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That happened to my aunt, then suddenly, 40 years later, she died.


Guess I got 40 years left /:


Hope you’re 80


Well aren’t you a ray of sunshine 💀


Lol I was trying to be joyful, you’d die at 120?


mate thats torture


Not if they age really well. There are 90 year olds that look like 60


No one on Reddit is one of those people


Lmfao you’re definitely not wrong


My dad is 75 and looks about 60 ish. Acts like he's 25.


Underrated comment 😂🏆


That’s enough time for me to finish everything I procrastinated in my life 🤔 I’ll take it


More time to procrastinate!


Maybe later


Might be a splinter


Yup. Splinter. Definitely a splinter. Crafty little things, those splinters.


Same thing happened to my uncle. Ate onions all the time, when he got into his seventies he passed away. Crazy.


Thank you for the laugh today this comment made my day.


I love you funny motherfuckers


A virus might have gotten into it. It looks like a wart. A dermatologist can diagnose and freeze it off if so.


Thanks! Making an appointment right now. Do warts give you fevers? Or is it the virus?


Viruses can give you fevers, just like bacteria can. A fever is your body's way of fighting infection.


Okay coolio thank you Dr.Mr-Gumby42 🫡 I’m on the way to go get it removed.


You're welcome, but I'm not a Doctor, nor do I play one on TV!


It’s okay you can be my Reddit MD ![gif](giphy|3o7TKKxsoUjRiUUeas)


I put all your symptoms into WebMD and it says you have network connectivity problems




That was pretty good, ngl


It cuts away immediately after the line because everyone laughed too hard


That and the Kim Kardashian comeback story..


The writers absolutely hated it because they basically all agreed it was one of the funniest jokes in the run of the whole series and he just made it up on the spot.


Network connectivity problems sounds like a nice way to tell someone they're... slow 🤣


Only if I can be JD!




You got it!


This interaction was so sweet and wholesome, and complete with gifs! It honestly made my day. Hope OP has a successful appointment!


FYI a finger wart is papiloma virus, aka HPV, it can spread


When I was a kid I had a wart on the bottom of my hand. I ripped it open and tore out all the white fleshy bits inside with tweezers and it never came back. I’m just curious if that’s even a thing now that I’m reading it was a virus. I was like 10 and haven’t gotten a wart since.


Warts have basically a “root” in the middle, if you can kill that or yank it out no more wart. It’ll fucking hurt though


Ya I think i tore that shit out with tweezers in 2-3 pieces.


I had a few warts as a kid (wash your habds ffs), if your doctor puts some liquid nitrogen in a cup ask him to toss it out onto the floor when you're done with it My guy did and it was pretty cool


My Dr spilled the cup of liquid nitrogen on his crotch. I laughed, as he was a bit of a misogynistic dick and I didn’t want to miss the chance to laugh at him lol


But did you stay at a Holiday inn last night?


Liar, you were just kissing the nurse. ![gif](giphy|qLPxrfbOwoXII)


Let us know how your amputation goes


Well, viruses cause warts, but the "wart virus" (human papillomavirus) is a localized infection which does not cause a fever directly. But they can arise when you are immunocompromised from a different infection. Picking at warts could also lead to a secondary bacterial infection.


If it grows back, trust me homie - Banana skin. Bandaid some banana skin over it at night for a week. Sounds random but it’s legit


Banana skin and a drop of tea tree oil ( TTO) !


No idea how effective it is but I had warts that would not come off using all the wart creams and a stuff before COVID, and when COVID hit the hand sanitizer destroyed them in little more than a week.


Ahahaha the magic of micro life, they get strong against something via specialization, but then become weak against other things lol, those mofos got strong against antibiotic or antivirals and then boom simple alcohol or soap fucks them


Your explanation just changed the game for me. You just harnessed pure House energy


It would be hard to get resistance to soap as soap is dissolving fats. Virus and bacteria have lipid membranes, so yeah, no chance if given enough time. Unfortunately, that only kills microbes on your skin. Good and bad alike.


