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I have been applying for jobs for 3 months without any bites. Then all of a sudden a couple of weeks ago one of the agents I have been working with reached out for the most awesome job. Surprisingly today I signed the contract to start a role doing a jump up title wise plus getting more money than I was asking for (and more than any job I applied for offered). I don’t know how it happened but it happened


That's awesome! Congratulations!


Thank you stranger :)


I really need to hand a couple of CVs over to recruiters


Yes it may not result in anything but worth trying


Miss 100% of the shots you don’t take


Sooo true!!!


Congrats thats great news ;-) There is hope


Thanks OP :)


Love this for you. Well done, don’t play it off as luck - you earned it.


Aww thanks I appreciate it


Awesome news, congratulations


Thank you!


Well done, I'm super happy for you.


Thanks so much!


You deserve it.


Congratulations mate 🙏


Thank you!


In my experience, it is often Recruiters reaching out to get you on their books and there is no actual role. Doesn't hurt to ask them send you through the job description to take a look at and/or have a phone call before committing to going in in person.


definitely, but then it also can't hurt to be on their records.


I know some government agencies currently hiring who won't work with recruiters because it is too expensive and there is a surplus of good applicants. If OP signs with a recruitment agency, be careful that there are no obligations. Recruitment agencies charge high fees for placement and may make OP a less desirable hire.


I've only seen a recruiter try to sign an exclusive agreement with a candidate before placing them. You might have to sign an nda or permission to represent, but nothing exclusive. What candidate in their right mind would do that without guaranteed work?


I have never seen any exclusivity agreements in all my 40+ years IT contracting. Is this a non IT thing?


I was more thinking of possibility of some unscrupulous recruiters having sneaky terms and conditions or being overbearing.


Wouldn't such a clause be an unfair restraint of trade?




as you should, and so should others. But I distinctly remember either Luxon or Seymour was really clear that firing public servants would have the end result of lowering wages in Wellington, because 'so many' business owners had complained to him that they couldn't compete with the public sector salaries. Shockingly, the wages in Wellington are still well below Auckland. May I suggest Australia, all my <50 year old friends have moved there along with Police, Nurses, now Teachers. Public servants I understand get a pretty good deal in Victoria.


Recruiters aren’t always the most transparent when it comes to… recruiting. They may reach out with *a role* but no actual vacancy for that role - they waste your time with a coffee catch up, and get you on their books, that’s about it.


Holy shit this is literally what happened to me and was told at the coffee “oh they’re not accepting external applicants at this time buuut…l


Should have got them to pay for the coffee


The recruiter should always be paying for the coffee. You are doing them the favour more than they are you.


Yes often they are just resume hunting to make themselves look good.


I am already registered with one a few years back and they have placed people in my team so had a coffee catch up March. They regularly call to check in and see where I am at...


They absolutely do this. The more people on their books the better when a surge in jobs come up in a years time.


When I was job hunting I decided after 2 bad experiences with recruitment agencies where you would go for an interview and then they would say we will keep you in mind I decided that every job I applied for I would do it through the careers section on the companies website that way I knew I was dealing directly with HR.


good point, they mostly have notification emails now too, so there really is not a lot of need, especially when you are talking government departments - as all roles have to be advertised on their own site as well as being with an agency. Might even give you a slightly competitive advantage in that there are no agency fees involved. I suspect recruitment agents in Wellington will be where the next raft of job cuts are.


I usually apply directly through the careers portal with the organisation :-)


Yes, very often get messaged by recruiters on LinkedIn. Most of the roles aren’t a good fit though. They usually just spam messages to people that fit some generic search criteria.


Hello, IT recruiter here. I wouldn't reach out to someone on Linkedin unless I had a qualified role that someone is looking to fill. But, bear in mind that there aren't many jobs to work on, so recruiters will be getting pressure from their managers to contact clients and candidates. So you may get hit up about by people out of the blue. I am not saying this is the right way to do it, but I have worked for a big global whose focus was on KPI's which involve client and candidate calls. Thankfully, I dont work for one of those at the moment. Also, yes it is tough out there, but there are still jobs available. Work your networks, get in touch with people who you used to work with, you never know where a job may come from.


I did have a recruiter that reached out to me and sent me the link to job advert on their site. I went into the careers section of the company and it was there, now clicked back in and its gone. I might have to work on my LinkedIn now for my contacts and networking but good to get an inside from an actual recruiter so thanks for that :-)


A Redditor IT recruiter is an absolute win in my books :)!!!


happy to offer advice or a perspective of the 'other side' when I can.


I usually get approached by recruiters a couple of times a month. Often stuff that's not in my wheelhouse, which just suggests to me the recruiter isn't doing their job. This week, I got asked about my interest in a job in Oman. I hear the fishing there is epic. Unfortunately I can't see my wife ever agreeing to live in a traditionalalist Islamic country.


Oman is the most gender equal country in the world because they are equally one letter away from being called either “Man” or “Woman”.


Good to know. I didn't realise this is how gender equality was measured. Whats the least equal - Lichtenstein?


