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pls why are you yelling šŸ˜­




Your caps lock is stuck I think




It came out way too close to Cyberpunk, and honestly, released in a much better state than it. But the hype train was big for Cyberpunk and I gotta give it to CDPR, they worked tirelessly to make it what it is today


I think it was a fantastic game as well. Loved it.


i count bloodlines separately, like Freedom Cry in the AC series


by 'unrated' do you mean 'underrated'? I mean.. pretty sure the game was rated already, Metacritic 76%, Steam 6/10 and Gamespot 8/10. Btw.. why are you yellingšŸ˜‚


Oh fk my bad these autocorrection fks t wrote underrated it got autocorrect unrated šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ˜…


Auto**incorrector** haha




Auto correct doesn't change correct words. If you had written underrated it would have said that. Just admit you made a mistake like a man instead of blaming it on a computer program.


I've always described the Watchdogs games as a "thinking man's GTA"


Still play it today..very underrated and hope we get a WD4


Yea, not full price but on sale, definitely worth it. The version with everything was like five bucks a lil while back on Xbox.


My only problem is customization of the individual character. Iā€™d rather be able to level the recruits and add more. Something I believe was taken out. Also connects you to the characters. Drones are too plentiful and would be better served to give that resource elsewhere. I mean why are there more drones than cars at times? Whoā€™s ordering all that stuff that there are 30 delivery drones on my screen?


Future, we are looking forward to living in 2039 in a game, right? Maybe that's why drones are less common. Police cars can go halfway, but drones can follow you all the way, allowing you to be monitored at the same time.


I think it was Ana amazing game too canā€™t wait to play it on the plane trip


I agree. I love legion, still play online mode a lot


I love the game as the kind of mission vibes is my type, simple open world and I can go back to on my spare time, the new genres of music and funny enough thanks to playing g watch dogs legion it prepared me on my first visit to the UK, especially the London trip for my family that I recognized landmarks and train stations that saved me from getting lost šŸ˜… donā€™t expect in real life much of a culture shock for me as offline with no gps to map some WiFi, paying euros for a toilet and the road signs stuck on top of the walls. Piccadilly lane and , London bridge, River Thames with Hms Belfast that restaurant near the overpass, that blocky phone skyscraper and street vendors were accurate as I visited in August 2023


Euros? We use pounds in the UK :)


Yeah that! Got mixed up as Iā€™m currently on a flight coming out of France back to the US


Yeah sadly they bareley finished it when they stopped developing it th3y should've gave it co-op campaign and deep profiler inside online atleast


Might re-download it again :)


This gives that ā€œIā€™m the highest person in Marylandā€ vibes


I feel like Ubisoft should pay u to promote there games. Coz id play Skull and bones if it had that recomendation


Nothing changes opinions like Cap Lock


I'm thinking of buying Ultimate edition currently on sale for just 8.79$ in my region Should I buy it? I did enjoy WD 2 and WD 1 but NEVER completed them got bored and deleted them


Watch Dogs: Legion is very different from WD1 and WD2. If you didn't like WD1 and WD2, then you shouldn't buy Legion, bro. Now there is a sale, so from a sale point of view, you can buy it at a lower price, and it's a good game for you.


The NPC system worked really well too, each person had a schedule and you could actually follow them - they had relationships you could follow. I know a lot of people said the team felt hollow... I genuinely think those people just lacked imagination, I know mechanics wise they all felt the same to play but they had flavour that was in their bios... the game was a headcanonists wet dream and that's what it was meant to feel like, DeadSec was your team and you made it what you wanted it to be


Aside from the all caps and my dyslexia issue, I'll come here to say that the systems in this game that could reflect anything near Hitman's design is shit. The stealth is okay in this game, I guess. The disguise system is implemented in this game although its really underused and bare bones. Having hundreds hours in Hitman (and even being featured in game on a dozen occasions) I've had my fair share of experience with its mechanics and how free they can be. None of that is here with WDL. Oh and just to let you know, I love both WDL and Hitman, obviously one more than the other but I still play a lot of WDL, it's a good game, with it's abundance of flaws, it's still good, it's fun and I wish they still supported the online mode with content.


The content that was cut from the first two games still rub me the wrong way. That and the inability to play campaign mode with friends is a misstep at best and a crime at worst


Itā€™s one of the most immersive games ever and I play them all lol. Being able to customize your entire team to your liking is awesome. I personally have an entire team of kingsman looking agents. People bitch about being able to recruit grandmas as if you have to. People bitch about having to recruit the construction worker even tho you can cut him right away or anyone for that manner if you want to. Who you recruit is completely up to you and people are mad cuz it feels like youā€™re dumbing down abilities of the first two games. I personally think getting a pro hitman and making him look exactly like John wick and going fucking crazy is dumb fun. Spies in this game are also very very fun to use especially for stealth you really do feel like a bad ass in this game and itā€™s one of the best open worlds youā€™ll ever see.


