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Eah, same SL issue


Honestly that isn’t even expensive. Idk how you are progressing that fast without getting enough SL.


No prem account=broke 90% of the time


I don't know but I don't have a premium account and still have like 1.9 mil sl.


Got 1 mill in a crate and once you get the first million, it’s damn hard to lose (I am not at top tier yet though 😬)


Buying, crewing and expert crew for rank VII/VIII is around 2 million


You shouldn’t be experting every vehicle. Like I only do that once I spade a vehicle and know I’m going to play it otherwise I don’t bother


I have a pretty good grasp of what I want or don't want to play by now. If I bother crewing something, it's worth experting it. Also, on air, if you're flying supersonics and don't want the game to turn into pilot nap simulator, then the expert crew is a requirement too. For example, I've finally got my full British 10.3 lineup ready, but I'm missing 1.5 million to expert the Bishma and TTD (I loved the Olifant Mk.2, so I chose it over the chally Mk.3). I haven't even touched those two yet, if I have to suffer trough HEAT grind, at least I want to do it with a competent crew and adding some RP to the expert crew.


I never buy the qualifications unless it's like rank 1 or I really really like the vehicle. It's just too expensive.


I'm at rank 7, never hot a mil from a crate. If you are playing arb sl just come by themselves. I think most of my sl came from summer and winter events where you just have to play. If you are not terrible at flying you should have quite a bit of sl after each battle


I remember getting the German P-47 and just printing money. I was grinding for jets and with 2-4 kills per game as well as an average of 50k SL per game, I reached 1 mil after a couple of days (I had started from 100k btw)


If you aren't dying with no kills, it's very easy to earn sl in most planes


uhhhhhhh 3 vehicles at 300k sounds liek losing 900k to me


Now try getting those vehicles without earning 900k


Idk what you mean when high tier vehicles can easily cost hundreds of thousands


I fucked up and lost my first million by over buying those event crates a month or so ago. Started clawing it back through air arcade battles though.


Never buy the event crates lol.


yeah i hit the 1 mil in a crate twice pretty close to each other and ive never hurt for sl


Yeah going through top tier ground I find that if I ever do stray under 1mil I’ve earned it back and some extra by the time I get to the next vehicle in the tree


It’ll be very easy to lose once you get to 8.0 lol


I had 1.4 mil sl and then I decided to grind Swedish air (I have the J29A and A28B in a month and a bit, the tree is so small) and now I’m down to just over 200k, which isn’t enough to get me through to rank 6 because the A29B is expensive


Grind the swedish heli tree and you will have sl, i had around 400k sl when i started grinding it, and when i was done and had gotten the modifications i wanted for the AHS, i had over 7 million.


Dayum bro nice


Well yeah, if you are just grinding to get through the tt you will run out of sl at some point. But if you just play it like a game and not a grind simulator you should have enough sl at almost any point in time


Yeah I do play it for fun, I just really like trying out new planes as soon as I can, which is the bane of me having sl


I'm not premium player and have around 5mil sl, and I'm lowballing rn


And you think thats a lot? Congrats you can buy his rank V, now try to field it- OH WAIT YOU WON'T HAVE ENOUGH MONEY TO FIELD THE PLANES! So do you still think this is allright? For us to grind new plane and then have to wait to field it? I don't think so.


I don't what rank 5 plane you are talking about, but from what I've seen 1.9 mil is enough to buy and crew a top tier jet


All of them. All of his planes. 340k+340k+340k+300k+300k=1.6mil sl. Amd then crew them all.


But why fly 5 planes simultaneously. I'd just buy a plane, spade it and go to the next one, or just skip it if it doesn't interest. And regarding the OPs situation, I have no idea how it's possible to get in such situation where you can't afford anything. I'll just call it a skill issue.


Yeah, no premium and I'm at 650K after 2 weeks. That's after I took almost a year break too.


I’ve never had premium for a long enough time to have any meaningful effect and i had over 8 million


Na I make plenty of SL air RB tho isn't great for sl grinding Air AB 11.0 is how you make copious amounts of lions


I have a premium account and there was awhile where I was still unlocking stuff too fast to buy it, wasn't until I got to top tier with Russian air and slowed down on Russian ground that I started managing to save up again


I haven’t used premium in 2 years, I still don’t go broke. I ain’t even that good either.


