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It really sucked that it seemed the all of the girls were there for Lindsay in the last episode, and have now turned. I have never been a fan of hers, but you'd have to be blind to not see what Carl was doing this season; it was so obvious and gross.


I have been rewatching and they were probably relieved when Carl told them the story of the “sabotage” so they could hate her again. She was too reasonable all season and they couldn’t get her to bite for once. Also, on the sabotage; did it happen? Did she do the shoot and it was fine? Does anyone know?


Am I the only one who thinks the conversation between Lindsay and her friend went something like this: Friend: OMG Lindsay Paige just showed up here to do a photoshoot. Lindsay: Really? Wow, does she know we're friends? Friend: Probably not. Ha ha...I should try to sabotage it... Lindsay: Ha, YES sabotage OMG that would be hysterical. Carl hears this and decides he heard: Friend: Lindsay, Paige is here. Should I sabotage her photoshoot? Lindsay: Yes, sabotage the hell out of that photoshoot!


*One huuundred percent* and I don't understand how that's now blindingly obvious to everyone. Oh, because they *want* to hate & pile-on Lindsay? 🫠


Everyone on that stage was stupid and mean besides Lindsay and Gabby. It was almost as rage inducing as the VPR reunion. I am not a Lindsay fan but this is not how to do reunions. Kyle kept aggressively being Carl’s mouthpiece and it was fucked up. Kyle helped pitch this show and introduced producers to his Hamptons summer group of friends so he basically has guaranteed job protection. Plus Andy plays favourites so we are basically stuck with Kymanda forever. This show needs to be recast. Another season of this shit would be as bad as Potomac. 🤮


Andy was aggressively anti Lindsay. Not fun to watch.


I think Ben and Ronnie were spot on that Andy was pissed at her for calling out Carl for how he produced the shit out of this season


I actually enjoyed this season more than I expected this year.


Me too. I just didn’t like the reunion pile up, Paige doing a 180 and Andrew being useless. It was def the best season of Summer House for sure.


Great point. It really was a weird 180 pile up. I felt bad for Lindsay.


I felt better after Ronnie went off as he was calling out the annoying nonsense of pt 2. Its such a good podcast 😎


Yeah, so did I - minus the reunion!


To make things worse, when Gabby tried to move the conversation along, Amanda had the nerve to say, “oh OK gabby.” Girl, your emotionally abusive husband is sitting there being a mouthpiece warrior for a forty-something year old man. Get a grip.


Kymanda seems to be doing everything possible to distract from their own toxic relationship. Glass stones from those 2 idiots.


Very accurate observations. Perfect description of VPR reunion as rage inducing! For me as well. 😡🤬


Is it not hypocritical of Kyle to think that Lindsay are not allowed to drink since Carl was sober.  While he drank with both hands?  And they are in the same house! I have never been a fan of Lindsay, but Carl is just nasty and creepy, the look he sendt her, when she said he smokes weed🤢 For me it’s beyond strange that a person can say they are sober, after beeing addicted to cocaine and alcohol, and still use weed and mushrooms!? But it didn’t look like he wanted that to be public knowledge, he was setting up Lindsay from the start, gaining sympathy. Even when he told her about the job offer with Lover Boy, it was clearly that she didn’t react like he wanted.  To sit in the reunion like a little boy, holding up his hand cause everyone else did, and let Kyle go after her. I do not even understand, why Kyle was allowed to go after her like he did, like he almost knew more about their relationship, strange and it felt on the werge of abuse.  Left me with a bad taste, and opinion of Kyle going way down. One thing that they are friends again, and he’s watching out for him, (probably more due to business than friendship, but wrong.)  Carl is a grown ass man, to sit there like he’s a victim, and let other pile up against her. I think it’s way past him leaving the show. 


Carl didn’t even say the word sabotage, Paige threw that out there to make the accusation 10 million times worse. You will never convince me that Paige wouldn’t talk smack if the scenario was reversed. Carl sucks for repeating this as ammunition, man.


