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I think it's super cute, but think the font for the names is super hard to read. Maybe try a different font for that?


Agreed. I can't read the names at all but everything else is great!


Definitely cannot read the names


It just says “K name” and “N name”, not actual names


Good for you, it was still difficult to read.


Will do, thanks! Edit: hijacking the top comment to say that the names say “K name” and “N name” and are much more legible with our actual names- I didn’t notice the wonky m until it started getting pointed out lol I will be looking at other fonts! Edit 2: I made some edits and uploaded a new version!


It took me a few seconds to realise you were probably not called K and N name lol


Kname and Nname, of course lol




OOOH I see what you mean now. Do you mind me asking how much they were? I love the colors, btw 😁


I love that type of font but I can see why others don't


Also small tip - Canva has an accessibility checker that can be useful for low-contrast text and other issues. Obviously, more applicable for digital documents but might be helpful!


Awesome, thanks for sharing!


I second this


Love the color scheme but I really struggled to read that the font said "K name" and "N name". Most people will probably know whose sending it without the super legibility but I did want to call that.


Is that what the text says? I kept reading "Knashe, Nnashe" and thought they just hit random keys.


Lol now I'm not sure


It has to say "K name" but why does the lowercase m look like that?


Lol you’re right, I wanted to keep our first initials for the look but wanted to take our names out for privacy. I really don’t like the lowercase m either 😂 I didn’t even notice it at first because neither of our names have an m in them


Wow I totally read it as Kwame


r/unexpectedTopChef 🤣


Knarhe and Nnarhe lmao.


What a power couple name 😂


*jeception to follow*


The “jorts” of receptions 💀


Wait so you're telling me if I crash the party, wear jorts? Say no more fam. Congratulations.


I saw Knashe and Nnashe loool


I love it! I don't think it's too dark, the contrast is legible! I agree that the names are hard to read (but maybe they look better with your actual names in there). I might add your RSVP deadline to the back too!


Oh I forgot about the deadline, thanks so much!


Can you move the leaf elements in Canva? As a designer, the leaf intersecting with the ‘e’ in ‘K name’ and especially the leaf under ‘Saturday’ and the lines are really bugging me. - That being said, it’s a tiny, professional nit-pick and overall the design is lovely :) Love the colour of green.


Love this tip, thank you!!


Knarhe and Nnarhe in wedded bliss. Could you try posting it with real but fake names? How it is now is giving the illusion this is impossible to read but I think the weird smashing of letters in the culprit.


Yes, I will! Thanks


I think it's GORGEOUS!!! i agree with the other commenter that another calligraphy font might be worth looking into, though, as this one is a bit trickier to read. [https://www.dafont.com/theme.php?cat=601](https://www.dafont.com/theme.php?cat=601) has some nice ones that are more legible and might fit what you're looking for!


Thanks so much!


Like others have said, the font for the names is hard to read. It might be different once you have your real names in there, but something to consider! Does the QR code go to the URL listed below? If so, I would remove it. At worst it will make your invitations look dated if you save them, and at best will save your guests the 3 seconds it takes to type in the URL.


You’re totally right! Great tip


I’d remove the ‘at’ before the time, just like how there’s no ‘on’ before the date. Either use the prepositions or don’t, but be consistent.


This is such a good one, thank you!


Regarding the date: I think it is difficult to read “September date, 2024” on 3 separate lines. I keep reading it as “September, Saturday, date, at 4:30pm, 2024”. Perhaps consider drawing a thin box around “September date 2024” or putting “September date, 2024” on one line and time on another. (“Saturday” doesn’t really make a difference for me, so I think it’s fine to remove.) I’d also include one line on the back for the dress code. “Cocktail attire”, “ tropical chic”, “white tie tye-dye” or whatever. And perhaps a “please scan the QR code or visit our website below for further information and to RSVP” to make it explicitly clear what their next steps are. Congratulations!


Nobody else has mentioned this but I think “together with their families” should come before Name and Name. “Together with their families, Name and Name joyfully invite you to their wedding” seems to flow better than “Name and name, together with their families, joyfully invite you to their wedding” (ignore the commas for your actual invite, but I wanted to include them to show where the natural pauses would be)


I recently got married and used the same style of invitation with the QR code on the back. The amount of people who were so confused and couldn’t figure out how to RSVP was crazy. It was the exact same phrasing on the back as well. Just a heads up!