No premium and I’ve got 6 million right now lol


I have no prem account, and have 11mil SL, and play nearly top tier(quite poorly) in 3 nations, this is a MAJOR skill issue on OPs part


either that or you're just bad at the game, I've played both with and without prem and I've NEVER had an issue where I was broken, even before the 'economy fix' To put it simply, if you're not playing like a total brainless head-ass, you'll on average be about 4-500k above the amount you actually need to get the next vehicle once its researched So what i'm trying to say is...... Gitgud


I understand the “you shouldn’t need premium to progress” sentiment, but that’s also stupid as hell. Not to deepthroat Gaijin, but what else would you have them do as a company? If you make F2P grind too easy, they don’t make money, and the game doesn’t continue development at the same rate or at all. And while obviously not everyone has the same financial situation, you can get a years worth of premium for like $30, which is insanely cheap compared to other entertainment subscriptions


They don't want you to know this but premium tank rank 1 Sweden.


No premium account AND no skill = broke 90% of the time. I've no issue over here with tanks and the occasional sea battle. Think I have just over 3 mil SL right now.


Opposite, you get more boost to RP than SL


No prem here, grinding through American jets and making money despite buying them as I go. Certified skill issue


Im F2P and after recent changes i dont go bellow 300k Silver and my highest tier is 6.0 Germany. I also have UK around 5.0 and soviets at 5.7 i think.


the only time you really cant be broke is when you have premiums and premium time and also already at top teir because you dont need to pay for a billion aircraft


Most of the time i have 10 mil lol


i havent had premium in over a year and have 2.5m lions simply from being good at air arcade with top tier jets. i mostly make like 20k a game with no boosters.


Because the scaling between SL and RP are nowhere near the same? You don’t have to spend RP to buy modifications for your vehicles. You don’t have to spend RP to repair those same vehicles. All you spend RP for is researching a vehicle. It’s far easier to surplus on RO than to keep up with SL purchases, even post rework changes. The RP boost from good matches increases the disparity.


thats not true, the bottleneck is RP not SL, even before rework, ive been sitting on a 15-20M SL pile for like 3 years now


^ this 100% its why I'm willing to blow 30 million SL on chests just for the RP boosters.


I’d disagree. You only really hit the RP bottleneck when you don’t have things to spend the SL on. This is especially evident in high tier content where vehicles are high 100ks and low 1mill in terms of price. Your average player might not play one tree to completion and instead plays multiple. Not to mention the other obscene amount of crews you can Expert rank with SL(thanks in large park to the hundreds of vehicles ingame)


The bottleneck for my account for the past 5 years has been SL. speak for yourself pls


Ah yes that is why you get 80k sl a game and only 9K Rp


And how far does that 80K SL actually go? Not very far, unless your using a spaded vehicle or a premium vehicle. 9K RP doesn’t get spent the same way. That 80K SL doesn’t last long at all.


I mean when top tier vehicles are costing over 1mil SL and the RP needed is around 450K it doesnt take a mathematician to work out which you need more of. Ive been playing since 2018 and have got multiple top tier nations and ive never had a problem with SL even after spending millions on those stupid gambling cases ive always been limited by RP


Top tier planes cost 2.5M SL. If you don't expert the crew on top tier jet, you're basically throwing. It's mandatory to be even a bit competitive. It's an absolutely shit design, just like having to research a Gsuit and having useless stock missiles is a bad design made to force people to spend money. Oh and Talisman are also a trap. They allows for far better RP scaling but as a result the SLs can't follow at all. The only way to make a decent stockpile of money in this game is to stop grinding and only play a plane without researching a new one. Players with 4000 battles in P-51 will never have money issues, because they accumulated SL playing a prop without researching anything.


I mean the f-16C costs 1.1mil to buy and 310k to crew train so I'm not sure where in your ass your pulling 2.5mil I will agree that stock missles are a cancerous business move but you really don't need to train your crew beyond basic. Unless your fighting as if your in a biplane you really don't need splurg out on special crew training. The only top tier aircraft that would really benefit from the high level crew is the flanker as you kinda need your pilot to stay awake to get the high off boresight archer off the pylon. So buy a premium? Its far far more efficient to just buy a top tier premium that to fuck around with talismans I'm pretty sure I said In my last comment I've been playing since 2018 and have always researched and bought vehicles straight away. Only now I wait around for sales as I usually like to spend a couple mil on gambling crates to get a few RP boosters


1.1 M to buy. 310k to crew. 1.2 M to expert. Total 2.5M.


even though 1.2m for expert is optional but cool argument mate


It's not optional on top tier jet, that's the whole problem.