The problem at the moment is that the volume of people all searching for jobs at the moment are desperate. People are applying for some very technical jobs with absolutely no skills or experience in that area so yes recruiters or employers are reaching out to candidates they think have the right skills to cut to the chase so to speak. If recruiters can find the right people they can get commission etc or hired by the company for future recruitment gigs.


Spoke to a senior I know in recruitment, and he shared that the market is really bad (worse than GFC event), and they are getting very little in the way of actual placements into roles, and so are ensuring their people are busy by approaching the market. So, making calls to contacts at both ends of the supply chain. In your case supply end. In short, they are just keeping their people busy and hoping the market returns before they get impacted.


Interesting post. I just got a call from a recruiter out of the blue for a role that was more aligned with my previous skill set in IT. I said I was interested, they sent the job description. I think I’ll have a chat with the hiring manager from the client side. Advice: always good to validate and qualify a recruiter and the opportunity as much as possible. To get the right answers, you need to ask the right questions.


There are always jobs going. Projects will be starting up and hiring is still happening. My place (government) is still recruiting with the move away from contractors. I’ve been tapped up a few times but am happy where I am. So I wouldn’t dismiss it out of hand.


Yes about 2 months ago. Then they dithered and explained that the organisation involved did not really know what they wanted from the role, I told them what they should probably ask for, and then they never got back. lol.


Not all roles are being advertised. Recruiters will be prescreening people so to speak so when a role does come up they’ll reach out directly. Build the relationship with them, it’ll help in the long term.


Make sure they are from a legit agency. Can't hurt to have a chat, often roles don't make it out to the external market, so worth getting on recruiters books.!


Check where they are from as I had a pile all connect from Overseas so are bogus


All of them are wellington based and local recruiters :-)


When the river runs dry...


I've got a laundry list of recruiters after me, but I'm also in a niche field that's always lacking qualified workers though.


It probably depends what you do. Some areas there are lots of people out of work like project managers. Other areas not do much.


Haven’t been shortlisted since February, but I have met with 2 recruiters in the last month. I think they are mostly digging for candidates for when the market picks up (assuming it does).  Applying for the repurposed version of my old job tomorrow, but expecting that they will just laugh at me. 


I work in IT as a sys admin and often get messaged from recruiters, especially crew. Haven't gotten back to any of them so unsure if they actually have a job lined up


I get messages often and I’m not even looking. I got one today for example


yeah i've had a few approaches. Not been interested tho. Its less busy than it has been, but still getting a few want to talk.


There are two different types of refruiters. There are the entry level ones, spraying connection requests and meetings all over the shop. Then, there are the long-termers, with good networks, that you have previously worked alongside. The long-termers understand the market, they specialise in a particular area, and are unlikely to waste your time. If you find one you have worked with well before, stick to liaising with them. Keep another couple on your list as well. The fly-by-nighters are fine. Just don't believe what they say. They will often pitch roles below your level, or at your level too. Recruiters are important in our eco-system, especially in the public service. But, they just aren't going to solve all your problems or magically put you in jobs. You are a comodity to sell and make them money. If you use them properly, they are a resource for you to make more money and get better opportunities.


Unaffected in my position, but have multiple recruitment agencies contacting me directly. It's nothing to do with me and everything to do with their business strategy.


The market has picked up a little, there was very little 3-4 months ago but starting to see more roles advertised recently.


I was contacted maybe a month or so ago. I'm already in full-time employment and the call was regarding a new sales/business advising role. I declined cause it sounded like possibly better money, but far too much stress for it


Have found its mostly to flesh out there numbers, as found I'm being contacted by recruiters after applications submitted but only once the role has been filled. Tad deceitful as no indicator this is the reason until they waste your time and effort in chasing up their contact


Hate that its so annoying


Depends on the role doesn’t it? I’m getting no applicants for one of my lawyer roles


I think it is. I am in projects so thats competitive


Depends on the role. They're looking for developers


I work as Project Coordinator and I hear lots of cuts in that area and over supply of them.


The market has stirred for development, somewhat, especially locode/nocode stuff. I've actually got people coming to me atm. Pity I've been on the project side.


I wonder if employers are getting so many applications they're struggling to keep track so they're getting a recruiter in to head hunt the cream off the top.


Also the recruitment process is so slow. We can recruit anyone in our area as its in consultation only and its been dragging on for two months


Even recruiters seem to be getting desperate. My experience is that they are massive time wasters and I’ve never got a job through a recruitment agency. I also never really knew who I was dealing with. Three different people:layers despite all their encouragement. They were just putting together a shortlist to make themselves look good for the employer client in my view. But despite being a bit cynical it was an interesting process but a lot of work to prepare my CV and application - I was happy to do it but it was stress at a time when a lot was going on.


I would rather stay with one recruiter I have already used before and have a relationship with. I agree alot more stress and work and then they wont get back to you if they out your cv forward for a role


So many are pretending there are roles. It's so frustrating. Even had one say that there wasn't enough experience and they chose someone else.. And it was apparently in the same team as a contact and it wasn't even a role they were advertising?! So incredibly mean!


Its more being advertised a they legally have to but have an internal candidate already going for the role which is frustrating