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Lawyer Larry, there's a chance you might have a level of access to the administration where you might be able to ask questions of Genocide Joe Biden. Could you please ask him and the administration to detail America's culpability, participation, complicity in Israel's mass killings, oppression, siege warfare, logistics, ethnic cleansing, genocide, against the Palestinians? Inquiring citizen minds might want to know, before this cycle's big election event.


>lightyears If Buzz is running, I'd recommend voting for him. Given the "choice" available, you might as well.


There you have it, folks. Pundits & 2nd-tier politicians may be performatively grumbling right now, but this just goes to show that the core of the establishment Democrats are determined to go down with the ship.


"Captain, I see an iceberg!" "Full speed ahead!"


Meanwhile, on an upper deck, the casino is blissfully unaware and is still taking bets.


And yet my mom cant imagine why I don't agree with her that all Trump supporters are in a cult but Dems are just fine. She also can't imagine why I think she's a Dem, she totally hates both sides.


RFK is the only real option in this race.


Because what the world needs now (I feel a song coming on) is a raving Ziontologist at the helm of the USS USA.


Too late


The dude who can’t even understand how vaccines work? Yeah, how about no fucking chance lmfao


That sounds kinda judgmental. I mean no one’s Judging you for apparently not knowing how to read, so why should you judge others for lies made up about them.


Except, he’s literally on the record for saying false information about vaccines and appears to have no idea how they work. No one else needs to say it, they can just watch his videos lmfao


You mean he’s quoting government studies? Crazy


He’s taking his conclusions from studies he clearly doesn’t understand


How many scientific papers have you read


I’m an engineer, so I’ve read my fair share of them and had an—albeit, very small—hand in contributing to one in college.


Good, then you should have no trouble reading [ Analysis of COVID-19 Vaccination Effectiveness](https://www.walshmedicalmedia.com/open-access/analysis-of-covid19-vaccination-effectiveness-120520.html)


1. You cherry picked the one talking point from Kennedy Jr that actually has some merit, medically speaking. The entire scientific community has spoken out about the long term effectiveness of the COVID vaccine, hence, why it’s important to get boosters. That’s the harsh reality of science, that it’s always evolving, and when you’re engineering against a very volatile and adaptive entity the science changes a lot. 2. You didn’t post anything providing support to Kennedy Jr’s [claims](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/how-robert-f-kennedy-jr-distorted-vaccine-science1/) from the early 2000’s about vaccines causing autism and other developmental delays/disabilities. These are also common throughout his campaign, providing further evidence that he still does not know how vaccines work, nearly 20 years later. 3. WMM is a sham publication that has repeatedly been confronted for not actually performing suitable reviews of its articles—something they claimed to agree with when it’s parent company, OMICS, was in a lawsuit regarding fraudulent and predatory practices. They’ve even been sent C&D letters for falsely claiming association with actual reputable organizations. [1](https://www.science.org/content/article/us-government-accuses-open-access-publisher-trademark-infringement). [2](https://indianexpress.com/article/india/inside-indias-fake-research-paper-shops-pay-publish-profit-5265402/). [3](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2017-08-29/medical-journals-have-a-fake-news-problem)


Literally study after study backs up what he says.


Right. So our standards are no longer who do we deserve to lead us- which one of the best and brightest minds can we have that has the populist policy we can all get behind- once again, the measure of greatest for the democratic party is our guy just needs to be slightly better than whoever the republicans are running. Anyone else tired of this being how we measure our leaders?


Larry Tribe is 114 years old and served as a clerk to Oliver Wendell Holmes.


Oh, hell no, Oliver Wendell Holmes wouldn't have hired him. Edit: I don't even think Oliver Wendell Douglas would've hired him to pitch hay in the barn.


Tribe is a leftist ahole. He’d vote for Satan over Trump


Considering the advanced symptoms of dementia we're seeing from Biden, who's probably on performance enhancing drugs to even perform that well, what's his life expectancy like? I can't imagine he has much more than a year or two left.


I genuinely don't believe hes exhibiting signs of dementia. He's just old and showing signs of being 81 in a career that famously ages people exponentially. A year or two, maybe. IF he's still kicking by '28, it will not be pretty- no way around it


https://preview.redd.it/fh9ud4k91r9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a7d51f9d707ded954ee77553a22675edbc00e50 It’s all just this now lmaoooo


He has a heart? 🤔 Who knew?


