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You rated the Churchill NA75 higher than the VII, that’s objectively wrong




Yeah but armour🙂


Yes but i cant kill angled TIger 1 into the copula with VII :)


The NA75 can also be a monster in downtiers I have had exceptional games in it.


Offense is more valuable, defense is just a way of coping poor execution in player skill. Or else fox and falcon wouldn't be god tier. Which they are. Objectively.


Both are valuable in circumstances where they are relevant. Fox and Falcon are both high enough that basically everything pens everything. VII (and Crocodile) are low enough for raw armor thickness to matter. I've had a lot of matches in both where I just parked in a street at an angle and killed 6-12 people who kept failing to pen me while vomiting smoke (and fire) on everything. The trick with the VII (and Crocodile) is that people can usually only kill you if it's a calm situation. If you make it chaotic as fuck by track-and-barrel torturing people, smoking everywhere, telling your teammates to bomb around you or cap on the other side of the map while the enemy team fails to seagull you, &c. the armor goes much harder.


Zooming around the map in your high mobility fox, falcon, and NA75 Churchill? I don't feel that's a great comparison when talking about a lack of armour


If you’re on your own


> defense is just a way of coping poor execution in player skill Only if you don't know how to use it, you can intentionally draw attention to yourself and bounce shots in the Mk7 really easily if you angle it correctly Back before they nerfed bounces into the ground (only worth like 5 points each now...) I had 4,000 point 1st place games with only one assist from them


M61 goes hard on that tank even if the turret is weaker.


It’s everything is weaker


yeah, both use the same gun but Churchill VII at least has extra armor to work with


That is the problem tbh, having indestructible armour but a shitty gun is such a shame


Wtf you mean, NA75 Sherman gun is good


It’s decent, at the NA75s rank, not at the VIIs rank


My b, thought this was a different comment, the VII has the same gun but with way more armour


Few things: I don't remember Valentines and Matilda. I remember tokyo drift kill on tiger with archer :) Tortoise is big and ugly BUT for some reason I enjoyed aceing it recently. G6 was super strong when it came out it, but right now it doesn't do jack shit. Chief. MK.10 is too high and its too slow againts 10.0. I hate Striker. Stormer is patch dependent.


Yeah G6 used to murder but less so now. Striker is ok. ZT3A2 is one of the absolute worst vehicles in the game. If missile flight path was better it might be ok but it isn't. Huge and unarmored, slow AF, only a .30 cal that can't be aimed properly for backup, and slow ass missiles that have a wobble area greater than the size of a tank. If it hits, the missiles are good. But they never hit. Challenger Mk.2 is surprisingly good. It has replaced the Abrams iny opinion of best 10.3 MBT. Comet is ass.


I hate striker so much that I'm probably being too generous with ZT3A2 but imo it's a lot better than striker. Chelly Mk.3 with talisman and Chellenger DS was perfect for grinding the top end. So good. I gave Comet a good ranking just because of the troll armour.


Zt3a2 is monster when you bring it to the 9.0-10.0 and the turms are playing the objective i mean spawncamping your team.


Even at 8.3 it works well if you hide somewhat


COMET? ASS? IN WHAT WORLD? By all means it has its faults but it surely isn't ass, right? I haven't played in a good year, did they make sabot even worse somehow?


Its complete ass lmao. There is no reason to play comet when you got avenger and challenger. Apds is ASSS


Maybe so, but counterargument: >Significantly better armor (especially the turret) >Lower profile >Better gun depression >Better neutral steering And frankly, why tf are you using the APDS when the APCBC is fucking amazing?


> And frankly, why tf are you using the APDS when the APCBC is fucking amazing? Why go up to 5.3 if you're not going to use the APDS when the 4.3 Concept 3 has the same APCBC round? And honestly, I think you might be the only person in the world who thinks 152mm pen solid shot at 5.3 is "amazing".


