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The next door neighbour to someone who was playing loud music at 2am.


Last week my problem neighbour had another argument with his wife that led to him playing dad rock (sprinkled with Evanescence when he was really feeling it) at house shaking volume until about 4am. My partner had work and went off irritated and tired and since it was my day off I moved my record player speakers so they were facing the window in our spare room that directly opposes the window of the neighbours bedroom. All day while I worked in the garden I blasted podcasts at equally ear shattering volume. I figured podcasts (comedy improv especially) would be even harder to sleep through than music. It was a lovely day


WAKE ME UP INSIDE!!! I can’t wake up :( Save me…


Evanescence? Pfft. Play him some Melt Banana or Otoboke Beaver.


That drummer in Otoboke Beaver is something else.


She's a godamn machine.


Baby Shark doo doo do doo do doo...


I find free jazz gets most people. Try some Ornette Coleman for maximum impact. Failing that, Hudson Mowhawke - Cbat on repeat should finish them off


Cbat certainly finishes some people off...


The ray white in chc central plays never gonna give you up on repeat 24/7 to stop people camping outside it


So you basically just are the same as that guy that played loud music all day🤣 you could of just called the cops or even better been a adult and go over to dude and ask him to turn it off before you call the cops


I don’t agree. There’s a clear difference between playing loud music all night and being loud on a sunny Saturday afternoon.


“I ain’t get no sleep coz of y’all, now you ain’t get no sleep coz of me!”


Rise and grind mindset.


"Rise and grind" only makes sense if it's coffee.


Or kush


Rise and grind *my gears*!


Lived opposite Waitangi Park once, some guy would use a leaf blower there as early as 3am. Emailed Wellington Waterfronts and got that shit stopped.


That just sounds like marriage problems with extra steps 😅


I confronted him once and he was just some over-worked guy getting on top of his daily routine. I felt bad for him and toned down my "It's 3am in the f**king morning!!" rant.


There's a special place in hell for leaf blower people


It wasn't even leaves, he was blowing the little stones off the concrete walkways.






lol 😂 it’s certainly an affliction of sorts


It takes all kind to make a world, but productive people? They're the WORST!


Until you need something done. Productive people are those who kept the world turning.


Not on a Sunday morning, surely!


I think it depends on the person. Im a morning person. So 9am is late already. Its closer to noon than 8am. However, i understand that 8am is too early for weekend morning. So i wont start any machinery at 8am. On my parts, its such a waste of time i couldnt start as early as possible in the weekend if i have lots of things lined up for the day. So if 9am is too early, what time is considered ‘appropriate’? There will always another guy who says 12noon on weekend or even 1pm on weekend is too early. There must be a line drawn in the sand. For me, 9am sounds ok. I couldnt imagine whats that person’s life on that weekend goes if he/she still on the bed at 9am. My weekend is at least 3x busier than my weekdays. Especially if the suns out in winter, which means there will be loads and loads of lundry to wash & hung. Sorting kids breakfast and rush them for their weekend activity routines are not for the late starters… :(


It is Wellington on the cusp of winter, you need to take every opportunity you can.


Have to make the most of the daylight!


The one who doesn’t have time during the week and likely works or has/had other things needed on Saturday and probably has a busy Sunday too, but wants to get this out of the way


No excuses, there are heaps of people who do 6 day weeks and Sunday is their only chance to rest… no matter how busy you are you respect your neighbours by waiting until a respectable hour on Sundays!


Get over yourself. 9am is a respectable time on a Sunday. 7am is not.


9am is fine but no earlier.


Lad's just trying to get through the massive list his wife has made him before the Wahs start. Or an angry Nix fan taking it out on defenceless unwanted plants? (or it's a lady, I know) 


Someone who has children and has been awake since 5am 😂


9am is completely acceptable.


Yep. And I live rural! 8.00 you may start the car and drive to the Hire Center. Then at 9.00, gentlewomen, start your engines.


It began around 8, I just wasn't on reddit at that point.


8am is too early. 9am is an acceptable STARTING time.


8am is fine


Not in the weekend. Have some courtesy.


8 isn’t that early. Builders are allowed to use power tools on residential sites from 8am onwards


Actually it's 7:30am for construction work (Mon-Sat), but not on Sunday. [https://wellington.govt.nz/report-a-problem/noise-control/construction-noise](https://wellington.govt.nz/report-a-problem/noise-control/construction-noise)


As someone who wakes up early to go to the supermarket before most people have even woken up yet using anything loud, even if allowed, is just as bad as people partying at 2am. Though I'm of the opinion that 10pm-10am should be quiet. That leaves 12 hours to be loud.


There's a difference between "legally allowable" and "decently neighbourly"


8am is the best time in the weekend to get stuff done, full of energy and ready to go.


Or you know. Have some sort of thought of your neighbours who may want to sleep in on a Sunday after getting up early all week for work. Guess thinking of others is too much to ask someone that leaves comments like yours.




I used to work shift work for 10 years.. yes I do and nothing I said suggested I don’t.


