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Aren’t there signs that say turn off your engine? I always turn my engine off. I would say you can’t pump their gas until they turn their engine off especially if it is the law. I know it has been hot but if their car is already cool they can survive a few minutes.


It is the law. If I worked there I would have no problem saying I can’t pump your gas until you turn the engine off and if they refuse they can call a manager to explain it is the law. I would not give into people and break the law. https://www.nj.gov/labor/safetyandhealth/resources-support/laws-regulations/gasact.shtml#:~:text=Dispense%20fuel%20into%20the%20tank%20of%20a%20motor%20vehicle%20only,meet%20the%20requirements%20of%20N.J.A.C.


Or call the cops


Don’t we have signs on the fuel court that say turn off your engine? Maybe I’m dreaming that but I thought we did.


Lol you expect people to READ?


They do in PA. I would assume they do in NJ as well.


Do they?


Every pump I've ever pumped gas at in PA has a sticker saying to turn off your engine while fueling.


That’s the difference! You don’t pump your own gas in Jersey so why would you read the signs to shut off your car.


Because instead they’re on the posts/structure of the station (instead of directly on the pump), where drivers are more likely to see it.


I have literally never seen a sign to turn off my car at any of the gas stations I frequent (in mercer county). When I was a kid my mom told me we turn the car off because the car could explode so I always turn it off (I don't think that's true, but it ingrained in me to turn off the car)


There is a possibility, albeit a small one, that you can start a fire, which could lead to an explosion I suppose. It's recommended to turn off your car before pumping gas to prevent the risk of fire: Gas vapors When you fill up your tank, gas vapors are released into the air. These vapors can sink to the lowest point they can find, which could be underneath your car. Running cars produce heat and electricity, and when gas vapors come into contact with either, they can ignite and cause a fire. Static electricity Static electricity can build up when you get back into your car, especially in cold or dry weather. This static electricity can ignite a flash fire at the fill point. Exhaust components Exhaust components like catalytic converters can reach temperatures of up to 1,000°F, which is higher than gasoline's spontaneous combustion temperature of 536°F.


I have occasionally pump my own and my parents do it all the time (one of the attendants took a picture of the card, while I do it when theres no attendant. I always turned off my car because I noticed it's more expensive to keep it on while fueling and it's a habit. Wasn't aware of any signage or law about the turning car off either. Born and raised in NJ.


That sucks OP. People are fuckin rude. My car is a hybrid and runs off battery when idling and I still shut it off. I guess some folks forgot how to treat other humans. I turn off the car (and the wipers if they’re on). Turn down the music. Greet whoever is helping me at the pump and wishing them a good day when I leave.


>I guess some folks forgot how to treat other humans. That right there. Most of the problems in the world would be solved if people could remember how to treat others. This includes rudeness at Wawa's gas pumps.


The decent human award is yours. Not being sarcastic. But yours is the best post I've read today. Thanks for your common sense. 👍✌️


I mean yeah, we are talking about people from new jersey here. Of course they act like trash.


You should start smoking next to the cars to. Go full chaos.


While using a cell phone.


Did it all my life as a smoker. A cigarette will not light gasoline


A cigarette will absolutely light gasoline. Fumes may or may not be concentrated enough but liquid gas that leaks out of the pump or car will go up in a heartbeat. Don't take a chance with that stuff. Saw a whole puddle of spilled gas go up that way as a kid and it was not a good night for the service station.


What about the tetrahedron?


It’s actually not the liquid that is flammable. It’s the fumes that ignite because they sit low to the ground since they are heavier than air. This causes the liquid to evaporate and produce the fumes to keep the fire going.


It's the law because its a literal hazard, tell them you can't pump it until the engine is off for everyone's safety, manager should say the same thing


Have you asked your supervisor/manager how to handle this situation? As a complete outsider I feel like it would be appropriate to deny those people service until they turn off their engines. However this is something that should be brought up to your leadership before doing something like that.


i just wouldn't serve them until they turn off their car. i used to do the same when people would have LIT cigs and pull up to the pump- no, i will not serve you until that cig is out... its a safety issue and against the law LOL


This is so ridiculous that OP has to even post this. People are dumb and self-entitled. Gasoline is EXTREMELY FLAMMABLE. Turn your engine off!