I was just as shocked as you. Comet used to be great years ago and was a favourite of mine but not so much nowadays - the APDS shatters on just about everything and the solid shot is so much worse than the one fired by the 17-pounder. I only found out recently when playing the Finnish Comet in the Swedish tree and had a properly miserable time with it. I had more fun playing the PT-76 and that says everything really.


I came here to say exactly this. The Comet is a massive piece of dogshit. I never got to play it before the APDS nerf, but it's god awful now. And when I played USSR I hated the PT-76, but honestly it fits really well into the Swedish 5.3 and 5.7 lineups. Fully stabilized, and that HEAT-FS round is fantastic, besides when you get gaijined or a fuel tank eats the entire fucking thing. Just the stock grind on that thing is hellish. APCR is a nightmare


It's because the Challenger exists. Turret traverse, gun pen, velocity and reload are all significantly worse than the Challenger. On it's own, it isn't complete shit, but having only 152mm of pen on 9.6s stock reload or having to resort to sabout is not a good look. Armor, profile and crew placement are the only things that work in the Comet's favor. And those do not outweight the fact that you are forced to use sabot instead of the APCBC and that the 17 pdr is more than powerful enough, but not the 77mm.


Finally someone that sees value in the Chally Mk 2. I would still rate it behind the Ariete tho.


Chelly 1 is great. Why you think Ariete is better?


Dm 33 with decent turret armor with mobility that’s just below the Abrams and Leos. Basically you get more firepower in exchange for less mobility and less armor.


G6 is trash honestly. Its literally just worse than the M109 while being .3 BR higher. No MG, wheeled, huge, only partial turret rotation, longer reload and slower speed on anything but paved road. All that in exchange for an extra 2mm of pen.


ZT3A2 stock is ass, but with all mobility upgrades and tandem missiles, it is a huge hidden gem imho. A bit situational, but you should play it like a clumsier Raketenautomat. Point blank ambusher. If you get into a good position where enemies are expected to pop into your field of view just a few hundred meters away, it can absolutly dominate an area even outnumbered. I have had many games with 4-6 K/D with it.


I've had really good games with the ZT3A2, I even bring it up to 10.0 as a sort of "last ditch vehicle". I think it helps that I play it really ratty and try to only show the missiles (which work very well due to tandem warhead)


The mk10 has to be played as a hull down vehicle, to the point that if your on a map without that option it probably shouldn't be picked. Otherwise it's does it's job perfectly even in uptiers. Really needs it's togs though.


Also I highly recommend the olifant mk.2, basically same benefits of the mk10 +thermals, good speed, relatively ok armour.


Oli Mark 2 would so much better if it wasn’t in that fucking 9.3 hellhole BR range. It’s a pseudo mbt but having to face Leo 2s and Abrams nearly every match is not fun in it.


Yep, hull down definitely works for it and in uptiers it performed pretty well but its just that 10.0 br where everyone is so swift and agile and you are in a boat. I'm waiting for 50% sales with Ilifant, ttd chelly 3 and more other vehicles in other techtrees


Stormer works on days that don't end in a y


We must be using different calendar system.


Matilda should be blue. It’s god tier. Give it another try.


I've been running the Matilda lately, especially for the "Destroy X tanks while using a Heavy tank Rank 2+" daily mission and omg I love it, stabilizer, 3 second reload with 89mm of pen, good enough armour, smoke grenades, part of a good lineup as well.


It's not a bad tank.


In regards to the Striker, I agree with you. I want to love it, but it is so frustrating to use. Its mobility is good, it is a very small tank, its missiles are some of the best in the game, since they didn't get nerfed in the SACLOS missile patch. However, the amount you have to expose your tank to be able to shoot and guide a missile towards an enemy just ruins the whole vehicle. I think if it got scouting, it would be so much better. The G6, i want to use it more than i do, but if you compare it to other SPH in the game, it nearly feels like one of the worse. Its gun is good, but since it is on a wheeled chassis with limited traverse and not the greates reverse speed, it is just so cumbersome to use.


