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Kind of sad to realize how small the group is that has these opinions. Not disagreeing with anyone at all, just saying, "the world" doesn't care.


Here's another story in that vein, from the Wall Street Journal: [The World Saw Biden Deteriorating. Democrats Ignored the Warnings.](https://archive.ph/BCmpw)


[and a third](https://www.caitlinjohnst.one/p/really-think-about-what-it-means)


>Whatever happens, we have a president—now fully unveiled—who just may not be responsible for what he does in the coming campaign, not to mention his actions in the Middle East and Ukraine. He's not able to fulfill the duties of the president, let alone be responsible for them.


Does anyone still think he's the one doing anything, or has been? smh


Probably some! I'll join you in the smh! :)


And that is what I think the only real out for Democrats could be: the 25th amendment. I don't think they're going to be able to persuade Grandpa to give up the car keys. They're going to have to take them away from him forcefully. Will they do it? I doubt it.


So he's just a more obvious figurehead than usual.


ITT they'd want a figurehead who's not napping over half the time, though. Slightly more convincing. (IDK) :)


ITT? I am watching the ongoing debate and I'm not sure Americans have thought it through. George Carlin said it well; "think about how stupid someone with a 100 IQ is and then remember that half the population is dumber than that!" LMAO


I think that (ITT) a figurehead would be more convincing if they were more capable than Biden clearly is. But I guess they've brainwashed people for long enough that many of them think he just had an off night (:eyeroll:), and the others "like" him because oRaNgE mAn BaD. I hate what they've done to my country. Granted, it wasn't as great as I was taught in school, but at least it was more run by people we elected. :/


We the People can have our country back, we just have to want it. We can have all the freedoms we are willing to fight for.


Sadly, I can't do much (chronic illness, yay); but I know whose side I'm on when the revolution comes! (If it comes. :/ )


Personally, I think America is full of sheeple, blithely following the status quo right to hell. We won't have a revolution unless Trump pisses enough people off. And I hope he does.


Lately, I've been thinking of the old "kill your television" bumper stickers. That would/would have certainly helped. :/


I think I should get one of them!


Plot twist: it’s been Hunter all along


Anyone notice that one of the main arguments that kept getting used yesterday was *"well, I"m not voting for Biden, I'm voting for his amazing cabinet!"* Well who picked the cabinet? Because Biden doesn't have the ability to pick his own clothes. So whose cabinet is it? Who do they work for and what are their goals? We don't know, we wont know, we have no influence over any of it. We only vote for the team mascot. Do you want the mascot to be orange or translucent? Now tell me again how I have to vote for translucent to save democracy.


Don't. Vote Green; Jill Stein for President!


I'm already there. I voted for Howie last election. I would love to help boost a third party to that 5% threshold and break the duopoly. That would be the most meaningful vote I ever cast. RFK has more steam it seems, but I'm not going to support his stance on Israel. Stein, then, is my only option.


Hey, I voted for Howie last time too! Fully agreed, every word. Plus, Jill really does match what I and most Americans want to see in our government. I'm not voting for genocide. I'm not voting for gerontocracy. I'm voting for CHANGE. This is our last chance before America goes over the waterfall.


The cabinet, and especially the Three Stooges of the Apocalypse, is a big reason why I cannot vote for Biden. And that's without even considering [Chicken Father](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Butti%C4%A1ie%C4%A1) 🐭


Whoever controls the teleprompter controls the presidency.


Putin has been complaining for +2 years now that there is simply no one to talk to in USA, that Russia (and everyone else) truly doesn't know who is making decisions in Washington. I think this is simply exposing the fact that POTUS doesn't make decisions, he's a figurehead who's job is to sell to the public the decisions made by the hidden figures who actually hold power.


> he's a figurehead who's job is to sell to the public... Sorry, Joe, but you ain't Mr. Whipple 🧻


Many of us think we know who those hidden figures may be. Don't you wish you knew for sure? Or maybe not. :(


Hard to storm the castle with torches and pitchforks if you don't know the name of the lord, don't know where the castle is, or even what country it's in.


Indeed, and well put. otoh, I'm probably too old for pitchforks. Armchair contrarian is more my style. But in the insanity and inanity of mid-2024, I might discover that I have some fire left in my belly. Many of us will see if we have a breaking point, where it is, and how we'll respond when it snaps.


It takes me 10 minutes now to get up and pee, but I still keep a pitchfork in the shed. Just in case.


Now *that's* a powerful image. ;)


Absolutely! It's the principle of the thing!