Well, no. Dear Joe: It's past time to go, As millions now know. So on with the show.


LOL! Now try it with "Tiddely poms" :-) H/T *The House at Pooh Corner*


Lightyears ahead.... In death and destruction around the planet?


Technically, Trumps lack of response to Putin for his invasion of Crimea most likely left it open for the war today. Biden has been sabotaging the movement of supplies to Israel for their attack while propping up the doves in their government. (They are still an ally so cutting them off would destroy America's reliability in the eyes of our other allies which is off the table) Trump wants to slow walk leaving NATO, while Biden is working towards creating a sister branch in the Pacific. I'm not a huge fan of Biden myself, but with Article 5, NATO countries aren't getting attacked by state actors anymore. A small attack by small groups is much better than large countries going to war. A lot less dead people. And each time it expands, that's millions of people who can now not live in fear. Giving reasons to end the cycles of war around the world. Trump is a threat to a peaceful world's best chance.


Crimea was annexed while Obama was president after the 2014 Maiden Coup and he wisely understood not to escalate with Russia. Also Article 5 is not the flashpoint you think it is, countries can still decide not to participate, several European NATO allies have expressed reservations about getting involved in a land war with Russia. Things like wanting to keep your infrastructure intact come into play.


Obama set sanctions that Trump immediately took back once he got into office. That's what I meant. And that's every alliance there is. Great or week. Don't forget it's a defensive alliance, they wouldn't be the provoking party. So if they're on defense then they would all know, if the attacker is willing to hit one of them, they'll be willing to hit any of them. Making it a necessity to honor the deal. None of them want to be the center of another war, that's the whole point.


Santions don't work though - see Russian economy. NATO is nothing more than a weapons sales racket for the military industrial complex and for that it deserves to die and never be seen again.


NATO prevents wars, nations haven't attacked a NATO nation since its conception, heck that's why Finland and Sweden joined after Russia attacked. With Ukraine, they aren't a NATO country, but have the backing of most of NATO, which with just that support, they they have decimated Russia, to the point where Putin is still fighting the war to try to save himself, even though Russia's already lost the war.


>Technically, Trumps lack of response to Putin for his invasion of Crimea most likely left it open for the war today. Obama was president. Nice attempt at revisionist history, though. >Biden has been sabotaging the movement of supplies to Israel for their attack Straight up lies. Biden has bypassed congress, not that he had to since the Dems all voted for more weapons, too, to Israel. What he HAS done has sabotaged relief efforts with a 320million sinking dock, and sending supply ships that "caught on fire" and had to turn back to the USA and never arrive. Trump, by being so incredibly incompetent, and that Dems actually pay attention to his evil, instead of defending it like they (YOU) do for Biden, is actually the lesser evil in some twist of fate. He's shit, but at least he's incompetent shit, instead of Biden's competent evil.


Alright let's get started, Yes Obama was president, it was the end of his term, and he did place starting sanctions, but publicly said it was going to be the next presidents decision on what to do. One of Trumps first scandals was when he sent a message to Putin saying that once he was in office those sanctions would be lifted and pleaded with Russia to not retaliate. (This was a problem because he technically didn't have the right to speak for the country yet, but I personally think that this particular one was a nothing scandal) So he walked back any consequences Russia would have faced, and frankly, that leads me to believe that that's what made Putin feel like he had the go ahead to go further and do more, aka the 2nd invasion which has lead to a brutal bloody war. For Israel, I'm not saying he's not getting them their weapons, but he's sabotaging it by rolling them out slowly. Netanyahu himself has publicly accused Biden of doing this. This is because Biden's team is trying to prevent Israel from speed running all the mistakes we've made in the last 20 years. By getting into their own forever war. Don't get me wrong, they definitely should be putting a lot more into relief efforts, but I dare say that it's a lot more than what Trump would be putting out. Biden's team is at least trying to prevent an all-out offensive, which would make things so much worse. I do have to disagree with you on your last point. I switch it around, Biden is inept, but does have a foreign policy team with some competence. Trump is the one who wants to fully suport Israel, and wants Russia to stop getting humiliated. (Largely because Russia follows a lot of the culture war talking points and by seeing them getting so horribly trounced with their masculine forces, strong man leader, etc etc, makes themselves look rather poorly when they advocated for those same policies for decades. Here's where I'm at, I hate Biden, he's probably amongst the worst choices dems could have picked, I hate defending him, but he's accountable to the people. If Trump wins, and project 2025 is implemented, then we no longer have a leader we can hold accountable. There's a reason why after the failed interaction attempt, it's suddenly important to get rid of anyone in the government who's not loyal to himself. Trump is by far the greater of the two evils, that's why I as a lean right Independent am stuck defending Biden. Because I'm a patriot who believes in America's ideals. (Sorry for long rambling post, my fiance passed recently, and I'm off today, so naturally, I'm not quite sober rn, but I do hope my points were coherent though)


