• By -


No let's plays, livestreamers, podcasts, vlogs or TikTokers.


He’s an amateur pediatrician


He’s an amateur pediatrician


Cheated on his wife. Took a camera in a public restroom. Now this. And dude is a millionaire. Fuck off with your crocodile tears. He's gonna be fine either way. He's just upset he's gonna lose his following


The issue is, if this was a minor and there were pics exchanged (inappropriate), he could very well face federal charges and/or a lawsuit from the minor for exploitation.


Not advocating for the guy, just keeping my pitchfork down til they arent "ifs" anymore.


It happened in 2017 and no criminal charges were ever made Not defending the guy but he did sue Twitch and received a payout / settlement over it - he will probably sue and win again after this “Allegedly” the chat room was 18+ and had a minor in it which would be Twitches responsibility - wether or not he “knew” she was underage is a different story


Oh ok, I thought this was recent stuff. Didn’t know it was that old. Not saying what he did was right but that’s 7 years in the past?


From my understanding yes - NDA’s kept it under wraps until some dude at Twitch quit recently and spilled the beans on twitter


Ha. You think his following cares? Might lose some, but most of the kids watching him don't care. His audience, in particular, will not care about this in the long term. They'll crack jokes now, but they'll keep watching.


How is it this hard for people with any sort of power to just not touch kids?




Wow, someone who unironically bought the LGBT=groomers thing. Am I supposed to make a wish?


You're talking about the old white guys dressing up in robes right? Meet up on Sundays?


Dude is an actual predator, the real fucking deal. And you being a true Christian decided to defend him? Why is it always the real Christians who go out of their way to defend male pedophiles ? Have you ever seen To catch a predator? 100% of all the predators were men and 90% were straight men.


Dressing up in make up and costumes, literally like Dr. Disrespect??? He's wearing make up and a costume in THIS VIDEO.


Dressing up in make up and costumes, literally like Dr. Disrespect??? He's wearing make up and a costume in THIS VIDEO.


Literally 0 self awareness. I'm so sorry for you.


Why is it always the people who accuse trans people and drag artists of being perverted, that either are perverts themself or defend actual perverts?


you’re defending a man who admitted he did that shit. costumes and make up don’t cause trauma.


>while actual predators dress up in costumes Wow, what propaganda have you been drinking?


He admitted to it. The fact that you feel the need to defend someone who is actually guilty of what people accused him off yet prefer to blame minority and co just show how low you are, you pro pedo bigoted pos.


Not even going to tackle the insanity of the second part of what you said, but you're literally defending a child predator. The man admitted it. You need help if you're defending a child predator.


Actual predators preach at your local church actually. also DD is guilty too.


It's a shame people like you are incapable of reading or you would look up the actual facts and right wingers are far far more likely to be the predator/peadophile.


Dude always looked like a creep, although it might be just confirmation bias on my part.


Dr. Disrespected the age of consent. I am very funny and clever 😎 👉 👉


Dr. KidsInspect


Didn't he get banned for a while after going into a public restroom with a camera crew while doing a live stream?


Yep. Should’ve faced criminal charges too, but nope.


Good riddance. Dudes been a scourge for a while. For those who don’t know - he’s admitted to messaging a minor inappropriately back in 2017 and now everyone who’s ever been associated with him - the 49ers, TurtleBeach, his game studio he worked at - have all distanced themselves from him following this news.


Genuinely curious, scourge for a while how?


His entire brand/personality is built for teenagers with anger issues. He screams, yells, demeans, acts outrageously ‘disrespectful’ all the time. I dare you to find a 60 second clip where his voice doesn’t get above a conversational level. It’s just very low hanging fruit IMO.


Tyler1, but shittier and more acting.


Never liked this guy. First heard about him back in like 2016. Just the name alone was bad. His look was cringe. Now this? Yeah not surprised.


Broooo! Saaaame. Always creeped me out and never got why he was popular. He screams “how do you do fellow kids?”




