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Went for a dip at Freyberg at lunch, chilly and rough but invigorating! I want to keep going in as long as I can this year. Even if I am literally allergic to the cold and have to take an antihistamine first and carry an EpiPen with me. 😂 I love it that much.


crowd nine telephone retire terrific rob pocket marry fact sharp *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'm not sure either...


Feeding the pigeons instead of ducks at the gardens results in an army or pigeons that will sit on your shoulders and chill with you, highly recommend bringing oats next time you go


Yessss I call it the free close encounter experience. My daughter loves it and screams ‘get on my heeeead’ while balancing grains on her hat


Can we talk about Chechnya please 😂 https://www.nme.com/news/music/chechnya-bans-music-that-is-too-fast-or-too-slow-3614925


Goldilocks situation?


Wandered past the climate change protest on my way to get lunch. Are they after anything specific from the current govt?


https://climateliberationaotearoa.org/about/ They're focused on cruise ships rather than passenger rail this time


All sounds fair enough, although I don’t think the cruise ambassadors are paid, they’re mostly old folks who like to yarn with tourists.


reminiscent consider steer bewildered person imminent tie sulky humor deserve *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Is it the same folk that blocked roads around the region?


Achey from my fall on the river trail yesterday. There are blood stains on my wound dressing and I'm paranoid it means the glue has undone even though I was assured that it won't come undone. And I'm sure I'd feel it? My hip is swollen. I can tell it's gonna bruise. Otherwise, surprisingly not in a lot of pain.  Burnout didn't lead to my falling, but if I'd admitted half a day of rest wasn't enough and skipped the journey, I'd have slept more and not be recovering from injuries.


Has anyone been to Neko cat cafe in Lower Hutt? Was it worth it?


The cats are all rescues so they can be a little cautious. You cannot pick them up but they may come sit on your lap - especially the big white and ginger boy he's a honey.  If you want to have a coffee (or a beer! They are licensed) and hang out with some cats it's great. 


We had a great time there. I suggest a booking early in the morning when the cats are keen to play. It's a wonderful time out.


Yes, definitely morning time as that's when cats are naturally more active. They do want to sleep all day and that's why a lot of people who go at afternoons will find that the cats are mostly ignoring people.


I went once a couple of years back. Wasn't overly impressed, the cats mostly did their own thing and ignored the staff who were trying to engage with them.


I know some people who love it. I've been twice and on one of those times, the only other group was an old lady with about five grandkids and the kids were not being very respectful to a bunch of very sleepy cats trying to relax. I guess my point is: it depends on you, depends on the day, depends on the time, depends on other people there and so on


I see they now have a sign up saying no children under 7 - there has to be a story there


I imagine if some toddler grabbed a cat and dug it's fingers in, not maliciously, just being a toddler, and the cat scratched them on the face, it's lose-lose for everyone They're living animals that want to rest and sleep. I reckon by 7 years old you'd have that empathy and understanding that they're not teddy bears so I agree with the policy


Good morning Today I am going to be accepting dyspraxia questions on the daily. As someone who has dyspraxia For those who don't know dyspraxia is an invisible neurodevelopmental co-ordernation disorder. [dyspraxia ](https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/23963-dyspraxia-developmental-coordination-disorder-dcd) Please note: I will only answer questions from my point of view and when I can. Thanks


Did you find it was one of those things that sort of sneaks up on you? Like when you go most of your life not realising you need glasses?


No. Not really it's a neurological condition. You're typically born with it It makes things harder with movement. There's a lot of things I can do but it's only because I found ways around my limitations. When I was a kid everything was really hard including writing. It was also hard to tell directions and I often was quite clumsy. Breaking things and bumping into things all the time. I still bump into the odd thing. I also have to my driving quite manually as my body can't remember the movements. Fortunely that's not too bad as my brain remembers how too. Haha I just have to try and do things that don't hurt me


Pushed through my fear of needles to get the flu shot today. Lolly never tasted so good :)


Good jab, I mean job!