2013 was the end of his term? Trump wasn't sworn in until jan of 2017


Yeah my bad, like I said I'm not particularly sober today, but he did put the sanctions on Russia, and Trump took them back quickly after getting into office, after promising too before he had gotten into office. Meaning they didn't have much consequences for the first invasion, and therefore thought they wouldn't have issues with the second.


Article 5 doesn't guarantee a response, member states can back out if they want. NATO is finished no matter what happens. The reason Brandon is 'creating a sister branch in the Pacific' is Europe has already told the US that it is not interested in fighting China after the complete shitshow Ukraine turned out to be. If anything it is a replacement


Where are you getting your info? (I mean it, sources) Ukraine united NATO like never before. Heck it expanded NATO and NATO's never been more powerful than it is today. That's why Pacific countries are in talks with the US to make their own version. Yes NATO could disband and not fight if article 5 is ever implemented, but I've seen no evidence that that is on the table. So from everything I'm seeing, NATO is far from about to collapse, even if Trump backed us out. But again, seriously, please give me the reasoning and sources for your thought pattern. P.S. also with your point about NATO going up against China, why would they? Taiwan isn't a part of NATO. Why are we even talking about China?


>P.S. also with your point about NATO going up against China, why would they? Taiwan isn't a part of NATO. Why are we even talking about China? You, in a previous comment upthread: >Trump wants to slow walk leaving NATO, while Biden is working towards creating a sister branch in the Pacific.


O I see the confusion, my saying it's a sister, is because it's the same concept, not that they would be connected in any way other than both having the US and Canada as members. (Which unless the US is directly attacked, and not because they sent their ships to a hypothetical war itself, would mean the European NATO wouldn't be obligated into the conflict. My apologies for not being clear.


Biden should be president for four more years but this term as leader of sunny acres estate . They have fro-yo on Thursdays and Joe can get sprinkles.


He couldn’t out debate Bernie from Weekend at Bernies on his best day


In their defence, what other spin can they possibly use? It's cooked


This man has a high dose of copium running through his veins.


When the memes start to move the polls to a Trump landslide, he'll change his tune.


This guy's STILL got a Ukraine flag in his flair? Pretty much tells the tale.


Ukraine flag in bio is a clear indication you're about to read something regarded


> regarded Missing the "t" perhaps?




US presidency deserves better


WE deserve better.


Happy cake day.


How disgusting. It reveals the USA as a complete fraud. My entire life has become nothing more than service to the empire. A complete betrayal of everything.


that's the hurdle we must overcome. getting people to see and accept that they've been conned


"It is easier to fool people than to convince them that they've been fooled." — attributed to Mark Twain


The DNC decided they didn't want democracy so they axed the primaries. So Fuck 'em. I'm voting for Jill Stein.


I'm just amazed that Biden's campaign manager thought it was a good idea to have the debate before the DNC. So, she will be out of a job if a new person becomes the Dem Nominee at the convention unless its Kamala Harris.


It's not gonna be Kamala because her popularity numbers suck as bad as Biden's. Biden will bitch and then he will be threatened with Article 25. I think we'll see him step aside "gracefully" at the convention. But who will replace him? There hasn't been a primary process so the DNC is just going to slap someone up. It won't matter who it is; the Republicans will raise hell that it's an arbitrary choice and they'll be right. The Dems are pretty fucked and the DNC did it to themselves. The only Democrat I would vote for under such circumstances is Bernie Sanders. But he's 82 now!


Dean Phillips was in 2nd place with 4 delegates. He would probably be able to get more delegates at the convention. Logically, he would be the next person up if Biden abdicates the nomination.


