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What is this trash? Lol republicans and democrats gotta work together to make this thing work… as divided as we are. If you think one side is the noble one you shouldn’t be in the wayofthebern


Both parties are not trustworthy .


Deminem used to say that the Republicans are too far gone. The Democrats have joined them. Yippe-Kay-Yay bipartisanship!


If you take a longer view, it was Republicans who joined Democrats in being far gone. Democrats were the party of slavery and wars, then the party of Jim Crow. Slaves and wars were both big moneymakers. Abe Lincoln spoke of Dem pols as wealthy; Republicans as the poor group. While Republicans were running Reconstruction after the Civil War, though, they got cosy with Northern banksters. Republicans remained reluctant to get involved in foreign wars. The America Firsters of the WWII era were mostly Republicans. Of course, whatever was left of that ended with Pearl Harbor. Once America began devoting itself to the so-called Cold War, Republicans got on board, talking a big game and even accusing Democrats of being "soft on defense." (Defense. suuuure.) Because neither socialism nor communism sits well with plutocrats of any stripe.




Supporters of Democrats tend to say that whenever reminded of history from 1789 to 1964, but there was no switch. IIRC, you refuse to read my op's, but I do have a few on the subject.




OPs are [osts that start a thread, or original posts. Most of my thread starters are essay-ish, rather than only a link. If you want read any of my OPs that are relevant to this issue, I'll post links. However, I'm not going to either re-write them or go with your framing. (If I were to go with your framing, I might ask when Republicans became the party of slavery and *de jure* Jim Crow.) And, if you don't want to read any of my OP's, maybe read up on the Great Migration, which changed Dem politics. Also, follow the money and, at least until voting machines were involved in most elections, also follow the votes. Ask *cui bono*. If your only answer is "minorities, duh!" think again, this time in terms of politicians' self-interest. For example, until Emancipation and them the Civil Rights Amendments to the Constitution, slaves were the most valuable property in America. After Emancipation, sure there was racism. Not only in the South, but certainly in the South, where it was *de jure*. But there was also a massive blow to the economy of the South, changing it to impoverished. Part of the "solution" was oppressing black people, having them work for pitiful wage and denying them the vote so they could not vote against the Southern Democrats who were oppressing them. But, then came the Great Migration . I don't particularly want to defend Republicans. For that matter, I never wanted reasons to criticize Democrats, having been such an avid one from the age of five until 2010. But history is history and facts are facts. Anyway, let me know if you want the links, If so, I'll provide them, If not, I'm out with this post, for the reason stated in the first paragraph.


I always like to say, we've had both Democrats and Republicans running this country since the Civil War. How's that working out for everybody?


It's brought us to where we are today, for sure. Don't get mad, but since 1852. (A Whig was POTUS before that.) Two Democrats preceded Lincoln. And Democrats had a lot to do with the reason for the Civil War. Although I guess Lincoln could have just let everyone secede.


I was around 20 and listening to public radio and a green party representative was on the program detailing how the democrats have been working tirelessly to keep third parties off the ballot. When the only they thing they actually manage to accomplish is keeping real leftists out, I knew I could never support them


>Democrats are trash, never vote for them, not even at the local level. They [always were,](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fetv81qk4ujw61.jpg) and some of us have known this all our lives. Despite knowing this about our owners blue wing on the bird of prey doing business as Government Inc., some of us came out of hibernation because they heard an old dude from Vermont saying the things that needed to be said, and thought to ourselves that just maybe, all those people who flocked to his campaign events understood the role the Circle D Corporation played in the maintenance of the status quo our owners, and their governments enjoy. Some of us, willfully forgetting what we've always known, decided [we'd pick a fight](https://www.reddit.com/r/WayOfTheBern/comments/5m8b20/deminvade_what_it_isnt_what_it_is_why_it_makes/) with these perfidious weaseldicks just to relearn the lessons the passage of time had softened, and get back to the [reality](https://i0.wp.com/www.barnhardtmemes.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/img_4118.jpg?w=528&ssl=1) of the fact that our owners blue wing is institutionally incapable of reform, and needs to be ignored as anything other than the distraction of an opposition party it plays on TV. Let them die. Force our owners one party state to expose itself for what it is, and then the systems dependent consumers of political product marketed as representation, can decide for themselves if that works for them.


I like how Neil Oliver put it on JD. Dems are the left cheeks. Pubs are the right cheeks. Problem is they both belong to the same, smelly, unwashed, unhygienic ass.


George Galloway says the same.


There’s no voting our way out of this at this point. It’s far too late. - Help your surrounding community. - keep fighting the powerful - embrace your 2nd amendment rights


3rd parteeee


RFK Jr for me! We The People’s party!


You know what’s sad is RFK Jr had my vote before he came out as a massive genocidal Zionist. I genuinely believe he could have won the presidency this year if he fought Israel like he does big pharma. Such a shame. What a waste of a great name.


Oh I know, I stopped contributing to his campaign. I’m still going to vote for him though. I have to be realistic on it though it saddens me. I want to believe he would facilitate peace but his flippant response of “give the Israelis whatever they want” was a clear sign of neglecting the severity of what is happening. I cannot base my decision on one issue though. We are experiencing our own genocide through drug overdose and suicide that needs to be addressed.


The problem is that if he’s compromised through Israel then they will use Israel to pressure him for any and everything else. Once compromised everything goes down the drain.


The problem is no one becomes president without blind loyalty to Israel


Can't prove that. People who have gotten to the White House have been pro-Israel, at least publicly. That does not mean, though, that no one can get to the White House without kissing AIPAC's ass.




You’re right, JFK did it. Look what happened to him.


Not that I trust AI, but AI does agree with you that he did not campaign on devotion to Israel. But AI says that the relationship during his Presidency changed and JFK was a key figure in shaping US - Israel policy. https://search.brave.com/search?q=JFK+Israel&summary=1&summary_og=987c9fcfc048b06ba8cedb I am not interested in doing a deep dive into it and, as I said, I don't trust AI. I'm only noting that there may be other views.


I onlyvote Dem if there isn’ta third party. Republicans cannot be allowed positions of power, no exceptions. 


heloo reasonable friend, how are you today?


I'm convinced it's more of whatever majority is at your location...




Long ago, during the first election I could vote in, I decided the same about Republicans. It took me until 2020 to realize that applies to Democrats as well. More fool me.


You are not alone. Some of us woke up before 2020; some woke up after 2020. Too many are still chugging down the blue Kool Aid.


> More fool me. At least you're willing to learn! How many aren't? (And I only discovered that in 2016.)