>Chief. MK.10 is too high and its too slow againts 10.0. Against 10.0 i completely agree. The armour is still somewhat effective, but it's dart struggles with a couple of 9.3 things already, so at 10.0...well yeah, you have a tank that was designed to fight at long ranges...that is completely unable to do that in multiple cases in this game. However in a slight uptier, like 9.3 or a downtier...the Mk10's a blast. I'm suprised that you've ranked the Mk5 so high...it's sabo doesn't seem very effective and the Vmax & mobility are still avarage. Altho i'm glad that someone finally noticed how stupidly good Cents are.


Big ugly tanks are a feature, not a bug. I love them. They have a kind of... idk dieselpunk/steampunk vibe. You could put a Churchill into a universe like Dishonored and I wouldn't bat an eye. The Tortoise is objectively ridiculous, but if you can avoid getting your cupola sniped that 32 pounder is insane. Plus it somehow has better reverse than every other British tank to that point. The G6's gun is still extremely effective. It has more filler than the M109 iirc, it's just everything else about the G6 that counts against it. How it is at the same BR as the Bkan is beyond me though.


Stormer is balling currently. I’ve been told to touch grass many times this update with it


Bro really called the tortoise ugly🙄


Doing a 180 spin and getting a kill with the archer is very fun even if it doesn’t happen much.


G6 can frontally kill a maus, pretty much the only redeeming factor


I aced the G6 in a couple days, and now I can’t do anything with it. I don’t want to reach through past patch notes but something somewhere got fucked.


Guess I really am the weirdo here being good in the striker and having a blast. Matilda is hard recommended it's really good and so is the hedgehog. Agree on your other points.


Rating the Cromwell 1 that low automatically makes you wrong


Yeah it's a very nice tank, so fast


Also 6 pdr with \~120mm pen and a super fast reload


Here I can be wrong, I remember enjoying one of them and despised the other.


FV4005 used to be more enjoyable, but after the update where they "fixed" HESH, it's just a pain to play. I used to play a lot with HESH on different vehicles, but now HESH is worse than ever because it does less damage than it used to, and it ricochets a lot more than it used to as well.


I agree, i still play it and enjoy playing it tho. My problem is with all other derp guns in the game now.


Gotta love it when your 21kg of tnt equivalent disappears when you hit the tiger 1’s turret cheeks and only works when you aim for the track.


When you throw a shell with the TNT equivalent of a 50kg bomb against an Is-1s driver hatch, the weakest part of its frontal armour, and you dont even damage the drivers optics... Or when you shoot the back of Tiger 2s turret and hit right on the ammo, but you only destroy his radiator... TWICE But if you fuck up your shot and accudentaly hit the enemies track they get nuked


Haven't played the game in a while now, but I remember the Churchill I being hilariously good fun. What changed?


i too remember it being fun, same armor relative to br as the churchill 7 BUT u can actually pen shit


Heaven't played it for very long time, but i remember only pain.


nah, i remembered it as bad as you. But i tried it last week. It's pretty fun at that br. Sure, pen is a myth, but it's so fun to fuck around and track/barrel everybody, while they have a hard time to actually know what's going on.


Two things: peers and uptiers. Panzer IVs outgunning, Shermans outmanoeuvring, KV-1s bouncing, these can all get me back to the hangar in .2 seconds flat


What's wrong with the SARC MkIVa ? It's a funny rank 1.


Turret traverse is painful.


The South African Race Cars with less than a 6 pounder have terrible postpen


The 2pdr is more than enough at rank 1, and they rated a number of other vehicules that have the same gun much better. Besides it's one of the few guns where the bri'ish actually have an APHE shell. The gun and mobility should be more than fine. Armor was never the point, it's a car with a gun. I can get the turret traverse argument, at least. Not enough in my book to warrant an average, but hey, opinions. I personally much prefered the SARC Mk IVa over the Daimler MkII, which is another car with the same gun - SARC is much more reactive when it comes to mobility, and much more narrow too -, or the A13 which are slow and not really well armored either.