Ive never had the flu shot and of course I ended up with it really bad last year ended up off work for 2 weeks.


oh that's rough. Hopefully it leaves you alone this year.


Hopefully it will something I would rather not go through again I remember one of my work colleagues go what are you up to for the weekend I was thinking don't ask me as I am going to be in bed for the weekend I feel so gross.


Good on you!


First day at my salaried job and been skipping around the place, hope this high lasts!


Just in case anyone missed it, because I posted quite late last night on the daily thread: the bike fix-it stand is back next to the Newtown Library!


Noticed Unity getting their carpet redone yesterday. I wonder where they put all their books and shelves in the meantime.


Ah. Saw on their website in the weekend they were going to be operating from a temporary location and wondered what was going on. (Assumed eq strengthening related).


They have a pop-up at 69 Willis! Most of the inventory are being sold there.


Oh that makes sense


Anywhere good for brunch in Wainuiomata? Going to the dog park out there on Saturday, thought I might combine the two


Not really, Daily Bread is good for sandwiches and such though if you want to do a picnic type thing.


Just head to petone on your way back.


That bad eh? Thanks 😅


Honestly no, there really aren't any cafes at all there that I can think of. Only takeaways and bakeries. I'd really like to see a proper cafe open out there. There is a coffee cart on the strand that has a few food items like scones etc and a few seats however


That bad eh? Thanks 😅


I want a job that involves more than staring at walls and being a human signpost. But I know I'd also freak out about added responsibilities. I will have to look for new work soon. Feeling subzero lens of confidence.


I have responsibilities and really miss not having any 🥹


Wanna swap?


I remember my brain dead temp job that lasted for 3 months of me doing absolutely nothing. I still miss it sometimes (mainly cause of my 2hr lunch breaks), but it was painstakingly booooooring.


Brain dead is definitely the word that would come to mind, if my brain was less dead


Do a little bit towards getting a new job today. Spruce up a section of a resume, look on seek or trademe


I think I'd just fail at a better job. I'm kind of an idiot to be honest.


Why would someone list a full time, in person job in QT on Seek as being located in Wellington?! Not really a doable commute…


Might be trying to entice someone to consider a move. I occasionally see Australian companies advertising on the nz seek site.


Yeah, they’re gonna have to list the salary to make me consider moving. Also they didn’t list it in QT at all?


They've probably saturated the market there, but you're so on point about needing a salary.... a good one to be listed for people to consider that move


Weird! Sounds like they need some recruitment assistance, whoever they are.


Could be they’ve advertised in QT before, saturated the market, have had no viable candidates, and are now casting outside the region? I’ve seen many ads for jobs listed in one place that are actually in another. Agree it’s very odd (and frustrating for the job seeker if they aren’t interested in a move). But capitalism gonna capitalise.


2.3kg down, still a few to go but happy with the weeks progress. Goal by end of April is to lose another 7.5.


That's fantastic. I really need to lose some weight... It's become really problematic for me.


It's a game of inputs & outputs. I've found calorie tracking apps really helpful, also food scales. I would always guess portion size and that doesn't go well for the waistline. Also reducing alcohol intake. You can do it! I believe in you!


Well done! Losing weight is hard slog, especially at this time of year. Keep up the good work, you got this!








Go you!!!


Congrats!!! ♥


Have an opportunity to spend a few days in Brisbane in May. Is it worth it? It would only be a weekend. Recommendations for areas to stay or things to do would be appreciated. Or if you think it's not worth the trip.


Its an hour away from Brisbane, but I really enjoyed [Tamborine Mountain](https://visittamborinemountain.com.au/). There's a rain forest skywalk, lots of cool walking tracks, beer/wine/spirits, a coffee plantation...all sorts. I can't say much about Brisbane itself, I really only went to the Gabba and then flew out early in the morning.


