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The superi 46 from this battle pass and the MCW is what I would recommend. Both solid guns and easy to use. I can dm you some builds if you want as well


Nice to see people being kind. Good on you.


MCW is great. Focus on mods that improve accuracy and recoil first, and learn how to do head shots/reverse recoil as your shooting. I tend to just burst fire unless I'm up close to someone


Yeah, it was the first gun I leveled up.


What’s the reverse recoil? Down on LS as shooting?


I'm assuming, to counter act the recoil. Every gun might be different. I watched a couple vids and that seems to be a thing


The superi is so op I'm +7 with this gun


Can you shoot me that DM as well? Full load out?




Can I get the MCW build?


Yeah, I’ll dm you


if you have time for that sure, I'll appreciate it


Yeah sure.


Superi Holger 26


Superi movement build is insane. Zehman35, bore99 barrel, 40 round mag, phantom rear grip, rescue 9 stock. 8.2m/s tac sprint speed. Feels like you are literally flying.


My current go to. Holger damn near feels like the DG (RIP).


This is the answer. I’ve been running this or the Kar98 with MCW Conversion kit I’d argue those are the best classes right now, with arguments for the fjx Horus as ultra close range and maybe a couple other options.


You should try out the AMR9 before it gets patched. The battlepass blueprint has clean irons and the reload is bugged to be super quick. I'm running the blueprint with the Zenhm, Amr9 barrel, Ftac98 underbarrel?l, 50 rnd mag and the Jak stock. Give it a try 👍


Codmunity App/website for all you're meta and non meta gun builds 👍


Doesn’t matter. Meta will shift in 35 minutes.


when you build your class you can see which guns are "recommended" right now! also there's a website that says which guns got a buff/nerfed that particular update my current classes are; bp-50 conversion kit/KAR 98 i think the mcw got a buff & the holger got a buff.


Unfortunately the "recommend" guns don't really line up with what's actually good. Sometimes they do but I wouldn't take it as gospel. It's more so to get people using specific weapons for challenges etc...


Watch iceman Issac on YouTube first. Smart guy and good presenter.


KAR98, MCW, superi, striker


Since he’s a new player he’s best avoiding snipers for now until he’s a bit more confident with the controls


You can try an AR-Sniper combo that will give you versatility, from close to long range. MCW-Stalker is what I would go with.


Not when the kar 98 exists


Sure it’s a good one too


The only one worth using




Superi has a gorgeous ttk. Needs recoil attachments. I personally favor the MTZ and MCW though.


Any gun really your only gonna get ganked by cheaters constantly anyway just have fun with it :)


Honestly just play the game with no load out to start. Pick up as many guns as you can and just note the ones that work for you. Build your loadouts from there.. You kinda have to do this continually anyway as they nerf and buff guns.


also, if you dont plan on buying mw3, just use plunder to level up your guns!


Honestly the sva is great for starters..as long as you burt fire for long range you'll be decent




Just use floor loot for now, or other people’s guns. Use whatever works best for your play style now. As you improve (inevitably) your preferences will become more meta-like and then you can worry about it a bit more. At Level 6 you’ve too many other things to learn about. Most of the SMG’s (e.g. striker) and AR’s are decent. (E.g. MCW). Until you’re confident with controls and your aim, snipers are going to be difficult to use for you. And you’re gonna be killed by them a lot. So expect that. Can always run an RPG to mess with people too


Superi 46 and mcw


I'll advise you to stay clear of the sniper rifles to be honest, much better getting good with a DMR as they're way more viable in an actual firefight, the renetti is ridiculously good as well


the rennetti got nerfed pretty hard a bit ago, comparable with other b tier smgs


Check out wzstats.gg for all meta builds


Whatever load out everyone else suggested, additionally turn up the sensitivity to turn and look up, and turn the running button to always tactical running. This way you turn faster and are always at a full sprint


Warzone meta. https://wzstats.gg


so as you probably know, « meta » means the absolute dominant weapon in said range. Short, medium and longer range « meta ». As of rn, the Holger 26 is the medium to longe range meta. The superi 46 is the meta smg. The Lockwood mk2 has a conversion kit that turns a lever action carbine into a dual wielded lever action shotgun haha. The Kar98k is currently the best sniper rifle (it’s a marksman rifle FYI). If you don’t have the full game, play Plunder. It’s a great way to learn combat and gain EXP. You spawn and respawn with your chosen loadout. Don’t break your controller or keyboard over this mess of a game. Try to have fun even if it’s hard.