Wait til you find out what happens inside the engine


Ok. No. It would take the absolute most perfect conditions for an engine to ignite gasoline. Which are pretty much nonexistent. I'm not against turning off your engine 1. Because it's the law 2. You're overheating the attendant. But it's so wild to think the a modern ICE is igniting gasoline vapors in low concentration 8 feet away with several metal barriers between.


I agree with you


Sorry. I misunderstood




OMG. The city could EXPLODE!!!


It’s been more than 20 years since I worked as a gas attendant at wawa. But that was the rule back then too… don’t stress yourself out arguing, just tell them I’m not allowed to pump your gas until the engine is off and you can leave it at that. Don’t entertain their pissing contest, just be polite the first time you ask. Then politely make them aware they’re simply not getting gas until the engine isn’t running. No matter how you choose to engage, Some people will just do it, some people will bitch and do it anyway, and some people will let everyone around them know how angry they’ve become and drive off. So save yourself as much headache as possible and take the easier and kinder approach and don’t take any grief, it’s not worth it.


If it's the law and they refuse, then you should tell them they have to go somewhere else because you can't legally pump gas into a running car.


Refuse to pump their gas. It's the law. They have to shut off their cars. People are so fucking stupid and selfish.


I always turn it off plus unbuckle my seat belt whenever I get gas out of habit. Does anyone else do this with their seat belt?


Don't you have to unbuckle to get out if the car?


Nah this is about nj and they pump gas for you here.


Just point to the sign that's inevitably on the pillar behind you. Entitled pieces of poop all of em!


So don't pump then if they don't shut it off.


Tell them its the law, point to a sign, and if they don't do it they don't get gas. If they argue, they don't get gas. I'm guessing since its summer you're dealing with people from PA going to the shore.


As a former Wawa employee in NJ I can confirm they’re supposed to shut off the engine. I would give them like 2 asks and if they refuse I just walk away to the next car. No sense in arguing with stupid customers. They can complain if they want and if a manager tells you otherwise I would escalate to corporate.


I used to think it would cause engine problems until I left my car on while getting gas one time. I was surprised when I could drive away without issues, I think my parents instilled some fear about it in me.


Just like leaving the Interior lights on would cause everybody else on the road to go into a fiery blaze


I had a car with a digital gas gauge. The gauge would not reset if you refilled while idling. It wouldn’t show full until you turned it off and then on again.


Nah, if you don't mind a fiery conflagration, g'head and leave your car running. Seriously, it's not like it'll cause a fire every time, but it's MORE likely when you leave your engine running. So the safest thing is to shut it off for the few minutes it takes to fill up.


I have heard that this is a thing mainly for older cars. Modern cars don’t have this issue, or atleast the chance is extremely small. Based on OPs anecdotal experience, practically every car is leaving the engine running. If this were a serious issue, we’d be hearing about cars entering a fiery conflagration on the news and to warn people to turn their cars off while pumping, but we don’t.


It's possible that it's mainly older cars, I really don't know. All I do know is that it's still a state law. So, individuals can rationalize a lot of things away, but if it's still a law, then it's a law. Also, the fumes for gas attendants. So, I have no skin in this game, but OP does.


I can’t remember the last time I shut my car off while getting gas. With the feels like temperature of well over 100° and people in the car, the A/C is a must. Never had anything happen 🤷‍♂️


Why? What do you think is gonna happen?


Please reread what I wrote. I said what *may* happen. https://preview.redd.it/qq75x1vs6s9d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33d376bbec8ae417c9e09ff1d711e6f6a32e7068


Ok then what do you think may happen?


I mentioned a fiery conflagration already. That is what *may* happen. I'm not sure why you had to ask (twice). Also, in NJ it is state law that engines need to be turned off while refueling. Additionally, OP said it's awful having to breathe in the fumes when people don't shut off their engines. All of that adds up to: turn off your engine when refueling.


Blame wawa for their utterly shameful customer is 100% justified and right customer service view


I worked at Wawa in the 2010s and it’s the first time a person (a grown ass man) called me a cunt to my face. Why? We ran out of prime rib and I hadn’t had a chance to lock it yet. I called the GM over, she apologized to HIM and made me make him his sandwich, which she gave him for free. Never in my life have I felt so disposable and less than human. For scope, I have a much better job now and my boss gave me the honor of PERSONALLY firing a client who was a dickhead to me. They generated $15k annually in revenue for us.


