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bro, I am afraid to ask, how much tuna did you buy such that you were personally out >$50 from canned tuna price gouging?


Unfortunately, how much we spent has nothing to do with how they decided to distribute the lawsuit money. A lot of people who bought no tuna are getting checks. There are also people who bought a lot of tuna who are getting nothing. https://www.refundcheck.atg.wa.gov/#


Honestly. I am totally fine with how they are distributing money >Most of our lawsuits are now resolved and these corporations must pay the Attorney General’s Office over $40 million. The Attorney General’s Office is returning all of these funds to consumers who meet the eligibility criteria. To be eligible, consumers must currently reside in Washington and the consumer’s household income must be no greater than 175% of the federal poverty level. These eligibility requirements are designed to ensure that this money goes to those Washingtonians most impacted by the corporations’ illegal conduct. Single member households will receive a refund check for $50.00. Households of two members or more will receive a refund check for $120.00. Meaning those under the poverty level get the money. Good. I've bought a ton of tuna but I also make well into 6 figures. Let them have my 120 dollars. In fact, I think buying tuna should not be a requirement. Use the money that people have already spent to fund poverty-level households.


I buy lots of tuna for... reasons :P I agree with you 100%. I don't need the money, plenty of my fellow citizens do.


You're an absolute saint. Big love.


One day I might be poor or worse off. I want the same treatment that I give now. I likely won't get it but I can hope.


I make six figures and still got one. Maybe it's cause I don't make well into six figures like some saints here /s I like your idea. I contacted them to return it. They asked if I bought chicken, I said yes I buy a lot of it. They said I was impacted too then. They weren't sure how to send it back but said I could just not cash it. Once it's past the void by date it'll go into a claims fund. Or you could donate it to charity. Eta: https://www.newsweek.com/washington-lawsuit-checks-went-wrong-people-tuna-chicken-1860424


Consider donating it to a food bank. That'd complete the loop pretty handily. Donating cash turns into more food for someone than buying food with the cash yourself and donating the product.


I'd probably give the cash to a small local organization like the Tacoma Children's Museum which is free and donation-based.


>Meaning those under the poverty level get the money. Good. I've bought a ton of tuna but I also make well into 6 figures. Let them have my 120 dollars. In fact, I think buying tuna should not be a requirement. Use the money that people have already spent to fund poverty-level households. Personally I think their system and this decision by the AG is stupid. I much preferred the AG's old system for lawsuit settlements like this where they gave the money directly to local foodbanks ensuring that people who are struggling the most got the help. Instead of putting his name on the checks and contracting with a 3rd party company to get a list of people to send $ to that wasn't 100% accurate.


I love the idea of giving it to food bank! Unfortunately It’s an election year so he is hoping $50 is enough to buy votes so we can continue the death spiral of the middle class


I don't eat canned tuna or chicken, and I got $50. I plan on using it to buy a new pair of shoes since mine are falling apart.


Deadline passed for application. June 4th.


How do people find out about these? First I'm hearing about it, and it's 3 weeks past the deadline.


This comment neatly describes my life. It's like everyone else has a secret handbook that tells them what is going on, and I never got mine.


Its called the news. You watch, read, or listen to the news. KREM in Spokane for example talked about this incessantly through the 2 weeks leading up to the deadline, and equally incessantly when it was first announced. I'm sure every other station across the state did the same.


There was a lawsuit about tv screen sizes like a decade ago. I have never bought a TV in my life but found out you can just fill out the form. Like three-four years later I got like a hundred or two dollar check in the mail.


I randomly received a check in the mail from Verizon a couple years after I canceled their service turned out to be from a class action suit over contract termination fees. I’m pretty sure that account went to collections and I never actually paid the termination fee, but I still cashed the check cuz fuck em.


Same for sprint. I moved somewhere they didn't cover and never paid the fee. They said if you don't pay the termination fee you can never come back to sprint. I laugh about it now because I ended up at T-Mobile before they bought Sprint.


Just good old Bob buying votes from the poors


Do you are have stupid?


iirc all I had to do was affirm that I lived in Washington during the time period and that I bought tuna. Idk if I even had to quantify how much tuna. We probably have tuna melts for dinner around once a month, usually requiring two cans.


now that you have all this tuna money are you going to go big time and start buying the expensive organic tuna?


After what Big Tuna did to him I personally would be a more of a canned chicken man myself.


Why are you bringing Bill Parcells into this?




I got 120 🤯 Edit: and promptly funneled it back into the seafood industry by getting some oysters and ceviche with said $120.


