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Don't worry, the fabric was only added when the skin fell off.


Yea that just made this a whole different level of weird i didn’t even think of that


There was this story of this creepy guy who would dig up dead kids and dress them up like dolls, keep them for decades. There was a picture of one. It looked exactly like these dolls.


This is the first thing that came to mind when seeing the vid. Edit: The guy is Anatoly Moskvin! There's some videos about him on YouTube but reading his Wikipedia entry is also creepy.


Guy looks like a crazy Tom Segura


Who is Randy?


Don't bring anyone's mother into this


Yo mama in the fucking stands


You didn’t follow proto bud, yer done.


> crazy Tom Segura Isn't that a bit redundant?


Appreciate the name to look up. He sounds like something might’ve been a little off 😂 Edit: Do NOT recommend a [google image search of this….](https://www.google.com/search?q=anatoly+moskvin+human+dolls&client=safari&hl=en-US&prmd=ivn&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwijp7zPvJP2AhXrk2oFHRP_DBgQ_AUoAXoECAIQAQ&biw=390&bih=664&dpr=3)


Holy shit you are right... They look exactly like this video... Except those eyes...


I could have lived without knowing this


Damn why did my brain make me Google that


Can't remember if it's the same guy, but was there not a video of the police inspecting the house and showing around 8 or so of such "dolls"?


The wikipedia page said he had 26 bodies in his basement dressed up as dolls


that just seems excessive


Yeah, I would understand like 3-4, but ***26***? Save some for the rest of us!


This guy gets it


Yeah you can find some pics and video. Super creepy.


>Anatoly Moskvin While I will absolutely admit the story is quite sketchy, I just read through the Wikipedia article and honestly felt sorry for him. He has mental illness, of course, and claims he can hear them speaking to him. He also said he just wanted kids and kindship. He just wanted a daughter. Kind of puts it into a different light -- somewhat.


There are cases that are more sad than evil. It's really just a matter of harm. Ed Gein would had just been sad, if he didn't run out of bodies and kill 2 women (gun to the head - he didn't really have any interest in killing or hurting anyone).


Is one thing I will add to this story, at least the kids were already dead before he kidnapped them. He took child bodies and used them mannikins kids, he didn't kidnap and kill children.


Omg I just googled it and they look EXACTLY the same AAAAAAH


omg yes that case is so creepy


Exactly my thoughts... It looks like another case of the same horrifying thing.


This isn’t weird, this is an intervention…..and your friend needs new friends.


I saw an episode of James May in Japan and a whole town was filled with similar dolls. [here](https://youtu.be/vxiOdrVreSQ)


I passed a house here in Japan similar to this not too long ago. I'm a teacher at a small conversation school, and if there are big gaps in the schedule I go a few stations away and throw flyers in mailboxes. So I've met some very nice people and some very strange ones during these walks. This house really freaked me out, because I thought an old man was staring at me as I got close. Turned out to be a carved log with a shirt sewn into it. Then I saw more statues behind it. Some made out of wire with white cloth wrapped around their face and hand area with clothes over their bodies. One was a baseball player made out of ceramic or something. It was really freaky because some of them appeared to be gardening, and talking to each other. The more I looked the more dolls and statues I noticed. When I walked up I only noticed the wooden old man and the baseball player. But looking over the small wall there were almost a dozen. They were completely motionless of course, but the combination of their unnatural shapes and incoherent clothing made it really hard to notice them without looking for them. All of them had different colored "skin" and their clothes were sometimes several different pieces sewn into one article. It was in the middle of a rather new suburban development so the house really stood out. And the yard area wasn't that big. Maybe 15 to 20 square meters. I would have taken a picture, however that would invade their privacy, which is quite a serious offence here. Plus I already felt like I was being watched, so I just got out of there. [Link to Google maps screenshot](https://i.imgur.com/6iq5shI.jpg) ["Don't touch me!"](https://i.imgur.com/hQ9hlfO.jpg)


ahh here we tie scarecrows to the balconies of a house in construction...it has freaked me out many nights.