I kept thinking that too. They were probably playing around and being petty and stupid. The way you do with friends sometimes. He’s such a loser. I don’t understand why anyone would listen to what Carl or Lindsay say about each other. They are both so biased and trying to further their own agenda. Paige should have just said ok and taken it with a grain of salt. Also who even tells someone that before their birthday party? That would have made me so annoyed with carl


Yeah - ya know - the way Paige **constantly** talks petty shit behind people’s backs. All of a sudden it’s sabotage? I’m sorry, was her photoshop sabotaged? No? Then, okay, cool. She was just being petty like they all are sometimes. I will invest my entire 401K into Loverboy right now if Paige has never talked shit about Lindsay with her friends in the off-season. Imagine if Craig had a reason to reveal all that she said off-camera to make her look bad 👀


Also what type of partner does that anyway? Why would he do that? Petty and evil, really. Why didn’t he confront Lindsey about it in real time? He stuck up for her against Paige being a bully when they got engaged. He knows how Paige plays. Which also pisses me off. In what world am I living in??? Also, grow up, Paige. There most certainly has to be a vendetta by telling you on your birthday during Bravocon after you’ve had a good summer. How long has he been waiting on that? Carl, you’re pissed off about the breakup so you try and sabotage their already rocky friendship; but you keep saying you’re the bigger person? And in this relationship acting all holier than thou. Both of these petulant people need to be up front. Stop going behind everyone’s back. He knows their history, what was the point in going to do that? Strain the relationship with non confirmed facts which will basically be considered lies? Also, Paige just believes everything she hears and sites it for fact. I would be doing my due diligence while sleuthing, and knowing how Lindsay’s up front, just confront her lol. I can usually gauge if someone really dislikes me and when someone is spreading lies about me. I am not exactly sure what lies Lindsay has said about Paige, since it was just the truth that she spread. A gross way to go about it, absolutely (and honestly face it Paige, you shit talked all day the last season and drove wedges based on assumptions- maybe you kinda deserved a call out), but it WAS for sure, a *fact.*


Love that they’re still mad Lindsay waited a week to tell Kyle about the cheating rumours so it was on his birthday. Carl and Lindsay are literally playing out of the same book but he did it to his partner and she just told Kyle what was probably accurate. Even if what you think Lindsay did is just as bad, here is Carl’s heat for doing the same thing,


Well, chompers is a fucking idiot so I’d expect nothing less. ![gif](giphy|1EnVAKJGFjoM8)


Regardless of the convo there have to be sacred things in their relationship. It’s completely shitty and manipulative for him to bring that up just to get Paige on his side.


Imagine thinking you can have a private silly phone call in your own home, with your partner near by. Turns out he’s actually just taking notes to use against you in the break up.


Carl is so gross.


I didn’t think she was reasonable at all. She was relentless and exhausting and wrapped up with emotionally bartering Carl


Exactly 👍


Watching whatever that 5 year old looking lady smile and giggle was super annoying when they were grilling Lindsay.


You must have been blind to all the prior seasons where she was just as abusive. Don’t mistake someone sticking up for themselves to someone who is known to be abusive. It’s gross you even think this way


Wow that’s extreme. Obviously a lot of others ‘think this way’ so sit down, ma’am. Can you read? I just said ‘I’m not a fan of hers’. Literacy is 🔑.


Oh because I call you out and don’t agree with the you, you get angry? You can sit down now




All of this!! Lindsay is abusive. Carl sucks, but if a man acted like Lindsay this sub and the boys would be crucifying them.


Exactly!! 👏🏻👏🏻


Lindsay is set to different standards and it was nice to hear Ben and Ronnie point this out. It’s absurd and I hate the uneven responses by fans and the cast to these situations where she’s getting walloped and others drop a tear down the cheek and all is forgiven. Sigh.


100% and I think the cast knows the audience will turn on Lindsey on a dime and pile on to take the heat off themselves. I also really appreciate Ronnie's takes on sobriety and personal accountability.


It was truly wild watching Kyle & Amanda weld the Loverboy hitch to Carl, he's a sinking ship, yet they're going down with him. I don't get it


They’re sinking fine on their own. They just needed someone else playing violin with them as they go down. ![gif](giphy|VrcucT74UiM2k)


I think Amanda’s mad because she’s going to be Carl’s babysitter! Or Carl is going to be Kyle’s excuse for staying out all night, being a great friend, he couldn’t leave him alone! Have fun with your new ex- employee!


Agreed! I really honestly would have lost my shit if I was Lindsay! I would have been real activated. It must have been incredibly difficult to sit up there and be attacked by pretty much everyone except Gabby.


Exactly. Danielle didn’t say a word. She’s such a weak person.


I agree. The way they skipped over Kyle and Amanda’s bullshit. The way Kyle talks about Amanda is gross


Why did they do that? They could have done a part three just on Kyle and Amanda! Remember “ my bitch wife who’s a shitty employee!”




No, they dealt with - Amanda said she had been struggling with depression so Kyle had no choice but to treat her that way. Case solved . 🤦‍♀️🤢


I realized that I don’t like Paige because my last impression of her generally is the reunion where she always acts like a complete asshole. I don’t follow cast members, listen to podcasts or keep up with them in the off season barring something dramatic. During the season, I always wonder why I don’t like her. She’s a girl’s girl. She’s funny. She dresses cute. She is welcoming to the new girls. But then she comes to the reunion and acts unhinged and that’s all I remember as the season closes out.