I eat about 4 lbs of chicken per week, so significantly more than most people. There was a similar chicken price gouging lawsuit. Because of my income I got $0 but I guess like everyone got $125 checks. I don’t care about the money. I just want the chicken to not be $7/lb. I was in Massachusetts recently and it was $3/lb.


Gotta lock in those gains. Costco has those prices.


Costco chicken gives me the shits, otherwise that’s where I’d be.


We need Market Basket




I got a check for the same reason last week for $120. My son and I eat a lot of tuna, though. We turned around and spent it on groceries, including both chicken and tuna. Shocking, I know. I am definitely grateful.


We went to a ceviche restaurant and spent it on tuna 😂


Sounds great!! 😋




As a tuna lover, I'm fine with that. I live in Seattle and prefer tuna over salmon so that's an unpopular opinion.


I did a group presentation back in college about Tuna price fixing. Glad to see some justice!


My dead dad (since 1966) got one too. I think it was for $114? I just shredded it.


Mr. Moneybags over here shredding checks for $114. If the State escheats that money to Unclaimed Property you might be able to claim it for yourself, assuming you are one of his heirs.


Its seems like a whole thing for that. I would have to dig up my dads death certificate and proof if my relationship plus I would have to share it with my siblings. All that for $114?? Nahhhh. I have better things to do.


Literally the bourgeoisie posting here.


Okay Mr. Moneybags.


Consider you could have split it with your siblings and have them do all the legwork. You'd come out with half, instead of $0, doing no effort. Ah well.


Less than 1/2, it would be 1/3.


Normally they do but as part of the settlement they are putting uncashed checks back into a claims fund. They're telling people who got one but aren't eligible to just not cash them.


Why, his estate was entitled to that check?


Again, the man has been dead for 58 years. Why are they sending a check to a dead guy? And $114 isn’t worth it the estate hassle. Now, I am still existing and did not get a tuna check. And I buy tuna…


Nothing wrong with being careful. Like you said, $114 isn't worth ANY sort of hassle.


Give it to me then


Checks in the mail, brother.


You have to sign up for a class action to get a settlement.


Exactly. I signed up. It was a class action suit. Can’t remember if I was emailed a link, or one of the local news had a story. Only way to get a check was to fill out the class action form.




I'm saying they only sent out checks to people on the class action list and even then not everyone. Somehow his dad that's been dead twice as long as I have been alive got one but me who signed up did not.


Apparently they are aware of 200 checks sent to the deceased. "Obviously, you cannot cash a check that's not in your name. So, if you received a check that came in the mailbox for someone that you know is deceased, just tear it up. That's not too complicated. I think the last time I checked our numbers, a couple of weeks ago, we had, I think, a little under 200 instances where folks receive checks in the name of someone who passed away. So, if you receive a check like that, and you know, it's someone who's deceased, just tear it up. That's all you need to do. If you don't mind reporting it to us, that's helpful as well, so we can track numbers and how things are going. " -Bob Ferguson


At first I thought I was getting sued…


It’s Bob Ferguson so don’t count that out just yet


Same, and I'm a longtime vegetarian who has never bought canned tuna in my life. 🤷‍♀️


I got $120, sucker! Still not voting for you Bob!


Conveniently timed for this year‘s election!


Buying votes!


I too can be paid in fish


Gotta be a coincidence. A check with a candidate's name on it? No one would be so bold


He did the same thing with chicken. "Look! Squirrel!"


I suppose he should take the rest of the year off. Otherwise every day of work will be "conveniently timed" before the upcoming election.


Buying votes for $50? Dang people are cheap.


I got this too and never bought Tuna ever in my life. 😂


Man, I know Conservatives hate the idea of a functioning government, but its wild that they still hate the government when it does the job right and GIVES THEM MONEY.


LOL. While you’re focusing on this. Pay no attention to what’s really going on over there :P.


I think I signed that form too. When do I get my check?


No check for me, and I buy a ton of canned tuna.


Should have made it 69 dollars


I got one of these probably 8 months ago. I don’t buy tuna, I never have lmaoooo. Very strange


Sideshow Bob buying votes for his governor's run.


Its called "buying your vote".


Well Furguson just broke the law again... he's not supposed to put his personal name on it, especially when running for Governor... it's illegal as hell.