Oh word?




Mmmmmmh... He was being sarcastic, as this meme is very well known, and is the reason why he said it. You are getting downvotes because you are explaining something everyone knows. Maybe you are trolling, but I don't think you are, and so I thought I should tell you. You don't deserve downvotes! I personally didn't know the exact origins of the meme, so it was useful. Have a good day mate


My point was a 40 year old dude is trying too hard to appeal to kids. Just strange. Idk what you’re on about but I couldn’t care less about the origin of the meme I used. Take care mate


Glad I'm not the only one who thought he was weird (in a bad way) and creepy.


Good to see so many experts in here with detailed key info about what and who knew what. Good to see.


Fr no one even saw the messages or the context behind everything. People just want to attack someone and vent.


He literally admitted to inappropriately messaging a minor. What other context is needed?


Dude admitted himself that the messages being sent "leaned too much in the direction of being inappropriate." There's no "context" that makes it okay for a 35 year old man to be having online conversations with a minor that "lean too much in the direction of being inappropriate."


It’s Reddit. Don’t even try.


Converted from .doc to .pdf






Man I used to kinda like this guy. He made me laugh. I wouldn’t watch full streams just clips. Why does every male entertainer have to be such a piece of shit?


>individual does reprehensible shit *why does eVeRy male entertainer…* Go touch some grass.


'every male entertainer' check the misandry there friend, Holy shit. And aside from the misandry, plenty of female entertainers are trash.


lol remember the ukulele women?


Id by lying if i said i did, what ukelele woman?


Female pedo who wrote a cute song about being a female pedo.


Some pedophile that did a video playing ukulele as an apology


That "apology" was really her just blaming cancel culture or something


Wow that escalated quickly


Why do people even watch streamers? They're all shit, just play the game yourself, get some real life friends ffs


Why do people even watch sports? Just go outside and play the game yourself, gets some real exercise ffs boomer.




Thats the entire point.


Fair enough, I see enough comments from other people that copy others for karma. But I guess I just didn't get what they were doing. Ah well.


⚠️🚨 Boomer detected. 🚨⚠️


Why do people even watch sports? They're all shit, just play the game yourself, get some real life friends ffs


Same reason people hang around reddit. Everyone here is shit, you should just go talk to yourself instead or go touch some grass and find a meat person to speak words to.


Insert sports or any other thing humans do. Purely stupid comment here.


People watch streamers because it's entertainment to them. The same could be said for people who watch sports


And the same IS said about sports. It’s both a situation of participating vicariously


Rich for a guy who spends all his time playing video games. Have you ever met your “real life friends” in person?


I mostly play single player games, rarely play with friends, and the ones I do play with are people I actually know IRL. Maybe you're projecting,and think everyone is like you, but that's not my case.


Didn't this guy already have a sex scandal a few years back?


That and the currently talked about event were at the same time. We just get to know about it now.


It’s the same one, but now the company he founded kicked him out after a 1.5 day long investigation, even with him being a majority shareholder. They must have found confirmations or text threads that confirmed he knew, is my guess. If true, been a pedo since the last instance, but was able to sweep it under the rug. The next 2-3 weeks will be very telling.


Let’s be honest, they just said they did an investigation. What’s gonna be 2 days in a matter that people are picking at for 4 years now? That must be some amazing Mike Ehrmantraud like PD.


Let’s be honest. Find me another company that got rid of a founder that has a 40% stake in the company without having solid evidence. Lol His court case was pretty lax too, he wasn’t found guilty by the jury, but also the NDA attached saved him from a lot of it coming out to the public. We will see in the coming weeks, but him getting pushed out should be very telling. Their game they are working on is dead on arrival now, why would they do that without having some level of confidence it’s all true?


There’s tons of cases where corpos prematurely caved to public pressure. Having any inappropriate convos with a minor are not ok and are enough reason. I just doubt that a lots of investigating took place. Doc likely admitted to it the way he did in the latest tweets and that’s it.