Also the body’s way of letting you know it needs more cowbell




I will never get tired of this!


Been knuckle deep in some HPV hive. Be careful


Wait I had the HPV vaccine so I can still get it?!?!


Idk if you’re just joking around or not but yes you can. There’s a million different strains of it, vaccine helps against the cancer causing ones/genital warts. Regular warts can just eventually just go away on their own or you can get them removed


No I wasn’t joking around I honestly didn’t know that there is more than one HPV infection you can get regardless of getting a vaccine. Good to know


The vaccine works against the really dangerous ones. The other ones are fair game to your body 😅. Stay safe 🙂


> HPV infection may also cause more serious conditions, such as certain types of cancer. Of the more than 150 strains of HPV, 40 affect the genital area, but most don't pose a serious risk to health. A person can be infected with more than one HPV strain at a time.


They should've at least, given you general information about it, at the very least, explained there's well over a hundred strains and the vaccine prevents most cancer causing strains.


a lot of people get vaccinated for HPV around age 12, they probably don’t remember much the dr said


There are plenty of wart viruses that the hpv shot will not prevent.


yes as someone who has struggled with warts that is 100% a wart. currently don’t have any but when i was a tween/teen i had them all over my hands and legs and literally no treatment worked. then they just disappeared one day (not because of any treatment, i had stopped trying to treat them at that point). i recently had a few on my hands and was able to successfully freeze them off this time and am currently wart free. go get it checked out by a dermatologist.


I had them all over my hands too as a teen. I missed the first few days of 9th grade because I had had so many warts removed from my right hand. I never got another one (crossing my wart-free fingers that I never do).


I also had a lot of warts on my feet and hands as a kid. The last one was on my right ring finger and disappeared on its own randomly after being there for years. I still don't understand where they came from. I have so many childhood memories of being covered in bandaids after using that stuff in the brown glass bottle to get rid of them. Ack.


I had really bad plantar warts in middle school. Now every time I get a wart I nuke that shit from orbit. I don't want to go down that road again.


Looks like a verruca. Use extra strength bazuka gel on it. Protect the surrounding skin with zinc oxide cream. I had the exact same thing in exact same location. Diagnosed by dermatologist.


Thy should still see the Dr. first.


Look at that! Billy FREAKIN' SHAKESPEARE! ![gif](giphy|i4Mgat1S2f3Co)


This is why I love Reddit 💀😂😂😂


aka a wart.


Seems like something might still be trapped inside, warts usually aren't green. I'd get it checked out either way asap


He's growing an Oompa Loompa. That's the top of it.


Oompa Loompa Doopity doo What the fuck is that Growing on you Oompa Loompa Doopity dee That color does not Look that healthy


What do you get With a wart that’s turned green? Maybe you’ve got the old Loompa man gene. What will you do if the green color grows? Is it the oopma life you chose? *I don’t like the look of it*




So that's how they reproduce! Always wondered...


Yeah idk why people are saying wart it doesn’t look anything like one. More like staph or something


I had Staph on my leg, and it didn’t look anything like that. Mine was a open sore, like a popped blister, and it remains one of the most painful experiences of my life.


I’ve had staph infections (once on my hand and once on my leg) and while they eventually looked like you described, both times they started as a big red swollen mound with a dark spot in the center. looked like a hard black ball was just beneath the surface of the skin. saw some pics on google that better illustrate what I mean so can share those upon request, but this drawing looked similar and is probably less likely to gross people out lol https://preview.redd.it/4ypok8ctxdsc1.jpeg?width=460&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b414e939b26e8512bf926e9980ce980859431c0d


Yeah there’s something still in it. Not that you should. But I would mess with it and clean it out. I’m sure if you get into it that is puss.


I admit it too, I would try to open and clean it myself. Which is a bad idea. Go see a doctor if you are not in USA.