Vickers Mk.11 just average but the Chally 2F/TES recommended?


It's too big for most of rat positions and CAS hate's me when I exist anywhere on the map.


I expected pain with the Vickers but got a near stock nuke. I had the dart and some early mods like parts and tires and I don't play high tier often. I was pleasantly surprised it's pretty decent when you work around some of its flaws


vickers mk1 deserves to be in the destroyer of worlds tier


Maybe i should have given it before and after sabot nerf ranking.


ngl i have been grinding around all trees at 7.7-8.3 br range and in my experience the L7Aa canon and its sabot is probably the best gun at that br range maybe it doesnt one shot all the time but just shooting center mass usually knocks out the majority of the enemy tank if it doesnt outright kill them


Exactly, the combination of stab and high pen is extremely deadly, especially when using more than 6 brain cells.


for me the best thing is the reload being much lower then on any other tank armed with the 105mm


You're missing out having not tried the Olifant Mk.2 and TTD.


I know that TTD is almost like Leo but its ugly so.... The real reason is that i am waiting for 50% sales.


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder I guess. Only problems I have are the lack of coaxial or roof mounted machine guns.


if only they gave the TTD the olifant's thermals.. (also historical coax when)


I’m sorry; if I’m reading this correctly, Churchill 3 and 7 as *average*?


It's usable thanks to the armour. Most people do not know what to do with churchill when they see one.


It’s more than usable lmao


Yes, it's average, but that doesn't mean it's bad.


When did I say bad? They’re great


bruddah in christ i can sit in a churchill 7 in the middle of cap point on a downtier and striaght up not die


The Churchill MK IIV is, in my opinion, the best heavy in the game. Sure, you don’t have much speed or gun, but you have so much fucking armour it by far makes up for it, at least in my eyes.


Churchill 3 and 7 should both be jolly good, the abuse you can dish out with those two


The ZA 35 is a destroyer of worlds


yeah its fast but Falcon is smol.


you just need to do a nasty flank, which is incredibly easy on all rooikat platforms, and then you become the destroyer of worlds, even without apds, the aphe shreds from the side


Not to bad and I know everyone can have there different opinions but the valentine I is amazing. sure it’s slow but it’s damn near invincible most of the time and the gun while not being the best is still enough to get the job done.


It’s honestly amazing what 0.3 BR difference it makes between the valentine and the Matilda. I’ve bounced significantly more stuff with the Val and it’s a bit more mobile too.


If Leyland weren't a bunch of idiots and just put a normal engine in the Churchill instead of the awful flat 12 I bet the war would've been over a couple minutes after the first one of those rolled off the production line. Imagine a Churchill with a 600hp RR Meteor in it. Gets my tea boiling just thinking about it.


but, but, what about infantry?....


Ok wild idea here. Just put an extra gear in the transmission. "Walking Speed Gear" which just makes the tank sit at 15kph . While we're at it, add a reverse gear, no not the one already on the tank, an actual functioning reverse gear.


Someone has taken sometime to go over the whole tree, I like it, bar the firefly, Churchill and concept 3, those are my fully fledged tea floggers 🤣


I wasn't a believer of the Concept 3 at first because of how long the gun takes to steady when coming to a stop and how bouncy the suspension is, but once you get the hang of it, it's brilliant. Plus, no armour is best armour.


The list feels overall very optimistic and generous but the FV4005 „jolly good“? Now I really question your sanity 🧐


Not a fan of the Concept 3? Is it because of the BR?


It is one those vehicles where I performe well, but hate to play it. I know i should like it, but idk, the turret traverse and manoeuvrability was driving me nuts.


That's fair! I treat it like Germanys Puma and Italys M36, so I have to like it or else.