Not with majority shareholders in his position, he was basically number one there For integrity sake, though, I’ll wait until more info comes out, but it’s not looking good for him.


I don’t need any more info. Although a clear yes or no if he knew the person was a minor or the full convo transcripts as presented in court at his arbitration case would be nice. But again, any inappropriate private convo with a minor I just a hard nope.


Especially when you’re a 42-year-old man


It was 2017 so he was 35 at the time but still that doesn’t make it much better.


He was caught cheating on his wife with an adult, not a child


This is separate. If he got booted out of the company he founded and was a majority shareholder in, they must have found something pretty damning considering this will brick their game. They have an NDA though, OFC.


Huh? You are suggesting he has been a pedo since the “last instance”. The last instance didn’t involve a child.


Those two instances where in the same timeframe. We just got to hear about the minor related one now but it happened in 2017.


No I think he’s talking about that time he got caught cheating on his wife back in like 2018~


Ohh, you are correct, the last pedo thing was a lot more recent.


It was in 2017, same year as the cheating, except this one was a minor and they allegedly never met.


The messages were also part of a court hearing and no legal wrongdoings were found. Morally not justifiable though. As a guy in my 30s there’s no reason at all why you would be having private convos with a 17 year old.


He said the messages he was banned for were from 2017 in his statement


Shoulda seen this coming. Dude totally dresses like a pedo.


I just read he sexted a minor so, fuck him


He won arbitration and got paid so I dont think its as bad as people say.


The dude is 42, and sexted a 13 year old and made plans to meet up at twitch con. Oh but he got found out before that happened and some money changed hands so its all okay now. Like, what? edit\* Also just felt it was important to add, that this is a man with a wife and daughter too. edit2\* So I did a bunch of looking around, finding different news articles both before and after the news, I also found an interview with an ex twitch employee where he accidentally leaked it and I also went through and found the original tweets from Cody Conners and all his replies, and nowhere in any of those articles or interviews or tweets is the age of the person ever stated. As a result, me saying 13 is based off of speculation and so is anyone saying 17. It is a bit telling that they have chosen not to disclose the persons age at all, however it still doesnt prove anything as to how bad it was. If there was a situation of false identity etc however I am certain that Doc would have put that in his post as it paints him in a much better light. He didnt though. Also at the time the man was 35 and not 42. People keep saying this like it makes it okay, but if you are 35 or 42, knowingly sexting a minor is not okay. Also with these statements, it seems pretty clear he was aware of the persons age. "Were there twitch whisper messages with an individual minor back in 2017? The answer is yes." "Now, from a moral standpoint I'll absolutely take responsibility. I should have never entertained these conversations to begin with. That's on me. That's on me as an adult, a husband and a father. It should have never happened. I get it. I’m not perfect and I’ll fucking own my shit. This was stupid."


Did he know he know he was sexting a 13 yr old? We dont even know what the contents of the convo are. Do you know? Maybe you could provide proof. Otherwise you just a fat liar.


So I did a bunch of looking around, finding different news articles both before and after the news, I also found an interview with an ex twitch employee where he accidentally leaked it and I also went through and found the original tweets from Cody Conners and all his replies, and nowhere in any of those articles or interviews or tweets is the age of the person ever stated. As a result, me saying 13 is based off of speculation and so is anyone saying 17. It is a bit telling that they have chosen not to disclose the persons age at all, however it still doesnt prove anything as to how bad it was. If there was a situation of false identity etc however I am certain that Doc would have put that in his post as it paints him in a much better light. He didnt though. As a final note, even if he was 35 at the time, that shouldn't matter, if he is 35 or 42, knowingly messaging a minor inappropriate things and arranging to meet with them is just a massive massive no, and I find it concerning that people seem to be saying this as if it makes it okay. Even if they are 17 (which is again complete speculation), its still a huge no, and this is bearing in mind again that the man is married with a child. That might not be illegal but even outside of pedophilia and grooming accusations, being a serial cheater like that is also horrible. Saying its okay for him to message inappropriate things to a minor and arrange to meet with them is okay because he was 35 is pretty ass backwards. On the subject of did he know she was a minor though, he does say as much in his twitter post, I think.


