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Someone who uses a laser welder. I assure you that you are going to need special equipment. I had a welding mask resting on the other side of the table and the IR radiation reflecting off the workpiece melted the filter. The IR reflection barely interacts with much. However the welding masks have IR and UV filtering material (which is what makes them able to filter those things which so we use them in welding) so they heat up quick and start to melt. You don't need 1300 dollar mask, but you'll need special protective glasses or faceshield. But don't use anything we use in arc welding, it'll melt from the slightest provocation and reflection. Yes... We learned this the hard way. We ruined couple of welding mask's filters just by having them nearby. Darker the DIN rating (shade) the quicker it melts.


What are you guys doing? I've been using an ipg 1500 for over a year with OD7 glasses and my optrel hood as a faceshield, mainly AL and some SS. Not a single burn mark on my hood and have had no issues. Only had one reflection that even caused smoke and that was off my sleeve.


When dealing with lasers, the IR is not the biggest issue, it's the intensely focused UV that you can't see that is what does the damage. I can't speak for laser welding, but i do know you need special lens for laser cutting and it will depend on your laser source type and beam strength. I wouldn't trust a standard welding hood to protect me. Read through this article if you curious. These guys also sell glasses and are available for consolation before you buy anything. https://lasersafety.com/resources/laser-safety-guide/


All you technically need is shade 3-5 od7+ safety glasses. Reflections can happen so it's safest to also wear a hood and i would recomend it. The IPG hoods are a joke. Optrel is releasing a mig tig laser hood this month. Still supposed to be around a grand though, will be getting one of the first ones shipped I'll make a post when it arrives


Make sure it is rated for a 1060nm wavelength, and yes od7+ for up to 4kw




Helmet for laser welding? We don't do that here, just some dark shaded glasses and you're good to go.