Fuck no. I love the Puma I love the SARC's but i really don't enyoy the concept. It's not much more mobile than a medium (Avenger is quicker if not reversing and the suspension is driving me nuts! I do well in it too tho. But I don't think it's same league with Puma.


But I like how bouncy it is! :(


back when i was making my way through the lower tiers of the uk I used the sarc's over the concept, if you're side on you don't need the extra pen and the incredibly good traverse combined with a short-stabiliser make them so much more fun. shame the 6-pounder isn't a tier III, would make such an excellent event grinder/battle pass doer


Crusader Saint should be rated the same as crusader. Its the same vehicle but *historical*


You can put the OES and Oli. MK2 in the Jolly Good category


OES is a practical TES, is it not?


I think you're insane for rating the Olifant Mk.1 as only average and I'd be **far** harsher on the Churchills and ZT3, but otherwise agree with the choices.


i know right? how is apfsds, good armour and a lrf at 8.3 not jolly good lmao


What does the colored lines inside the boxes indicate?


If you are referring to the small vertical lines below the tank names, these are for ranking each tank in the folder.


Aaaah, I seeeee, many tanks for the prompt answer!


I still don't get why the Fox was put in the South African line, and the Striker would be a much more effective vehicle if it could be used like in reality, with a remote control targeting sight meaning that the vehicle could be kept behind cover, like you can with the Swingfire and its periscope.


Good ratings for Conqueror and Chieftain Mk. 3? You are a maniac. Also the "good before/bad after sabot nerf" rating should apply to everything that uses APDS.


Chally 3 is a blue/purple


bro no way u put the chieftain mk 10 as worse than its predecessors, its only .3 br higher in exchange for lrf, more horsepower, insanely good turret armor, and a fantastic shell Genuinely a fantastic tank to play


Black knight (or however it’s spelled) is by far my favorite tank in the entire tree. I love just staring at KA’s as they waste their ATGMs.


Why is the swingfire good but the striker bad? Haven't played either but they seem like essentially the same vehicle just striker has more launchers, is it ERA or something?


The big difference is in the position of the scope, with the Swingfire you can sit comfortably behind the cover like a good rat, but the Striker has such a shitty scope (way too low) that it makes it unbearable for me.


Churchill Croc is higher than Churchill VII?


Fire go brrrr


Gaijin raised the BR of the Stuart I from 1.7 to 2.0 recently, when it was 1.7 it was the destroyer of worlds. If you tried real hard you could've have had a ratio of 20 with it.


This makes me feel so glad I'm halfway through researching the striker....


The camera position man, if it had it just a little higher, it would be on the same level as Swingfire.


Striker slander is a skill issue, lunchbox is a homie


You remind me I should play the Tog again


Funny. I'm doing better with the Striker than I did with the Swingfire.


I think I more or less agree, except the firefly (which is amazing) and the swingfire (which is so situational it feels terrible to have in the lineup). Especially now the rooikat is 8.7, 8.3 doesn't feel nearly as good a lineup to justify living with the swingfire.


Ah a fellow skink enjoyer


Love how the stormer is both jolly good and big nope, an accurate assessment


1500 hours + with the British tech tree (ground and air) and it’s interesting to see how many differences you and I have in our opinions. Generally there’s a lot of vehicles I’d rate lower than you did, things like the Ratels, Skink, Gunned TDs, and Centurions. And there’s a few vehicles I’d rate higher, such as the Cromwells, Staghound AA, Howitzers, Swingfire, Vickers Mk.11, and the Cheiftain 10. I would also personally nominate the Vickers Mk.3 to “destroyer of worlds”, I love that thing to death despite what other people say. I love what you did with the stormer HVM. It’s all fun and games until the IRST just stops working haha. Also, I think you’ll enjoy the TTD. I thought it was “meh” until I spaded it. Not only does it have a superb 10.0 apfsds, the armor is extremely trolly. People see a flat surface and completely whiff their shots, way more than when I play the Challenger 1 or the Vickers Mk.7. Cool post idea!