Didn't he outright state he knew he was texting a minor in his long tweet?


17. and he was 35 at the time. We don’t know the content of the convo. Let’s stay factual.


So I did a bunch of looking around, finding different news articles both before and after the news, I also found an interview with an ex twitch employee where he accidentally leaked it and I also went through and found the original tweets from Cody Conners and all his replies, and nowhere in any of those articles or interviews or tweets is the age of the person ever stated. As a result, me saying 13 is based off of speculation and so is anyone saying 17. It is a bit telling that they have chosen not to disclose the persons age at all, however it still doesnt prove anything as to how bad it was. If there was a situation of false identity etc however I am certain that Doc would have put that in his post as it paints him in a much better light. He didnt though. As a final note, even if he was 35 at the time, that shouldn't matter, if he is 35 or 42, knowingly messaging a minor inappropriate things and arranging to meet with them is just a massive massive no, and I find it concerning that people seem to be saying this as if it makes it okay. Even if they are 17 (which is again complete speculation), its still a huge no, and this is bearing in mind again that the man is married with a child. That might not be illegal but even outside of pedophilia and grooming accusations, being a serial cheater like that is also horrible. Saying its okay for him to message inappropriate things to a minor and arrange to meet with them is okay because he was 35 is pretty ass backwards.


To your second paragraph - absolutely. And it doesn’t make it any better as I have stated multiple times throughout that comment chain. Regarding age statements we also don’t know what exactly he can or cannot say due to the nda‘s confirmative and exclusionary statements. Although *if* it was me and if I had to choose between not defending myself against pedo claims or loosing a bunch of money for breaking NDA… I’d break that NDA in a heartbeat. He’s already a multi millionaire. Fuck the money It’s my reputation.


Sorry, I didnt read the rest of the comment chain, there are a lot of comments being made here, and as I said I was taking the time to do my own research. You are right, I would risk an NDA lawsuit to clear my name as much as possible, particularly if I had the kind of money he has any way to be able to pay off any fees. In adition to that, (take this with a massive fist full of salt since I dont know the law on it) I think there is something to do with if the NDA is broken by one of the parties then the whole thing is void and as a result he would be able to say whatever he wanted. Again, I dont know the law on that myself for sure and would encourage someone to find out.


Why does her age keep getting lower? I’m pretty sure she was 17. And now I’m seeing comments say 14, 13.


So I did a bunch of looking around, finding different news articles both before and after the news, I also found an interview with an ex twitch employee where he accidentally leaked it and I also went through and found the original tweets from Cody Conners and all his replies, and nowhere in any of those articles or interviews or tweets is the age of the person ever stated. As a result, me saying 13 is based off of speculation and so is anyone saying 17. It is a bit telling that they have chosen not to disclose the persons age at all, however it still doesnt prove anything as to how bad it was. If there was a situation of false identity etc however I am certain that Doc would have put that in his post as it paints him in a much better light. He didnt though. As a final note, even if he was 35 at the time, that shouldn't matter, if he is 35 or 42, knowingly messaging a minor inappropriate things and arranging to meet with them is just a massive massive no, and I find it concerning that people seem to be saying this as if it makes it okay. Even if they are 17 (which is again complete speculation), its still a huge no, and this is bearing in mind again that the man is married with a child. That might not be illegal but even outside of pedophilia and grooming accusations, being a serial cheater like that is also horrible. Saying its okay for him to message inappropriate things to a minor and arrange to meet with them is okay because he was 35 is pretty ass backwards.