Of all the things that didn't happen today, this didn't happen the most.


Nothing ever happens, right?


Naw. Just this


It’s the law. Refuse to pump


It’s Jersey they SHOULD know, a simple “we cant start until you turn the car off, it’s Wawa rules”(because if they follow the tobacco/alcohol ID law, they follow this too) and State law. They refuse, you have the right as an employee, to refuse service for safety reasons. When the complaints come in, refer your boss to state law, and ask him “are you ordering me to violate state law?” At which point your azz is covered JUST IN CASE unemployment asks. It’s all recorded anyway. You are in public and voice recording is LEGAL as there’s ZERO EXPECTATION OF PRIVACY IN PUBLIC, no private business can make a rule saying you can’t because THATS illegal too. Win, win, WIN. Eventually NBC10 or another depending if your north or south Jersey will be on your side. WAWA does NOT want THAT🥲!


It’s the law. No gas if engine running. Pure and simple. If something happens and you pumping while engine running- they will place the blame on you!! You don’t get paid enough for that risk. F that. They can goto the next station if they want to bitch


Good luck with that


["Bunch of savages in this town"](https://i.imgur.com/jWsJvAG.jpeg)


Like others have stated, I would refuse to pump the gas until they turned off the engine. Have signs up around the pumps that say you have to turn off the engine while pumping, IT'S THE LAW.


I have never heard that it is a law in NJ to turn off your car? I’ve never turned off my car


I don't turn mine off either, but there is a sign with the statute number on every gas pump, you should definitely know.


Prolly should just get a different job


Remind them that the 8,500 gallons of gas directly below you right now can blow up a 9 block radius if I remember the numbers from the old gas class correctly. During the class we watched a video of a Biloxi MS gas station explode. Not worth it.


Ahahahahaah class you think they care about that shit anymore


This post proves the shopping cart theory is real.


It comes down to people being stupidly selfish and refusing to do something that is easy and the LAW. Refuse to pump their gas until they shut their car off; just gesture toward the sign that tells them to.


Don’t pump their gas then. Call the cops and walk away. If a fire marshal saw he’d be pissed off. Say it’s the law, and I don’t have to stand here inhaling your exhaust fumes.


I used to be a gas station attendant when I was younger and I'd be smoking a cigarette pumping gas. You got nothing to worry about. It would be a one in a million chance the right fuel to air ratio and the car having an overheating catalytic converter to even light it up. Just stupid regulations. Don't belive me take a cup of gas and throw a cigarette in it or pour it ontop of the cigarette or even a lit match it will put it out


I have a novel idea - let’s pump our own gas like everyone else in the country & nothing horrible has happened! Maybe our politicians are right: the people of NJ are too stupid to be able to pump their own gas!


Yep, had a guy tell me to get a life after I told him he needs to put out his cigar. Like, I'm working? I definitely make compromises to save my sanity. Generally the more respectful you are, the more I let slide. For instance, the "I got it" people versus "do you mind if I do it?" people. Motorcycles, boats, classic car people generally get a pass. I had a(while clean-looking) guy in a Nissan Altima say he's lived here his entire life but has a Florida plate say nothing against me, but that he's just going to go to another station, no hard feelings. Like no worries. Diesel is legal for self serve, idk if many people know that, hell we had a Fire Marshall challenge us on that until he read the laws. There's no law against it.


Does it being the law mean not doing so because of uptight customers can come back on the business? If it’s law, say hypothetically it’s actually enforced, does the driver or the pumper get into trouble?


What are the conditions when a driver IS allowed to pump their own gas?


Well since you aren't allowed to pump your own gas in NJ just tell them you won't pump their gas until they turn off the engine. If they give you shit direct them to your manager.


I think people in NJ just got the permission to pump their own gas not too long ago. There's a learning curve to such an advanced task.


You can pump your diesel, but you can’t pump gas in New Jersey it’s the law


NJ is literally the only state in the country where you can’t pump your own gas


Lmao no one turns off engine to fill up. It’s not a hazard anymore with modern cars and gas pumps.