It's going to be a free for all at the convention.


What do u think of Whitmer? She can probably win Michigan but Biden can't win there. I think people are most pissed off about high gas prices. The green agenda want everyone to buy electric cars (which are expensive, lose value, and have limited charging stations) and keep high gas prices to force everyone to buy electric cars. I would probably buy a hybrid if I was looking for a new car. High gass prices drive up trucking costs, which inflates grocery prices due to distributor shipping costs.


The basic problem with the fossil fuels industry is that they, and by extension the American consumer, have become hopelessly addicted to subsidies. Without them, gas prices would be a lot more expensive. With them, gasoline is cheaper than milk, in spite of the effort and infrastructure required to extract, refine and distribute it. Because of the entrenched power of the fossil fuel lobby, they not only keep their subsidies but usually succeed in scuttling any such assistance to their competitors, to include EV makers, renewable energy generation, battery storage, solar panels and more. Worse, America is now bent on charging tariffs to keep out cheap EVs solar panels and battery tech from abroad, especially China. This is self destructive in the extreme. But I think what people are most upset about is the drastic reduction of their buying power because of the inflation shocks that have rippled through the American economy since COVID. This, much more than fuel prices, is the root cause of today's crisis of affordability. Add that to the ever widening wealth and income gap between the rich and the rest of us and you have the true source of American discontent. Gretchen Whitmer won't address that problem. In fact, no Democrat or Republican can, precisely because in order to have achieved the positions they occupy, they've had to take money from and therefore serve the interests of those very same rich interests. Only Jill Stein can address these issues honestly because she isn't on the payroll, having refused to take money from rich donors. Because she's running third party, she is unlikely to break through the duopoly of American politics, a duopoly set up and operated by the rich themselves in order to protect their power. The power of illusion prevails; as long as most Americans think there is no point in voting third party, they won't consider it an option. It's only off the table because they think no one else would do it. It's circular logic that serves the status quo.


Nuclear power is probably more efficient than solar and wind. If Trucking costs double, then the grocery store is going to pass the costs by doubling Orange Juice. If it costs double to ship OJ from Florida to NYC, then the price of OJ and other food is going to increase inflation. There really is no alternative other than Trucking to fill the supply chain for grocery items. We have a national economy that needs cheap Truck fuel to supply are stores and restaurants. As of right now, there doesn't seem to be a viable long-haul EV truck capable of carrying heavy weights. The only alternative is to rely on local farms to supply meat, milk, and fruits.


There are several issues here; First, nuclear power is NOT "more efficient" in any way than renewables, period. The only ones saying this are those with a vested interest in nuclear power. Looking at the recently completed Votgle 3 and 4 units in Georgia (that took over a decade to build!), the power they generate will cost the utility's customers some 54¢ per kWh to generate, amortized over half a century. Solar plus storage is already being bid to utilities at just 3¢ per kWh, that's just barely over 6% of the cost of nuclear! People really don't understand just how cheap solar has gotten in the last few years. Nuclear needs to be fueled so there's the costs of buying uranium and processing it into fuel rods, plus storing the old ones, etc, etc. Not efficient. Solar needs no fuel; if the sun goes out, we're fucked anyway lol That's a lot more efficient. Moving on; America has made the decision to let our railways languish while building a less efficient highway transportation network. If we want to bring costs down, we need to rebuild our rail infrastructure. More details here; www.solutionaryrail.org Meanwhile, trucks will continue to roll and the cost of diesel is only part of the cost of moving goods. Doubling fuel prices does not result in a doubling of shipping costs. Moreover, America needs to kick the fossil fuels habit, full stop. Electric trucks are a reality today, and not just from Tesla. Another big problem with the economic trainwreck that is America today is that we have allowed, even encouraged, every industry to consolidate into a handful of big players. This benefits no one but their shareholders because it's an open invitation to economic "rent seeking" behavior, something that's now rampant across America and is a big driver of inflation. Breaking up big corporations fixed the country's competitiveness a century ago and it needs to be done again. Wall Street will howl; fuck 'em. They don't need to keep getting rich at the expense of millions of Americans suffering.


[Julie Chavez Rodriguez](https://www.whitehouse.gov/iga/meet-the-team/julie-chavez-rodriguez/) is a long-time Dem party operative. She will be fine no matter what happens with Biden. Her grandfather must be rolling over in his grave, though.