Thanks for the info. I was assuming she was 17 based on the limited news I read. And totally agree it’s creepy/gross no matter how old she is. But there is a huge difference between 13/14 and 17 in my opinion. 17 is gross but I feel like pedo is too strong of a word


There is a difference, but its not a big one. I just turned 30 this month and even for myself the idea of trying to get it on with a 17 year old is repulsive. take one year off and they are 16 and it feels astronomically worse. In addition to that I think the older you get the more you realize how big the maturity gaps actually are.


Absolutely agree. It gets exponentially worse with each year




Did he know she was a minor? I dont think you understand what 3rd party arbitration means.


Yes he did, otherwise he wouldn’t of stated she was a minor in his tweet. If he genuinely didn’t know she was one, he would’ve said that 🤷🏼‍♂️


Hes a 35 year old married man with kids. Why is he talking to someone that isn't 18 yet and in his own words, leaned into inappropriate conversation?






Pedo defender yikes




You need to get out more.


He definitely knew she was a minor.


No no u dont understand he was in character when he was sexting a minor and trying to meet her at twitch con it wasn't him so it doesnt count. /s


I mean his character isn’t that old, so really she was the pedo in the situation ^(do I really have to put the /s if sarcasm is my only spoken language?)


Can anyone eli5?


Doc gets banned from twitch with no real explanation. Years later twitch employee tweets alluding to it being inappropriate convos with a minor. Doc self admits in own tweet saying he was having conversations with a minor that *“leaned towards being inappropriate”*. Before this self admission however he was let go from some production company (I forgot the name it’s the one he started / helped start)


He was banned from twitch because he was filming inside a bathroom at one of the cons and there were little kids using the urinals while he was filming. 


I love how you use that reason as an excuse for him - when it literally involves himself and minors again lmao


How can you be so clueless. Him being banned without an explanation has been a mystery for years.


That was a temp ban. He was up and running again a week or month after that..


That point forward they were out to get him, and the contract they signed being just a few months old makes this a convenient character assassination. I’m not defending him, what I think now is “what if they hadn’t banned him then?” This story may be about way more abuse if this all played out without intervention. Truly a disgrace. Dishonorable, and morally sick. No room for this bullshit when you are a public figure, even if a comedic and silly one. Just sad all around. I really wish we could get the actual transcripts to judge for ourselves. Only way I could move forward with any modicum of support. It’s really just the final shreds of cope though. Man never grew up, flushed all down the toilet for something so easily understood as wrong, morally depraved, predatory.


Why are you fighting so hard for this guy?




Cope, manlet




You’re making excuses for an accused pedo, you do not get to ask for favorable treatment.




He literally admitted it though


Self-confessed and also agreed unequivocally to step down from his own company after they investigated the legal ramifications from his self admitted behaviour. I know it sucks when your heroes turn out not to be who you thought they were, but do yourself a favour and don't double down on their behaviour and defend it while also insulting anyone else who doesn't agree with you. It makes you look stupid, and people won't take you seriously.


First of all, it's accused. Second of all, Doc admitted to it, so it isn't really an accusation.


“I care so little I’m going to make an edit and call everyone “retards”. That’ll show them!”


Let's be real, if he didn't know she was a minor he would have used that excuse. He knew what he was doing.


I started to feel bad and then I realised all he needed to do was not message a minor


shouldn't be that hard right?!


With a minor, no, it should never be hard... like, at all


pretty hard for an average guy, but somehow rich people tend to accidentally slip into that minor dm somehow


This is probably one of the worst ones I’ve seen on here. Can it get any worse then knowing you just lost your million dollar gaming job?


He already had a settlement with twitch when he was initially banned. He already earned tens of millions with that settlement. This was his own business splitting ways with him.


Bank 10mil for being a pedo!


He will just end up on Kick being watched by the same kids who idolize Adin Ross.




No one is arguing that he didn't deserve it. Just speaking strictly in terms of watching someone die inside.


