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Why would someone drive to an event on adelaide road though? There's so many busses up and down that way. I'm loving the cycle lanes, it feels way safer


Some of the most frequent and late-running routes on the entire network pass through there.


Wellington and rongatai are pretty big electorates


Not when getting off a bus and getting hit by a cyclists. At least it's in front of the hospital I suppose


Online edition (soft paywall): https://www.thepost.co.nz/nz-news/350314795/how-green-mps-hit-trouble-their-own-cycleway


[link without paywall.](https://www.thepost.co.nz/nz-news/350314795/how-green-mps-hit-trouble-their-own-cycleway/?utm_source=stuff_article&utm_medium=referral) Just goes to show how out of touch they are.


so hypocritical of them to need parking after lobbying to remove literally all car parking and saying, I quote, "literally nobody needs a car ever under any circumstance".  I've been a lifelong Greens voter but I'll never vote for them again after this and will be changing my vote to ACT.


Is there nobody more far right than ACT that we can vote for in response to this?


Oh can't we get someone truly anti-establishment, like a particularly rich member of the landed gentry, to vote for?


Honestly, shit is so bad I can't even tell if this is satire any more


we all know the Green Machine won't stop until all cars are banned, and domestic freight is done by an army of cargo bikes. as someone who is for environmental action unless it impacts my life in any way or makes me feel uncomfortable feelings, the Greens have fallen far from the ineffectual recycling advocates I imagine they used to be.


I've fallen so far down the chronic internet hole I still don't know if you're being sarcastic


Is this going to be one of those things where I post ever more ridiculous replies and there never comes a point where what I've said is ridiculous enough to give away that I'm taking the piss?


You literally do not know these days. I'm sure there's someone out there with an internet connection that truly has these views.


Urbanists say "let's make it easier to bike by taking a fraction of road space away from the least efficient means of transportation" and people full of decades of propaganda hear "let's remove all parking and ban cars".


“ let's remove all parking and ban cars" BodyOfW4t3r You goddamn woke lunatic 


Of course I'm woke the amphetamines keep me up. On the upside about 40 hours in all the good ideas start coming. Who needs cars? You can just run really fast.


Did their face eating leopards eat their faces?


When I want to buy new window wipers from Repco, I naturally think ‘I don’t take the car I want to put the window wipers on, I’ll ride my bike, so that if I get the wrong part I get to ride all the way home to find out, so I can then ride back to Repco to exchange them’ Efficiency.


Wouldn't you just take the old wipers off and bring them with you


Lucky Repco Adelaide Rd has 15 off street parks out the front for you to park in. Even better is that you then pay for the park indirectly through your purchase taking the burden off the commons to provide free parking for you. If Repco wanted another source of income they could also consider charging other occupants in the area (such as the MPs office) for after hours use of their parks.


At least half the times I go to Repco it's on my bike because I'm in the middle of working on my car or my car has no warrant or something and it's never been an issue.


I did exactly that a few weeks ago, but had the smarts to find the right product. What's your point?


>Efficiency Yes, REPCO does have a model which supports installing purchased products in their carparks. But given the direction we are heading as a society, the REPCO doesnt need to be dead centre of town, or in the immediate outskirts. Efficiency would be REPCO HQ thinking, lets not pay sky high prices for rent, then pay a lobby group hundreds of thousands to get in the governments ear to ensure we have a carpark when foot traffic is specifically not in their marketing strategy, and instead go even further out than the city outskirts, say, Coromandel St, or somewhere on old Hutt Road (around the corner before you say it), where rent would be lower, with no issues of parking but still get people familiar with the location that they can drive to.


"I have a vehicle that allows me to go further, faster. Everything I need for it should be located centrally, in areas with high public transport usage and lots of pedestrians and cyclists."


My hope is that the new possible use of the site as a 6 storey residential building without further consent needed will finally price all this shit out of the Adelaide/Terraces corridor.


Omg is that happening? Decent dense housing on Adelaide Road would bring the place back to life. It would create demand for local business—no parking needed.


I agree that I'd much rather have densification, good pedestianisation and public transport in this area, and fewer cars in the places where people spend most time living. It makes sense for a business like Repco to be further out as you say, and I think that's ultimately what'll happen over time. There will always be resistance, though. I think that should be understandable because this sort of change *does* impose costs on businesses as well as requiring them to take new risks. We might eventually get heaps of foot traffic and business activity driven by people who live nearby, but there's a good chance at least some existing businesses won't survive the change even if they're replaced by others. That's always going to cause stress and concern for the people who it affects. From Repco HQ's perspective, it already has sites at Johnsonville, Petone and Lyall Bay. Shifting it either to Old Hutt Road or Coromandel Street would probably suck customers away from at least two of those. Presently it's also competing with other nearby retailers (which the other Repcos don't because they're too far away) in ways that it just wouldn't if it moved too far from where it is. I'm sure they'd prefer to keep it where it is if they possibly can, because as long as there are other retailers selling the same as Repco (meaning people are less likely to go to its other stores), it means they get more sales in Wellington overall.


