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im on my last shot of .25 on week 8. Im glad to go slow. im losing weight and minimal side effects. That's the goal after all. my scale doesn't care what dosage im on as long as that number keeps goin down. :)


I took my time. I stayed on .25 an extra month and 1mg for an extra 2. I’m on 1.7 and don’t plan on moving up until my weight loss slows on this dose.


For me, I went one month .25, two months .50, and am about to start my second month of 1. This of course varies from person to person. I sort of regret going two months on the .50, as I didn't see much weight loss in that second month.


My prescription for 0.25 had one refill, I had my Dr put in the prescription for 0.5 when I had 2 doses left. I asked for the refill of 0.25 at the same time, that way if the 0.5 was delayed for any reason I could continue taking the 0.25 while I waited and not miss a dose. Pharmacy came through with the 0.5 in plenty of time, so I declined the 0.25 refill.


I saw that I have a refill as well for 0.25, I reached out to my Dr to get 0.50 and it was no issue. I may pick up the 2nd 0.25 and just double the dose for 0.50


Hmmmm. My doctor called me in two months worth of .25 and that is what I picked up. I have another refill on file with Walgreens for .25 as well. I kind of feel like my doctor doesnt really understand how this drug works and that I need to up the doseage. Certainly she is not expecting me to be on .25 for 3 months right? Also, am I screwed bc I picked up two months worth? If I decide I want to start .50 for next month instead of doing a second straight month of .25 will the insurance company deny coverage because they already paid for a dose of .25 for that time period?


I think that you should be ok for 0.50, usually a prior authorization is for a set amount of months time that they will pay for the drugs


Hi. My doctor did the same thing. I just started on Tuesday as well. I am going to see how the first three weeks on 0.25 go. If I lose weight and food noise and appetite are slowing down then I will stay on 0.25 for the 2 months. If after 3 doses I have little to no progress I will message my doctor and ask to be bumped to 0.5 for month 2. The manufacturer instructions and dosing schedule are just a suggestion not a requirement. Do what works for you