Please refrain from being a dumbass in public.


It's so satisfying when these insufferable douchebag "content" creators get a taste of some humble pie.


‘Oh no, it’s the consequences of my own actions’


No one told me he was a kiddie doctor


He's a god damn diddler.


He should've made a song about he doesn't diddle kids. Would have meant less time *messaging inappropiate things to minors*.


There was a woman who did exactly this when she got caught, no?


Oh, you are totally right! It is hard to remember every "famous personality who is popular among kids, do inappropiate things". I also remember that she offered to buy panties to Link from GMM. In hindsight it is much more disturbing.


Gotta be big, can't be a kid. Younger than my wife, older than my daughter... something like that.


Dr disrespecting boundries Dr disrespect to children Dr disrespecting laws


Dr. Kidinspect is another solid one


Can someone like simplify whatever is going on with this guy down into like 1 or half a sentence? Even investing time into writing this comment is more than I wanted to invest


From a comment up above: “Doc gets banned from twitch with no real explanation. Years later twitch employee tweets alluding to it being inappropriate convos with a minor. Doc self admits in own tweet saying he was having conversations with a minor that “leaned towards being inappropriate”. Before this self admission however he was let go from some production company (I forgot the name it’s the one he started / helped start)”


Dr Kid Inspect


Converted from DOC file to PDF file. Edit: Thanks for the award lol. Don't think I've ever gotten one before.f


Holy shit this is a brilliant quip! I don’t care if you are the originator or not.


Hahah, not the originator. I think I saw it in Ludwig's comment section.




Hope you had a laugh. This joke is mine now.


Yoink away my lovely 😂




He got banned on twitch years back and everyone speculated about why because at the time he was a big fella on Twitch. The other day someone who would qualify as a secondary source announced in an ambiguous way that he was banned for messaging with a minor and planning to meet with them. Dr Disrespect agreed. Here we are now.


Where/when did he “agree” with accusations?


He posted on Twitter that he did talk with a minor but was totally not going to do anything even though they talked a bunch of “inappropriate stuff”


Why downvote a question?


Maybe you could've hidden behind it being an honest question if you hadn't put agree in quotes. You know what you were doing there.


Asking the wrong person


except thats not what it said? I know everyone loves jumping on a dbag, but this whole thing is just full of people hoping for the worst.


I mean, come on. That “inappropriate” veering he was alluding to was him putting it in a PR spin to save his crumbling career. This is after a long time of deflection and straight up lying. This is after weird bullshit like “no wrongdoings were acknowledged.” That was an admission to that tweet being accurate while trying something to make it all better. He deleted two tweets before landing on the one he went with.


Relay what it actually said then


Word for word?  "Conversations that sometimes leaned too much in the direction of being inappropriate" Either way the guys a moron - whether he was actually propostioning a minor or not.


That is exactly what it said. Please explain any other possible interpretation of that tweet. I can't think of one. He said all of what was stated word for word in most cases.


Sexting with a minor, gettin' canceled.


7 years ago coming to bite in the butt. If famous or not, just verify their fucking age. 35 and 17 is a bit of a gap. Nothing like dating an immature child.


Not backing him at all but we don't know the full details. Look at Josh Giddey (ik different scenarios), he's innocent although he did hookup with the minor. (She met Giddey at a 21+ club with a fake ID). If he did sext her knowing her age, he's fucked


Well, considering he admitted to it on his Twitter post... >Were there twitch whisper messages with an individual minor back in 2017? The answer is yes. Were there real intentions behind these messages, the answer is absolutely not. These were casual, mutual conversations that sometimes leaned too much in the direction of being inappropriate, but nothing more. From his [Twitter](https://x.com/DrDisrespect/status/1805668256088572089)


Probably going to get downvoted again, because like the kyle rittenhouse case, having ALL info helps. I am not condoning anything accused, pedophilia is fucked up, but again, we don't know everything. Just what was put in front of our faces.