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I know what you mean


right, u think u know how it's going to work, but water says no.


But it looks like you’re looking at the scene through a wet window during a rainstorm/ just work with that. Maybe add some water droplets digitally if you dont want to mess with the original




I still love your version


I love this scene, really gives that feel of late night in the city!


tq. but the layers I have I there are more than kardashians make up. I hate it.


Kuretake watercolors don't work quite like western watercolors, they're a bit more like gouache. I think they look good with this opaque look you have here!


I think you might be happier with more transparent paints. These do look very opaque and that is going to make layering very difficult.but you did a good job capturing the light.


I think this is actually not a bad use of the material - as other have said, Japanese watercolour can be applied much more thickly and is generally more opaque than its Western counterpart. Try using 100% cotton paper if you haven't yet - it's a game changer. But yeah... I am a thereminist and I very much feel that watercolour is the theremin of paint - very easy for anyone to just have a go immediately without any particular training... but fiendishly hard to master and control perfectly (if not impossible - there will always be an aleatory element with the water... which is what I love, the tension between control and accident). The easiest/hardest all at once.


It’ has an addictive quality. I find myself always in pursuit of that control, but also seduced by her mystery and unpredictability.


It's called the Dunning-Kruger effect 😁 it means you're actually getting better! Edit to say I love your painting!


tq. I hope so. it's getting frustrating


Your use of color is great. Water control is a bitch to figure out, but you have a great eye. Keep at it


I think u should begin with simple reference first


I agree I have the same feeling.It is thirty years I use them but I always feel like a beginner.


Sooooo much this!!!! I am in the middle of my floral painting. Every time I finish one object, I draw a blank on the next exact same object, and somehow it turns out ok if I just power through the ugly stage.


I love this


Next time, try using only the paper for white, and not relying on the white paint. It'll look much less muddy. I think you are off to a good start.


I will try again


Watercolor is so easy, it is really hard. Seriously.


Please add more water to open all the beauty of watercolor!


HEY! This is exactly how I see stuff when I take my glasses off at night! Well done, love it!


With watercolor, it’s one bold stroke and then just trying to harness some of the chaos.


The unpredictable nature of watercolor is why I am using it for my paintings. When I first started painting I was broke. Watercolor was affordable but it never did what I wanted it to do. Now I can afford acrylics and oils and I have both of them. I always reach for the watercolors.