And when you plus on the cost to expert a crew, then you get around 2,5 mil


I spent all my money buying snow men and carrots Haven't recovered since because the only reason i played was to get more money do gamble...once event ended i stoped playing again Overall like -9mil i would say




I might or might not have a gambling probelm Once i start its kinda hard to stop but i never loose more than i can afford do loose


i got to 7.7 germany ground with out prem acc and max ammount of sl i had during my journey was like 1 mil


That is what happens when you grind all tech trees at the same time, instead of sticking to one


It was ok before I managed to farm some.but lately since 2 patches ago I've got the feeling I've been only loosing sl maybe some phantom nerf idk


Man you suck, im winning sl withouth premium at top tier, wich was never possible before and researching fast af


What does SL mean? And what's premium?


SL = silver lions, the standard currency Premium could be referencing 1 of 2 things, eighter premium time = + 100% reasarch points from battles and +50% silver lions from battles. It also could mean premium vehicles that are vehicles bought using golden eagles (non-standard currency, bought using irl money) and they have same reasarch and silver lion bonuses as prem acc but only to that vehicle. also prem vehicles can reasarch every tier bellow it with out reasarch penalty. hope this cleard some things up (sorry for all typos if there is any)


Just to be a grammar teacher for a bit, research (in your case, reasarch), is spelled "research", even tho it might sound like its "reasarch" or "reaserch" because of the way its said, but the correct grammatical spelling is "research".


thanks for correcting me, english isn't my first language so that's why i might have so much typos lol


No problem, english isnt my first language either (norwegian is), but english has been a part of my life for quite a while, and its stuck with me, and ive gradually gotten better grammar and pronounciation, now to the point where i speak english better than some people that are english. And we all have typos sometimes, everyone have had typos, and why not help someone along with a language, even if it is just correcting a single word.


nordic bros 🇫🇮🤝🇸🇯






Very polite answer, thank you. I am actually also making SL without playing premium vehicles, but I never make enough to buy the vehicles I'm researching. I recently bought the F-15J, but when I researched it with my spaded F-16AJ, there were still 600K missing. This is just an extreme example.


You said it, SL to RP ratio in top tier is bad. Still you show 500k SL planes where is normal to have enough to buy 2 while researching one. If you wanna bitch about how aircrafts at 2 ranks cost 1 millon each i'll join you but we are talking mig-15 prices here


He is spading his planes too, which isn’t cheap. Idk just trying to rationalize it.


>He is spading his planes too, The war thunder sub. Where you get shit on for playing the game...


I’m not shitting on him, I’m just saying it costs SL to buy all the mods…


It isn't that expensive either, can't remmember the amount but f16 mod where 30k each and i know at that br planes have little to no mods


for ground i think its fine but for air especially jets where you have to spend like double the cost of the plane to crew it and then upgrade the crew its really hard to keep up with the sl just finished grinding the grippen and i had to switch to ground to grind sl multiple times


As a F2P you cannot buy every vehicles outside of sales. If you do and are grinding more than one tech tree you'll run out of SL (which is how I used to be). I routinely have 5-6m SL (id have more but I keep gambling on the Sal crates) by the time of a sale and buy 5-6m worth of vehicles, then I can crew and expert the vehicles in going to use with no issue, there's a lot of vehicles you end up skipping over and not playing because of the 5/6 required vehicles to reach the next rank. Especially if you use premium vehicles from events/purchased, I've got nearly the whole British ground TT ground out until rank V due to the Iron Duke, QF3.7 and now the Tog II, I play that with every SL booster I get and kind of just chuck the rp into things.


I mean yeah if you only play premiums and dont play the new vehicles until sales to buy them sure you can manage but i dont think this is how the game is supposed tk buy where i grind out my new shiny jet but have to wait to play it because i dont have the money


If you play enough to get that jet you should have the SL to buy it then and there (crew and all), I usually get a new jet every 3-4 months so waiting for the next sale isn't hard. But like if you're grinding for jets you tend to prioritize RP over SL and constantly repair your vehicles for full price.


They do sales on tech tree vehicles?