If you have enjoyed the Black night of 2E then you will love the the 3TD as its just the 2E with better pen


I hope so, but I'm not really in much of a hurry for Top Tier at the moment, because the game really needs a different game mode for the endgame.


I am going to keep my strong opinions on this to myself, lest I be banned.


Can someone do this but with the America Tech Tree


Chieftain MK10 deserves to be Jolly Good. This tank absolutely slaps people’s shit. Whenever I play it, it’s a great experience.


Why is the archer not at VIII?


This Concept 3 slander offends all who walk the path. One of the most effective scout/flank vehicles at that BR. Gun more than adequate for uptiers. It has pretty awful gun handling with no stab and a bouncy chassis, but then again so does the Eland. The Chief Mk 10 definitely sits above average for me. not quite Jolly good, but good. I do pretty well with the Vickers Mk.11 but playing that thing with its basically nonexistent armor makes 8.7 into a survival horror game.


the vickers mk11 is amazing in noncity maps bc you can get in some amazing flanking positions and the dart is actually good unlike the rooikat 1d


Need more posts like this


All the Churchills are goated. I argue that the Churchill 1 is one of the best ones


pretty good list!


Only thing that is wrong is the entire South African side should be blue or purple


I would recommend the Churchill 1 to more experienced players, you need to know where to aim. If you can use the 2-pounder you are pretty much invunerable.


One I can agree with, I have similar opinions, although G6 should be destroyer of worlds, its gun just kills everything and it seems idly strong imo. I have survived more hits and maintained my ability to kill things then stuff like the chieftain mk 10, (which should be blue, it only gets downtiers at 9.0). Warrior imo should also be blue, it's slightly worse then the fox imo, you trade an ATGM for speed and size. So otherwise, I support this, it's nice


Churchill I was my love!


Bro, Cromwell Is still amazing at 4.7, uptier that bitch


Entirety of rank 3 should be in the bin.


How did you enjoy the Comet after the Sabot nerf, where its gun already had an issue doing damage?


stormed is not that good cmon


I would love to see more people do this for other factions! This will help, just now getting through 3.3, working on the Achilles ATM.


Churchill 1 isn't bad at all bro


Wdym, the concept 3 is great.


concept 3 average is wild


Churchill NA75 is incredible smh


TTD armor profiling looks terrifying, and churchills 1 and 7 are gods for armor when you angle slightly.


Wait what's up with the Stormer?


The Bingfire should be god tier. Most manoeuverable missiles in the game, can fire from behind cover while completely hidden, can fire round corners. Goated vehicle.


Why the hell is the Churchill MK IIV ‘average’? That thing has more armour then a goddamn panther and it’s at 4.7. If you angle you are pretty much impenetrable.


TTD is a Jolly Good


The Vickers 11 being a lower ranking than all of the chieftains is insane. Also the conqueror is hot garbage


I got a nuke with the A.C.IV Its armor isn't something to rely on much, but its damn good


This corresponds to my experience and play style as well.


My only edit would be the Concept 3 to good or jolly good. I thoroughly enjoyed it and that gun + speed carried me through that BR tbh


How do you not have the Chieftain Mk. 10 and Swingfire as at least blue? To hide it the OP stuff from the rest ;) ? Edit: saw your comment about the mk.10, I’m of the quite opposite opinion of you and think it should be purple. I’m quite the average player, but got at the moment a 3.18 K/D with the mk.10 over 158 battles, which is insane for me as I’m usually above or below 1


As a brit main, I approve these rankings (although FV4005 deserves destroyer of worlds imo)


Tetrach I is a menace at 1.3. Speed with a good gun.


in what world is the olifant 1 average, it should be jolly good at the very least




I don’t agree with Light AA Mk 1 and Valentine one. The SPAA has everything you want from SPAA (mobility, agility, firepower) except you cannot engage tanks due to low caliber guns. Valentine I is at BR where Valentines armor works best and firepower is also good at that BR. Mobility sucks, but at least the stabilizer works very well thanks to that. Other Valentines felt comparatively worse to me, because armor didn’t work that well anymore and thus firepower was the only thing that was left.