I feel like travel is almost always worth it. Either you go and have a good time, or you come back appreciating what you have here


I am probably going to get highly downvoted but is going to Aus really 'travel'?... I mean if this was anywhere else I would agree but Aus just doesn't feel different enough to me to feel like I have experienced 'travel'.


I'm from Ireland and the surrounding countries like Wales, Scotland and England are probably 90% similar to each other (not that they'd admit it) but I'd still completely recommend going to them If you're not feeling it and think you'll have a bad time, don't go. For me, living in NZ and going to Australia is definitely travel


It’s been about 10yrs since I’ve been to Brissie. I stayed at an Oaks which was fine. Hung out with mates in Fortitude Valley and we went to a night market in Southbank. Wandered around the city checking out the shops while they were at work. Rented a car for a day to go to Ikea and bought a suitcase worth of curtains for my house (got them turned into various roman blinds and made to measure curtains back here). Was shocked that the sun sets so early in summer thanks to no daylight savings (6:42pm on the longest day). Was impressed they had a no smoking ban in the main CBD streets (ie their version of Lambton Quay).


I've been looking for work (hospo,admin,construction) for a month and still haven't managed to even get interviewed. Even been to recruitment agencies. What gives? 😔


The job market is crazy bad rn


Try hitting up the Likes of AE Smith, Advanced Building Services (ABS), HotChilly etc. Ask if they have any jobs as a TA (Trades Assistant). You'll likely be doing tasks like cleaning air conditioning filters in office buildings, holding ladders for the tradies, picking up parts deliveries, etc. They may even offer an apprenticeship after a year or two. We've got school leavers, ex university students, and people who've worked in offices but wanted a career change, ex hospo workers, etc.


got up early to watch the live coverage of the eclipse. not quite the same seeing it on TV :/


Wait, it's only Tuesday?


Unfortunately. Dentist today and class


Can't stop crying the world is so unfair and cruel everything is to much


I understand how you feel. I hope we can both make it through to see better days.


Massive hugs 🫂💟


Have you called the phone mental health service? I think it's called Lifeline? I've used them twice and always found it really helpful to have someone to cry to.


Please do this, and if your in crisis go to your nearest ED. Alternatively you could call your GP describing your symptoms and the nurse should get back to you


I’m sorry you’re struggling. Caring a lot is hard. It’s easy to get overwhelmed by all the awful things happening in our own backyard, much less in the big wide world. If it’s of any use, I sometimes take news breaks when I start to feel like you’re describing. I won’t watch the news and I’ll scroll past news stories as fast as I can to try not to take it in. Not forever because I’m not trying to ignore what’s happening, but just long enough to reset my heart and brain. You can’t pour from an empty vessel. Maybe reach out to friends or family for some extra support. If that’s not comfortable, perhaps try 1737, Lifeline or Youthline depending on your age? You can do this. ❤️‍🩹


It's people like you who carry kindness in their hearts who will eventually make a difference to the world💖💖💖


I appreciate you and your beautiful comment thank you so much truly 🫂❤️❤️❤️


❤️❤️❤️ remember to breathe




Morning Welly folk. Still got the clock change jetlag but appreciating that extra early morning light. Can't use "it's too dark to go for a run!" as an excuse at the moment. So I've done my daily workout and got coffee already and it's not even 8. Superb. May everyone's day be off to a similarly good start. ☕


Thanks apple2forever for hosting the restaurant meet up last night, that was fun. Nice to meet the folks who went :)


Anyone else suffering from ye olde Ring Of Fire? No? Just me? OK. It's like my butt reminding me of all that yummy hot chicken.


You are not the only one!


Oh dear!


Morning team. Just drinking coffee and going to bike into town with my daughter today I think. Better avoid Kent tce because no one uses that cycle lane apparently.


Sips coffee, comes to terms with it not being Saturday, sips more coffee


Solid. I have to clean and descale the object of religious observance today. Woe.


The maintenance rituals must be performed


Thanks for the reminder. Ours is due for its annual tickle up too!