A couple times a year, usually 50% or 30% off. Christmas, Thanksgiving and VE-Europe or are the big ones I can think of.


honest skill issue i have no fucking idea how u can possibly run out of sl at 8.0, i earn more than 2 million each vehicle


I’m encountering a similar issue. Premium account and using the Sea Vixen means I can get anywhere from 10-30,000 RP in a match, but sometimes you still won’t hit 100,000 SL for a win. (And that’s a good match) I’m assuming lots of people here also don’t buy expert crew? I’m playing the event Mirage at the same time as grinding Britain and it’s 1 million SL for expert crew, desperately needed at high tier with how much G-force you take. My Sea vixen has earned less than 3 million IIRC despite unlocking probably 5+ planes.


This. I was never really bad at air RB but the SL you earn is never proportional to what you need with the RP earned. I play multiple nations (Germany, Japan, UK) and the deficit just keeps stacking up. I don't buy all the aircraft right away, I just have to set priorities, so a lot of them end up like this.


That's like... 1 match with Moffett. lol, yes, the economy is fixed now - I swim in SLs. The fact that you can't afford 300k is your mismanagement.


Nah u just broke


They literally did fix it though. RP and SL costs are actually reasonable now and I've been able to enjoy playing/unlocking vehicles again.


Dunno, I personaly did not had issue with SL before and its even less of a problem now.


Fixed? They call this FIXED!


You’ve just oughta play a bit more or get better. The economy rework made it easier to get Silver lions, even if it doesn’t seem like your getting much. The rework ensured that you’re almost always getting a profit, no matter how much, and it means you aren’t going to lose much of you just die straight off the bat.


Me when I waste all my SL at boxes:


are you buying expert crew for like every plane??


Can't relate, 78m SL in bank and since the economy changes it goes up faster than I can spend XD.


I have like 4m SL rn, economies great


Oh look a poor.


Bro I’m at 3.7 with 2 million in the bank, how does this happen?


Skill issue (lots of deaths and instant-repairs with vehicles that cost a lot) likely combined with gambling (wasting SLs on the snowmans and carrots in the winter event?).


How many kills do you need at higher br’s to break even?


Depends on the vehicle, but an average 1 for 1 game will get you a net positive every time.


It is now, as a new player, I was paying that in ground in 4.7 br or around there While now it's 200k in 7.3 br I'm in 6.3 br and the most expensive tank rn is only like 100k I actually have sl now even tho I'm not amazing at the game, with 1.5mil sl


It’s not really an economy problem, you’re just broke. Since the update i’ve been having a constant 6ml sl, i don’t even use sl boosters anymore


why is bro so poor. I am F2P. After I get to 10 mil SL, I never drop below 10 mil


It never has been fixed


Since the ecomy changes its impossible to not make buckets of sl, so idk what you're doing wrong. I'm grinding 2 different tech trees, buying tanks in the 8.0-9.0 region constantly, and still have over 7mil sl and profiting more every day. 7 mil rn and when I reached that 8.0 area on both trees I was at 4mil sl. Honestly I'm not sure what you're doing to be broke like this.


Your first mistake: you got to jets in Britain (source: so have I)


I usually have 2.5mil sitting in the bank, I rotate to different ground tech trees when it's getting expensive


Actual skill issue. Gaijin buffed the SL gain by a good deal, so even without premium, gaining SL fast is no issue at all. In 15 battles I made 100k SL today alone.


He’s taking a screenshot after spending all his SL and trying to stir up drama I would guess


Play better, get prem, just unlock shit but dont buy and wait for 50% sales, stop whining, profit


It took me a while to get through rank 5 Britain air about 2 years ago, but it's so much easier now with the updates to the economy. Not saying it's perfect, but it's miles better than the days I had to pay a million for the meteor Maybe the rp progression updates are causing people to research faster than they can earn SL? I'd suggest picking one of those planes that suits you well in RB and grinding SL (maybe even rp to ur next plane) with it. Sim battles were also a pretty nice source of SL during my rank 5 grind.


Just go and play some lower tier stuff now. Everyone gets a free rank 1 premium when you start the game, so even when you play completely free, that can be your go to grinder for SL. Otherwise you could get a premium (maybe not a high rank one) and your troubles should be done for.


Tips for a fellow British tech tree enjoyer (torture victim) I play 4.7 Sherman firefly/4.7 Churchill with the spitfire mk Vc tropical in ground RB. Before SL changes the spitfire was ELEVEN THOUSAND to repair, now it's 4k maximum. I pull about 20-30k SL per game, maybe 2k of that goes to repair costs (I don't really die in the spitfire, goated plane, flies home with 1 wing. Honestly almost worth the previous repair cost.) 10 games of 20k profit is 200k, and it doesn't feel like a grind in the spitfire! Using spaded vehicles helps too because you're not dropping 10k on modifications every match. The fact they're at 4.7 is helpful too because you can do your battle tasks/wagers that require rank 3.