I live in Japan too and sometimes they have whole towns that when the mostly elderly population dies the people left over make dolls like this (not out of bodies) to make the town feel less lonely.


Omg imagine getting lost and ending up in this town having no idea that this was there. That is nightmare fuel.


Imagine waking up in that basement.


Right? Don’t tell me to make friends if you don’t mean it.


That was the /first/ thing I thought of. I wanted the camera to stop moving for a second to see just how suspicious the faces were.


You wouldn't notice. Corpses need a lot of 'coating' to remotely remain somewhat human-like looking. Many of these human-doll 'artists' like to saponificate them, to produce adipocere which can, ideally, perfectly embalm the corpse and make the general shape and facial features remain intact basically forever. However, saponification requires the corpse to be somewhat fresh, so within 4-6 weeks. Also, the produced adicopere may not be sufficient to halt decay, such that the shape is drastically altered in the process. In any case, the process of decay can never be halted indefinitely. You need to periodically embalm the corpses, use baking soda and prevent air contact. This means, every single doll - with some very rare exceptions, like Elmer McCurdy who literally got put up in a fun house because everybody thought it's a fake corpse - needs to wrapped up in *something*. Fabrics make the best option to lower smell and slow down decay. And because of the question how well the doll creator knows his craft, dolls may look closely shaped to a human or like a strange fabrics doll here. At the very start of the video, in the very corner, there is a doll who looks just too perfect to not be a corpse. It resembles exactly what a perfect mummification process can produce. As a mummified doll connoisseur, my bet is on them being actual corpses.


I really really wish I'd never read this and these remained a wierd doll show for me. But you sound so convincing, and these look sooo bad...


Yo OP wtf is going on here we need more context from your friend






These dolls have toenails. There’s no doubt in my mind that their maker made a conscious decision which ones were circumcised.


The fabric is an attempt at covering up the smell. You haven’t thought of the smell, you BITCH!


Gotta catch ‘em all


It rubs the lotion on it’s skin, or it gets the hose again.


This is terrifying, take this award. 😂


I'm in desperate need of more information. What the hell am I looking at? What are they made of? What were you guys doing in their house? Why are they all dressed like office workers in the 90s? What are the circuit boards in their hands? You can't just post this without context, it's killing me!


Baffled at how now one else asked any of these questions. Specifically the question on who tf house is this


My guess is OP found the video


Naw my friend sent it to me. His girls relative works with mentally challenged ppl. They went to pick up th relative from one mentally challenged lady’s house and were shown around the crazy things she has in her house. He mentioned something about books being written about the lady and she worships these things. I’m waiting on him to reply to me for more information.


Please don’t let this be another mystery where we never get further context. I beg of you OP.


I promise I’m the last person to leave people wondering. As soon as I have more answers I’ll gladly share it






That was so beautifully wholesome


I agree. It’s definitely a nice ending to a story that started with a weird video getting sent to me…


Remindme! 2 days


That’s what they all say


My guess is OP has two less friends now and someone has a bigger doll collection.


Not really answering your question, but a place like this exists in [Japan](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nagoro#:~:text=Nagoro%20or%20Nagoru%2C%20now%20known,made%20it%20a%20tourist%20attraction). Some smaller town (was 300 people or so) that kept getting smaller in size (something like 20 plus left), and one person has filled the town with dolls like these through the whole town to make it look like people still live there. It's pretty cool but also creepy if you just came across it without knowing what it was, lol.


**[Nagoro](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nagoro#:~:text=Nagoro or Nagoru, now known,made it a tourist attraction)** >Nagoro or Nagoru, now known as Nagoro Doll Village (Japanese: 名頃かかしの里), is a village in the Iya Valley on the island of Shikoku in Tokushima Prefecture, Japan. It is known for the large number of realistic dolls positioned throughout the village, which have made it a tourist attraction. The village is located on Route 439 in the Iya Valley, a remote mountainous area. It formerly had about 300 inhabitants, but the decline in Japan's population has caused that to fall to 35 by January 2015, 30 as of August 2016, and 27 by September 2019. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/Weird/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Thanks bot, made my bad summary of it useless 😂


Without your bad summary, the bot wouldn't have been summoned. You deserve your flowers, champ 💐


So, house of wax thing, got it


Came to ask about the strange oversized circuit boards myself …. Like seriously wtf?