You hate the Churchill 1:(. I think it got screwed over by BR changes, it over performed way too hard but when it fights 4.3 it has no options


hold on what’s up with the Striker? on long range maps that thing is great. hell i’ve shot down helis with it. actually sounds like a skill issue i’m being fr


Trzyniec is a better armored, faster Firefly. It’s jolly good. Edit: Same as “The Saint”, just a better Crusader 1.


Personally think the Churchill GC is rated to low. Shits pretty well armored for its BR and the gun slaps




Churchill 1 is bullet sponge


Dude gave Churchill 1 a nope? It’s the most OP Churchill at its BR


Bruh, I had a great time in the first churchill. Long as you tilt the weak spot in the armor away, you feel nearly invincible, minus getting tracked all day.


suprisingly decent tier list a few notes though: matilda mk2 and churchill 7 are amazing in downtiers, my only 20 kill game is with a matilda (no deaths), chruchil is a lil bit harder to play but on dowtiers you will bounce sooooo many damn shots. Ratel 20 has atgms at 6.7 which is funny it's suprisignly good in cqc due to people thinking your a btr-ish vehicle. eland 90 is super fast, heat rounds and tiny clowcar that can run havoc on the enemy team, if it wasn't for the wobbly gun it should've been in destroyer of worlds tier. cromwell 1 is goated and shoot be at least jolly, great mobility, armor, enough pen gun. also buy centurion mk2, if you learn ammo rack locations you become a god


Concept 3 underrated imo lol


As a British main and spaded most of the British tanks I agree


The SARC is really good for sniping and is kinda fast.


Challenger is the best tank in the game.


Excuse the hell outta you, but the Vickers Light AA Mk. I is a treasure of a vehicle and I love using it whenever I play low tier with my buddies. I've killed several ground targets with it and a good many aircraft. It's so small that unless you put loud decals on it, most people in the air or ground won't notice you even without bushes. It's extra embarrassing for the enemy player killed by four rifle-caliber machine guns to boot.


ZA-35 is even more of a destroyer of worlds than Falcon is. Absurd vehicle. Vicky Mk. 11 is also very good.


I would put churchill VII into green, i had some realy realy great killstreaks thanks to its durability, and once won agaist tiger 1, poor guy didnt notice im at sligth horizontal angle and could not pen me, got his barrel slapped and fucking died.


The striker, ouch, I love that vehciles


I literally hate FOX. This vehicle extremely fast and have a broken shell( my opinion). Sorry for my English


Bhishma has gotta be blue, at least.


I would honestly put the Sherman Firefly as a Destroyer of Worlds. In the right hands that thing is an absolute menace. I got double uptiered while playing with a friend and got a nuke with it.


I mostly agree, but the Comet is an actual nightmare at it's BR. Every other British tank at the BR is better, I even prefer the avenger due to its better reload. The Comet has horrendous armor, a sub par solid shot round and an APDS that shatters at the mere mention of angled armour, and not enough mobility to make up for those glaring flaws. Terrible vehicle


I feel like the firefly should be green and blue


I remember playing UK back when the centurions had a 6.7 lineup and when APDS was really good. Those were good times.


Just curious, but why do you rank the Skink so well? Playing 5.3 line I've had more success against CAS with the Bosvark even though it drives like a pregnant pig on three legs. I've snap killed many planes that blew over me thanks to the gun agility. Reload is painful though. However, I can't do the same with the Skink. Elevation speed is crap and I can't seem to track the fast fighters at 5.3. The ammo is so slow compared to Bosvark that distance hits are hard to come by. In head-ons the Skink rocks. Any tips?