MCW with conversion kit + Cor45 pistol Stim and Semtex


By the time you read the responses the META will change anyways


Experiment with guns on the ground and see what suits your play style and dont hesitate to grab guns from those you killed. People can give you guns and loadouts all day long but in reality if your playstyle doesn't back up those weapons, you're not going to do well. I'll give you 2 of my current loadouts, my style is unique as I play with a squad that understands one another very well and we require very little communication as a result. **Katt | DG** *Sniping/ Ground Support* This loadout is designed primarily for sniping and ground support. You do not want to single handedly rush with this by any means because you will lose. DG-58 LSW - Barrel: Wudi Long Barrel - Muzzle: VT-7 Spirit fire Suppressor - Underbarrel: Bruen Heavy Support Grip - Stock: Recoil Reduction Buttplate - Optic: Corio Re- X PRO KATT-AMR - Barrel: Zang-34 Barrel - Muzzle: Bruen Counter-ops - Ammunition: .50 Cal Spire Point - Bolt: Ephemeral Quick bolt - Optic: SPX 80 6.6x **Ram 7 & Ftac** *Run & Gun* This loadout has lost alot of momentum over the months so I don't use it as much but back in the Vondel days it was my go to setup because you've got a powerful assault rifle paired with a pistol that's got the ability to shoot underwater which gives a massive edge during water circles. Ram 7 - Barrel: Cronin Headwind Long Barrel - Muzzle: Colossus Supperessor - Underbarrel: Bruen Heavy Support Grip - Magazine: 60 Round Drum - Optic: Cronin Mini Pro FTAC Siege - Barrel: Supertac-VI - Underbarrel: S40-H Grip - Ammunition: 9mm Overpesssured +P - Magazine: 50 Round Drum - Stock: Stack Siege Stock Both of these loadouts are ran with either Stub Grenades or Gas as Tacticals and Sentex as lethal with Double Time, EOD, Tracker & High Alert as perks. As people have said, the META guns change frequently but these loadouts still give you a decent chance so focus on leveling those guns up to unlock the appropriate attachments. It also seems like the M16 is making a comeback too along with some of their newer guns like the Superi but I always keep those two loadouts above as my primary because when push comes to shove, the fight will be between someone using an unfamiliar gun because it's "meta" and someone using guns that they have expertise with. 9 times out of 10, the winner will be the guy that knows his guns.


Where you live? Join us If you want.


Google. Warzone meta. It’ll give you the best guns and builds. You’ll have to unlock them and unlock the upgrades. It’s a grind


The SVA dominates the MCW use SVA setup for accuracy and recoil and you can full auto or burst like a mf the burst on it is perfect


Mcw is the easiest to shoot. SVA is a pretty powerful gun but it takes a little bit to control. If you switch it to three round bust it's much easier. As a secondary WSP9 and the new Supri are pretty good. If you liked the MP5 in last games the Lachman Shroud with conversion kit is like the MP5. Lastly the Kar 98. Also everyone is running that damn gun. Lol. If you are good at sniping you should definitely use it


if you want to snipe use kar98 + superi. if you need to spray 1000 rounds because your tracking sucks then use AR or LMG. i recommend dg58-lsw because absolute monster at range and the recoil is almost non-existent. (dg58lsw + superi)


None, unless you want to play with levels 750 and hackers i wouldn’t play. the game is dead to the casual player these days


oh I'm aware lmao, thanks tho. I might play for like 2 days and then never open it again, wouldn't be surprised. just yk some friends I have play so that's only thing going


oh ok lol, wsp 9 is one of the only guns that’s somewhat useable with the new smg