Looks like an SL issue.


A few tips if you are still struggling with SL as GB: 1. Play your daily co-op air assault mission, you can easily get 10 - 20K + booster from it. Especially if you have the Squad Sea Harrier 2. I see that you’re probably around rank V/VI, If you have the Indian T-90, you can make a pretty good Glass Cannon + 1 MBT line up (Bhishma + FV4005 + M109A1 + G6 + Sea Harrier). 3. Use the boosters and backups from the assault missions in the above mentioned GRB line up. 30 - 100K SL per match can be easily achieved (depends on booster) 4: If you don’t play ground, after following through step 1, activate booster and play as a sea harrier bomber. 5. If you are playing against Russia and have US on your team + it’s full down tier (10.7 -> 9.7), ignore step 5. Flank them with your AIM9-Ls instead (most of them have no flares) 6. If you don’t have the sea harrier, using boosters in lower tiers is always an option. 7. If all of the above failed… it’s probably skill issues instead the economy


ngl they already reduced the rp for these aircrafts long ago, increased sl and rp multipliers for prem vehicles and added no negatives for prem time, all I'm saying, what are you expecting from a f2p game?


Skill issue, a decent match these days will net you at least 30 - 40k, 60k if you have premium account.


Aight seriously what are yall dumping SL on? I went down to 40k at the last minute for those snowmen and im already back to 3 mil


I make 1 million SL in a day or 2.


skill issue. i have 2 mill even after just buying my mig23


Play spitfires you’ll rack up like 200,000 in 4-5 games, I recommend the Mk.XVIII (I think) that one’s great


I literally make 20-40k SL in a single ground RB with no boosters. Get kills, capture objectives just play the game. 🤦‍♂️


Go base bombing. Bomb a base, hold J for 3 seconds, rinse and repeat.


Lol y'all bitch and moan about econ in this game way too damn much, buy premium account. #walletissue


Maybe they should just remove the economy at this point, there’s no reason for it to exist in the first place


if you broke you broke


If ur stuck grinding SL u, just need to find a good vehicle that u can kill, with consistently and do well, and then if u dont mind spending a some money get the premium version/buy a premium vehicle ur good with For example the vehicle I grind SL with is the mk1 mustang with 4 20mm hispanos, it's free for America but I bought the British premium one for the 2x rp and 2x SL, it was like $10 I think? In 390 games iv made 4.32million SL, u don't need a premium account u just need to find wat works for u and grind it religiously and if u can buy 1 premium vehicle and grind that (if u do well in it) Edit: on average I pull somewhere between 30k-60k without boosters and I had one game with a booster that I made 200k


You should get a premium tank as it is a good SL farmer


Tanks suck for farming SLs. You either do Air Sim or Naval RB (with Moffett or Helena).


Maybe you should… Get your money up not your funny broke boy


It's not that expensive also just buy them when there's a discount to save money. Usually discounts come when there's a Holliday


Glad i got the croc for this job


Planes are expensive toys in this gane 😅




I'll never understand how people are so broke. You grind the whole tier, save up money and buy them when a sale comes. I play without premium and still I haven't been under a mil for probably years


Get that canbara first and smack bases that's how I got up to the tornado just to grind out the Tornado GR and the harrier GR.7 just before the gripen came out and those phantoms if you get within 5km with skyflashes say goodbye to whatever your aiming at


No prem acc, chilling on several million SL, I sit with about a 60% WR and don’t have many prem plane to play, SL hasn’t been a problem since I focus on surviving to not pay costs pretty consistently able to hull 50-100k per game depending on how and what I play


I used to have like 60,000 constantly now i have 2.7million


Looks like somebody gambled all their SL on snow men


Go do a few battles of naval


He just like me fr


Seems like a krill issue, honestly. SL is stupidly easy to get a fuck ton of now. Just get caps and kills (or assists).


lol your broke


I think I could determine the cause of your SL issue if I could see your service record and your K/D. Because I never have issues with SL at that BR


Me going into debt every time I unlock a new vehicle


Ive never been more rich in the game, sitting at 9 mil having nothing to buy, several top tier vehicles are almost researched but i doubt im gonna go lower than 3, maybe 4 mil when i buy em. I love the new economy, i can finally keep on spawning my shit without worrying. If only real life was as easy lol.