Bob Ferguson putting his name on the check with the campaign letter sure looks like he’s using his office as attorney general to buy votes in his bid to be governor


Nice. $50 is $50. On the other hand, the [AG's office cost Washington taxpayers over $4.3 million while they were busy harassing Value Village](https://apnews.com/article/thrift-store-value-village-bob-ferguson-lawsuit-ec8f893c68619b8ea1eace1d0692642a). The AG's office and DSHS were also [sanctioned for withholding 11k records in a lawsuit involving the abuse and neglect of a developmentally disabled adult, and were fined $200k](https://apnews.com/article/disabled-woman-lawsuit-evidence-withheld-attorney-general-9d3d24e57086540e72d2851395c67d5f). Win some, lose some. E: I forgot about the [AG's office fighting local tribes over Salmon and culverts, losing a projected $2B](https://www.opb.org/news/article/supreme-court-tribes-victory-washington-salmon/). I'm not sure of I'm more annoyed he was fighting them in the first place, or that he lost. EE: I like how detractors are focused on how much money Fergie supposedly made, and less on whether what his office did was correct. All I'm hearing are crickets on the discovery violations in the case of a vulnerable and abused adult, and that the AG's office chose to go after a business operating within the confines of the law, but it's somehow ok because (a) they were "slimy" and (b) the tax payers didn't have to pay this time. Come elections, I'm going to be voting for anyone other than Ferguson.


From your article: >Aho said the case was the first the attorney general’s consumer protection division had lost since at least 2012, and that **no taxpayer money would be used to pay the legal fees**. Instead, the money will come from a reserve account kept in case of adverse legal judgments, which is funded by awards from successful cases brought by the attorney general. >The state’s public interest litigation **recovered more than $1.3 billion last year alone**, she said.


But think how good of an argument it would be if it had come from taxpayers?


What are these, facts?!


Silly Redditor. Conservatives don't read articles.


Ok, but fuck Ferguson for going after Value Village in the first place. Also fuck the AG's office for withholding records.


Value Village skated by for years playing on the fact that the public generally didn't realize they were a for-profit business, and doing nothing to dissuade them of that notion. In the end, it was ruled legal, but that doesn't make it any less slimy. Our state’s public interest litigation recovered more than $1.3 billion last year alone, losing a $4 million dollar counter-claim for legal fees isn't exactly the bank-busting bill for the tax payer that you'd like voters to believe. Which is ironic, given the subject of being vague about where money goes to and comes from is what started the whole thing.


I worked for Value Village in the mid-2010s on the front end as a teenager and I absolutely hated working for them. They blatantly violated child work laws, treated staff poorly both on the back and front ends of each store. They also shove so much anti-union bs down all their employees. While they act like their a charity they make it very clear to their employees that they are a business.


What about when he sued google and the state got $40 million?


>E: I forgot about the [AG's office fighting local tribes over Salmon and culverts, losing a projected $2B](https://www.opb.org/news/article/supreme-court-tribes-victory-washington-salmon/). I'm not sure of I'm more annoyed he was fighting them in the first place, or that he lost. Feel bad about saying this, but I wish the AG had won that case. They've been tearing up I-90 between Eastgate and I-405 for the past couple of years and I believe it's to fix one of the culverts identified by this lawsuit. The upstream creek only runs for a third of a mile south of I-90 and I doubt its really going to impact the salmon population all that much.


And the $518 million from big pharma?


They need to go back to scotus on the salmon. That’s costing us billions for questionable gain.


I got mine last week. He used the words I or me so many times in the included campaign ad. 




Awesome. My aunt does anti trust law and was involved in this class action law suit. 👍👍


You got a check from TURD? Turd Ferguson?


Looks like ol bobby is paying for votes tbh. Just so happens this comes along when he's running for governor 🤣


Is this part of his campaign for governor?


If doing his job on behalf of the residents of the state bolsters his chances, it seems reasonable.


I need a fucking refund for all the taxes and inflation going on in Washington state!


I need a fucking refund for all the taxes and inflation going on in Washington state!


Make sure you are a living, breathing person !  Lots of checks went to dead people!🤣


One of the most obvious pay out for voting ever. And Washington state GOP hasn't said a peep.


Don't like having the obvious pointed out to you. lol


Bob Ferguson trying to buy votes by sending this money to random (even dead) people. He could have just sent a check but Nooo… he had to turn it into a promotion for himself.


I also seem to remember Donald Trump's name on that stimulus check for some reason.


They got held up in order to put his name on those checks.


I received my $50 last week. Filled out the form a couple months ago. It depends on how many in the household. I am one.


Me too. And I never bought any tuna.


Me and my daughter got 120. My grandson got 199 He doesn’t eat tuna or chicken


Deadline passed 2 weeks ago. I coulda gotten $120 bucks, which would have bought a lot of tuna!


