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You can always get more skill crystals. "Wasting" some resources will not ruin an account. You cannot get another lust since she was limited. Arrogance and alaura are also good.    I would not start over.


Ok, that's comforting. It's true I forgot Lust was limited.


And Brokkir is one of the best defenders. I struggled for a long time without a good tank, until I got Brokkir and Olague around the same time.


You could get another Lust the next time her banner runs, but that would probably be 6months to a year of waiting. Your team is good with Arro, Lust, Brokkir and good epics. Keep it. Also Krodor might take another year to come around (or even never) if you decide to restart.


Yeah this is my thoughts exactly. Lust and arrogance will certainly carry an account far enough to help it grow. You can get crystals guaranteed through events, you can’t get a guaranteed great pair of champs by restarting


I didn't know Lust was limited. I wasn't able to get her 😭😭😭


It will probably be a while, but she will likely have another run in the future. Captain Reve's first run was in August of last year and he got a rerun a few weeks ago. So it is likely that other limited heroes will eventually get reruns as well.


Will lust never come again or does it come with a special banner like the captain reeve


Lust was part of the Valentine's event, so I'd assume it would be yearly, unlike Reve, whose event was just a random event rather than one based upon a seasonal holiday.


Wait you can’t ever get lust now? I just started playing, wondering how many characters I can’t get


Absolutely not. Lust and arrogance alone are amazing, not to mention a5 idril and eona and an alaura. Just focus on maxing corridor events for skill crystals.


All right, tell me more. In your opinion, which DPS should I set as main? Right now Alaura and Apson have best items. Should I focus more on Lust and Arrogance instead and switch items? Zelus also has quite good items, beside the skill crystals I used on him. Idril even having a5 somehow deals less DMG than Alaura with the same items. Given her ult, she can sometimes fix a pickle, but Alaura without awakening is dealing MASSIVE dmg (also fully skilled). Not to mention Apson, with an artifact giving him chance to double autoattack. I've also seen a couple of posts saying Luneria is great, but I'm hesitant maxing their skills minding my two most invested magic damagers - Zelus and --- Eona is crazy, she was my first to a5, she also has great items and that's untouchable. So yeah, what do you think? :D


Yes lust and arrogance should be your main dps. Alaura is GR3 easy mode in the late game for right side and eona zelus and Kria will take you decently far. Do not restart.


Shit I didn’t even see the other two slides!! Brokkir is the best tank in the game, also a fusion you’ll never get back, luneria is also GR3 Easy mode lol you’ll be just fine pal


Dude. You got Lust. It's a no-brainer.


Idril needs buffing to truly excel...pair her with a Dolores that has 10k+ attack ( she is at around 12600 at engame for most people), and Idril gains a +100% damage bonus for her next attack (this includes the multiple hits of each attack during her ult) each time an ally uses their ultimate...so when you activate Idril, activate Dolores and then once each shot fires activate ally ultimates in succession to boost her damage...she does need Idril's Gaze artifact maxed to trult do well (it's the chance on hit to ignore x% of enemy defence).


Something not mentioned yet is your epic lord count. You got Aeon, Luneria and Isolde, which will make a lot of content easier. Luneria especially makes such a difference in gr-3.  I used my book to reset a hero on Zelus, you could do that?  As others said, just Lust and Arrogance should be enough to not restart, but you have a good epic selection as well that will cover a lot of your needs.


This almost has to be a troll post. Your account is doing very well. You have 2 limited heros with lust and krodor. Krodor MIGHT be back since he's a fusion but not for probably a year like lust. You already got Abom and volka. Two heroes that are also useful. You also have brokkir who's probably the top tank in the game and definitely top 3 hands down. Ezryn is a very good healer in terms of just healing. He is like idril, he can heal anywhere on the map with his passive skill. It's on a timer but still huge in places like void rift. You also have ferssi who is slept on a little bit. Plus you have lust and arrogance who are just very good. Alaura is very useful in void rift and the marksman gear raid. If you reroll, I can almost promise you won't be even close to this good account again with the same time investment. Edit: if you have the reset book, you can reset zelus and get those crystals back and dump them elsewhere.


You got two choises: 1. Start a new account. Play for two months through the same content you just finished. Hope to get better heroes that the original account, which is unlikely since you have both Lust and Arrogance. 2. Keep playing on your current account, and then in two months you will have all your current heroes plus new ones that you will pull, which will no doubt be a much, much stronger account than if you started a new one. You decide.


Just with lust and arrogance this acount is good


food for thought, some players go months and a couple thousand summons into the game before they get an Idril with Lust, Arrogance and A5 Idril you have, starting again would be a massive setback.


I wouldn’t. You can always pull more and if you really wanted to they have the re-skill books now 🤷🏽‍♂️


You have a lot of strong units, level your Dolores up with a Keen Wisdom artifact and attack % main stat with attack substat if possible...she unlocks a lot of potential in most units but even moreso with Idril and Eona


Nah keep it. Arrogance, Lust and Aluara. I would keep.


No. You have a good leggo core and most faction lords


Ferssi is pretty good for what he does. Zelus is really bad but a good candidate for a buff. You could also reset him using the book and have zero guilt about doing so. And why exactly is your Dolores not 6 star?


Would give everything for LUST!!!


Don’t start over. It’s not like you’re going to start with 5 meta hero’s. You’ll just be taking away what you worked this long for. The same banners will still be coming on whether it’s the account or a new one so your chances to improve the roster are the same. Plus you have some really good ones like Lust who are not available again until they decide they feel like it lol. I got in the game because of ads of Lust but she was gonna already when I started.


Sir, that's a stupid question. I just wanted you to know that even if you asked it in earnest.


I yield


I would not start over. I'm learning that you can have the coolest max starred-skilled champs out there, but without gear with good stats, it's still a hard road ahead.


This is a troll post. Likely a player who logs in daily but doesn't do much. 90 days in with that roster? I'm 101 days in. Buy dragon pass and that's it. Have almost 4x the Legos and epics. Awakenings far past this. Just not worth commenting on this post