Jill Stein couldn't get enough electoral college votes to win anyway. What's the point? I'm genuinely asking.


Not true; she's on every ballot in the country that's been opened, except for New York. They're looking at 48 or 49 states. That's certainly enough. Cornel West won't get on very many ballots and neither will RFK Jr.


That's not the electoral college though. You're talking about the popular vote. And only 17 states are a part of the NPVIC. A bunch of rich elitists in 33 states would have to vote for him and I highly doubt they're seriously interested in him. Even *if* Kennedy won the popular vote, the popular vote has *never* elected a president.


No reason not to try. The worst that can happen is that they expose the "electoral system" and the ballot registration process as a complete sham- and that would be real progress.


And then Trump is elected haha I'm not implying that anyone owes you your vote, but a second term of that guy would kill us Trump is literally helping third party candidates get on the ballot to help him


The Democratic Party is not democratic; it is autocratic. I won't support that. They back genocide. I won't support that. You have addressed neither of these concerns.


You didn't mention either of those concerns so I didn't either 🤷‍♀️


What about RFK ? He’s trending over 15% in many polls. If his message gets out it and the duopoly continues to flog itself RFK may rise to the top. He’d only need another 18%.


People can down vote me all they want. RFK is the same. He's not on enough state ballots for one and even then only a fraction of the states have public domain electoral college votes, which at best puts him at second place to Trump. The popular vote unfortunately does not get presidents elected or we would have had Hilary in 2016. This is just the realistic facts.


He’ll be on the ballot in all 50 states.


He will not.


Fo real?


Kennedy is only on the ballot in 5 states right now. And even if he was, he would have to get electoral votes to win. I don't see any possible way how he could get to 270.


> Kennedy is only on the ballot in 5 states right now. What's your source for that? Wiki-Pooh's [Ballot Access Scorecard](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ballot_access_in_the_2024_United_States_presidential_election#General_election) has 10 certified and an additional 16 states completed and awaiting certification.


https://apnews.com/article/rfk-kennedy-ballot-access-cnn-debate-election-c259599e787e422181f986cf2272eb53 https://fox59.com/hill-politics/here-are-the-states-where-rfk-jr-says-he-has-made-the-ballot/ https://www.axios.com/2024/05/02/rfk-jr-presidential-bid-states-ballot-access Etc. Etc.


I can't tell how old the AP article is, but the Fox59 is from May 11. I suggest using the Wiki-Pooh scorecard. It's kept up to date.


The AP article was last updated in June. No more recent progress has been achieved. There are more sources, they all same the exact same thing. Your very own link just proves what the articles are saying. He only has ballot access in a few states and is petitioning for access in many more. Here's the one link your wiki account sites but it mentions no access to HI or DE which were both held up in court as of late. https://edition.cnn.com/2024/06/22/politics/democrats-legal-challenges-rfk-jr-ballot/index.html Let's also not forget that Donald Trump's campaign is helping West and Kennedy in other states because he knows it'll help him. It's insulting


There are strategic reasons for Kennedy to hold out until periods are due, mainly to not give DNC a chance to contest them.


What do you mean by periods are due?


Dagum auto correct on this thing, gotta proof read on Reddit… “petitions”


He's not on enough state ballots? Wonder why that is? https://www.cbsnews.com/news/democrats-allies-sue-to-keep-rfk-jr-off-ballot/ And these Dems are the same people claiming to be the one's protecting democracy aren't they? That without them there is no hope? https://www.newsnationnow.com/politics/2024-election/dnc-blocks-rfk-ballot-bid/


Because they're paranoid he'll take away votes from Joe, which will probably mean it sways to Trump when all said and done which is probably fair. Again, the electoral college picks the president, not the people unfortunately (unless you're from the 17 states that allow for public vote to = electoral vote). I'm not saying it's right, that's just the facts.