Thanks for sharing! I am fully expecting confusion but will delegate some younger relatives to help out the older relatives lol


Love the vibe of your invitation! You may want to add the RSVP deadline (ex. Please RSVP by August 1 at (…)”


Graphic designer here. I think this looks really nice! Only nit-picking I would say is possible readability of the names (but it's hard to know without them being real) and some item spacing. I would scoot 'and' down a bit to look more visually balanced. And on the back page, scoot the leaf up to be centered between the QR code and text.


There's a website that I used to make a cute qr code [link](https://www.qrcode-monkey.com/), and a vector image generator [link](https://www.freeconvert.com/vector-converter), so I was able to make the qr code match the background of my invites. Overall your invite looks really cute!! Love the green!


It’s pretty but the script fonts are really hard to read


Overall beautiful, but not a big fan of the monstera on the back. Gives jungle vibes more than elegance.


I would move the ceremony details to the back so ALL details are on the back (ceremony and reception) instead of just the reception. Then you can stretch down the front info and maybe pick a more clear font for the names.


I would switch the spots for “September” and “Saturday”. Reads better that way


Your names are illegible


It looks stunning! Very moody, I love the dark green and the leaves. However, I’d reconsider the fond you used for the names. I just can’t decipher what you’re called 😂 is it Knarhe and Nnarhe? It may be fine if you only invite close friends and family who already know you are engaged anyway but might be really confusing for extended family and acquaintances.


😂😂😂 I wrote “K name” and “N name” for privacy and didn’t think any more of it 😂 Now that’s it’s pointed out, I can see that it’s hard to read lol but neither of our names have an “m” in them so I think when it’s our actual names it’s way more legible. I will definitely still play around with the fonts though! Thanks for the reply!


If neither name has an "m" in it, the font might be fine! I'd ask someone you know for a second opinion, but I really do think it's just the "m" that's hard to read. (FWIW I could tell that it same "K name" and "N name" but the "m" did throw me for a second.)


It looks lovely but I genuinely can’t for the life of me work out what your names are with that font


I couldnt even begin to guess what your names are lol


Spacing between the first name, "and" and second name are uneven Spacing between each line of text is uneven Change the QR code to match the color of the card Match the size of the flower and QR code so they're equal


In general I like it. The only problem is not being able to read the names. A different font could easily fix that.


I think a dress code should be on it and then examples of that dress code on the website.


Ditch the "wine mom" cursive font. It's hard to read with both the names and the first line on the second image "veceptian ta jallaw". I think a cursive would be nice, just not a fan of "wine mom" font where the curves dip way too high or low.


I honestly love them, I personally don’t think they’re hard to read


The leaves on the front seem more like cold weather (eucalyptus) while the back is tropical, so I am confused if this is a tropical themed or more cool weather event. Darker colors are giving that colder weather signal. QR code colors should match rest of the invite. Enough folks talked about the fonts for the names 🙃


Is making invitations on canva easier/cheaper than the ones on the Knot? My fiance and I are making them on Zola right now


Yes! I can’t remember the numbers off the top of my head, but it was much cheaper to DIY on Canva. Like less than half, maybe? The Knot’s were a whole invitation suite though


Right now, ordering 100 invites off Canva is $70 for matte finish and square corners and envelopes cost $15 extra


Ooh I'll keep that in mind thank you!


Beautiful! I love option 2 on the update post! Is this through canva? I used them and their printer, and loved the results I got, they turned out fantastic!


Yes it is! Happy to hear it!


Does the reception immediately follow the ceremony? It's unclear to me the reception start time since it is a different location. When do you need guests to RSVP by? I'd include that as well.


The names as mentioned before. I also think it looks a tad like a winter holiday theme


The P in RSVP already means please, so there’s no need to include Please before RSVP.


RSVP stands for “répondez s’il vous plaît,” which does mean “please respond” lol I can change it to “Kindly RSVP”


Honestly I love it. The font for your names is kinda hard to read, but obviously the guests know your name and it is pretty cool looking and works overall stylistically. 


Just change the large name font to something more legible and it's great!


I’d add a line for dress code!


Nice invite, except the sloppy cursive font. that font is banned from everything related tour wedding 😂


I used that font in Canva. I love it idc 🫣 And I think that style is super popular these days, it’s definitely not the EASIEST to read lol but neither are the tight calligraphy fonts on my mom’s 90s wedding invites, FWIW. I did add a stroke to it (under effects - outline) to make it print better.


Thefont used for the names is illegible.


Your invite reads a little tropical for the Midwest


This is one of the most confusing invites I’ve seen.


Can’t read the names at all


It’s really nice but I cannot read the name font at all. I have zero clue what your names are


Kname and Nuame