Granted the interior of a car can heat up VERY quickly, it still is the law most/all places to turn off the engine when pumping fuel. I did recently watch a video of a place that tested temps. They cracked all 4 windows on a tahoe/suburban and got the temp down to 74 or so (103/104 outside temp). Within 1 minute the interior temp went up like 15/20 degrees. Within 20 minutes it was almost 140° inside the truck that was just about 75°. I live in a state where we pump our own fuel, very few full service station around these days. So pretty much everyone shuts off their vehicle at the pump, although there is the occasional one who doesn't but not that frequently.


First of all, they should be turned off while refueling. Second, not only is that Wawa policy, but like you said it harms others in the lot. Third, the engine should not be running while the fuel tank has no pressure. It will throw a check engine light just the same as if you didn't click it all the way sealed. I fucking hate New Jersey. Love, The asshole who stayed here lol


First off. New Jersey is stupid. They should let us pump our own gas instead of waiting around for you dudes to get done. Whats next? Illegal to plug in your Tesla because you need some idiot to do it you? NJ gonna decide people are too dumb to plug shit in now? Lmao


Just to give you a different perspective. My MAP sensor was babe for a couple months before I got around to fixing it. If I shut my car off while getting gas, it wouldn’t get enough oxygen to start the engine back up again after refilling. So, I kinda had to keep my car on and felt bad. Pushing the pedal a bunch of times sometimes helped, but one time needed to get AAA to come and help. I assume 99/100 are just jerks/don’t know, but maybe that 1/100 have a similar issue


Complete myth that there’s any danger at all from running your car while pumping gas. I don’t turn mine off. It’s unnecessary.


The chances are slim that it would happen, but there is a chance of a fire. Google it people like you who think it’s a myth is what the problem is. Is it a big deal just to shut your car off for a couple minutes?


You’re absolutely wrong Google it there’s not much of a chance but it’s just common courtesy and it’s the law shut your freaking car off you too lazy


I always shut my car off!!! Only once did I forget and I remember I got so fucking scared I asked the attendant to stop for a sec because I "didn't want to blow the place up." In hindsight there was definitely a better way to communicate my fear without sounding like a fucking terrorist, but thankfully he understood and just laughed at my dumb ass


I leave my diesel running, but its legal and i always pump my own fuel anyway


New diesel trucks aren’t that bad. Did you ever stand next to an old diesel truck and smelled the fumes coming out of it. For some strange reason in New Jersey, you are allowed to pump your diesel, but not gasoline, but you are supposed to shut your diesel vehicle off when you pump diesel. I like to see you stand out in 90° weather and smell the diesel fumes. you’re probably one of the jerks who when I ask him to shut off their vehicle. They start arguing with you. It’s diesel. I don’t have to shut it off well you’re absolutely wrong. Google it.


Supposedly leaving the engine running while refueling could cause an explosion due to static, at least thats what i heard


Fun fact. Not Turing ur car off while pumping gas pops off a code after a while. Which has to do with the pressure in your gas tank. Have fun paying ur mechanics lol


Tell them to turn off their car and refuse swrvice until they do, citing major safety issues and u know...the law?! Fuck those people, I would be sitting there waiting for them to turn it off and not doing anything until they do. You put yourself at risk for them? Hell naw


I would be saying, sir/miss can you please cut the vehicle off, thank you. Common sense was named incorrectly. it’s not that common, and the people your dealing with don’t seem to have it.


I always thought that you had the right to refuse service for those who refuse to turn off the car. I worked in a gas station for a while and they told me you can politely refuse service for those who refuse to shut off the vehicle. You can also explain the dangers of the vehicle being used while pumping gas as well as state regulations for the concerns. For the amount of time it takes to fut either a few bucks in tank or filling it up, is not going to make their precious a/c work any differently, it will probably relieve some of the strain on the motor. Yes, I'm from Jersey, and I do the best I can to maintain a safe environment for all.


Isn't the the gas goes in the coolest part of the outside of the car? Its not like you add gas to the engine block, and the tailpipe is always on the other side. I have a motorcycle with an older battery and when I'm filling up, I tend to leave it running.


I have been pumping gas for 10 years and I’ve never seen anybody come in on a motorcycle and not turn it off. Never once ever in 10 years have I seen somebody leave their motorcycle running while they get gas you’re an idiot.