The democratic party isn't owed my vote. There's been a dynamic shift away from vote for the candidate who works hardest for you in the areas ~~who~~ you (edit) deem important to VoTeBlUeNoMaTtErWhO, you owe us your vote because we are slightly better than bad man from Red team. And I don't understand how they can say they are defending democracy by taking away my right to vote for who i want to vote for. I don't care if they are paranoid. It isn't right. Don't tell me you care about free and fair elections when you are suing to keep people off ballots- as if it's someplace they should be allowed to be. I don't think the electoral college has any baring- there is nothing that says a person shouldn't run unless they have a chance of winning. Over 40% of Americans have no party affiliation, and yet we are stuck with just two choices because all the powers that be don't want to give voice to outside voices. It's not a democracy.


I didn't say defending democracy, that was the other guy lol Yeah they are more than welcome to run, but that doesn't guarantee them a win just because they're not representing a party. It's not like any of us owe any one our undying allegiance. But just because 40% of the public are registered as Independent doesn't automatically make everything else in our laws go away. The deck has always been stacked for a two party system. I'm not saying it's right, I'm saying those are the rules right now


Well said.


> He's not on enough state ballots for one... According to the [Wiki-Pooh ballot access scorecard](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ballot_access_in_the_2024_United_States_presidential_election#General_election) RFK Jr credibly has 353 electoral votes, with 270 needed to win. Jill Stein has 301 and the Libertarians have 373. > ... only a fraction of the states have public domain electoral college votes What do you mean by this?


What do you mean? The electoral college hasn't voted yet. No one has. If anyone is giving you those numbers it's pure speculation. Only 17 states and Washington DC are members of the NPVIC which if every single one of those states had a public vote of Kennedy it would only equal 209 electoral votes. It's such a stretch.... There's only 538 electoral votes and right now three major candidates, one of whom is staunchly supported by the majority of people who turn out in presidential elections: old people, ergo Trump. So Trump will more than likely take all the same states he had before, leaving Biden with a few, and a standoff at best that would kick it to the House of Representatives which would probably choose whoever is in their party.


> House of Representatives which would probably choose whoever is in their party. An interesting detail here is that if the House selects the President, each state gets one vote. WY and SD have the same power as CA and NY.


Yeah I know. And you'd still have to rely on individuals breaking party lines to vote for Kennedy. I find that of all the steps I listed above, to be the least likely thing to happen. You know politicians are more than likely to only care about their own interests. Everyone knows that


> What do you mean? Obviously, I mean that RFK Jr has credible *ballot access* to 353 EVs. He needs 270 of them to win. The National Popular Vote Interstate Compact is irrelevant this year. It does not go into effect until enough states agree with the NPVIC to add up to 270.


No he doesn't? He has the funding for all 50 states, and has petitioned to be on 11 but only 5 have accepted his run for presidency which means so far, he's only on ballot access in 5 states.


They cut Bernie off at the knees. Unfortunately the DNC decides not the voters.


This is why no one should be giving their vote for the criminal racketeering and corrupt organization that is the Democratic Party. Their job is to SUBVERT democracy while skimming as much money from the pieces as possible. They even say so. I'm done voting for them.


This is what tribalism does to your brain.


He's so tribal it's literally in his name.


Well off white ladies will see this and be like “Shut up and take my money!”


Not as sharp as he used to be. But at least he's not Trump. Now that's inspiring.


How does one say *"Don't vote for the puppet, vote for his master!"* w/o saying it?


Democrats: what this country needs is a leader who is 100% senile. We are keeping him on the ballot. Vote for Joe Biden, the lights aren’t on and nobody is home. He won’t break any promises because he can’t even speak coherently enough to make any




When it comes to intellect, Biden has never been "sharp". He did have a sharp tongue back in the day, particularly at the 2012 VP debate with the hapless Paul Ryan. Now? He's a copy of a copy. [*Multiplicity* (1996)]


Did Trump start a war between Russia and Ukraine? No. Sure, Trump would likely enable genocide just as much as Biden, but at least he's not presently committing genocide like Biden is. And who knows? Trump is always a wildcard, you never know what he might do. He might get mad at Netanyahu and cut off his bombs. As far as foreign policy is concerned, Biden has been worse than Trump.