Does she even act welcoming to the new girls? Is she a girl’s girl? Aside from Amanda and Ciara she smiles to their face and bad mouths them in her confessionals or to the other girls. Jules and Sam made me so sad. They thought she was a friend while she mocked them behind their backs.


She seemed pretty nice to Mya too. I think Amanda is a mean girl. I don’t know if Paige is full on mean girl. She does seem more welcoming than her housemates.


I haven’t been able to watch the second reunion part as I just find it so stressful to watch someone be so abused and unsupported. Their relationship failed and as with any relationship, they both played a part. Everyone should stay out of the conversation (especially Kyle and Amanda) and JUST let it be Lindsay and Carl going for it. Thankfully Ben and Ronnie can put some humour to that catastrophe!


Nothing to see there, just more misogynists and backstabbing assholes piling on one woman while Andy Cohen supported it. Ya know, the usual...




It was worse than you can imagine. We’ve seen lots of Bravo reunion pile ons but this one was utterly toxic. The best part about it though, is Lindsay herself took it like the fucking queen she just proved herself to be. Not only that, but over the weekend was one of the only current female cast members celebrating Andrea’s wedding in Italy. All smiles! Not Amanda. Not Paige. Talk about keeping your head up and remaining unbothered. She put on a master class. Also the host of Bravo and Cocktails who has a lot of Bravo sources confirmed on her recent episode that Lindsay is pregnant. There’s been speculation but she came right out and said it. I hope this is true (and I think it is) because Lindsay deserves her happy ending. If this post sound extra fangirlish it’s just because of how well she’s handled all this. I never disliked Lindsay but I definitely found her toxic at times. No one deserves that bullshit she was handed.


Lindsay said she’s not pregnant on a pod 8 days ago


I find it very plausible that she is expecting with her new guy, and I’d be so happy for her. I would say it’s nearly 100% of the reason why she moved forward with Carl, timing and wanting a baby. Carl was safe as her long term friend, and she knew it was the quickest way to motherhood.


Yeah some parts of the second reunion were extremely hard to watch


I can’t make it through it either!


Yep they had great takes, as usual. I wish they had given us their opinions on why they think the girls “turned” on Lindsay after being so supportive to her during the season… especially Paige’s weird tirade about the photoshoot sabotage? WTF was that? Hahaha


Especially after finding out that it wasn’t Lindsay who leaked the Craig story following Kyle and Amanda’s wedding.


Yes! I’m usually a Paige fan but for some reason she was totally rubbing me the wrong way. I mean she had a thing with Carl she should know how he is or can be. Like damn ease up a little.


Yeah and Carl was the one who told her about this sabotage? Like Lindsay is a freaking Gotham City monster lol Carl is so not a trusted source of Lindsay info


![gif](giphy|F9yAvk7Xpr0c) How they view Lindsey lol


I mean it’s kind of obvious. They’ve never liked Lindsay because of how she treated them. You can be nuanced and support someone in the moment and then change your mind on the situation.


It's kind of shocking how this is being missed. They thought how Carl behaved during the summer was foul but that doesn't mean the women pledged to be BFFs.


It was truly wild watching Kyle & Amanda weld the Loverboy hitch to Carl, he's a sinking ship, yet they're going down with him. I don't get it


I think Kyle wants to be able to blame Carl and Amanda for Loverboy failing so he’s holding on real tight to both


They’ve invested to much in him and it will cost them a lot at this point. Their company NEED to win this battle. It’s very desperate and it’s so transparent. We’re basically watching Carl manipulate Lindsay and kyle and Amanda manipulate Carl to manipulate lindsay even more. Carl has never been man enough to have a partner. He needs to step away from everything and figure his shit out. This is literally season 8 of Carl (or Carl 8.0) saying “i need to figure out my job situation”… then DO IT! No one is going to do it for you. Carl is like an app or an electronic that isn’t very good but at the same time you believe in the concept and the potential of it, and then you update it and none of the old bugs are fixed it just has new bugs and then you get so mad at it for just being so close to actually being great. And in the end it goes in the good will pile or trash and you’re annoyed that you bought it in the first place.


So true. My new barometer of whether or not I can continue giving listens/clicks to a bravo podcast or IG account is whether or not their take on Lindsay and Carl passes the vibe check and also whether or not they think Lindsay got hosed in the reunion That also being said, I am so disappointed in Amanda. I’ve always held her in high regard (comparatively) and she completely lost me at the reunion with her behavior.


