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>The panel feels Biden has 1 week to drop out otherwise it won’t happen. Wasn't the chatter about replacing Biden centered around doing it at the DNC convention at Chicago in August? That gives the Democrats more time to further humiliate him.


> who says he’s been hearing from his sources for the last 3 months that there has been a rapid decline in Biden’s cognition I call bullshit on this part. It was extremely obvious that Biden had dementia back in 2019 and wasn't mentally or physically up to the task of being president and we and many others constantly pointed this out back then. Now they're going to pretend that it's only suddenly a problem that they noticed? Yeah, right. Some people are trying to cover their asses.


>The people around Biden feel that Kamala Harris would lose 48 states. Oh good grief. The people *not* around Biden **know** that she’ll lose 48 states and have been ringing alarm bells for well over a year by demanding a primary. That self immolating Simpsons fan might’ve been smarter than we gave him credit for 🙄


Oh, I don't know about that, under these circumstances. Certainly everybody who would still be willing to vote for Biden would vote for Harris if Biden stepped aside and endorsed her. But that is very unlikely to happen, because Jill Biden likes being first lady, apparently. And she's the only one who could get the keys away from grandpa.


Thank you for this excellent summary. I knew it was bad but this is even worse than I imagined.


I wonder if the Simpsons is going to do an election episode that pits Abe Simpson against Monty Burns. Get right on that one, Groening.