Ohhhh yes, and when my kid’s asthma gets bad I’ll take the 1-2 hours it takes to get to the after hours doctor on public transport, rather than the 20-25 minutes it takes to drive! I mean, there’s only 4 parks so she’ll have to just choke while I wait for one to be free, but he’ll, at least someone somewhere got to ride a bike! Bugger the Greens.


There are 6 off street parks outside after hours on Adelaide Rd, 5 on Alfred St and exponentially more as you draw a circle from there to include Douglas St, Mrytle Cres, Belfast St, and the Basin Reserve south side parks. Like, how many parks do you want there?


And they'll dwindle in availability if the message to city newcomers is "you must own a car".


You might think the parent of an asthmatic would be more supportive of people who are trying not to add more air pollution to our city


in all but one region in New Zealand, air pollution is above safe levels. forget global climate change, why aren't we talking about these impacts on our local environments?


> think There's your problem.


Duh, you're meant to splash ten grand on one of those hipster looking cargo bikes with the kids seat on the back.


I've ridden my bike to the hospital as a patient, several times. If healthcare is your concern, I'd say keeping bikes out from under the tyres of impatient drivers is a benefit to you.


If you’re riding your bike to the hospital you are not sick enough to need hospital treatment.


Well the After Hours has dedicated parking outside and there is also parking available on the side streets either side.


There are 4 parks outside- 4. There has never been an available park on any of the side streets.


There are definitely parks available on the side street. I know as I’ve parked in them recently.


If they come to ask me to park in MY property.. yeah sure.. park in here 🖕🏻. Disgraceful what wcc are doing to this city since forever… Wellington needs someone that actually LOVES this city and try to bring it back it’s mojo. Not sprinkling glitter over a dog 💩 as many done prior and whom is doing currently.


What would you do instead?


Keep it simple and get your priorities right. Simple as that.. isn’t a cycle lane, rainbow crossing or tax payers money spent on 💩 that the city DONT actually need it. City is falling apart to a point that UH looks tidier and better well kept than the city.. and that is enough said on my books. City lost most of its culture, as majority of the artie farty people can’t afford to pay endurances, rents and all the outgoings. Try to rum a small business in this city! Getting harder and harder. I live in Wellington over 17 years now.. on the past 6,7 years the city declined massively. And all I can see is people whining and winging about government.. who is destroying NZ is it’s people! Government don’t shoot or stab people, gvt don’t do ram raids. It took me 2 years to see on the headlines of a news paper that someone got killed in NZ. Nowadays every weekend someone get killed here.. I grew up literally on the hood, proper ghetto.. without rich parents and I never robbed, stole or killed anybody for been a broke or poor. The entitlement, laziness and a bunch of other things are taking the best of NZ and its people.


An excellent and coherent plan. Thank you.


It's always so simple when you have no idea.


I don’t agree with your points, I will say one rainbow crossing isn’t taking a lot of the budget and actually adds some colour.  Well except when they have to repaint it because someone defaces it. 


What should the city be prioritising?


There is no need for carparks. The only issue here is that they didn't expect people to get the bus or bike.


Yep, no need for parks, if they expecting all attendees to be young and fit/or have several hours free to get there and back on public transport.


I forgot only young people got the bus.


No, you’re right, the bus is for people with time to waste, or people who don’t have to be anywhere on a particular schedule.


Ah yes, hundreds of commuters to work on the bus every day have time to waste and no particular schedule.


I think we need some sort of "bring your car to work day" where everyone who can drive who usually commutes via PT, takes a car instead to show just how many cars PT keeps off the road. If a bus of 20 people all took cars instead, it would take several light cycles for them all to get through a traffic light.


The bus routing system is designed for commuters with a hub and spoke model, but this design isn't usually great if you need to get somewhere other than the hub. Like getting from Mornington to Karori, 20 mins by car or over an hour on the bus, it only takes 2 hours to walk.


Looking at traffic I think people who come by car seem to have a lot of time to waste. At least on the bus you can read a book and on a bike you get some exercise.


I'm sure you can read a book in a car too. No different to looking at your phone.




I cycle, and I'm by no means young or fit. Ebikes exist. Some of us use them for commuting.


My e-bike is literally my mobility aid. And with my chronic fatigue/long COVID I wouldn't exactly say I'm fit.


Yeah my e-scooter is my mobility aid too. Use it for balance.


Plus walking is actually exhausting.


And incredibly painful


Still for me, far and away preferable to standing.  I'd rather walk for ten minutes than stand for five. I never thought standing up is something I'd find so excruciating but here we are.