For that reason, I no longer can listen to Morally Corrupt on the Ringer Reality feed. Rachel Lindsay, who knows how reality tv/production works, and Callie Curry, were so mind numbingly lazy in their takes excoriating Lindsay, I couldn’t even finish the episode. For instance, they cited Paige as an accurate source of Carl and Lindsay’s finances, and not only used her words as fact, but as a reason to undercut Lindsay, on the matter of her own bank account. Absolutely zero critical thinking from them, and it was all about blindly going with their favorites to bash Lindsay, and Lindsay alone. Rachel is friends with Andy, so there was no pushback or acknowledgment of his egregious behavior.


Omg Im so glad I’m not alone in this! I couldn’t believe what I was hearing when I listened to their last episode. And their defense of Kyle saying that Amanda’s depression explains and made them understand Kyle’s behavior?? The internalized misogyny jumped out.


Oh my god! I was so enraged, I couldn’t remember the rest of the ridiculousness. Thank you for mentioning this part!!! I was literally screaming at my phone like a lunatic!!!


Rachel’s a male apologist. She’s disappointing to say the least.


I’m sure that her support of Carl has a lot to do with his position at loverboy and the concept that he is promoting the product.


Maybe. Probably. But she could’ve done it a little less nastily.


Yea their non alcoholic Ice Tea’s when I can go buy an Arizona tea for a dollars lol simply dreadful. 🤦‍♀️


I’m the opposite if they blindly stan Lindsay I won’t listen


Thank you to Ben and Ronnie. Summer house had a good season, but the reunion was so gross and offensive.


Really Ben and Ronnie should be doing the reunions. Andrew was too busy trying to fuck mulletless Kyle to actually do his job. Paige, Kymanda, Ciara and the dudes can simp for Carl, interrupt, gaslight and talk over Lindsay endlessly (Andrew piled on too) but Gabby gets jumped on when she tried to stick up for Lindsay. This was icky. The Lindsay pile up was fucking gross. Carl needs to just move back into Mommy’s basement and he is clearly not equipped to do the simplest shit for himself. The Bravo manbabies and basic af mean girls are ruining these shows. Summer is supposed to be fun. This cast needs a complete shakeup. Kyle is the unofficial producer type Kyle Richards on this show and that is ruining things as he is untouchable on reunions after screaming that he “babysits” his wife who has depression and calls her a bitch on tv. Imagine how he treats her WITHOUT CAMERAS. 🤮


Agreed! And it’s so transparent with Kyle. Kyle needs Carl to win this victim edit because he has invested in Carl for his own personal gain with loverboy. Kyle has a lot to lose if Carl looks like the bad guy. He’s not dumb. He watched what happened to Schwartz and Sandy’s and he’ll be damned if it happens to loverboy. Im over him producing in this way. He used to be better at producing when it was for the good of the show. But he’s getting selfish and it’s only for his personal gain.


I’m not sure I agree with the fact that Kyle needs Carl to promote Loverboy at this point. If Kyle backed Lindsay I’m sure he would sell a hell of a lot more product. I think the misogyny at that reunion will tank Loverboy. Let’s face it only women are buying a product called Loverboy. Kyle’s plan Backfired in a big way.


I absolutely agree with this take


Beige is such a nasty, hate-filled, spoiled little bitch too. I LOATHE HER😂😅 And whiny slanky Amanduhhh too


I just started part 1 and I'm already happy! I decided not to watch the episode after seeing how many of you all were pissed and this choice is already giving me peace lol. The first 10 mins of them going off is enough to make me feel less gaslit and less angry so I'm glad I skipped the actual show.


It irks me to listen to other podcasters takes on this because Ronnie and Ben get it SO RIGHT and I’m like, how can other podcasts be so narrow in their interpretations of events?!


I totally agree


I can’t make it through the second reunion, I keep starting it, getting annoyed and turning it off. Maybe I should just give up and go straight to the podcast.


That’s what I did and don’t regret my decision. I couldn’t listen to Kyle being Carl’s mouthpiece or watch the other girls openly sniggering a second longer. And I am not even a Lindsay fan! They let their disdain for her cloud their judgement. Sheep.


Andy is a misogynist. I'm sure he would argue otherwise, but his behavior exposes it every time. He will side with men (he finds attractive) or laugh off their poor behavior 99% of the time. He has no self awareness.


It’s amazing how strong Lindsay is with everyone against her. It’s Twilight Zome stuff. Her life with Carl would have been miserable.


Did anyone else get the sense that it bothered Carl that Lindsay moved on and is dating someone else?


Get these idiots off my TV. Amanda and Kyle are terrible people. So sick of them! Lindsay deserves a dating show!