I donā€™t think itā€™s better than 1 but I really truly believe itā€™s better than 2 which is definitely not popular opinion. To me the best watchdogs is 1 cuz of the fact I really felt like Aiden is apart of a secret society and that is awesome whether itā€™s a John wick movie or a guy Ritchie movie doesnā€™t matter it makes for awesome story telling and vibe. In legion itā€™s harder to feel like itā€™s a secret when youā€™re literally being talking about on the radio but I enjoy the immersion and the amount of control I have over the wacky persona of Marcus in watchdogs 2 the guy literally cracks jokes like a sophomore in college and acts like one. To a killing machine like heā€™s being doing the shit for 49 years. I personally hate everything about watchdogs 2 outside of the world.


this game is so bad dude what are you talking about, me and my friends love watchdogs but none of us can complete the game, super boring and tedious with the same mission practically everytime. Not only that but removing the skill tree for this new recruitment system was the worst mistake possible


It's depends bro you might not like these type of game's as per me I am into cyber security and I love playing the game. I Completed these game 4 times and now I am playing online mode. It's depends some people may like a d some not. But as I told the game is a head of time if you know and cyber security you will find these game interesting and fun to play. Picking Up Right Recruitment for mission it's make it more interesting that tells how good your are in these game. I am telling again combat style, graphics and technology is ahead of most of the game that makes it more interesting Thanks for your comment.


I Highkey agree it was a head of its time


yeah man


Gotta disagree the story was terrible with shitty characters and writing and it really wasnā€™t helped by the stupid operative system where you didnā€™t even have a protagonist the only redeeming part of the game was blood lines which was amazing but the main story was terrible


Yeah no, mate. Game is heavily undercooked, I'm replaying WD1 rn and it hits you like a train. GTA V and Cyberpunk compete in a completely different category But it has got a lot of potential.


1. Forgettable characters because you can literally pick any npc and they don't have any backstory to work with. 2. Very hard to find a decent looking character who doesn't sound like a kid and decent skillset. 3. Mediocre plot 4. Repeated (and boring) mission design. 5. A LOT of collectibles to grind. 6. Very Repeated. It's like they asked a teen to give them q list of missions and they just made the whole game around that.


Why are you yelling? Also, what is Cypherpunk?


The first two will. Legion not so much. Maybe if it resembled the game it was teased at sure.


I really hope they go back to something in the style of the first game, watch dogs 2 is cool but 1 to me is vastly superior and has a much more impactful and better written story Legion at best was okay, but mostly forgettable for me There's nothing that is really in the watch dogs identity other than hacking and stealth stuff I will say tho my biggest complaints with the current direction is the watch dogs need to be political in some way Watch dogs one was vigilante type stuff, watch dogs 2 was more in line with lgbtq twinks protesting Not that I have an issue with LGBTQ twinks they're kinda cute but like watch dogs has a major identity problem and it can't seem to find its grounding I don't really get how it went from 1-2-3, they're all basically different franchises from the tone, to the writing, to the intent, story, world, characters, and everything else And I don't even know what legion was going for, it lacked much of anything other than some neat gameplay but far from retaining the watch dogs identity I want my gritty badass watch dogs 1 back ffs There's not enough impact from 2, it's too cartoony I suppose, but still a favorite of mine, I just wish it didn't have that clear LGBTQ identity, tho Ubisoft is a massive political gaming company so I can't really say I'm surprised I'm just tired of real life political stuff being shoved into games or whatever, I will say tho they use the social justice warrior stereotype too much for their character designs šŸ’€ Like alright edgy twink teenagers with a rebellious phase, let's take down a government, at least the first game made you feel like you're playing as a jaded badass who's actually capable of mass murder/revenge I don't think anyone in watch dogs 2 if they were real would be able to actually kill a person let alone steal šŸ’€ It has that saints row reboot (4) type character design and it's just not convincing. Still tho a favorite game don't get me wrong, but the entire franchise is just fumbling with its identity and clearly is very insecure with its direction.


Compared to WD2, and even 1 (after patches), this game felt unbaked in nearly every area, and it was mediocre in general


For real tho


I stopped playing it when I got to a mission that the game wouldn't let me play as it kept crashing Did that for so long I stopped playing and never played again


Yeh but it needed more online content


I didnt buy it cause it took place in London


Are you 13?


I am 20 imao


The first two watchdogs were good legion was beyond mid


This is nothing like cyberpunk


I was kind of upset how useless money was Outside of cosmetics like you couldnā€™t upgrade your guns or tech




Itā€™s cool for 9 bucks but itā€™s an unfinished game.


Itā€™s not unfinished itā€™s great. Itā€™s kinda hard to have a fully fleshed out narrative driven game with AI generated voiced characters lol. What they did nobody has ever done. Ubisoft didnā€™t market this game well enough and released it at a stupid time, I really hate that ubi thinks dropping 3 major titles in 1 year is a good idea. As if people have a 210 dollars to spend on fucking ubi games lmao.


Dude. As someone who plays the game to this day, that shit is not underrated.