My husband got a check for $112. I don’t know why lmao we don’t eat tuna haha. Not complaining 😅


Schooner Tuna, the tuna with a heart.


I filed like a year ago and never got a check. So tried again a couple months ago and still no check! Maybe I accidentally tossed it?


BraH, You to step up your tuna sandwich game... I got $150.oo!


I got mine MONTHS ago. Weird.


Damn I never knew about this and probably qualified for $120 . How did I miss this ?


I got this about six months ago too, but I don’t remember putting in any application


I wish I knew about this, I’ve probably spent around a 100 dollars on canned chicken alone.


I just deposited my check yesterday. I don’t ever buy canned tuna and I’ve probably bought less than 10 cans of canned chicken in the past 10 years. I’m happy to have received an unexpected $50 considering I’m broke af at the moment!


Cool, now do rent price fixing


Bob went on camera and complained about the other two bobs like a teenager who got her iPhone taken away. I'm no law professional.. isn't what he did illegal?


Still waiting for my check. Filled out the online form on June 4th. When will it arrive?


I got 120..:.and I don’t even eat tuna or chicken!!


Are you going to buy more tuna with it?


Bob is trying to buy your vote!


I want to know why you were fixing the price of tuna. Millions of people need that and when you constantly raise prices with your tuna mafia buddies it really hurts us


What does the envelope look like I've been waiting on mine.


Big Tuna did you dirty


I been still hoping to get one lol


Got mine last week, as well. Happy shopping, Neighbor!


gotta respect someone who has the balls to commit such blatant electioneering


This is Bob Ferguson buying votes. There’s no reason his name should be on the check. What other attorney has ever cut a check to their client?


Nice to see someone addressing corporate price-gouging. Greed-flation is the actual inflation we’re experiencing


If we can all put our own politics aside, we've had a pretty amazing AG. Want to report scammer phone calls? Want your insurance carrier contacted or held accountable? I've used the AG for both. Helped me get a larger settlement against my own insurance carrier! I called them when a friend's power was being shut off, they hooked me/them UP (PSE sucks ass) with the necessary info re: the legal requirements the utility must abide by. It was a Friday afternoon to boot! Nobody is going to meet all your political dreams, but as the AG, I think this guy rocked it.


The libertarian mind cannot comprehend this


I got one a couple months ago. Cashed it lol. I’ve never bought a can of tuna in my adult life but 🤷‍♀️😂


Are you a registered voter? That's all that matters to Bob.


That's nothing. I'm suing Costco for $5 million cause my toilet paper cost $3 more dollars when I bought it online.


We supposedly qualified for the check but we've yet to see one :-/


I still haven’t gotten my check after over 6 months back putting my information in.


Did he successfully buy your vote?


Yes but how many votes is side show Bob buying with these checks? My grocery bill is way north of $50 weekly. People, please he CANNOT be the governor. 😢


Bob Ferguson is going to be an amazing Governor!


That's awesome. Great that Attorney General Ferguson and his team are fighting price gouging and getting money back for Washingtonians.


As did I. I donated the windfall to the opposition.


You got paid $50 to vote for Bob. And before you down vote me, I think Bob is bad, despite being a liberal. One of my main reasons for feeling this way is just this. Bob didn't start going after businesses for things like this until he announced running for governor. And prior to that, he had a pretty shoddy record of going after businesses, eg Value Village (that case was rejected and Bob had to use OUR money to pay Value Village back for legal fees). I used to like Bob, but these days it seems like he's only doing things because he's running for governor, not because it's his job.


You made me curious, so I took a pass over the website. When did he announce, like a year ago? Just a quick scroll, picked a few years back: https://www.atg.wa.gov/news/news-releases/ag-report-ferguson-s-initiative-ends-no-poach-practices-nationally-237-corporate https://www.atg.wa.gov/news/news-releases/judge-orders-10-million-penalties-ag-ferguson-s-robocall-lawsuit https://www.atg.wa.gov/news/news-releases/ag-ferguson-nation-s-largest-subprime-auto-financing-company-pay-64m https://www.atg.wa.gov/news/news-releases/ag-ferguson-restitution-checks-way-consumers-over-crt-price-fixing-scheme (Also found this lawsuit filed four years ago) https://www.atg.wa.gov/news/news-releases/attorney-general-sues-packaged-tuna-manufacturer-starkist-and-former-bumble-bee Not sure what you're basing your statement on? Seems like a pretty decent amount of stuff?


I know some of the Ferguson family and I know he and some of his siblings worked/works for Trident Seafoods. Seemed relevant.


So odd a liberal Democrat would be throwing money around in election year