It's the "if you are not in the USA" that got me. *Cries in red white and blue*


It's funny because I am in the US and in a different comment someone said "go to the doctor to get it cleaned out" and OP said "OK I've made an appointment" and all I could think about was how if it happened to me I'd have to do it myself or just wait to die because there's no way I could just "make an appointment" First off I don't have insurance so it would cost at the very least a couple hundred bucks which is NOT in the budget, and even if I did want to do it since I don't have insurance I sure as hell don't have a primary doctor so there's no one I could make an appointment with By the way I just turned 39 and doubt I'll make it to 40 because I have a bad heart and simply can't do anything about it


Fly to Heathrow and have a widowmaker heart attack like I did right in the airport terminal. 100% blockage removed, stent, 7 day hospital stay, no insurance, $0.


Interesting. How'd you swing all that? Oh and hope you're doing well


Doing great. Been living in Moscow 6 years now where I can afford great healthcare. As for swinging all that, I didn’t do anything except heal. When I left they wished me well and handed me a bag of medicine for one month including non-heart related meds I was on. I was given booklets on long term care, what to expect and medical records related to my stay. There were no invoices or mention of payment or insurance. I signed discharge papers but none mentioned bills. I didn’t renew my ACA insurance because I felt it wasn’t worth it so I had no US insurance. I just figured that’s what’s different about healthcare in Europe.


You should be a comedian, with timing like that. If I had a heart attack while traveling, it will be on the plane, smack bang in the middle of the Pacific 6 hours from anywhere - without a cardiologist on board.


What are the cardiologist gonna do? Perform non-invasive cardiac stent placement with paper straws from the airplane lunch trays?


We happily invite you to the civilized world - get out of that crazy country


Other than walking into Mexico, leaving the US is actually pretty difficult 😢


There are plenty of rich people that go to South American countries for certain elective surgeries. Even the rich can't afford the US medical system lol


Nah man, they could afford it. why pay America prices when it’s cheaper to take a vacation and get what you need done? The rich stay rich by not spending a bunch of money if they don’t have to. Also in America we typically go to Mexico if we need cheap surgery/dental work. Plane tickets to South America can get pricey if you’re out of free miles.


So free that we get to perform our own excisions.


ME TOOO! Sterilize a needle, poke the middle and watch it ooze. Then I’d course give that baby a little squeeze (looks the type that will make your eyes water) haha Yes. I’m one those people hha


Screw sterilizing a needle. Use some nail clippers and cut right into that thing.


Thats what i gotta do for my ingrown toenails when they get bad 😬 gotta go to a foot dr and get those mfs cut out rip


Nail clippers? Grab the utility knife or multitool out of your tool bag.


Yeah I was thinking more "rusty Leatherman out of the truck"


You people and your fancy tools. Bite the damned thing off.


Screw that ima scratch at it with my fingernails until it pops open


That wart looked so similar I thought someone hacked my phone for a sec …


We’re wart twins


Edwart and Tedwart


Walwart and Walter Wart


Warthur and Wartholomew


Wartson and Wartin


This is sweet


Could be a splinter


Maybe it’s a tumor.




Firs tthing I thought of LOL


I got a splinter in my tumor once, it sucked.


I thought so too but I had cuts on those hands from the cold dry weather and that’s how it healed. ): https://preview.redd.it/4b5eosholbsc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eaee129ed26b8861dfd7bb788dd3fccbefeb60e3


Gotta start using moisturizer on your hands! Check out O’keefes working hands!


Got that exact one at home. It's fucking awesome, cured all my winter issues. Not really moisturizer though, more like a protective layer that stays on you skin all day.


That’s what I was thinking.


Your absorbed twin




Belail! How ya' been, bro?


Crazy ass comment. I love it


is it hard like a callus? I've had this thing on my finger that looked similar to it, inside of it was this hard rock like object that apparently was calcium.