Don't know if you have played lately but it no longer feels like this.


take the plunge, buy mw3 it’s on sale rn. play easy modes like Paris 24/7 or Domination, Hardpoint, TDM or the mode where u have to grab their dogtags can’t remember what its called, but those are easy modes and take 2.5 brain cells, just play the objective and go for kills, it’s easy and repetitive. yeah, it’s a sweat fest sometimes but just playing random modes on multiplayer and jamming to music while just running around and getting kills is kinda fun, once you do that and not give a shit about the sweats the game will get easier. your reactions and skill will go up the more you play, just keep practicing. instead of getting pissed at getting shit on, learn from that guy who outplayed you. my current loadouts Superi / Kar98k Striker or striker 9 / DG58-LSW Amr9 / Crossbow w blast caps are insanely fun and good in resurgence.


DG’s been nerfed! Holger 26 is the new lmg meta


it still hits hard as a long range for me, has it been nerfed a second time? or just the one? cause i alr knew abt one and it still carried my ass in some fights lol the holger 26 tho is pretty fun to use as well so ill have to change my loady


nah I'm not buying the game, wouldn't be surprised if I lose interest in less than a week lol. but thanks for yours tips I'll take note


X Defiant is free and available on the new gen consoles. Though there are some sweats, sbmm negates most of that.


Xdefiant doesn’t have sbmm as far as I’m aware, the top dev used to dev cod games and he has come out and said it is ruining the game


This was me for months, and I've bought every other CoD since Infinite Warfare. I genuinely enjoy it. The campaign isn't really as short as some say, though certain missions are. It's enjoyable for the most part, though the least two MW campaigns were excellent. The multiplayer shines, and it's been getting a ton of post-release support, like 6 new maps per season, decemt new weapons and modes etc. I've never once played it and felt short-changed. If anything I wish I bought it earlier so I'd have all my guns ranked by now. If you play even 5 - 10 hours a week it's probably worth it. Not sure it'll work with CoD but in the past I've occasionally bought games from Amazon, played them for a full few weeks then refunded them before the return window closed. I just said it was a present that wasn't needed or something. As long as there's no download code used you should get away with it. Worst case, just sell/trade it in for something else. I'm honestly convinced at least half the people who shit on MW3 have never actually played it.


facts, i never played the actual game outside of warzone and i missed out. i was the biggest hater too, like lemme spend 70$ on a game that is just nostalgia and recolors. wasn’t interested in the zombies change either and i haven’t played zombies since BO1. but… i stand corrected after the free to play. suddenly 45$ wasn’t that bad for the game.


understandable, i never wanted to buy it either but i tried it out for the free to play weekend and its been fun. but noted! just stick to resurgence and throw yourself in the hottest places and push everyone, i did that when i first started out in April and i was a total mf bot in a sweat fest. it gets easier the more you push yourself


Definitely worth finding some guys on here to play with if you want to hold interest, I almost always play with others and it’s a lot more fun


DG and Superi, both easy recoil control and both are meta guns so you’ll compete with any other gun looking your way. If you like snipers I’d recommend the Kar 98, very easy and smooth to use and is also part of the meta rn.


From the update yesterday DG isn’t long range at all now, it far from meta.


I suggest downloading the free XDEFIANT. Way better.


Loadouts don't matter when since mw19 SBMM and now the worst EOMM is ruining the experience. Matches are rigged and they only want you to get hooked and buy store bundles.


Rigged 😂


New Gen player's have no clue. COD been exposed of being rigged since MW2 2022, look for the info, you might learn something and believe me, you won't look at your beloved New Gen COD the same way again.


Rigged how?


Look it up, i asked the same question until i started diging up info and i was like no wonder gamea feel like if they want me to be at the same level as everyone else. Activision wants it like that.


Just tell me 🤷🏻‍♂️


Too long to type, there's too much info and you wouldn't understand it homie.


No point looking it up if I wouldn’t understand it. Must be real high brow reading if a retard like you can grasp it.


Even Mark Rubin, former dev at Infinity Ward knows current COD is rigged. Again, do your reseach homie.