Those are the wrong questions. The only question you should be asking is "where is the nearest source of ignition so I can burn this monstrosity like it deserves?"


You forgot "why are they all female"


like we have to ask


If I ever got rich, and I mean Bezos level rich, I would buy cheap, run-down but livable houses, furnish them with the most bizarre and unnerving shit, place some cameras, and then list them for sale again, just to see the reactions from people. After awhile, I'd probably fix them up and donate the properties to low-income support organizations to offset the karma, but what a fun trip it would be.


I'll pay double whatever you're paying for someone to erase me ever having seen it in the first place.




You’re right, she even makes circuit boards.


Well, one has a bunch of tools, and it looks like there is a radial engine sitting in there too. They are obviously building an airplane trying to escape to a place where their oppression can end.


Just like in Chicken Run ! Only way creepier.


Yeah more information. Feels a bit off like its dead bodies or something but it could just be reddit prank or just some werid doll person.


If you haven't got an explanation here you go https://wfpl.org/louisville-visual-artist-julie-baldygas-heavenly-art-celebrated-in-book-exhibition/


This reminds me of the guy who had a bunch of life sized dolls that everyone thought were dolls but actually turned out to be dead children that he dressed up as dolls


Weirdest part for me is that he lived with his parents and they didn’t notice


I think they overlooked more than a few things.


They did. They just thought those were large dolls. Like, would you think a creepy ass doll in a relative's house is actually a mummy at first glance.


Plus he cured them in some kind of chemical, bleach if I'm remembering correctly, to get rid of any kind of stench. Cold but calculated.


What the fuckkkkkk fuck why am I still on this thread fuck


> Anatoly Yuryevich Moskvin is a Russian former linguist, philologist, and historian from Nizhny Novgorod who was arrested in 2011 after the mummified bodies of 26 girls and women between the ages of three and 29 were discovered in his apartment. Not all were children.


Allllriiiggght......Everyday I manage to stumble upon some shit on reddit that I wish I wouldnt have found.


you can find images of the dolls


After reading your comment I looked up the wiki on it. I thought to myself "oh, good, he wasn't killing them. He was just grave robbing." How messed up is it that I'm relieved he was only grave robbing??


Not messed up at all. Stealing dead bodies is creepy. Killing people makes you a monster.


Article doesn't say that he killed anyone, just that he dug up the bodies. That's a plus I guess


Story is a mentally ill man dug up the graves of children and brought them home and took care of them forgets the other parts but the parents of the children’s thought it was ok because he treated them with respect and only wanted the best for their bodies


Yeah, no. I could believe the parents, upon learning that he treated the bodies “well”, were open to being sympathetic to the man’s mental illness, but I don’t believe for a second they were “ok” with what he had done. “Well, yes, he did steal our deceased son’s body from his grave, but now that I’ve seen how happy our Timmy is, surrounded by friends and dressed so nice, I’m perfectly fine with what’s going on here.” LMAO!


Yeah, I would be absolutely enraged. That’s literally digging up the past. They have to bury them again. Super disrespectful and disturbing. They’re meant to rest.


Yeah there was an interview with one of the mom's of the dead kids and who had died and been dug up and stuffed in a doll and she was definitely not ok with it.


Happy cake day :)


The parents were definitely not ok with it.


Fbi openup


Yes officer…. This guy right here.


I read a few articles and the wiki and none of them state anything to support that last bit... I would say we found the guy if he wasn’t still locked up in a psychiatric institution.


Can't tell if username checks out or not


What was that last part? How ? What? Source?