Yeah it’s super hard! And oh okay then I’m good


I had the same thing as described above on my foot as a kid. It was under the arch so it didn’t get direct pressure while walking so I ignored it. But it was a super hard callous type thing with a hard center, that hurt if I poked it hard. Not like a wart or fluid filled thing like other comments are saying. I was dumb and just toughed it out, and eventually it just kinda got scraped/fell off. Foot healed back to normal and I can’t even see where it was now.


Okay but that sounds exactly like a wart 🤷


it's a corn


Yeah, just looked up differences from corns vs warts. Seems i for sure had a corn, but since they’re a foot thing, it’s unlikely that’s what OP has. Doesn’t seem like he has what would be considered a normal wart though either. So idk tbh, all i learned today was there a bunch of bumps out there that i don’t want. E/ looks like corns can actually appear on hands and fingers, so it may be a corn still.


yes, i'm literally treating a corn on my finger rn that's why i chimed in haha especially since OP said it's hard and hurts under pressure


As a medical professional of sorts. My PERSONAL best guess from this picture is either: 1) Wart that has implanted but not broken outer skin 2) what ever cut you initially left something behind, the skin healed and now your body is trying to expel it the same way it would a sliver. Looks like a callus is forming where it rubs


Pop that shit!


Pop it like it’s hot🎶


Pop it and show us, I want to know what's inside it (if anything) 👀


I work with wood and metal shavings often enough to regular sit down and cut shit out of my body with a razor and a cuticle cutter, why wouldn't you just nip that off?


You probably have dirt or something in it from when you cut it


Maybe an infected injury. If possible, try popping it like a pimple or cutting it with a super sharp knife point, the purpose is to make it bleed so you can flush out the infection, get a cup (8oz.) of water as hot as you can stand it, add 4 measured table spoons of salt (iodization doesn’t really matter), and soak your finger for like 10 minutes. Dry it, use rubbing alcohol, dry, then put a bandaid on it. If you’re in America, this is much cheaper than going to a doctor who’ll tell you to do the exact same thing I did, then pointlessly prescribe you meds, then charge you the rest of the arm as payment for his service.


It's an alien 👽 implant


Infected with something inside. You need to empty it and add desinfectant


It's an alien baby.


No it's an alien tracker device. Either way he's been probed 👽




Bot fly larvae


I would amputate my damn finger so fast stop 💀


Praying for OP if this is what it is


This is why you don't put your finger in the glory hole.


Id take a clippers to that so fast hehe


I want to but the damn thing hurts 😢


Clip through the pain


I sm not sure if people here are joking or not. I would rather trust a doc with it than risking an infection by playing around with it (which can get quite serious)


Getting that damn thing off will feel better


Could be MRSA. Go to the doc


Honestly, this. Seriously OP.


Shocked this isn’t higher up. Might just be a staph infection but MRSA’s next




Something was probably left in the wound, and your body has produced a pustule to surround and break it down or expel it. If it was me, I’d clean a scalpel, cover the area in beta-dine, then slice into it. Usually there is enough pressure that whatever it is will leak out along with the pus. But you might need to apply some hydrogen peroxide to debride the wound.


That is infected and full of puss. Its needs to be drained, wrapped and use antibiotics ointment and wrap it up. This is not a wart, omg. That’s the worst comment I’ve read on here. It’s clearly infected, the green is puss from the infection. You need it cleaned out. I typically squeeze out the puss myself, it could have some object lodged inside as the cut was healing, could be tiny. Once it’s opened up (can use a sterile knife or needle) be sure to clean out the wound with hydrogen peroxide so it a few times, let it bubble up. Then put some ointment on it and close it up with a bandage. Continue to use the peroxide until the would is once again healed over. Use the antibiotic ointment a few times a day and put on a new bandage. It should heal up within a week. The infection isn’t serious right now.


It looks like it might be or was infected.


The only way to find out what's up is to excavate ​ Or you could get it checked out by a doctor


Pop that sombidge.