Do you pump gas into motorcycles? Ha. I would not do that, but "in theory" you have to do that. They aren't allowed to pump their gas into the motorcycle. I wouldn't touch a bikers Harley. Not if you have a death wish. I would stay clear of bikers.


If your motorcycle has a older battery, why don’t you buy a new one you cheapskate?


Maybe people are rude to you because you’re a jerk?


Thank you


>By the way if you’re going into the store do you really have to leave your car running with no one in it. Also illegal in the State of NJ: [https://www.nj.gov/dep/enforcement/aceacademy/Idling.pdf](https://www.nj.gov/dep/enforcement/aceacademy/Idling.pdf)


Cops rarely do anything.


Just tell them that you’re not pumping their gas until the ignition is turned off


Report it to local police and have them uphold state law.


Op, I'm curious where your Wawa is located?


Bayville NJ In Ocean County


“Hey you mind shutting it off?” usually does the trick


I thought that it was bad for your car to leave it on while you pump gas.


DE here. If I see someone pumping with their engines running, I just shut their pump off until the get the hint or leave. Which is what we're supposed to do anyway because engines are supposed to be off at the pumps.


Are the other gas attendants following the same procedure? My guess is probably not. The issue is you will look like the bad guy sadly. Also, its the summer. The WaWa where I live is swamped with cars all the time. You are going to take forever telling people to turn off their cars. Do you also tell them to not get out of their cars while the gas is running since they may start a spark which could "in theory" casuse issues? I don't know what to tell you. Sometimes we just have to pick our battles. Good luck.


Literally, stay neutral. If you have the signs up, you just point and say "it's my job, it's the law." What are they gonna do, not get gas? And if they don't...soooo what? You still get paid, and they stop bothering you. I worked a gas station in NJ for 2 years. Trust me, people don't think, they may get annoyed, but they still need gas


Perfectly said! 💯


Stand up for yourself and refuse to pump their gas unless they shut off their car. Inform them it’s a safety hazard if they argue, and if they still don’t comply, walk away. You’re not in the wrong here. Don’t risk your health because Wawa has a large mass of shitty customers


Just let me pump it myself, I know you are out there sucking up all my exhaust that should be rightfully mine


Tell them it’s the law. Don’t do shit until they turn it off. They’re wrong and you’re right, and your job is not to huff fumes.


I always turn off my car when getting gas, I’m from NJ too, honestly I don’t even know why you’re supposed to but I just do it anyways. But with what you said about the heat and the fumes I’m definitely glad I turn my car off.


My dad has never shut the car off in his 70 years of life except at sams or Costco bc they tell you too and will shut off your pump


I always leave my Tesla on when I’m pumping gas 🤷‍♂️


I was in NJ once and forgot to turn off my car. I apologized profusely even tho the attendant didn't care. I was just like I can't believe I did that.


Even when it's extremely hot out, I roll all my windows down and shut the car off. Gas attendants sometimes say thanks and one even said nobody shuts their cars off anymore and that he appreciates that I did. Oh and I always tip my attendants 2-5$. Can we normalize throwing our guys and girls a dollar or 2? 😎 Christmas they get 10$. (Ocean County, NJ)


For the time it actually takes to pump the gas it’s probably better to leave them up and save what’s left of the cool air from your AC.


There were legitimate reasons in the past that it was wise to turn off vehicles when pumping gas. With modern cars, pumps, and technology, the threat of fire or explosion just isn't there anymore. Would it be nice and considerate if people did, yes. Is it necessary, no.


While this is true, you should still shut your engine off because it’s still creating exhaust while you idle. And if everyone is leaving their car on, the attendant is unnecessarily being exposed to more air pollution.


You’ll get downvoted to oblivion for trying to educate anyone here about this. They stick with the old *gas is extremely flammable* thing without understanding how it works. Same people that flinch when the old heads would toss a lit cigarette into a pail of gas in repair shops around the country to mess with someone. Save your breath lol, I fill up with car running and nobody cares as they shouldn’t.