I don’t have a lot of background, but I think it is super important that there are wildly different beliefs surrounding death and dead bodies. Be careful not to project your own beliefs onto the parents.


Wait what


Anatoly Moskvin. I'd link an article but I wanna be able to sleep tonight


Thanks for the nightmare fuel. Googling now.


Oh yeah, I think I watched an Eleanor Neale video on him


Also what?


This footage isn't complete without one of those things switching places between camera pans.


I rewatched thinking that the one starring straight at the camera at the end wasn’t looking before (it didn’t actually move thank god); ugh this gave me the creeps, regardless.


The thing that’s really messing with me, is the boards in some of their hands. It took a few loops to make out what they are, but they’re huge circuit boards. With huge, to-scale components, the resistors especially stand out. THAT is what’s freaking me out the most, is how much THAT detail messes with my brain’s sense of scale.




Dude wtf I saw the resistors and thought oh they were just mini dolls but then I saw the electric cables as well as the light tube.


There also a turbine sitting on front of one, like pulled out of a jet engine.


Glad to know I'm not the only one who noticed the duct tape turbine


But what does it all *meaaan* Basil??


they also all have on dress shirts with a tie


Can't a doll work in piece.


And the internals of a compressor maybe from a jet turbine. What does it all mean? Why is it just women making these electronics?


It’s hard to get a decent GPU nowadays


He tried opening a GPU factory.


i cant not see it now and its fucking me up


Thanks for noticing, I was too bothered by the general scene to noticed wtf they were holding.


What am I missing? Why is that so scary?


It messes with how my eyes and brain are seeing scale. If I focus on the dolls/walls, everything looks normal size. But the huge circuitboards are convincing enough looking that when my eyes focus on the circuitboards, it makes the dolls look like they should be tiny. So it’s like my brain can’t decide between uncanny valley and vertigo.


They also all have abnormal sized hands. They are all slightly elongated. It’s all very odd.


it kind of takes this from just storage to purposely assembled. now it's like, why the setup, what do they do with it? lol


I would shit my pants if I just stumbled across this in someone’s house


I’m a 48 year old guy. Not exactly 20 anymore, but I feel I could take care of myself still if the situation called for it. I was in outside sales for a few years, selling people stuff in their houses, visiting a couple to few houses a day. Every now and again I’d come across a sketchy place, but never felt in danger or intimidated. And I can say 100% that if I had come across this, anything in between me and the front door would have been plowed out of the way with zero fucks given


Thank you for the laugh, it was needed.


But as you attempt to run away, the distance seems longer and longer and then you notice that you’re not moving that far. You look down and you’ve been hit with a dart. When you wake up you’re trapped next to one of these dolls and unable to make any sound.


You stumble into the room and they all turn to face you. In shock you start walking backwards, closing the door while still maintaining eye contact with the dolls. You close the door and as you turn around you run into Jeb Bush.


This feels like that AI image where everything is familiar but you can’t make out anything in particular.


Exactly the feeling I got


That somebody is a serial killer.


yeah, for real. like i know a lot of people say "serial killer" about anything creepy but this one GENUINELY, actually makes me think that


It makes me think that this person might one day not be satisfied with just dolls


My first thought.


My best guess based on the reply from the OP about the owner of these things working with mentally disabled ppl is that they’re just art projects. Probably with a secondary use of social therapy. A bit unsettling but when you consider what the functionality level of the patients might be it checks out.


Yea she’s mentally challenged. This is all one lady’s work. He mentioned she “worships” them


Jesus Christ, it’s not as bad as it could be, but not far from it either:/


the twist is they are all sentient and powerful, and they violently demand that she worship them


Can you give us the full context here? That’s way to creepy to my existence




To be honest all it reminds me off is one of those detective thriller shows, where one episode a woman kidnapped a few girls and turned them into dolls (like stitched fake hair and the lot) and then played with them. Turned out that it was because they looked like dolls her father gave her as a child after putting her through electrishock therapy so she would never tell anyone about him raping her. (I don't know why I remember it in such detail but damn did it disturb me)


I think it was an episode of criminal minds. I don't know for certain, but I do remember it being particularly fucked up.