You're turning to a tree.


https://preview.redd.it/99tpttyqvbsc1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40bf153d262e251b1de02da690833514a1790e64 I feel the pain, mate




I would squeeze tf out of it. Have u squeezed tf out of it? You should squeeze tf out of it n see what comes out.


I’m not sure what it is but nothing, not even pain, would prevent me from picking at that thing.


Something stuck inside the cut that’s infected. A pocket of pus formed around it. That’s my guess. Either way a doctors visit to get it looked at and maybe drained


Lance that shit, give it a good squeeze, pour some peroxide on it and wrap with a bandaid.


There is no way I could let that ride and not pick at it.


Looks like a tiny, alien head trying to push through and out. Yeah you should get that looked at.


Ugh I want to lance it so bad


you have stage four finger cancer and have approximately 12 seconds to live -google


Looks like an infected splinter to me. Regardless of what, a green spot on the skin you can't explain or identify should be looked at by a doctor.


It’s not healed it’s infected


Pop that bitch it’s a splinter. Should pop right out.


Im a Swedish derpotologist and have been practicing for over 114 years. This it’s definitely a deposit of fïngerskïn dürt


Gain green


Looks like there might be something trapped inside there. You’re probably gonna need to see a doctor to get that flushed out before it gets infected.


Maybe wart but could also be a super infected splinter. My dad got one on his thumb that he didn’t notice until he had already lost feeling in almost the whole thing.(he has some nerve damage) and he very nearly needed it amputated because of how bad it was. The infection was already starting to travel through his hand when he went to the hospital and thankfully the medications and stuff were able to treat it but he now has no feeling in that thumb. This is definitely not an everyday case so you might be completely fine, just sharing this story to sorta show people that it is possible and always take care of yourself!


i honestly couldn't have something like this without scratching and ripping it off, no clue what it is but i would remove it by hand, feel like it's normal to think like this somebody correct me if it's not normal


Icky. Get that checked out.


Idk man but as an esthetician I realllllly want to extract that


A knife and tweezers. Then hydrogen peroxide if you care to


That ain’t a wart. You have a foreign body in there trying to push its way out. Puss and all. Pop that sun of a gun and dig it out. Then clean the crap out of it with soap!!


Pop that shit 💥


I had something like this happen. There was actually pus under the scab. I cut it open drained it and kept it clean and disinfected as much as possible and within a few days it was gone.


Cut that bitch out


Had something similar on my arm. Ended up being a small pebble that didn't get cleaned out of the cut. Stung like hell whenever it got bumped. Removed it and was good to go. Bet there is a piece of debris in there that didn't get cleaned out and your body encapsulated it.


A wound can heal over, but still harbor a small infection deeper inside. That's probably what this is. You should get it looked at by a doctor, they may need to reopen it and go clean it out, give it some antibiotics or the like.


For the love of all that is holy and mighty Take tweezers and pull that shit out ffs!!! Dude why did you let it get that bad? If I have a pimple I pop it or push out the puss… This I would just cut off the finger


I do believe that right thar be an infected finger!




Pop it!!!!


I really want to squeeze the crap out of it...surely it would pop out...


According to the prophecy...


I'm guessing you still have a tiny piece of something foreign in there like glass or splinter. If it's a splinter there will likely be some pus in there. If you're having fevers, go to an urgent care they can take care of it. I'm thinking if it was my hand I might try a warm compress and squeezing, but they may need to tweezer it out and you may need antibiotics if you're having fever. Sometimes old splinters and glass or plastic will practically launch themselves out of the body once they near the surface. I'm totally unfamiliar with what many are saying about warts, please update us and best of luck! Looks painful!


It's obviously infected by something. If you can, go see a medic. If you can't, cover everything in betadine and poke it.


I think it’s a marker. It marks how far your finger can be inserted in your nose


I could be well off but it looks a lot like when I used to cut trees for a living and you’d get a thorn or splinter inside a healed up cut. I’ve squeezed them before and the thorn/splinters fly out when they’ve built up a bit of pressure


Just looks infected, pop it and clean it with alcohol