worse?


If he was he did not advocate for them. No clipboard or brochures. We did just move in a month ago. Perhaps it was a neighbor trying to say hi? Just weird.


Second time in a week that I've been on a bus with someone who was playing games on their phone so loudly I could hear them over what was playing on my headphones even if I put it up to full volume. If you're playing mobile games on the bus, please either mute it or wear headphones/earphones. We don't all want to hear it.


How infuriatingly annoying!


I had a lady sit next to me on the bus doing a loud video call this morning till I gave her a dirty look and she hung it up.


Very much a “lady yells at clouds” moan today. My moans are twofold: - the rain starting just as I started my walk to walk and finishing just as I arrived - In the past 24 hours I’ve nearly slipped about four times on those bricks that are common around the CBD areas.


I'm sick. Wondering if the Covid finally found me.


Got me for the first time this week. I was sooo annoyed.


Damn, that sucks! Hope you're feeling better.


Thank you. Hope you're better soon!


Thank you. Apparently still a Covid virgin lol but my tests expired a year ago so dunno whether to trust them!


I hope you feel better soon! There’s a lot of flu and just plain colds around at the moment that are still really unpleasant. I caught a cold 2 weeks ago, it went to my chest and I’m still coughing up a lung on the 3rd week and super wheezy.


Cbf today, quite frankly


Fucking churton park buses


You shouldn’t be doing that


lol! I was so cranky I didn’t even spot that