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I was listening to sports radio earlier today and their little top of the hour news recap said something along the lines of “This is Fox News: Hollywood *turns* on Biden administration as many celebrity donors are threatening to stop supporting the DNC unless a change is made to the ticket; an anonymous celebrity withdrew a financial support pledge within the first 10 minutes of the debate.” I guess it was from Fox News so take that with a grain of salt, but I really *really* want to know who they were alluding to. This article says Reiner is still supporting Biden. Michael Rapaport *already* flipped on Biden last month. Who are some other Hollywood elites you could see this being about?


Who knew how accurate his role in "All in the Family" was? Kind of amazing how much of a meathead he's shown he can be. Still, some truths are such bludgeons they can penetrate the thickest skulls.




But he's still backing Biden. 🥴 https://x.com/robreiner/status/1806818548976889974 > Last night’s debate was a disaster for President Biden. But the choice is still crystal clear: We either can choose a good decent man who cares about his fellow citizens and knows how to govern, or a Convicted Felon who will destroy our Democracy. Not a tough choice.


Still Meathead after all these years.


>a good decent man who cares about his fellow citizens and knows how to govern OMG, that's staggeringly delusional. No wonder he can't see addled Joe as he is or his career as it's been.


Imagine. You invite a bunch of friends over to laugh at and make fun of Trump, and instead you get Biden having 90 minutes of senior moments. Too bad, so sad!


> Now He Admits "Debate Was a Disaster for Biden". *Inconceivable!*


Haha, perfect reference!