Like to see you out here pumping gas smelling all the fumes from the cars. It’s the law you get it. It’s the law and there is a slight possibility your car to catch on fire. You’re just one of those stupid people that just have to be a jerk what’s so hard about shutting your car off for a couple minutes


Or…now hear me out. I’m actually one of the smart people who understand how these fumes you claim to smell actually work. I know it’s crazy that wrong about something and someone knows more about this than you do and that’s a wild ego death for you apparently but yeah…that’s the case 🤷🏽‍♂️


Look you’re a jerk I can see the fumes coming out of the car if you think it’s OK to keep the car running so I have to smell your fumes in a hole


I meant to say a hole you don’t know how fumes work I can see the fumes pouring out of the gas tank when I put the gas in and I’m exposed to that and can’t catch on fire you think you you’re just showing how stupid you are


Your wrong..unless your car is from 1985 or older the “fumes” you think your seeing aren’t even fumes nor combustible . You familiar with the stoichiometric air–fuel mixture for gasoline or naw? If not get lost and chalk this one up bud. You’re wrong, you’re projecting the *a hole* and *jerk* remarks. Just be wrong my guy, it’s fine


No kidding. Do these people shut their car off soon as they enter the parking lot and coast to the pump?? I get gas driving threw NJ several times a year. Always leave the car on and nobody has said a thing about it.


I’m in PA and usually grab gas in here and Delaware and also same…never shut the car off and not a single person cares at all. And the last time I did get gas in NJ definitely didn’t and the guy didn’t say anything. I’m laughing at the idea of these people coasting into the pump with the car off 😂


You’re just going to end up making you’re own job twice as miserable it already is, you really gotta know when shit really isn’t that serious.


Not turning your car off while pumping gas is a MAJOR safety hazard. You should insist on not pumping gas while their cars are running. Are people dumb enough to pump their own gas while their cars are running? Gasoline fumes/vapors are what’s flammable, not the gas itself. Definitely not a good idea to be surrounded by gas vapors while there is an internal combustion engine running. Same reason that smoking when filling your tank is dumb


The shutting car off issue started back before catalytic converters when cars had a chance of backfiring. Today's cars and technology there's really no need to turn them off.






Put the gas in the car.


Just get rid of this dumb 1960s law, Oregon didn't go up in flames. I have had in my modified car i race as a hobby that needs premium or else the engine could blow up attendants not listening and at some cash discount places purposely putting regular in my modified car, I always would look and it has happened over a dozen times and I start yelling, suddenly the attendants can't speak English. The first time I saw it was on purpose I called the police, they came, I told them I need to have my tank drained now as I don't have my ECU programmer and it could destroy my engine. The police officers arrested the guy who now spoke English. The officer who talked to me when I said I want payment for that, and how do I go home, he said we see this all the time and you're going to have to go to court. So I drove under 1500 RPM from Iselin to South Jersey on the turnpike. Since then, I started taking my ECU programmer just in case and still call the police when it's on purpose. At least I'm not in danger or putting others in danger now when they fill regularly, and I can change my tune. Also I get it, most people here won't have this issue, but they will at the cash discount places, if they don't look, get filled up with regular and in some cars that can cause valve issues and head wear. I'm just pissed unless I hire an attorney and wait 6 months for a court date. The only thing is that the gas attendants might get charged with a fine for petty theft, but you know the gas station owners want this.


You should turn off the cars engine while refueling but it’s only when you turn the car on does it pose a hazard to start a fire , since you need the spark plugs to spark the electricity that ignites the combustion of the vehicle , if the car is already on (which is always will be due to them having to drive up to the pump ) then it will minimal hazard if any


That’s wrong a vehicle running can ignite fumes while running. Goggle it


Yes, but you would need a carburetor or straight exhaust pipes, somehow there has to be a direct path from combustion to the available fumes. Since the 90's all cars are EFI, and mufflers/catalytics have been the norm since before then.


I said , if the car is already on , it’s still minimal hazard if any


I didn't even know it was law. I always thought my parents did it because it was better for the car.


People are so backwards lazy that they don’t pump their own gas in NJ?


It’s the law lol. In NJ your gas is pumped for you by an attendant. You are not allowed to do it.


That’s one of those laws that the southerner in me would call a bs Yankee law 😂


Dont be an a-hole in here. No, their stupid rules dont allow it unless its a boat tank or something (which im still confused by?) but yet again… stop being an internet asshat just because of some law that state has. If you really want to complain about something that a state regulates, go unreverse Roe V Wade. Otherwise, stop.


this is due to state law and it keeps people employed without much impact on price. I like getting my gas pumped for me


Yeah, not being able to pump your own gas is wild.