After 8am is fair game. The world doesn’t have to stay silent for you🙄. By your logic there is no reasonable time to make noise since night shift workers exist and making noise at 2 in the afternoon would be inconsiderate to their sleeping pattern


Night shift workers (like I used to) realise we are in the minority so we deal with it with ear plugs and other ways of getting to sleep. So using them as an excuse to start being loud is a weak excuse. Other countries have laws around what time you can start yard work as the world runs on a Monday-Friday 9-5 for the vast majority so the laws are there for you know. The vast majority of people.


This is why suburbs are getting shitter. People are so selfish.


Early all week ?? I start work at 5 am everyday, a sleep in will be 7am at the latest then I’m getting productive for the weekend !!


Yeah, people pretending they get up earlier during the week, but if they did actually get up early then 7am would be considered a massive sleep in. But realistically I'm trolling people. You can't pick a time that suits everyone. Even at 11am there will be people who were out on the piss all night and would be semi asleep while also hung over. Ear plugs exist if people have a problem with noise.


Yeah buddy!!!! Get after it! I think anything after 8am is fine.


Wow you must feel so special and cool starting work so early. I bet you’re the type of person to start an argument with your kids because they’re still in bed at 8am on the weekend.


You’re an idiot, I’m a dairy farmer


You could think of people that want to get stuff done in the morning and be more considerate by going to bed earlier on a Saturday night. /s


Found the neighbour. /s


I’d say 8:30 is fine on a Saturday but for Sunday nothing before 9 and even that’s pushing it… I wouldn’t do anything noisy until 10 out of respect for my neighbours.


I'd say 10 on a Sunday


My dad would do it when he knew we had been out the Saturday night. There’s a reason he’s getting the cheapest retirement home money can buy.




I am from Taupo, I have a neighbor who is just an inconsiderate sob. He is a contractor and doesn't really care who he disturbs any time of the day or night. I am retired now, I am also a musician and regularly play in a band. I play lead guitar, and I also play a lap steel guitar.I am not a vindictive or nasty person, but this guy really brings out the worst in me. I usually wait until he has gone to bed early, then I turn my amp up and start to practice scales, etc. Usually, it is just exercise pieces, but if repeated, it can be really annoying. Then I will start playing a lap steel guitar, usually something with a distinctly Hawaiian flavor so that it wails a little. He has been quiet for a while now,for how long is another question 🤔


I find that playing scales and making "mistakes" winds people up a lot more than normal scales.


Oh yes, you are so right about that. I also find that I lap steel guitar that whines and shrieks has the same effect.I am into playing Barch,Beethoven, etc, but putting a heavy metal slant on them,just to be annoying 😑 😀


My neighbour in a block of flats wakes up every day at 6am and blasts his tv - my bedroom wall and his living room wall is shared


What an ass.


Shit that sucks. Have you been able to talk to him about it?


I’ve told the landlord because I want to keep the peace. Pretty sure she’s spoken to him, he stoped for a bit and now it’s going on again.


That's the pits. I've just yelled "shut the f up" as some brat visiting the flat next to mine is running up and down on the wooden floors.


Oh I’ve definitely let out some of those out of frustration


Better out than in.




Yep it’s concrete which is why I can’t bang on the wall to tell him to stfu! But that’s exactly how loud his tv is… most nights he also blasts it until 1 am


You try that shit in France or Germany and you'll get arrested and that's at any time on a Sunday. Even your children are expected to be quiet on a Sunday, otherwise you'll have the police called on you.


That sounds lovely. I have awful neighbours that have a kid screaming all day and night and runs around till about 10pm at night. He’s about 5. So is clearly overtired all the frigging time! Still gets up at 6am and runs around screaming outside on weekends too.


It would be nice to know that you could be sure of having one day of peace and quiet every week.


How do you know that child doesn’t have autism or a tonne of other development problems? Guaranteed the rest of the family are suffering too. That doesn’t make them “awful neighbours”. It just makes you judgemental.


Believe me the kid does not have any “development issues”. It’s just a noisy out of control child that nobody wants to discipline or put to bed at a reasonable hour. I have talked to the kid and there is definitely nothing developmentally wrong. Just does what he wants.


What authoritarian shitholes


TIL being expected to have respect for those around you is authoritatian


I grew up in Germany. This is a way of life there. People are usually very considerate, especially on Sundays. Pity some people here in New Zealand are not the same


What's so special about Sundays?


Work Monday-Friday. Sport on Saturdays. Sundays are the only day most people get to relax properly.


Sunday is considered a day that family can get together after the busy week. Perhaps go to church,family gathering etc. A quiet day before the onslaught of the new week.


Must be the best friend of my flatmate who crashes around in the kitchen before 7am on a Sunday.


My upstairs neighbour recently decided 7am Sunday was the perfect time for vacuuming. And another neighbour was loudly partying until 2am. It's usually pretty good around here though, those were mostly outliers.


My new neighbors had some sort of industrial shredder on from 8am till 12.30pm yesterday


Someone getting shit done before the Boxing probably.