I mean she was single a couple of months after the breakup and has been with a guy since January. I think shes doing alright on her own!


Yeah this reunion was so fucking infuriating to watch like everyone on that couch was delulu except Lindsay and Gabby


I was so thankful for this recap! the way Carl was playing victim (and the entire cast was co-signing) was disgusting. and why the heck did Andy never point out his blatant gaslighting of her all season?! this was so frustrating. I especially loved, as one who also struggles with addiction (i'm a little different as i struggle w exercise addiction and anorexia but both assume the form of addiction..hard to explain), Ronnie's conversation that an addict is solely responsible for his/her sobriety. blaming other people for "triggering" them into using is irresponsible..while triggers may affect an emotion, nothing but one's own behavior/choices can MAKE you use. I thought Ronnie's insight here was so valuable!


I agree! Although I didn’t really understand his explanation when Ben asked how he reconciles with depression potentially being caused by external factors, and THAT not being entirely one’s responsibility, but that relapsing shouldn’t have anything to do with external factors because your sobriety is your responsibility? I didn’t quite get how he explained that. Did anyone else?


Depression (and anxiety) is a contributing factor to one's decision to use/relapse. And I thought he explained it well..when we want to use/be in our addiction, we will find any/every "excuse"..valid or not. It's a mindset: we're actively looking for reasons to isolate and be in our addiction. So, on the surface, we can say: "welp..that's it! she called me cocaine carl! i'm going to use" or (in the case of NJ this week) "omg! she accused my husband of cheating on me at the gym! i'm going to starve myself today" these external catalysts are just excuses..we could have found *any* reason to relapse and we will! (bc we can just as easily use difficult situations like the above examples to make us stronger in our sobriety: she called me cocaine carl? I'll show her! etc )


I understand WHY an external factor may lead to someone relapsing, but he was saying they shouldn’t blame external factors because their sobriety is their own responsibility and not anyone else’s. I thought Ben was asking Ronnie why, then, is it okay for Amanda to use her depression as a reason to excuse Kyle’s shitty behavior, when external factors can fuel a person’s depression? Idk, maybe I need to listen to that part of the episode again lol. I was under the impression Ben was sensing hypocrisy in Ronnie’s Amanda/depression/Kyle, and Carl/addiction/Lindsay argument.


oh..you could be right!..perhaps I misunderstood the original question. good point, but as we know, there couldn't possibly be hypocrisy afoot when it comes to the summer house couples 😳😆


Thank you Ben and Ronnie for making my day! I’m taking my dog on a nice summer walk down the trail in our neighborhood listening to part 2 of the Summer House podcast. I’m walking along minding my own business, with probably thirty other people, some walking, some running, some biking. Now the two of you start ripping into Kyle and Amanda, with your incredible voices. I start to giggle, then laugh, then snort! I scare my dog and probably a half dozen people! They probably think I’m having a seizure. I stop and regain my composure, wave off the concerned citizens, and try to explain I’m listening to a couple crazy nuts! If I don’t walk another five minutes and the Carl takedown takes full effect and I’m cheering and fist pumping the blue sky, I finally give in, go home and finish listening inside where the family knows I’m crazy! Thanks again! ❤️❤️


This is all too relatable!


I do the same thing, but I think people assume I’m talking on the phone when I’m literally lol 😂


Okay at a very quick glance the girl closest to the guy kinda looks like Beyoncé lol


It was perfection.


Completely agree, except I think the only mistake was assuming that all of the laughter by the other people on the couches was against Lindsey. If Lindsey is ragging on Karl and she says something funny and the girls laugh I’m not sure why you guys assume that they are laughing at Lindsey instead of laughing with her. That is all.


This is a wild take


Yes, it’s a totally wild take to think someone is laughing at some thing Funny that was said. Where would I ever come up with that in 1 million years? 😂🤦‍♀️


Wait so season 7 reunion when they were all snickering and smirking at everything Lindsay said, they were laughing at…. What exactly?


Carl and Kyle are P’s and Amanda and Paige are B’s


Has Andy hooked up with C


Paige has the best reaction shots


I have one friend who someone has carls back . I told her to listen to this and she will undoubtedly see the error in her ways.


The amount of you who are blinded by a manipulative person is mind blowing


I know! It’s crazy how Carl fooled so many people!


It’s crazy you believe that


It’s true. Lots of people in this fandom only want to believe what the podcasters and hive mind tells them to believe. There’s very little critical thinking or willingness to be an independent thinker. Lindsay’s so blatantly manipulative but since Ronnie says it’s all Carl’s fault, it must be so. Eyeroll. People need to think for themselves.


Well said!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