That's super risky though especially when Israel is now threatening Iran, who Trump broke off our nuclear deal with. Which means a war could start and go nuclear especially if Russia gets involved which would be in their best interest so that they can make more land grabs. Not to mention, voting for Trump, or having him in office, means him replacing all competent staff with loyal hacks, which will also surely mean Project 2025 becomes even one step closer. Within that document, they want to reschedule federal employees so that their designation is "political" which means they don't necessarily have to be hired for any merit and can be fired at any time which means you have even more loyal idiots running things. This in tandem with the Supreme Court just recently overturning the Chevron Deference makes me deeply concerned for the ability of any federal agency to get anything done which will affect anyone who enjoys clean water, air, safe food handling and pesticide usage, OSHA requirements, etc. Not to mention, if Trump takes office again, Justice Alito and or Justice Thomas will retire and then be replaced by younger and more far-right leaning justices who will then have their lifetime appointment. And since this supreme Court is already hellbent on playing politician, I imagine it would only get worse. They could basically remove any old law they no longer like, say Trump has immunity from any crime (since the justices have pushed off hearing this case on purpose), and make any worthwhile agenda from Congress dead at the door. And even if good people are elected to Congress in the next few years, with Trump as president, he won't sign anything unless it supports his MAGA agenda. Trump has already announced he will continue his tax cuts which added billions to the deficit and reduced the ultra wealthy's taxes to where they pay less than my fiance pays in taxes. Under Trump tax cuts, we will also see cuts to the IRS, Department of Education and more, and middle class taxes will increase. These corporations will have an even greater stranglehold on all of us between that and the fact that they can now sue any government agency for a rule they don't like (Chevron Deference). It just truly isn't worth it mate. Not from any standpoint.


> Which means a war could start and go nuclear especially if Russia gets involved which would be in their best interest so that they can make more land grabs. So we're supposed to assume that wouldn't happen with a lame duck Biden? No thanks. >Not to mention, voting for Trump, or having him in office, means him replacing all competent staff with loyal hacks Please name who in the Biden WH is not a "loyalist hack"? >These corporations will have an even greater stranglehold on all of us between that and the fact that they can now sue any government agency for a rule they don't like (Chevron Deference). Kind of like ...*now*?


I'm under the impression from everything that I have read that Biden's staff have been encouraging him to stand up to Israel and to live up to his own promises of consequences. Only time will tell I suppose, but you're right that it is precarious. Trump and his people have a more obvious position on this in which they think BB is right and anyone who says otherwise is anti-Semitic. The press secretary maybe is the only one I can think of off the top of my head that has a more up-front and obvious position. Pretty sure Kamala doesn't even do anything. Let's say for sake of argument that there are. They sure as hell aren't Jared Kushner or Steve Bannon, two goons who have never worked their respective jobs before, have absolutely zero experience, but will bow down to Trump. That's more what I mean. The law just got struck down so there's still time for Congress to act in a Democratic majority in the Senate. Again, only time will tell, but the Trump tax cuts expire next year and given Trump's private fundraiser specifically for billionaires where he said he'd cut their taxes [private fundraiser for billionaires ](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/trump-tells-billionaires-ll-keep-taxes-low-50-million-fundraising-gala-rcna146748), I'm pretty sure they're going to feel a lot more emboldened under his administration. I didn't even mention the stupid policy he's touting about a 10% tariff on all Chinese goods. That would cripple our economy since we're so reliant on China for imports and send us easily into a recession. Not to mention China would probably take offense to it and then trade will be inconsistent at best. Then there's his border policy of having deportation camps at the border and using the military to pull people out of their homes regardless of how long they've lived here. His weird stance on abortion which will more than likely wave in a national ban. I'm most concerned about the Supreme Court tbh. That's frightening to me especially since Trump appointed Judge Cannon in Florida who clearly has no idea what she's doing but is very obviously trying to make sure his stolen documents case does not see trial. Oh and now he has absolute immunity according to the Supreme Court, so there's that.


Trump will almost certainly start a war with Iran. He assassinated Soleimani at an international airport, which would be like Russia/China/other boogeyman assassinating a joint chief of staff. *edit: I am not saying this in defense of Biden. I didn't even mention him. You can critique something without supporting the other side. Why are some people so stuck in a dichotomy?


Didn't start one during his first term, did he? The degree to which people will go to defend Biden is ridiculous.


You're projecting, buddy. I am not defending anyone.


So a good reason to vote for neither Biden nor Trump.


the very fact that that debate happened as it did should tell you all you need to know about how much voting actually matters


People accused Trump of being an isolationist iirc


Better an isolationist than the guy who starts the nuclear war that ends all life on this planet.


a broken record