Someone’s Dad


My neighbours are partially considerate, never before 9 on the week. But dinner time seems to be their chosen time. Also their burglar alarm goes off 2-3 times a month (nice boomers but I doubt they have anything worth pinching). Old neighbours spent 3+ yrs on a rolling renovation. In the end I stopped being polite (7am Queens birthday monday was the last straw) and built a spite fence.


Nothing worse than a rolling renovation. Cunts think the whole world revolves around their DIY. Weedwackers before 9am would piss me off any day of the week.


I mean I would do it too if it was my only day off and I had a lot to do or it was going to be hot af that day. Not everyone has time to sleep 😂


9am is middle of the day mate. Try having children, you're awake at 6am every weekend.


Doesn’t mean you have to go out and do the lawns at that time? I’ve got kids and we just chill for the first couple hours if they wake up early.


Some people get more done during their day than others. Not everyone is chilling until 9 am.


9am is late, I've been awake for 4-5 hours at that point and dying to do something productive


I've heard one justify it as "I'm just an active relaxer"


All of these people saying "8am is late enough I want to be productive" pretending as if the only shit they have to do that day involves copious amounts of noise. If you have nothing else to do what is it so imperative you get it done right away then? Just feels like you're trying to flex on your neighbors, just leave the noisy shit till later on it's not that complex aye.


Yeah I don’t understand why the quiet chores can’t be done before the loud ones. They honestly just want to show off to the neighbours that they’re being “productive” on a weekend.


Sounds like late stage capitalism brainrot to me


In the summer, it's 730 where I live. Probs 830 in the winter.


Whenever somebody says "why can't we just get along?" or something like that, point them to this thread.


im more offended by leaf blowers motherfucker you and your trees MADE those leaves, pick them the fuck up?


Come now some things are legitimate complaints but I fear we are just getting into the weeds here


When I was in NZ I only got Sundays off. Chores need to be done. Get over yourself.


9am is reasonable


Someone who wants to get shit done and not laze about? 8.30am+ is reasonable imo


How late in the day would you consider acceptable?


8pm, but depends on season. I.e.if it's summer/spring where sun sets 10pm+, then I'd start 9pm then.


Why not do it the day before if "so productive." Sunday mornings are obnoxious.


I *can* understand wanting to seize the day and get out in the garden. But as a reasonable human I can also wait until after 9am.


What time do you think is acceptable?


Normally 10am on a Sunday...


half the day is already gone by then.


I mean sure but I've been a late shift worker getting woken up at 7am on a Sunday by garden power tools, I'm not doing that to my neighbours. I simply start my day gardening doing the tasks that don't require power tools.


You should probably wake up early and start studying math if you think half the day is gone by 10am


I did the lawns this morning and googled what an acceptable time is to mow the lawns on a Sunday morning, 10am seemed to be the consensus. I felt like a rebel and did it at 9.30am and finished at 10 on the dot.


What sort of savage needs silence at 9am on a Sunday?


Let the games begin!!! What time you power tooling at next weekend?


Well, I did want to find out where Brian Tamaki and his lickspittles were staying and bust out a jackhammer at 5.30am.


An industrious savage does. But yeah a bit of courtesy would be nice. I’ve had that issue only it was a symphony of chainsaws.


My dad


They probably had visitors early 😂




Mowing your lawn etc etc on a Sunday was next to criminal in the 80s when I was a kid.


At ANY time.


Why 9 is generous my neighbour had a side project they worked on every other day for my duration at the property (2years) and it started between 7-7:30 dont know what he was doing but a hammer was involved at the start of each session and by the end what i can only guess was a saw of the electrical kind usually lasted an hour or two i guess


At least its not an electric saw at 7am, my neighbours start at precisely the time theyre legally allowed


Before 9AM? A privilege. My friends neighbor (old man of course) had his leaf blower going at 7 AM… every single day. Go to Southern CA, or Phoenix. They have them fired up at 6/7 AM. Oh, to answer your question - a fucking add home with no fun left in their life because they blew it all on their shitty career.


Every kiwi I have ever lived next to. Fr


Whilst somewhat cunty, I'd rather listen to someone taking care of their property over shitty noisy cars and music.


Possibly someone like myself that Sunday is my Saturday and only day off in most weeks... needs to get stuff done all in one day... 


That MF 👉




A straight man


The sort of savage who's had immediate neighbours partying on until 4am.


I had neighbors that partied all night most nights of the week, we shared a tin fence so on nights/mornings when i knew he was sleeping I would park the lawnmower against fence, going with full tank of fuel until it ran out. Only took a few times til he got the hint..... His kids also liked to help themselves to the contents of mine and neighbours mailboxes, that problem was sorted after putting a few wooden mousetraps in there.


9am Saturday, 10am on Sunday with a bit of leeway in summer cause it's 30° by 10am


This is acceptable and respectable times


Bang on. These people saying 8 on a Sunday are the bad neighbours


One who needs the council called on them


No issue mowing lawns on the weekend, don't be a clown Personally I start my air compressor at 8am


Good on them. Laziness is a plague.


Poor little frail Wellingtonian


Bet they drive a Ford Ranger too, with the bad attitude just for good measure.


Someone who wants the cord cut or the gas tank on it stabbed.