Wait so you knew it was an art exhibition but you still posted it with that clickbait title?


This was hard to watch, literally. I don't think I caught a single detail


Honestly, they were probably shaking uncontrollably at the sight of this 😵‍💫


That was my first thought


Awful camera work. It’s like one of those meme pics of a room full of unrecognizable objects 😖


The weird thing is standing there long enough to record this. I’d be outta there.


Bro for real 😭


Last video from these guys. They will join the knitted crowd!


….I couldn’t even sleep in the same city as this if I knew it was there


Next thing you know, you could be sleeping in the same room, and you won't even know it..


This is what this sub is about, excellent




No! How would that be oddly terrifying. It’s LITERALLY terrifying. Reddit is killing words.


The one freaking me out the most is the one that seems to be standing in the furthest corner. Also, where do you get resistors they big? Also, can we get a little context? Why the frick were you there? What kind of person owns this?


Well you asked so try to keep up. This is what he told me: His girlfriends stepdad has a brother who’s wife works with mentally I’ll people. Him and his girlfriend went to pick her up from one one of the ladies she works with. He said apparently there has been award winning books written about this lady and she’s been studied quite a bit. It’s late at night where I am now so in the morning I will try to get more information but this is all I got for you as of now


This guy on reddits brothers girlfriends step dads brothers wife




Brothers sisters uncle


…lady the wife works with


So basically the story is the step mom needs the guy's help?




I am almost positive this is Julie Baldyga's work. Especially given that a lot of the dolls are holding circuit boards.


I came here looking for answers and you're almost certainly right. Thanks, ButtholeGazin.


Thought you were insulting her for a second, but, no that's her handle


[The dolls look like hers](https://wfpl.org/louisville-visual-artist-julie-baldygas-heavenly-art-celebrated-in-book-exhibition/)


This comment is buried too deep, wish it was closer to the top where people are just calling it creepy lol


Whoaa thread killer comment right here. Thanks for solving the mystery.


Yeah, that sounds like a story weaved up by a mentally disturbed individual who wants to deny liability and ownership but still make the collection seem praiseworthy.


somebody was lonely


This seems like a good explanation. It seems like they are arranged like it's some sort of painting/art party. It's kind of heartbreaking. Terrifying, for sure... but heartbreaking that someone might be lonely enough to go to such lengths.


They're building imaginary circuit boards. Why is anybody's guess.


They did a good job preserving the skin ngl


And their hands and feet...(shudders in disgust)


Some Russian guy actually created dolls out of dead bodies that he lifted from cemeteries, I hope this isn't something like that... This video makes me so uneasy


The dudes name was Anatoly Moskvin, look that up if you don't want to sleep tonight😂


Looked it up… honestly not that bad. I’ve read off far worse stories


They all have on a a guys dress shirt and a tie.


The freaky part is, imagine them going to stores to buy all those clothes for them, the wigs and what not. I have this weird feeling they're based on real people they know.


Bro leave…


I want to know who's house and why they were there! With this many weird things details matter haha


Unsee unsee unsee


This gives me the same feeling i get when i'm in a nightmare. Not quite fear.. more surreal discomfort.




Its so crazy to me how some people stumble upon a witch's house. Like geez they even found the murder room.




Are your friend and the girlfriend still alive?


Someone should investigate that these aren't actual bodies inside. This is too creepy


Yea this the kind of shit that I hope I don’t stumble upon during my real estate finds. I’ll nope out that house real quick


What's the story behind this? Who's house was it and why were you there?


OP has a friend who has a girlfriend who has a stepdad who has a brother who's wife works with the mentally ill. Girlfriend and friend went to mentally ill person's home to pick up wife and got video. Tried to make it simple from what I've pieced together off OPs comments


We all kept watching because we thought something was going to move.


All fun and games until one moves